-, -: without abyss, alogical, anarchy ETC. : reckoning board abacist, abacus :good Agatha, agathism, kalokagathia : love; : love (n) agape : fungus agaric, agaricaceous : vessel angioblast, angioblastic, angiocarp, angiocarpous, angiogenesis, angiogram, angiography, angiology, angioma, angioneurosis, angioneurotic, angioplasty, angioscope, angioscopic, angiosperm, angiospore, angiosporous, angiostomous, angiotomy, cholangitis, gametangium, hydrangea, lymphangial, lymphangiography, lymphangitis, microangiopathy, microangioplasty, sporangiferous, sporangiolum, sporangiophore, sporangiospore, sporangium, synangium, telangiectasis : messenger; : announce; : message angel, Angela, angelic, Angelica, angelical, angelot, Angelus, angelolatry, angelology, angelophany, archangel, disangelical, evangel, evangelary, evangelic, evangelical, Evangeline, evangelism, evangelist, evangelization, evangelize, Los Angeles, Protevangelium, televangelist see : holy; : sanctify hagiarchy, hagiocracy, hagiographal, hagiographer, hagiographical, hagiographist, hagiography, hagiolater, hagiolatry, hagiolith, hagiology, hagioscope : anchor; : crooked anchor, anchorage, anchorless, Ancyra, Angora, Ankara, ankylosaur, disanchor, unanchored : meeting place; : collect agora, agoraphilia, agoraphobe, agoraphobia, agoraphobic, allegorical, allegorize, allegory, categorical, categorically, category, demegoric, panegyric, panegyrical, pangyrist, panagyrize, paregoric : hunting, seizure chiragra, podagra : field (N.B. related to L. ager) agriotype, agrobacterium, agrobiology, agrochemical, agrology, agronome, agronomics, agronomist, agronomy, agrotechnology, onager, onagraceous : grass agrostis, agrostography, agrostology squeeze quinsy : lead; : leading, guide; : contest; : delay agon, agonistic, agonize, agony, anagogic, andragogy, antagonism, antagonist, antagonistic, antagonize, copragogue, demagogic, demagogue, demagoguery, demagogy, deuteragonist, diagometer, emmenagogic, emmenagogology, emmenagogue, epact, epagogic, epagogue, galactogogue, geostrategical, geostrategy, glucagon, hemagogue, hydragogue, hypnagogic, isagogue, lymphagogue, mystagogue, mystagogy, osmagogue, pantagogue, paragoge, pedagogic, pedagogics, pedagogism, pedagogist, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pedantically, pedanticism, pedantize, pedantocracy, pedantry, plutogogue, plutogoguery, protagon, protagonist, psychagogic, psychagogue, psychagogy, secretagogue, sialagogue, strategem, strategetic, strategic, strategical, strategically, strategist, strategize, strategus, strategy, synagogue, synallagmatic, syncategorem, tritagonist, xenagogue : contest: see : brother; : sister adelphous, diadelphic, diadelphous, monadelphous, Philadelphia, Philly : gland adenalgia, adenectomy, adenography, adenoid, adenoidal, adenoiditis, adenology, ademoma, adenopherous, adenophyllous, adenotomy, lymphadenitis, lymphadenoma, polyadenous : sing; : song; : odeon comedian, comedic, comedienne, comedist, comedy, countermelody, disprosody, epode, heptode, hymnody, immelodious, mel, melodeon, melodial, medlodic, melodics, melodist, melodize, melodious, melodiously, melodiousness, melody, monodic, monodist, monody, nickelodeon, ode, odeon, odeum, odic, palinode, palinodic, parodic, parodist, parody, prosodeme, prosodic, prosody, psalmodist, psalmody, rhapsode, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, rhapsodist, rhapsodize, rhapsody, theody, threnode, threnody, tragedian, tagedienne, tragedize, tragedy, tragi-comedy : forever; : period of existence aeon, aeonian, eon, eternal, eternally, eternity : raise aorta, aortography, apheresis, apheretic, arsis, arterial, arteriole, artery, astrometeorology, biometeorology, hydrometeorlogist, mesarteritis, meteor, meteoric, meteorically, meteorite, meteoritics, meteorogram, meteorograph, meteorography, meteoroid, meteoroidal, meteorolite, meteorological, meteorologist, meteorology, metoeometer, metoromancy, meteoroscope, micrometeor, micrometeorite, micrometeorology, photometeor, syneresis : dry up azalea : air; : breathe (L. aer) aerenchyma, aero-, aeroballistics, aerobatics, aerobe, aerobic, aerodrome, aerodromics, aerodynamic, aerodynamics, aerodyne, aeroembolism, aerogram, aerograph, aerographic, aerography, aerolithology, aerology, aeromancy, aeromechanic(s), aerometer, aeronaut, aeronautics, aeroneurosis, aeronomy, aerophagia, aerophobe, aerophobia, aerophone, aerophore, aerophyte, aeroplane, aeroplankton, aeroscope, aerosol, aerospace, aerosphere, aerostat, aerostatics, aerotrain, aerotropic, aerotropism, air, airbag, airballon, airborne, airbrush, airbus, aircondition, aircraft, airfoil, airframe, air-guitar, air-hole, airily, airiness, airing, airless, airline, airmail, airplane, airport, airproof, airraid, airship, airsick, airsickness, airstream, airstrip, airtight, airway, airy, anaerobe, anaerobic, anerobe, anerobic, antiaircraft, aria, aura, AWACS, Buenos Aires, malaria, malarial, malariology, malariologist, malarious, midair, NASA, open-air, soar OED does place aerial etc. under aer and aero- etc. under . OED traces air back to , but also mentions aer. : Athena Athena, atheneum, Athenian, Athens, Panathenia, panathenaic : prize; : contest; : contend athlete, athletic, athletically, athleticism, athletics, biathlon, decathlon, heptathlon, nonathlete, pentathlete, pentathlon, tetrathlon, triathlete, triathlon, unathletic, unathletically : Aegeus Aegean, Aegeus : Egypt Copt, Coptic, Egypt, Egyptian, Egyptologist, Egyptology, gipsy, gyp, gypsy : unseen Hadean, Hades : heaven diethyl, ester, ethane, ethanol, ether, ethereal, ethereality, ethereally, etherification, etheriform, etherize, etheromania, ethyl, ethylene, monethyl, polyester, polyethylene, polythene, triethyl : Ethiopeian Ethiopeia, Ethiopeian : cat ailurophile, ailurophobe, ailurophobia, ailurophobic blood anemia, anemic, collemia, copremia, dermohemia, disproteinemia, -emia, galactosemia, glycohemia, hemachate, hemachrome, hemad, hemagglutinate, hemagogue, hemal, hematascope, hematherm, hematic, hematite, hematobic, hematoblast, hematocele, hematochrome, hematocrit, hematocyte, hematodynamics, hematogenesis, hematogenous, hematoid, hematology, hematoma, hematometer, hematopathology, hematophagous, hematophilia, hematophobia, hematophyte, hematopoiesis, hematoscope, hematose, hematosis, hematothermal, hematoxylin, hematozoan, hematuria, hemic, hemin, hemocele, hemocromagen, hemochromatosis, hemocrome, hemocromometer, hemocyanin, hemodialysis, hemodrometer, hemodynamics, hemogastric, hemogenesis, hemogenetic, hemoglobin, hemogram, hemoid, hemoleucocyte, hemolymph, hemolysis, hemometer, hemopathology, hemophilia, hemophiliac, hemophilic, hemaphobia, hemopoiesis, hemoptysis, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, hemorrhoid, hemorrhoidal, hemoscope, hemospastic, hemostasis, hemostat, hemostatic, hemotoma, hemotrophy, hydrohemia, hyperemia, hyperglycemia, hyphemia, hypoglycemia, hypoxemia, ischemia, ketonemia, leukemia, leukemic, leukemogen, leukemogenic, lymphemia, melaena, melanemia, melanemic, myxedemia, oligemia, oligochromenia, oligocythemia, oxalemia, oxyhemaglobin, pachyemia, piarrhemia, pyemia, septemia, septicemia, spanemia, thalassanemia, toxemia, toxemic, tularemia, tyrosinemia, uremia, uremic, viremia : riddle enigma, enigmatic, enigmatical, enigamtically, enigmatize, enigmatographer, enigmatography, enigmatology : goat aegis : quick-moving Aeolian, aeolian harp, Aeolus, eolienne : grasp heresiarch, heresimach, heresiographer, heresiography, heresiology, hersey, heretic, heretical, heretically : perceive; : perception acroanesthesia, aesthete, aesthetic, aesthetical, aestheticism, aesthetics, anesthesia, anesthetic, chromesthesia, cryptesthia, dysesthesia, esthete, esthetic, esthetical, esthetically, esthetics, hyperesthesia, hypesthesia, kinesthesia, oxyesthesia, panesthesia, panesthetism, pseudesthesia, psychesthetic, psychroesthesia, radiesthesia, somesthetic, synesthesia, synesthetic, telesthesia, telesthetic, thermanesthesia, thermesthesia : accusation; : responsible aetiological, aetiology, aetion, etiological, etiology : see aei : Academy academe, academia, academic, academical, academically, academician, academy : Acadia Acadia, Acadian, Cajun : spine, thorn; : thorn acacia, acanthaceous, acanthine, acanthoid, acanthous, acanthus, acme, acmite, acne, coelacanth, diacanthous, myriacanthous, notacanthous, oligacanthous, polyacanthous : heal panacea : point, edge: see see : monkshood (a plant) aconite : hear; : answer acoumeter, acoustic, acoustical, acoustician, acousticon, acoustics, diacoustics, diplacusis, electro-acoustics, hydroacoustics, hyperacusis, micracoustic, optoacoustics, otacoustic, polyacoustic, telacoustic : top point; : headland; : acropolis acroanesthesia, acroatic, acrobat, acrobatic, acrobatics, acrocentric, acrocephaly, acrocyanosis, acrograph, acrography, acrolect, acrolectal, acrolith, acrology, acromegalic, acromegaly, acrometer, acronym, acrophobe, acrophobia, acrophonic, acropolis, acrostic, acroterion, acroterium, acrotism, epacrid, epacris, megalacria, paracrostic probably related to : ray actinic, actinide, actinoid, actinomorphic, actinometer, actinotherapy, dynactinometer, octactinal, polyactinal, tesseract, tetract, triactinal : onyx, alabaster alabaster : blind nyctalope, nyctalopia, nyctalopic, nyctalopy ward off Alex, Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexandrian, Alexandrine, Alexis : pain; : suffer adenalgia, algesia, algolagnia, algophobia, algophobic, analgesic, antalgic, cardialgia, cardialgy, cephalalgia, cephalalgic, cephalalgy, cordialgic, cystalgia, dermalgia, dermatalgia, enteralgia, gastralgia, glossalgia, gonalgia, hemialgia, hepatalgia, hypalgesia, hyperalgia, hypoalgia, ischialgia, kinesalgia, melalgia, metralgia, myalgia, nephralgia, neuralgia, neuralgic, nostalgia, nostalgic, nostalgically, odontalgia, odontalgic, omalgia, orchialgia, osphyalgia, ostalgia, otalgia, ovarialgia, pedialgia, perialgia, phallalgia, pharyngalgia, phrenalgia, pleuralgia, pneumonalgia, podalgia, proctalgia, prosopalgia, prostatalgia, psychalgia, rachialgia, sternalgia, synalgia, tarsalgia : kingfisher halcyon, halcyon days : other allegorical, allegorize, allegory, alleles, allelometric, allelometry, allelomorph, allergenic, allergic, allergy, allogamy, alloles, allometric, allometry, allomorph, allonym, allopathic, allopathy, allopatric, allophone, alloplastic, allotrope, allotrophic, allotropic, allotropy, diallage, hypoallogenic, isallobar, isallotherm, nonallergic, parallactic, parallax, parallel, parallelapiped, parallelism, parallelist, parallelize, parallelogram, parallelopiped, synallagmatic, trophallaxis, unparalleled : aloe aloe : threshing floor halo, haloscope (not in LS) : salt, the sea halide, halieutic,halimetry, haliogram, haliograph, halite, halobionic, halocarbon, halochromism, halogen, halography, haloid, halology, halomancy, halometer, halomorphic, halophile, halophilic, halophyte, halophylous, haloplankton, halosaurus, haloscope, haloxylin, oligohaline, thermohaline : be unsteady hallucinant, hallucinate, hallucination, hallucinative, hallucinatory, hallucinogen, hallucinogenic, hallucinosis : alpha alpha, alphabet, alphabetical, alphabetically, alphabetize, alpha decay, alphagram, alphanumeric, alpha particle, amphetamine, realphabetize : fox alopecia, alopecoid : amaryllis amaryllis : cup alembic : dull amblodont, amblygon, amblyopia : enter, cross, change am(o)eba, amoebean, am(o)ebic, am(o)ebous, myxam(o)eba, protoam(o)eba : truly Amen : Ammon amine, Ammon, ammonia, ammoniac, cuprammonia, cuprammonium, protamine : lamb amnion, amniotic, oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, protoamnion : almond almond, amygdalate, amygdalic, amygdaliferous, amygdalin, amygdaline, amygdaloid : starch amyl, amylaceous, amyl acetate, amylase, amylic, amylogen, amylogenic, amyloid, amylolysis, amylopsin, amylose, amylum : about, near amphi-, amphibial, amphibian, amphibious, amphibology, amphibolous, amphichrome, amphictyonic, amphictyony, amphigony, amphipod, amphiprostyle, amphisbaena, amphitheater, amphoteric, omniphibious, pro-amphibia, triphibian, triphibious : pitcher amphora, amphoric -: up, back e.g., anabasis, anabolic, anachronism, anachronistic, analyze, analogy, anatomy, anapest, anaphora, anastrophe : see : calculation (See .) : see : east Anatolia : wind anemogram, anemograph, anemographic, anemography, anemology, anemometer, anemometry, anemone, anemophilous, anemosis, anemotropism : dilatation: see , : male; : manliness; : manly Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexandrian, Alexandrine, andragogy, Andrew, androcephalous, androcracy, androgen, androgenic, androgenism, androgenous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, android, andrologist, andrology, andromorphic, Andy, decandrous, diandrous, ennandrous, gynandromorph, gynandrous, micrander, misandry, monandrous, monandry, oligandrous, pachysandra, philander, philanderer, polyandria, polyandrist, polyandrous, polyandry, proterandrous, protoandric, pseudandry, spanandry, theandric anise anise, aniseed, anisette : flower anthemion, anther, anthesis, anthocarp, anthocarpous, anthocyanin, anthograph, anthography, antholite, anthologize, anthology, anthomania, anthomancy, anthophilous, anthophorous, chloranthous, chrysanthemum, epanthous, exanthematic, gymnathous, hebeanthous, mesembrianthemum, monanthous, oliganthous, perianth, polyanthus, synanthesis, synanthous, trianthous, zoantharian : charcoal anthracite, anthrax, lithanthrax, xylanthrax : human; : human (adj.) anthropocentric, anthropogenic, anthropoid, anthropologist, anthropology, anthropometry, anthropomorph, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphism, anthropopathy, anthropophagi, anthropophagous, anthropophagy, anthropoponymy, anthropopsychism, anthropotomy, de-anthropomorphize, eoanthropos, lycanthrope, lycanthropic, lycanthropous, lycanthropy, Meganthropus, misanthrope, misanthropic, misanthropy, monoanthropism, neanthropic, paleanthropic, paleoanthropology, paranthropus, philanthropic, philanthropism, philanthropist, philanthropy, pithecanthrope, pithecanthropos, protoanthropic, psilanthropic, psilanthropism, psilanthropy, sinanthropoid, sinanthropus, synanthropic, telanthropus, theanthropic, theanthropism, Theanthropos, theoanthropomorphic, theophilanthropy, therianthropic, therioanthropomorphic, zoanthropy : Antaeus antean, Antaeus : instead of, against, opposed to e.g., antagonist, antagonize, antalgic, Antarctica, anti, antichrist, anticlimax, antidote, antigen, antihistamine, antifreeze, antilock, antipathy Cf. L ante: anterior, anticipate etc. : cave antral : worthy axiology, axiom, axiomatic, axiomatically : axle axon, catscan, hypaxial, monaxial, monaxile, monaxon, monoaxal, orthaxial, paraxial, polyaxial, protoaxonial, triaxial : occurring once hapax legemon : covered skin aplustre : single haplocardiac, haplodont, haplography, haplohedral, haploid, haplology, haplomorphic, haplont, haplotomy See -. : from e.g., apocalypse, apocalyptic, Apocrypha(l), apodosis, apodyterium, apogee, apolegetic, apologist, apologize, apology, apoplectic, apoplexy, aposiopesis, apostasy, apostle, apostrophe, apothecary, apothegm, apotheosis : stripping room: see - : reveal: see : hide : apostle; see : make ready, send : fasten apoapsis, apse, apsidal, apsis, hapten, haptic, haptoglobin, haptophore, haptotropism, periapsis, synapse, synapsis, synaptic, synaptogenesis, synaptology, synaptonemal, synaptosome : spider Arachne, arachnean, arachnid, arachin, arachnoid, arachnologist, arachnology, arachnophagous, arachnophobia : Argos Argonaut, Argos, Argus, Argus-eyed : silver; : cash Ag, argent, Argentina, argyrol, Hg, hydrargyrum, miargyrite excellence arete, Aretha, aretalogy : Ares Antares, areology, areopagite, Areopagus, Ares : joint arthritic, arthritis, arthro-, arthropod, arthropoda, arthroscopy, diarthroidal, diarthrosis, dysarthria, enarthrodial, enarthrosis, osteoarthritis, panarthritis, polyarthritis, synarthrosis : number antilogarithm, arithmetic, arithmetic, arithmetic mean, arithmetic progression, arithmetical, arithmocracy, arith(mo)mancy, arithmomania, colog, cologarithm, isarithm, log (math), logarithm, logarithmic, logarithmical : best aristarchy, aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic, aristoi, aristotype : Arcadia Arcadia, Arcadian : bear antarctic, Antarctica, Arctic, Arcturus, palearctic : join contraharmonical, disharmonic, disharmonious, disharmony, enharmonic, harmonic, harmonica, harmonical, harmonically, harmonics, harmonious, harmoniously, harmonist, harmonistic, harmonization, harmonogram, harmonograph, harmonmeter, harmonize, harmony, harmost, harmotone, inharmonic, inharmonious, inharmoniously, inharmony, orgone, orgonity, orgonomy, panharmonic, philharmonic, telharmonium : seize harpoon, Harpy : male arsenic, arsenide : bread artocarpad, artophagous : rule, begin, show the way; : beginning; : ruler; : ancient; : be available anarch, anarchism, anarchist, anarchy, arch-, -arch, archaic, archiacally, archacism, archangel, archbishop, archdeacon, archdiocese, archduke, archelogy, archeological, archeologist, archeology, archetypal, archetype, archi-, archidiaconal, archiepiscopal, archimage, archipelago, architect, architectonic, architectural, architecture, architrave, archival, archivalia, archive, archives, archivist, archivistic, archizoic, archon, archpriest, aristarchy, -archy, autarchy, autarky, chiliarch, chiliarchy, decadarch, decadarchy, decarch, decarchy, diabolarch, diabolarchy, diarch, diarchal, diarchic, diarchy, dodecarch, dodecarchy, duarchy, dyarchy, ecclesiarch, eclesiarchy, eparch, eparchial, eparchy, ethnarch, ethnarchy, exarch, exarchate, genearch, gynarchy, hagiarchy, hecatontarchy, heptarchy, heresiarch, hexarchy, hierarch, hierarchical, hiearchism, hierarchize, hierarchy, irenarch, mandriarch, matriarch, matriarchal, matriarchy, menarche, meridarch, mesarch, monarch, monarchal, monarchial, monarchical, monarchically, monarchism, monarchist, monarchistic, monarchize, monarchy, myriarch, nomarch, nomarchy, octarch, octarchy, oligarch, oligarchal, oligarchic, oligarchical, oligarchism, oligarchization, oligarchize, oligarchy, pantarchy, paparchical, patriarch, patriarchal, patriarchalism, patriarchalist, patriarchally, patriarchate, patriarchism, patriarchist, patriarchy, pentarch, pentarchy, Plutarch, Plutarchian, polyarchy, postmenarchal, premenarchal, pseudoarchaic, pubarche, squirearch, squirearchy, synarchy, tetrarch, tetrarchy, thearchy, toparchy, triarch, triarchy, trierarch, trierarchy, xerarch : spice aroma, aromatic : short breath; : to blow asthma, asthmatic : Asia Asia, Asia Minor, Asian, Asiatic, Eurasia, Eurasian : train ascetic, ascetical, asceticism bag asco-, ascocarp, ascospore, ascus : asparagus asparagus : shield, asp asp, aspidistra : asper, white (late) asper (coin), diaper, diaper(e)d, diapery, diapering : star aster, asterial, asterisk, asterism, asteroid, Astraea, astral, astrally, astro-, astrobiologist, astrobiology, astrobotany, astrocytoma, astrodome, astrodynamics, astrographic, astrography, astrolabe, astrolatry, astrologer, astrological, astrology, astrometeorology, astrometry, astronaut, astronautical, astronautics, astronavigation, astronavigator, astronomer, astronomical, astronomy, astrophile, astrophobia, astrophotography, astrophysical, astrophysicist, astrophysics, astroturf, catasterism, diaster, disaster, disastrous, disastrously, monaster, radioastronomy, synastry, triaster : asphalt asphalt : asphodel asphodel, daffodil see : Atlas atlantes, Atlantic, Atlantic City, Atlantic Ocean, Atlantis, atlas, NATO, transatlantic : steam, vapor, air atmogenic, atmometer, atmosphere, atmospheric, atmospherical, sferics : Athenian attic, Attic, Attica, Atticism, atticize, Atticus Augeas Augean, Augean stable, Augeas : hall aulic : pipe, tube hydraulic, hydraulics, sterhydraulics : dry; : dry, harsh austere, austerely, austerity : -self; : deserter; : self-acting anautogenous, autarchy, autarky, autecology, auteur, authentic, authentically, authenticate, authentication, authenticator, authenticity, autism, autistic, auto, Autobahn, autobiographical, autobiography, autoblock, autocepahous, autochthon, autochthonal, autochthonous, autochthony, autoclave, auto-correlated, autocorrelation, autocracy, autocrat, autocratic, autocratically, autodial, autodidact, autodidactic, autodynamic, autoembolism, autoerotic, autoeroticism, autogenesis, autogenetic, autogenetous, autogenous, autograph, autographic, autography, autogyro, autoimmune, autokinetic, autolatry, autologous, autolysis, automaker, automat, automate, automatic, automatically, autamaton, autometry, automobile, automobilism, automobilist, automobility, automorphic, automorphism, automotive, autonomic, autonomous, autonomously, autonomy, autopathic, autophagous, autophony, autopilot, autoplast, autoplastic, autoplasty, autopsy, autosomatic, autosome, autostrada, autotheism, autotheist, autotheistic, autotomic, autotomy, autotoxic, autotoxin, autotroph, autotrophic, autotropic, autotype, autotypic, autoxidize, auturgy, chemoautotroph, disauthenticate, inauthentic, nonautomatic, semiautomatic, tautobaryd, tautochrone, tautographical, tautohedral, tautological, tautologically, tautologist, tautologize, tautologous, tautology, tautomancy, tautomanism, tautomerism, tautometric, tautomorphous, tautonym, tautophony, tautopody, tautosyllabic, tautozonal, telautograph : see : foam anaphrodisia, Aphrodite, aphrodisaic, hermaphrodism, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic, hermaphroditism : Greek Achaean, Achaian : agate agate : draught of wormwood absinthe deep; : depth bathetic, bathocolpian, batholith, bathometer, bathos, bathyal, bathybic, bathymeter, bathymetric, bathymetry, bathypelagic, bathyscaphe, bathyscope, bathyseism, bathysmal, bathysphere, eurybathic, isobathic, photobathic : walk, step; : accessible; : stride; : step; : seat; : go up;: disembark; : go out; : go down; : happen acrobat, acrobatic, acrobatics, adiabatic, aerobatics, amphisbaena, anabasis, basal, base, baseboard, baseless, baseline, basement, basic, basically, basicity, basirostral, basis, catabatic, database, diabase, diabasis, diabetes, diabetic, diabetical, dibasic, dysbasia, ecbasis, ecbatic, embasing, epibasal, faith-based, gnathobase, hylobate, hyperbaton, isobase, isobasic, katabasis, katabatic, lunabase, metabasis, metabatic, monobasic, nonbasic, off-base, orthobasic, parabasal, pentabasic, platybasic, polybasic, power base, scenobatic, second base, stereobate, stylobate, tetrabasic, tholobate, time base, tribasic, ultrabasic, water base, wave base, wheel base, wordbase, zero-based staff, stick: staff, cane agrobacterium, antibacterial, bacillae, bacillary, bacilliform, bacillosis, bacillus, bacteria, bacterial, bactericidal, bactericide, bacterin, bacteriological, bacteriologist, bacteriology, bacteriolysin, bacteriolysis, bacteriolytic, bacteriophage, bacteriophagic, bacterioscopy, bacteriosis, bacteriostasis, bacteriotherapeutic, bacteriotherapy, bacterium, baculiform, baculus, baguette, corynebacterium, debacle, eubacterium, lactobacillus, microbacillus, mycobacterium, myxobacterium, thiobacillus : Bacchus Bacchanal, Bacchanalia, Bacchanalian, Bacchant, Bacchante, Bacchic, Bacchus : pomegranate flower baluster, balustrade, ban(n)ister : throw; : throw (n.); : change; : come together; : slander; : change; : missile; : throw away; : discredit; invade; : throw out; : change; : mount an attack aeroballistics, aeroembolism, amphibolous, amphiboly, anabolic, autoembolism, ball (dance), ballabile, ballad, balladeer, balladist, balladmongering, ballet, balletic, ballista, ballistic, ballistician, ballistics, ballistophobia, ballroon, BASIC, bedevil, bedevilment, biolistics, bolide, catabolic, catabolism, catabolite, daredevil, daredevilry, devil, devildom, deviless, devilet, devilhood, devilish, devilishly, devilishness, devilism, devilize, devilkin, deviller, devilment, devilry, devilship, devil’s advocate, devily, diablerie, diablotin, diabolarch, diabolarchy, diabolepsy, diabolic, diabolical, diabolically, diabolicalness, diabolicity, diabolification, diabolifuge, diabolify, diabolism, diabolist, diabolize, diabolo, diabolology, diabolonian, discobole, discobolic, diskobolus, ecbole, ecbolic, electroballistic, emblem, emblemata, emblematic, emblematical, emblematically, emblematist, emblematize, emblematology, emblemize, embole, embolectomy, embolic, embolism, embolismus, embolite, embolium, embolization, embolize, embolon, embolus, epiblema, epiboly, hemimatabolous, holometabolous, hyperbola, hyperbole, hyperbolic, hyperbolism, hyperbolize, hypobole, metabolic, metabolism, metabolite, metabolize, palaver, parable, parabola, parabole, parabolic, parabolical, parabolically, parabolist, parabolize, paraboloid, parembole, parlance, parle, parley, parliament, parliamentarian, parliamentary, parlor, parole, parolee, peribolus, phallic symbol, problem, problematic, problematical, problematically, problemist, problemless, problem solving, pseudoproblem, sea devil, sex symbol, sound-symbol, symbol, symbolatry, symbolic, symbolical, symbolically, symbolics, symbolism, symbolist, symbolization, symbolize, symbolography, symbology, symbololatry, taurobolium, tauroboly, water devil : balsam tree balm, balmy, balsam, embalm, embalmer, embalmment : dip; : baptize Anabaptist, baptism, baptismal, baptist, baptistry, baptize, baptizer, parabaptism, pedobaptism, rebaptism, rebaptize, unbaptized, water baptism : foreign Barbara, barbarian, barbaric, barbarism, barbarity, barbarous, barbarously, Barbary, debarbarization, debarbarize, rhubarb N.B. Barber is derived from Latin. : heavy; : weight bar (wt), baritone, barium, barocyclometer, barognosis, barogram, barograph, barometer, barometric, barometry, baroscope, barostat, barothermograph, baryon, barytone, centrobaric, homobaric, hyperbaric, hypobaric, isallobar, isobar, isobaric, kilobar, meiobar, microbar, millibar, tautobaryd, water barometer, wheel barometer : king; : kingdom; : kingly Basil, basil, basailar, basikect, basilica, basilisk : forge, furnace banausic : arrow beloid, belomancy : depth of sea benthos, benthoscope : green gem beryl, beryllium, berylloid, brilliance, brilliant, brilliantine, brilliantly, chrysoberyl : Beirut Beirut : beta alphabet, alphabetical, alphabetically, alphabetize, beta, beta-blocker, betacism, beta decay, beta particle, beta ray, b-particle, Phi Beta Kappa, realphabetize : book Bible, biblical, biblically, biblio-, biblioclasm, biblioclast, bibliognost, bibliographer, bibliographic, bibliographical, bibliography, biblioklept, bibliolatry, bibliologist, bibliology, bibliomancy, bibliomania, bibliomaniac, bibliopegy, bibliophage, bibliophagous, bibliophile, bibliophilic, bibliophilist, bibliophobe, bibliophobia, bibliopole, bibliopolist, bibliotaph, bibliotaphic, bibliotheca, bibliothecarial, bibliotherapy, Biblos, Byblos, philobiblic, philobiblist, solibiblical : life; : live abiogenesis, abiogenetic, abiogenic, abiogenist, abiological, abiotic, abiosis, aerobe, aerobic, agrobiology, amphibial, amphibian, amphibious, anaerobe, anaerobic, anerobe, anerobic, antibiotic, astrobiologist, astrobiology, autobiographical, autobiography, bathybic, bioactive, bioaugmentation, bioblast, biocatalyst, biocentric, biochemical, biochemistry, biochromic, biocide, bioclimatic, bioclimatology, biocontrol, bio-corn, biodata, biodefense, biodegradable, biodiversity,biodynamics, bioecology, bioelectrical, bioelectricity, bioelectronics, bioengineer, bioengineering, bio-enhanced, bioenvironment, bioethical, bioethics, bioexclusivity, biofeedback, bioform, biogen, biogenesis, biogenetic, biogenetist, biogeochemical, biogeographer, biogeographical, biogeography, biograph, biographer, biographical, biography, biohazard, biohistorical, biohistory, bioinformatics, biokinetics, biolistics, biologic, biological, biologically, biologics, biologism, biologist, biology, bioluminescence, bioluminescent, biolysis, biolytic, biomagnetic, biomass, biome, biomechanics, biomedical, biomemory, biometeorology, biometer, biometric(s), biometrician, biometry, biomolecular, biomorph, bionic, biont, bio-organism, biopesticide, biophagous, biopharm, biophysical, biophysics, biopiracy, bioplasm, bioplastic, biopolymer, biopsy, bioptic, bioreactor, bioremediation, biorhythm, biosafe, biosafety, biosatellite, bioscavenge, bioscavenger, bioscience, bioscope, bioscopy, biosensor, biosolid, biospeleology, biosphere, biostatic, biostatistics, biosynthesis, biota, biotech, biotechnology, bioterror, bioterrorism, biotic, biotope, bioturbation, biotype, biowarfare, bioweapon, cenobite, cryobiological, cryobiologist, cryobiology, cryptobiosis, cryptobiotic, dendrobe, electrobiology, electrobioscopy, endobiotic, eobiont, epibiont, epibiotic, exobiology, gnotobiotic, halobionic, hematobic, hydrobiology, hydrobiosis, immunobiology, kleptobiosis, lithobiotic, macrobian, macrobiote, macrobiotics, melibiose, metabiology, metabiosis, microbial, microbe, microbicide, microbiologist, microbiology, microbism, mycobiont, necrobiosis, necrobiotic, neurobiology, omniphibious, ornithobiography, paleobiology, parabiont, parabiosis, parabiotic, parasymbiosis, pathobiology, photobiography, photobiology, photobiologic, phycobiont, phytobiology, pro-amphibia, protobiont, psychobiographer, psychobiography, psychobiology, rhizobic, sarobe, saprobial, saprobic, saprobiology, saprobiotic, saprobity, sociobiological, sociobiologist, sociobiology, symbiont, symbiose, symbiosis, symbiotic, symbiotically, symbiotrophic, triphibian, triphibious, troglobiont, troglobite, trophobiont, trophobiosis, xenobiosis, xenobiotic shoot, sprout angioblast, angioblastic, bioblast, endoblast, blasto-, blastocarpous, blastocyst, blastocyte, blastoderm, blastogenesis, blastogenic, blastogeny, blastography, blastoid, blastomere, blastosphere, blastostroma, blastostyle, blastous, blastula, blastule, cnidoblast, coeloblast, coenoblast, cytoblast, diblastula, discoblastic, ecblastesis, ectoblast, enantioblastic, endoblast, entoblast, entosthoblast, epiblast, erythroblast, fibroblast, geoblast, gigantoblast, gonimoblast, gonoblast, gymnoblast, hematoblast, heteroblastic, holoblast, holoblastic, homeoblastic, homoblastic, hypoblast, idioblast, lymphoblast, medulloblastoma, megaloblast, melanoblast, meroblast, mesoblast, microblast, monoblast, myeloblast, myoblast, nematoblast, neoblast, nephroblast, neuroblast, normoblast, odontoblast, ooblast, osteoblast, parablast, periblast, planobalst, plasmoblast, polyblast, protoblast, sarcoblast, scleroblast, sideroblast, spongioblast, spongioblastoma, sporoblast, sympathoblast, teloblast, tetrablastic, thelyblastic, triblastic, trophoblast, xenoblast see : slime oligoblennia : see; : eyelash blepharal, blepharism, blepharitis, blepharospasm, parablepsis, pseudoblepsia : onion bulb, bulbous, bulbously see : humming, hollow sound atom bomb, bomb, bombard, bombardment, bomber, bombshell, bound (leap), hydrogen bomb, patrol bomb, pipe bomb, rebound, stink bomb, water bomber : silkworm bombast, bombastic, bombycine : north aurora borealis, bora, boreal, borealization, borealize, Boreas, Corona Borealis, hyperborean, subboreal : feed astrobotany, botanical, botanist, botanomancy, botany, Botox, ethnobotany, geobotany, hippoboscid, paleobotany, proboscidean, proboscidiferous, proboscidiform, proboscidigerous, proboscis : groin bubo, bubonic : counsel; : adviser; : be willing abulia, boule, hypoboulia, probouleutic : bull, cow Bootes, boustrophedon, bucolic, buff, buffalo, bulimia, bulimic, butane, butter, butterball, buttercup, butterfat, butterfingers, butterfly, buttermilk, butterscotch, buttery, butyl, butylene, butraceous, catalo, counterbuff, hecatomb, peanut butter, water buffalo : fish gill abranchiate, branchiae, cryptobranch, cyclobranchiate, dermatobranchia, dermobranchiate, dibranch, dibranchiate, elasmobranch, hemibranch, homobranchiate, hydrobranch, hyperbranchial, hypobranchial, infrabranchial, intrabranchial, lophobranchiate, menobranch, metabranchial, monobranchiate, notobranchiate, nudibranch, nudibranchiate, opisthobranch, perennibranch, peribranchial, polybranch, tectibranch : slow bradycardia, bradykinesia, bradykinesis, bradypepsia, bradypod, bradyseism : arm bra, bracchium, brace, bracelet, bracemate, bracero, brachial, brachiate, brachiation, brachiator, brachiopod, brachiosaur, bracchium, bracing, brassiere, counterbrace, embrace, embraceable, embracement, embracer, embracery, embracingly, embracive, mainbrace, postbrachial, pretzel : short brachycephalic, brachycrany, brachygraphy, brachylogy, brachyodont, brachypodous, brachypterous, brachysm, brachyurous : windpipe bronchial, bronchitis, bronchocele, bronchiole, bronchoconstrictor, bronchophony, bronchopneumonia, bronchoscope, bronchospasm, endobronchial : thunder; : shower of rain brontograph, brontology, brontometer, brontophobia, brontosaurus, ombrogenous, ombrograph, ombrology, ombrometer, ombrophil, ombrophilous, ombrophobe, ombrophobous : mortal Ambrose, ambrosia, ambrosial : swell briony, bryology, bryony, bryophyte, bryozoa, embryectomy, embryo, embroctony, embryoferous, embryogenesis, embryogenetic, embryogenic, embryogeny, embryogony, embryography, embryoid, embryism, embryologic, embryological, embryologist, embryology, embryoma, embryon, embryonal, embryonary, embryonate, embryonic, embryonically, embryoniferous, embryoplastic, embryoscope, embryoptic, embryotomy, embryotoxin, neoembryo, neuroembryology, polembryonic, proembryo, prosembryum, protembryo, pseudembryo : smell bromic, bromide, bromine, bromism, bromize, oxybromide : Byzantium Byzantine, Byzantium the depth of the sea; : flax, linen abysmal, abyssmally, abyss, abyssal, byssal, byssinosis, byssoid, byssus : hide bursa, bursal, bursar, bursarial, bursary, burse, bursectomy, bursiculate, bursiform, bursitis, disbursable, disbursal, disburse, disbursement, disburser, purse, purseful, purseless, purser, purse-string, reimbursable, reimburse, reimbursement : lump, clump of earth bole, boletus, bolus Gagas (town in Asia Minor) jet (black) a tumor gangliform, gangial, ganglion, ganglionary, ganglionic, ganglionitis, postganglionic : gangrene; : to gnaw, eat gangrene, gangrenous, osteogangrene : milk galactase, galactia, galactic, galactin, galactogoue, galactogenetic, galactometer, galactophagous, galactophorous, galactopoietic, galactorrhea, galactose, galactosemia, galacturonic, Galatea, galaxy, intergalactic, metagalaxy, oligogalactia, ornithogalum, polygala, protogalaxy, radio galaxy : weasel Galanthis, Phascogale : gamma digamma, gamma, gammadion, gamma ray, gamut : wedding; : marry agamic, agamogenetic, agamous, agamy, allogamy, antipolygamy, apogamous, apogamy, bigamist, bigamous, bigamy, chasmogamy, cleistogamic, cleistogamous, cleistogamy, coenogamy, cryptogamia, cytogamy, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, diamesogamous, dichogamous, dichogamy, digamist, digamous, digamy, endogamous, endogamy, epigamic, exogamous, exogamy, gametangium, gamete, gametic, gametocyte, gametogenesis, gametogenetic, gametophore, gametophyte, gamic, gamogastrous, gamogenesis, gamogenetic, gamomania, gamomorphism, gamopetalous, gamophyllous, gamophyte, heterogamete, heterogamous, hierogamy, hologamy, homogamous, homogamy, hypergamy, hypogamy, isogamete, isogamy, karyogamy, macrogamete, megagamete, microgamete, misogamist, misogamy, mixogamous, mixogamy, monogamic, monogamist, monogamous, monogamy, neogam, oogamous, orthogamy, pantagamy, paragamy, pentagamist, phanerogamous, pherogamous, phenogam, planogamete, plasmogamy, plastogamy, polygamist, polygamous, polygamy, porogamic, porogamous, porogamy, progamic, progamous, psudogamy, quadrigamist, quadrigamy, siphonogamic, somatogamy, syngameon, syngamete, syngamy, tetragamy, trigamist, trigamous, trigamy, xenogamy : Ganymede catamite, Ganymede : belly dermogastric, digastric, discogastrula, endogastric, engastromythic, enterogastrone, entogastric, epigastric, gamogastrous, gastralgia, gastrectomy, gastric, gastriloquent, gastriloquist, gastritis, gastrocolic, gastrodisc, gastrodynia, gastroenteric, gastroenteritis, gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal, gastroid, gastrolatry, gastrolith, gastrology, gastromancy, gastronome, gastronomic, gastronomical, gastronomy, gastropod, gastroscope, gastroscopic, gastroscopy, gastrosophy, gastrostomy, gastrotomy, gastrozoid, gastrula, hemogastric, hepatogastric, hydrogaster, hypogastric, intragastric, mesogastric, metagastric, monogastric, nasogastric, nephrogastric, opisthogastric, paragaster, peltogaster, perigastric, philogaster, platygastric, pneogastric, pneumogastric, polygastric, protogastric, trigastric, theologaster, urogaster, urogastrome : race, kind; : be born; : womb; : offspring; : offspring; : ancestor; : kinship (see L. genus) abiogenesis, abiogenetic, abiogenic, abiogenist, agamogenetic, agenesis, allergenic, amylogen, amylogenic, amphigony, anagenesis, anautogenous, androgen, androgenic, androgenism, androgenous, angiogenesis, anthropogenic, antigen, antigenic, atmogenic, autogenesis, autogenetic, autogenetous, autogenous, biogen, biogenesis, biogenetic, biogenetist, blastogenesis, blastogenic, blastogeny, cacogenics, calcigenous, caprigenous, capsuligenous, carbonigenous, carcinogen, carcinogenesis, carcinogen(et)ic, catagenesis, chondrogenesis, chromatogen, chromatogenous, chromogenic, cladogenesis, cleistogenous, cnidogenous, coeligenous, collagen, collagenous, cormogen, cormogenous, cormogeny, cosmogenesis, cosmogenetic, cosmogenic, cosmogeny, cosmogonal, cosmogonic, cosmogonical, cosmogonist, cosmogony, cryogen, cryogenic, cryptogenetic, cryptogenic, crystallogenous, culmigenous, cyanogen, cyanogenic, cyclogenesis, cyclogeny, cystogenous, cytogenesis, cytogenetics, dehydrogenate, dehydrogenation, deoxygenate, deoxygenation, deoxygenize, dermatogen, deuterogenic, diagenesis, dictyogen, digenous, digenesis, digenetic, digenous, domigene, dissogony, dynamogen, dynamogeny, dysgenesis, dysgenic, dysgenics, ecgonine, ectogenesis, electrogenic, embryogenesis, embryogenetic, echograph, embryogenic, embryogeny, embryogony, encephaitogenic, endogen, endogenesis, endogenetic, endogenic, endogenous, endogeny, endorphin, entomogenous, epeirogenesis, epeirogeny, epigene, epigenesis, epigenetic, epigenist, epigon, epigonism, epileptogenic, erogenic, erogenous, erythrogen, estrogen(ic), ethnnogenesis, ethnogeny, Eugene, eugenesis, eugenetic, eugenic, eugenically, eugenicist, eugenics, eugeogenous, exogen, exogenesis, exogenetic, exogenous, extrageneous, fibrillogenic, fibrinogen, florigen, frontogenesis, galactogenic, gametogenesis, gametogenetic, gamogenesis, gamogenetic, gelatigenous, gene, Gene, geneagenesis, genealogical, genealogist, genealogize, genealogy, genearch, genecology, genesis, genethliacal, genethliacon, genetic, genetical, genetically, geneticist, genetics, genetrix, genic, genitourinary, genocidal, genocide, genome, genotype, geogen, geogenous, geogenic, geogeny, geogony, geomorphogeny, gestagen, glairigenous, glottogonic, gluconeogenesis, glycogen, glycogenic, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, goitrogenesis, gonad, gonadal, gonadectomy, gonadotrophic, gonadotropic, gonial, gonangium, gonimic, gonimoblast, gonitis, gonoblast, gonocalyx, gonocoele, gonococcus, gonocyte, gonoduct, gonomere, gonophore, gonoplasm, gonopore, gonorrhea, gonosome, gonosphere, gonothecal, gonotome, gonozooid, gymnogen, gynogenic, hallucinogen, hallucinogenic, halogen, hematogenesis, hematogenous, hemogenesis, hemogenetic, hepatogenic, heterogeneity, heterogeneous, heterogenesis, heterogenital, heterogeny, histogen, histogenesis, histogenic, histogeny, hologen, hologenesis, homeogeneous, homeogenesis, homogen, homogeneity, homogeneous, homogeneously, homogenesis, homogenetic, homogenital, homogenize, homogeny, homogonic, homolgen, hydrogen, hydrogenate, hydrogenation, hydrogen bomb, hydrogenolysis, hydrogenous, hymenogeny, hypergenetic, hypnogeny, hypoallogenic, hypogene, hypogenenous, hysterogenic, iatrogenic, iatrogenically, immunogen, immunogenesis, immunogenetics, immunogenic, inhomogeneity, inhomogeneous, intragenic, ionogen, ionogenic, isogen, isogenous, kenogenesis, kentrogon, keratinogenesis, keratinogenous, kerogen, ketogenesis, kinetogenesis, lactigen, leukemogen, leukemogenic, lipogenous, lithogenesis, lithogenous, lucigen, lymphogenous, lysigenous, lysogen, lysogenesis, lysogenic, lysogenization, lysogenize, mammogenic, marigenous, melanogen, melanogenesis, membranogenic, meristogenetic, merogenetic, merogony, mesogenous, metagenesis, metagenetic, metagon, microgenic, mitogenetic, mitogenic, monogen, monogeneous, monogenesis, monogenetic, monogenic, monogenism, monogenist, monogenous, monogeny, monogoneutic, monogonic, monogony, morphogen, morphogenesis, morphogenic, morphogeny, mucigen, mucigenous, mucinogen, musicogenic, mutagen, mutagenesis, mutagenetic, mutagenic, mutagenicity, mycetogenetic, myelogenetic, myelogenic, myogen, mythogenesis, mythogenic, mythogony, necrogenic, necrogenous, nematogen, neogene, neogenesis, nephrogenic, neurogenesis, neurogenetic, neurogenic, nitrogen, nitrogenase, nitrogenate, nitrogenous, noegenesis, nomogeny, nongenetic, octogenary, octogenetic, odontogeny, ombrogenous, omnigenous, oncogene, oncogenesis, oncogenic, ontogenesis, ontogenetic, ontogenic, ontogenist, ontogeny, oogenesis, oogenetic, oogeny, oogonium, organogenesis, organogenic, organogenous, organogeny, orogen, orogenesis, orogenetic, orogenic, orogeny, orthogenesis, orthogenetic, orthohydrogen, osmogene, osteogen, osteogenesis, osteogenous, ovigenic, ovigenous, ovogenesis, oxygen, oxygenate, oxygenation, oxygenator, oxygenic, oxygenize, oxygenless, oxygenous, oxyhydrogen, paleogene, paleogenetic, palingenesis, palingenetic, pangenesis, pangenetic, pantogenous, paragenesis, paragenetic, parthenogenesis, parthenogenetic, partigeneric, pathogen, pathogenetic, pathogenesis, pathogenic, pathogeny, pedogenesis, pedogewnic, peptogen, perigone, petrogenesis, petrogeny, pharmacogenetics, phellogenetics, phenogenetics, phlogogenetic, phonogenic, photogen, photogenic, photomorphogenesis, phthisiogenesis, phyllogenetic, phylogenesis, phylogenetic, phylogenic, phylogeny, physiogeny, physiogony, phytogenetic, phytogenesis, phytogenetic, phytogenic, phytogeny, phytopathogen, phytopathogenic, plasmogen, plasmogeny, pnigogen, polygene, polygenesis, polygenetic, polygenism, polygenist, polygenous, polygeny, porphyrinogen, procarcinogen, progestogen, proterogenesis, protogenes, protogenetic, protogenic, prozymogen, psychogenesis, psychogenetic, psychogenic, psychotogenic, pyogenesis, pyogenic, pyretogenesis, pyretogenic, pyrogen, pyrogenetic, pyrogenic, pyrogenous, pythogenic, rachotgenic, radiogenetics, radiogenic, rhizogenic, rhombogen, rurigenous, saprogenic, saxigenous, schizmogenesis, schizogenesis, schizogony, scizophrenogenic, sclerogen, sclerogenetic, sclerogenous, scyphogeny, sociogenesis, sociogenic, soligenous, spasmogen, spasmogenic, spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis, spermogonium, spodogenic, sporogenesis, sporogenous, steatogene, steatogenous, steroidgenesis, stimulogenous, supergene, synaptogenesis, syngen, syngeneic, syngenesia, syngenesis, syngenetic, tachygenesis, taphrogenesis, taxogen, tectogenesis, telegenesis, telegenic, telegony, telogen, teratogen, teratogenesis, teratogenic, teratogeny, terrigenous, thelygenous, theogonic, theogonist, theogony, tetanogenic, theriogenesis, thermogenesis, thiocyanogen, thiogenic, thyrogenic, tolerogen, topogenous, toxicogenic, transgenic, transgenosis, trichogenous, trigenic, trigoneutic, trihydrogen, trophogenic, tumorigenetic, tumorigenic, urogenous, venigenous, virogene, virogenesis, vitelligenous, vitellogenic, xanthogen, xenogenesis, zoogen, zoogenic, zygogenesis, zymogen, zymogenesis, zymogenic N.B. See note under genus. I’m not sure all the above belong here! : jaw genial (of jaw), genioglossal, geniohyoid, genioplasty : crane (bird) geranial, geranium : old man; : old age geratology, geriatric, geriatrician, geriatrics, gerontic, gerontine, gerontocracy, gerontocratic, gerontogeous, gerontologist, gerontology, gerontomorphic, gerontomorphy, gerontophil, gerusia, progeria, psychogeriatrics : bridge gephyrean, gephrocercal, gephrophobia : earth; : farmer; : work on land apogee, biogeochemical, biogeographer, biogeographical, biogeography, diageotropic, diageotropism, epigeal, epigee, eugeogenous, Gaea, Gaia, geo-, geoblast, geoboard, geobotany, geocentric, geocentrism, geochemistry, geochronic, geochronology, geochrony, geocoronal, geocratic, geocyclic, geode, geodesic, geodesy, geodetic, geodic, geodynamics, geoeconomics, geogen, geogenous, geogenic, geogeny, geoglyphic, geognost, geognostic, geognosy, geogony, geographer, geographic, geographical, geographically, geography, geoid, geoisotherm, geologic, geological, geologize, geologist, geologue, geology, geomagnetic, geomagnetism, geomalic, geomalism, geomancer, geomancy, geomantic, geometer, geometric, geometrical, geometrically, geometric mean, geometric progression, geometrician, geometrize, geometry, geomorphic, geomorphism, geomorphology, geomorphogeny, geomorphology, geomorphy, geonavigation, geonomy, geophagous, geophagy, geophilous, geophone, geophyllous, geophysical, geophysicist, geophysics, geophysiogomy, geophyte, geoplanarian, geopotential, geopolitical, geopolitics, geoponics, georama, George, Georgia, Georgian, georgic, Georgics, geoscopy, geoselenic, geosphere, geostatics, geostationary, geostrategical, geostrategy, geostrophic, geosynclinal, geosyncline, geosynchronous, geotactic, geotaxis, geotechnics, geotechnology, geotectonic, geothermal, geothermic, geothermometer, geotropic, geotropism, gerontogeous, hydrogeology, hypogean, isogeothermal, metageometry, microcosmogeology, microgeology, neogean, nosogeography, Notogaea, ornithogea, paleogean, paleogeography, paleogeology, paleogeomorphic, Pangaea, pangeometry, perigee, photogeology, phytogeography, plane geometry, protogeometric, psychogeography, solid geometry, theogeological, thermogeography, word geography, zoogeography : giant (W2 suggest a compound of and ; LS indicates a separate root.) giant, giantesque, giantess, giantism, giantkiller, giantlike, giantship, giga-, gigabyte, giganertz, gigantean, gigantesque, gigantic, gigantically, giganticide, gigantify, gigantism, gigantize, gigantoblast, gigantolite, gigantology, gigantomancy, gigantopithecus, gigas, gillion, supergiant : hinge ginglyform, ginglymate, ginglymoid, ginglymus : recognize; : knowledge; : not know; : intellect; : repent; : forgive agnosia, agnosic, agnostic, agnostically, agnosticism, anagnorisis, barognosis, bibliognost, chirognomy, cordignostic, cosmognosis, craniognomic, craniognomy, craniognosy, cytodiagnosis, diagnosable, diagnose, diagnosis, diagnostic, diagnostically, diagnosticate, diagnostician, diagnostics, geognost, geognostic, geonosy, geophysiogomy, gnome, gnomic, gnomically, gnomish, gnomology, gnomon, gnomonic, gnomonically, gnomonology, gnomometry, gnosiological, gnosiology, gnosis, gnostic, gnostical, gnosticism, Gnosticize, gnotobiotic, hydrognosy, metagnomy, nephelognosy, paragnosis, pathognomy, pathognomonic, pharmacognosy, physiognomic, physiognomy, prognosis, prognostic, prognostical, prognosticate, prognostication, prognosticative, prognosticator, prognoscitory, prosopagnosia, psychognosis, pyrognostics, radiodiagnosis, stereognosis, stereognostic, syndiagnostic, telediagnosis, telegnostic, theognostic, undiagnosed, xenodiagnosis : grayish glaucescence, glaucescent, glaucoma, glaucophyllous, glaucosis, glaucous, uroglaucin : rump gluteal, gluteus : sweet dextroglucose, diglyceric, glucagon, glucase, glucic, glucolysis, gluconeogenesis, glucose, glucoside, glucosome, glyceride, glycerinate, glycerine, glycerol, glycine, glycerophosphate, glycoceraphyte, glycogen, glycogenic, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, glycohemia, glycol, glycolysis, glycolytic, glycophytic, glycose, glycosuria, glycotropic, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, levoglucose, licorice, nitroglucose, nitroglycerine, triglyceride : carve anaglyph, dactylioglyph, dermatoglyph, dermatoglyphics, diglyph, ditriglyph, geoglyphic, glyph, glyphic, glyphograph, glyphography, glyptal, glyptic, glyptodon, glyptograph, glyptographic, glyptography, hemiglyph, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, hieroglyphist, ideoglyph, lithoglyph, opisthoglyph, paleoglyph, petroglyph, photoglyph, proteroglyph, solenoglyph, triglyph, tyroglyphoid, xyloglyphy : arrow tip glochidate, glochidium (): tongue cacoglossia, diglossia, diglot, discoglottid, docoglossate, duoglot, entoglossal, epiglottis, epiglottitis, genioglossal, gloss, glossal, glossalgia, glossarial, glossarist, glossary, glossator, glossectomy, glossematic, glosseme, glosser, glossic, glossist, glossitis, glossless, glossocele, glossograph, glossographer, glossography, glossolalia, glossological, glossologist, glossology, glossopathy, glossophagine, glossophorous, glossoplegia, glossoscopy, glossotheca, glossotomy, glossotype, glottal, glottalic, glottalize, glottal stop, glottic, glottid, glottis, glottiscope, glossitis, glottochronology, glottogonic, glottographer, glottology, gloze, heptaglot, homoglot, hyoglossal, hypoglossal, idioglossia, idioglottis, infraglottal, Interglossa, isogloss, melanoglossia, microglossia, microglossary, monoglot, myloglossus, oligoglottism, opisthoglossal, pachyglossal, palatoglossal, Pangloss, Panglossian, pantoglot, pentaglot, periglottal, periglottis, platyglossal, polyglot, proglottid, proglottis, styloglossal, tachyglossal, tessaraglot, tetraglot, thyroglossal, triglot, unglossed, xenoglossia, xenoglossy : jaw agnatha, agnathic, agnathous, desmognathous, endognathic, eurygnathous, gnathic, gnathobase, gnathocephalic, gnathonic, gnathophorous, gnathopod, gnathopodite, gnathosome, gnathostome, gnathotheca, holognathous, isognathous, macrognathic, megagnathous, merognathous, mesognathous, metagnathous, orthognathous, pachygnathous, plectognath, prognathic, prognathism, prognathous, prognathously, saurognathous, scizognathous, syngnathous judge, interpreter; see : eel conger : molar tooth gomphiasis, gomphodont, gompholite, gomphosis : seed, child; see : see : terrible gorgon, gorgonize : hairy person gorilla, gorillagram : draw, write; : letter; : scribe; : writing; : compose acrograph, acrography, adenography, aerogram, aerograph, aerographic, aerography, agraphic, agrostography, alphagram, altigraph, anagram, anagrammatic, anagrammatize, anemogram, anemograph, anemographic, anemography, angiogram, angiography, anthograph, anthography, aortography, apograph, astrographic, astrography, astrophotography, autobiographical, autobiography, autograph, autographic, autography, avogram, bargraph, barogram, barograph, barothermograph, bibliographer, bibliographic, bibliographical, bibliography, biogeographer, biogeographical, biogeography, biograph, biographer, biographical, biography, blastography, brachygraphy, brontograph, cablegram, cablegraph, cacography, calligraph, calligrapher, calligraphic, calligraphist, calligraphy, cardiogram, cardiograph, cardiographer, cardiographic, cardiography, cartographer, cartography, centigram, ceraunograph, cerography, chalcography, chemigraphy, chirograph, chirographer, chirographic, chirography, choreograph, choreographer, choreographic, choreography, chorograph, chorographer, chorographic, chorography, chromatograph, chromatography, chronogram, chronograph, chronographer, chronographic, chronography, chrysograph, chrysography, chthonography, cinematograph, cinematographer, cinematograph, cinematography, climatography, climograph, clinographic, collograph, cometographer, cometography, coronagraph, correlogram, cosmographer, cosmobraphic, cosmographical, cosmography, cramiograph, craniographer, craniography, crescograph, cryptogram, cryptograph, cryptographer, cryptographic, cryptographical, cryptography, crystallographer, crystallographic, crystallography, curvograph, cyclogram, cyclograph, cyclographer, cyclographic, cyclography, cymagraph, cyrtograph, dactyl(i)ography, dactylogram, decagram, decigram, decryptograph, demographer, demographic, demographics, demography, demonography, dendrogram, dendrograph, dendrography, deprogram, deprogramer, dermatographia, dermographia, desmography, deuterograph, diagram, diagrammatic, diagrammatically, diagrammatize, diagrammeter, diagraph, diagraphic, dialogram, dictogram, digram, digraph, digraphic, discographic, discography, dittogram, dittograph, dittography, doxographer, doxography, driography, dromograph, dynagraph, dynamograph, dysgrammatical, dysgraphia, ecclesiography, echocardiogram, echogram, ectypography, eidograph, EKG, electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph, electroencephalogram, electroencephalograph, electrogram, electrograph, electrography, electrographic, electromyogram, electromyograph, electronographic, electroretinograph, ellipsograph, embryography, encephalogram, encephlograph, engraft, engraftment, engram, engraph, enigmatographer, enigmatography, epidemiography, epigram, epigrammatic, epigrammatism, epigrammatist, epigrammatize, epigrammist, epigraph, epigrapher, epigraphic, epigraphical, epigraphy, epistolographic, epistolography, ergogam, ergograph, ethnograph, ethnographer, ethnography, ethogram, ethography, fathogram, filmography, fractography, galvanograph, geographer, geographic, geographical, geographically, geography, GIF, glamor, glamorize, glamorous, glossograph, glossographer, glosspgraphy, glottographer, glyphograph, glyphography, glyptograph, glyptographic, glyptography, gorillagram, graffito, graft, grafter, gram, grammalogue, grammar, grammarian, grammarless, grammatic, grammatical, grammaticality, grammaticalize, grammatically, grammaticize, grammatist, Grammy, grammatolatry, grammatophore, grammeter, grammopetalous, gramophile, gramophone, gramophonic, gramophony, graph, graphematic, grapheme, graphemic, graphic, graphical, graphically, graphic arts, graphite, graphitic, graphologist, graphology, graphomania, graphometer, graphometry, graphomotor, graphophone, graphorrhea, graphoscope, graphospasm, graphotype, graphy, greffier, gyrograph, hagiographal, hagiographer, hagiographical,hagiographist, hagiography, haliogram, haliograph, halography, haplography, harmonogram, harmonograph, hectogram, hectograph, heliogram, heliograph, heliographer, heliopgraphic, heliography, hemogram, hepatography, heresiographer, heresiography, herpetography, heterograft, heterography, hexagram, hierogram, hierograph, histogram, historiographer, historiography, hodograph, hologram, holograph, holographic, holography, homalograhic, homograft, homograph, homographic, homography, hydrograph, hydrographer, hydrographic, hydrography, hyetograph, hygrograph, hymenography, hymnographer, hysography, hytherograph, ichnography, ichthyography, iconographer, iconographic, iconography, ideogram, ideograph, ideographic, ideography, idiogram, idiograph, idiographic, idolographical, ionogram, ionograph, ipsographic, isograft, isogram, isograph, JPEG, kaleidograph, kaliograph, kamagraph, kamagraphic, kapnography, karyogram, kilogram, kilogrammeter, kineograph, kinetogram, kinetograph, klydonograph, kymogram, kymograph, kymography, laminagraph, lexicograph, lexicographer, lexicography, lexigram, lexigraphy, lichenographist, lichenography, limnograph, linograph, lipogram, lipography, lithograph, lithographer, lithographic, lithography, logogram, logograph, logographer, logographic, logography, lymphangiography, lymphography, macrograph, macrophotography, magnetograph, mammogram, mammography, mareogram, marigraph, mechanograph, mecography, melograph, melographic, metagram, metagraphy, metallographer, metallographic, metallography, meterogram, meteorograph, meteorography, metrograph, mezzograph, microcosmography, microgram, micrograph, micrography, microphotograph, microphotography, microprogram, microradiography, microtopography, mogigraphic, milligram, mimeograph, monogram, monogrammatic, monograph, monographer, monographic, monographism, morphographer, morphography, motograph, multigraph, multiprogram, musicography, mutograph, myelogram, myelography, myogram, myograph, myriagram, mythographer, mythographic, mythography, nanogram, necrographer, neogrammarian, neograph, neographic, neography, nephogram, nephograph, nephrography, neurogram, neurography, nomogram, nomograph, nomographer, nomography, nongrammatical, nosogeography, nosography, nycotograph, oceanographer, oceanographic, oceanographical, oceanography, odograph, odontograph, odontography, oleograph, oleography, ombrograph, oncograph, ondogram, ondograph, ontography, oograph, ophiography, ophthalmography, opisthograph, optigraph, optogram, organigram, organograph, organography, ornithobiography, orographic, orographical, orography, orohydrography, orthographer, orthographic, orthography, orthohydrograph, oscillogram, oscillograph, oscillographic, oscillography, osteography, otographical, ozonograph, ozonographer, palatogram, palatography, paleogeography, paleography, paleohydrography, pancreatography, pangram, pangrammatic, paniconograph, panographic, pantograph, pantographer, pantographic, pantographical, pantomography, papyrograph, papyrography, paragrammatism, paragraph, paragraphia, paragraphic, paragraphist, parallelogram, pasigraphy, pathography, pedography, pelycography, pendulograph, pentagram, periodogram, periodograph, perspectograph, petrograph, petrographer, petrographic, petrographical, petrography, pharmacography, pharyngography, phase diagram, philography, phlebogram, phlebography, phonocardiogram, phonocardiograph, phonocardiography, phonogram, phonograph, phonographic, phonography, photobiography, photochronograph, photogram, photogrammeter, photogrammetry, photograph, photographer, photographic, photography, photoheliograph, photolithograph, photolithographic, photolithography, photomacrography, photomicrograph, photomicrography, phototopography, phototypography, photozincography, phraseograph, phrenograph, phrenography, phycography, physiographic, physiography, phytogeography, phytograph, phytography, pictogram, pictograph, picturegraph, pistolgraph, placentography, plagiograph, planetography, planigraph, planographic, planography, plethysmograph, pluviograph, pneograph, pneumatogram, pneumatography, pneumogram, pneumograph, pneumography, pneumotachograph, polarograph, polygram, polygraph,polygrapher, polygraphic, polygraphy, pornogram, pornograph, pornographer, pornographic, pornography, potomagraphy, profilograph, program, programmability, programmable, programmatic, programmatically, programmer, programmatist, prosopography, pseudepigraphia, pseudepigraphy, pseudograph, pseudography, psychobiographer, psychobiography, psychogeography, psychogram, psychograph, psychography, punctograph, pupilography, pyelogram, pyretography, pyrography, radiogram, radiograph, radiographer, radiographic, radiography, radiophotography, radiotelegram, radiotelegraph, reprogram, reprographic, reprography, rheogram, saurography, scalogram, scenography, sciagraph, scintogram, scintillogram, seismograph, selenograph, selenographer, selenographic, selenography, sematography, serigraph, serigraphy, sgraffiato, sgraffito, shadowgraph, sialography, siderography, sigillographer, sigillography, sinogram, skiagram, skiagraph, skiagraphy, sociogram, sociography, sonogram, sonograph, source program, space program, spatiography, spectrogram, spectrograph, spectroheliogram, sphenogram, spherogram, spherograph, sphygmogram, sphygmograph, spirograph, splenography, steganography, stenograph, stenographer, stenographic, stenography, stereogram, stereograph, stereographic, stereography, stereophotograph, stethogram, stethograph, stratigrapher, stratigraphic, stratigraphical, stratigraphy, stress diagram, strippergram, subprogram, symbolography, synchronograph, syngraph, synorthographic, tachogram, tachograph, tachography, tachygraph, tachygrapher, tachygraphic, tachygraphy, tangram, tautographical, technograph, technographic, technography, telautograph, telecryptograph, telegram, telegrammic, telegraph, telegrapher, telegraphic, telegraphist, telegraphone, telegraphy, telephonograph, telephotogram, telephotograph, telethermogram, telethermograph, tephigram, tetragram, Tetragrammaton, thalassography, theriograph, thermogeography, thermogram, thermograph, thermographic, thermography, tomography, tonogram, tonograph, topograph, topographer, topographic, topographical, topographically, topographize, topography, torsiograph, trigram, trigraph, trigraphy, typhlograph, typo, typograph, typographer, typographic, typographica, typographical, typographically, typographist, typography, ultrasonography, ungrammatical, uranography, urography, utility program, Venn diagram, venography, ventriculography, vibrograph, videogram, videograph, videographer, videography, vortograph, word geography, xenograft, xerography, xeroradiography, xylograph, xylographer, xylography, zenographic, zenography, zerography, zeugmatography, zincography, zoogeography, zoographer, zoodraphic, zoography, zymogram : fishing basket logogriph : griffin; : hooked, curved griffin, hippogriff, hippogriffin, hippogryph, onychogryphosis : naked; : gymnasium gym, gymnasial, gymnasiast, gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastic, gymnastics, gymnathous, gymnoblast, gymnocarpous, gymnocyte, gymnodont, gymnogen, gymnogenous, gymnogynous, gymnopterous, gymnosophist, gymnosperm, gymnospore, gymnostomous, gymnure : woman androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, decagynous, enneagynous, epigyne, epigynous, exogynous, gymnogynous, gynandromorph, gynandrous, gynarchy, gyne, gynecocentric, gynecocracy, gynecologic, gynecologist, gynecology, gynecocracy, gynecolatry, gynecomorphous, gyniatrics, gynephobia, gyniolatry, gynogenic, gynophile, gynophobe, gynophore, hebegynous, heterogynous, hypogynous, misogynist, misogynistic, misogyny, monogynous, monogyny, pentagynia, perigynous, philogynist, philogyny, polygynist, polygynous, polygyny, proterogynous, protogynous : ring autogyro, circumgyrate, circumgyration, cosmogyral, girandole, gyrate, gyration, gyrator, gyratory, gyre, gyring, gyro, gyrocompass, gyrodyne, gyrograph, gyroidal, gyromagnetic, gyromancy, gyroplane, gyroscope, gyroscopic, gyrose, gyrostat, gyrostatics, gyrovague, levogyrate, magnetogyric, oculogyric, polygyral, spirogyra : chalk gesso, gypseous, gypsiferous, gypsophilous, gypsum : corner;: knee agonic, amblygon, apogonid, co-orthogonal, decagon, decagonal, diagonal, diagonally, digonal, digonous, dihexagonal, ditetragonal, ditrigonal, dodecagon, duodecagon, enneagon, enneagonal, gonalgia, gonial, goniodont, goniometer, goniometry, gonion, gonioscope, goniostat, hendecagon, heptagon, heptagonal, hexagon, hexagonal, isogon, isogonal, isogonic, nonagon, octagon, octagonal, orthogonal, pandiagonal, pentagon, pentagonal, perigon, polygon, polygonal, polygonization, septagon, tetragon, tetragonal, trig, trigon, trigonal, trigonometric, trigonometrical, trigonometrically, trigonometry, trigonous, triorthogonal, undecagon cunning; : to work artfully daedal, Daedaleon, Daedalian, Daedalus, Dedaleon, Dedalion, Dedalus, logodaedalus, logodaedaly : demon, spirit, genius; : good fortune cacodemon, daimonic, demon, demoness, demoniac, demoniacal, demonic, demonically, demonism, demonist, demonization, demonize, demonography, demonolatry, demonology, demonomachy, demonomania, demonopathy, demonosophy, eudaemonia, eudaemoniac, eudaemonic, eudaemonics, eudaemonism, pandemonium, polydemonism : light up, burn geodesic, geodesy, geodetic, selenodesy : tear, drop dacryd, dacryocystitis, dacryolith, dacrops : finger adactylous, dactyl, dactylic, dactylically, dactylioglyph, dactyliomancy, dactylion, dactylitis, dactylogram, dactylograph, dactylography, dactyloid, dactylology, dactylonomy, dactylopodite, dactylopterous, dactyloscopy, dactylozooid, date (fruit), date palm, decadactylous, discodactyl, ectrodactyly, fissidactyl, heterodactyl, holodactyl, hyperdactyly, isodactylous, leptodactylous, macrodactyl, microdactylous, monodactylous, octodactylous, oxydactyl, pachydactyl, paradactyl, pentadactyl, pentadactylous, perissodactyl, platydactyl, polydactyl, polydactyly, pterodactyl, spheriodactyl, syndactyl, tetradactyl, tridactyl, tridactylous, zygodactyl : Damascus damascend, Damascene, Damascus, damask, damson : tame adamant, adamantine, diamantiferous, diamantine, diamond, diamondback : Danaus Danae, danaid, Danaus : Dardanus Gardan, Dardanelles, Dardanus : hairy, dense, thick dasylirion, dasymeter, dasypeltis, dasyphyllous, dasypod, dasyure, dasypygal : laurel Daphne, Daphnean, Daphnia, Daphnis : it is necessary: see : exhibit apodictic, deictic, deixis, endeictic, epideictic, hygrodeik, paradigm, paradigmatic, policy (contract), policy holder : terrible dinichthys, Dinoceras, dinoflagellate, Dinornis, dinornithia, dinosaur, dinosaurian, dinothere : dinner deipnosophist : neck cryptodirous : ten dean, deanery, deaness, deanship, decacarbon, decacerous, decachord, decadactylous, decad, decadal, decangular, decadarch, decadarchy, decadation, decade, decadery, decadic, decadist, decadrachm, decafid, decagon, decagonal, decagram, decagynous, decahedron, decahedral, decahydrate, decal, decaliter, decalobate, decalogue, Decameron, decamerous, decameter, decan, decanal, decanate, decandrous, decane, decangular, decapartite, decaphyllous, decaploid, decapod, decarch, decarchy, decaspermal, decastyle, decasyllabic, decasyllable, decathlon, decigram, deciliter, decimeter, decyl, deka-, dekatron, dodecadrachm, dodecagon, dodecahedral, dodecahedron, dodecane, Dodecanese, dodecaphonic, dodecarch, dodecarchy, dodecastyle, dodekasyllable, dodecasyllabic, dodecuplet, dodecyl, duodecagon, hendecagon, hendecahedron, hendecasyllabic, triskaidekaphobia, undecagon : delta del, delta, deltafication, deltaic, deltation, deltiology, deltohedron, deltoid, deltoidal : dolphin dauphin, delphinestrian, delphinic, delphinine, delphinium, delphinoid, Delphinus, dolphin, dolphinarium, dolphinate : Delphi, womb Delphi, Delphian, Delphic, delphic, delphically, didelphian, monodelph, ornithodelphia : tree dendranatomy, dendranthropology, dendriform, dendrite, dendritic, dendrobe, dendrochronology, dendroclastic, dendroclimatology, dendrocoele, dendrodic, dendrodont, dendrogram, dendrograph, dendrography, dendroid, dendrolatry, dendrolite, dendrologist, dendrology, dendrometer, dendron, dendrophil, dendrophilous, dendrostyle, epidendral, oligodendrocyte, philodendrist, philodendron, rhododendron, telodendron, toxicodendron : on the right side dexiocardia, dexiotrope, dexiotropic : flay; : skin blastoderm, derma, dermabrasion, dermad, dermal, dermalgia, dermalysis, Dermaptera, dermatalgia, dermatic, dermatin, dermatitis, dermatobranchia, dermatogen, dermatoglyph, dermatoglyphics, dermatograph, dermatoid, dermatol, dermatologist, dermatology, dermatolysis, dermatomycosis, dermatomyostitis, dermatonosis, dermatopathology, dermatopathy, dermatophone, dermatophyte, dermatoplasty, dermatome, dermatopsy, dermatorrhea, dermatoscelerosis, dermatoskeleton, dermatome, dermatotome, dermatosis, dermatozoa, dermic, dermis, dermobranchiate, dermogastric, dermographia, dermohemia, dermoid, dermoidal, dermolysis, dermomuscular, dermonecrotic, dermoneural, dermo-osseus, dermopathy, dermophyte, dermopterous, diphtheria, diphtherial, ecderon, echinoderm, echinodernata, ectoderm, endermatic, endermic, endermical, endermically, enderon, endoderm, enepidermic, entoderm, epidermal, epidermis, epidermolysis, exodermis, heloderm, homodermic, hydroderma, hype (slang), hypodermic, intradermal, keratoderma, leucoderm, leucodermia, leukodermic, lophoderm, malacoderm, megaderm, melanoderm, mesoderm, monodermic, mycoderma, neurodermal, osteoderm, ostracoderm, pachyderm, pachydermatous, periderm, phelloderm, placoderm, pneumoderm, poikiloderma, psilodermatous, pyodermia, sarcoderm, scleroderm, schlerodermatous, scrofuloderma, spermioderm, stenoderm, subdermal, taxidermal, taxidermist, taxidermize, taxidermy, toxicoderma, toxidermic, trachidermic, xanthoderm, xenoderm, xeroderma : master despot, despotic, despotical, despotically, despotism, despotist, despotize, despotocracy : second deutencephalon, deuteragonist, deuteranomalous, deuteranope, deuteranopia, deuterated, deuteric, deuterium, deuteroconid, deuterodrome, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, deuterogenic, deuterograph, deuteromesal, deuteron, Dueteronomic, Deuteronomist, Deuteronomy, deuteropathy, deuteroscopy, deuterostoma, deuterosystematic, deuterotheme, deuterotoky, deuterotoxin, deuterozooid, deutomalar, deutomerite, deutoplasm, deutosclerous, deutotergite, deutovum : take, receive synecdoche, syecdochical, synecdochism : bind asyndeton, deontic, deontological, deontologist, deontology, desma, desmid, desmodont, desmognathous, desmography, desmoid, desmology, desmonosology, desmopathology, desmopathy, desmopelmous, desmostichous, desmotomy, diadem, homodesmic, kinetodesma, plasmodesma, polysyndeton, syndesmosis, syndetic, syndeton : destroy deleterious, deleteriously, deleteriousness : Delos; : evident (perhaps same word); : show; : unclear Delian, Delos, psychedelic, urodele : people; : democracy; : public antidemocratic, demagogic, demagogue, demagoguery, demagogy, deme, demegoric, demiurge, demotic, democracy, democrat, democratic, democratically, democratism, democratize, demographer, demographic, demographics, demography, demoid, demophil, demotic, endemial, endemic, endemical, endemically, endemicity, endemism, epidemic, epidemical, epidemically, epidemiography, epidemiologist, epidemiology, homodemic, pandemic, pluto-democracy, social democracy, thgeodemocracy, topodeme, undemocratic, undemocratically denarius denarius -: twice diene, diploid etc. : through diagonal, diagram, dialysis, diameter, diaphanous ETC. : see : divide diaraesis : way of living diet, dietal, dietary, dieter, dietetic, dietician, dietetic(s) : servant;: service archdeacon, archidiaconal, deacon, deaconhood, deaconness, deaconry, deaconship, diaconal, diaconate, doyen, doyenne, subdeacon : teach; : teacher autodidact, autodidactic, Didache, didactic, didactically, didactician, didacticism, didactive, didascalic, didascaly, theodidact : twin didymate, didymis, didymite, epididymis : give; : gift; : traitor; : give back anecdotal, anecdote, antidotal, antidote, apodosis, Doris, Dorothy, dosage, dose, dosimeter, dosimetry, dosiology, Eudora, Isidore, overdose, Pandora, Pandora’s box, paradosis, Theodore, Thermidor Doris derives from either or . dithyramb dithyramb, dithyrambic, dithyrambically, dithyrambist : law;: judge; : juror; : wrongdoing; : honest dicast, dicastery, sindaco (It), sindicato (Sp), syndic, syndicalism, syndicate, syndication, syndicator, theodicy : net dictyogen, dictyospore, dictyostele, Dictys : Dionysus Denis, Denise, Dennis, Dionysiac, Dionysian, Dionysus : Diaphantus Diophantine, Diophantus : Zeus: see : See . : twice dilemma, dimity, dioxide, diphthong, diphtera, dipteral, dissyllable, distich : dish, quoit CD, CD-ROM, dais, desk, deskful, desktop, disc, disciferous, discifloral, disciform, discigerous, discless, discoblastic, discobole, discobolic, discobolus, discocarp, discocephalous, discodactyl, dicogastrula, discoglottid, discographic, discography, discoid, discoidal, discolith, discophile, discophorous, discoplacenta, discopodium, discopodous, discostoamtous, discus, dish, dishcloth, dishful, dishlet, dishtowel, dishy, disk, diskette, disk jockey, floppy disk, gastrodisc, newsdesk, sportsdesk, wave disk N.B. Disco (dance), discomania, and discomaniac are not derived from . : see : thirst dipsas, dipsomania, dipsomaniac, dipsomaniacal, dipsopathy, polydipsia : divide (perhaps only : into two) dichastic, dichogamous, dichogamy, dichopterous, dichoptic, dichtomic, dichotomist, dichotomize, dichotomous, dichotomously, dichotomy : think, suppose; : reputation cacdoxy, Docetae, docetic, Docetism, Docetist, dogma, dogmatic, dogmatical, dogmatically, dogmaticalness, dogmatician, dogmaticism, dogmatics, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatize, dogmatizer, dogmatology, dogmatopoeic, doxastic, doxographer, doxography, doxological, doxologize, doxology, doxy (opinion), heterodox, herterodoxy, neodoxy, orthodox, orthodoxism, orthodoxly, orthodoxy, paradox, paradoxer, paradoxical, paradoxically, parodoxism, paradoxist, paradoxology, pseudodox, pseudodoxy, unorthodox : acceptable; : accept, take, receive docimasy, docimology : beam diplodocus : long dolichocephal, dolichocephalic, dolichocephalism, dolichocephaly, dolichoid, dolichomorphic, dolichopodous, dolichotis, dolichrous : trick dole (arch.), dolerin, dolerite, dolerophanite. dolose, sedulity, sedulous. sedulously, sedulousness L. dolus is from ; OLD says sedulus is from dolus. : slave; : serve; : slavery dulia, d(o)ulocracy, dulosis, dulotic, hierodule, hyperdulia, iconoduly : receptacle sporodochium : dragon; : see, be alive, flash fire from eyes Draco, dracone, Draconian, Draconic, Draconically, draconiform, Draconism, dracontic, Dracula, dragon, dragonesque, dragoness, dragonet, dragonfly, dragonish, dragonism, dragonize, dragonnade, dragoon, pendragon, snapdragon : grasp; : drachma decadrachm, didrachm, dodekadrachm, drachm, drachma, dram : see : do, act; : deed docudrama, drama, dramatic, dramaticism, dramatically, dramatism, dramatics, dramatis personae, dramatist, dramatization, dramatize, dramaturge, dramaturgic, dramaturgist, dramaturgy, drastic, drastically, duodrama, melo, melodrama, melodramatic, melodramatically, melodramatics, meldramist, melodramatize, monodrama, overdramatic, photodrama, psychodrama, psychodramatic, sociodrama, teledrama, theodrama, undramatic : sickle drepanid, drepaniform : race aerodrome, aerodromics, AIDS, anadromous, catadromous, cosmodrome, deuterodrome, diadromous, drome, dromedary, dromic, dromioid, dromograph, dromomania, dromometer, dromond, Dromornis, dromos, dromoscope, dromotropic, dromotropism, enantiodromia, helidrome, hemodrometer, heterodromous, hippodrome, homodromous, lampadedromy, loxodrome, loxodromic, monodromic, motordrome, oceanodromous, ocydrome, orthodromic, palindrome, palindromic, paradromic, petrodrome, picturedrome, pleauredrome, prodroma, prodromal, prodromatic, prodrome, prodromus, seadrome, syndrome, tachydrome, velodrome : dew drosometer, drosophilia, drosophilist, drosophyllum : tree, oak druid, druidism, dryad, hamadryad See OED: druid. : be able; : power; : possible, able adynamic, aerodynamic, aerodynamics, astrodynamics, autodynamic, biodynamics, chryptodynamic, didynamous, didynamy, dynactinometer, dynagraph, dynam(e), dynameter, dynamic, dynamical, dynamically, dynamicism, dymamacist, dynamicity, dynamics, dynamism, dynamitard, dynamite, dynamiter, dynamitic, dynamitism, dynamitist, dynamize, dynamo, dynamo-electric, dynamogen, dynamogeny, dynamograph, dynamometamorphism, dynamometer, dynamometry, dynamopathy, dynamoscope, dynamotor, dynast, dynastic, dynastical, dynastically, dynasticism, dynasty, dynatron, dyne, dynein, dynode, electrodynamics, geodynamics, hematodynamics, hemodynamics, heterodynamic, hydrodynamic, hydrodynamics, isodynamic, monodynamic, monodynamism, myodynamics, neuradynamic, oligodynamic, pharmacodynamic, photodynamic, photodynamics, pneumodynamics, polydynamic, protodynastic, psychodynamic, psychodynamics, teledynamic, telodynamic, theriodynamics, thermodynamic, zoodynamic : two;: twelve dodecadrachm, dodecagon, dodecahedral, dodecahedron, dodecane, Dodecanese, dodecaphonic, dodearch, dodecarchy, dodeastyle, dodecasyllable, dodecasyllabic, dodecuplet, dodecyl, duad, duarchy, dyad, dyadic, dyarchy, Dyuphysite, Dyothelite, dyphone, hendiadys -: ill, bad dysentery, dyspepsia ETC. put (L. induo) apodyterium, ecdysiast, ecdysis, ependyma, troglydyte, troglydytic This stem does not appear to be identical to the following word, but : put is not listed in LS. Apparently, it compounds to form induo etc. Probably troglydyte is from -. : dive dytiscid, dytiscidiform : Dodona Dodona, Dodonean : Dorian Dorian, Doric, Dorism, Dorize For Doris see note under . : see : epsilon epsilon : ebony (ebur is related) eboneous, ebon, ebonist, ebonite, ebonize, ebony, eburnate, eburnation, eburnean, eburneous, ivorine, ivory, ivory-black, ivory-tower (ultimately from Egyptian) : I (L. ego) AHD and OED derive all ego words from L ego and not from G , even those with a Greek root such as egocentric. : floor edaphic, edaphodont, edaphon : seat;: sit akathisia, armchair, cathedral, chair, chairborne, chairman, chairmanship, chairperson, chairwoman, chaise, cathedral, decahedral, decahedron, deltohedron, dihedral, dihedron, dihexahedron, dodecahedral, dodecahedron, edriophthalmian, electric chair, enneahedral, ephedra, ephedrine, ex cathedra, haplohedral, -hedron, hemihedral, hemihedron, hendecahedron, heptahedron, hexahedron, hexoctahedron, holohedral, icosohedral, icosahedron, merohedral, musical chairs, octahedral, octahedrite, octohedron, pentahedral, pentahedron, plagihedral, polyhedral, polyhedron, procathedral, rhombohedron, scalenohedron, shay, synedrion, tautohedral, tetrahedral, tetrahedron, trapezohedron, trihedral, trihedron, trisoctahedron : people, nation ethnarch, ethnarchy, ethnic, ethnical, ethnically, ethnicity, ethnobotany, ethnocentric, ethnocentricity, ethnocentrism, ethnocide, ethnogenesis, ethnogeny, ethnograph, ethnographer, ethnography, ethnohistory, ethnolinguist, ethnological, ethnologist, ethnology, ethnomaniac, ethnomethodology, ethnomusicology, ethnonym, ethnophaulism, ethnopsychology, ethnoscience, ethnosemantics, ethnozoology, paleoethnology, polyethnic, pro-ethnic, synethnic : custom bioethical, bioethics, de-ethicize, ethical, ethically, ethicism, ethicist, ethics, ethogram, ethography, ethological, ethologist, ethology, ethopeia, ethos, polyethism shape: idol See also . collidine, dieidism, eidetic, eidograph, eidolon, geoid, idol, idolater, idolatrize, idolatrous, idolatrously, idolatry, idolify, idolism, idolist, idolization, idolize, idolizer, idoloclast, idolographical, idolomania, idolomancy, idolothyte, idolum, idyl, idyllic, idyllically, polyeidism : image aniconic, icon, iconic, iconicity, iconism, iconoclasm, iconoclast, iconoclastic, iconoduly, iconographer, iconographic, iconography, iconolater, iconolatry, iconology, iconomachy, iconomania, iconomatic, iconometer, iconometry, iconophile, iconophobe, iconoplast, iconoscope, iconostasis, iconotropy, paniconograph, vernicle, Veronica, vidicon : twenty icosohedral, icosohedron Helos (town near Sparta); : helot helot, helotism, helotry : be; be away; be in: property biont, diplont, gerousia, haplont, heterousian, homoiousian, homoousian, morphon, neontology, ontal, ontic, ontogenesis, ontogenetic, ontogenic, ontogenist, ontogeny, ontography, ontological, ontologism, ontologist, ontologize, ontology, ontonomy, ontosophy, ontotheology, paleontologist, paleontology, parousia, planont, sporont : go; : go away; : let go; : enter anion, anionic, cation, cationic, counterion, dysprosium, hydriotic, ion, ionic, ionically, ionicity, ionization, ionize, ionogen, ionogenic, ionogram, ionography, ionophone, ionophore, ionosonde, ionosphere, ionospheric, ionospherist, ionotropy, isoionic, nonionic, oxyanion, photoionization, polyion, polyionic, solion, thermion, thermionic : peace irenarch, Irene, irenic, irenical, ireically, irenicism, irenics : dissembler; : speak ironic, ironical, ironically, ironist, irony : one enosis, hendecagon, hendecahedron, hendesyllabic, hendiays, henopoeia, henotheism, henotheist, henotheistic, hyphen, hyphenate, hyphenic, kathenotheism (): out of; : outside eccentric, eclectic, ectogenesis, ectomorph, exodus, exoteric, exotic, exoticism etc. : hundred hectare, hecatomb, Hecatoncheires, hecatontarchy, hecatophyllous, hecto-, hectocotyl, hectogram, hectograph, hectoliter, hectometer, hectostere : assembly, church: see : choose; : chosen: see : see : Hector Hector, hector, outhector : olive tree; : olive oil cryptolin, cryptolite, crystoleum, elaeo-, elaioplast, eleidin, elydoric, lanolin, linoleum, nucoline, oil, oilburner, oilcake, oilcloth, oildom, oiler, oil field, oiliness, oilless, oilman, oilmill, oilnut, oilometer, oilring, oilskin, oil spill, oilstone, oil well, oily, oleaginous, oleaster, oleate, oleic, oleiculture, oleiferous, olein, oleo, oleoduct, oleograph, oleography, oleojector, oleomargarine, oleometer, oleone, oleophilic, oleophobic, oleopneumatic, oleoptene, oleorefractometer, oleoresin, oleoresinous, oleosaccharum, oleothorax, oleum, oleyl, oliva, olivaceous, olivary, olive, olive branch, olive garden, olive oil, olivesheen, olive tree, oliviform, olivine, palm-oil, petroil, petrol, petrolatum, petrol bomb, petrolene, petroleum, petroleum jelly, petroleur, petrolic, petroliferous, petrolin, petrolization, petrolize, pyrrole, tetrazolium, vaseline, watch oil, whale oil N.B. OED does not trace olive to . beaten metal elasmobranch, elasmosaurus, elasmose, elasmotherion : drive elastance, elastase, elastic, elastically, elastician, elasticin, elasticity, elastivity, elastique, elastomer, elastoplast, elater, elaterid, inelastic, photoelastic, thermoelastic, viscoelasticity : stag elaphine, elaphure, tragelaph : cross-examine elenchus, elenctic : show mercy; : mercy, pity almoner, alms, almshouse, Christe eleison, eleemosynary, kyrie eleison : song elegiac, elegiacal, elegiambus, elegist, elegize, elegy : Eleusis Eleusinian, Eleusis : free eleutherism, eleeutheromania, eleutheromaniac, eleutheropetalous, eleutherophyllous : elephant chryselephantine, elephant, elephantiasis, elephantic, elephantine, elephantoid, elephantry, white elephant : sheath elytral, elytriform, elytrigerous, elyterin, eletrocele, elytroid, elytron, eletroplasty, elytrous, elytrum : spiral helical, heliciform, helicitic, helicity, helicline, helicopter, helidrome, helipad, heliport, helispherical, helix, superhelical, superhelix : wound ulcer, ulcerate, ulceration, ulcerous : Greece; : Greek de-hellenize, Helladic, Hellas, Hellene, Hellenic, Hellenism, Hellenist, Hellenistic, Hellenization, Hellenize, Hellenophile, Hellespont, panhellenic, panhellenism, philhellene, philhellenic, philhellenism : hellebore hellebore : helot: see : worm helminth, helminthiasis, helminthic, helminthoid, helminthology, platyhelminth : marsh helophyte : vomit antiemetic, copremesis, emesia, emesis, emetic, emetical, emetically, emetine, emetology : swelling: see : fresh-water tortoise emydian, emydin, emydosaurian, emys : in, on E.g., emphasis, energy, entrophy : of the sea enaliosaur : opposite enantioblastic, enantiodroma, enantiomorph, enantiosis, enantiopathic, enantiopathy, enantiotropy : inward; : bowels (incomplete list) anenterous, coelenteron, dysenteric, dysenteriform, dysentery, endite, endo-, endoblast, endocardial, endocrine, endonormative, endosperm, enteralgia, enterectomy, enteric, enteritis, entero-, enterochlorophyll, enterogastrome, enteroid, enteron, enterokinase, enterovirus, ento-, entoblast, gastroenteric, gastroenteritis, gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, mesenteric, mesenteritis, mesentery, neurenteric, parenteral, perienteron : nine enneads, enneagon, enneagonal, enneagynous, enneahedral, enneandrous, enneapetalous, enneastyle, enneatic, enneatical : bowels: see -: see -: see : six carbohexene, cyclohexene, dexa-, dihexagonal, dihexahedron, hexachord, hexad, hexadecimal, hexagon, hexagonal, hexagram, hexahedron, hexameral, hexamerous, hexameter, hexane, hexangular, hexarchy, hexapod, hexasyllabic, hexastich, Hexateuch, hexatomic, hexatone, hexavalent, hexiradiate, hexite, hexoctahedron, hexode, hexokinase, hexose, hexuronic, hexyl : habit: see : without ectoplasm, exoteric, exotic, exotically, exoticism ETC. : upon epidemic, epidermis, epigram, epoch ETC. : Epicurus epicure, epicurean, epicureanism, Epicurus, epicurian : know epistemic, epistemological, epistemology : letter; see : make ready, send. : word epeolatry, epeology, epic, epical, epically, epicist, epopee, epos, epyllion, monepic, orthoepist, orthoepy : seven hebdomad, hebdomadal, heptacapsular, heptacarbon, heptachord, heptachronous, heptad, heptaglot, heptagon, heptagonal, heptahedron, heptahydrate, heptamerous, heptameter, heptane, heptangular, heptaphony, heptapodic, heptarchy, heptastyle, heptastich, heptasyllabic, Heptateuch, heptathlon, heptatomic, heptatonic, heptavalent, heptode, heptose : work; : benefactor; : good deed; : not working adrenergic, argon, atomic energy, auturgy, chemurgy, crystallurgy, demiurge, disergia, dramaturge, dramaturgic, dramaturgist, dramaturgy, electrometalurgy, energetic, energetically, energic, energid, energism, energize, energizer, energumen, energy, erg, erastic, ergate, ergative, ergatocracy, ergodic, ergogram, ergograph, ergometer, ergonomic, ergonomical, ergonomically, ergonomics, ergonomist, ergophobe, ergophobia, exergue, George, Georgia, Georgian, georgic, Georgics, hierurgy, hydrometallurgy, leukergy, liturgic, liturgical, liturgics, liturgiologist, liturgism, liturgist, liturgy, lysergic, metallurgical, metallurgist, metallurgy, micergate, micrometallurgy, microsurgery, micrurgy, monenergetic, monergism, monergistic, neurergic, nuclear energy, organ, overenergetic, panurgic, parergal, parergon, polyergic, psychosurgery, psychurgy, pyrometallurgical, pyrometalurgy, radio surgery, re-energize, sidrurgy, stigmergy, surgeon, surgeoncy, surgeon fish, surgery, surgical, surgically, synergetic, synergic, synergism, synergist, synergistic, synergize, synergy, telergy, thaumaturge, thaumaturgic, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgist, thaumaturgy, theurgic, theurgical, theurgist, theurgy, tree surgeon, tree surgery, zymurgy N.B. All words filed under are probably related to . : desert eremetical, eremic, eremite, eremology, hermit, hermitage, hermitical : strife Eris, eristic : interpreter; : Hermes herm, hermaphrodism, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic, hermaphroditism, hermeneutics, Hermes, hermetic, hermetical, hermetically, hermetics, hermetism, herrmetist : crawl herpes, herpetic, herpetiform, herpetism, herpetofauna, herpetography, herpetologist, herpetology, herpetotomy, herpicide : red erysipelas, erythremia, erythric, erythrism, erythro-, erythroblast, erythrocyte, erythrogen, erythroid, erythromycin, erythrophobia, erythrophyll, erythroplastid, erythropoesis, erythroscope, erythrose, uroerythrin : come, go proselyte, proselytism, proselytize, proselytizer : speak rhetor, rhetoric, rhetorical, rhetorically, rhetorician : (physical) love; : love; : lover autoerotic, autoeroticism, erogenic, erogenous, Eros, erotic, erotically, eroticism, erotism, erotomania, erotophilia, homoerotic, homoeroticism, pederast, pederasty , : see : Hesiod Hesiod, hesiodic : evening Hesperia, hesperian, Hesperides, hesperidium, Hesperus : hearth Hestia : hearth scar (on body) OED: scar may derive from . : last eschatological, eschatology, pareschatology : within (variation of : inside) esophagal, esophagus, esoteric, esoterical, esoterically, esotericism etc. : comrade hetaera, hetaira, hetairism : other hetero, heteroblastic, heterocercal, heterochromatic, heteroclite, heterocyclic, heterocyst, heterodactyl, heterodont, heterodox, heterodoxy, heterodromous, heterodynamic, heterodyne, heterogamete, heterogamous, heterogeneity, heterogeneous, heterogenesis, heterogenital, heterogeny, heterograft, heterography, heterogynous, heterokinesy, heterologous, heterology, heterolysis, heteromerous, heteromorphic, heteronomous, heteronomy, heteronuclear, heteronym, heteronymous, heterousian, heteropathic, heterophemy, heterophile, heterophony, heterophoric, heterophyllous, heterophye, heteroplasty, heteropod, heteropolar, heteropraxis, heteropraxy, heteropterous, heterosexist, heterosexual, heterosexuality, heterosis, heterosporous, heterostatic, heterostrophic, heterostyle, heterotaxis, heterothallic, heterotomous, heterotopia, heterotransplant, heterotrichosis, heterotrope, heterotrophic, heterotypic, heterousian, heterozygote : year etesian : true etymological, etymologically, etymologicon, etymologist, etymologize, etymology, etymon, folk etymology -: well E.g., eulogium, eulogy, euphony, euthanasia, evangelism, evangelist thriving euthenics : Euclid (Perhaps related to .) Euclid, Euclidean, non-Euclidean : Euhemerus; see : bed dispareunia, eunuch , : find eureka, heuretic, heurism, heuristic : broad aneurism, aneurysm, eurybathic, eurycephalic, eurycerous, euryene, eurygnathous, euryphagous, euryphagy, eurypterid, euryscope, eurystomatous, eurytherm, eurythermal : Europe Eurasia, Eurasian, euro, eurodollar, Europe, European, Europeanism, Europeanize, europium, Indo-Euripean, non-European : reverence: see : Euterpe Euterpe, Euterpean Ephesus EphesianephesiteEphesus -: from, out of (See -.) hedgehog echinacea, echinal, echinate, echinid, echinocactus, echinochrome, echinococcus, echinod, echinoderm, echinodermata, echinoid, echinoidea, echinology, echinulate, echinuliform, echinus : adder Echidna, echites, echium, echuroid : have, hold; : provide; : surpass cathexis, echard, entelechy, ephectic, epoch, epochal, eunuch, hectic, hectically, hexiology, ischemia, ischretic, ischuria, osthexy, schema, schematic, schematically, schematism, schematist, schematization, schematize, scheme, schemer, scheming, schemist, sketch, sketchbook, sketcher, sketchily, sketchiness, sketchy, synechia, synechism, synectic, synectics, synocha, synochal, synochus : live; : life; : animal archizoic, azo-, azote, azotic, bryozoa, Cainozoic, Cenozoic, coprozoic, cosmozoic, cosmozoism, cryptozoa, crytozoic, cryptozoon, cyathozoid, cytozoa, dactylozooid, dermatozoa, deuterozooid, diazotype, diphyzooid, dizoic, enzootic, entozoon, Eozoic, eozoon, epizoic, epizoon, epizootic, ethnozoology, gastrozoid, gonozooid, heliozoan, hematozoan, holozoic, homeozoic, hydrozoan, hylozoic, hylozoism, hylozoist, hypozoa, isozoic, isozooid, kenozooid, malacozoic, megazoospore, merozoite, Mesazoa, Mesozoic, Metazoa, metazoan, microzoa, microzoan, microzooid, monasterial, monastery, monastic, monastically, monasticism, monasticize, monerozoa, monozoic, mycetozoa, nematozooid, Neozoic, oligozoospermia, oozoa, osteozoon, Paleozoic, paleozoology, pantozootia, pantozooism, panzootic, phanerozoic, philozoic, phytozoon, polyzoan, proterozoic, Protozoa, Protozoan, protozoic, protozoology, scyphozoan, spermatozoid, spermatozoon, sporozoan, sporozoite, teleozoon, theriozoic, trophozoite, trophozooid, zoantharian, zoanthropy, zoarium, zodiac, zodiacal, Zoe, zoetic, zoic, zoid, zoism, zoo, zoocentric, zoochemistry, zoodynamic, zooecium, zoogen, zoogenic, zoographer, zoographic, zoogeography, zoography, zooid, zoolatry, zoological, zoologist, zoology, zoomania, zoometry, zoomorph, zoomorphic, zoomorphism, zoomythic, zoon, zoonosis, zoopathology, zoophagous, zoophile, zoophilia, zoophilous, zoophobia, zoophobic, zoophysics, zoophyte, zooplankter, zooplankton, zooplasty, zoopsychology, zooscopic, zoosemiotics, zoosperm, zoospore, zootaxy, zootechny, zootheism, zootokon, zootomy, zootrope, zootype, zooxanthin, zoozygosphere : Jupiter Dioscuri, eudiometer, Jupiter, zenocentric, zenographic, zenography, Zeus : west wind zephyr, zephyrean, zephyrous : boil eczema, eczematous, zeolite, zeolithic, zeolitize, zeoscope : jealousy, zeal; : rival; : be jealous jealous, jealously, jealousy, overzealous, unzealous, zeal, zealless, zealot, zealotry, zealous, zealously, zealousness, zelotic, zelotism, zelotry : zeta cedilla, zeta, zetacism, zeta-function, zeta potential to seek zetetic : yoke; : yoke azygous, bizygomatic, cryptozygous, diazeutic, dizygotic, epizeuxis, hemizygous, heterozygote, homozygote, hypozeugma, monozygotic, phenozygous, syzygant, syzygetic, syzygial, syzygium, syzygy, zeuglodon, zeugma, zeugmatic, zeugmatography, zeuxite, zoozygosphere, zygodactyl, zygodactylous, zygodont, zygogenesis, zygology, zygoma, zygomatic,zygome, zygomorphic, zygon, zygoneure, zygophore, zygophyte, zygosis, zygosity, zygosome, zygosperm, zygospore, zygote : leaven abzyme, azym(e), azymous, dezymotize, enzymatic, enzyme, enzymology, histozyme, isoenzyme, isozyme, lysozyme, microzyme, pancreozymin, proenzyme, Prozymite, prozymogen, zyme, zymocyte, zymogen, zymogenesis, zymogenic, zymogram, zymoid, zymology, zymolysis, zymometer, zymophore, zymophyte, zymoplastic, zymosan, zymoscope, zymosis, zymotechny, zymotic, zymotoxic, zymurgy : girdle; : gird faunizone, idiozome, intrazonal, meterzone, parazonium, rezone, subzonal, subzone, tautozonal, Temperate Zone, time zone, Torrid Zone, trizonal, war zone, zona, zonal, zonar, zonary, zonate, zonation, zone, zone center, zone defense, zoneless, zone level, zone refinery, zoning, zonular, zonule : youth ephebe, ephebophilia, Hebe, hebeanthous, hebecarpous, hebecladous, hebegynous, hebepetalous, hebephrenia, hebephrenic, hebetic, hebetudinous : governor, guide; : lead cynegetics, eisegesis, epexegesis, exegete, exegesis, exegetical, exegetics, hegemon, hegemonic, hegemonist, hegemony, hegumen, hegumene, hegumeny : sweet, pleasant; : pleasure aedes (mosquito), anhedonia, hedonic, hedonism, hedonist, hedonistic : sieve ethmoid : amber, pale gold bioelectrical, bioelectricity, bioelectronics, de-electrify, dielectric, diselectrify, dynamoelectric, e-business, e-commerce, EKG, e-learning, electret, electric, electrical, electrically, electric chair, electric fence, electrician, electricity, electric shock, electrifiable, electrification, electrifier, electrify, electrization, electrize, electro, electroacoustics, electroanalysis, electroballisitic, electrobiology, electrobioscopy, electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph, electrochemical, electrochemistry, electrocute, electrocution, electrocycle, electrocyte, electrode, electrodeposit, electrodessication, electrodynamics, electroencephalogram, electroencephalograph, electrofocusing, electrogenic, electrogram, electrograph, electrography, electrojet, electrokinetics, electrolier, electrology, electroluminescence, electroluminescent, electrolysis, electrolyte, electrolytic, electrolyze, electromagnet, electromagnetic, electromagnetism, electromechanical, electromeric, electrometalurgy, electrometer, electromigration, electromotion, electromotive, electromotor, electromyogram, electromyograph, electron, electronarcosis, electronarcotic, electronegative, electroneutral, electronically, electronics, electron microscope, electronographic, electropathy, electrophilic, electrophone, electrophonic, electrophoresis, electrophorus, electroplant, electroplate, electroplegy, electropositive, electroproduction, electropuncture, electroretinograph, electrorate, electroscope, electrostatic, electrostatics, electrostimulation, electrostriction, electrosynthetic, electrotechnician, electrotherapeutics, electrotherapist, electrotherapy, electrotint, electrotonus, electrotropism, electrotype, electroweak, electrum, email, emessage, ferroelectric, hydroelectric, isoelectric, isoelectronic, kiloelectron, magnoelectric, microelectrode, microelectronics, myoelectric, neuroelectric, nonelectrocyte, nonelectrolyte, olfactronics, optoelectronics, photoelectric, photoelectron, piezoelectric, piezoelectricity, polyelectrolyte, polyelectronic, positron, pyro-electric, stereoelectronic, technetronic, telectric, therioelectric, therioelectricity, thermoelectric : dice (in OLD under alea, but not in LS) alea iacta est, aleatoric, aleatory : sun aphelion, diakeliotropic, diaheliotropism, heliacal, heliacally, heliocentric, heliocentrism, heliochrome, heliogram, heliograph, heliographer, heliographic, heliography, heliolatry, heliolithic, heliology, heliometer, heliometric, heliopause, heliophile, heliophilous, heliophobe, heliophobia, heliophobous, heliopolar, Helios, helioscope, heliosis, heliostat, heliotactic, heliotaxis, heliotherapy, heliotrope, heliotropic, heliotropism, heliotype, heliozoan, helium, isohel, orthohelium, paraheliotropic, parheliacal, parhelion, perihelion, photoheliograph, pyrheliometer, pyroheliometer, spectroheliogram, spectrohelioscope : nail helocerous, heloderm, helodont : Elysium Elysee, Elysian, Elysium : day Decameron, ephemera, ephemeral, ephemerality, ephemeralization, ephemerally, ephemerid, ephemeris, ephemeromorph, ephemeron, ephermous, Euhemerism, Euhemerist, Euhemerize, Euhemerus, hemera, hemeral, hemeralpia, nycthemeral, nychthemeron, penthemimer, trihemeral : half e.g., hemi-, hemisphere : liver enterohepatitis, heparinize, hepatalgia, hepatectomy, hepatic, hepatitishepatizehepatohepatobiliary, hepatocele, hepatocellular, hepatocystic, hepatogastric, hepatogenic, hepatography, hepatolith, hepatology, hepatomegaly, hepatopathy, hepatorenal, hepatorrhea, hepatoscopy, hepatotomy, hepatotoxin, intrahepatic : mainland epeirotic, epeirogenesis, epeirogeny Hera: Heracles Hera, Heracles, Heraclid, herculean, Hercules : hero antihero, hero, heroic, heroical, heroically, heroics, heroify, heroin, heroine, heroism, heroistic, heroize, hero myth, hero-worship, mock-heroic, mythoheroic, nonhero, war hero : still hesychast, hesychastic : ephor ephor : sound, echo anechoic, catechesis, catechetic, catechetical, catechetically, catechism, catechismal, catechist, catechize, catechizer, catechumen, echo, echocardiogram, echogram, echograph, echoic, echoism, echolalia, echolation, echoless, echolocation, echometer, echopraxia, echo-sounding, re-echo : dawn eoan, eoanthropos, eobiont, Eocene, eohippic, eohippus, eolite, eolith, eolithic, eophytic, Eos, eosaurus, eosin, eosinophil, Eozoic, eozoon : inner room epithalamium, hypothalamus, monothalmic, monothalmous, neothalamus, prothalamion, prothalamium, subthalamic, subthalamus, thalamencephalon, thalamus : sea Panthalassa, thalassanemia, thalassian, Thalassic, thalassocracy, thalassocrat, thalassocraty, thalassography, thalassophile, thalassophilia, thalassotherapy, thallattology sprout heterothallichomothallicthalerophagousthallicthalliferousthallium, thalloid, thallophytethallus : death euthanasia, euthanize, tachythanatous, thanatism, thanatist, thanatoid, thanatologist, thanatology, thanatophilia, thanatophobia, thanatopsis, Thanatos : bury; : tomb bibliotaph, bibliotaphic, cenotaph, epitaph, taphonomy : wonder; : marvellous thaumatology, thaumatrope, thaumaturge, thaumaturgic, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgist, thaumaturgy : behold; : viewing; : look at; : spectator; : theater amphitheater, countertheory, metatheater, metatheorem, metatheory, microtheory, nosotheory, quantum theory, theater, theater seat, theatric, theatrical, theatricalism, theatricality, theatrically, theatrics, theatrocracy, theatromania, theatrophil, theatrophobia, theorem, theoretic, theoretical, theoretically, theoretician, theoria, theorist, theorize, theory, wave theory : sulfur dithionic, pentathionic, thiazide, thiobacillus, thiocarbonate, thiochrome, thiocrasy, thiocyanogen, thiogenic, thioindigo, thionic, trithionic : will Dyothelite, monothelite, thelemic : deity; : goddess; : sacrifice; : sacrifice apotheosis, apotheosize, atheism, atheist, atheistic, atheistically, atheize, autotheism, autotheist, autotheistic, bitheism, cosmotheism, ditheism, ditheist, ditheistic, Dorothy, egotheism, enthuse, enthusiasm, enthusiast, enthusiastic, enthusiastical, enthusiastically, henotheism, henotheist, henotheistic, hylotheism, katheotheism, monotheism, monotheist, monotheistic, nomotheism, ontotheology, overenthusiastic, overenthusiasm, pantheism, pantheist, pantheistic, pantheology, pantheon, pantheum, philotheist, physico-theology, physitheism, polytheism, polytheist, polytheistic, process theology, psychotheism, theandric, theanthropic, theanthropism, theoanthropomorphic, Theanthropos, thearchy, theism, theist, theistic, theocentric, theocentrism, theocracy, theocrat, theocratic, theochristic, theodemocracy, theodicy, theodidact, Theodore, theody, theodrama, theogeological, theognostic, theogonic, theogonist, theogony, theohuman, theoktonic, theoktony, theolatry, theolepsy, theologaster, theologate, theologian, theologic, theological, theologically, theologism, theologist, theologize, theologoumenon, theologue, theology, theomachy, theomancy, theomania, theomaniac, theometamorphism, theomicrist, theomonism, theomorphic, theomorphism, theomythology, theonomist, theonomy, theopathetic, theopathy, theophagous, theophany, theophilanthropy, theophile, theophilist, theophilosophy, theophobia, theophoric, theophorous, theopneust, theopsychism, theosoph, theosophical, theosophism, theosophist, theosophistic, theosophy, theotaurine, theotechny, theoteleological, theoteleology, theotokos, theurgic, theurgical, theurgist, theurgy, Timothy, tritheism, tritheist, zootheism : attendant; : heal actinotherapy, bacteriotherapeutic, bacteriotherapy, balneotherapy, bibliotherapy, chemotherapy, chronotherapy, climatotherapy, cryotherapy, electrotherapeutics, electrotherapist, electrotherapy, heliotherapy, hydrotherapy, hypnotherapy, immunotherapy, kinesitherapy, logotherapy, massotherapy, mechanotherapy, metallotherapy, oenotherapy, opotherapy, organotherapy, pelotherapy, phototherapy, phthisiotherapy, physical therapy, physiotherapist, physiotherapy, pneumatotherapy, psychotherapeutic, psychotherapy, radiotherapeutic, radiotherapy, sex therapy, shock therapy, teletherapy, thalassotherapy, therapeutic, therapeutical, therapeutics, therapist, therapy, thermotherapy, xylotherapy : wild beast dinothere, elasmotherion, megathere, paleothere, panther, pantheress, pantherine, prototheria, therian, therianthropic, therioanthropomorphic, theriatrics, theriodont, theriodynamics, therielectric, therielectricity, theriogenesis, theriograph, therioid, theriolatry, theriolysis, theriomancy, theriomaniac, theriomorph, theriomorphic, theriomorphism, theriotomy, theriozoic, therodont, theroid, therolatry, therology, theromorous, theromorph, therophyte, theropodous, therosaur, titanothere, treacle : become warm; : hot, warm; : heat athermic, barothermograph, chronothermal, diathermal, diathermancy, diathermanous, diathermic, diathermy, diathermous, diathermometer, endotherm, endothermal, endothermally, endothermic, endothermy, enthalpy, eurytherm, eurythermal, exotherm, exothermal, exothermally, exothermic, geoisotherm, geothermal, geothermic, geothermometer, hematherm, hematothermal, homeothermic, homotherm, hydrothermal, hyperthermia, hypothermia, hytherograph, isallotherm, isogeothermal, isotheral, isothere, isotherm, isothermal, katathermometer, megatherm, megistotherm, meiotherm, mesotherm, microtherm, normothermal, normothermia, normothermic, pantothermal, parathermic, photothermic, pliothermic, poikilothermic, radiothermy, stenothermal, synthermal, tectonothermal, telethermogram, telethermograph, telethermometer, therm, thermal, thermal analysis, thermal capacity, thermal cycle, thermal diffusion, thermal efficiency, thermal imaging, thermalize, thermal noise, thermal pollution, thermal storage, thermal unit, thermanesthetic, thermesthetic, thermic, Thermidor, thermion, thermionic, thermistor, thermite, thermoammeter, thermoaqueous, thermochaotic, thermochemical, thermochemistry, thermochromism, thermocline, thermocompression, thermocouple, thermocycler, thermode, thermodiffusion, thermoduric, thermodynamic, thermoelastic, thermoelectric, thermoform, thermogenesis, thermogeography, thermogram, thermograph, thermographic, thermography, thermogravimetry, thermohaline, thermoharden, thermohydrology, thermohydrometer, thermokinematics, thermolabile, thermology, thermoluminescence, thermoluminescent, thermolysis, thermomagnetic, thermomagnetism, thermomechanical, thermometamorphism, thermometer, thermometric, thermometrical, thermometry, thermomotor, thermomotive, thermoneutral, thermonuclear, thermophagy, thermophil, thermophilic, thermophilous, thermophone, thermophore, thermopile, thermoplastic, thermoplegia, thermopower, Thermopylae, thermoreceptor, thermoregulatory, thermos, thermoscope, thermoscopic, thermosensitive, thermoset, thermosphere, thermostable, thermostat, thermostatics, thermosynthesis, thermotactic, thermotaxis, thermotensile, thermotension, thermotherapy, thermotic, thermotoxin, thermotropic, thermotropism, thermotype, water thermometer, xenothermal : Thersites Thersites, Thersitical : law thesmophoric : Thespis Thespian, Thespianism, Thespis : Thessaly Thessalian, Thessaloniki, Thessaly : Thebes Thebaic, Thebaid, Theban, Thebes burial coffin; : repository: see : female; : nipple endothelial, endothelium, epithelial, epithelium, mesothelial, mesothelium, polythelism, thelitis, thelyblast, thelygenous, thelykaryotic, thelytokous : treasure entreasure, subtreasurer, subtreasury, thesaurosis, thesaurus, tresaurable, treasure, treasure chest, treasure hunt, treasurer, treasurership, treasure trove, treasury, Treasury Department, treasury note, untreasured : theta theta, theta-function : Bacchic dance thiasos, thiasus : touch thigmokinesis, thigmoreceptor, thigmotaxis, thigmotropism : beach thinocorine, thinolite : building with conical roof, dome thole, tholobate, tholoid, tholos : Thucydides Thucydidean, Thucydides : Thraso (a boastful, comic character) Thrasonic, Thrasonical : Thrace Samothrace, Thrace, Thracian : nursling thremmatology lament, dirge threnode, threnody : hair chromotricial, distrix, heterotrichosis, ophiothrix, oxytrichine, polytrichous, schizotrichia, sporotrichosis, streptothricosis, trichiasis, trichina, trichinize, trichinosis, trichinous, trichite, trichogenous, trichoid, trichologist, trichology, trichoma, trichophobia, trichophyte, trichosis, trichotillomania, ulotrichan, ulotrichous : clot prothrombin, thrombectomy, thrombin, thrombocyte, thrombolite, thrombolytic, thrombophlebitis, thromboplastic, thrombose, thrombosis, thrombus : seat, throne dethrone, dethronement, disenthrone, disthrone, enthrone, enthronement, synthronous, throne, throneless : woodworm thrips : see : Thyestes Thyestean, Thyestes : pouch thylakoid : Thule Thule, Thulean, thulium, Ultima Thule thyme: see . (related to ) spirit, mind; : dejection; : desire; : zeal; : indifference cyclothymiadysthymicenthymaticenthymeneepithymeticparepithymia schizothymia, thyme, thymectomy, thymic, thymocyte, thymol, thymoleptic, thymonucleic, thymosin, thymotic, thymus : tuna; : dart along tuna, tunny : door dithyrous, hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, omothyroid, thyratron, thyristor, thyrocele, thyrogenic, thyroglobulin, thyroglossal, thyroid, thyroidectomy, thyroidic, thyroidism, thyroiditis, thyrolytic, thyrotoxic, thyrotoxin : wreathed staff thyrsiferous, thyrsiflorous, thyrsiform, thyrsoid, thyrsus, torso : fringe thysanopter, thysanuran : sacrifice: see : sacrifice idolothyte, thurible, thurifer, thurification, thurify : jackal thooid, thos, thous : breast-plate endothorax, hydrothorax, mesothorax, metathorax, oleothorax, pneumothorax, prothoracic, prothorax, thoracic, thoraciform, thoracipod, thoracispinal, thoracodynia, thoracometer, thoracoplasty, thoracoscope, thoracostomy, thorax, transthoracic : iamb choliambic, choriamb, diiamb, elegiambus, galliambic, iamb, iambic, iambist : heal; : doctor geriatric, geriatrician, geriatrics, gyniatrics, -iasis, iatric, iatrochemistry, iatrogenic, iatrogenically, iatromechanics, iatrophysics, kinesiatric, orthopsychiatry, otiatric, pediatric, pediatrician, pediatrics, podiatrist, podiatry, psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychiatry, psychogeriatrics : jasper jasper, jasperoid : Spain Celtiberian, Iberia, Iberian : bird ibis : mallow, marshmallow hibiscus : see idea, ideal, idealess, idealism, idealist, idealistic, ideality, idealization, idealize, ideally, ideaphoria, ideate, ideation, idee fixe (Fr), ideoglyph, ideogram, ideograph, ideographic, ideography, ideokinetic, ideolatry, ideological, ideologically, ideologist, ideologue, ideology, ideo-motion, ideo-motor, ideophone, ideoplasm, ideoplastic, ideopraxis, ideosensational, idol, idolater, idolatrous, idolatrously, idolatry, idolize, idoloclast, idolographical, idolomancy, idiolomania, idolothyte, idolum, idyl, idyllic, kaleidograph, kaleidophone, kaleidoscope, kaleidoscopic, monoideism, one-idea See also . : one’s own; : individual idiasm, idioblast, idiochromosome, idiocrasy, idiocy, idioglossia, idioglottis, idiogram, idiograph, idiographic, idiographical, idiolalia, idiolect, idiom, idiomatic, idiomatically, idiometer, idiomorphic, idiomorphism, idiomuscular, idioneural, idiopathic, idiopathy, idiophanous, idiophone, idiophrenic, idioplasm, idiosome, idiostatic, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, idiosyncratically, idiot, idiotic, idiotically, idiotism, idiotize, idiotropic, idiotype, idiozome, unidiomatic : sweat; : sweat dysidrosis, hidrosis, parhydrosis : holy;: priest; : temple hierarch, hierarchical, hierarchism, hierarchize, hierarchy, hieratic, hierocracy, hierodule, hierogamy, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, hieroglyphist, hierogram, hierograph, hierolatry, hierology, hieromancy, hierophant, hieroscopy, hierurgy, Jerome, Jerusalem : sit synizesis stand, send aphesis, aphetic, catheter, catherize, diesis, enema, molybdoparesis, paresis, paretic, synesis : straight ithyphallic, ithyphallus : Icarus Icarian, Icarus : cheerful exhilirate, exhiliration, exhilirative, hilarious, hilariously, hilarity, Hilary : troop homilete, homiletic, homiletical, homiletics, homilist, homilize, homily : Ilium Iliad, Iliadic, Ilium : indigo India, Indian, Indiana, Indianapolis, Indian Ocean, Indic, Indies, indigo, indigoferous, indium, Indo-European, thioindigo : Ixion ixiolite, Ixion, Ixionian : violet di-iode, ianthine, iode, iodic, iodide, iodiferous, iodimetery, iodinate, iodination, iodine, iodism, iodization, iodize, iodizer, iodoform, iodopsin, iodous, iopterous, photoiode : horse; : horseman eohippic, eohippus, ephippium, Felipe, Filipino, hippic, hippoboscid, hippocampus, hippocaust, Hippocratic, Hippocrene, hippodrome, hippogriff, hippogriffin, hippogryph, hippoid, hippolith, hippology, hippomania, hippophagy, hippophile, hippophobia, hippopotamian, hippopotamus, hippotigrine, hippotomy, hippurite, mesohippus, miohippus, orohippus, Phil, Philip, Philippic, Philippine, protohippus, Xanthippe : rainbow iridaceous, iridectomize, iridectomy, iridesce, iridescence, iridescent, iridescently, iridium, iridization, iridize, iridocyte, iridology, iridotomy, iris, iritic, iritis : narrow passage, neck isthmiate, isthmic, isthmus, paristhmic, paristhmion, transisthmian : equal anistropy, geoisotherm, isallobar, isallotherm, isapostolic, isarithm, isentropic, isobar, isobaric, isobase, isobasic, isobathic, isocarpous, isocenter, isocephaly, isochemical, isochromatic, isochronal, isochronous, isoclinal, isocline, isocracy, isodactylous, isodiametric, isodont, isodynamic, isoelectric, isoelectronic, isoenzyme, isogamete, isogamy, isogen, isogenous, isogeothermal, isogloss, isognathous, isogon, isogonal, isogonic, isograde, isograft, isogram, isograph, isohel, isohydric, isohyetal, isoionic, isokinetic, isologue, isolux, isomer, isomeric, isomerize, isomerous, isometric, isomagnetic, isometric, isometry, isomorph, isomorphic, isomorphism, isomorphous, isonomic, isonomy, isonuclear, isooctane, isopachyte, isoperimeter, isophane, isophone, isophorous, isophotal, isophote, isopleth, isopleural, isopleuron, isopod, isopolity, isopterous, isopycnal, isopycnic, isopycnosis, isopyre, isorhythm, isorhythmic, isosbestic, isosceles, isoseismal, isoseismic, isopspin, isostasy, isostatic, isotere, isoteric, isostich, isosyllabic, isotactic, isotheral, isothere, isotherm, isothermal, isotome, isotone, isotonic, isotope, isotopic, isotopically, isotopy, isotron, isotropic, isotropy, isotype, isotypic, isozoic, isozooid, isozyme, pantisocracy, pantisocrat, parison, radioisotope : stand; : stade aerostat, aerostatics, antistatic, apostasy, apostate, astatic, astatine, AWACS, bacteriostasis, barostat, biostatic, chemostat, coelostat, cryostat, cryptosystem, deuterosystematic, diastasis, diasystem, diasystematic, ecosystem, ectasiate, ectasy, ecstatic, ecstatical, ecstatically, ecstasis, ecstasize, electrostatic, electrostatics, enhypostasia, enhypostatize, epistatic, geostatics, goniostat, gyrostat, gyrostatics, heliostat, hemisystematic, hemostasis, hemostat, hemostatic, heterostatic, holosystematic, homeostasis, homeostat, homeostatic, homostatic, homosystematic, hydrostat, hydrostatics, hygrostat, hyperstatic, hypostasis, hypostatic, iconostasis, idiostatic, interstadial, isostasy, isostatic, katastate, klinostat, lexicostatistic, lithectasy, manostat, menostasis, merosystematic, mesostasis, metastatic, metastasis, metastasize, metasystem, microsystem, monostatic, monosystemic, ophthalmostat, orthostat, orthostatic, photostat, photosystem, polysystemic, potentiostate, prostatalgia, prostatectomy, prostatitis, prostalith, prostate, prostatic, prostatism, pyrostat, rheostat, rheostatic, siderostat, sociostatic, solar system, somatostatin, soundsystem, stade, stadial, stadiometer, stadium, stasimon, stasimorphy, stasiology, stasipatric, stasis, stathmokinesis, static, statical, statically, staticisor, static pressure, statics, stereostatic, stiction, storm system, systatic, system, system analysis, systematic, systematical, systematically, systematician, systematicity, systematist, systematize, system design, systemic, systemist, systemize, systemless, thermostat, thermostatics, unsystematic, venostasis, wave system, weapon system : tissue antihistamine, antihistemic, histamine, histemic, histoclastic, histocyte, histogen, histogenesis, histogenic, histogeny, histogram, histological, histology, histolysis, histoplasmosis, histotomy, histozyme, neurohistology : learned; : inquiry ahistorical, biohistorical, biohistory, ethnohistory, historian, historic, historical, historically, historicism, historicize, historiographer, historiography, historiology, historiometry, history, natural history, nonhistorical, prehistoric, prehistory, protohistoric, psychohistory, storied, story, storyless, storyline, storyteller, storytelling, transhistorical, world history : hip-joint ischialgia, ischiocele, ischium, sciatic, sciatica : hold: see : Italy Italian, Italianate, Italianize, italic, italicize, Italy : wryneck, charm jinx : fish dinichthys, ichthyic, ichthyism, ichthyoid, ichthyography, ichthyologist, ichthyolatry, ichthyology, ichthyomorphic, ichthyophagous, ichthyopsid, ichthyornis, ichthyosaur, ichthyosaurus, ichthyosis, ichthys : track ichneumon, ichnite, ichnography, ichnolite, ichnology, ornithichnite : ichor ichor, ichorous, petrichor : Ionic Ionian, Ionic : iota iota, iotacism, jot, jotter : Cadmus Cadmean, cadmium, Cadmus, calamine : clean;: clean catharsis, cathartic, katharometer, katharophore : sit down; : chair: see : holding: see : see : new Cainozoic, cenozoic, encenia, Eocene, holocene, kenogenesis, Miocene, Neocene, Oligocene, Paleocene, Pleistocene, Pliocene : proper time kairos : burn; : chimney becalm, calm, calmer, calmly, calmness, caustic, caustically, causticity, cauterization, cauterize, cautery, chimney, chimney sweep, diacaustic, encaustic, encaustically, hippocaust, holocaust, hypocaust, hypocaustic, ink, inkblot, inkhorn, inkstand, inkwell, inky : bad caco-, cacodemon, cacodoxy, cacogenics, cacoglossia, cacography, cacology, cacomorphia, caconym, cacophonous, cacoplastic, cacorhythmic, cacophony, kako-, kakistocracy, kakistocrat, kakotopia, traumatocace : cactus cactaceous, cactoid, cactus, echinocactus : reed calamus : call; : bring accusation;: assembly; : summon ecclesia, ecclesial, ecclesiarch, ecclesiarchy, ecclesialogical, ecclesialogy, Ecclesiast, Ecclesiastes, ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical, ecclesiastically, ecclesiasticism, ecclesiocentric, eclesiography, ecclesiolatry, ecclesiologic, ecclesiological, ecclesiologically, ecclesiologist, ecclesiology, ecclesiology, paraclete : beautiful; : beauty calligraph, calligrapher, calligraphist, calligraphy, Calliope, Calliopean, callipygian, callipygous, callipygously, cal(l)isthenic(s), calomel, calotype, kaleidograph, kaleidophone, kaleidoscope, kaleidoscopic, kalokagathia, kalotrope : conceal apocalypse, apocalyptic, eucalyptus : cup, covering caliciform, calicle, calix, calycle, calyculus, calyx, chalice, epicalyx, gonocalyx : chamber antechamber, bedchamber, bicameral, camaraderie, camber, camcorder, camera, cameral, cameraman, camerlingo, chamber, chamberlain, chambermaid, chamber-pot, chum (see OED note; W3 yes), chumminess, chummy, comrade, comradeless, comradeliness, comradely, comradery, comradeship, concamerate, concameration, duocameral, in camera, Jaycee, microcamera, minicamera, on-camera, radiocamera, space chamber, star-chamber, telecamera, unicameral, videocam, videocamera, webcam : camel camel, camelback, camelopard, Camelopardalus : oven: see : bending backgammon, campodeiform, campylospermous, campylotropous, doorjamb, gambol, gammon, jamb : sea monster hippocampus : corner of eye cant (vb), decant, decantation, decanter, encanthis, epicanthus : reed; : ruler, stright rod canasta, canaster, cane, canister, cannon, cannonade, cannonally, cannonball, cannoneer, cannon fodder, canon, canoness, canonic, canonical, canonicity, canonist, canonization, canonize, canon law, canyon, decanonize, discanonize, extracanonical, nomocanon, uncanonical, water cannon See OED: canal, channel : hemp cannabic, cannabis, canvas, canvasback, canvass, canvasser : smoke capnomancy, kapnography : kappa Phi Beta Kappa : beetle caravel, carvel : heart bradycardia, cardiac, cardialgia, cardialgy, cardiogram, cardiograph, cardiographic, cardiographics, cardiography, cardioid, cardioversion, cardiologist, cardiology, cardiolysis, cardiomegaly, cardiometer, cardiomotor, cardiopathy, cardiopulmonary, cardiovascular, carditis, cordialgic, cordignostic, coriology, dexicardia, echocardiogram, EKG, electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph, endocardial, endocarditis, endocardium, epicardium, exocardial, haplocardiac, hydrocardia, hypercardia, intracardiac, megalocardia, monocardia, myocardia, myocarditis, myocardium, pachycardian, pericardial, pericarditis, pericardium, phonocardiogram, phonocardiograph, phonocardiography, stenocardia, tachycardia : crab (See also L. cancer,) carcinogen, carcinogenesis, carcinogenetic, carcinogenic, carcinoid, carcinology, carcinolytic, carcinoma, carcinosis, procarcinogen : caraway caraway : stupor carotid : fruit acarpous, angiocarp, angiocarpous, anthocarp, anthocarpous, artocarpad, ascocarp, blastocarpous, carpel, carpology, carpophagous, carpophore, caulocarpous, chrysocarpous, cleistocarp, cochliocarpous, conocarp, cremocarp, cryptocarp, cryptocarpous, cystocarp, dialycarpel, dialycarpous, dicarpelary, dipterocarp, discocarp, encarpous, endocarp, epicarp, exocarp, gymnocarpous, hebecarpous, hemicarp, homocarpous, isocarpous, lithocarp, macrocarpa, megalocarpous, mericarp, mesocarp, microcarpous, monocarp, oligocarpous, orthocarpous, oxycarpous, pachycarpous, parthenocarpy, pericarp, physocarpous, platycarpous, pleurocarpous, podocarp, polycarpous, procarp, pseudocarp, rhizocarpous, sarcocarp, schizocarp, sporocarp, streptocarpus, syncarp, syncarpous, trachycarpous, tricarpous, xanthocarpous : wrist (Not in LS.) carpal, carpus, metacarpal, metacarpus : Caryae caryatid : nut akaryote, dikaryon, dilaryophase, eukaryote, homokaryotic, karyogamy, karyogram, karyokinesis, karyology, karyolymph, karyolysis, karyomere, karyomitosis, karyoplasm, karyosome, karyotheca, karyotin, karyotype, karyotypic, monokaryon, perikaryon, prokaryon, prokaryote, prokaryotic, thelykarotic : carrot carrot Cassandra Cassandra : cassia cassia : tin cassiterite : chestnut-tree castanet, chestnut (In OED, not in LS.) : beaver castor, Castor, castoreum, castor oil : down e.g., biocatalyst, catabolism, catalyst, catapult, catastrophe, category, katabasis etc. See OED: cataract Note both spellings in English: cata- and kata-. : assertion; see : oral instruction; see : caul caulocarpous, patchycaul : cedar cedar : lie asleep, lie dead; : deep sleep; : put to sleep cemetery, coma, comatose, narcoma, psychocoma : path; : follow acolyte, anacoluthlon : the Celts Celt, Celtiberian, Celtic, Celtics : empty cenotaph, keneme, kenosis, kenotic, kenotron, kenozooid : Centaur (See + .) : prick; : girdle acentric, acrocentric, Afrocentric, Afrocentrism, anthropocentric, bicentral, biocentric, centaur, Centaurus, centaury, center, centerpiece, central, centralism, centralist, centrality, centralization, centralize, centralizer, centric, centrification, centrifugal, centrifuge, centrify, centripetal, centripetally, centrist, centrobaric, centromere, cestus, Christocentric, CIA, concentrate, concentrated, concentratedly, concentration, concentrative, concentrativeness, concentrator, concenter, concentric, concentrical, concentrically, concentricity, cosmocentric, cyclocentric, cytocentrifuge, decenter, decntralist, decentralization, decentralize, decentralizer, deconcentrate, deconcentration, dicentric, eccentric, eccentrical, eccentrically, eccentricity, eccelsiocentric, egocentric, egocentricity, endocentric, epicenter, epicentral, epicentric, ethnocentric, ethnocentricity, ethnocentrism, exocentric, geocentric, geocentrism, germcenter, gynecocentric, heliocentric, heliocentrism, homocentric, hypocenter, incenter, isocenter, kentrogon, kentrolite, logocentric, logocentrism, metacenter, metacentric, monocentric, multicentered, neurocentral, noncentral, off-center, orocentral, orthocenter, overcentralization, overcentralize, paracentesis, paracentral, paracentric, patricentric, phallocentric, phallocentrism, planetocentric, polycentric, polycentrism, postcentral, psychocentral, psychocentric, reading center, reconcentratation, reconcentrate, selenocentric, self-centered, sociocentric, stereocentric, telecentric, telocentric, theocentric, theocentrism, three-center, topocentric, tourist center, tricentral, ultracentrifuge, weather center, word center, writing center, xenocentric, youth center, zenocentric, zone center, zoocentric : clay ceramic, ceramics mix; : mixing; : bowl crasis, crater, crateral, cratered, crateriform, dyscrasia, dyscrassic, dyscrasite, dyscrasy, eucrasia, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, idiosyncratically, metacrasis, theocrasy : horn carat, ceratocele, ceratoid, ceratoplasty, ceratosaurus, ceratotome, cherry, cherry pick, cherry picker, coxocerite, criocerite, cryptocerite, cryptocerous, cyrtoceratid, decacerous, Dinoceras, eurycerous, glycoceraphyte, helocerous, keracele, keralite, keraphyllite, karaphyllous, karat, keratectomy, keratic, keratin, keratinocyte, keratinolysis, keratinophlic, keratitis, keratoconus, keratoderma, keratogenesis, keratogenous, keratoglobous, keratoid, keratolysis, keratolytic, keratoma, keratometer, keratomy, keratopathy, keratophyre, keratoplasty, keratoscope, keratose, keratosis, keratome, keratomy, kerogen, megacerous, microceratous, monoceros, nemocerous, orthoceras, petalocerous, procerite, protocere, rhinoceros, tinoceratid, triceratops : cherry-tree cherry, cherry pick, cherry picker : thunderbolt ceraunograph, ceraunoscope : tail diphyceral, gephrocercal, heterocercal, homocercal, onchocercal, onchocerciasis, protocercal : girdle, stitched, embroidered: see : head acephalic, acephalous, acrocephaly, androcephalous, anencephalous, anencephaly, autocephalous, bicephalous, brachycephalic, cephalalgia, cephalalgic, cephalalgy, cephalic, cephalochordata, cephalometry, cephalopod, cephelotomy, cephalous, chamaecephaly, criocephalous, cyclocephalous, cylindrocephalic, Cynocephalae, cynocephalic, cynocephalous, cryptocephalic, decephalize, deutencephalon, dicephalous, diencephalon, discocephalic, dolichocephal, dolichocephalic, dolichocephaly, electroencephalogram, electroencephalograph, encephalic, encephalitic, encephalitis, encephalitogenic, encephalization, encephlocele, encephalogram, encephlograph, encephaloid, encephalolith, encephalology, encephalomyelitis, encephalon, encephalopathy, encephalous, enkephalin, epencephalic, epencephalon, eurycephalic, gnathocephalic, holocephalic, homeocephalic, hydrocephalic, hydrocephalous, hydrocephaly, infracephalic, intracephalic, isocephaly, jugulocephalic, klinocephalous, leptocephalus, lissencephalous, macrocephalic, mecistocephalic, megacephalic, megalocephalic, mesaticephalic, mesencephalic, mesencephaon, mesocephalic, metencephalon, micrencephaly, microcephalic, microcephalism, microcephalous, microcephalus, microcephaly, monocephalous, monocephalus, myelencephalon, neencephalon, ophiocephaloid, ornithocephalous, orthocephalic, oxycephalic, pachycephalic, palencephalon, parencephalon, pericephalic, plagiocephalic, platycephalic, plerocephalic, polioencephalitis, postcephalic, procephalic, procephalon, prosencephalon, protencephalon, pyrgocephalic, rhinencephalon, rhizocephalous, scaphocephalus, sphenocephaly, stegocephalous, stenocephalic, tapinocephalic, telencephalon, teleocephal, thalamencephalon, tricephalic : care for (n), trouble acedia, epicede, epicedian, epicedium : tumor bronchocele, ceratocele, cystocele, elytrocele, encephalocele, enterohydrocele, glossocele, hematocele, hepatocele, hydrocele, hysterocele, ischiocele, kerocele, meningocele, merocele, mucocele, myelocele, nephrocele, oariocele, omentocele, ophthalmocele, orchidocele, orchiocele, oscheocele, osphyocele, pharyngocele, pleurocele, pneumatocele, pneumocele, proctocele, sarcocele, thyrocele, tracheocele, varicocele : wax (See also cera.) cerography, ceroplasty, kerogen, kerosene, meliceris, ozocerite, sycoceric : herald caduceus : whale cetacean, cetic, ceteosaur, cetology, Cetus, denticete, spermaceti : Cepheus Cepheid, Cepheus : lyre cithara, citharist, guitar, guitarist, zither : set in motion akinesia, akinetic, autokinetic, biokinetics, bradykinesia, bradykinesis, chemokinetic, cinema, cinemascope, cinematheque, cinematic, cinematically, cinematics, cinematize, cinematograph, cinematographer, cinetmatography, cinemobile, cinephile, cinerama, cytokinin, cytokinesis, cytokinetic, diakinesis, diskinesia, electrokinetics, enterokinase, heterokinesy, hexokinase, hydrokinetic, hyperkinesis, hyperkinetic, hypokinetic, ideokinetic, interkinesis, isokinetic, karyokinesis, kine, kinematics, kineme, kineograph, kinesalgia, kinesiatric, kinescope, kinesic, kinesics, kinesimeter, kinesiologist, kinesiology, kinesiometer, kinesipath, kinesis, kineticism, kinesiscope, kinesitherapy, kinesodic, kinesthesia, kinetic, kinetically, kineticism, kineticist, kinetics, kinetogenesis, kinetodesma, kinetogram, kinetograph, kinetonucleus, kinetophone, kinetoplast, kinetoscope, kinetosis, kinetosome, klinokinetic, metakinesis, optokinetic, orthokinesis, orthokinetic, parakinesis, pharmacokinetics, photokinesis, prokinesis, prokinetic, psychokinesia, psychokinesis, psychokinetic, stathmokinesis, streptokinase, synkinetic, telekin, telekinesis, telekinetic, thermokinematics, thigmokinesis, urokinase : tawny cirrholite, cirrhosis, cirrhotic : ivy cissoid : basket chest, cist, cistern : chicory chicory : break; : branch anaclastic, biblioclasm, biblioclast, cataclasm, cataclastic, clade, cladism, cladist, cladistic(s), cladogenesis, clastic, clematis, cranioclasm, cranioclast, cryptoclastic, dendroclastic, diaclastic, disdiaclast, dysclasite, epiclastic, hebecladous, histoclastic, iconoclasm, iconoclast, iconoclastic, idoloclast, lithoclast, microclastic, mythoclastic, oligoclase, orthoclase, osteoclasis, osteoclast, panclastic, panclastite, plagioclase, plagioclastic, polyclad, proteoclastic, pyroclastic, rhomboclase, synclastic, triclad, volcaniclastic : shut cleisto-, cleistocarp, cleistogamic, cleistogamous, cleistogsmy, cleistogenous, cleithral, clithral, clitoridectomy, clitoris, diclesium, ophicleide : steal; : thief; : theft biblioklept, clepsydra, cleptocracy, cynklept, klepht, kleptobiosis, kleptocracy, kleptolagnia, kleptomania, kleptomaniac : make famous; : famous Cleo, Cleopatra, Clio, Heracles, Heraclid, herculean, Hercules : lot anticlerical, clergy, clergyman, clergywoman, cleric, clerical, clericalism, clericalist, clerically, clerisy, clerk, clerkly, clerkship, cleromancy, cleronomy, nonclerical : bend; : ladder; : slope, zone; : bed (See L. clino.) acclimate, acclimatization, acclimatize, anaclitic, anticlimactic, anticlimax, anticline, bioclimatic, bioclimatology, climacteric, climactic, climactically, climate, climatic, climatography, climatological, climatologist, climatology, climatotherapy, climax, clime, climograph, cline, clinic, clinical, clinically, clinician, clinographic, clinoid, clinometer, clinometric, clitic, cryptoclite, cycloclinal, dendroclimatology, diaclinal, diclinic, diclinism, diclinous, disclimax, ecoclimate, enclisis, enclitic, endoclinal, epiclinal, exoclinal, geoclinal, geosynclinal, geosyncline, helicline, heteroclite, homoclime, homocline, isoclinal, isocline, klinocephalous, klinokinetic, klinostat, klinotaxis, matroclinal, matroclinous, microclimate, monoclinal, monocline, monoclinic, monoclinous, orocline, paleoclimatologist, paleoclimatology, paraclinical, patroclinous, phytoclimate, policlinic, polyclimax, polyclinic, postclitic, proclimax, procline, proclisis, proclitic, synclinal, syncline, synclitic, thermocline, topocline, triclinic For incline, decline etc. see L. clivis. : wash away, dash over cataclysm, cataclysmal, cataclysmally, cataclysmic, clyster, klydonograph, klyster, klystron, venoclysis : twig clonal, clone, monclonal, polyclonal : nettle cnidarian, cnidoblast, cnidocyst, cnidocyte, cnidogenous : mussel cockle, cocoon, conch, concha, conche, concher, conchifer, conchifera, conchiferous, conchiform, conchifragous, conchite, conchitic, conchitis, conchoid, conchoidal, conchoidally, conchological, conchology, conchometer, conchoscope, conchospiral, conchotome, conchylaceous, conchylia, coquina, dissoconch, protoconch : high boot cothurn, cothurnal, cothurnate, cothurnus : hollow coelacanth, coelenteron, coelia, coeliac, coeliotomy, coeloblast, coelodont, Coelomata, coelomate, coelome, coelon, coelosperm, coelospermous, dendrocoele, enterocoele, epicoelia, gonocoele, hemocoele, hydrocoele, mesocoele, metacoele, monocoelic, myelocoele, myocoele, neurocoele, omphalocoele, opisthocoelous, orthocoelic, pleurocoele, procoelous, pseudocoele, schizocoele I have retained the -oe- spelling to distinguish from derivatives of . : put to sleep: see : common cenobite, coenoblast, coenocyte, coenogamy, coenopodous, coenospecies, coenure, coinonomic, epicene, koine, koinonia, phytocoenosis : doum-palm cycad, cycadaceous, cycadeous, cycadiform, cycadite : grain coccid, coccoid, coccolith, coccule, coccus, cochineal, cryptococosis, cytococcus, dicoccous, echinococcus, enterococcus, gonococcus, meningococcus, myxococcus, pneumococcus, polycoccous, protococcus, pyococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus : cuckoo coccygeal, coccyx, cuckold : stroke; : peck at cope, coppice, copse, coup, coupe, coupon, decoupage, recoup : sheath coleopter, Coleoptera, coleopterous : glue collage, collagen, collagenous, collemia, colleter, colleterial, colletic, collidine, colligative, collodion, collograph, colloid, colloidal, collophane, collophore, collotype, gradocol, HTTP, hydrocolloid, osteocolla, protocol, protocolaire, sarcocolla, VoIP : intestine; : shortened colectomy, coli, colic, colicky, coliform, colitis, colobium, cololite, colon, colonic, colonoscope, colonoscopy, colopexy, colorectal, colostomy, colotomy, enterocolitis, epicolic, gastrocolic, megacolon, mesocolon, pericolitis : docked colure : large statue coliseum, colossal, colossally, colosseum, colossus, supercolossal : summit colophon, colophony : bosom, womb bathocolpian, colpitis, colposcope, colpotomy, engulf, gulf, Gulf States, Gulf Stream, pericolpitis : Colchis Colchian, Colchis, colchicum : hair coma (of a comet), comal, comate, comet, cometary, cometic, cometographer, cometography, cometoid, cometology, comiferous, comoid, comose, comous, eucomis, melanocomous, philocomal : dust konimeter, koniscope : dung copragogue, copremia, copremesis, coprolalia, coprolite, coprolith, coprolitic, coprology, copromania, copromaniac, coprophagan, coprophagia, coprophagic, coprophagist, coprophagous, coprophagy, coprophile, coprophilia, coprophobia, coprosma, coprozoic, eccoprotic, ornithocoprolite : strike off apocopate, apocapation, apocope, comma, commatism, osteocomma, osteocope, percope, syncopate, syncopation, syncopator, syncope : coral coral, coralist, coralliferous, coralliform, corallin, coralline, corallite, corallitic, coralloid, coralloidal, corallum, corally, coral reef : raven coraciform, coracine, coracite, coracoid, coracoidal, coracomorphic, corcosteon : Corinth Corinth, Corinthian, Corinthianize, currant : bug coreopsis : stem cormogen, cormogenous, cormogeny, cormology, cormophyly, cormophyte : boy; : girl corectome, corectomy, coroplast, coroplastic, coroplasty, corotomy, Dioscuri, kore, kouros : Corybant Corybant, corybantic : club corynebacterium, coryneform : lark thinocorine : helmet corymb, corymbiferous, corymbiform, corymbose, coryphaeus, coryphodon, coryphodont, corythosaurus : twig corphology : crown; : curved cornice, corniculate, corolla, corollaceous, corollar, corollarize, corollary, corolliferous, corollifloral, corolliform, corolline, corollist, corona, Corona Australis, Corona Borealis, coronagraph, coronal, coronally, coronary, coronate, coronation, coroner, coronership, coronet, coroniform, coronilla, coronitis, coronofacial, coronoid, coronule, crown, crown colony, crowner, crownless, crownlet, crown prince, discrown, encrown, geocoronal, Northern Crown, paracorolla, postcrown, recrown, Southern Crown, thorn crown, uncrowned : sieve coscinomancy : order; : moderate acosmic, cosmetic(s), cosmetical, cosmetically, cosmetician, cosmetize, cosmetologist, cosmetology, cosmic, cosmical, cosmicality, cosmically, cosmism, cosmist, cosmocentric, cosmochemistry, cosmocrat, cosmocritic, cosmodrome, cosmogenesis, cosmogenetic, cosmogenic, cosmogeny, cosmognosis, cosmogonal, cosmogonic, cosmogonical, cosmogonist, cosmogony, cosmographer, cosmographic, cosmographical, cosmography, cosmogyral, cosmolabe, cosmolatry, cosmoline, cosmological, cosmologically, cosmologist, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmonautical, cosmophil, cosmophile, cosmoplastic, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitanize, cosmopolitanly, cosmopolite, cosmopolitical, cosmopolitism, cosmorama, cosmoramic, cosmos, cosmosophy, cosmosphere, cosmotheism, cosmothetic, cosmothetical, cosmotron, cosmozoic, cosmozoism, hypercosmic, loxocosm, macrocosm, microcosm, microcosmic, microcosmography, microcosmology, neocosmic, pancosmic, pancosmism : cup acotyledonous, cotula, cotyle, cotyledon, cotyledonary, cotyliform, cotyligerous, cotyloid, cotylophorous, dicot, dicotyledon, hectocotyl, hypocotyl, monocot, monocotyledon, polycotyledon : snail cochlea, cochlear, cochleariform, cochleate, cochleiform, cochliocarpous, cochlite : basket coffer, coffin, encoffin, encoffinment : cabbage crambo : skull brachycrany, cranial, cranially, craniate, craniectomy, cranioclasm, cranioclast, craniofacial, craniognomic, craniognomy, craniognosy, craniograph, craniographer, craniography, cranioid, craniological, craniologist, craniology, craniometer, craniometric, craniometrician, craniometry, craniopathy, craniophore, cranioplasty, craniopolis, cranioscope, cranioscopic, cranioscopist, cranioscopy, craniosophic, craniospinal, craniotome, craniotomy, cranium, ectocranial, endocranium, epicranium, hemicrania, hydrocranium, intercranial, mesocranial, migraine, olecranon, pericranium, platycrania, postcranial : rule; : power androcracy, antidemocratic, aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic, arithmocracy, autocracy, autocrat, autocratic, autocratically, beerocracy, bureaucracy, bureaucrat, bureaucratic, Christocratic, cleptocracy, clubocracy, cosmocrat, cottonocracy, countocracy, -cracy, -crat, cratometer, democracy, democrat, democratic, democratically, democratism, democratize, despotocracy, dulocracy, educrat, ergatocracy, foolocracy, geocratic, gerontocracy, gerontocratic, gynecocracy, gyneocracy, hierocracy, Hippocratic, isocracy, kakistocracy, kakistocrat, kleptocracy, logocracy, meritocracy, meritocratic, mesocracy, mesocratic, mobocratic, mobocracy, monocracy, monocrat, neocorate, nomocracy, ochlocracy, ochlocrat, ochlocratic, ochlocratical, orocratic, pancratiast, pancratic, pancration, pancratist, pancratium, pancratic, pantiscocracy, pantiscocrat, Pantocrator, pedantocracy, pediocratic, phallocracy, phallocrat, physiocracy, physiocrat, physiocratic, pigmentocracy, plantocracy, plutocracy, plutocrat, plutocratic, plutocratical, pluto-democracy, pornocracy, pundtitocracy, shopocracy, slavocracy, snobocracy, social democracy, sociocracy, sociocrat, stratocracy, syncracy, technocracy, technocrat, technocratic, teleocracy, thalassocracy, thalassocrat, thalassocraty, theatrocracy, theocracy, theocrat, theocratic, theodemocracy, timocracy, timocratic, typocrat, undemocratic, undemocratically : mixing bowl; see : flesh creatic, creatine, creophagism, creophagist, creophagous, creophagy, creosol, creosote, pancreas, pancreatectomy, pancreatic, pancreatin, pancreatitis, pancreatize, pancreatography, pancreatoid, pancreozymin : hang cremaster, cremasteric, cremnophobia, cremocarp : spring (of water) crenic, crenitic, Hippocrene : combine, lie, play one against another syncretic, syncretically, syncretism, syncretist, syncretistic, syncretize : barley crithomancy : ring cricoid, cricoidean : lily crinoid, encrinal, encrinic, encrinite, encrinitic, encrinoid, Encrinus : decide, judge, pick, separate; : judge; : judgment cosmocritic, crisis, criterial, criteriological, criteriology, criterion, criterional, critic, critical, criticality, critically, criticalness, criticaster, criticism, criticist, criticize, criticizer, critique, diacritic, diacritical, diacritically, eccrinology, ectocrine, endocrine, endrocrinologist, endocrinology, endocrinopathy, enterocrinin, epicritic, exocrinal, exocrine, hematocrit, holocrine, hypercritical, hypocrisy, hypocrite, hypocritical, metacriticism, metacritical, new criticism, noncritical, oneirocritic, oneirocritical, oneirocriticism, paracrine, precritical, subcritical, syncrisis, ultracritical, uncritical, uncritically : ram criocephaous, criocerate, criophore, criophorous, criosphinx : Croesus Croesus : lizard croc, crocodile, crocodile tears, crocodilian : saffron croceate, croconic, crocus : beat dicrotic, dicrotism, dicrotous : frost cryobiological, cryobiologist, cryobiology, cryogen, cryogenic, cryoglobulin, cryohydrate, cryohydric, cryolite, cryology, cryometer, cryonic, cryopedology, cryophilic, cryophillite, cryophorous, cryophorus, cryophyte, cryopreservation, cryopump, cryosar, cryoscopy, cryostat, cryosurgery, cryosurgical, cryotherapy, cryotron, cryoturbation, cryptocrystaline, cryptocrystalization, crystal, crystallic, crystalliferous, crystalliform, crystalligerous, crystalline, crystallinity, crystallite, crystallitic, crystallizable, crystallization, crystallize, crystallizer, crystallogenesis, crystallographer, crystallographic, crystallography, crystalloid, crystalloidal, crystallogy, crystallomancy, crystallometry, crystallurgy, crystally, crystalworts, crystoleum, decrystallization, intercrystaline, leucocrystal, metacryst, microcrystal, monocrystal, paleocrystic, paracrystal, polycrystal, uncrystallized : strike, test, (perhaps) stretch Procrustean, Procrustes : hide; : hidden apocryph, apocrypha, apochryphal, crypt, ryptal, cryptal, cryptesthesia, cryptic, cryptical, cryptically, crypt(o)analysis, cryptobiosis, cryptobiotic, cryptobranch, cryptobranchiate, cryptocarp, cryptocarpous, crytocephalous, cryptocerite, cryptocerous, cryptoclastic, cryptoclite, crytococosis, crypto-communist, cryptocrystaline, cryptocrystalization, crytodirous, cryptodont, cryptodynamic, cryptofascist, cryptogamia, cryptogenetic, cryptogenic, cryptogram, cryptograph, cryptographer, cryptographic, cryptographical, cryptography, cryptolin, cryptolite, cryptologist, cryptology, cryptomere, cryptomeria, cryptomonad, cryptoneurous, cryptonym, cryptomorphite, cryptonym, cryptonymous, cryptopentamerous, cryptophasia, cryptophyte, cryptoportico, cryptoquote, cryptorchid, cryptorchidism, cryptosporidium, cryptostoma, cryptosystem, cryptotelephony, cryptous, cryptovolcanic, cryptoxanthin, cryptozoa, cryptozoic, cryptozoon, cryptozygous, decrypt, decryption, decryptograph, encrypt, encryption, grot, grotesque, grotesquely, grotesqueness, grotto, holocryptic, Kr, krypton, kryptonite, procrypsis, procryptic, syncryptic, telecryptograph : comb ctenocyst, ctenodont, ctenoid, Ctenophota, ctenosphere found, build amphictyonic, amphictyony : killing theoktonic, theoktony : drinking cup cyathiform, cyathoid, cyatholith, cyathophylloid, cyathozoid : enamel, dark-blue substance acrocyanosis, anthocyanin, cyan, cyanamide, cyanate, cyanescent, cyanic, cyanicide, cyanidation, cyanide, cyanin, cyanite, cyanize, cyanogen, cyanogenic, cyanometer, cyanophilous, cyanose, cyanosis, cyanotic, cyanotype, dicyanide, hemocyanin, oxycyanide, plastocyanin, thiocyanogen, xanthocyanopsy : steer; : pilot cybercamp, cybercrime, cybernation, cyberneticist, cybernetics, cyberporn, cyberpunk, cybersecurity, cybersex, cyberspace, cyberterrorism, cyberterrorist, cyborg, govern, governance, governess, government, governmental, governmentally, governor, governorate, governorship, gubernatorial, intergovernmental, misgovern, misgovernance, misgovernment, nongovernmental, overgovern, self-govern, self-government, ungovernable, ungoverned, ungovernmental, world government : cube; : head cubage, cubangle, cube, cubic, cubical, cubicubic, cubically, cubicite, cubiform, cubism, cuboid, cuboidal, cubomancy, cybotaxis, decubital, decubitus, flashcube, hypercube, psilocybin : glory kudize, kudos : ring, circle acyclic, anticyclone, anticyclonic, barocyclometer, bicycle, bicyclist, bike, biker, concylic, countercycle, cyclad, Cyclades, Cycladic, cyclamate, cyclamin, cycle, cycler, cyclery, cyclette, cyclic, cyclical, cyclically, cyclicism, cyclide, cyclist, cyclitis, cyclize, cycloalkane, cyclobranchiate, cyclocentric, cyclocephalous, cycloclinal, cyclode, cyclodialysis, cyclogenesis, cyclogeny, cyclogram, cyclograph, cyclograher, cyclographic, cyclography, cyclohexene, cycloid, cycloidal, cyclomatic, cyclometer, cyclometry, cyclomorphosis, cyclonal, cyclone, cycloneurous, cyclonic, cyclopedia, cyclopedic, cyclopia, cyclopic, cycloplegia, cyclopoid, Cyclops, cyclopterous, cyclorama, cycloscope, cyclosis, cyclospermous, cyclospore, cyclostomatous, cyclostyle, cyclothymia, cyclotomy, cyclotron, dicycle, electrocycle, encyclic, encyclical, encyclopedia, encyclopedian, encyclopedic, encyclopedism, encyclopedist, encylopedize, epicycle, epicyclic, eucyclic, exocyclic, geocyclic, hemicycle, heterocyclic, homocyclic, hydrocycle, hypercycle, hypercycloid, kilocycle, KKK, KuKluxKlan, life cycle, logocyclic, macrocyclic, megacycle, metacyclic, microcyclic, minibike, monocycle, motorbike, motorcycle, multicyclic, noncyclic, orthocycle, pentacyclic, pericycle, phylocycle, polycyclic, recyclable, recycle, recycler, synchrocyclotron, tetracyclic, tetracyline, thermal cycle, thermocycler, trade cycle, tricycle, tricyclic, trike, unicycle, unicyclist, weather cycle : swan cygneous, cygnet, Cygnus : roll calender, cylinder, cylindraceous, cylindric, cylindrical, cylindrocephalic, cylindroform, cylindrometric : wave Cumae, cyma, cymagraph, cymophane, kymogram, kymograph, kymography hollow vessel chime, cymbal, cymbalist : cypress cupresineous, cupressite, cypress : carp cyprin, cyprinid, cyprinodont, cyprinoid : Cyprus copper, coppered, copperhead, copperize, coppernose, coppersmith, coppery, Cu, cuprammonia, cuprammonium, cuprate, cupreous, cupric, cupriferous, cuprite, cuproid, cuprous, Cyprian, cypriferous, Cypriot(e), Cyprus : power; : valid church, church-goer, churchless, churchlike, churchman, churchwarden, churchyard, curiologic, kirk, Kyrie, Kyrie eleison, megachurch : bulging cyrtoceratid, cyrtograph, cyrtolite, cyrtometer, kurtosis, leptokurtic, mesokurtic, platykurtic : swift cypseline, cypselous : bent cyphonism, cyphosis, cyphotic, kyphosis : be pregnant; : bladder; : hollow astrocytoma, blastocyst, blastocyte, choanocyte, cholecyst, cholecystectomy, chondrocyte, chromatocyte, cnidocyst, cnidocyte, coenocyte, ctenocyst, cyesiology, cyst, cystalgia, cystectomy, cystic, cystical, cysticolous, cysticotomy, cystid, cystiferous, cystiform, cystigerous, cystitis, cystitome, cystocarp, cystocele, cystocyte, cystogenous, cystoid, cystolith, cystome, cystometer, cystoplast, cystorrhea, cystoma, cystoscope, cystospasm, cystotome, cystotomy, cytase, ctenocyst, cytoblast, cytocentrifuge, cytochemistry, cytochrome, cytocidal, cytocidally, cytococcus, cytodiagnosis, cytode, cytogamy, cytogenesis, cytogenetics, cytoid, cytokinesis, cytokinetic, cytokinin, cytologist, cytology, cytolysis, cytopathic, cytopathology, cytoplasm, cytostome, cytotaxic, cytotaxonomy, cytotropic, cytozoa, dacryocystitis, ectocyst, electrocyte, encyst, encystation, encystment, endocyst, entocyst, endocytosis, epicyte, erythrocyte, exocytosis, fibrocystic, gametocyte, gonocyte, gonocyte, granulocyte, gymnocyte, hematocyte, hemoleucocyte, hepatocystic, heterocyst, histocyte, hydrocyst, hypnocyst, hysterocyst, immunocyte, intracystic, iridocyte, keratinocyte, leucocyte, leucocytosis, lithocyst, lymphocyte, macrocyst, macrocyte, megalocyte, melanocyte, merocyte, mesocyst, microcyst, microcyte, monocyst, monocyte, mycetocyte, myelocyte, myocyte, nectocyst, nematocyst, nephrocyte, neurocyte, nonelectrocyte, normocyte, ocellicyst, oligocystic, oligocythemia, oligodendrocyte, oocyst, oocyte, osteocyte, otocyst, ovicyst, ovocyte, paracyst, phacocyst, phagocyte, phenocyst, pinocytosis, pituicyte, plasmacyte, plasmocyte, pleocytosis, pneumatocyst, poikilocyte, polycystic, precystic, pseudocyesis, pseudocyst, pyocyte, reticulocyte, sarcocyst, sarcocyte, sicklocyte, siderocyte, solenocyte, spermatocyte, splenocyte, sporocyst, streptocyte, syncytium, thrombocyte, thymocyte, trophocyte, tubulocyst, urocystitis, xenocyst, zymocyte : dog cynegetics, cynic, cynical, cynically, cynicism, Cynocephalae, cynocephalic, cynocephalous, cynodont, cynodontism, cynoid, cynoklept, cynologist, cynology, cynomorphic, cynology, cynomorphic, cynophilia, cynophilist, cynophobia, cynopodous, cynosural, cynosure, cynurenic, dicynodont, philocynic, Procyon, procyonid, quinsy : fish gobiform, goby, gudgeon : head codeine : limb colon (:), colometric, colometry, dicolic, semicolon, tetracolon, tricolic : see : village neocomian : revelry comedial, comedian, comedic, comedienne, comedist, comedy, comic, comical, comicality, comically, comic strip, encomiast, encomiastic, encomiastically, encomium, seriocomic, sitcom, tragicomedy, tragicomic : hemlock conine, conium : cone biconical, cone, conencyma, conic, conical, conically, conicoid, conics, conifer, coniferin, coniderization, coniferous, coniform, conocarp, conocuneus, conodont, conoid, conoidal, conure, conus, deuteroconid, keratoconus, metacone, nosecone, orthocone, paracone, paraconid, phragmocone, pinecone, polyconic, protocone, protoconid : gnat canape, canopy : handle copepod, copepodid ; dull cophosis : labarum labarum : maze; : two-headed axe labyrinth, labyrinthiform, labyrinthine, labyrinthitis, labyrinthodon : lust algolagnia, kleptolagnia, urolagnia : hare lagomorph, lagopode, lagopodous, lagopthalmus, lagopus : pond, cistern laccolite, laccolith, laccolithic : Spartan Laconian, laconic, laconically, laconicism, laconicum, laconism, Laconize : talk coprolalia, dyslalia, echolalia, glossolalia, idiolalia, mogilalism, palilalia, paralalia, xenolalia : seize analemma, astrolabe, catalepsy, cataleptic, cosmolabe, decasyllabic, decasyllable, diabolepsy, dilemma, dilemmatic, disyllabic, disyllabically, disyllabification, disyllabify, dissylabism, disyllabize, dissylable, dodecasyllabic, dodecasyllable, epanalepsis, epilepsy, epileptic, epileptiform, epileptigenic, hendecasyllabic, heptasyllabic, hexasyllabic, imparisyllabic, isosyllabic, lemma, lemmatization, lemmatize, litholabe, mesolabe, mesolabic, metalepsis, metaleptic, monosyllable, narcolepsy, narcoleptic, nonsyllabic, nympholepsy, nympholept, nympholeptic, octosyllabic, oligosyllabic, oolemma, organoleptic, parisyllabic, pentalemma, perisyllabic, perissosyllabic, plurisyllabic, polylemma, polysyllabic, polysyllable, procatalepsis, prolepsis, proleptic, prosopolespsy, pyknolepsy, syllabary, syllabation, syllabic, syllabically, syllabification, syllabify, syllabism, syllabize, syllable, syllabus, syllepsis, tautosyllabic, tetralemma, tetrasyllabic, tetrasyllable, theolepsy, thymoleptic, trilemma, trisyllabic, trisyllable : lambda dilambodent, lambda, lambdacism, lambdoidal : shine; : bright arc-lamp, lamp, lampadedromy, lampadephor, lampblack, lampistry, lamplight, lamplighter, lantern : people laic, laical, laicism, laicization, laicize, laity, layman, laypeople, layperson, laywoman, liturgic, liturgical, liturgics, liturgiologist, liturgism, liturgist, liturgy, Nicholas : flank laparascope, laparascopy, laparotomy : windpipe endolaryngeal, laryngeal, laryngealize, laryngectomy, laryngitic, laryngitis, laryngology, laryngophone, laryngoscope, laryngetomize, laryngotomy, larynx, otolaryngologist, otolaryngology, otorhinolaryngology, : drop of wine latex, laticiferous : servant; : serve angelolatry, astrolatry, autolatry, bardolatry, bibliolatry, cosmolatry, demonolatry, dendrolatry, ecclesialatry, epeolatry, epistolatry, gastrolatry, grammtolatry, gyneolatry, hagiolater, hagiolatry, heliolatry, hierolatry, ichthyolatry, iconolater, iconolatry, ideolatry, idolater, idolatrize, idolatrous, idolatrously, idolatry, latria, litholatry, logolatry, Mariolater, Mariolatry, martyrolatry, mobolatry, monolater, monolatry, necrolatry, negrolatry, onolatry, ophiolater, ophiolatry, paleolatry, papolatry, parthenolatry, physiolater, physiolatry, planetolatry, plutolatry, poetolatry, psycholatry, pyrolatry, staurolatry, symbolatry, symbololatry, theolatry, theriolatry, therolatry, uranolatry, zoolatry : pick, speak; : collect (See also .) acrolect, acrolectal, analect, analects, bidialecticist, catalectic, dialect, dialectic, dialectical, dialectically, dialectician, dialecticism, dialectology, eccelctic, eclectical, eclectically, eclecticism, eclectcize, eclectism, ecclecticism, hapax legemon, lectotype, lexeme, lexemic, lexical, lexically, lexicograph, lexicographer, lexicography, lexicology, lexicon, lexiconize, lexicostatistic, lexigram, lexigraphy, lexis, mesolect, monodialectic, morpholexical, oligolectic, paralexia, paralexic, polylectal, prolegomenon, prolegomenous : leave ecclipsable, eclipse, eclipser, eclipsis, ecliptic, ecliptical, ecliptically, eclipticity, ellipse, ellipsis, ellipsograph, ellipsoid, ellipsoidal, elliptical, elliptically, ellipticity, lipogram, lipography, menolipsis, metalepsic, metalepsis, paralepsis, paralipsis : lily dasyliron, liliaceous, lily, lilyflower, lilylike, lily-livered, sea lily, water lily : tree-moss lichen, lichenicolous, lichenification, licheniform, lichenivorous, lichenographist, lichenography, lichenoid, lichenology, lichenophagous : fine, narrow leptocephalus, leptodactylous, leptokurtic, lepton, leptophyllous, leptorrhine, leptosomic, leptotene : peel; : leper lepidate, lepidote, lepidopterist, lepidopterology, lepidopteron, lepidopterous, leper, leprophil, leprophobia, leprosarium, leprosy, leprous : Lesbos lesbian, lesbianism, lesbo, Lesbos, lizzie, lizzy : white hemoleucocyte, leucite, leucitite, leucocholy, leucocrystal, leucocyte, leucocytosis, leucoderm, leucodermia, leucodermic, leucoma, leucopathy, leucopenia, leucopenic, leucophane, leucoplast, leucopoiesis, leucorrhea, leucoscope, leucosis, leucotomy, leucovorin, leukemia, leukemic, leukemogen, leukemogenic, leukergy, leukodermia, leukorrhea, leukovirus, ornitholeucism, tyroleukin : lion; : lioness chameleon, chameleonesque, chameleonic, dandelion, Leo, Leonard, leoncito, Leonid, leonine, leopard, liger, lion, lioness, lion-hearted, lionize, mountain lion, sea lion, tigon OED suggests leo, not may be the primary influence on all English derivatives. : shrub (mastich) laudanum : stop catalectic, dicatalectic : forgetfulness; : be unaware lethargic, lethargically, lethargy, Lethe, Lethean N.B. OED derives lethal from letum; OLD does not associate amd letum. : ribbon lemniscate, lemniscus : stone acrolith, aeneolithic, aerolithology, antholite, batholith, chalcolite, chalcolithic, cholelith, chololith, chromolith, chrysolite, cirrholite, coccolith, cololite, coprolite, coprolith, coprolitic, cyatholith, cyrolite, cyrtolite, cystolith, dacryolith, datolite, dendrolite, discolith, encephalolith, endolith, enterolite, enterolith, entomolite, eolite, eolith, eolithic, epilithic, gastrolith, gigantolite, gompholite, granolithic, hagiolith, heliolithic, hepatolith, hippolith, hydrolith, hypolithic, ichnolite, inolith, ixiolite, kentrolite, keralite, laccolite, laccolith, laccolithic, lithanode, lithanthrax, lithectasy, lithiasis, lithic, lithifaction, lithification, lithify, lithiophorite, lithium, lithobiotic, lithocarp, lithochrome, lithochromy, lithoclast, lithocyst, lithodialysis, lithogenesis, lithogenous, lithoglyph, lithograph, lithographer, lithographic, lithography, lithoid, litholabe, litholatry, lithological, lithology, litholysis, litholytic, lithomancy, lithomerge, lithometer, lithophagous, lithophane, lithophany, lithophile, lithophilous, lithophone, lithophosphoric, lithophyte, lithoprint, lithoscope, lithosphere, lithosperm, lithospore, lithotome, lithotomist, lithotomy, lithotripsy, lithotriptor, lithotrite, lithotritor, lithotrity, lithotype, lithuria, lithurorrhea, lopolith, megalith, megalithic, melilite, mesolithic, meteorolite, microlith, microlithic, miolithic, monolith, monolithic, neolite, neolith, neolithic, nephrolith, nephrolithic, nephrolithotomy, meurolite, neurolithic, ochrolite, odontolith, olistolith, oncolite, oolite, oolith, oolitic, ophiolite, ophiolitic, ophthalmolith, orbitolite, ornithocoprolite, ornitholite, oscheolith, osteolite, osteolith, ololite, otolith, oxylith, paleolith, paleolithic, paleotalith, pelolithic, phacolite, phacolith, pharmacolite, phlebolith, phonolite, photolith, photolithograph, photolithographic, photolithography, phytolith, picrolite, pisolite, pisolith, pisolithic, pisolitic, polylithic, pneumolith, prostalith, protolith, protolithic, psammolithic, pyrolite, radiolite, raphilite, regolith, saprolite, sarcolite, sebolith, sialolith, siderolite, spherolite, spherolitic, spongolite, spongolith, staurolith, stercolith, stromatolite, stromatolith, stylolite, technolithic, teratolite, thinolite, thrombolite, tonsilolith, trilith, urolith, urostealith, xenolith, zeolite, zeolithic, zeolitize : lake limnograph, limnology, limnometer, limnophilous, limnoplankton, limnoria famine bulimia, bulimic : fat lipectomy, lipid, lipochrome, lipogenous, lipoid, lipolysic, lipolysis, lipolytic, lipoma, lipomatosis, lipomorph, lipoprotein, liposome, liposuction, liposuctionist, lipotomy, lipotropic, lipotype, lipoxenous : smooth lissencephalous : prayer; : beg litany : coin centoliter, decaliter, deciliter, hectoliter, kiloliter, liter, microliter, milliliter, myrialiter, nanoliter : lobe, liver decalobate, epilobe, lobar, lobate, lobation, lobe, lobectomy, lobotomy, lobular, lobule, monolobular, multilobular, trilobal, trilobate, trilobite : word; : pertaining to words; : calculation; : speech in defense; : agreement; : fair (N.B.See also . LS says us a verbal noun from .) abiological, acrology, addictionologist, adenology, aerolithology, aerology, aetiological, aetiology, agrobiology, agrology, agrostology, agrotechnology, alexia, alogia, alogical, alogism, amphibology, analogical, analogous, analogously, analogue, analogy, andrologist, andrology, anemology, angelolology, angiology, anthologize, anthology, anthropologist, anthropology, antilog, antilogarithm, antilogy, apologetic, apolegetical, apologetically, apologia, apologist, apologize, apologue, apology, arachnologist, arachnology, aranology, archelogy, archeological, archeologist, archeology, areology, aretalogy, Assyriology, astrobiologist, astrobiology, astrologer, astrological, astrology, astrometeorology, autecology, autologous, axiology, bacteriological, bacteriologist, bacteriology, balneological, balneologist, balneology, bibliologist, bibliology, bioclimatology, bioecology, biologic, biological, biologically, biologism, biologist, biologics, biology, biometerology, biospeleology, biotechnology, brachylogy, brontology, bryology, cacology, campanologist, campanology, caprology, carcinology, card catalog, cardiologist, cardiology, carpology, catalog, catalogic, cetology, characterology, chirologist, chirology, cholology, choreology, chorological, chorology, Christology, chromatology, chronologer, chronological, chronologically, chronologist, chronologize, chronology, climatological, climatologist, climatology, codicology, colog, cologarithm, colorology, cometology, conchological, conchology, coprology, cordiology, cormology, corphology, cosmetologist, cosmetology, cosmological, cosmologically, cosmologist, cosmology, craniological, craniologist, craniology, creekology, criminologist, criminology, criteriological, criteriology, crustaceology, cryobiological, cryobiologist, cryobiology, cryology, cryopedology, cryptologist, cryptology, crystalogy, culucidologist, curiologic, cyesiology, cynologist, cynology, cytologist, cytology, cytopathology, dactylology, decalogue, deltiology, demonology, demythologize, dendanthropology, dendrochronology, dendroclimatology, dendrologist, dendrology, dentology, deontological, deontologist, deontology, dermatologist, dermatology, dermatopathology, desmology, desmonosology, desmopathology, diabolology, dialectology, dialog(ue), dialogic, dialogical, dialogically, dialogism, dialogist, dialogistic, dialogistically, dialogize, dialogous, dialogue, dialoguist, dialoguize, dilogical, dilogy, dipterology, disanalogous, disanalogy, dislogistic, dittology, docimology, dogmatology, dosiology, doxological, doxologize, doxology, duologue, dyslexia, dyslexiac, dyslexic, dyslogia, dyslogistic, dyslogistically, dyslogy, dystelelogy, ecclesiologic, ecclesialogical, ecclesiologically, ecclesiologist, ecclesialogy, eccrinology, ecchinology, eclogite, eclogue, ecological, ecologically, ecologist, ecology, Egyptologist, Egyptology, electrobiology, electrology, eloge, elogium, emblematology, embryologic, embryological, embryologist, embryology, emetology, emmenagogology, emmenological, emmenology, encephalology, endocrinologist, endocrinology, enigmatology, enterology, entomological, entomologist, entomologize, entomology, enzymology, epeology, epidemiologist, epidemiology, epilogist, epilogize, epilogue, epistemological, epistemology, epistolographic, epistolography, eremology, eschatological, eschatology, ethnological, ethnologist, ethnology, ethnomethodology, ethnomusicology, ethnopsychology, ethnozoology, ethological, ethologist, ethology, etiological, etiology, Etruscology, etymological, etymologically, etymologicon, etymologist, etymologize, etymology, eulogism, eulogist, eulogistic, eulogistically, eulogize, eulogium, eulogy, exobiology, festilogy, filicology, folk etymology, fungology, futurology, galvanology, garbologist, garbology, gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, gastrology, gemology, genealogical, genealogist, genealogize, genealogy, genecology, geochronology, geologic, geological, geologist, geologize, geologue, geology, geomorphology, geotechnology, geratology, gerontologist, gerontology, gigantology, glaciological, glaciologist, glaciology, glossological, glossologist, glossology, glottochronology, glottology, gnomology, gnomonology, gnosoplogical, gnosiological, gnosiology, graminology, grammalogue, graphologist, graphology, gynecologic, gynecologist, gynecology, hagiology, halology, haplology, heliology, helminthology, hematology, hematopathology, hemopathology, hepatology, heresiology, herpetologist, herpetology, heterologous, heterology, hexiology, hierology, hippology, histological, histology, historiology, Homerology, homologate, homologation, homologen, homological, homologize, homologous, homologue, homology, hormonology, horologe, horologer, horologic, horologist, horologium, horology, hydrobiology, hydrogeology, hydrologic, hydrological, hydrology, hydrometeorlogist, hyetology, hygrology, hylology, hymenology, hymnology, hypnology, hysterology, ichnology, ichthyologist, ichthyology, iconology, ideological, ideologically, ideologist, ideologue, ideology, idiolect, illogical, illogicality, illogically, illogicalness, immunobiology, immunological, immunologist, immunology, immunopathology, insectology, iridology, islandology, isologue, karyology, kinesiologist, kinesiology, laryngology, lepitopterology, lexicology, lichenology, limnology, lithological, lithology, liturgiologist, log (math), logarithm, logarithmic, logarithmical, logic, logical, logicality, logically, logician, logicism, logicist, logion, logistic, logistical, logistically, logistician, logistics, logo, logocentric, logocentrism, logocracy, logocyclic, logodaedalus, logodaedaly, logogram, logographer, logograph, logographer, logographic, logography, logogriph, logolatry, logology, logomachy, logomania, logomaniac, logometer, logometric, logoneurosis, logopathy, logopedics, logophobia, logorrhea, logorrheic, logos, logotherapy, logotype, -logy, luminologist, macrology, magnetology, malacology, malariologist, malariology, mammalogy, Mariological, Mariology, martyrological, martyrologist, martyrology, mechanology, meconology, melologue, menologist, menology, mereology, merology, mesology, metabiology, metalogical, metamorphology, metapsychology, meteorological, meteorologist, meteorology, methodological, methodology, metrology, miasmology, microbiologist, microbiology, microcosmogeology, microcosmology, microecology, microgeology, micrologic, micrology, micrometeorology, micropetrology, mineralogist, mineralogy, misology, mixology, monadological, monadology, monological, monologist, monologue, monology, monopolylogue, morphological, morphology, morphonology, musicological, musicologist, musicology, mycetology, mycology, myology, myrmecologist, myrmecology, mythological, mythologically, mythologist, mythologize, mythology, naological, naology, nasology, necrological, necrologist, necrologue, necrology, nematology, neologian, neological, neologism, neologist, neologize, neology, neonatologist, neonatology, neontology, neossology, nephology, nephrologist, nephrology, neurobiology, neuroembryology, neurohistology, neurological, neurologist, neurology, neuropathology, neuropsychologist, neuropsychology, nidology, nomological, nomology, nonhomologous, nonlogical, noological, noology, nosology, nostology, numerological, numerologist, numerology, numismatologist, numismatology, oceanological, oceanologist, oceanology, odontology, oenology, ology, ombrology, omenology, oncological, oncologist, oncology, oneirology, onomasiology, onomatologist, onomatology, ontological, ontologism, ontologist, ontologize, ontology, ontotheology, oological, oologist, oologize, oology, ophiology, ophthalmological, ophthamologist, ophthalmology, opiology, orchidologist, orchidology, organology, ornithological, ornithologist, ornithology, orologist, orology, orthology, osmology, osteological, osteologist, osteology, ostracology, otolaryngologist, otolaryngology, otologist, otology, otomorphology, otorhinolaryngology, ovology, paleanthropology, paleobiology, paleoclimatologist, paleoclimatology, paleoecology, paleoethnology, paleogeology, paleologist, paleology, paleontologist, paleontology, paleopathology, paleornithology, paleozoology, palilogy, palynological, palynology, panlogism, pantheology, pantologic, pantology, papryrologist, papyrology, paradoxology, paralogia, paralogism, paralogistic, paralogize, parapsychology, parasitology, pareschatology, parhomologous, paromology, pathobiology, pathological, pathologically, pathologist, pathology, pathophysiology, patrology, pedology, Pekingology, penological, penologist, penology, pentalogue, pentalogy, periodology, periodontology, perissology, personologist, personology, pestology, petrological, petrologist, petrology, pharmacological, pharmacologist, pharmacology, pharology, pharyngeocology, phenological, phenology, phenomenological, phenomenologically, phenomenologist, phenomenology, philological, philologist, philology, phonologist, phonology, photobiology, photobiologic, photogeology, phraseological, phraseologist, phraseology, phrenological, phrenologist, phrenology, phthisiology, phycology, physiological, physiologically, physiologist, physiology, physiopathology, phytobiology, phytosociology, pistiology, placentology, planetology, planktology, planktonology, plasmology, plutology, pneumatology, podology, pogonology, poiology, polemology, polology, polylogue, pomological, pomology, ponerology, posological, posology, potomology, praxiology, primatologist, primatology, process theology, proctologist, proctology, prologue, promorphology, prosepilogism, prosyllogism, protistology, protologue, protology, protozoology, psephology, pseudology, pseudosyllogism, psychobiology, psychologic, psychological, psychologically, psychologism, psychologist, psychologistic, psychologize, psychology, psychopathologist, psychopathology, psychophysiology, psychotechnology, pteridology, pterodology, pulmonologist, pulmonology, pyramidology, pyritology, pyrology, quinologist, radio ecology, radioimmunology, radiologic, radiological, radiologist, radiology, rheology, rheumatologist, rheumaltology, rhigology, rhinologic, rhinologist, rhinology, rhodologist, saprobiology, sarcology, Satanology, scatological, scatology, scientology, sedimentology, seismological, seismologist, seismology, selenologist, selenology, semasiology, sematology, seminology, serological, serologist, serology, sexologist, sexology, Sinologist, Sinology, siphonapterology, sitology, sociobiological, sociobiologist, sociobiology, sociologese, sociologic, sociological, sociologism, sociologist, sociologistic, sociology, somatological, somatologist, somatology, sophiology, soteriological, soteriology, sovietologist, spectrological, spectrology, speleologist, speleology, sphygmology, spongologist, spongology, squalorologist, squalorology, star catalog, stasiology, stemmatology, stereology, stoicheiology, stomatology, suicidology, supertechnological, syllogism, syllogist, syllogistic, syllogistically, syllogize, symbology, symptomatology, synaptology, synchronology, synecology, tartarology, tautological, tautologically, tautologist, tautologize, tautologous, tautology, technological, technicologically, technologist, technologize, technology, tectology, teleological, teleologist, teleology, telmatology, tephrochronology, teratological, teratologist, teratology, terminology, termitologist, terotechnology, tetralogy, thallottology, thanatologist, thanatology, thaumatology, theogeological, theologaster, theologate, theologian, theologic, theological, theologically, theologism, theologist, theologize, theologoumenenon, theologue, theology, theomythology, theoteleological, theotelology, thermohydrology, thermology, therology, thremmatology, Tibetology, tidology, timbrology, topological, topologize, topology, toxicologist, toxicology, traumatology, travelog(ue), trialogue, tribology, trichologist, trichology, trilogical, trilogy, trophology, tropology, typhology, typological, typologist, typologize, typology, ufology, unapologetic, unapologetically, uranology, urbanology, urinologist, urinology, urologist, urology, vexillology, victimology, vinylogous, vulcanology, xylology, zoological, zoologist, zoology, zoopathology, zoopsychology, zygology, zymology : oblique loxocosm, loxodon, loxodrome, loxodromic : basin lopolith : Luke Lucas, Luke : bathe psychrolute : crest lophiodon, lophiodont, lophobranchiate, lophoderm, lophopod, lophophore, trilophodont, trilophous : lynx lyncean, lyncine, lynx, lynx-eyed : Lydia Lydia, Lydian : wolf lycanthrope, lycanthropic, lycanthropous, lycanthropy, lycee, lyceum, lycodont, lycopod : lymph: See . : pain lypemania : lyre Lyra, lyrate, lyre, lyrebird, lyric, lyrical, lyrically, lyricism, lyricist, lyriorm, lyrism, lyrist : rage alyssum, lyssa, lyssophobia, lytta : loose, dissolve; : break up amylolysis, analysand, analysis, analyst, analytic, analytical, analytically, analyze, autolysis, bacteriolysin, bacteriolysis, bacteriolytic, biocatalyst, biolysis, biolytic, breathalyzer, carcinolytic, cardiolysis, catalysis, catalyst, catalytic, catalyze, chemolysis, chromatolysis, cryptanalysis, cryptoanalysis, cyclodialysis, cytolysis, dermalysis, dermatolysis, dialycarpel, dialycarpous, dialypetallous, dialyphyllous, dialystaminous, dialysis, dialytic, dialytically, dialyze, dializer, disluite, dislysin, dysluite, dyslysin, electroanalysis, electrolysis, electrolyte, electrolytic, electrolyze, epidermolysis, fibrinolysin, fructolisis, glucolysis, glycogenolysis, glycolysis, glycolytic, hemodialysis, hemolysis, heterolysis, histolysis, homolysis, hydrogenolysis, hydrolysis, hydrolytic, hypnolysis, karyolysis, keratinolysis, keratolysis, keratolytic, ketolysis, lipolysic, lipolysis, lipolytic, lithodialysis, litholysis, litholytic, lyochrome, lyomerous, lyophile, lyophilic, lyophilize, lyophobe, lyophobic, lyotrope, lyotropic, lyotropy, lyse, lysergic, lysigenous, lysimeter, lysin, lysine, lysis, lysogen, lysogenesis, lysogenic, lysogenization, lysogenize, lysol, lysosome, lysozyme, lytic, macroanalysis, metanalysis, microanalyser, microanalysis, mucolytic, nephanalysis, neuroanalysis, neurolysis, meuroparalysis, nonelectrolyte, oncolysis, osteolysis, osteolytic, ozonolysis, palsy, paralysis, paralytic, paralyze, peptolysis, phagolysis, phosphorolysis, photoctatalysis, photolysis, photolyze, phyloanalysis, plasmolysis, plasmolyte, pneumatolysis, pneumatolytic, pneumolysis, polyelectrolyte, proctoparalysis, proteolysis, proteolytic, protolytic, psychoanalysis, psychoanalyst, psychoanalytic, psychoanalyze, pyrolusite, pyrolysis, pyrolytic, pyrolyze, radiolysis, reanalysis, saccharolytic, sarcolysis, scialytic, solvolysis, solvolyze, spasmolysis, spasmolytic, spondylolysis, staphylolysin, steatolysis, stethoparalysis, stem analysis, string analysis, sympatholytic, system analysis, tacholyte, tachylyte, theriolysis, thermal analysis, thermolysis, thrombolytic, thyrolytic, tigrolysis, tropholytic, urinalysis, wave analysis, zymolysis : lotus lotophagi, lotus, lotus eater : stone; : Magnesia biomagnetic, demagnetize, diamagnet, diamagnetic, diamagnetism, diamagnetize, diamagnetometer, electret, electromagnet, electromagnetic, electromagnetism, ferromagnetism, geomagnetic, geomadnetism, gyromagnetic, hydromagnetic, isomagnetic, magnesia, magnesium, magnet, magnetic, magnetically, magnetic field, magnetician, magnetism, magnetizable, magnetization, magnetize, magnetizer, magneto, magnetograph, magnetogyric, magnetology, magnetometer, magnetomotive, magnetomotor, magnetron, magnetopause, magnetophone, magnetoscope, magnetosphere, magnetostriction, magnetron, magnochemistry, magnoelectric, magnometer, manganese, manganic, manganiferous, manganite, manganous, MRI, nonmagnetic, paleomagnetism, paramagnetic, permanganate, piezomagnetism, pyromagnetic, speromagnetic, thermomagnetic, thermomagnetism : wizard mage, Magi, magic, magical, magically, magician, Magus, word-magic : learn; : disciple; : see : learn : Maia, midwife, foster mother Maia, maieutic, May, May Day, Mayflower, maypole : a river in Asia Minor meander, meandrous : rage; : madness; : divination; : seer; : oracle aeromancy, anthomania, arith(mo)mancy, arithmomania, Beattlemania, belomancy, bibliomania, bibliomaniac, bibliomancy, botanomancy, capnomancy, cartomancy, chiromancer, chiromancy, cleromancy, copromania, copromaniac, coscinomancy, crithomancy, crystallomancy, cubomancy, dactyliomancy, decalcomania, demonomania, dipsomania, dipsomaniac, dipsomaniacal, discomania, discomanial, discomaniac, discomaniacal, dromomania, ecumaniac, egomania, egomaniac, egomaniacal, eleutheromania, eleutheromaniac, empleomania, erotomania, etheromania, ethnomania, Francomania, gamomania, gastromancy, geomancer, geomancy, geomantic, Germanomania, Googlemania, grandomania, graphomania, Grecomania, gyromancy, halomancy, hieromancy, hippomania, hydromancy, hydromania, hypermania, hypomanic, iconomania, idolomancy, idolomania, kleptomania, kleptomaniac, labiomancy, lithomancy, logomania, logomaniac, lypemania, maenad, maenadic, mania, maniac, maniacal, maniacally, manic, manic-depressive, mantic, mantically, mantis, megalomania, megalomaniac, megalomaniacal, melomania, mesmeromania, meteormancy, methomania, metromania, micromania, monomania, monomaniac, monomaniacal, myomancy, mythomania, narcomania, necromancer, necromancy, necromania, necromantic, negromania, nostomania, nymphomania, nymphomaniac, oenomania, oligomania, omphalomancy, oneiromancy, onomancy, onomatomania, onychomancy, opiomania, opiomaniac, orchidomania, ornithomancy, osteomancy, pathomania, pegomancy, pharmacomania, phyllomania, phyllomancy, phytomania, plutomania, polymania, pornomania, potomania, praying mantis, psephomancy, pseudomancy, psychomancy, pyromancy, pyromania, pyromaniac, rhabdomancer, rhabdomancy, satyromaniac, scapulimancy, sciomancy, scyphomancy, sitomania, spheromaniac, spodomancy, squandermania, tautomancy, tautomanism, technomania, technomaniac, tephromancy, Teutomania, theatromania, theomancy, theomania, theomaniac, theriomancy, theriomaniac, timbromania, toxicomania, trichotillomania, typomania, uranomania, verbomania, wrestlemania, xenomania, zoomania : Macedon Macedon, Macedonia, Macedonian : long macro, macroalgae, macroanalysis, macrobian, macrobiote, macrobiotics, macrobrewer, macrocarpa, macrocephalic, macrocosm, macrocyclic, macrocyst, macrocyte, macrodactyl, macrodont, macroeconomics, macroeconomy, macrogamete, macroglobulin, macrognathic, macrograph, macrology, macromere, macrometer, macromolecule, macromyelon, macron, macronutrient, macroparasite, macropedia, macrophage, macrophagous, macrophallic, macrophotography, macrophyllous, macrophysical, macrophysics, macropicide, macropicine, macropod, macropsia, macropterous, macroscale, macrosegment, macroseism, macrosia, macroscopic, macrospore, macrostructure, macrostylous, macrotia, macrotous, macruran, macrurous, photomacrography : soft; : emollient amalgam, amalgamate, amalgamation, malacoderm, malacology, malacostracon, malacozoic, malaxage, osteomalacia, tarsomalacia tuft of wool mallophagous : fold mandriarch : mandrake mandragora, mandrake learndisciple amathophobia, Epimetheus, galimatias, math, mathematical, mathematical, mathematically, mathematician, mathematicism, mathematicize, mathematics, mathematization, mathematize, mathesis, mathetic, metamathematics, misomath, nonmathematical, philo-math, physico-mathematical, polymath, Promethean, prometheum, Prometheus : loose, scanty manometer, manometric, manoscope, manostat, sphygmomanometer : Marathon marathon, Marathon, marathoner, Marathonian : wither, quench, fade amaranth, amaranthine : pearl Margaret, margarine, margarita, margaritiferous, margaritaceous, marguerite, oleomargarine : marble; : sparkle, flash emmarble, marble, marble cake, marbling, marbly, marmoraceous, marmorate, marmoration, marmoreal, marmorean : pouch marsupial, marsupium : witness; : witness; : testimony martyr, martyrdom, martyrion, martyrization, martyrize, martyrolatry, martyrological, martyrologist, martyrology, martyry, megalomartyr, montmartre, protomartyr, pseudomartyr : knead, handle; : barley cake amass, biomass, en masse, magma, magmatic, magmatism, magmatist, mass, massage, massager, massagist, massecuite, masseur, masseuse, massif, massiform, massify, massily, massiness, massive, massively, massiveness, massivity, massless, mass medium, massotherapy, mass production, massy, unmassed, water mass : scourge mastigophore, mastigophorous, mastigopod, mastigure, polymastigate : breast Amazon, amazonite, mastectomy, mastitis, mastodon(t), mastodynia, mastoid, mastoidectomy, mastoiditis, mastopathy, micromastia, neuromast : black, dark; : darken Moor, Moorish : Mausoleus (a king) mausoleum : fight; : ally; : naval battle; : fight demonomachy, duomachy, gigantomachy, heresimach, iconomachy, logomachy, machopolyp, monomachy, naumachia, poetomachia, psychomachia, sciamachy, symmachy, tauromachy, theomachy, titanomachy : great acromegalic, acromegaly, cardiomegaly, chiromegaly, hepatomegaly, mega-, megabucks, megabyte, megacephalic, megacerous, megachord, megachurch, megacolon, megacomputer, megacycle, megaderm, megadont, megafirm, megagamete, megagnathous, megahertz, megalacria, megalith, megalithic, megaloblast, megalocardia, megalocarpous, megalocephalic, megalocyte, megalomania, megalomaniac, megalomaniacal, megalomartyr, megalonyx, megalopa, megalophonic, megalopod, megalopolis, megalopolitan, megalosaur, megameter, Meganthropus, meganucleus, megaphone, megaphonist, megaphyllous, megaplane, megapod, megaron, megarrhine, megascope, megascopic, megaseism, megaseme, megaspore, megasthene, megastructure, megathere, megatherm, megaton, megatype, megavitamin, megazoospore, megistotherm, meizomseismal, meizoseismic, megohmeter, omega, omegatron, splenomegaly : Medusa Medusa, medusal, medusan, medusiferous, medusiform, medusoid : wine amphetamine, amethyst, amphetamine, methalene, methane, methanize, methanol, methomania, methyl, methylate, methylene, polymethyl : less (See .) meiobar, meiofauna, meiophylous, meiosis, meiotaxy, meiotherm, meiotic, miargyrite, Miocene, miohippus, miolithic : see : black calomel, chloromelanite, melaenia, melancholia, melancholiac, melancholic, melancholy, melanemia, melanemic, Melanesia, Melanesian, Melanesoid, melanic, melanin, melanism, melanistic, melanite, melanization, melanize, melano, melanoblast, melanochroi, melanocomous, melanocyte, melanoderm, melanogen, melanogenesis, melanoglossia, melanoid, melanoma, melanopathy, melanophore, melanoscope, melanose, melanosis, melanosome, melanosperm, melanotektite, melanotic, melanotype, melanous, melanuria, melanuric, melaphyre, melasma, melastoma, ornithomelanism, uromelanin : honey dulcimer, marmalade, melibiose, meliceris, Melissa, meliot, melilite, meliphagous, melituria, molasses, oenomel, oxymel, picromel, xanthomelanous : limb, song countermelody, dulcimer, ectromelia, immelodious, mel, melalgia, melic, melisma, melo, melodeon, melodial, melodic, melodics, melodist, melodize, melodious, melodiously, melodiousness, melodrama, melodramatic, melodramatically, melodramatics, melodramatist, melodramatize, melody, melograph, melographic, melologue, melomania, melopeia, melopeic, melophone, melophonic, melos, melotrope, micromelus, Philomela, symelia : remain menobranch : Mentor mentor, mentorial part biopolymerblastomerecentromereconcatamercopolymercryptomerecryptomeria cryptopentamerousdecamerousdepolymerizationdeutomerite, dimer, dimeric, dimerism, dimerize, dimerous, dysmerism, ectomere, elastomer, electromeric, entomere, gonomere, heptamerous, heteromerous, hexameral, homeomeral, homeomerous, homomeral, isomere, isomeric, isomerize, isomerous, karyomere, lyomerous, macromeremermereologymericarp, meridarch, merism, merismatic, merismoid, merispore, meristele, meristem, meristic, meristogenetic, meroblast, merocyte, merogenetic, merognathous, merogony, merohedral, merology, meromorph, meropia merorganize, meroplankton, meropodite, merosome, merostome, merosymmetry, merosystematic, merotomize, merozoite,mesomere, mesomerism, mesomeromania, metamere, metameric, metamerismmicromeremonomermonomerousmultimer myomericneuromereoctamerousoctomeraloligomeroligomerizationoligomerous osteomerpentamerpentamerouspenthemimerphotopolymerphytomerpolymer, polymerization, polymerize, polymerose, protomerite, tautomerism, telomer, tetramerous, trimerous, unimer : middle deuteromesal, diamesogamous, dorsimeson, mesarch, mesarteritis, mesaticephalic, mesembrianthemum, mesencephalic, mesencephalon, mesenchyma, mesenteric, mesenteritis, mesentery, mesial, mesian, mesic, mesion, mesoamerica, mesoblast, mesocarp, mesocephalic, mesocoele, mesocolon, mesocracy, mesocranial, mesocratic, mesocyst, mesoderm, mesodont, mesodorsal, mesoform, mesogastric, mesogenous, mesognathous, mesohippus, mesokurtosis, mesolabe, mesolabic, mesolect, mesolithic, mesology, mesomere, mesomerism, mesomeromania, mesomorph, mesomorphic, mesomorphism, mesomorphous, meson, mesonasal, mesonephron, mesonic, mesonomic, mesopause, mesopelagic, mesophilic, mesophragm, mesophyll, mesophyte, mesoplast, mesopleural, mesopod, mesopodium, Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian, mesorchial, mesorectal, mesorrhine, mesoscale, mesoscopic, mesoseismal, mesoseme, mesosiderite, mesosome, mesosperm, mesosphere, mesospore, mesostasis, mesosternal, mesosternum, mesostome, mesothelial, mesothelium, mesotherm, mesothorax, mesothorium, mesotonic, mesothrocha, mesotron, mesoxyalic, Mesazoa, Mesozoic, protomesal : beyond, after, among dynamometamorphism, holometabolous, meta, metabasis, metabatic, metabiology, metabiosis, metabolic, metabolism, metabolite, metabolize, metabranchial, metacarpal, metacarpus, metacellulose, metacenter, metacentric, metachemic, metachemistry, metachromatic, metachromatism, metachrome, metachronism, metachronous, metachrosis, metacoele, metacommunication, metacone, metacontrast, metacrasis, metacriticism, metacritical, metacryst, metacyclic, metadyne, metaempirical, metaempiricism, metaempirics, metafacial, metagalaxy, metagastric, metagelatin, metagenesis, metagenetic, metageometry, metagnathous, metagnomy, metagon, metagram, metagranite, metagraphy, metakinesis, metalanguage, metalaw, metalegal, metalepsis, metaleptic, metalinguistic, metaliterary, metalogical, metamathematics, metamere, metameric, metamerism, metamorphic, metamorphism, metamorphology, metamorphose, metamorphosis, metamorphous, metanalysis, metanoia, metapeptic, metaphase, metaphone, metaphony, metaphor, metaphorical, metaphorically, metaphrase, metaphrast, metaphysic, metaphysical, metaphysically, metaphysician, metaphysics, metaphyte, metaplasm, metapneumonic, metapode, metapolitical, metapolitics, metapsychics, metapsychology, metarule, metascience, metasediment, metasomatism, metastatic, metastasis, metastasize, metastoma, metastrophe, metasystem, metatarsal, metatarsus, metataxis, metatheater, metatheorem, metatheory, metathesis, metathorax, metatony, metatrophic, metatropy, metatype, metavolcanic, metaxenia, metaxylem, Metazoa, metazoan, metempirical, metempiricism, metempirics, metempsychosis, metemptosis, metencephalon, metensomatosis, meteor, meteoric, meteorically, meteorite, meteoritics, meteorogram, meteorograph, meteorography, meteoroid, meteoroidal, meteorolite, meteorological, meteorologist, meteorology, meteoromancy, meteorometer, meteoroscope, method, methodical, methodically, methodist, methodization, methodize, methodological, methodology, methylosis, metic, metonym, metonymy, metope, metopic, metoposcopy, micrometeor, micrometeorite, theometamorphism, thermometamorphism, word method : mine, quarry bimetallic, bimetallism, bronze medal, dimetallic, electrometalurgy, gold medal, gunmetal, hydrometallurgy, medal, medalet, medalist, medallic, medallion, medallionist, metal, metalation, metalhead, metaline, metalist, metalize, metallic, metallically, metalliferous, metalliform, metallochrome, metallogenic, metallogical, metallographer, metallographic, metallography, metalloid, metallophone, metalloplastic, metalloscopic, metallotherapy, metallurgical, metallurgist, metallurgy, metally, metalware, metalwork, mettle, mettlesome, micrometallurgy, monometallism, nonmetal, nonmetallic, pig-metal, plate metal, plymetal, polymetallic, pot-metal, pyrometallurgical, pyrometalurgy, radiometal, silver medal, sterro-metal, symmetallism, yellow metal : measure; : moderate accelerometer, acoumeter, acrometer, actinometer, aerometer, albedometer, algometer, allelometric, allelometry, altimeter, altimetric, ammeter, anemometer, anemometry, anthropometry, astrometry, asymmetric, asymetrical, asymetrically, asymetry, atmometer, audiometer, autometry, barocyclometer, barometer, barometric, barometry, bathometer, bathymeter, bathymetric, bathymetry, biometer, biometrics, biometrician, biometry, bisymmetrical, bisymmetry, brontometer, calorimeter, calorimetric, calorimetry, campimeter, cardiometer, ceilometer, centimeter, cephalometry, chlorometer, chlorometry, chromatometer, chromometer, chromometry, chronometer, chronometry, citrometer, clinometer, clinometric, coagulometer, colometric, colometry, colorimeter, Comptometer, conchometer, conductometer, conductometric, consistometer, coulometer, coulometric, coulometry, craniometer, craniometric, craniometrician, craniometry, cratometer, creamometer, cryometer, crystallometry, curvometer, cyanometer, cyclometer, cyclometry, cylindometric, cyrtometer, cystometer, dasymeter, decameter, decelerometer, decimeter, declinometer, decremeter, deflectometer, deformeter, dendrometer, densimeter, densitometer, densitometry, derivometer, diacalorimeter, diagometer, diagrammeter, diamagnetometer, diameter, diametral, diametrally, diametric, diametrical, diametrically, diaphanometer, diasperometer, diathermometer, diffractometer, diffractometry, diffusiometer, dilatometer, dimeter, dimetric, disymmetric, dissymetrical, dissymetrically, dissymetry, dolorimeter, dosimeter, dosimetry, dromometer, drosometer, dynactinometer, dynameter, dynamometer, dynamometry, dysmetria, echometer, econometric, econometrician, econometrics, electrometer, emanometer, emmetrope, emmetropia, emmetropic, emmetropy, endometrial, endometry, endosmoneter, entomometer, ergometer, eudiometer, evaporimeter, fathometer, fluorometer, focimeter, frigorimeter, galactometer, galvanometer, galvanometry, gasmeter, geometer, geometric, geometricism, geometric mean, geometric progression, geometrical, geometrically, geometrician, geometry, geothermometer, glaciometer, gnomometry, goniometer, goniometry, gradiometer, gradometer, grammeter, granulometric, graphometer, graphometry, gravimeter, gravimetric, gravimetry, halimetry, halometer, harmonometer, hectometer, heliometer, heliometric, hematometer, hemisymmetry, hemocromometer, hemodrometer, hemometer, heptameter, hexameter, historiometry, hodometrical, holometer, holosymmetry, homometrical, horometer, horometry, hydrometer, hydrometric, hydrometry, hyetometer, hygrometer, hygrometric, hygrometry, hypermeter, hypermetric, hypermetrope, hypsometer, hysterometer, iconometer, iconometry, idiometer, illuminometer, immetrical, inclinometer, inspirometer, intoximeter, isodiamteric, isometric, isometry, isoperimeter, jurimetrician, jurimetrics, katatharometer, keratometer, kilogrammeter, kilometer, kilometric, kinesimeter, konimeter, lactometer, limnometer, lithometer, logometer, logometric, lucimeter, luxmeter, lysimeter, macrometer, magnetometer, magnometer, manometer, manometric, meatometer, mecometer, megameter, megohmeter, mekometer, merosymmetry, metageometry, meteorometer, meter, meterage, meterless, metermaid, meterzone, metric, metrical, metrically, metricate, metrication, metrician, metricize, metrics, metrification, metrify, metrist, metrochrome, metrograph, metrology, metromania, metronome, metronomic, metroscope, -metry, microhmmeter, micrometer, micrometrical, micrometry, milliammeter, millimeter, millimetric, monometer, monosymmetrical, monosymmetry, morphometric, morphometry, motometer, myriameter, mythometer, nanometer, nephelometer, neurometer, nilometer, nitrometer, nonparametric, nosometer, octameter, odometer, odorimeter, odynometer, oedometer, oenometer, ohmmeter, oilometer, oleometer, oleorefractometer, olfactometer, olfactometry, oligochromometer, ombrometer, oncometer, oncosimeter, ondometer, oometer, oometric, oometry, opacimeter, operameter, ophthalometer, optometer, optometrist, optometry, orometer, orometric, orometry, orthometric, orthometry, orthosymmetric, oscillometer, osmometer, osteometry, oximeter, oxymeter, ozonometer, ozonometric, pachymeter, pangeometry, pantometer, pantometry, parameter, parametric, parking meter, passimeter, pathometer, pathometric, pedometer, pelvimeter, penetrameter, penetrometer, pentameter, perimeter, perimetric, permameter, phacometer, pharmacometer, phasemeter, phaseometer, phonometer, phonometric, phonometry, photogrametry, photometer, photometric, photometry, phytometer, piezometer, plane geometry, planimeter, planimetric, planimetrically, planimetry, planometer, plastometer, platometer, pleximeter, pluviometer, pneometer, pneumometer, polarimeter, polarimetric, polymeter, polysymmetrical, porometric, porometer, potentiometer, potometer, profilometer, protogeometric, psophometer, psophometric, psychometer, psychometric, psychometry, psychrometer, pulsimeter, pupilometer, pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyroheliometer, pyrometer, pyrophotometer, quantimeter, radiometer, radiometric, radiometry, ratiometer, refractometer, respirometer, rheometer, saccharimeter, scintillometer, sclerometer, scotometer, seismometer, seismometric, seismometry, sensitometer, sensitometric, skiametry, sociometric, sociometry, solarimeter, solid geometry, sonometer, spectrometer, spectrophotometer, speedometer, spherometer, sphygmomanometer, sphygmometer, spirometer, spirometric, stabilimeter, stadiometer, stalagmometer, stenometer, stethometer, stereometer, stereometric, stereometry, stichometrical, stichometry, stoicheiometry, strabismometer, stylometric, stylometry, symmetric, symmetrical, symmetrically, symmetrize, symmetrodont, symmetrophobia, symmetry, tacheometer, tachometer, tachymeter, tautometric, taximeter, telemeter, telenetry, telephotometer, telethermometer, telometer, tellurometer, tenderometer, tensimeter, tensiometer, tensometer, tetrameter, thermoammeter, thermohydrometer, thermometer, thermometric, thermometrical, thermometry, tetrasymmetry, thermogravimetry, thermometer, thermometric, thermometrical, thermometry, thoracometer, Tintometer, titrimetry, tonometer, torquemeter, torsiometer, transmissometer, transpirometer, tribometer, trig, trigonometric, trigonometrical, trigonometrically, trigonometry, trimeter, trimetric, trimetrical, tronometer, tropometer, typhlometer, udometer, unmetered, unsymmetrical, uranometry, urinometer, vacuometer, vaporimeter, variometer, velometer, vibrometer, vinometer, viscometer, voltameter, voltammetry, voltmeter, volumeter, volumetric, water barometer, water meter, water thermometer, wattmeter, wave meter, wheel barometer, xanthometer, yawmeter, zoometry, zymometer : Mede Mede, Median, Medize : length mecistocephalic, mecodont, mecography, mecometer, mekometer, paramecium : poppy meconology, meconophagism : apple marmalade, melon, meloniform, melonist, meloplasty, watermelon : Melos Melean, Melian, Melos : month; : moon (mensis) amenorrhea, emmenagogic, emmenagogology, emenagogue, emmenological, emmenology, menarche, meniscoid, meniscus, menolipsis, menologist, menology, menopausal, menopause, menophania, menoplania, menorrhagia, menorrhea, menostasis, menura, neomenia, oligomenorrhea, perimenopause, polymenorrhea, postmenarchal, premenarchal : membrane meningeal, meninges, meningioma, meningitis, meningocele, meningococcus, meningorrhagia, meninguria, perimeningitis : thigh merocele, merognathite, meropodite fish merycism : mother (See L. mater.); : womb metralgia, metritis, metro, metroland, metroliner, metronymic, metropole, metropolis, metropolitan, metropolitical, metrorrhagia, metroscope, metrosexual, metrotome : means, remedy;: instrument aeromechanic(s), antimachine, biomechanics, electromechanical, hydromechanics, iatromechanics, machinability, machinable, machinate, machination, machinator, machine, machine gun, machine shop, machinery, machinist, machinize, machinofacture, mechanic, mechanical, mechanicalism, mechanicality, mechanicalization, mechanicalize, mechanically, mechanicalness, mechanician, mechanics, mechanism, mechanist, mechanistic, mechanistically, mechanize, mechanochemistry, mechanograph, mechanology, mechanomorphic, mechanotherapy, micromachine, micromechanics, photomechanical, physico-mechanical, quantum mechanics, sewing machine, submachine, switch mechanism, telemechanics, thermomechanical, time machine, Turing machine, unmechanical, war machine, wave machine, wave mechanics, wind machine : stain; : stained miasma, maismal, miasmatic, miasmic, miasmifuge, miasmology : Midas Midas, Midas touch : mixture endomixis, migma, migmatite, migmatization, mixogamous, mixogamy, mixology, mixoploid, mixoscope, mixotrophic, oligomictic, panmixia : Mithridates mithridate, Mithridates, Mithridatic, mithridatism, mithridatize : small (See also : less.) chlyomicron, electron microscope, micracoustic, micrander, micrencephaly, micergate, micrite, micro, microalgae, microanalyser, microanalysis, microanatomy, microangiopathy, microangioplasty, microarray, microbacillus, microbalance, microbar, microbe, microbeam, microbial, microbicide, microbiologist, microbiology, microbism, microblade, microblast, microbody, microbot, microbrew, microbrewer, microburner, microburst, microbus, microcalorie, microcamera, microcapsule, microcard, microcarpous, microcassette, microcellular, microcephalic, microcephalism, microcephalous, microcephalus, microcephaly, microceratous, microchemistry, microchip, microchromosome, microcircuit, microcircuitry, microclastic, microclimate, microcolony, microcomputer, microcontinent, microcopy, microcosm, microcosmic, microcosmogeology, microcosmography, microcosmology, microcrack, microcrystal, microcyclic, microcyst, microcyte, microdactylous, microdiffusion, microdissect, microdont, microdot, microecology, microeconomics, microeconomy, microelectrode, microelectronics, microelement, microenvironment, micro-evolution, microfauna, microfiber, microfiche, microfilm, microfilter, microflora, microfoliation, microform, microfossil, microgamete, microgenic, microgeology, microglossia, microglossary, microgram, microgranite, micrograph, micrography, microgroove, microhabitat, microohmmeter, microinch, microinstruction, microlight, microline, microlinguistics, microliter, microlith, microlithic, microloan, micrologic, micrology, micromachine, micromanage, micromanager, micromanagement, micromania, micromanipulator, micromastia, micromechanics, micromelus, micromere, micromesh, micrometallurgy, micrometeor, micrometeorite, micrometeorology, micrometer, micrometrical, micrometry, microminiature, micromodule, micromorph, micromotion, micromutation, micron, microneedle, Micronesia, Micronesian, micronize, micronucleus, micronutrient, microoperation, micro-order, microorganism, micro-oven, microparasite, microparticle, micropedia, micropetalous, micropetrology, microphage, microphagous, microphone, microphonic, microphotograph, microphotography, microphthalmic, microphyll, microphyllous, microphysics, microphyte, microplasticity, micropod, microprint, microprism, microprobe, microprocess, microprocessor, microprogram, microprojectile, micropsia, micropsy, micropterous, micropulsation, micropyle, microradiography, microray, micro reader, micro-robot, microscale, microscan, microscientist, microscope, microscopic, microsecond, microsegment, microseism, microseismic, microseme, microskirt, microsleep, microsmatic, microsocial, microsome, microspermous, microsphere, Microsoft, microspecies, microspore, microsthene, microstomatous, microstrip, microstructure, microstylar, microsurgery, microsystem, microtelephone, microtext, microtherm, microtheory, microtome, microtomy, microtone, microtopography, microtrauma, microtron, microunit, microvascular, microviewer, microwave, microweld, microzoa, microzoan, microzooid, microzyme, micrurgy, mike, millimicron, omicron, open mike, photomicrograph, photomicrography, photomicroscope, polymicrian, stereomicroscope, submicroscopic, theomicrist, ultramicroscope, ultramicrotome : actor mime, mimeo, mimeograph, mimer, mimesis, mimetic, mimetically, mimic, mimical, mimicry, mimocked, mimosa, mimotype, panto, pantomime, pantomimic, pantomimist, penthemimer, phonomimic, psychotomimetic : mint plant menthol, mint, peppermint, spearmint : Minos Minoan, Minos, minotaur , see : less: see : hatred; : hate misandry, misanthrope, misanthropic, misanthropy, misogamist, misogamy, misogynist, misogynistic, misogyny, misology, misomath, misoneism, misopedist : thread dimity, karyomitosis, mitochondrial, mitochondrion, mitogenetic, mitogenic, mitome, mitomycin, mitosis, mitotic, polymitosis, stereomite : headdress, belt miter, mitral, mitriform : mina (Ultimately Hebrew: weight, sum of money.) mina : remember; : remembrance amnesia, amnesty, anamnesis, ecmnesia, mneme, mnemeic, mnemon, mnemonic, mnemonical, mnemonically, mnemonics, Mnemosyne, mnestic : toil mogigraphic, mogilalism, mogiphonia : lead molybdena, molybdenite, molybdenum, molybdoparesis : alone carbon monoxide, cryptomonad, minster, monacal, monachism, monad, monadary, monadelphous, monadic, monadiform, monadigerous, monadism, monadist, monadological, monadology, monandrous, monandry, monanthous, monarch, monarchal, monarchial, monarchical, monarchically, monarchism, monarchist, monarchistic, monarchize, monarchy, monarticular, monaster, monasterial, monastery, monastic, monastically, monasticism, monasticize, monatomic, monatomism, monaural, monaurally, monaxial, monaxile, monaxin, moneme, monenergetic, monepic, monepiscopal, monera, monergism, monergistic, monerozoa, monethyl, monic, moniker, monism, monist, monistic, monk, monkdom, monkhood, monkish, monkism, monkship, mono, monanthropism, monoatomic, monoaxal, monobasic, monoblast, monobloc, monobranchiate, monobromide, monocable, moncalcic, monocarbon, monocardia, monocarp, monocausal, monocellular, monocentric, moncephalous, monocephalus, monoceros, monochloride, monochord, monochromat, monochromatic, monochromatism, monochromator, monochrome, monochronic, monochronous, monocle, monoclinal, monocline, monoclinic, monoclinous, monoclonal, monocoelic, monocoque, monocot, monocotyledon, monocracy, monocrat, monocrystal, monocular, monoculous, monoculture, monocycle, monocyst, monocyte, monodactylous, monodelph, monodentate, monodermic, monodialectic, monodic, monodist, monodon, monodrama, monodromic, monody, monodynamic, monodynamism, monoecia, monoecious, monoenergetic, monofilament, monofunctional, monogamic, monogamist, monogamous, monogamy, monogastric, monogen, monogeneous, monogenesis, monogenetic, monogenic, monogenism, monogenist, monogenous, monogeny, monogoneutic, monoglacial, monoglot, monogonic, monogony, monogram, monogrammatic, monograph, monographer, monographic, monographism, monography, monogynous, monogyny, monohull, monohybrid, monohydric, monoid, monoideism, monokaryon, monokini, monolater, monolatry, monolayer, monoline, monolingual, monolith, monolithic, monolobular, monolocular, monological, monologist, monologue, monology, monomachy, monomania, monomaniac, monomaniacal, monomer, monomerous, monometallism, monometer, monomial, monomolecular, monomorphic, monomyth, mononuclear, mononucleosis, mononym, monopathic, monopathy, monoped, monopersonal, monophagous, monophagy, monophanous, monophase, monophobia, monophone, monophonemic, monophonic, monophony, monophthalmic, monophthong, monophyletic, monophyllous, monophylotic, monophysite, monopitch, monoplane, monoplast, monoplegia, monoplegic, monopod, monopolar, monopole, monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic, monopolization, monopolize, monopolizer, monopoly, monopolylogue, monoprint, monopropellant, monoptote, monopulse, monorail, monorchid, monopsonistic, monopsony, monorhine, monosemantic, monosexual, monosign, monosomatous, monosome, monospasm, monospermous, monospore, monostable, monostatic, monostele, monostich, monostomatous, monostrophic, monostylous, monosyllabic, monosyllable, monosymmetrical, monosymmetry, monosystemic, monotechnic, monothalmic, monthalmous, monotheism, monotheist, monotheistic, monothelite, monothematic, monotone, monotonic, monotonist, monotonous, monotonously, monotony, monotremata, monotremate, monotrochal, monotrophic, monotropic, monotropy, monotype, monotypic, monovalent, monovular, monoxenous, monoxide, monoxylon, monoxylous, monozoic, monzygotic, pseudomonad, theomonism : black mulberry sycamore : form; : Morpheus actinomorphic, allelomorph, allomorph, amorphic, amorphism, amorphous, anamorphic, anamorphism, anamorphosis, andromorphic, anthropomorph, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphism, automorphic, automorphism, biomorph, cacomorphia, cacomorphic, coracomorphic, cyclomorphosis, cynomorphic, cryptomorphite, de-anthropomorphize, diamorphosis, dimorph, dimorphemic, dimorphic, dimorphism, dimorphous, dolichomorphic, dynamometamorphism, dysporomorph, ectomorph, enantiomorph, endomorph, endomorphic, endomorphin, endomorphism, endorphin, ephemeromorph, exomorphic, gamomorphism, geomorphic, geomorphism, geomorphogeny, geomorphology, geomorphy, gerontomorphic, gerontomorphy, gynandromorph, gynecomorphous, halomorphic, haplomorphic, hemimorphic, heteromorphic, holomorphic, homeomorph, homeomorphic, homeomorphism, homeomorphous, homeomorphy, homomorph, homomorphic, homomorphism, hylomorphism, hypermorph, hypomorphic, hystricomorph, ichthyomorphic, idiomorphic, idiomorphism, isomorph, isomorphic, isomorphism, isomorphous, katamorphism, lagomorph, lipomorph, mechanomorphic, meromorph, mesomorph, mesomorphic, mesomorphism, mesomorphous, metamorphic, metamorphine, metamorphism, metamorphology, metamorphose, metamorphosis, metamorphous, micromorph, monomorphic, morph, morpheme, Morpheus, morphia, morphic, morphine, morphinism, morphogen, morphogenesis, morphogenic, morphogeny, morphographer, morphography, morpholexical, morphological, morphology, morphometric, morphometry, morphon, morphomene, morphonology, morphophyly, morphosis, morphosyntax, morphotactics, morphotechtonics, morphotic, morphotomy, morphotropism, morphotropy, myomorph, necromorphous, neomorph, neomorphism, neomorphosis, nothomorph, ophiomorphic, ophiomorphous, organomorphic, ornithomorphic, orthomorphic, otomorphology, paleomorphic, pantomorph, pantamorphic, paramorph, paramorphine, paramorphism, pedomorphic, pedomorphy, perimorph, pharmacomorphic, photomorphogenesis, phragmomorphous, phyllomorph, pleiomorphy, pleomorphic, pleromorph, plesiomorph, polymorph, polymorphic, polymorphism, polymorphous, promorph, promorphology, protomorph, protomorphic, pseudomorph, pycnomorphic, pyromorphite, pythonomorph, ratiomorphic, rheomorphism, rhizomorphous, sciuromorph, sporomorph, stasimorphy, stomatomorphous, symmorphic, symmorphism, tautomorphous, tetramorph, tetramorphic, theoanthropomorphic, theometamorphism, theomorphic, theomorphism, therianthropomorphic, theriomorph, theriomorphic, theriomorphism, thermometamorphism, theromorph, topomorph, transmorphism, trimorph, trimorphic, trimorphism, xenomorphic, xeromorph, zoomorph, zoomorphic, zoomorphism, zygomorphic : musk musk, musk ox, muskrat : Muse ethnomusicology, immusical, mosaic, mosaicism, mosaicist, muse, Muse, museless, museology, musette, museum, music, musical, musical chairs, musicale, musically, musician, musicogenic, musicography, musicological, musicologist, musicology, musicophile, musing, nonmusical, unmusical, war museum : mu mu, muon, muonium : marrow macromyelon, myelencephalon, myelin, myelitis, myeloblast, myelocele, myelocoele, myelocyte, myelogenetic, myelogenic, myelogram, myelography, myeloid, myeloma, myelon, myelopathy, myelosis, osphyomyelitis, osteomyelitis, poliomyelitis : suck myzostoma, ornithomyzous : speech creation myth, demyth, demythicize, demythify, demythologize, engastromythic, epimyth, hero myth, lunar myth, monomyth, myth, mythic, mythical, mythically, mythicism, mythicist, mythicize, mythless, mythoclastic, mythogenesis, mythogenic, mythogony, mythographer, mythographic, mythography, mythoheroic, mythological, mythologically, mythologist, mythologize, mythology, mythomania, mythometer, mythoplasm, mythopoeia, mythopoeic, mythopoem, mythos, polymythy, solar myth, stichomythia, stichomythic, theomythology, zoomythic : fly myiasis, stegomyia : Mycenae Mycenae, Mycenean : fungus dermatomycosis, erythromycin, mitomycin, mycelium, mycetismus, mycetocyte, mycetogenetic, mycetology, mycetoma, mycetophagous, mycetozoa, mycobacterium, mycobiont, mycoderma, mycology, mycomysticism, mycophagous, mycophagy, mycophile, mycophilic, mycophobia, mycoplasma, mycorrhiza, mycosis, mycotoxin, mycotrophy, neomycin, onychomycosis, oomycete, otomycosis, scleromyxedema, spectinomycin, streptomycete, streptomycin : mill mylodon, myloglossus : slime myxameba, myxedemia, myxo-, myxobacterium, myxococcus, myxoma, myxomatosis, myxopod, myxospore, myxostoma, myxovirus, polymixin, protomyxoid, scleromyxedema : lamp wick match, matchbook, matchlock : countless myriacanthous, myriad, myriagram, myrialiter, myriameter, myriapod, myriarch : ant myrmecologist, myrmecology, myrmecophagous, myrmecophile, myrmecophilous, myrmidon : myrtle myrtle (Ultimately Persian.) : muscle, mouse amyotonia, amyotrophic, dermatomyostitis, dimyary, electromyogram, electromyograph, encephalomyelitis, myalgia, myasthenia, myoatropy, myoblast, myocardiac, myocarditis, myocardium, myochemistry, myochrome, myocoele, myocyte, myodynamics, myoelectric, myogen, myoglobin, myogram, myograph, myoid, myology, myoma, myomancy, myomectomy, myomeric, myomorph, myoneural, myonymy, myopathy, myophone, myophore, myophysics, myoplasm, myoscope, myosin, myospasm, myotatic, myotomy, myotonia, myotonic, oxymoglobin, perimysium, phascolome, tropomyosin : unclean mysophobia : upper lip moustache, mustache, mustachio : close; : mystery demystification, demystify, miosis, miotic, mycomysticism, myopia, myopic, myopically, myopism, mystagogue, mystagogy, mysterious, mysteriously, mysteriousness, mystery, mystic, mystical, mystically, mysticism, mysticity, mystification, mystifier, mystify, mystique : moly moly : mockery Momus : dull; : folly moron, moronic, moronically, morosophist, oxymoron, oxymoronic, sophomore, sophomoric, sophomorical, theromorous : dwell; : temple naological, naology, naos, neocorate, pronaos : dwarf nanism, nannofossil, nannoplankton, nanoampere, nanobyte, nanocomponent, nanoequivalent, nanofarad, nanogram, nanohenry, nanoliter, nanometer, nanomole, nanoparticle, nanosecond, nanosensor, nanosub, nanotechnology, nanovolt, nanowatt : spikenard nard, spikenard : plant narthex : numbness; : narcissus electronarcosis, electronarcotic, narc, narcissism, narcissist, narcissistic, narcissistically, narcissus, narcolepsy, narcoleptic, narcoma, narcomania, narcosis, narcosynthesis, narcotic, narcotism, narcotize, nark : pressed together nastic, nyctinastic, nyctinasty : ship; : sailor; : naval battle; : naval battle aeronaut, aeronautics, Argonaut, astronaut, astronautical, astronautics, cosmonaut, cosmonautical, NASA, naumachia, naupathia, nausea, nauseate, nauseation, nauseous, nauteously, nautic, nautical, nautical mile, nautiliform, nautilus, oceanaut, responaut : naphtha napalm, naphtha, naphthene, naphthol flowNaiad naiad : of the Nile Nile, Nilo-Hamite, Nilo-Hamitic, nilometer, Nilot, Nilotic : corpse dermonecrotic, necrobiosis, necrobiotic, necrogenic, necrogenous, necrographer, necrolatry, necrological, necrologist, necrologue, necrology, necromancer, necromancy, necromania, necromantic, necromorphous, necrophagous, necrophilia, necrophiliac, necrophilic, necrophilism, necrophobia, necrophobic, necrophore, necropolis, necropsy, necroscopic, necroscopy, necrose, necrosis, necrotic, necrotomy, necrotype, necrotypic nectar nectar, nectarean, nectareous, nectariferous, nectarine, nectarivorous, nectary : Nemea: see : assign: See . : new, young antineoplastic, gluconeogenesis, misoneism, Naples, neanic, neanthropic, Neapolitan, neoblast, neocapitalist, Neocene, neocerebellum, neoclassical, neoclassicist, neocolonial, neocolonialism, neocomian, neoconservative, neocortex, neocosmic, neodoxy, neoembryo, neoexpressionist, neofascist, neogam, neogean, neogene, neogenesis, neoglacial, neogrammarian, neograph, neographic, neography, neoimperialist, neoimpressionism, neoisolationist, neo-Latin, neoliberal, neolinguist, neolite, neolith, neolithic, neolocal, neologian, neological, neologism, neologist, neologize, neology, neomenia, neomorph, neomorphism, neomorphosis, neomycin, neon, neonatal, neonatologist, neonatology, neoned, neonomian, neontology, neopallium, neophilia, neophiliac, neophobia, neophobic, neophyte, neoplasm, neoplasty, neoplatonic, neoplatonism, neopragmatist, neoprene, neossine, neossology, neotechnic, neoteny, neoteric, neoterism, neothalamus, neotocite, neotraditionalist, neotropics, neotype, Neozoic : Nestor Nestor, Nestorian : sinew aeroneurosis, angioneurosis, angioneurotic, cryptoneurous, cycloneurous, dermoneural, ectoneural, epineural, exoneural, fibroneuron, hyponeuria, idioneural, interneural, logoneurosis, myoneural, neuradynamic, neural, neuralgia, neuralgic, neurally, neurasthenia, neurasthenic, neuration, neurectomy, neurenteric, neurergic, neurility, neurine, neurinoma, neuritis, neuroanatomy, neurobiology, neuroblast, neurocentral, neurochemical, neurochemistry, neurochitin, neurochord, neurocoele, neurocyte, neurodermal, neuroelectric, neuroembryology, neurogenesis, neurogenetic, neurogenic, neuroglandular, neurogram, neurography, neurohistology, neurohormone, neuroleptic, neurolinguist, neurolite, neurological, neurologist, neurology, neurolysis, neuroma, neuromast, neuromere, neurometer, neuromuscular, neuron, neuronal, neuronym, neuroparalysis, neuropath, neuropathic, neuropathology, neuropathy, neurophagia, neuroplasm, neuroplasticity, neuroplasty, neuropod, neuropsychic, neuropsychologist, neuropsychology, neuropterous, neuroreceptor, neurosal, neurosis, neuroscience, neuroscientist, neurosis, neuroskeleton, neurospore, neurosurgeon, neurosurgery, neurotic, neuroticism, neurotogenic, neurotomy, neurotonic, neurotoxin, neurotransmitter, neurotrophic, neurotropic, neurotropism, nerula, neurovascular, neurovirulence, orthoneural, perineural, perineuritis, perineurium, polyneuritis, psychoneural, psychoneurosis, psychoneurotic, streptoneural, synneurosis, trophoneurotic, zygoneure : cloud; : cloud nephanalysis, nephelognosy, nepheloid, nepehelometer, nephogram, nephograph, nephology, nephoscope : kidney enteronephritic, epinephrine, hyrdonephros, mesonephron, nephralgia, nephrectomy, nephric, nephrism, nephrite, nephritic, nephritis, nephroblast, nephrocele, nephrocyte, nephrogastric, nephrogenic, nephrography, nephroid, nephrolith, nephrolithic, nephrolithotomy, nephrologist, nephrology, nephron, nephropathic, nephropathy, nephropexy, nephroplegy, nephroptosis, nephrorrhagia, nephrosis, nephrotic, nephrotomy, nephrotoxin, perinephrium, pronephron, pyonephrotic : swim nectocyst, nekton : thread nematic, nematoblast, nematocide, nematocyst, nematogen, nematoid, nematology, nematophore, nemetatozooid, nemocerous, protonema, spasmoneme, synaptonemal, tarsonemid, unineme : Nereus nereid, Nereus, neritic : liquid aneroid : spinning traumatonesis : island Dodecanese, Melanesia, Melanesian, Melanesoid, Micronesia, Micronesian, nesiote, Peloponese, Peloponnesian, Polynesia, Polynesian : victory; : conquer Berenice, epinician, Eunice, Nicene, Nicholas, Nike, Thessalonica Niobe Niobe, niobian, niobic, niobium : sodium carbonate denitrate, denitrification, denitrify, denitrize, laetrile, N, natriuresis, natron, nital, niter, nitrate, nitration, nitric, nitridation, nitride, nitrifiable, nitrification, nitrifier, nitrify, nitrile, nitritoid, nitrite, nitro, nitrobenzene, nitroform, nitrogation, nitrogen, nitrogenase, nitrogenate, nitrogenous, nitroglucose, nitroglycerin, nitrohydrochloric, nitrometer, nitron, nitronium, nitrophilous, nitrosate, nitrosulfuric, nitrosyl, nitrous, nitroxyl, oxynitrate : spurious nothomorph, nothosaur : custom; : assign; : legislator; : legitimate; : coin aeronomy, agronome, agronomics, agronomist, agronomy, anomie, anomy, antinomian, antinomianism, antinomy, astronomer, astronomical, astronomy, autonomic, autonomous, autonomously, autonomy, chironomy, chronomy, coinomic, cleronomy, dactylonomy, Deuteronomic, Deuteronomist, Deuteronomy, dinomic, diseconomy, dysnomy, econometric, econometrician, econometrics, economic, economical, economically, economics, economism, economist, economize, economizer, economy, ergonomic, ergonomical, ergonomically, ergonomics, ergonomist, eunomy, gastronome, gastronomic, gastronomical, gastronomy, geoeconomics, geonomy, heteronomous, heteronomy, homonomous, homonomy, hypernomian, isonomic, isonomy, macroeconomics, macroeconomy, mesonomic, metronome, metronomic, microeconomics, microeconomy, nemesis, nemisism, nemesistic, neonomian, nomad, nomadic, nomadically, nomadism, nomadization, nomadize, nomady, nomarch, nomarchy, nome, nomic, nomism, nomocanon, nomocracy, nomogeny, nomogram, nomograph, nomographer, nomography, nomological, nomology, nomotheism, nomothetic, -nomy, numismatic, numismatics, numismatologist, numismatology, ontonomy, orgonomy, phytonomy, plutonomy, psychonomy, radioastronomy, seminomadic, stephanome, synnomic, taphonomy, technonomy, teleonomy, theonomist, theonomy : disease; : be ill dermatonosis, desmonosology, nosogeography, nosography, nosology, nosometer, nosophile, nosophobia, nosophyte, nosopoetic, nosotaxy, nosotheory, nosotrophy, ochronosis, zoonosis : returning home; : return nostalgia, nostalgic, nostalgically, nostoi, nostology, nostomania : south wind Notogaea, Notus : mind; : perceive, think; : repent; : intend; : not know; : plan; : goodwill; : concord; : foresight dianoetic, dianoia, digoneutic, metanoia, noegenesis, noem, noema, noematic, noemics, noesis, noetic, noological, noology, noosphere, noumenal, noumenalism, noumenalist, noumenally, noumenon, nous, paranoia, paranoiac, paranoid : night nychthemeral, nycthemeron, nyct-, nyctalope, nyctalopia, nyctalopic, nyctalopy, nyctinastic, nyctinasty, nyctitropic, nyctitropism, nycotgraph, Nyctophilus, nyctophobia, nyctophonia maiden, bride endolymph, hemolymph, karyolymph, lymph, lymphadenitis, lymphadenoma, lymphagogue, lymphangial, lymphangitis, lymphatic, lymphemia, lymphangiography, lymphatic, lymph gland, lymphitis, lymphoblast, lymphocyte, lymphogenous, lymphogranuloma, lymphography, lymphoid, lymphoma, lymphomatosis, lymphongiography, lymphorragia, lymphous, lymphy, nymph, nymphaeum, nymphal, nymphean, nymphet, nymphiparous, nymphish, nympho, nympholepsy, nympholept, nympholeptic, nymphomania, nymphomaniac, nymphotomy, paranymph, perilymph, perilymphatic, pronymph, pronymphal, sea nymph, tree nymph, waternymph, wood nymph : nod off nystagmic, nystagmus : back notacanthous, notobranchiate, notochord, notochordal, notopodium, notornis, platynotal : yellow cryptoxanthin, pyroxanthin, uroxanic, uroxanthin, xanthic, xanthide, xanthin, xanthine, Xanthippe, xanthism, xanthocarpous, xanthochroi, xanthochromia, xanthocyanopsy, xanthoderm, xanthodont, xanthogen, xanthoma, xanthomelanous, xanthometer, xanthopathy, xanthophyll, xanthopsy, xanthorrhea, xanthosis, xanthospermous, xanthous, xanthoxylon, zooxanthin : stranger, guest friend, foreigner lipoxenous, metaxenia, monoxenous, philoxenist, polyxenic, pyroxene, trogloxene, Xe, xenagogue, xenia, xenial, xenobiosis, xenobiotic, xenoblast, xenocentric, xenocyst, xenoderm, xenodiagnosis, xenogamy, xenogenesis, xenoglossia, xenoglossy, xenograft, xenolalia, xenolith, xenomania, xenomorphic, xenon, xenoparasite, xenophile, xenophilia, xenophobe, xenophobia, xenophobic, xenophoran, xenopterygian, xenothermal, xenotransplant, xenotropic, xenurine, Zenia : dry elixir, phylloxera, xerarch, xeric, xerocolous, xerocopy, xeroderma, xeroform, xerography, xeroma, xeromorph, xerophagy, xerophile, xerophilous, xerophthalmia, xerophyte, xeroplastic, xerophobous, xeroradiography, xerosis, xerostoma, Xerox : sword xiphoid, xiphophyllous, xiphosauran, ziphioid : wood haloxylin, hematoxylin, intraxylary, metaxylem, monoxylon, monoxylous, orthoxylene, xanthoxylon, xylanthrax, xylary, xylem, xylite, xylitol, xylochrome, xyloglyphy, xylograph, xylographer, xylography, xyloid, xylology, xylophage, xylophagous, xylophilous, xylophone, xylotherapy, xylotomous, xylotomy : scrape xyst, xyster, xystus omicron omicron the hoi polloi : oasis (ultimately Egyptian) oasis : spit obeliscal, obelisk, obelize, obelus : obol diobely, diobol, obol, obole, obolus : barb onchocercal, onchocerciasis : mass oncofetal, oncogene, oncogenesis, oncogenic, oncograph, oncolite, oncological, oncologist, oncology, oncolysis, oncometer, oncosimeter, oncosine, oncosphere, oncotic, oncotomy : road anodal, anode, anodic, anodize, cathode, diode, disodic, dynode, electrode, epanodos, episode, episodic, ergodic, esodic, ethnomethodology, exodic, exodus, geode, hexode, hodograph, hodometrical, hodoscope, homoperiodic, hydroperiod, kinesodic, lithanode, method, methodical, methodically, methodist, methodization, methodize, methodological, methodology, microelectrode, nonperiodic, odograph, odometer, paideutics, parode, pentode, period, periodate, periodeutic, periodic, periodical, periodically, periodicity, periodic table, periodization, periodize, periodogram, periodograph, periodology, periodoscope, phaeodarian, photocathode, photodiode, photoperiod, photoperiodic, photoperiodism, planodia, platinode, propaedeutic, stomodeum, synod, synodal, synodic, synodical, synodically, synodist, synodite, synodsman, synody, tetrode, thermode, triode, wave period, word method : tooth amblodont, brachyodont, coelodont, conodont, coryphodon, coryphodont, cryptodont, ctenodont, cynodont, cynodontism, dendrodont, desmodont, dicynodont, dilambodent, diodont, diphyodont, diprododont, dysodont, echinod, edaphodont, endodontist, exodontia, exodontic, exodontist, glyptodon, gomphodont, goniodont, gymnodont, haplodont, helodont, heterodont, homodont, hyodont, hypsodont, iguanodon, isodont, labyrinthodon, lophiodon, lophiodont, loxodon, lycodont, mastodon, mastodont, mecodont, megadont, mesodont, microdont, monodon, mylodon, odontalgia, odontalgic, odontist, odontoblast, odontogeny, odontograph, odontography, odontoid, odontolith, odontology, odontome, odontophoran, odontophore, odontophorous, odontotomy, oligodontous, opisthodont, oreodon, orthodontia, orthodontics, orthodontist, pachyodont, pedodontist, periodontal, periodontia, periodontics, periodontist, periodontology, periodontosis, petalodont, plagiodont, platyodont, pleodont, pleurodont, polyodont, priodont, prionodont, prosthodontics, prosthodontist, pycnodont, rhinodont, rhizodont, saurodont, secodont, selenodont, sigmoidodont, solenodont, squalodont, stegodont, symmetrodont, taurodont, taurodontism, taxodont, teleodont, tetrodont, thecodont, theriodont, therodont, tillodont, tormodont, toxodont, trilophodont, xanthodont, zeuglodon, zygodont : pain aerodyne, anodyne, chlorodyne, gastrodynia, gyrodyne, heterodyne, homodyne, kilodyne, lipoma, mastodynia, metadyne, neutrodyne, odynometer, odynophagia, odynophobic, oneirodynia, ophthalmodynia, osteodynia, otodynia, pleurodynia, pneumonodynia, thoracodynia, velodyne : Odysseus Odyssean, Odysseus, Odyssey : smell de-ozonize, oxyntic, ozocerite, ozonation, ozone, ozone layer, ozoneless, ozonesonde, ozonic, ozonide, ozoniferous, ozonify, ozonization, ozonize, ozonizer, ozonograph, ozonographer, ozonolysis, ozonometer, ozonometric, ozonoscope, ozonosphere, ozonous : linen pyrothonide see : swell adenoma, angioma, astrocytoma, carcinoma, edema, embryoma, glaucoma, hematoma, keratoma, leucoma, lymphadenoma, lymphoma, meningioma, myeloma, myxedema, neurinoma, neuroma, oedema, Oedipal, Oedipean, oedipodic, Oedipus, Oedipus complex, oedometer, -oma, papilledema, sarcoma, scleromyxedema, scotoma, staphyloma, steatoma, tracheoma, trichoma, tyroma, xanthoma, xeroma Many other words ending in -ema, -oma. : house; : house slave; : household; : found; : inhabit archdiocese, autecology, bioecology, coinonomic, deparochialize, diocesan, diocese, dioecious, diseconomy, ecad, ecesis, ecize, eco-activist, ecocatastrophe, ecocidal, ecocide, ecoclimate, ecofreak, eco-friendly, ecological, ecologically, ecologist, ecology, econometric, econometrician, econometrics, economic, economical, economically, economics, economism, economist, economization, economize, economizer, economy, ecophene, ecosocialism, ecospecies, ecosphere, ecosystem, ecotene, ecoterror, ecoterrorism, ecoterrorist, ecotone, ecotype, ecumaniac, ecumene, ecumenic, ecumenical, ecumenicalism, ecumenicalist, ecumenically, ecumenicity, ecumenics, ecumenism, ecumenist, ecumenopolis, ekistics, genecology, geoeconomics, home economics, macroeconomics, macroeconomy, metic, microecology, microeconomics, microeconomy, monoecia, monoecious, noneconomic, paleoecology, parish, parish council, parishioner, parochial, parochialism, parochiality, parochialize, parochially, parecious, peace economy, planned economy, politico-economic, radio ecology, Reaganomics, synecology, synoeciosis, war economy, zooecium : road paroemia, paroemic, proem, proemial : wine oenology, oenomania, oenomel, oenometer, oenophile, oenophilia, oenophilist, oenophobe, oenophobia, oenophobist, oenotherapy : gadfly estrogen, estrogenic, estrous, estrus, oestrous, oestrus : ocean Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, interoceanic, mid-ocean, ocean, oceanarium, oceanaut, oceanfront, oceania, Oceanian, oceanic, oceanicity, oceanid, oceanity, oceanization, oceanodromous, oceanographer, oceanographic, oceanographical, oceanography, oceanological, oceanologist, oceanology, Pacific Ocean, suboceanic, transoceanic : eight (See L. octo.) hexoctahedron, isooctane, octachord, octactinal, octad, octagon, octagonal, octahedral, octahedrite, octahedron, octameral, octamerous, octameter, octane, octaphonic, octarch, octarchy, octastich, octastyle, octodactylous, octomeral, octoploid, octopod, octopodous, octopus, octospermous, octospore, octosyllabic, octyl, trisoctahedron : few oligacanthous, oligandrous, oliganthous, oligarch, oligarchical, oligarchic, oligarchical, oligarchism, oliarchization, oligarchize, oligarchy, oligarticular, oligemia, oligist, oligoblennia, oligocarpous, Oligocene, oligochromenia, oligochromometer, oligoclase, oligocystic, oligocythemia, oligodendrocyte, oligodontous, oligodynamic, oligogalactia, oligoglottism, oligohaline, oligohydramnios, oligolectic, oligomania, oligomenorrhea, oligomer, oligomerization, oligomerous, oligomictic, oligoneucleotide, oligopeptide, oligopetalous, oligophagous, oligophagy, oligophrenia, oligophrenic, oligophyllous, oligopod, oligopolist, oligopolistic, oligopoly, oligoprobic, oligopsony, oligosiderite, oligospermia, oligospermic, oligosporous, oligosyllabic, oligotokous, oligotrophic, oligotrophy, oligotropic, oligozoospermia, oliguresia, oliguria, oliguric slip olistolith, olistrome : whole catholic, catholicism, catholicity, catholocize, catholicly, decatholicize, holism, holistic, holistically, holoblast, holoblastic, holocaust, holocellulose, holocene, holocephalic, holochrone, holocrine, holocryptic, holodactyl, hologamy, hologen, hologenesis, holognathous, hologram, holograph, holographic, holography, holohedral, holometabolous, holometer, holomorphic, holoparasite, holophane, holophote, holophrasis, holophrastic, holophytic, holostomatous, holosymmetry, holosystematic, holotype, holozoic, noncatholic, Roman Catholic : Olympus Olympia, Olympiad, Olympian, Olympic, Olympus : Homer Homer, Homeric, Homerid, Homerology see : like; : crowd; : association; : agreement; : concord; : level anomalism, anomalist, anomalous, anomaly, deuteranomalous, geomalic, geomalism, homalographic, homaloid,homeoblastic, homeocephalic, homeogeneous, homeogenesis, homeomeral, homeomerous, homeomorph, homeomorphic, homeomorphism, homeomorphous, homeomorphy, homeopath, homeopathic, homeopathy, homeophony, homeoplastic, homeopolar, homeostasis, homeostat, homeostatic, homeoteleutic, homeothermic, homeotopy, homeotype, homeozoic, homilete, homiletic, homiletical, homiletics, homilist, homilize, homily, homobaric, homoblastic, homobranchiate, homocarpous, homocentric, homocercal, homochromatic, homoclime, homocline, homocyclic, homodemic, homodermic, homodesmic, homodont, homodromous, homodyne, homoerotic, homoeroticism, homogamous, homogamy, homogen, homogeneity, homogeneous, homogeneously, homogenesis, homogenetic, homogenital, homogenize, homogeny, homoglot, homogonic, homograft, homograph, homograhic, homography, homoiousian, homokaryotic, homolateral, homologate, homologation, homologen, homological, homologize, homologous, homologue, homology, homolysis, homomalous, homomeral, homometrical, homomorph, homomorphic, homomorphism, homonomous, homonomy, homonuclear, homonym, homonymous, homoousian, homopathy, homoperiodic, homopetalous, homophene, homophile, homophobe, homophobic, homophone, homophonic, homophonous, homophony, homophyllous, homoplast, homoplastic, homoplasty, homopolar, homopterous, homorganic, homoseismic, homosexual, homosexualism, homosexuality, homosporous, homostatic, homostyled, homosystematic, homotaxial, homotaxis, homothallic, homtherm, homotony, homotopic, homotopy, homotransplant, homotropous, homotype, homotypic, homovital, homozygote, inhomogeneity, inhomogeneous, nonhomologous, parhomologous, paromology, parousia : navel omphalectomy, omphalic, omphalitis, omphalocoele, omphalomancy, omphalopsychic, omphaloscopy, omphalotomy, omphalos : dream oneiric, oneirocritic, oneirocritical, oneirocriticism, oneirodynia, oneirology, oneiromancy, oneiroscopy : name; : name (vb.) acronym, allonym, ananym, anon., anonymity, anonymous, anonymously, antonym, anthropoponymy, antonomasia, caconym, charactonym, chironomy, cryptonym, cryptonomous, cytotaxonomy, dionym, dionymal, eponym, eponymous, eponymy, ethnonym, euonym, heteronym, heteronymous, homonym, homoymous, hyponym, iconomatic, Jerome, matronymic, metonym, metonymy, metronymic, mononym, myonymy, neuronym, onomancy, onomasiology, onomastic, onomasticon, onomatologist, onomatology, onomatomania, onomatopeia, onomatopeic, onomatoplasm, onomatopoesis, onomatopoetic, onomatous, onym, onymatic, onymous, paranomasia, paronym, paronymize, paronymous, paronymy, patronymic, polyonymous, pseudonym, pseudonymity, pseudonymous, pseudonymously, retronym, synonym, synonymic, synonymical, synonymist, synonymity, synonymize, synonymous, synonymously, synonymy, tautonym, taxon, taxonomic, taxonomically, taxonomist, taxonomy, toponomastic, toponym, toponymic, toponymy, trionym, typonym ass onager, onagraceous, oniscoid, oniscus, onocentaur, onolatry -: see (be) fingernail megalonyx, onychia, onychogryphosis, onychomancy, onychomycosis, onychophagous, onychophagia, onychophagy, onychophorous, onyx, paronychia, perionchyia : sharp anoxia, antioxidant, autoxidize, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carboxyl, carboxylic, deoxidate, deoxidation, deoxidator, deoxidize, deoxygenate, deoxygenation, deoxygenize, deozonize, desoxalic, dioxide, dioxin, DNA, epoxide, epoxy, hydroxide, hydroxyl, hypoxemia, hypoxia, hypoxic, inoxidize, lox, mesoxyalic, monoxide, nitroxyl, O, oxalemia, oxalhydrate, oxalic, oxalosis, oxaluria, oxaluric, oxalyl, oxamic, oxamide, oxea, oxic, oxicity, oxidability, oxidable, oxidant, oxidase, oxidate, oxidation, oxidative, oxidator, oxide, oxidizable, oxidization, oxidize, oxidizer, oxidoreduction, oxime, oximeter, oxine, oxisol, oxonic, oxonium, oxosteroid, oxy, oxy-, oxyacetylene, oxyacid, oxyanion, oxyarc, oxybromide, oxycalcium, oxycarbonate, oxycarpous, oxycellulose, oxycephalic, oxycyanide, oxydactyl, oxydase, oxyesthesia, oxydactyl, oxygen, oxygenate, oxygenation, oxygenator, oxygenic, oxygenize, oxygenless, oxygenous, oxyhemoglobin, oxyhydrate, oxyhydrogen, oxylith, oxyluciferin, oxymel, oxymeter, oxymoron, oxymoronic, oxymyoglobin, oxynitrate, oxyntic, oxyopia, oxyphil, oxyphilic, oxyphilous, oxyphony, oxyphyllous, oxyrrhinchous, oxyrrhine, oxysaccharum, oxysalt, oxystome, oxytocic, oxttocia, oxytocin, oxytone, oxytonic, oxytoxic, oxytrichine, oxytrope, oxyuris, paroxysm, paroxysmal, paroxysmalist, pentoxide, peroxidase, peroxidation, peroxide, peroxisome, photo-oxidation, protoxide, pyridoxic, pyridoxine, pyroxylic, pyroxylin, redox, thiazide, trioxide, zinc oxide : opal opal, opalescence, opalescent, opaline, opalite, opaloid opening metope, metopic, metoposcopy : behind opisthobranch, opisthocoelous, opisthodont, opisthogastric, opisthoglossal, opisthoglyph, opisthograph, opisthotic, opistotonos, opisthure : tool; : infantry; : equip hoplite, panoply : juice opiate, opiatic, opiism, opiology, opiomania, opiomaniac, opiophagy, opium, opium den, opium dream, opium habit, opium plant, opium poppy, opotherapy : see; : sight cinerama, cosmorama, cosmoramic, cyclorama, diorama, dioramic, georama, panorama, panoramic, panoramist, typorama : tool bio-organism, CIO, cyborg, disorganic, disorganization, disorganize, disorganizer, enorganic, homorganic, inorganic, inorganically, inorganization, intraorganic, merorganize, microorganism, NATO, nonorganic, OAS, org, organ, organelle, organette, organetto, organic, organically, organicism, organicity, organific, organification, organify, organigram, organism, organismic, organist, organizable, organization, organizational, organize, organizer, organless, organogenesis, organogenic, organogenous, organogeny, organograph, organography, organoid, organoleptic, organology, organomorphic, organon, organophone, organophonic, organophosphate, organophyly, organoplasty, organoscopy, organosol, organotherapy, organ-pipe, organum, organza, orgone, orgonity, orgonomy, pseudorganic, reorganization, reorganize, SEATO, sex organ, superorganic, teleorganic, unorganized, water organ : temper, swelling; : swell anorgasmic, orgasm, orgasmic, orgasmically, orgastic : rites orgiast, orgiastic, orgiastically, orgy, sex orgy : straight anorthic, anorthopia, co-orthogonal, co-orthotomic, diorthosis, diorthotic, Emmy, enorthotrope, epanorthosis, orthaxial, orthesis, orthian, orthic, orthicon, orthid, orthite, ortho, orthobasic, orthocarpous, orthocenter, orthocephalic, orthoceras, orthochromatic, orthoclase, orthocoelic, orthocone, orthocycle, orthodigital, orthodontia, orthodontics, orthodontist, orthodox, orthodoxism, orthodoxly, orthodoxy, orthodromic, orthoepist, orthoepy, orthoferrite, orthoform, orthogamy, orthogenesis, orthogenetic, orthognathous, orthogonal, orthograde, orthographer, orthographic, orthography, orthohelium, orthohydrogen, orthohydrograph, orthokinesis, orthokinetic, orthology, orthometric, orthometry, orthomolecular, orthomorphic, orthoneural, orthonormal, orthopathy, orthopedics, orthopedist, orthophonic, orthophony, orthophoria, orthophoto, orthopnea, orthopraxis, orthopraxy, orthoprism, orthopsychiatry, orthopter, orthopteron, orthopterous, orthoptic, orthopyramid, orthorhombic, orthoscope, orthoscopic, orthosis, orthospermous, orthostat, orthostatic, orthostereoscope, orthostichy, orthostyle, orthosymmetric, orthotectonic, orthotics, orthtomic, orthotone, orthotonic, orthotonus, orthotopic, orthotropic, orthotropism, orthotropous, orthotropy, orthovoltage, orthoxylene, posturepedic, synorthographic, triorthogonal, unorthodox : divide; : boundary; : boundary aorist, aoristic, aphorism, aphoristic, aphoritic, horizon, horizontal, horizontalize, horizontally : oath exorcism, exorcist, exorcize onset horme, hormonal, hormone, hormonology, neurohormone, parahormone, pheromone, phytohormone, prohormone, sex hormone : bird Avernal, Avernus, Dinornis, dinornithia, Dromornis, ichthyornis, neossine, neossology, notornis, ornis, ornithic, ornithichnite, ornithivorous, ornithobiography, ornithocephalous, ornithocoprolite, ornithodelphia, ornithogalum, ornithogea, ornithoid, ornitholeucism, ornitholite, ornithological, ornithologist, ornithology, ornithomancy, ornithomelanism, ornithomorphic, ornithomyzous, ornithophile, ornithophilous, ornithophily, ornithopod, ornithopter, ornithopterous, ornithorhychus, ornthosaurian, ornithoscelidan, ornithoscopy, ornithosis, ornithotomy, ornithuric, ornithurous, paleornithology, philornithic, proto-ornithoid, panornithic, steatornis : mountain oread, oreodon, orocentral, orocline, orocratic, orogen, orogenesis, orogenetic, orogenic, orogeny, orographic, orographical, orography, orohippus, orohydrography, orologist, orology, orometer, orometric, orometry : serum orosomucoid, orotic : quail Ortygian : reach after anorectic, anorexia, anorexic, parorexia : rice oryzenin, oryzivorous, rice : Orpheus Orphean, Orphic, Orphic egg, Orphism, Orpheus : orphan orphan, orphanage, orphan asylum, orphancy, orphanhood, orphanize : dance orchestric, orchestra, orchestral, orchestralist, orchestrate, orchestration, orchestrator, orchestrelle, orchestrina : testicle cryptorchid, cryptorchidism, mesorchial, monorchid, orchialgia, orchid, orchidaceous, orchidectomy, orchidist, orchidocele, orchidologist, orchidology, orchidomania, orchidopexy, orchidophilist, orchidotomy, orchiocele, orchiopexy, orchis, orchitis, orchocele, orchotomy, synorchism diseased condition trichinosis etc. (= Eng. -osis) : odor anosmic, anosmatic, coprosma, microsmatic, osmagogue, osmate, osmatic, osmeterium, osmic, osmicate, osmics, osmiophilic, osmious, osmite, osmium, osmoceptor, osmology, osmometer, osmophilic, osmophore, osmoscope, osmotic, parosmia, perosmate, telosmic : bone coracosteon, endosteal, exostosis, intraosteal, ossein, osseous, ostalgia, osteal, osteitis, ostenoid, osteoarthritis, osteoblast, ostecartilaginous, osteochondritis, osteoclasis, osteoclast, osteocolla, osteocomma, osteocope, osteocyte, osteoderm, osteodynia, osteodystrophy, osteofibrosis, osteogangrene, osteogen, osteogenesis, osteogenous, osteography, osteoid, osteolite, osteolith, osteological, osteologist, osteology, osteolysis, osteolytic, osteoma, osteomalacia, osteomancy, osteomere, osteometry, osteomyelitis, osteon, osteopath, osteopathic, osteopathy, osteopetrosis, osteophage, osteophagist, osteophagous, osteophlebitis, osteophone, osteophyte, osteoplasty, osteoporosis, osteosarcoma, osteosclerosis, osteostomous, osteotic, osteotome, osteotomy, osteozoon, osthexy, otosis, otosteal, pachyostosis, periosteal, periosteum, periostitis, synostosis, teleostean, tenosteosis : potsherd, shell; : oyster entomostracan, malacostracon, ostraca, ostracean, ostraceous, ostracism, ostracitis, ostracize, ostracod, ostracodent, ostracoderm, ostracoid, ostracology, ostracophore, ostracopod, ostrakon, ostreiculture, ostreiform, ostreophage, ostreophagist, ostreophagous, oyster, oysterous, oyster-shell, pearl oyster, periostracum : scrotum oscheal, oscheocele, oscheolith, oscheoplasty : loin osphyalgia, osphyocele, osphyomyelitis not utopia, utopian, utopianism, utopianist, utopianize, utopiate, utopism, utopist : crisp ulotrichan, ulotrichous : tail brachyurous, coenure, colure, cynosural, cynosure, dasyure, dolichurus, elaphure, gymnure, hippurite, hypural, macroscian, macruran, macrurous, menura, ophiuran, opisthure, ornithurous, oxyuris, panurine, platyurous, podura, squirrel, squirrely, thysanuran, uroboros, urochord, urochordata, urodele, uropod, xenurine : heaven transuranic, Urania, uranian, uranic, uraniferous, uranite, uranitic, uranium, uranography, uranolatry, uranology, uranomania, uranometry, uranopathy, uranoplasty, uranoscopy, uranous, Uranus, uranyl : urine anuric, cynurenic, disuria, disuric, disury, diureide, diuresis, diuretic, dysuria, dysuric, dysury, enuresis, galacturonic, genitourinary, glycosuria, hematuria, hexuronic, hydruria, ischueretic, ischuria, ketonuria, lactosuria, lithuria, mastiguria, melanuria , melanuric, melituria, meninguria, natriuresis, nocturia, oliguresia, oliguria, oliguric, Orion, ornithuric, oxaluria, oxaluric, paruria, peptonuria, phosphaturia, photuria, planuria, polyuresis, polyuria, polyuric, porphyrinuria, proteinuria, purine, pyuria, urea, uremia, uremic, ureter, urethra, urethritis, urethescope, urethescopy, urobilin, urobilinuria, urochrome, urocystitis, uroerythrin, urogaster, urogastrome, urogenital, urogenous, uroglaucin, urography, urokinase, urolagnia, urolith, urologist, urology, uromelanin, uronic, urophanic, urophilia, uropoietic, uroporphyrin, uroscopy, urostealith, urostyle, urotoxic, urotoxy, uroxanthic, uroxanthin, urrhodin, vesicouretal : watcher pyloric, pylorectomy, pyloroplasty, pylorus : ear diota, dolichotis, entotic, epiotoc, otacoustic, otalgia, otary, otiatric, otic, otitis, otocyst, otodynua, otographical, otolaryngologist, otolaryngology, otolite, otolith, otologist, otology, otomorphology, otomycosis, otopathy, otophone, otoplasty, otopyosis, otorhinolaryngology, otorrhea, otosalpinx, otosclerosis, otoscope, otoscopy, otosis, otosteal, ototomy, ototoxic, ototoxicity, pachyote, parotic, parotid, parotidectomy, parotis, parotitis, parotoid, periotic, plecotine, prootic see : snake; : snake ophicleide, ophidian, ophiocephaloid, ophiography, ophioid, ophiolater, ophiolatry, ophiolite, ophiolitic, ophiology, ophiomorphic, ophiomorphous, ophiophagous, ophiophilous, ophiosaur, ophiothrix, ophite, ophitic, Ophiuchus, ophiuran : crowd ochlesis, ocholocracy, ochlocrat, ochlocratic, ochlocratical, ochlophobia, ochlophobist, ochlotic : voice Calliope, Calliopean : sight; : eye amblyopia, anorthopia, autopsy, biopsy, bioptic, catadioptric, catoptric, chromatopsy, coreopsis, cyclopean, cyclops, dacryops, dermatopsy, deuteranope, deuteranopia, dichoptic, diopter, dioptric, dioptrical, diplopia, dysopsia, edriophthalmian, emmetrope, emmetropia, emmetropic, emmetropy, entoptic, erythropsia, exophthalmic, hemeralopia, horopter, hypermetrope, hyperopia, ichthyopsid, iodopsin, lagopthalmus, macropsia, megalopa, meropia, microphthalmic, micropsia, micropsy, monophthalmic, myopia, myopic, myopically, myopism, necropsy, nyctalope, nyctalopia, nyctalopic, nyctalopy, ophthalmia, ophthalmic, ophthalmite, ophthalmitis, ophthalmocele, ophthalmodynia, ophthalmography, ophthalmolith, ophthalmological, ophthamalogist, ophthamology, ophthalometer, ophthalmophore, ophthalmophthisis, ophthalmoplasty, ophthalmoplegia, ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscopy, ophthalmospore, ophthalmostat, ophthalmotomy, ophthalmotrope, optacon, optic, optical, optical illusion, optically, optician, opticity, opticochemical, opticochemistry, optics, optigraph, optoacoustics, optoelectronics, optogram, optokinetic, optometer, optometrist, optometry, optomotor, optophone, optotype, orthoptic, oxyopia, panoptic, panopticon, photophthalmai, photoptic, photopsia, pleoptics, podophthalmate, polyopia, presbyopia, protanopia, pseudoptics, psorophthalmia, psychoptic, pyrope, rhodopsin, sclerophthalmia, stereopsis, steropticon, synopsis, synoptic, synopticon, synoptist, synoptophore, teichopsia, teloptic, thanatopsis, tritanopia, xanthocyanopsy, xanthopsy, xerophthalmia : buy provisions duopsony, monopsonistic, monopsony, oligopsony, opsonic, opsonin, opsony : hill areopagite, Areopagus : feeling, disaster;: suffer; : suffering allopathic, allopathy, anthropopathy, antipathic, antipathy, apathetic, apathetically, apathy, autopathic, cardiopathy, compathy, craniopathy, cytopathic, cytopathology, demonopathy, dermatopathology, dermatopathy, dermopathy, desmopathology, desmopathy, deuteropathy, dipsopathy, dynamopathy, dyspathy, electropathy, empathetic, empathic, empathist, empathize, empathy, enaniopathic, enantiopathy, encephalopathy, endocrinopathy, enteropathy, eupathy, exopathic, glossopathy, hematopathology, hemopathology, hepatopathy, heteropathic, homeopath, homeopathic, homeopathy, homopathy, hydropathic, hydropathism, hydropathy, hylopathism, idiopathic, idiopathy, immunopathology, keratopathy, kinesipath, leucopathy, logopathy, mastopathy, melanopathy, microangiopathy, monopathic, monopathy, myelopathy, myopathy, naturopathy, naupathia, nephropathic, nephropathy, neuropath, neuropathic, neuropathology, neuropathy, oariopathy, orthopathy, osteopath, osteopathic, osteopathy, otopathy, paleopathology, parasympathetic, -path, path, pathetic, pathetical, pathetically, pathic, pathobiology, pathogen, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogenic, pathogeny, pathogerm, pathognomonic, pathognomy, pathography, pathological, pathologically, pathologist, pathology, patholopolis, pathomania, pathometer, pathometric, pathopeia, pathophobia, pathophoric, pathophysiology, pathos, -pathy, photopathic, physiopathology, phytopathogen, phytopathogenic, protopathic, psycopath, psychopathic, psychopathologist, psycopathology, psycopathy, simpatico, sociopath, sociopathic, sociopathy, somnipathy, steatopathy, sympathectomy, sympathetic, sympathetical, sympathetically, sympathicotonia, sympathicotropic, sympathize, sympathizer, sympathoblast, sympatholytic, sympathy, telepath, telepathic, telepathically, telepathist, telepathy, theopathetic, theopathy, trophopathy, unsympathetic, unsympathetically, uranopathy, xanthopathy, zoopathology : child; : teach; : education; : jest cyclopedia, cyclopedic, cryopedology, encyclopedia, encyclopedian, encyclopedic, encyclopedism, encyclopedist, encyclopedize, hypnopedia, logopedics, macropedia, micropedia, misopedist, orthopedics, orthopedist, paideutics, paidia, pedagogic, pedagogics, pedagogism, pedagogist, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pedantically, pedanticize, pedantize, pedantocracy, pedantry, pederast, pederasty, pediatric, pediatrician, pediatrics, pedobaptism, pedodontist, pedology, pedomorphic, pedomorphism, pedophile, pedophilia, pedotrophic, pedotrophy, pharmacopedia, posturepedic, propaedeutic, psilopedic strike; Paian: healer anapest, paean, peony : long ago; : old paleanthropic, paleanthropology, palearctic, palencephalon, paleoanthropology, paleobiology, paleobotany, Paleocene, paleochemistry, paleoclimatologist, paleoclimatology, paleocrystic, paleocurrent, paleoecology, paleoethnology, paleogean, paleogene, paleogenetic, paleogeography, paleogeology, paleogeomorphic, paleoglyph, paleography, paleohydrography, paleolatry, paleolith, paleolithic, paleologist, paleology, paleomagnetism, paleontologist, paleontology, paleopathology, paleoplain, paleornithology, paleosol, paleospecies, paleotalith, paleothere, paleotropic, paleotype, Paleozoic, paleozoology : wrestle: see : again palilalia, palilogy, palimpsest, palinal, palindrome, palindromic, palingenesis, palingenetic, palinode, palinodic, palinspastic : Athena Palladian, palladic, palladiferous, palladious, palladium, Pallas : sway catapult, palestra : Palmyra Palmyra, Palmyrene : sprinkle palynological, palynology -: all: see : Pan Pan, Pandean, panic, panically, panic button, panickiness, panicky, panic-stricken, panpipe, tragopan : Pandarus Pandarus, pander, panderer, panderism : lute banjo : see + : panther: see : papa antipapist, antipope, Caesaro-papism, dispope, papa, papabile, papacy, papal, papalism, papalist, papalize, papally, paparchical, pape, papism, papist, papistic, papistical, papistry, papolatry, pappy, pope, popedom, popeless, popelike, popeling, Popemobile, popery, popish, popishly, poplin, protopope : down pappescent, pappus : papyrus carbon paper, flypaper, newspaper, notepaper, paper, paperback, paperboy, paperclip, papercup, papercutter, paperer, paper hanger, paperless, papermill, paper money, paper route, paper shredder, paper tiger, paperweight, paperwork, papery, papier mache (Fr), papyraceous, papyriferous, papyrin, papyrine, papyrograph, papyrography, papyrologist, papyrology, papyrotype, papyrus, sandpaper, tissue paper, toilet paper, wallpaper, white paper : near, beside, against para, parallax, parallel, paramilitary, paraphrase ETC. : see paradise (from Persian word) paradisaical, paradisal, paradise, paradisiacal, parvis : panther camelopard, Camelopardalus, leopard, pard : maiden parthenic, parthenocarpy, parthenogenesis, parthenogenetic, pathenolatry, Parthenon, Parthenope : Parnassus Parnassian, Parnassus : all diapason, panacea, Pan-American, Pan-Americanism, panarthritis, Panathenia, panathenaic, panchromatic, panchronic, panclastic, panclastite, pancosmic, pancosmism, pancratiast, pancratic, pancration, pancratist, pancratium, pancreas, pancreatectomy, pancreatic, pancreatin, pancreatitis, pancreatize, pancreatography, pancreatoid, pancreozymin, pandemic, pandemonium, pandiagonal, Pandora, Pandora’s box, panegyric, panegyrical, panegyrist, panegyrize, panesthesia, panesthetism, Pangaea, pangenesis, pangenetic, pangeometry, Pangloss, Panglossian, pangram, pangrammatic, panharmonic, panhellenic, panhellenism, paniconograph, panlogism, panmixia, panographic, panophobia, panoply, panoptic, panopticon, panorama, panoramic, panoramist, panornithic, panotype, panplain, panplanation, panpot, panpsychic, panpsychism, Panroman, pansexual, pansophic, pansophism, pansophism, pansophy, panspermia, panspermic, pantagamy, pantagogue, pantamorphic, pantaphobia, pantarchy, pantatrophy, pantechnicon, Panthalassa, pantheism, pantheist, pantheistic, pantheology, pantheon, pantheum, pantisocracy, pantiscocrat, panto, Pantocrator, pantogenous, pantoglot, pantograph, pantographer, pantographic, pantographical, pantologic, pantology, pantometer, pantometry, pantomime, pantomimic. pantomimist, pantomography, pantomorph, pantomorphic, pantomorphic, pantonal, pantophagist, pantophagous, pantophobia, pantopod, pantopragmatic, pantoscope, pantoscopic, pantostomate, pantothenic, pantothermal, pantoyl, pantozooism, pantozootia, panurgic, panurine, panzootic, pasigraphy : sprinkle upon antipasto, impastation, impaste, impasto, pasta, paste, pasteboard, pastedown, paste-in, pastel, pastelist, paster, paste-up, pasticcio, pastiche, pasticheur, pastie, pastiglia, pastina, pastiness, pastry, pastrycook, pasty, pate (pie), patty, toothpaste : father; : fatherland; : hereditary allopatric, Cleopatra, compatriot, compatriotic, compatriotism, eupatrid, expatriot, hyperpatriotic, Jupiter, patriarch, patriarchal, patriarchalism, patriarchalist, patriarchally, patriarchate, patriarchism, patriarchist, patriarchy, patriot, patriotic, patriotically, patriotism, patristic, patristics, patroclinous, patrology, patronymic, stasipatric, superpatriot, superpatriotic, sympatric, sympatry, unpatriotic : way; : walk peripateia, peripatetic, peripatetically, perapeteticism, peripeteia, peripety : give rest (See also L. pono.) N.B. Pono is not a Latin derivative of , but OED says pose is derived from LL pausare: to rest, which I assume is from . composable, composant, compose, composed, composedly, composer, composing, composure, contrapose, counterproposal, crosspurpose, decomposability, decomposable, decompose, decomposer, deposable, deposal, depose, deposer, diapause, discompose, discomposure, disposability, disposable, disposal, dispose, disposedness, disposer, disposingly, expose, exposedness, exposer, exposure, heliopause, impose, imposer, imposing, imposingly, indispose, indisposed, infrapose, interpose, magnetopause, menopausal, menopause, mesopause, multipurpose, omnipurpose, opposable, oppose, opposer, overexpose, overexposure, pausal, pause, perimenopause, pesade, photocomposing, posada (Sp), pose, poser, poseur (Fr), postpose, pousada (Pg), predispose, presuppose, proposal, propose, purpose, purposeful, purposefully, purposeless, purposely, purposive, puzzle, repose, self-imposed, superimposable, superimpose, superpose, supposable, suppose, supposed, supposedly, supposer, supposing, transposable, transpose, transposer, tropopause, turbopause, undisposed, unimposing, unopposed, workpause Words in pos- but not posit- are from ; those in posit- are from pono. But there must have been reciprocal influences. : Paphos Paphian, Paphos : thick isopachyte, pachycardian, pachycarpous, pachycaul, pachycephalic, pachycholic, pachydactyl, pachyderm, pachydermatous, pachyemia, pachyglossal, pachygnathous, pachyhymenia, pachymeter, pachyodont, pachyostosis, pachyote, pachyphyllous, pachypod, pachypterous, pachysandra, pachysaurian, pachytene : ground; : sole (of foot); see see : attempt; : attempt biopiracy, empiric, empirical, empirically, empiricism, empiricist, empirism, empiristic, metempirical, metempiricism, metempirics, peirastic, piracy, pirate, piratic, piratical, piratically, video piracy, video pirate : sea archipelago, bathypelagic, epipelagic, mesopelagic, pelagial, pelagian, pelagic, pelagically, pelagite, pelagosaur : pelican; : hatchet pelecoid, pelecypod, pelican, Pelican State : livid peliosis : sole (of foot) desmopelmous : target, shield bipeltate, dasypeltis, pelta, peltast, peltate, peltogaster : Pelops Peloponnese, Peloponnesian, Pelops : bowl pelycography, pelycosaur : be in motion; : pivot apolar, bipolar, bipolarity, circumpolar, counterpole, depolarization, depolarize, dipolar, dipolarize, dipole, extrapolate, extrapolation, heliopolar, heteropolar, homeopolar, homopolar, interpolate, interpolation, monopolar, monopole, multipolar, multipolarity, nonpolar, North Pole, polar, polar bear, polar cap, polar coordinates, polarimeter, polarimetric, polar orbit, Polaris, polariscope, polariscopic, polariton, polarity, polarizable, polarization, polarize, polarizer, polarly, polarograph, Polaroid, polaron, polar wandering, pole (sky), polestar, poloid, poloidal, pulley, South Pole, transpolar N.B. Polar and pole (sky) are derived from ; pole (stake) is derived from pango. : send apopemptic, hypnopompic, pomp, pompon, pomposity, pomposo (It), pompous, pompously, psychopomp, unpompous : bubble pemphigous, pemphigus : poor leucopenia, leucopenic : grief nepenthe, nepenthous : five cryptopentamerous, pentabasic, pentacarbon, pentachord, pentachromic, pentacle, pentacyclic, pentad, pentadactyl, pentadactylous, pentafid, pentgamist, pentaglot, pentagon, pentagonal, pentagram, pentagrid, pentagynia, pentahedral, pentahedron, pentahydrate, pentalemma, pentalogue, pentalogy, pentamer, pentamerous, pentameter, pentane, pentangle, pentangular, pentapeptide, pentaphonic, pentapody, penyapolis, pentaprism, pentarch, pentarchy, pentastich, pentastyle, pentesyllabic, Pentateuch, Pentateuchal, pentathionic, pentathlete, pentathlon, pentatomic, pentatonic, pentatremite, pentavalent, penteconter, Pentecost, Pentecostal, Pentecostalism, Pentecostalist, penthemimer, Pentium, pentode, pentomic, pentomino, penton, pentosan, pentose, pentoxide, pentryl, peta: penis peotomy : pepper (from Sanskrit) paprika, pep, peperino, peperite, pepper, peppercorn, pepperet, pepperish, peppermint, pepperplant, pepperoni, pepperpod, pepperpot, peppertree, pepperwood, pepperwort, peppery, pep-pill, peppy, pep talk, piperine : shawl peplos, peplum : digest; : soften bradypepsia, dyspepsia, dyspeptic, eupepsia, eupeptic, metapeptic, oligopeptide, pentapeptide, Pepsi, pepsin, peptic, peptide, peptize, peptogen, pepetolysis, peptone, peptonize, peptonuria, peptotoxin, pita, polypeptide, pumpkin, pumpkinhead, pumpkinpie, pumpkinseed, pumpkinstone : pass through; : ford; : merchant atriopore, emporetic, emporium, gonopore, nullipore, osteoporosis, phonopore, pore, poriferan, poriferous, poriform, porogamic, porogamous, porogamy, porometric, porometer, poroplastic, poroscopy, porosity, porotype, porous, porously, porousness, tubipore, tubulipore : Pergamum parchment, Pergamene, pergameneous, Pergamum : partridge partridge, perdicine : around perimeter, peripheral, periphery ETC. : uneven (from ) perissad, perissodactyl, perissology, perissosyllabic : fish; : dark colored perch (fish), percine, percoid : see Persa : Perseus Perseid, Perseus : oval stone pessary : spread out; : leaf depetal, dialypetallous, dipetalous, eleutheropetalous, enneapetalous, gamopetalous, grammatopetalous, hebepetalous, homopetalous, micropetalous, oligopetalous, petal, petaliferous, petaliform, petaline, petalism, petalite, petalless, petalocerous, petalodic, petalodont, petalody, petaloid, petalon, petalous, petasus, platypetalous, polypetalous, rectipetality, tetrapetalous, tripetalous : fly (See also .) diptera, dipterous : rock; : stone empetrous, micropetrology, osteopetrosis, parsley, pedregal, pedrero, perron, Peter, peterman, Peter Pan, Peter’s penny, Petertide, petrean, petrefact, petreity, petrel, petrichor, petricolous, petrifaction, petrifactive, petrifier, petrify, Petrine, Petrinism, Petrinist, petro-, petrochemical, petrochemistry, petro-currency, petrodollar, petrodrome, petrofabrics, petrogenesis, petrogeny, petroglyph, petrograph, petrographer, petrographic, petrographical, petrography, petroil, petrol, petrolatum, petrolene, petroleous, petroleum, petroleum jelly, petroleur, petrolic, petroliferous, petrolin, petrolization, petrolize, petrological, petrologist, petrology, petrophilous, petrophysics, petro-politics, petro-power, petrosal, petrosilex, petrosiliceous, petrotectonics, petrous, saltpeter, storm petrel, stormy petrel See OED: petrel. : pine peucyl : spring Pegasus, pegomancy fasten; : framework bibliopegy, colopexy, nephropexy, omentopexy, orchidopexy, ochiopexy, pectic, pectin, pectose, pectous, pegmatite, rheopexy, viropexis : oar; : oar autopilot, copilot, pilot : leap pedesis : clay peloid, pelolithic, pelotherapy : purse perule : scrotum perineal, perineum : maimed peropod, perosis : pi pi, pion, pionization, p-meson : fat piarrhemia : crush piezo, piezoelectric, piezoelectricity, piezomagnetism, piezometer, piezoresistance ape Australopithecusgigantopithecuspithecanthrope, pithecanthropos, pithecoid : sharp, bitter; : pine picra, picral, picrate, picric, picrite, picrolite, picromel, picrotoxin : drink; : beverage pinocytosis, potomania, potometer, symposiast, symposium : fall; : fall upon; : a fall asymptomatic, asymptote, diptote, metemptosis, monoptote, nephroptosis, paremptosis, polyptote, proemptosis, proptosis, ptomaine, ptosis, symptom, symptomatic, symptomatically, symptomatize, symptomatology, symptomless, triptote : pea pea, pea brain, peaflower, peanut, peanut butter, peapod, pease, pea shell, pea shooter, peasoup, peastone, peatree, peavine, pisiform, pisolite, pisolith, pisolithic, pisolitic, sweetpea : pistachio tree pistachio : faith pistiology : bran pityriasis : side plagal, plagihedral, plagiocephalic, plagioclase, plagioclastic, plagiodont, plagiograph, plagiosere, plagiostome, plagiotropic, plagiotropous : wandering aeroplankton, diplanetic, diplanetism, haloplankton, interplanetary, limnoplankton, menoplania, meroplankton, nannoplankton, phytoplankton, planet, planetarian, planetarily, planetarium, planetary, planet earth, planetesimal, planetfall, planetless, planetocentric, planetography, planetoid, planettokhod, planetolatry, planetology, planet-struck, pnatule, planet-wide, planktology, plankton, planktonic, planktonology, planktont, planktotrophic, planuria, potamoplankton, protoplanet, zooplankter, zooplankton : board, flat area placoderm, placoid, plage, planch, plancher, planchet, planchette, plancier, plank, planker, plankless : form; : image achondroplasia, achondroplastic, alloplastic, angioplasty, antineoplastic, aplastic, autoplast, autoplastic, autoplasty, bioplasm, bioplastic, cacoplastic, cacoplasty, ceratoplasty, ceroplasty, chiloplasty, chiroplasty, chloroplast, chromatoplasm, chromoplast, coroplast, coroplastic, coroplasty, cosmoplastic, cranioplasty, cytoplasm, cystoplast, dermatoplasty, deutoplasm, diaplasis, dysplasia, dysplastic, ectoplasm, elaioplast, elastoplast, elytroplasty, embryoplastic, endoplasm, enteroplasty, entoplastral, epiplasm, erythroplastid, esemplastic, euplasty, exoplasm, fibrinoplastic, fibroplastic, galvanoplastic, galvanoplasty, genioplasty, germplasm, gonoplasm, heteroplasty, histoplasmosis, homeoplastic, homoplast, homoplastic, homoplasty, hyperplastic, hypoplasty, iconoplast, ideoplasm, ideoplastic, idioplasm, karyoplasm, keratinoplasty, kinetoplast, leucoplast, maloplasty, meloplasty, mesoplast, metalloplasty, metaplasm, microangioplasty, microplasticity, monoplast, mycoplasma, myoplasm, mythoplasm, neoplasm, neoplasty, neuroplasm, neuroplasticity, neuroplasty, nucleoplasm, nucleoplast, onomatoplasm, ooplasm, ophthalmoplasty, organoplasty, oscheoplasty, osteoplasty, otoplasty, ovoplasm, palatoplasty, periplasm, periplast, phelloplastic, phragmoplast, phycoplast, piaster, piroplasm, pizza, pizzeria, plaister, plasm, plasma, plasma cell, plasmacyte, plasmagel, plasmagene, plasmal, plasmasphere, plasmatic, plasmid, plasmoblast, plasmocyte, plasmodesma, plasmodium, plasmogamy, plasmogen, plasmogeny, plasmoid, plasmology, plasmolysis, plasmolyte, plasmosome, plasmotomy, plaster, plastercast, plasterer, plastering, plasterless, plasterwork, plastery, plastic, plastically, plasticate, plasticator, plastician, plasticine, plasticity, plasticization, plasticize, plasticware, plastid, plastigel, plastisol, plastique, plastochron, platocyanin, plastogamy, plastome, plastometer, plastral, plastron, -plasty, polyplastic, poroplastic, protoplasm, protoplasmic, protoplast, protoplastic, pseudoplastic, psychoplasm, pyloroplasty, rhinoplasty, rhizoplast, rhodoplast, sarcoplasm, sarcoplasmic, spheroplast, spiroplasma, spongioplasm, sporoplasm, staphyloplasty, steroplasm, stomatoplasty, superplastic, symplasm, symplasma, symplast, tarsoplasty, teleplasm, thermoplastic, thoracoplasty, toxoplasm, toxoplasmosis, tracheloplasty, trophoplasm, trophoplast, tuboplasty, utriculoplasty, xeroplastic, zooplasty, zymoplastic : wide birthplace, breastplate, commonplace, counterplace, dialplate, discoplacenta, displace, displaceable, displacement, displacer, displasis, electroplate, emplace, emplacement, fireplace, fishplate, ill-placed, implacental, irreplaceable, marketplace, misplace, nameplate, omoplate, photoplate, piazza, pizza, pizzeria, place, place holder, place kick, placeless, place mat, placement, place value, placenta, placental, placentary, placentate, placentation, placentiferous, placentiform, placentigerous, placentitis, placentography, placentology, placentophagy, placer, plate, plateau, plate glass, platelet, plate metal, plate number, plater, platform, platic, platina, plating, platiniferous, platinode, platinoid, platinotype, platinous, platinum, platitude, platitudinal, platitudinarian, platitudinary, platitudinize, platitudinous, platometer, platter, platybasic, platycarpous, platycephalic, platycrania, platydactyl, platygastric, platyglossal, platyhelminth, platykurtic, platynotal, platyodont, platypetalous, platyphyllous, platypod, platypodia, platypus, platypygous, platyrrhine, platyscopic, platysome, platystomous, platytera, platyurous, plaza, replace, replacement, wallplate, waterplate, working place Deriving pizza from seems dubious. : Plato neoplatonic, neoplatonism, Plato, platonic, platonically, Platonism, Platonist, Platonistic, Platonize see : Pleiad Pleiad, Pleaides : twine plecotine, plectognath, plectron, plectrum, ploce, symplectic, symploce : rib, side dorsopleural, epipleural, intrapleural, isopleural, isopleuron, mesopleural, pleura, pleural, pleuralgia, pleurisy, pleuritis, pleurocarpous, pleurocele, pleurocoele, pleurodont, pleurodynia, pleuron, pleuropneomonia, pleurorrhea, pleurotomy, pleurum, somatopleure, tetrapleuron, transpleural : full plereme, plerocephalic, pleroma, plerome, pleromorph : near plesiomorph, plesiosaur, plesiosaurus : strike apoplectic, apoplexy, cataplexy, cycloplegia, diplegia, diplegic, electroplegy, glossoplegy, hemiplegia, hemiplegic, monoplegia, monoplegic, nephroplegy, ophthalmoplegia, paraplectic, paraplegia, paraplegic, pharynoplegy, plague, plaguey, plegia, plexiglass, pleximeter, plexus, quadriplegic, tetraplegia, thermoplegia, triplegia : brick plinth : fold anadiplosis, decaploid, diplocausis, diplodocus, diploid, diploma, diplomacy, diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatically, diplomatist, haplocardiac, haplodont, haplography, haplohedral, haploid, haplology, haplomorphic, haplotomy, mixoploid, octoploid, parasiplomatic, tetrapla, tetraploid See additional words in reverse index under diplo- etc. : wealth Plutarch, Plutarchian, plutocracy, plutocrat, plutocratic, plutocratical, pluto-democracy, plutogogue, plutogoguery, plutolatry, plutology, plutomania, plutonomy : Pluto (may be a derivative of previous entry) Pluto, pluton, Plutonian, plutonic, plutonism, plutonist, plutonium, plutonyl : Plotinus Plotinian, Plotinus : breathe; : breath apnea, bronchopneumonia, dipneumonous, dipnoous, dispnea, dyspnea, enteropneustral, eupnea, hydropneumatic, hyperpnea, metapneumonic, oleopneumatic, orthopnea, pleuropneumonia, pneogastric, pneograph, pneometer, pneoscope, pneudynia, pneuma, pneumatic, pneumatics, pneumatization, pneumatize, pneumatocele, pneumatocyst, pneumatogram, pneumatograph, pneumatography, pneumatology, pneumatolysis, pneumatolytic, pneum(at)ometer, pneumatophobia, pneumatherapy, pneumatophore, pneumatosis, pneumectomy, pneumocele, pneumococcus, pneumoderm, pneumodynamics, pneumogastric, pneumogram, pneumograph, pneumography, pneumolith, pneumolysis, pneumometer, pneumonectomy, pneumonalgia, pneumonia, pneumonic, pneumonitis, pneumonodynia, pneumotachograph, pneumotherapy, pneumothorax, pnigogen, polypnoea, tachypnea, theopneust, traumatopnea : make, do; : deed; : maker depoeticize, depoetize, dogmatopeic, epopee, erythropoeisis, ethopoeia, galactopoietic, hematopoiesis, hemopoiesis, henopoeia, leucopoiesis, melopeia, melopeic, mythopoeia, mythopoeic, mythopoem, nosopoetic, onomatopeia, onomatopeic, onomatopoesis, onomatopoetic, pathopeia, phanopeia, pharmacopeia, poem, poesy, poet, poetaster, poetess, poetic, poetical, poetically, poeticize, poetic justice, poetic license, poetics, poetism, poetize, poet laureate, poetolatry, poetomachia, poetry, poiemics, poiesis, poietic, posy, prosopopoeia, stenopaeic, unpoetic, unpoetically, uropoietic : variegated poikilocyte, poikiloderma, poikilosmotic, poikilothermic : penalty (L. poena) counterpenalty, dispunishable, expunitive, extrapunitive, impenitence, impenitency, impenitent, impenitently, impunitive, impunitively, impunity, intropunitive, pain, pained, painedly, painful, painfully, painfulness, painkiller, painless, painlessly, painstaking, painstakingly, penal, penalization, penalize, penally, penalty, penalty box, penalty clause, penalty kick, penance, penitence, penitential, penitentially, penitentiary, penitently, penological, penologist, penology, pentimento (It), pine (vb), punish, punishability, punishable, punishingly, punishment, punisher, punitive, punitively, punitory, repent, repentance, repentant, repine, subpoena, unpenitent, unpunishable, unpunished, unrepentant, unrepented, unrepenting : of what type poiology : war; : hostile philopolemic, polemic, polemical, polemically, polemicist, polemics, polemology, polemoscope ; gray polio, polioencephalitis, poliomyelitis, poliosis, poliovirus : city; : citizen; : citizenship; : acropolis; : public acropolis, Adrianople, Annapolis, apolitical, Constantinople, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitanize, cosmopolitanly, cosmopolite, cosmopolitical, cosmopolitism, craniopolis, depoliticize, depoliticization, ecumenopolis, geopolitical, geopolitics, impolitic, impolitically, Indianapolis, Interpol, isopolity, megalopolis, megapolitician, metapolitical, metapolitics, metropole, metropolis, metropolitan, metropolitical, Minneapolis, Naples, Neapolitan, necropolis, nonpolitical, Ostpolitik, parasitolopolis, patholopolis, pentapolis, Persepolis, Petran politics, police, policeable, police board, police captain, police court, police dispatcher, police dog, police force, policeman, police office, police officer, police record, police station, policinic, policize, policy, policymaker, policymaking, polis, Politbureau, politic, political, political asylum, political football, politically, political refugee, political science, politician, politicization, politicize, politick, politico, politico-economic, politico-religious, politics, politique (Fr), polity, propolis, realpolitik, thought police, topopolitan, Tripoli, tropicopolitan, weltpolitik : pivot; see : Pollux Pollux : much, many antipolygamy, biopolymer, copolymer, deplethoric, depolymerization, hoi polloi, isopleth, machopolyp, monopolylogue, photopolymer, pleiomorphic, pleiotropic, pleiotypic, Pleistocene, pleocytosis, pleodont, pleomorphic, pleonasm, pleonastic, pleophony, pleopod, pleoptics, plethora, plethoric, plethysmograph, Pliocene, pliosaurus, pliothermic, pliotron, polloi, poly-, polyacanthous, polyacoustic, polyactinal, polyad, polyadenous, polyadic, polyamor, polyamorous, polyandria, polyandrist, polyandrous, polyandry, polyanthus, polyarchy, polyarthritis, polyatomic, polyaxial, polybasic, polyblast, polybranch, polycarbonate, polycarpous, polycellular, polycentric, polycentrism, polychord, polychrome, polychromatic, polyclad, polyclimax, polyclinic, polyclonal, polycoccous, polyconic, polyctyledon, polycrystal, polyculture, polycyclic, polycystic, polydactyl, polydactylous, polydactyly, polydemonism, polydentate, polydigital, polydimensional, polydipsia, polydisperse, polydynamic, polyeidism, polyelectrolyte, polyelectronic, polyembryonic, polyergic, polyester, polyethism, polyethnic, polyethylene, polyfoil, polyfunctional, polygala, polyglacial, polygamist, polygamous, polygamy, polygastric, polygene, polygenesis, polygenetic, polygenic, polygenism, polygenist, polygenous, polygeny, polyglacial, polyglot, polygon, polygonal, polygonization, polygram, polygraph, polygrapher, polygraphic, polygraphy, polygynist, polygynous, polygyny, polygyral, polyhedral, polyhedron, polyhydramnios, poluhydric, polyion, polyionic, polylectal, polylemma, polylithic, polylogue, polymania, polymastigate, polymath, polymenorrhea, polymer, polymerization, polymerize, polymerose, polymetallic, polymethyl, polymeter, polymicrian, polymitosis, polymodal, polymolecular, polymorph, polymorphic, polymorphism, polymorphous, polymythy, polymyxin, Polynesia, Polynesian, polynomial, polyneuritis, polynuclear, polyodont, polyonymous, polyopia, polyp, polyparous, polypectomy, polyped, polypeptide, polypetalous, polyphagia, polyphagism, polyphagous, polyphase, polyphasia, Polyphemus, polyphobia, polyphone, polyphonic, polyphonous, polyphony, polyphote, polyphyllous, polyplastic, polypnoea, polypod, polypody, polyprotein, polypsychical, poplyptote, polyptich, polypos, polyrhizal, polyrhythm, polysaccharide, polysemantic, polysemous, polysemy, polysomatic, polysomatous, polysome, polyspermy, polystelic, polystichous, polystome, polystylar, polysyllable, polysyllabic, polysymmetrical, polysyndeton, polysynthesis, polysynthetic, polystemic, polytechnic, polytheism, polytheist, polytheistic, polythelism, polythene, polytocous, polytomous, polytomy, polytonality, polytone, polytonic, polytrichous, polytrope, polytrophic, polytropic, polytype, polytypic, polytypism, polyuresis, polyuria, polyuric, polyvalent, polyvinyl, polyvoltine, polyxenic, polyzoan, scyphopolyp work hard geoponics, hydroponics : evil ponerology : sea Hellespont, pontic, Pontus, Propontus : whore; : fornication cyberporn, porn, porno, pornocracy, pornogram, pornograph, pornographer, pornographic, pornography, pornomania, pornophile, pornophobia, pornotopia, videoporn : ford; see : purple empurpled, empurpling, granophyre, keratophyre, melaphyre, ooporphyrin, porphyria, porphyrinogen, porphyrinuria, porphyritic, porphyroid, porphyry, protophyrin, purple, purplish, purpura, purpurate, purpuric, porporiferous, purpurin, purpuriparous, purpurite, royal purple, uroporphyrin : how much pososlogical, posology : river hippopotamian, hippopotamus, Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian, potamian, potamic, potomagraphy, potamology, potamoplankton : drink: see : foot amphipod, antipodal, antipodes, apodal, appoggiatura, arthropod, arthropoda, bipod, brachiopod, brachypodous, bradypod, cephalopod, chilopod, chiropodist, chiropody, coenopodous, copepod, copepodid, coxopodite, cynopodous, dactylopodite, dasypod, decapod, diaped, dipodic, dipody, discopodium, discopodous, dolichopodous, endopod, endopodite, epipodite, exopod, exopodite, gastropod, gnathopod, gnathopodite, hemipod, heptapodic, heteropod, hexapod, isopod, lagopode, lagopodous, lophopod, lycopod, machopolyp, macropicine, macropine, macropod, mastigopod, megalopod, megapod, meropodite, mesopod, mesopodite, metapode, micropod, monopod, myriapod, myxopod, neuropod, notopodium, octopod, octopodous, octopus, ocypode, Oedipal, Oedipean, oedipodic, Oedipus, Oedipus complex, oligopod, orthinopod, ostracopod, pachypod, pantopod, parallipiped, parallelopiped, parapodium, pelecypod, pentapody, ped, pedialgia, pediocratic, pedocal, pedogenesis, pedogenic, pedography, pedology, pedon, pedosphere, pentapody, peropod, pew, phalerope, phyllopod, physopod, pinnipod, platypod, platypodia, platypus, pleopod, podagra, podal, podalgia, podalic, podiatrist, podiatry, podite, podium, podocarp, podophthalmate, podology, podura, polyp, polypectomy, polypod, polypody, polypus, prosauropod, protopod, protopodium, psudopod, pseudopodium, pteropod, pygopod, rhizopod, sauropod, scaphopod, schizopod, sciapodous, scyphopolp, steganopod, stenopodium, stomapod, stomatopod, sympodia, sympodial, sympodium, tautopody, taxeopodous, tetrapod, tetrapodous, therapodous, thoracipod, trachelipod, trapeze, trapezial, trapezian, trapeziform, trapezist, trapezium, trapezius, trapezohedron, trapezoid, trapezoidal, tetrapod, tripod, tripodal, tripodic, tripody, unipod, uropod, ventropodal : accomplish; : deed apraxia, apraxic, chiropractic, chiropractor, echopraxia, eupraxia, heteropraxis, heteropraxy, ideopraxis, impracticability, impracticable, impractical, impractically, impracticed, malpractice, malpraxis, neopragmatist, nonpracticing, orthopraxis, orthopraxy, pantopragmatic, parapraxia, parapraxis, practicability, practicable, practicableness, ptacticably, practical, practicality, practically, practicalness, practice, practiced, practicer, practician, practicum, practitioner, pragmatic, pragmatical, pragmatically, pragmaticalness, pragmatism, pragmatist, pragmatize, pragmatizer, praxiology, praxis, target practice, unpracticed : old; : embassy archpriest, co-presbyter, presbyopia, presbyter, Presbyterian, presbytery, priest, priestcraft, priestdom, priestess, priesthood, priestism, priestlike, priestliness, priestly : Priapus Priapean, Priapic, priapism, Priapus : cut microprism, orthoprism, pentaprism, priodont, prion, prionodont, prism, prismal, prismatic, prismatically, prismatize, prismatoid, prismoid, prismoidal, propane : before problem, prologue etc. : to stretch: see Procrustean, Procrustes : see : face prosopagnosia, prosopalgia, prosopium, prosopography, prosopolespsy, prosopon : Protagoras Protagorean, Protagoras : plum; : plumtree plum, plum pudding, prune, prunella, prunello, prunus, sugarplum : prophecy; see . : ruler prytaneum, prytanis, prytany : anus entoproctous, periproct, proctalgia, proctitis, proctocele, proctologist, proctology, proctoparalysis, proctorrhagia, proctoscope, proctotomy : prow prow : first; : former (from ) diprotodont, disproteinemia, HTTP, hysteron proteron, lipoprotein, nucleoprotein, paraprotein, photoprotein, photoproton, polyprotein, polyproton, protagon, protagonist, protamine, protanopia, protean, protease, proteid, proteiform, protein, proteinoid, proteinosis, proteinuria, protembryo, protencephalon, protenchyma, proteoclastic, proteolysis, proteolytic, proteose, proteroandrous, proterogenesis, proteroglyph, proterogynous, proterosaur, proterozoic, Proteus, protevangelium, prothonatory, protide, protista, protistology, protium, protoamnion, protoam(o)eba, protoandric, protoanthropic, protoaxonial, protobiont, protoblast, protocarbide, protocell, protocercal, protocere, protochloride, protochlorophyll, protococcus, protocol, protocolaire, protoconch, protocone, protoconic, protocontinent, protodynastic, protoform, protogalaxy, protogastric, protogenes, protogenetic, protogenic, protogeometric, protogynous, protohippus, protohistoric, protohuman, proto-language, protolife, protolinguistic, protoliterate, protolith, protolithic, protologue, protology, protolytic, protomartyr, protome, protomer, protomerite, protomesal, protomorph, protomorphic, protomyxoid, proton, protonate, protonation, protonema, protonic, protonmotive, protonosphere, proto-ornithoid, protopathic, protophilic, protophyll, protophyta, protophyte, protoplanet, protoplasm, protoplasmic, protoplast, protoplastic, protopod, protopodium, protopope, protophyrin, proto-scientific, protospore, protostar, protostele, prototaxic, prototheria, protothetic, prototoxoid, prototroph, prototrophic, prototropy, prototype, prototypic, prototypical, prototypically, protoxide, Protozoa, Protozoan, protozoic, prozoology, protyl : fern pteridology, pteridophilist, pteridophyte : wing; : fly apteral, apterous, apterygote, apteryx, brachypterous, chiropter, coleopter, Coleoptera, coleopterous, cyclopterous, dactylopterous, Dermaptera, dermopterous, dichopterous, diptera, dipteral, dipterocarp, diplterology, dipterous, endopterogote, entopterygoid, epipteroid, eurypterid, gymnopterous, helicopter, hemipterous, heteropterous, homopterous, hymenoptera, hymenopterous, hymenoptomy, iopterous, isopterous, lepidopterist, lepidopterology, lepidopteron, lepidopterous, macropterous, micropterous, neuropterous, oleoptene, orthinopter, ornithopterous, orthopter, orthopteron, orthopterous, pachypterous, peripteral, phaneropterid, phoenicopter, pteric, pterodactyl, pterodology, pteropod, pterosaur, pterygoid, siphonapterology, teleoptile, tetrapteron, tetrapterous, thysanopter, trachypteroid, tripterous, xenopterygian : Ptolemy Ptolemaic, Ptolemy see fold; fold anaptyxisdiptychpolyptchptygmatictriptych : spit hemoptysis, ptyalin, ptyalism, pyoptosis : buttocks callipygian, callipygous, callipygously, dasypygal, platypygous, pygal, pygidium, pygopod, steatopygia : trough, pelvis pyelitis, pyelogram : Pythagoras Pythagorean, Pythagoras : Python Pythic, Pythian, python, pythoness, pythonic, pythonist, pythonomorph : rot pythogenic N.B. Many scholars believe is derived from . : dense isopycnal, isopycnic, isopycnosis, pnyx, pycidium, pycnodont, pycnomorphic, pycnostyle, pyknic, pyknolepsy, pyknosis, pyknotic : gate micropyle, propylaeum, propylite, prosopyle, Pylian, pylon, pylorectomy, pyloric, pyloroplasty, pylorus, Pylos, Thermopylae : with clenched fist pigmy, pygmoid, pygmy : box (shrub) box, boxcar, box office, boxwood, bushel, bushing, chatterbox, embox, icebox, Pandora’s box, penalty box, poorbox, pyx, pyxidate, pyxidium, pyxie, pyxis, snuffbox, soapbox, strongbox, tinderbox : pus empyema, otopyosis, pyemia, pyococcus, pyocyte, pyodermia, pyogenesis, pyogenic, pyonephrotic, pyoid, pyoptosis, pyorrhea, pyosis, pyuria : fire antipyretic, apyretic, chalcopyrite, dipyre, dipyrenous, empyreal, empyrean, empyreuma, empyreumatic, hyperpyrexic, isopyre, ochropyre, pyralis, pyran, pyranometer, pyre, pyrethrum, pyretic, pyretogenesis, pyretogenic, pyretography, pyrex, pyrexia, pyrheliometer, pyridine, pyridoxic, pyridoxine, pyrite, pyrites, pyritic, pyritology, pyro, pyrocellulose, pyrochemical, pyrochemistry, pyrochlore, pyroclastic, pyro-electric, pyrogen, pyrogenetic, pyrogenic, pyrogenous, pyrognostics, pyrography, pyroheliometer, pyrolatry, pyroligneous, pyrolite, pyroligneous, pyrology, pyrolusite, pyrolysis, pyrolytic, pyrolyze, pyromagnetic, pyromancy, pyromania, pyromaniac, pyrometallurgical, pyrometallurgy, pyrometer, pyromorphite, pyrone, pyronin, pyrope, pyrophanous, pyrophile, pyrophyllite, pyrophobia, pyrophone, pyrophore, pyrophoric, pyrophorus, pyrophotometer, pyropuncture, pyrosclerite, pyroscope, pyrosis, pyrosome, pyrostat, pyrosynthesis, pyrotechnical, pyrotechnician, pyrotechnics, pyrotechny, pyrothonide, pyroxanthin, pyroxene, pyroxylic, pyroxylin, Pyrrhic, pyrrole, Pyrrhus, pyruvate, pyruvic, traumatopyra : pyramid (probably Egyptian) health pyramid, orthopyramid, pyramid, pyramadal, pyramidally, pyramidical, pyramidically, pyramidion, pyramidoidal, pyramidology, pyramidon, tripyramidal, wealth pyramid : tower pyrgocephalic : fruitstone pyrene, Pyrenean, Pyrenees, pyrenite, pyrenoid : Pyrrho Pyrrho, Pyrrhonian, Pyrrhonic, Pyrrhonism, Pyrrhonist : flask bluebottle, bottle, bottleneck, butler, buttery (n) : beard pogoniasis, pogoniate, pogonic, pognonion, pogonology, pogonophore, pogonotomy, pogonotrophy : sell; : seller bibliopole, bibliopolist, duopoly, monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic, monopolization, monopolize, monopolizer, monopoly, monopolylogue, oligopolist, oligopolistic, oligopoly N.B. All Greek words starting with rho use the rough breathing. : rod rhabdite, rhabditis, rhabdoid, rhabdomancer, rhabdomancy : Rhadamanthus Rhadamanthine, Rhadamanthus : sew together; : patched; : seam; : rhapsode rhapsode, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, rhapsodist, rhapsodize, rhapsody : needle raphilite, raphis, staphylorrhaphy : spine rachialgia, rachis, rachitis, rachitogenic, rachitome : flow; : rhythm amenorrhea, arrhythmia, arrhythmic, biorhythm, cacorhythmic, catarrh, catarrhal, cystorrhea, dermatorrhea, diarrhea, diarrhetic, dysmenorrhea, dysrhythmia, endorrheism, eurhythmic, galactorrhea, gonorrhea, graphorrhea, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, hemorrhoid, hemorrhoidal, hepatorrhea, hydrorrhea, isorhythm, isorhythmic, leucorrhea, leukorrhea, lithurorrhea, logorrhea, logorrheic, lymphorragia, megarrhine, menorrhagia, menorrhea, metrorrhagia, minogorrhagia, nephrorrhagia, oligomenorrhea, otorrhea, parrhesia, pleurorrhea, polymenorrhea, polyrhythm, proctorrhagia, psychorrhagy, pyorrhea, -rhea, rheid, rheme, rheogram, rheology, rheometer, rheomorphism, rheopexy, rheophile, rheophilic, rheophobic, rheoscope, rheostat, rheostatic, rheotaxis, rheotropism, rheum, rheumatic, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, rheumatoid, rhematologist, rheumatology, rheumy, rhinorrhagia, rhyme, rhymester, rhythm, rhythmic, rhythmical, rhythmically, rhythmics, rhythmization, rime, -rrhea, seborrhea, sialorrhea, spermatorrhea, steatorrhea, tacchyarrhythmnia, xanthorrhea : blanket regolith : rhubarb rhubarb : Rhesus rhesus, Rh factor, Rh negative, Rh positive : see frost rhigosis, rhigolene, rhigology : root mycorrhiza, polyrhizal, rhizobia, rhizocarpous, rhizocephalous, rhizodont, rhizogenic, rhizoid, rhizoidal, rhizomatous, rhizome, rhizomorphous, rhizophagous, rhizoplast, rhizopod, rhizosphere, rhizotomy : nose catarrhine, coryza, ectorhinal, leptorrhine, mesorrhine, monorhine, otorhinolaryngology, oxyrrhinchous, oxyrrhine, phyllorrhine, platyrrhine, postrhinal, rhinal, rhinarium, rhinencephalon, rhinitis, rhino, rhinoceros, rhinodont, rhinologic, rhinologist, rhinology, rhinophonia, rhinophyma, rhinoplasty, rhinorrhagia, rhinoscope, rhinoscopy, rhinotracheitis, rhinovirus, schizorhinal : rose oorhodeine, Rhoda, Rhode Island, Rhodes, Rhodesia, Rhodesian, Rhodian, rhodium, rhodochrosite, rhododendron, rhodologist, rhodonite, rhodophyte, rhodoplast, rhodopsin, urrhodin : wheel, spinning top orthorhombic, rhombic, rhomboclase, rhombogen, rhombohedron, rhomboid, rhomboideus, rhombus : bill ornithorhynchus, stenorhynchous : rho rho, rhotacism Sabbath (Hebrew) Sabbatarian, Sabbath, sabbatical : dragnet seine : sack (Hebrew/Phoenician) haversack, sac, saccule, sack, sackcloth, sackful, sacking, sackless, satchell, sporosac : sugar disaccharide, oleosaccharum, oxysaccharum, polysaccharide, saccharate, saccharated, saccharic, saccharide, saccariferous, saccharification, saccharify, saccharimeter, saccharin, saccharine, saccharinity, saccharoid, saccharolytic, saccharose : salamander salamander, salamandrine, salamandroid : horn otosalpinx, salpingeal, salpingitis, salpinx : sandal, wooden sole sandal (probably Persian) : rotten: see : rot, corrupt : sapphire (probably Hebrew/Phoenician) sapphire, sapphiric, sapphirine : Sappho Sapphic, sapphism, Sappho : sardine; : cringe sardine, Sardinia, Sardinian, sardonic, sardonically : flesh chitosarc, ectosarc, endosarc, osteosarcoma, sarcasm, sarcastic, sarcastically, sarcoblast, sarcocarp, sarcocele, sarcocolla, sarcoma, sarcocyst, sarcocyte, sarcoderm, sarcoid, sarcolactic, sarcolite, sarcology, sarcolysis, sarcoma, sarcophagan, sarcophagus, sarcophilous, sarcoplasm, sarcoplasmic, sarcosome, sarcosporidian, sarcotome, sarcous, syssarcosis : satrap satrap, satrapy (Persian) : fill up, load sumpter : satyr satyr, satyriasis, satyric, satyrism, satyromaniac : lizard ankylosaur, brachiosaur, brontosaurus, ceratosaurus, ceteosaur, corythosaurus, dinosaur, dinosaurian, elasmosaurus, emydosaurian, enaliosaur, eosaurus, halosaurus, hyleosaurus, ichthyosaur, ichthyosaurus, megalosaur, nothosaur, ophiosaur, ornithosaurian, pachysaurian, pelagosaur, pelycosaur, plesiosaur, plesiosaurus, pliosaurus, prosauropod, proterosaur, pterosaur, saurian, saurodont, saurognathous, saurography, sauroid, saurophagous, sauropod, scelidosaur, simosaur, simosaurus, stegosaur, stegosaurian, stegosaurus, teleosaur, therosaur, titanosaurus, torosaurus, tylosaurus, tyrannosaurus, ultrasaurus, xiphosauran : quench asbestos, asbestus, isosbestic : feel religious awe Eusebius : Siren siren, sirenian, sirenoid : Sirius, scorcher siriasis, sirian, Sirius : shake; : shaken bathyseism, bradyseism, coseismal, coseismic, homoseismic, isoseismal, isoseismic, macroseism, megaseism, meizoseismal, meizoseismic, mesoseismal, microseism, microseismic, seism, seismic, seismicity, seismics, seismism, seismograph, seismological, seismologist, seismology, seismometer, seismometry, seismoscope, seismotectonicsistrum, teleseism : flame; : Selene geoselenic, Se, Selene, selenian, selenic, selenide, seleniferous, selenious, selenite, selenitic, selenium, selenocentric, selenodesy, selenodont, selenograph, selenographer, selenographic, selenography, selenologist, selenology, selenoscope, selenotropic : parsley celeriac, celery, parsley, petroseline : strain seston : Shem (Hebrew) anti-semitic, anti-semitism, philo-Semite, Semite, Semitic, Semitism : indicate; : sign disemic, episematic, ethnosemantics, intersemiotic, megaseme, mesoseme, microseme, monosemantic, polysemantic, polysemous, polysemy, semanteme, semantic, semanticist, semanticize, semantics, semaphore, semasiology, sematic, sematography, sematology, seme, sememe, semiology, semiosis, semiotic, semioctics, semiotician, synsemantic, zoosemiotics : to make rotten antisepsis, antiseptic, asepsis, aseptic, sapremia, sapric, saprobe, saprobial, saprobic, saprobiology, saprobiotic, saprobity, saprogenic, saprolite, saprophagous, saprophile, saprophylic, saprophytesaprophytic, sepsis, septemia, septic, septicemia, septicity, septic tank : cuttlefish sepia, sepiacean, sepiola, sepium : silk serge, sericeous, sericitization, sericterium, sericulture, serigraph, serigraphy, silk, silkscreen, silkstocking, silkworm, silky : sesame sesame : strength; : weakness asthenia, asthenic, asthenosphere, calisthenics, disthene, magasthene, microsthene, myasthenia, neurasthenia, neurasthenic, phonasthenia, sthene, sthenia, sthenic : saliva sialagogue, sialectasis, sialic, sialography, sialoid, sialolith, sialorrhea : Sibyl sibyl, sibylline, sibyllism, sibyllist : sigma sigma, sigmatism, sigmatropic, sigmodont, sigmoid, sigmoidal, sigmoidally, sigmoidoscope : iron mesosiderite, oligosiderite, siderite, sideroblast, siderocyte, siderography, siderolite, siderophil, sideroscope, siderosis, siderostat : snub-nosed simosaur, simosaurus All words from simia may derive from . : Chinese (not in LS) sinanthropoid, sinanthropus, Sinesian, Sinic, sinicize, sinify, Sino-, sinogram, Sinologist, Sinology : mustard sinapic, sinapine, sinapism : pit ensilage, ensilage, ensile, silage, silo : see : grain ectoparasite, endoparasite, entoparasite, hemiparasite, holoparasite, hyperparasite, macroparasite, microparasite, neuroparasite, parasite, parasitic, parasitical, parasiticide, parasitism, parasitization, parasitize, parasitoid, parasitology, parasitolpolis, sitology, sitomania, sitophobia, sitophobic, sitosteral, xenoparasite : tube siphon, siphonage, siphonal, siphonapterology, siphonate, siphoner, siphonic, siphoniferous, siphoniform, siphonogamic, siphonophore, siphuncle, siphunculus : silence aposiopesis, prosiopesis : unequal scalene, scalenohedron, scalenotomy, scalenus : trap scandal, scandalize, scandalmonger, scandalous, scandalously, slander, slanderer, slanderous, slanderously : scarab carabineri, carbine, scarab : boat bathyscaphe, scaphoid, scaphocephalus, scaphoid, scaphopod : pencil scarify : dry up; : hard;: harden dermatoscelerosis, dermatoskeleon, deuterosclerous, endoskeleton, entoscelerite, episkeletal, exoskeleton, neuroskeleton, orthiscelidan, osteosclerosis, otosclerosis, pyrosclerite, scirrhus, sclera, scleral, sclere, scleriasis, scleritis, scleroblast, scleroderm, sclerodermatous, sclerogen, sclerogenic, sclerogenous, scleroid, sclerometer, scleromyxedema, sclerophthalmia, sclerophyll, schlerophyllous, sclerosant, scleroscope, sclerosed, sclerosis, scleroskeleton, sclerotic, sclerotome, sclerotomy, sclerous, skel, skeletal, skeleton, skeletonize, skeletonless : leg isosceles, scelidosaur, tetraskelion, triskele, triskelion : tent proscenium, scena, scenario, scenarist, scene, scenery, scenic, scenical, scenic railway, scenography : prop; : staff disscepter, scepter, sceptered : shadow; : darkness; : darkness sciagraph, scialytic, sciamachy, sciomancy, sciapodous, sciophilous, sciophyte, sciurine, sciuroid, sciuromorph, skiagram, skiagraph, skiagraphy, sciamachy, skiamancy, skiametry, skiascope, skiomancy, squirrel, squirrely See also . : sea-onion squill, squilla : bent scoliosis : spike scolopaceous, scolopale, scolopendra, scolopendrium, scolopidium, scolopophore, scolops, scolypoid, scolyptid : behold; : watchman; : inspect aeroscope, aeroscopy, angioscope, angioscopic, archbishop, archiepiscopal, arthroscopy, bacterioscopy, baroscope, bathyscope, benthoscope, bioscope, bioscopy, bishop, bishopric, bronchoscope, ceraunoscope, chromascope, chromatoscopy, chronoscope, cinemascope, colonoscope, colonoscopy, colposcope, conchoscope, cranioscope, cranioscopic, cranioscopist, cranioscopy, cryoscopy, cycloscope, cystoscope, dactyloscopy, deuteroscopy, diaphanoscope, diascope, disscioscope, dromoscope, dynamoscope, ebullioscope, ebullioscopy, electrobioscopy, electron microscope, electroscope, embryosocpe, endoscope, episcopacy, episcopal, episcopally, Episcopalian, episcopalism, episcopate, episcopize, episcopy, erythroscope, euryscope, exoscopic, fiberscope, floriscope, fluoroscope, fluoroscopic, galvanoscope, gastroscope, gastroscopic, gastroscopy, geoscopy, glossoscopy, glottiscope, gonioscope, graphoscope, gyroscope, gyroscopic, hagioscope, haloscope, helioscope, hematoscope, hemoscope, hepatoscopy, hieroscopy, hodoscope, horoscope, horoscopic, horoscopy, hydroscope, hygroscope, hygroscopic, hypnoscope, hyposcope, iconoscope, introscope, kaleidoscope, kaleidoscopic, keratoscope, kinescope, kineisiscope, kinetoscope, koniscope, lactoscope, laparascope, laparascopy, laryngoscope, leucoscope, lithoscope, luminoscope, macroscopic, magnetoscope, manoscope, meatoscope, megascope, megascopic, melanoscope, mesoscopic, meteoroscope, metoposcopy, metroscope, microscope, microscopic, mixoscope, monepiscopal, mutoscope, myoscope, necroscopic, necroscopy, nephoscope, omphaloscopy, oneiroscopy, ooscopy, ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscopy, organoscopy, ornithoscopy, orthoscope, orthoscopic, orthostereoscope, oscilloscope, osmoscope, otoscope, ozonoscope, palmoscopy, pantoscope, pantoscopic, pedoscope, pelviscope, periodoscope, periscope, periscopic, periscopism, phacoscope, pharyngoscope, phantascope, phonoscope, phosphoroscope, photomicroscope, photoscope, photoscopic, photospectroscope, phrenoscope, phytoscopic, platyscopic, pluvioscope, pneoscope, polariscope, polariscopic, polemoscope, poroscopy, proctoscope, pseudoscope, pyroscope, radarscope, radioscopy, radiotelescope, rheoscope, rhinoscope, rhinoscopy, sceptic, sceptical, scepticism, scintilloscope, scleroscope, scope, scopeless, scopophilia, scotoscope, seismoscope, selenoscope, sideroscope, sigmoidoscope, skeptic, skeptical, skepticism, skiascope, sniperscope, spectrohelioscope, spectroscope, spectroscopic, spectroscopy, sphygmoscope, stauroscope, stereomicroscope, stereoscope, stereoscopic, stethoscope, stethoscopic, stethoscopy, stomatoscope, stroboscope, stroboscopic, submicrosocpic, synchroscope, tachistoscope, tachyscope, teichoscopy, telespectroscope, telesteroscope, telescope, telescopic, telescopically, telescopiform, telescopist, telescopy, thermoscope, thermoscopic, thoracoscope, toposcope, toposcopy, tracheoscope, ultramicroscope, uranoscopy, urethescope, urethescopy, urinoscopist, urinoscopy, uroscopy, vaginoscope, vibroscope, vidicon, vitascope, vortoscope, water telescope, zeoscope, zooscopic, zymoscope : scorpion Scorpio, scorpioid, scorpion : darkness scotoma, scotometer, scotomization, scotophyll, scotophobia, scotophobin, scotoscope, scotopia, scotopic : Scythian Scythia, Scythian, Scythism : Scylla Scylla : cup scyphiferous, scyphiform, scyphiphorous, scyphogeny, scyphomancy, scyphophore, scyphopolyp, scyphostoma, scyphozoan, scyphulus, scyphus OED insists on distinguishing scyphi- (L) and scypho- (G). I think the Latin word scyphus is derived from . The purist may separate the scyphi- and scyphowords, if desired. : worm scolecid, scoleciform, scolecite, scholecophagous, scolex : dung scat (dung), scatological, scatology : emerald emerald, emeraldine, smaragdine : emery-powder emery Smyrna Smyrna, Smyrnean, Smyrniote : speaking incorrectly solecism, solecist, solecistic : crocdile pseudosuchian Sophocles SophoceanSophocles : clever, wise; : wisdom; : sophist; : philosopher chirosophist, chirosophy, cosmosophy, craniosophist, deipnosophist, demonosophy, ensophic, gastrosophy, gymnosophist, hypnosophy, morosophist, ontosophy, pansophic, pansophism, pansophy, philosopher, philosophic, philosophical, philosophically, philosophism, philosophize, philosophy, physiophilosophy, pseudosoph, Sisyphean, Sisyphus, Sophia, sophic, sophiology, sophism, sophist, sophistic, sophistocal, sophistocally, sophistocate, sophistocated, sophistocatedly, sophistocation, sophistry, sophomore, sophomoric, sophomorical, sophrosyne, theophilosophy, theosoph, theosophical, theosophism, theosophist, theosophistic, theosophy, unphilosophical, unsophistocated : palm branch spadiceous, spadix : broad blade epaulet, epee, espathate, spatha, spathe, spathic, spathiform, spathose, spathulate, spatula, spatular, spatulate, spatulation, spatule, spatulous, spay : scarce spanadry, spanemia : tear sparagmite, sparagmos : Sparta Sparta, Spartacist, Spartacus, Spartan, Spartanize : draw; : convulsion blepharospasm, bronchospasm, cystospasm, enterospasm, graphospasm, hemispasm, hemospastic, monospasm, myospasm, palinspastic, pasmo (Sp), pharyngospasm, spasm, spasmatic, spasmodic, spasmodically, spasmogen, spasmogenic, spasmolysis, spasmolytic, spasmoneme, spasmoplhilia, spasmus, spastic, spastically, spasticity, venospasm : coil conchospiral, planispiral, plurispiral, spiral, spiraliform, spiralism, spirality, spiralization, spiralize, spirally, spire (coil), spirogyra, spiroid, spirometer, spirometric, spiroplasma, spirulate : sow; : seed; ; crop angiosperm, angiospore, angiosporous, ascospore, auxospore, campylospermous, coelosperm, coelospermous, cryptosporidium, cyclospermous, cyclospore, decaspermal, Diaspora, diaspore, diasporormeter, dictyospore, disspermatous, dispermous, dispermy, dysspermatism, dysporomorph, electrobioscopy, endosperm, endospore, episperm, epispore, exosperm, exospore, gymnosperm, gymnospore, heterosporous, homosporous, hyperspermatic, lithosperm, lithospore, macrospore, megaspore, megazoospore, melanosperm, merispore, mesosperm, mesospore, microspermous, microspore, monospermous, monospore, multispermous, myxospore, neurospore, octospermous, octospore, oligospermia, oligospermic, oligosporous, oligozoospermia, oosperm, oospore, ophthalmospore, orthospermous, panspermia, panspermic, perisperm, perispore, planospore, plurisporous, polyspermy, protospore, pseudospore, psorosperm, sarcoporidian, sperm, spermaceti, spermaduct, spermary, spermatheca, spermatic, spermaticide, spermatid, spermatiferous, spermatin, spermatist, spermatize, spermatocide, spermatocyte, spermatogenesis, spermatoid, spermatophore, spermatophyte, spermatorrhea, spermatospore, spermatozoid, spermatozoon, spermicide, spermiogenesis, spermoderm, spermogonium, spermophile, spermophore, spermous, sperm whale, speromagnetic, sporadic, sporadicity, sporadically, sporangiferous, sporangiolum, sporangiophore, sporangiospore, sporangium, spore, sporidium, sporiferous, sporoblast, sporocarp, sporocyst, sporodochium, sporogenesis, sporogenous, sporomorph, sporont, sporophore, sporophyll, sporophyte, sporoplasm, sporosac, sporotrichosis, sporozoan, sporozoite, sporular, sporulate, sporulation, sporule, teleutospore, teliospore, tetraspore, trachyspermous, trispermous, trisporous, tropospore, xanthospermous, zoosperm, zoospore, zygosperm, zygospore : pour a libation; : libation dispondee, spondaic, spondean, spondee : cave; : cave biospeleology, spelaean, speleologist, speleontology, spelothem, spelunker : milt hypersplenetic, spleen, splenectomy, splenetic, splenetically, splenic, spleniculus, splenitis, splenization, splenocyte, splenography, splenomegaly, splenosis, splenotomy, splenunculus : bandage splenial, splenium, splenius : sponge sponge, spongecake, sponge-like, sponger, spongicolous, spongiform, spongin, sponginess, spongioblast, spongioblastoma, spongioid, spongiole, spongioplasm, spongiose, spongiosis, spongoid, spongolite, spongolith, spongologist, spongology, spongotype, spongy : ashes spodic, spodiosite, spodium, spodogenic, spodomancy, spodosol : vertebrae spondylic, spondylitic, spondylitis, spondylolysis, spondylus : Stagira Stagira, Stagirite : see : let drop, drip epistaxis, stalactite, stalactiform, stalactitic, stalagma, stalagmite, stalagmitic, stalagmometer : see art of measuring; see : stand. cross staurolatry, staurolith, stauroscope : bunch of grapes staphylococcus, staphylolysin, staphyloma, staphyloplasty, staphylorrhaphy : fat steapsin, stearic acid, stearin, steatite, steatogene, steatogenous, steatolysis, steatoma, steatopathy, steatopygia, steatornis, steatorrhea, steatosis, urostealith : cover omostegite, steganography, steganopod, stegocephalous, stegodont, stegomia, stegosaur, stegosaurian, stegosaurus : make ready, send; : send off; : apostle; : letter apostle, apostolic, diastaltic, diastole, diastolic, dictyostele, epistle, epistoler, epistolary, epistolize, epistolographic, epistolography, isapostolic, paradiastole, peristalsis, peristaltic, perisystole, polystelic, systaltic, systole, systolic : narrow stenocardia, stenocephalic, stenochromy, stenoderm, stenograph, stenographer, stenographic, stenography, stenohydric, stenometer, stenopaeic, stenophagous, stenophagous, stenophagy, stenophlepsia, stenophyllous, stenopodium, stenorhynchous, stenosis, stenostomatous, stenothermal, stenotopic, stenotic, stenotype, stenotypy : Stentor Stentor, stentorian, stentorophonic : firm, stiff; : firm cholesterin, cholesterol, cholesterosis, hectostere, isostere, isosteric, orthostereoscope, oxosteroid, stere, stereo, stereobate, stereoblock, stereocentric, stereochemistry, stereochrome, steroelectronic, stereognosis, stereognostic, stereogram, stereograph, stereographic, stereography, stereology, stereome, stereometer, stereometric, stereometry, stereomicroscope, stereomite, stereophonic, stereophony, stereophotograph, stereoplasm, stereopsis, stereopticon, stereoregular, stereoscope, stereoscopic, stereoselective, stereostatic, stereotactic, stereotaxic, stereotaxis, stereotomist, stereotomy, stereotropism, stereotype, stereotypical, stereotypically, stereotypy, sterhydraulic, steric, steroid, steroidgenesis, sterol, sterro-metal, stilbesterol, tachysterol, telestereoscope : breast dorsosternon, endosternite, ensisternal, entosternal, entosternum, hyosternal, hyposternal, mesosternal, mesosternum, omosternum, pelvisternal, prosternum, sternal, sternalgia, sterniform, sternocostal, sternovertebral, sternum : put around; : crown; : crown stemma, stemmatic, stemmatiform, stemmatology, Stephen, stephanic, stephanion, stephanome : chest stethogram, stethograph, stethometer, stethoparalysis, stethophone, stethoscope, stethoscopic, stethoscopy : block of stone meristele, monostele, prostele, protostele, stele : antimony Sb, stibine, stibium, stibocaptate, stibophen : tatoo, puncture astigmatic, astigmatism, stigma, stigmaria, stigmata, stigmatic, stigmatiferous, stigmatiform, stigmatism, stigmatist, stigmatization, stigmatize, stigmatose, stigmatypy, stigmergy, unstigmatized : glitter stilb, stilbene, stilbite, stilbesterol : line; : march, go in line acrostich, acrostichous, astichous, desmostichous, distich, distichal, distichiasis, distichic, distichous, hemistich, heptastich, hexastich, isostich, monostich, octastich, orthostichy, pentastich, polystichous, stich, stichic, stichochrome, stichometrical, stichometry, stichomythia, stichomythic, stichos, telestich, tetrastich, tristich, tristichous : colonnade stoa, stoic, stoical, stoically, stoicism, stoicize : dress stola, stole (n) : mouth anastomosis, angiostomous, astomous, chilostome, codonostome, cryptostoma, cyclostomatous, cytostome, deuterostoma, discostomatous, Distoma, distomatosis, distomatous, ectostome, endostoma, enterostomy, eurystomatous, exostome, gastrostomy, gnathostome, gymnostomous, holostomatous, hypostome, melasma, melastoma, merostome, mesostome, metastoma, microstomatous, monostomatous, myzostoma, osteostomous, oxystome, pantostomate, peristome, phyllostome, plagiostome, platystomous, polystome, prostomium, pseudostoma, pseudostome, scyphostoma, stenostomatous, stoma, stomach, stomachache, stomachal, stomacher, stomachful, stomachless, stomach pump, stomachic, stomachical, stomachy, stomapod, stomatal, stomate, stomatic, stomatiferous, stomatitic, stomatitis, stomatology, stomatomorphous, stomatoplasty, stomatopod, stomatoscope, stomatous, stomion, stomium, stomodeum, teleostome, tracheostomy, xerostomia : spread; : bed blastostroma, olistostrome, stroma, stromatolite, stromatolith : aim, guess stochastic, stoicheiology, stoicheiometry : squinting strabismic, strabismometer, strabismus, strabotomy : trickle, drop; : twisted strangle, strangle hold, strangles, strangulate, strangulation, strangullion, strangury : army; : army; : soldier; : general; : expedition geostrategical, geostrategy, strategem, strategetic, strategic, strategical, strategically, strategist, strategize, strategus, strategy : twist, turn around anastrophe, antistrophe, apostrophe, boustrophedon, catastrophe, catastrophic, catastrophism, catastrophist, diastrophe, diastrophism, ecocatastrophe, epanastrophe, epistrophe, exostrophy, geostrophic, heterostrophic, jockstrap, metastrophe, monostrophic, strap, straphanger, strapless, strapper, strapping, strappy, streptocarpus, streptococcus, streptocyte, streptokinase, streptomycete, streptomycin, streptoneural, streptostylic, streptothricosis, strobe, strobic, strobilia, strobilation, strobilus, stroboscope, stroboscopic, Strombolian, strombuliferous, strombuliform, Strombus, strophe, strophic, strophiole, systrophe : round strongyle, strongyloidiasis, strongylosis : sparrow ostrich, struthious : nightshade strychnine, strychninism, Strychnos : hate; ; hatred Stygian, Styx : pillar amphiprostyle, astylar, blastostyle, cyclostyle, decastyle, dendrostyle, diastyle, distyle, dodecastyle, endostyle, enneastyle, epistyle, eustyle, heptastyle, heterostye, homostyled, hyostylic, hypostyle, macrostylous, microstylar, monostylous, octastyle, orthostyle, pentastyle, peristylar, peristyle, phonostylistics, polystylar, prostyle, pycnostyle, streptostylic, stylar, Stylites, stylobate, styloglossal, stylolite, systyle, systylous, tetrastyle, tristylous, urostyle : Stymphalus Stymphalian, Stymphalus : tow; : hemp fiber stop (plug), stoppage, stopper, stuff, stuffily, stuffing, stuffy N.B. OED does not support deriving stuff from . : styrax tree styrax, styrene, styrofoam : contract styptic, stypticity : Sybaris Sybaris, sybarite, sybaritic : fig; : fig tree; : informer sycamore, sycoceric, sycophancy, sycophant, sycophantic, sycophantically, sycosis : strip off; : inviolate asylum, orphan asylum, political asylum -, -: together E.g., syllabus, symmetry, synopsis, system : token; see . : shepherd’s pipe syringa, syringe, syringeal, syringeful, syringotome, syrinx : Syrian Assyria, Assyrian, Assyriology, Syria, Syriac, Syrian, Syro: sweep away Syrtis, Syrtis Major : ball, globe aerosphere, aspherical, asthenosphere, atmosphere, atmospheric, atmospherical, bathysphere, biosphere, blastosphere, chemosphere, chromatosphere, chromosphere, cosmosphere, ctenosphere, ecosphere, ensphere, exosphere, geosphere, gonosphere, helispherical, hemisphere, hemispherical, hydrosphere, ionosphere, ionospheric, ionospherist, lithosphere, magnetosphere, mesosphere, microsphere, noosphere, oncosphere, oosphere, ozonosphere, pedosphere, photosphere, phyllosphere, planisphere, plasmasphere, protonosphere, psycrosphere, rhizosphere, sferics, spheral, sphere, sphereless, spheric, spherical, sphericality, spherically, sphericity, spherics, spheriform, spheriodactyl, spheroidal, spherogram, spherograph, spheroid, spheroidize, spheromaniac, spherometer, spheroplasty, spherosome, spherule, spherulite, spherulitic, stratosphere, stratospheric, technosphere, tectosphere, tetraspherical, thermosphere, trophosphere, troposphere, turbosphere, zoozygosphere : wedge sphene, sphenic, sphenocephaly, sphenochasm, sphenogram, sphenoid, sphenoidal, sphenotic : bind tight criosphinx, spincter, sphincterotomy, sphingine, Sphinx : throb asphyxia, asphyxiant, asphyxiate, asphyxiation, sphygemic, sphygmogram, sphygmograph, sphygomology, sphygmometer, sphygmophone, sphygmoscope : form; see : split; : strip of bark reschedule, schedule, schism, schisma, schismatic, schismatical, schismatically, schismatize, schismogenesis, schist, schistose, schistosity, schistosome, schizoaffective, schizocarp, schizocoele, schizogenesis, schizognathous, schizogony, schizoid, schizont, schizonticide, schizophrene, schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophreniform, schizophrenogenic, schizophyte, schizopod, schizorhinal, schizothymia, scizotrichia, unscheduled AHD: schedule from . : rope schenobatic : leisure boarding school, deschooling, ecole, escolar, grad school, grade school, high school, middle school, old school, preschool, preschooler, primary school, public school, scholar, scholarlike, scholarliness, scholarly, scholarship, scholastic, scholastically, scholasticism, scholiast, scholium, school, school board, school book, schoolboy, schoolboyish, schoolday, school doctor, schooldom, schooler, schoolfellow, schoolgirl, schoolhouse, schooling, schoolman, schoolmaster, schoolmate, schoolmistress, schoolroom, schoolteacher, school year, summer school, Sunday school, trade school, unscholarly, unschooled : save; : savior; : salvation creosote, soterial, soteriological, soteriology : Socrates pre-Socratic, Socrates, Socratic, Socratically, Socratism, Socratize : pipe solenocyte, solenodont, solenoglyph, solenoid, solenoidal : body autosomatic, autosome, chromosome, disomatous, disome, endosome, extrasomatic, genome, glucosome, gnathosome, gonosome, hydrosome, idiochromosome, idiosome, informosome, intrasomatic, karyosome, kinetosome, leptosomic, liposome, lysosome, macrosomatic, melanosome, merosome, mesosome, metasomatism, metensomatosis, microchromosome, microsome, monosomatous, monosome, nullisome, nullisomic, peroxisome, perisome, phagosome, phragmosome, phyllosome, plasmosome, platysome, polysomatic, polysomatous, polysome, prochromosome, prosoma, pseudosomatic, psychosomatic, pyrosome, quantasome, sarcosome, schistosome, soma (not drug), somal, somatic, somatically, somatism, somatist, somatization, somatogamy, somatological, somatologist, somatology, somatome, somatomedin, somatophore, somatophyte, somatopleure, somatostatin, somatotonia, somatotonic, somatotopic, somatotroph, somatotrophic, somatrotrophism, somatotype, somesthetic, somite, spherosome, synaptosome, telesomatic, tetrasome, tetrasomic, trisome, trisomic, trisomy, trophosome, virosome, x chromosome, y chromosome, zygosome : heap sorites, sorosilicate, sorosis, sorus : tapeworm: see : balance; see : see : carpet tapestry : Tarentum tarantella, tarantism, tarantula, Tarentum : low tapinocephalic t flat of foot; : get dried up longitarsal, metatarsal, metatarsus, tarsal, tarsalgia, tarsectomy, tarsier, tarsioid, tarsiped, tarsitis, tarsomalacia, tarsonemid, tarsoplasty, tarsotomy, tarsus : Tartarus Tatar, tartareous, Tartarology, Tartarus array, assess, assign; : order; : ordinance; : ordered; : assign; : chief (see also tango, taxo) asyntactic, ataxia, ataxic, ataxy, chemotaxis, cybotaxis, cytotaxic, cytotaxonomy, epitaxy, eutaxy, galvanotaxis, geotactic, geotaxis, heliotactic, heliotaxis, heterotaxis, homotaxial, homotaxis, hydrotaxis, hypotactic, hypotaxis, isotactic, klinotaxis, meiotaxy, metataxis, morphosyntax, morphotactics, multitask, nosotaxy, paratactic, parataxis, phonotactics, phototactic, phototaxis, phyllotaxis, protactinium, prototaxic, rheotaxis, single tax, stereotactic, sterotaxic, stereotaxis, syndiotactic, syntactic, syntactical, syntactician, syntagma, syntagmatic, syntagmeme, syntax, syntaxic, syntaxis, syntaxy, tactic, tactical, tactician, tacticity, tactics, tagma, tagmosis, tagmeme, tagmemic, tagmemicist, tagmemics, tagmosis, task, taskmaster, taxeme, taxeopodous, taxi, taxicab, taxidermal, taxidermist, taxidermize, taxidermy, taxidriver, taximeter, taxiplane, taxis, taxi squad, taxiway, taxodont, taxogen, taxon, taxonomic, taxonomically, taxonomist, taxonomy, taxophily, -taxy, telotaxis, thermotactic, thermotaxis, thigmotaxis, tonotaxis, topotaxy, trophotaxis, tropotaxis, unsyntactical, watertaxi, zootaxy tau tau, tau cross, tau crucifix : bull: see taurus centaur, Centaurus, centaury, minotaur, onocentaur, suovetaurilia, taurobolium, tauroboly, taurocholic, taurodont, taurodontism, tauromachy, taurylic, theotaurine Surely there was the Greek constellation preceding the Latin Taurus, yet OED says Taurus from L. taurus. The standard rule is that -i- connector is Latin and -o- connector is Greek, but surely all the words I have listed under L. taurus do trace back to . : quick; : speed pneumotachograph, tacheometer, tachistoscope, tachogram, tachograph, tachography, tacholyte, tachometer, tachyarrythmia, tachycardia, tachydrome, tachygenesis, tachyglossal, tachygraph, tachygrapher, tachygraphic, tachygraphy, tachylyte, tachymeter, tachymetry, tachyon, tachyphrasia, tachyphrenia, tachypnea, tachyscope, tachysterol, tachythanatous, tachytomy : see : pit taphrenchyma, taphrogenesis stretch out; : tension, smooth; : tune Achilles tendon, amyotonia, atonal, atonic, attune, baritone, barytone, bitonality, catatasis, catatonia, catatonic, detonator, detune, diatonic, diatonicism, diatonism, disattune, distonia, distune, ditone, doubletone, dulcitune, duotone, dystonic, ecotene, ecotone, ectene, electrotonus, embroctony, emprosthotonic, emprothotonos, entone, entonic, epitasis, heptatonic, hexatone, homotony, hormotone, hypertonic, hypotenuse, hypotonia, hypotonic, hysterotomy, intonate, intonation, intonator, intone, intoner, isotone, isotonic, leptotene, mesotonic, metatony, microtone, monotone, monotonic, monotonist, monotonous, monotonously, monotony, myotatic, myotonia, myotonic, neoteny, neurotonic, nontonal, opisthotonos, orthotone, orthotonic, orthotonus, overtone, oxytone, oxytonic, pachytene, pantonal, paritonal, paritone, paritonic, pentatonic, peritoneum, peritonitis, phototonic, phototonus, polytonality, polytone, polytonic, protasis, protatic, semitone, serotonin, somatotonia, somatotonic, string-tone, subtone, subtonic, supertonic, sympathicotonia, taenia, taeniate, taenicide, taeniform, taenifuge, taeniasis, tendon, tendonitis, teniasis, tenesmus, tenosteosis, tenotomy, tetanic, tetanogenic, tetanus, tinoceratid, tonal, tonality, tone, tone-deaf, toneless, toneme, toner, tonetics, tonic, tonically, tonicity, tonogram, tonograph, tonometer, tonotaxis, tonotropic, tonus, tony, touchtone, tritonality, tritone, tunable, tune, tuneful, tuneless, tuner, tunester, tune-up, undertone, untune, vagotonia, viscerotonic OED rejects any connection between tetchy and . Is tune simply a variant of tone and thus from ? Check dictionaries. see : wall teichoic, teichopsia, teichoscopy : craftsman; : art agrotechnology, architect, architectonic, architectural, architecture, biotech, biotechnology, coarchitect, electrotechnician, geotechnics, geotechnology, geotectonic, high-tech, low-tech, monotechnic, morphotectonics, nanotechnology, neotechnic, nontechnical, orthotectonic, pantechnicon, paratectonic, petrotectonics, philotechnic, polytechnic, psychotechnology, pyrotechnical, pyrotechnician, pyrotechnics, pyrotechny, seismotectonic, supertechnological, syntechnic, syntectonic, tech, technetium, technetronic, technic, technical, technicality, technically, technician, technicism, technicist, technicize, technicolor, technics, technification, technique, technocomplex, technocracy, technocrat, technocratic, technofreak, technograph, technographic, technography, technolithic, technologist, technological, technologically, technologize, technology, technomanager, technomania, technomaniac, technonomy, technophile, technophilia, technophobe, technophobia, technophobic, technosapiens, technosphere, technostress, technostructure, techy, tectogenesis, tectology, tectonic, tectonician, tectonics, tectonism, tectonist, tectonite, tectonization, technonophysical, tectology, tectonothermal, tectosphere, theotechny, terotechnology, zootechny, zymotechny : Telamon telamon : bog telmatology : duty, toll; : finish disteleology, entelechy, homeoteleutic, philatelist, philately, syntelic, telangiectasis, telanthropus, teleocephal, teleocracy, teleodont, teleological, teleologist, teleology, teleonomy, teleophobia, teleophyte, teleoptile, teleorganic, teleosaur, teleostean, teleostome, teleozoon, telesia, telesis, telestich, teleutospore, telic, teliospore, telium, teloblast, telocentric, telodendron, telogen, telomer, telophase, telos, telotaxis, tellotroch, theoteleological, theoteleogy, toll, toll-booth, tollgate, tollkeeper : headland telson : divide; : cutting; : uncut adenectomy, adenotomy, anatomical, anatomically, anatomist, anatomize, anatomy, angiotomy, anthropotomy, appendectomy, atom, atom bomb, atomic, atomic energy, atomism, atomist, atomize, atomizer, atomy, autotomic, autotomy, bursectomy, capsulotomy, catscan, cephelotomy, ceratotome, cheirotomy, cholecystectomy, clitoridectomy, coelotomy, colectomy, colostomy, colotomy, colpotomy, conchotome, co-orthotomic, cordotomy, corectome, corectomy, corotomy, craniectomy, craniotome, craniotomy, cyclotomy, cystectomy, cysticotomy, cystitome, cystotome, cystotomy, dendranatomy, derma(to)tome, desmotomy, diatom, diatomaceous, diatomic, diatomiferous, diatomous, dichotomic, dichotomist, dochotomize, dichotomous, dichotomously, dichotomy, duodenectomy, dystomic, dystomous, -ectomy, embolectomy, embryectomy, embryotomy, enterectomy, enterotome, enterotomy, entomic, entomo-, entomogenous, entomoid, entomolite, entomological, entomologist, entomologize, entomology, entomometer, entomophagous, entomophilous, entomotomist, entomotomy, epitome, epitomist, epitomize, gastectomy, gastrotomy, glossectomy, glossotomy, gonadectomy, gonotome, haplotomy, harmotone, hemotoma, hepatectomy, hepatotomy, heptatomic, herpetotomy, heterotomous, hexatomic, hippotomy, histotomy, hylotomous, hymenectomy, hymenoptomy, hymenotomy, hysterectomy, hysterotomy, hypertonic, ileostomy, iridectomize, iridectomy, iridotomy, isotome, keratectomy, keratome, keratomy, laminectomy, laparotomy, laryngetomize, laryngectomy, laryngotomy, leptotene, leucotomy, lipectomy, lipotomy, lithotome, lithotomist, lithotomy, lobectomy, lobotomy, lumpectomy, macrotomy, mastectomy, mastoidectomy, meatotome, merotomize, metrotome, microanatomy, microtone, monatomic, monatomism, monoatomic, morphotomy, myomectomy, myotomy, necrotomy, nephrectomy, nephrolithotomy, nephrotomy, neurectomy, neuroanatomy, neurotomy, nonatomic, nymphotomy, oariotomy, odontotomy, omphalectomy, omphalotomy, oncotomy, oophorectomy, ophthalmotomy, orchidectomy, orchidotomy, orchotomy, ornithotomy, orthotomic, ossiculectomy, osteotome, osteotomy, ostomy, ototomy, ovariectomy, ovariotomy, pancreatecotomy, pantomography, papillectomy, paratomy, parotidectomy, patellectomy, pentatomic, pentomic, peotomy, peritomous, peritomy, pharyngectomy, pharyngotome, pharyngotomy, phlebotomy, phrenicetomy, phrenicotomy, phytotomist, phytotomy, pinealectomy, plasmotomy, pleuroromy, pneumonectomy, pogonotomy, polyatomic, polypectomy, polytomous, polytomy, proctotomy, prostatectomy, pulpectomy, pulpotomy, pylorectomy, rachitome, ramisectomy, rhizotomy, sarcotome, scalenotomy, sclerotome, sclerotomy, somatome, sphincerotomy, splendectomy, splenotomy, stereotomist, stereotomy, strabotomy, subatomic, sympathectomy, syntone, syntonic, sytonize, syntonous, syntony, syringotome, tachytomy, tarsectomy, tarsotomy, tenotomy, tesseratomic, tetratomic, tetrachotomous, tetrachotomy, tetratomic, theriotomy, thoracostomy, thrombectomy, thymectomy, thyroidectomy, tmesis, tome, tomography, -tomy, tonsilotome, topectomy, tracheotomy, triatomic, triatomid, triatomy, trichotomize, trichotomous, trichotomy, tubectomy, ultramicrotome, uterotome, uvulatome, uvulatomy, uvulotome, uvulotomy, vagotomy, valvotomy, valvulotomy, varicocelectomy, vestibulotomy, viscerotome, vitrectomy, vulvectomy, xylotomous, xylotomy, zootomy : sign tera-, terabit, terabyte, terahertz, terasecond, teratism, teratogen, teratogenesis, teratogenic, teratogeny, teratoid, teratolite, teratological, teratologist, teratology, teratoma, teravolt, terawatt : terebinth tree terebene, terebenthene, terebic, terebinth, terebintinate, terebinthine, turpentine : enjoy Terpsichore, terpsichorean : four diatessaron, ditetragonal, Teflon, tessaraglot, tesselate, tesselation, tessera, tesseract, tesseral, tesseratomic, tetra, tetrabasic, tetrablastic, tetrachloride, tetrachord, tetrachoric, tetrachotomous, tetrachotomy, tetrachromic, tetracolon, tetract, tetracyclic, tetracyline, tetrad, tetradactyl, tetradic, tetragamy, tetraglot, tetragon, tetragonal, tetragram, Tetragrammaton, tetrahedral, tetrahedron, tetralemma, tetralogy, tetramerous, tetrameter, tetramorph, tetramorphic, tetanomial, tetraphonic, tetraphony, tetrapetalous, tetrapla, tetraplegia, tetrapleuron, tetraploid, tetrapod, tetrapodous, tetrapteron, tetrapterous, tetrarch, tetrarchy, tetraskelion, tetrasome, tetrasomic, tetraspherical, tetraspore, tetrastich, tetrastyle, tetrasyllabic, tetrasyllable, tetrasymmetry, tetrathlon, tetratomic, tetravalent, tetrazolium, tetrode, tetrodont, tetromino, tetryl, trapeze, trapezial, trapezian, trapeziform, trapezist, trapezium, trapezius, trapezohedron, trapezoid, trapezoidal : cicada tettigoniid, tettix : build Heptateuch, Hexateuch, Pentateuch, Pentateuchal : ashes tephra, tephrite, tephrochronology, tephromancy : see : Tethys Tethyan, Tethys : molten (see ) eutectic, eutectiferous, melanotektite, peritectic, syntectic, syntexis, tektite, tektosphere : far away cryptotelephony, microtelephone, radiotelegram, radiotelegraph, radiotelephone, radio telescope, telacoustic, telautograph, telebanking, telecamera, telecast, telecentric, telechiric, telecom, telecommand, telecommunication, telecommute, telecomputer, telecon, teleconference, teleconnection, teleconverter, telecopier, telecourse, telectric, telecryptograph, telediagnosis, teledrama, teledynamic, telefacsimile, teleferic, telegenesis, telegenic, telegnostic, telegony, telegram, telegraph, telegrammic, telegrapher, telegraphic, telegraphist, telegraphone, telegraphy, teleguide, telekin, telekinesis, telekinetic, telectric, telemark, telemarketer, telemarketing, telematics, telemechanics, telemedicine, telemeter, telemetry, telemotor, telencephalon, telenegative, teleordering, telepath, telepathic, telepathically, telepathist, telepathy, telepheme, telephone, telephonic, telephonist, telephonograph, telephony, telephote, telephoto, telephotogram, telephotograph, telephotometer, teleplasm, teleportation, telepositive, teleprinter, teleprocessing, teleprompter, telepsychic, telerecording, telergy, telescope, telescopic, telescopically, telescopiform, telescopist, telescopy, teleseism, teleseme, teleshopping, telesoftware, telesomatic, telespectroscope, telestereoscope, teletex, teletext, telesthesia, telesthetic, Telestrator, teletherapy, telethermogram, telethermograph, telethermometer, telethon, teletransport, teletype, teletypewriter, televangelist, televiewer, televise, television, televisionary, televisor, televisual, telex, telharmonium, telly, telodynamic, telometer, teloptic, telosmic, telotype, TV, water telescope : watch over synteresis, terotechnology : headdress tiara, tiare, tiarella : tiger hippotigrine, liger, paper tiger, tiger, tigercat, tigereye, tigerish, tigon, tigress, tigrine, Tigris, tigroid, tigrolysis : put, place; : deposit; : law; : legislator; : dedicate anathema, anathemetize, antithesis, antithetical, apothecary, athematic, bibliotheca, bibliothecarial, biosynthesis, bodega, boutique, chemosynthesis, cosmothetic, cosmothetical, deuterotheme, diathesis, diathetic, disyntheme, dithecal, dithecous, dithematic, electrosynthetic, enanthema, endotheca, enthetic, epenthesis, epithet, exotheca, glossotheca, gnathotheca, gonotheca, hypothecary, hypothectae, hypothesis, hypothesize, hypothetical, hypothetically, intrathecal, karyotheca, metathesis, monothematic, narcosynthesis, nomothetic, nonthematic, nucleosynthesis, ootheca, parenthesis, parenthesize, parenthetic, parenthetical, parenthetically, parasynthetic, parathesis, photosynthesis, photosynthesize, photosynthetic, polysynthesis, polysynthetic, prosothodontics, prosothodontist, prosthesis, prosthetic, prothesis, prothetic, protothetic, pyrosynthesis, speleothem, spermatheca, syngas, syntheme, synthesis, synthesist, synthesize, synthesizer, synthetic, synthetical, synthetically, synthetism, synthetist, synthetistic, synthetize, theca, thecodont, thema, thematic, thematization, thematize, theme, Themis, thermosynthesis, thesis, typothetae : Tithonus Tithonian, Tithonus : pluck tillodont : honor; : honor; : dishonor; : honored timocracy, timocratic, Timothy : Titan titan, titanesque, titaness, titanian, titanic, titaniferous, titanism, titanite, titanium, titanomachy, titanosaurus, titanothere, titanous : suffer; : balance multitalented, talent, talented, tantalic, tantalization, tantalize, tantalizer, tantalum, Tantalus, untalented : bringing forth deuterotoky, ditokous, dystokia, epitokous, neotocite, oligotokous, ootocoid, ootocous, oxytocia, oxytocic, oxytocin, polytocous, thelytochous, theotokos, zootokon see : bow; : archer; : hit the mark antitoxic, antitoxin, atoxin, autotoxic, autotoxin, Botox, detox, detoxicate, detoxication, detoxify, deuterotoxin, digitoxin, disintoxicate, embryotoxin, endotoxin, enterotoxin, exotoxin, hepatotoxin, intoxicant, intoxicate, intoxicated, intoxication, intoximeter, mycotoxin, nephrotoxin, neurotoxin, nontoxic, ototoxic, ototoxicity, oxytoxic, peptotoxin, phallotoxin, phototoxic, phototoxicity, phytotoxic, phytotoxicant, phytotoxin, picrotoxin, prototoxoid, radiotoxic, radiotoxicity, syntoxoid, thermotoxin, thyrotoxic, thyrotoxin, toxemia, toxemic, toxic, toxicant, toxication, toxicity, toxicodendron, toxicoderma, toxicogenic, toxicologist, toxicology, toxicomania, toxicophagous, toxicophile, toxicophobia, toxicum, toxidermic, toxifer, toxiferous, toxicosis, toxin, toxiphagus, toxiphobia, toxodont, toxophilite, toxophily, toxiphorous, toxoplasm, toxoplasmosis, tyrotoxicon, urotoxic, urotoxyvasculotoxic, vivotoxin, water intoxication, water toxic, zymotoxic : gem topaz : place; : strange biotope, chronotopic, dystopia, dystopian, ectopia, ectopic, heterotopia, homeotopy, isotope, isotopic, isotopically, isotopy, kakotopia, microtopography, orthotopic, phototopography, pornotopia, queuetopia, radioisotope, somatotopic, stenotopic, subtopia, toparchy, topia, topiaria, topiarian, topiarist, topiarius, topiary, topectomy, topic, topical, topicality, topicalize, topically, topocentric, topochemical, topochemistry, topocline, topodeme, topogenous, topograph, topographer, topographic, topographical, topographically, topographize, topography, topoinhibition, topological, topologize, topology, topomorph, toponomastic, toponym, toponymic, toponymy, topophobia, topophone, topopolitan, topos, toposcope, toposcopy, topotaxy, topotype, utopia, utopian, utopianism, utopianist, utopianize, utopiate, utopism, utopist : socket tormodont : lathe; : rub hard, wear out; : wound attorney, contour, detour, microtrauma, out-turn, overturn, post-traumatic, return, tornus, tour, tourelle, tourism, tourist, tourist center, tourist class, tourist trap, touristic, touristically, tournament, tournedos, tournette, tourney, tourniquet, tournure, trauma, traumapnea, traumatic, traumaticism, traumatism, traumatize, traumatocace, traumatology, traumatonesis, traumatopyra, traumatotropic, turismo, turista, turn, turnaround, turnaway, turnback, turncoat, turncock, turndown, turner, turning point, turnkey, turnoff, turnon, turnout, turnout, turnover, turnpike, turnspit, turnstone, turntable, upturn, upturned : piercing torosaurus : goat tragedian, tragedienne, tragedize, tragedy, tragelaph, tragic, tragical, tragically, tragicalness, tragicomedy, tragicomic, tragopan, tragule, tragus : table (See + .) : stammering traulism, traulismus : wound: see : neck trachelate, trachelipod, tracheloplasty : harsh endotracheal, rhinotracheitis, trachea, tracheal, trachean, tracheate, tracheid, tracheitis, tracheocele, tracheoma, tracheophone, tracheoscope, tracheostomy, tracheotomy, trachidermic, trachoma, trachycarpous, trachychromatic, trachypteroid, trachyspermous, trachyte, trachytic, transtracheal : three ditriglyph, ditrigonal, phototrichromatic, tractinal, triad, triadic, triadism, triadist, trialogue, trianthous, triarch, triarchy, trias, Triassic, triaster, triathlete, triathlon, triatomic, triatomid, triatomy, triaxial, tribasic, triblastic, tricarpous, tricentral, tricephalic, triceratops, trichord, trichotomize, thrichotomous, trichotomy, trichromat, trichromatic, trichromatism, trichromic, trichronous, triclad, triclinic, tricolic, tricycle, tricyclic, tridactyl, tridactylous, trierarch, trierarchy, triethyl, trig, trigamist, trigamous, trigamy, trigastric, trigenic, triglot, triglyceride, triglyph, trigon, trigonal, trigoneutic, trigonometric, trigonometrical, trigonometrically, trigonometry, trigonous, trigram, trigraph, trigraphy, trihedral, trihedron, trihemeral, trihydrate, trihydrogen, trike, trilemma, trilith, trilobal, trilobate, trilobite, trilogical, trilogy, trilophodont, trilophous, trimerous, trimeter, trimetric, trimetrical, trimorph, trimorphic, trimorphism, triode, trionym, triorthogonal, trioxide, tripetalous, triphasic, triphibian, triphibious, triphony, triphthong, triphyllous, triplegia, tripod, tripodal, tripodic, tripody, Tripoli, tripterous, triptote, triptych, tripyramidal, tris, triskaidekaphobia, triskele, triskelion, trisoctahedron, trisome, trisomic, trisomy, trispermous, trisporous, tristich, tristichous, tristylous, trisyllabic, trisyllable, tritagonist, tritanopia, tritheism, tritheist, trithionic, tritium, tritonality, tritone, trizonal : turn; ; way; : entrust aerotropic, aerotropism, allotrope, allotropic, allotropy, anemotropism, anistropy, apotropaic, autotropic, campylotropous, chemotropic, chemotropism, chromotrope, cytotropic, dexiotrope, dexiotropic, diageotropic, diageotropism, diaheliotropic, diaheliotropism, diaphototropic, diatropism, dromotropic, dromotropism, ectropion, electrotropism, enantiotropy, endotropic, enorthotrope, entropic, entropion, entropy, exotropia, galvanotropism, geotropic, geotropism, glycotropic, gonadotropic, haptotropism, heliotrope, heliotropic, heliotropism, hemitropic, heterotrope, homotropous, hydrotropic, hydrotropism, hydrotropia, hypertropic, hypertropy, hypotropy, iconotropy, idiotropic, intertropical, intratropical, ionotropy, isentropic, isotropic, isotropy, kalotrope, lipotropic, lyotrope, lyotropic, lyotropy, melotrope, metatropy, monotropic, monotropy, morphotropism, morphotropy, myoatropy, negentropy, neotropical, neurotropic, neurotropism, nyctitropic, nyctitropism, oligotropic, ophthalmotrope, orthotropic, orthotropism, orthotropous, orthotropy, oxytrope, paleotropical, paraheliotropic, phototropic, phototropism, plagiotropic, plagiotropous, pleiotropic, polytrope, polytropic, protreptic, prototrpy, psychotropic, rheotropism, selenotropic, semitropical, sigmatropic, stereotropism, subtropical, symapthicotropic, thaumatrope, thermotropic, thermotropism, thigmotropism, tonotropic, traumatropism, trope, trophotropic, trophotropism, trophy, tropic, tropical, tropicalian, tropicalize, tropically, tropicana, tropicopolitan, tropism, tropistic, tropological, tropology, tropometer, tropomyosin, tropopause, tropophilous, tropophyte, troposcatter, troposhere, tropospore, tropotaxis, troppo, troubadour, viscerotropic, xenotropic, zootrope : feed, thicken, grow; : food allotrophic, amyotrophic, atrophy, autotroph, autotrophic, auxotroph, chemoaototroph, dystrophy, ectrophic, endotrophic, eutrophic, eutrophication, eutrophy, gonadotrophic, hemotrophy, heterotrophic, hypertrophic, hypertrophy, limitrophe, metatrophic, mixotrophic, monotrophic, mycotrophy, neurotrophic, nosotrophy, oligotrophic, oligotrophy, osteodystrophy, pantatrophy, paratrophic, pedotrophic, pedotrophy, peritrophic, phototroph, phototrophic, planktotrophic, pogonotrophy, polytrophy, prototroph, prototrophic, psychrotrophic, sebotrophic, somatotroph, somatotrophic, somatotrophism, symbiotrophic, syntrophic, syntrophism, threptic, trophallaxis, trophesy, trophi, trophic, trophobiont, trophobiosis, trophoblast, trophocyte, trophogenic, trophology, tropholytic, trophoneurotic, trophonucleus, trophopathy, trophophore, trophophorous, trophoplasm, trophoplasttrophosome, trophosphere, trophotaxis, trophotropic, trophotropism, trophozoite, trophozooid : run; : wheel ditrochee, entrochal, entrochite, entrochus, mesotrocha, monotrochal, telotroch, trochaic, trochal, trochanter, trochee, trochiferous, trochiform, trochilus, trochoid, troichoidal, trochophore, trochotron, trochus, truck, truckle : opening ditrematous, ditremid, monotremata, monotremate, pentatremite, peritreme, trematode : rub; : spend; : occupation diatribe, diatribist, lithotripsy, lithotriptor, lithotrite, lithotritor, lithotrity, teredo, tribade, tribadism, trebology, triboluminescence, tribometer, vasotribe : grinding; : scream, gnash trismic, trismus : Triton Triton see : trembling tronometer : see : Trophonius Trophonian, Trophonius : pulley sheaf trochlea, trochlear : see : bore; : softness; : crush trepan, trepanation : hole, : gnaw troglobiont, troglobite, troglydyte, troglydytic, troglophile, trogloxene, trout knob tylosaurus : tomb disentomb, entomb, entombment, tomb, tombarolo (It), tombic, tombless, tombstone : see : blow, mark, type; : beat agriotype, aluminotype, antitype, antitypical, archetypal, archetype, aristotype, atypical, autotype, autotypic, biotype, calotype, chemitype, chromotype, collotype, colortype, cotype, countertype, cyanotype, daguerrotype, diazotype, duotype, ecotype, ectypal, ectype, ectypography, electrotype, entotympanic, epitympanic, ferrotype, fluorotype, genotype, glossotype, graphotype, heliotype, hemitype, heterotypic, holotype, homeotype, homotopic, homotopy, hypotypical, hypotyposis, idiotype, intertype, isotype, isotypic, karyotype, karyotypic, lectotype, linotype, linotypist, lipotype, lithotype, logotype, megatype, melanotype, metatype, mimotype, monotype, monotypic, necrotype, necrotypic, neotype, ootype, optotype, overtype, paleotype, panotype, papyrotype, paratype, personality type, phenotype, phonotype, phototype, phototypography, photozincotype, platinotype, pleiotypic, polytype, polytypic, polytypism, porotype, prototype, prototypic, prototypical, prototypically, serotype, somatotype, spectrotype, spongotype, stenotype, stenotypy, spectrotype, stereotype, stereotypical, stereotypically, stereotypy, stigmotypy, stratotype, subtype, teletype, teletypewriter, telotype, test-type, thermotype, timbre, timbrel, tintype, topotype, touch-typing, tympanic, tympaniform, tympanitic, tympanum, tympany, typal, type, typecast, typecopy, typeface, type fallacy, typeset, typewrite, typewriter, typewriting, typewritten, typic, typical, typically, typicalness, typify, typing, typist, typo, typocrat, typograph, typographer, typographic, typographica, typographical, typographically, typographist, typography, typological, typologist, typologize, typology, typomania, typonym, typophile, typorama, typescript, typothetae, untypical, zootype : absolute ruler; : tyranny tyranness, tyrannic, tyrannical, tyrannically, tyrannicidal, tyrannicide, tyrannize, tyrannophobia, tyrannosaurus, tyrannous, tyrannously, tyranny, tyrant cheese butane, butter, butterball, buttercup, butterfat, butterfingers, butterfly, buttermilk, butterscotch, buttery, butraceous, peanut butter, turophile, tyroglyphoid, tyroleucin, tyroma, tyrosinemia, tyrosine, tyrosis, tyrotoxicon : Etruscans Tyrrhene, Tyrrhenian : tower control tower, ivory-tower, tourelle, tower, towering, towerless, towerlight, towerman, towery, turret, turreted, turricular, turriculate, turriferous, walltower, wartower, watchtower : Tyrtaeus Turtaean, Tyrtaeus : blind, : blind typhlitis, typhlograph, typhlology, typhlometer, typhlosis burn slowly, smoke; : vapor stifado, typhoid, typhous, typhus AHD says stew may be derived from . : Typhon (typhoon: also Chinese tai-fung: great wind) Typhon, typhon, typhonic, typhoon upsilon hyo- may come from - from u. geniohyoidhyodonthyoglossalhyoid, hyosternal, hyostylic, upsilon : hyacinth hyacinth, hyacinthine, Hyacinthus : crystal, glass hyalescent, hyaline, hyalite, hyaloid : pride hubris, hubristic, hubristically, hybris, hybristically : healthy;: health; : be healthy Hygeian, hygiene, hygienic, hydienically, hygienist : water; : water anhydride, anhydrous, carbohydrate, clepsydra, cryohydrate, cryohydric, decahydrate, dehydrate, dehydrater, dehydration, dehydrator, dehydrogenate, dehydrogenation, dropsical, dropsy, dihydric, dihydrite, elydoric, enhydrite, enhydrous, enterohydrocele, formaldehyde, heptahydrate, Hg, hydra, hydragogue, hydrangea, hydrant, hydrargyrum, hydrate, hydrated, hydration, hydrazine, hydraulic, hydraulics, hydric, hydriform, hydriotic, hydroacoustic, hydrobiology, hydrobiosis, hydrobranch, hydrocarbon, hydrocardia, hydrocephalic, hydrocephalous, hydrocephaly, hydrocele, hydrodephalic, hydrocephalous, hydrocephaly, hydrochloric, hydrochloride, hydrocoele, hydrocolloid, hydrocortisone, hydrocrack, hydrocranium, hydrocycle, hydrocyst, hydroderma, hydrodynamic, hydrodynamics, hydroelectric, hydrofine, hydrofluoric, hydrofoil, hydroform, hydrofuge, hydrogaster, hydrogen, hydrogenate, hydrogenation, hydrogen bomb, hydrogenolysis, hydrogenous, hydrogeology, hydrognosy, hydrograph, hydrographer, hydrographic, hydrography, hydrohemia, hydrohystera, hydroid, hydrokinetic, hydrolab, hydrolith, hydrologic, hydrological, hydrology, hydrolysis, hydrolytic, hydromagnetic, hydromancy, hydromania, hydromechanics, hydrometallurgy, hydrometeorologist, hydrometer, hydrometric, hydrometry, hydronephros, hydropathic, hydropathism, hydropathy, hydroperiod, hydrophane, hydrophilic, hydrophilous, hydrophobe, hydrophobia, hydrophobic, hydrophone, hydrophore, hydrophyte, hydroplane, hydropneumatic, hydroponics, hydropower, hydropropulsion, hydropsy, hydrorenal, hydrorrhea, hydroscope, hydrosol, hydrosome, hydrosphere, hydrostat, hydrostatics, hydrotaxis, hydrotherapy, hydrothermal, hydrothorax, hydrotropic, hydrotropism, hydrotropy, hydrous, hydroxide, hydoxyl, hydrozoan, hydruria, hygrodeik, hygrograph, hygrology, hygrometer, hygrometric, hygrometry, hygrophilous, hygrophyte, hygroscope, hygroscopic, hygrostat, hytherograph, isohydric, monohydric, nitrohydrochloric, olation, oligohydramnios, orohydrography, orthohydrogen, orthohydrograph, overhydration, oxalhydrate, oxyhydrate, oxyhydrogen, paleohydrography, pentahydrate, pH, polyhydramnios, polyhydric, quinhydrone, rehydrate, stenohydric, sterhydraulic, thermohydrology, thermohydrometer, trihydrate, trihydrogen : rain hyetograph, hyetology, hyetometer, isohyetal : material, wood acetylene, acrylic, amphetamine, butyl, butylene, decyl, diethyl, dodecyl, duodecyl, ethyl, ethylene, formyl, formylate, formylation, furyl, hexyl, hydroxyl, hyla, hyle, hylean, hyleosaurus, hylobate, hylogenesis, hylology, hylomorphism, hylopathism, hylophagous, hylophyte, hylotheism, hylotomous, hylophagous, hylozoic, hylozoism, hylozoist, lactyl, methalene, methyl, methylene, methylosis, monethyl, neoprene, nitrosate, nitrosyl, nitroxyl, nonyl, octyl, olation, oleyl, oxyacetylene, oxalyl, pantoyl, pentryl, peucyl, phenyl, plutonyl, polyethylene, polymethyl, polythene, polyvinyl, protyle, salicylic, saprohylic, taurylic, triethyl, uranyl, vinyl, vinylogous : membrane hymen, hymeneal, hymenectomy, hymenogeny, hymenography, hymenology, hymenophore, hymenoptera, hymenopterous, hymenoptomy, hymenotomy, pachyhymenia : hymn; : wedding song hymn, hymnal, hymnary, hymnist, hymnless, hymnodist, hymnody, hymnographer, hymnology : above, overly HTML, HTTP, hype, hyper, hyperacidity, hyperactive, hypercharged, hyperconjugation, hypercorrect, hyperdeity, hyperdrive, hyperextend, hyperextension, hyperfine, hyperfocal, hyperform, hyperimmune, hyperinfection, hyperinflation, hypermobile, hypermodern, hypernatural, hyperpower, hypersensitive, hypersomnic, hypersonic, hyperspace, hyperspeed, hypertension, hyperurbanism, hypervelocity, hyperventilate Above contain non-Greek roots. See reverse index for other words beginning hyper-. : sleep hypnagogic, hypnoanalysis, hypnocyst, hypnogeny, hypnoidal, hypnology, hypnopedia, hypnophobia, hypnopompic, hypnoscope, hypnosis, hypnosophy, hypnotherapy, hypnotic, hypnotism, hypnotist, hypnotizable, hypnotize : under hyphen, hyphenate, hyphenic, hypoacidity, hypotension, hypotensive, hypoventilation See reverse index for other words beginning hypo-. : see : pig hyena : womb; : latter; : later hydrohystera, hysterectomy, hysteresis, hysteria, hysteric, hysterical, hysterically, hysterics, hysteriform, hysteritis, hysterocele, hysterocystic, hysterogenic, hysterology, hysterometer, hysteron proteron, hysterophore, hysterophyte, hysterotomy porcupine hystricid, hystricism, hystricomorph : hyssop hyssop chi chi, chiasma, chiasmus, chi-square : yawn chasm, chasmogamy, chasmophyte : rejoice; : grace eucharist, eucharistic, eucharistically : slacken chalone : copper, bronze chalcedomy, Chalcidice, chalcography, chalcolite, chalcolithic, chalcopyrrhic see : empty space chaos, chaotic, chaotically, gas, gas engine, gaseous, gasification, gasifier, gasiform, gasify, gasless, gaslight, gas mask, gas meter, gasohol, gasoline, gassing, gassy, outgas, sphenochasm, syngas, tear gas, thermochaotic, war gas, water gas : engrave; : scratch character, characteristic, characteristically, characterization, characterize, characterless, characterology, charactonym, charactery, mischaracterize, shift character, stock character, uncharacteristically : gift charism, charisma, charismatic, charismatically : roll of papyrus a la carte (Fr), card, cardboard, card catalog, cardtable, carte blanche (Fr), cartel, cartographer, cartography, cartomancy, carton, cartoon, cartoonist, cartophily, cartouche, cartridge, chart, chartaceous, charter, charterer, charterless, discard, discarder, microcard, postcard, prayer card, sound card, star chart, test card, uncharted, video card, work card, working card : defecate dyschezia : lip Achillean, Achilles, Achilles heel, Achilles tendon, cheilitis, chiloplasty, chilopod, chilostome : hand achiral, chiragra, chiral, chirognomy, chirograph, chirographer, chirographic, chirography, chirologist, chirology, chiromancer, chiromancy, chiromegaly, chironomy, chiroplasty, chiropodist, chiropody, chiropractic, chiropractor, chirosophist, chirosophy, chiropter, chirotomy, cryosurgery, cryosurgical, enchiridion, Hecatoncheires, microsurgery, neurosurgeon, neurosurgery, psychosurgery, radio surgery, surgeon, surgeoncy, surgeon fish, surgery, surgical, surgically, telechiric, tree surgeon, tree surgery : swallow celandine : pour synchysis : claw chela, chelate, cheliferous, cheliform, cheliped : earth autochthon, autochthonal, autochthonous, autochthony, chamaecephaly, chameleon, chameleonesque, chameleonic, chthonian, chthonic, chthonography, chthonophagia : thousand chiliad, chiliarch, chiliarchy, chiliasm, chiliast, chiliastic, chiliasty, K, kilo, kilobar, kilobit, kilobyte, kilocalorie, kilocurie, kilocycle, kilodyne, kiloelectron, kilogauss, kilogram, kilogrammeter, kilohertz, kilojoule, kiloliter, kilometer, kilometric, kiloparsec, kiloton, kilovolt, kiloware, kilowatt : Chimaera chimera, chimerical, chimerism : tunic chitin, chitinous, chiton, chitosarc, neeurochitin, nonchitinous : cloak chlamydate, chlamydeous, chlamys : white Chloe : green bichloride, chloral, chloranthous, chlorate, chlorella, chloric, chloride, chlorinate, chlorinator, chlorine, chloriniferous, chlorite, chlorodyne, chloroform, chloromata, chloromelanite, chlorometer, chlorometry, chlorophane, chlorophyll, chlorophyllous, chloroplast, chlorosis, chlorous, chrysochlorous, dichloride, enterochlorophyll, hydrochloric, hydrochloride, hypochloric, hypochlorite, monochloride, nitrohydrochloric, perchloride, perchlorinate, protochloride, protochlorophyll, pyrochlore, tetrachloride funnel choanocyte, choanoid : pig phacochere : gall; : gall cholangitis, cholecyst, cholecystectomy, cholelith, choler, cholera, choleric, cholesterin, cholesterol, cholesterosis, cholic, cholochrome, chololith, cholology, discholic, leucocholy, melancholia, melancholiac, melancholic, melancholy, pachycholic, taurocholic : cartilage achondrite, achondroplasia, achondroplastic, chondral, chondrin, chondrocyte, chondrogenesis, chondritis, chondrule, dichondra, ecchondroma, ecchondrosis, ectochondral, enchondroma, enchondromatous, enchondrosis, endochondral, entochondrin, hypochondria, hypochondriac, interchondral, mitochondrial, mitochondrion, osteochrondritis, synchondrosis : gut accordion, blue card, cephalochordata, chord, chorda, chordal, chordata, chordate, clavichord, cord, cordage, corder, cordillera, cording, cordite, cordless, cordon, cordotomy, cordwood, decachord, dichord, epichordal, harpsichord, hemichordata, heptachord, hexachord, megachord, monochord, neurochord, notochord, notochordal, novachord, octachord, parachord, pentachord, perichordal, polychord, red card, spinal cord, tetrachord, tricohord, umbilical cord, urochord, urochordata, yellow card : dance choir, choirboy, choragic, choral, chorale, choreograph, choreographer, choreographic, choreography, choreological, choreology, choreometry, choreutic, choriamb, choric, chorine, chorist, chorister, chorograph, chorographer, chorographic, chorography, chorological, chorology, chorometry, chorus, chorus girl, Terpsichore, terpsichorean : money chremastics : rub; : anointing; ; anointed antichrist, antichristian, chrism, chrismatory, Christ, Christe eleison, christen, Christendom, christening, Christian, Christianity, Christianize, Christless, Christlike, Christmas, Christmas tree, Christocentric, Christocratic, Christology, Christophany, Christopher, cream, cream cheese, creamer, creamery, creamily, creaminess, creamometer, creamy, creme, cretin, cretinism, cretinize, cretinoid, cretinous, dechristianize, Kit, non-Christian, post-Christian, theochristic, unchristian : skin xanthochroi : time anachronism, anachronistic, anachronous, asynchronism, asynchronous, asynchronously, asynchrony, chronic, chronically, chronicity, chronicle, chronicler, chronogram, chronograph, chronographer, chronographic, chronography, chronologer, chronological, chronologically, chronologist, chronologize, chronology, chronometer, chronometry, chrononomy, chronoscope, chronotherapy, chronothermal, chronotopic, chrony, crony, cronyism, dendrochronology, diachronic, diachronically, diachronism, diachronous, dichronous, geochronic, geochronology, geochrony, geosynchronous, glottochronology, hemocronage, heptachronous, holochrone, isochronal, isochronous, lip-sync, metachronism, metachronism, monochronic, monochronous, panchronic, parachronism, photochronograph, plastochron, postsynchronization, prochronic, prochronism, pseudochronism, synch, synchrocyclotron, synchroneity, synchronic, synchronicity, synchronism, synchronistic, aynchronization, synchronize, synchronizer, synchronograph, synchronology, synchronous, synchronously, synchroscope, synchrotron, tautochrone, tephrochronology, trichronous : gold chrysalid, chrysalis, chrysanthemum, chryselephantine, chrysoberyl, chrysocarpous, chrysochlorous, chrysograph, chrysography, chrysolite, Cressida : color achromat, achromatic, achromatism, amphichrome, apochromatic, bichromate, biochromic, cholochrome, chroma, chromascope, chromate, chromatic, chromatics, chromatin, chromatism, chromatocyte, chromatogen, chromatogenous, chromatogram, chromatograph, chromatography, chromatology, chromatolysis, chromatometer, chromatophore, chromatoplasm, chromatoscopy, chromatosis, chromatosphere, chromatopsy, chromatosis, chrome, chromesthesia, chromiferous, chromic, chrominance, chromism, chromite, chromium, chromogenic, chromolith, chromometer, chromometry, chromophil, chromophobe, chromophore, chromoplast, chromosome, chromosphere, chromotricial, chromotrope, chromotype, cytochrome, dichroic, dichromat, dichromatic, dichromatism, dichromic, dichromism, echinocrome, endochrome, euchromatic, ferrochromium, halochromism, heliochrome, hemachrome, hematochrome, hemochromatosis, hemochrome, hemochromometer, heterochromatic, homochromatic, hyperchromatism, hypochromatic, hypsochromic, idiochromosome, isochromatic, lactochrome, lipochrome, lithochrome, lithochromy, lyochrome, mercurochrome, metachromatic, metachromatism, metachrome, metrochrome, metachrosis, metallochrome, microchromosome, monochromat, monochromatic, monochromatism, monochrome, monochromator, myochrome, normochrome, oligochromenia, oligochromometer, orthochromatic, panchromatic, pentachromic, photochromatic, photochromic, photochromy, phototrichromatic, phycochrome, phytochrome, polychromatic, polychrome, prochromosome, pseudochromia, rhodochrosite, stenochromy, stereochrome, stichochrome, synchromism, synchromist, symchromy, terachromic, thermochromism, thiochrome, trachychromatic, trichromat, trichromatic, trichromatism, trichromic, urochrome, xanthochromia, x chromosome, xylochrome, y chromosome, zinc chrome ; juice (probably a variant of ) chyle, chyliferous, chylific, chylification, chylocaulis, chylomicron, chylous : juice aerenchyma, agrochemical, alchemist, alchemy, biochemical, biochemistry, biogeochemical, chem, chematotroph, chemic, chemical, chemicalize, chemically, chemist, chemistry, chemigraphy, chemiluminescent, chemitype, chemo, chemoautotroph, chemokinetic, chemolysis, chemoreceptor, chemoreflex, chemosphere, chemostat, chemosynthesis, chemotaxis, chemotherapy, chemotropic, chemotropism, chemurgy, chyme, chymiferous, chymification, chymous, conenchyma, cosmochemistry, cytochemistry, dechemicalize, ecchymosis, electrochemical, electrochemistry, geochemistry, iatrochemistry, immunochemistry, isochemical, magnochemistry, mechanochemistry, mesenchyma, metachemic, metachemistry, microchemistry, myochemistry, neurochemical, neurochemistry, opticochemical, opticochemistry, paleochemistry, parenchyma, petrochemical, petrochemistry, photochemical, photochemistry, physico-chemical, phytochemical, phytochemistry, prosencyma, protencyma, psychochemical, psychochemistry, pyrochemical, pyrochemistry, radiochemical, radiochemistry, silvichemical, spectrochemical, spectrochemistry, stereochemistry, taphrenchyma, thermochemical, thermochemistry, topochemical, topochemistry, zoochemistry lame choliambic : give way anchorite : country, place chorograph, chorographer, chorographic, chorography, chorological, chorology, chorometry, enchorial, epichorial, tetrachoric : pluck psalm, psalmbook, psalmist, psalmodist, psalmody, psalter, psalterer, psaltery : sand psammic, psammite, psammolithic, psammon, psammona, psammophilous, psammophyte : rub smooth palimpsest psi psi, psionic : stammering psellism : deceive; : lie; : false (more with hyphen) pseudandry, pseudembryo, pseudepigrapha, pseudepigraphy, pseudesthesia, pseudo, pseudoaquatic, pseudoarchaic, pseudoblepsia, pseudocarp, pseudochromia, pseudochronism, pseudocide, pseudocode, pseudocoele, pseudoconcept, pseudocyesis, pseudocyst, pseudodominance, pseudodominant, pseudodox, pseudodoxy, pseudoepigraphia, pseudoepigraphy, pseudogamy, pseudograph, pseudography, pseudology, pseudomancy, pseudomartyr, pseudomonad, pseudomorph, pseudonym, pseudonymity, pseudonomous, pseudonomously, pseudo-operation, pseudoptics, pseudo-order, pseudorganic, pseudopatient, pseudophone, pseudoplastic, pseudopod, pseudopodium, pseudopotential, pseudopregnancy, pseudoproblem, pseudoprophet, pseudoropostion, pseudorandom, pseudorational, pseudoscience, pseudoscope, pseudosex, pseudosexual, pseudosomatic, pseudosoph, pseudospore, pseudostoma, pseudostome, pseudostratifed, pseudosuchian, pseudosyllogism, pseudovalve, pseudovary, pseudovector, pseudovitamin, pseudovolcano : pebble psephism, psephite, psephology, psephomancy : slender (OED) epsilon, psilanthropic, psilanthropism, psilanthropy, psilocybin, psilodermatous, psilopedic, psilophyton, psilosis, upsilon : parrot (foreign word) psittaceous, psittacine, psittacism, psittacosis : noise psophometer, psophometric : flea psylla, psyllid, psyllium : soul anthropopsychism, antipsychotic, endopsychic, ethnopsychology, metapsychics, metapsychology, metempsychosis, neuropsychic, neuropsychologist, neuropsychology, omphalopsychic, orthopsychiatry, panpsychic, panpsychism, parapsychic, parapsychology, polypsychical, psych, psychagogic, psychagogue, psychagogy, psychalgia, psyche, psychedelic, psychesthetic, psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychiatry, psychic, psychical, psychics, psychism, psycho, psychoactive, psychoanalysis, psychoanalyst, psychoanalytic, psychoanalyze, psychobabble, psychobiographer, psychobiography, psychobiology, psychocentral, psychocentric, psychochemical, psychochemistry, psychocoma, psychodrama, psychodramatic, psychodynamic, psychogalvanic, psychogenesis, psychogenetic, psychogenic, psychogeography, psychogeriatric, psychognosis, psychogram, psycograph, psychography, psychohistory, psychoid, psychokinesia, psychokinesis, psychokinetic, psycholatry, psycholinguistic, psychologic, psychological, psychologically, psychologism, psychologist, psychologistic, psychologize, psychology, psychomachia, psychomachy, psychomancy, psychometric, psychometer, psychometry, psychomotor, psychon, psychoneural, psychoneurosis, psychoneurotic, psychonomy, psychopath, psychopathic, psychopathologist, psychopathology, psychopathy, psychophonetics, psychophony, psychophysical, psychophysics, psychophysiology, psychoplasm, psychopomp, psychoprophylaxis, psychoptic, psychorrhagy, psychosexual, psychosis, psychosocial, psychosocially, psychosomatic, psychostimulant, psycosurgery, psychotechnology, psychotheism, psychotherapeutic, psychotherapy, psychotic, psychotically, psychotogenic, psychotomimetic, psychotropic, psychurgy, psyop, psy-war, telepsychic, theopsychism, zoopsychology : cold psychroesthesia, psychrolute, psychrometer, psychrophilic, psychrophobia, psychrophore, psychrosphere, psychrotrophic : itch psora, psoriasiform, psoriasis, psorophthalmia, psoroptic, psorosperm omega omega, omegatron see see thrust endosmometerendosmose, endosmosis, endosmotic, exosmose, exosmosisexosmatic, osmolal, osmolar, osmophilic, osmoregular, osmose, osmosis, osmotic, osmotically : swift ocydrome, ocypode : elbow olecranon : raw omophagia, omophagist, omophagous : shoulder omalgia, omophorion, omoplate, omostegite, omosternum, omothyroid : egg oarioceleoariopathyoariotomyoaritisooblastoocystoocyte, oogamous, oogenesis, oogenetic, oogeny, oogonium, oograph, ooid, ooidal, oolemma, oolite, oolith, oolitic, oological, oologist, oologize, oology, oometer, oometric, oometry, oomycete, oophagous, oophore, oophorectomy, oophoritis, oophyte, ooplasm, ooporphyrin, oorhodeine, ooscopy, oosperm, oosphere, oospore, ootheca, ootid, ootocoid, ootocous, ootype, oozoa : hour (hora) encore, half hour, happy hour, Horae, horal, horary, horologe, horologer, horologic, horologist, horologium, horology, horometer, horometry, horopter, horoscope, horoscopic, horoscopy, hour, hourage, hour circle, hour glass, hourless, hourly, hr., prayer hour, rush hour, tea hour, zero hour : Orion Orion, Orionid Is this name related to because of the means of his conception? : push osmogene, osmometer, osmophile, osmoregulation, poikilosmotic : yellow, sallow melanochroi, ocher, ocherous, ochreous, ochroid, ochrolite, ochronosis, ochropyre, ochry : face triceratops A abacist abacus abase abiogenesis abiogenetic abiogenic abiogenist abiological abiosis abiotic abranchiate absinthe abulia abysmal abysmally abyss abyssal abzyme acacia academe academia academic academical academically academician academy Acadia Acadian acanthaceous acanthine acanthoid acanthous acanthus acarpous accelerometer acclimate acclimatization acclimatize accordion acedia acentric acephalic acephalous acetylene Achaean Achaian Achillean Achilles Achilles heel Achilles tendon achiral achondrite achondroplasia achondroplastic achromat achromatic achromatism acme acmite acne acolyte aconite acosmic acotyledonous acoumeter acoustic acoustical acoustician acousticon acoustics acroanesthesia acroatic acrobat acrobatic acrobatics acrocephaly acrocyanosis acrograph acrography acrolect acrolectal acrolith acrology acromegalic acromegaly acrometer acronym acrophobe acrophobia acrophonic acropolis acrostic acrostich acrostichous acroterion acroterium acrotism acrylic actinic actinide actinoid actinometer actinomorphic actinotherapy acyclic adactylous adamant adamantine addictionologist adelphous adenalgia adenectomy adenography adenoid(al) adenoiditis adenology adenoma adenopherous adenophyllous adenotomy adiabatic adiaphorism adrenergic Adrianople adynamic aedes (mosquito) Aegean Aegeus aegis / aeneolithic Aeolian aeolian harp Aeolus aeon aeonian aerenchyma aeroaeroballistics aerobatics aerobe aerobic aerodrome aerodromics aerodynamic aerodynamics aerodyne aeroembolism aerogram aerograph aerographic aerography aerolithology aerology aeromancy aeromechanic(s) aerometer aeronaut aeronautics aeroneurosis aeronomy aerophagia aerophobe aerophobia aerophone aerophore aerophyte aeroplane aeroplankton aeroscope aeroscopy aerosol aerospace aerosphere aerostatics aerotrain aerotropic aerotropism aesthete aesthetic aesthetical aestheticism aesthetics aetiological aetiology aetion Afrocentric Afrocentrism Ag agamic agamogenetic agamous agamy agape agaric agaricaceous agate Agatha agathism agenesis agnatha agnathic agnathous agnosia agnosic agnostic agnostically agnosticism agon agonic agonistic agonize agony agora agoraphilia agoraphobe agoraphobia agoraphobic agraphic agriotype agrobacterium agrobiology agrochemical agrology agronome agronomics agronomist agronomy agrostis agrostography agrostology agrotechnology ahistorical AIDS ailurophile ailurophobe ailurophobia ailurophobic air airbag airballon airborn airbrush airbus aircondition aircraft airfoil airframe air-guitar air-hole airily airiness airing airless airline airmail airplane airport airproof airraid airship airsick / / / / / / airsickness airstream airstrip airtight airway airy akaryote akathisia akinesia akinetic alabaster albedometer a la carte alchemist alchemy alea iacta est aleatoric aleatory alembic Alex Alexander Alexandr(i)a Alexandian Alexandrine alexia Alexis algesia algolagnia algometer algophobia algophobic allegorical allegorize allegory alleles allelometric allelometry allelomorph allergenic allergic allergy allogamy allometric allometry / / / allomorph alloles allonym allopathic allopathy allopatric allophone alloplastic allotrope allotrophic allotropic allotropy almond almoner alms almshouse aloe alogia alogical alogism alopecia alopecoid alpha alphabet alphabetical alphabetically alphabetize alpha decay alphagram alphanumeric alpha particle altigraph altimeter altimetry aluminotype alyssum amalgam amalgamate amalgamation amaranth amaranthine amaryllis amass amathophobia Amazon amazonite amblodont amblygon amblyopia Ambrose ambrosia ambrosial amebous Amen amenorrhea amethyst amine ammeter Ammon ammonia ammoniac amnesia amnesty amnion amniotic amoeba amoebean amoebic amorphic amorphism amorphous amphetamine amphiamphibial amphibian amphibious amphibolous amphibology amphichrome amphictyonic amphictyony amphigony amphipod amphiprostyle amphisbaena amphitheater amphora amphoric / amphoteric amuse amygdalate amygdalic amygdaliferous amygdalin(e) amygdaloid amyl amylaceous amyl acetate amylase amylic amylogen(ic) amyloid amylolysis amylopsin amylose amylum amyotonia amyotrophic Anabaptist anabasis anabolic anachronism anachronistic anaclastic anaclitic anacoluthon anachronous anadiplosis anadromous anaerobe anaerobic anagenesis anaglyph anagnorisis anagogic anagram anagrammatic anagrammatize analect analects analemma analgesic - analogical analogous analogously analogue analogy analysand analysis analyst analytic analytical analytically analyze anamnesis anamorphic anamorphism anamorphosis ananym anapest anaphora anaphoric anaphrodisia anaphylactic anaphylaxis anaptyxis anarch anarchism anarchist anarchy anastomosis anastrophe anathema anathematize Anatolia anatomical anatomically anatomist anatomize anatomy anautogenous anchor anchorage anchorite anchorless Ancyra andragogy Andrew androcephalous androcracy androgen androgenic androgenism androgenous androgyne androgynous androgyny android andrologist andrology andromorphic Andy anecdotal anecdote anechoic anemia anemic anemogram anemograph anemographic anemography anemology anemometer anemometry anemone anemophilous anemotropism anemosis anencephalous anencephaly anenterous anerobe anerobic aneroid anesthesia anesthetic aneurism aneurysm angel Angela / / angelic Angelica angelical angelolatry angelolology angelophany angelot Angelus angioblast angioblastic angiocarp angiocarpous angiogenesis angiogram angiography angiology angioma angioneurosis angioneurotic angioplasty angioscope angioscopic angiosperm angiospore angiosporous angiostomous angiotomy Anglophile Anglophilia Anglophobe Anglophobia Angora anhedonia anhydride anhydrous aniconic anion anionic anise aniseed anisette anistropy Ankara ankylosaur Annapolis anodal anode anodic anodize anodyne anomalism anomalist anomalous anomaly anomie anomy anon anon. anonymity anonymous anonymously anorectic anorexia anorexic anorgasmic anorthic anorthopia anosmatic anosmic anoxia antagonism antagonist antagonistic antagonize antalgic antarctic Antarctica Antares antean Anteus antechamber anthem anthemion anther anthesis anthocarp anthocarpous anthocyanin anthograph anthography antholite anthologize anthology anthomancy anthomania anthophilous anthophorous anthracite anthrax anthropocentric anthropogenic anthropoid anthropologist anthropology anthropometry anthropomorph anthropomorphic anthropomorphism anthropopathy anthropophagi anthropophagous anthropophagy anthropoponymy anthropopsychism anthropotomy antiantiaircraft antibacterial antibiotic antichrist antichristian anticlerical anticlimactic anticlimax anticline anticyclone anticyclonic antidemocratic antidotal antidote antiemetic antifreeze / antigen antigenic antigravity antihero antihistamine antihistemic antilock antilog antilogarithm antilogy antimachine antineoplastic antinomian antinomianism antinomy antioxidant antipapist antipasto antipathic antipathy antiphon antiphonal antiphonally antiphonetic antiphonic antiphony antipodal antipodes antipolygamy antipope antipsychotic antipyretic anti-semitic anti-semitism antisepsis antiseptic antistatic antistrophe antiterror antiterrorism antithesis antithetical antitoxic antitoxin / antitype antitypical antonomasia antonym antral anuric aorist aorta aoristic aortography apathetic apathetically apathy aphagia aphasia aphelion aphemia apheresis apheretic aphesis aphetic aphonic aphorism aphoristic aphoritic aphotic Aphrodite aphrodisaic aphyllous aplastic aplustre apnea apoapsis apocalypse apocalyptic apochromatic apocopate apocopation apocope apocryph apocrypha apocryphal apodal apodictic apodosis apodyterium apogamous apogamy apogee apogonid apograph apolar apolitical apologetic apologetical apologetically apologia apologist apologize apologue apology apopemptic apophysis apoplectic apoplexy aposiopesis apostasy apostate apostle apostolic apostrophe apothecary apothegm apotheosis apotheosize apotropaic appendectomy appoggiatura apraxia apraxic apse apsidal apsis apteral apterous apterygote apteryx apyretic arachin Arachne arachnean arachnid arachnoid arachnologist arachnology arachnophagous arachnophobia Arcadia Arcadian archarchaic archaically archaism archangel archbishop archdeacon archdiocese archelogy archeological archeologist archeology archetypal archetype archiarchidiaconical archiepiscopal archimage archipelago architect architectonic architectural architecture architrave archival archivalia archive archives archivist arcgivistic archizoic archon archpriest / / / / / / / / / / / / / / arc-lamp Arctic Arcturus -archy areology areopagite areopagus Ares arete Aretha aretalogy argent Argentina argon Argonaut Argos Argus Argus-eyed argyrol aria ariel aristarchy aristocracy aristocrat aristocratic aristoi aristotype arithmetic arithmetic mean arithmetic progession arithmetical arithmocracy arithmomancy arithmomania armchair aroma aromatic arrhythmia arrhythmic arsenic arsenicide arsis arterial arteriole / / artery arthritic arthritis arthroarthropod arthropoda arthroscopy artocarpad artophagous ar(r)ythmia asbestos asbestus ascetic ascetical asceticism ascoascocarp ascospore ascus asepsis aseptic aspherical Asia Asia Minor Asian Asiatic asp asparagus asper (coin) asphalt asphodel asphyxia asphyxiant asphyxiate asphyxiation aspidistra Assyria Assyrian Assyriology astatic astatine aster asterial asterisk asterism asteroid asthma asthmatic asthenia asthenic asthenosphere astichous astigmatic astigmatism astomous Astraea astral astrally astroastrobiologist astrobiology astrobotany astrocytoma astrodome astrodynamics astrogater astrographic astrography astrolabe astrolatry astrologaster astrologer astrological astrology astrometeorology astrometry astronaut astronautical astronautics astronavigation astronavigator astronomer astronomical astronomy astrophile astrophobia astrophotography astrophysical / / / / / / / astrophysicist astrophysics aetroturf astylar asylum asymetric asymetrical asymetrically asymetry asymptomatic asymptote asynchronism asynchronous asynchronously asynchrony asyndeton asyntactic ataxia ataxic ataxy atheism atheist atheistic atheistically atheize athematic Athena atheneum Athenian Athens athermic athlete athletic athletically athleticism athletics Atlantes Atlantic Atlantic City Atlantic Ocean Atlantis atlas atmogenic atmometer atmosphere atmospheric atmospherical atom atom bomb atomic atomic energy atomism atomist atomize atomizer atomy atonal atonic atoxin atriopore atrophy attic Attic Attica Atticism atticize Atticus attorney attune atypical audiometer audiophile Augean Augean stable Augeas aulic aura aurora borealis austere austerely austerity Australopithecus autarchy autarky autecology auteur authentic authentically / / authenticate authentication authenticator authenticity autism autistic auto Autobahn autobiographical autobiography autoblock autocephalous autochthon autochthonal autochthonous autochthony autoclave auto-correlated autocorrelation autocracy autocrat autocratic autocratically autodial autodidact autodidactic autodynamic autoembolism autoerotic autoeroticism autogenesis autogenetic autogenetous autogenous autograph autographic autography autogyro autoimmune autokinetic autolatry autologous autolysis automaker / automat automate automatic automatically automaton autometry automobile automobilism automobilist automobility automorphic automorphism automotive autonomic autonomous autonomously autonomy autopathic autophagous autophony autopilot autoplast autoplastic autoplasty autopsy autosomatic autosome autostrada autotheism autotheist autotheistic autotomic autotomy autotoxic autotoxin autotroph autotrophic autotropic autotype autotypic autoxidize auturgy auxospore auxotroph / / / / Avernal Avernus aviophobia avogram AWACS axiology axiom axiomatic axiomatically axon azalea azoazote azotic azygous azym(e) azymous B Bacchanal Bacchanalia Bacchanalian Bacchant Bacchante Bacchic Bacchus bacillar bacillary bacilliform bacillosis bacillus backgammon bacteria bacterial bactericidal bactericide bacterin bacteriological bacteriologist bacteriology bacteriolysis bacteriolysin bacteriolytic bacteriophage bacteriophagic bacterioscopy bacteriosis bacteriostasis bacteriotherapeutic bacteriotherapy bacterium baculiform baculus baguette ball (dance) ballabile ballad balladeer balladist balladmongering ballet balletic ballista ballistic ballistician ballistics ballistophobia ballroom balm balmy balneological balneologist balneology balneotherapy balsam baluster balustrade banausic ban(n)ister banjo baptism baptismal baptist baptistry baptize baptizer bar (weight) Barbara barbarian barbaric barbarism barbarity barbarous barbarously Barbary bardolatry bar graph baritone barium barocyclometer barognosis barogram barograph barometer / barometric barometry baroscope barostat barothermograph baryon barytone basal base baseboard baseless baseline basement BASIC basic basically basicity basil Basil basilar basilect basilica basilisk basirostral basis bathetic bathocolpian batholith bathometer bathos bathyal bathybic bathymeter bathymetric bathymetry bathypelagic bathyscaphe bathyscope bathyseism bathysmal bathysphere Beattlemania becalm bedchamber / bedevil bedevilment beerocracy Beirut beloid belomancy bemused benthos benthoscope Berenice beryl beryllium berylloid beta beta-blocker betacism beta decay b particle beta particle beta ray biathlon Bible biblical biblically bibliobiblioclasm biblioclast bibliognost bibliographer bibliographic bibliographical bibliography biblioklept bibliolatry bibliologist bibliology bibliomancy bibliomania bibliomaniac bibliopegy bibliophage bibliophagous bibliophile bibliophilic / bibliophilist bibliophobe bibliophobia bibliopole bibliopolist bibliotaph bibliotaphic bibliotheca bibliothecarial bibliotherapy Biblos bicameral bicentral bicephalous bichloride bichromate biconical bicycle bicyclist bidialecticist bigamist bigamous bigamy bike biker bimetallic bimetallism bioactive bioaugmentation bioblast biocatalyst biocentric biochemical biochemistry biochromic biocide bioclimatic bioclimatology biocontrol bio-corn biodata biodefense biodegradable biodiversity / / biodynamics bioecology bioelectricity bioelectronics bioengineer bioengineering bio-enhanced bioenvironment bioethical bioethics bioexclusivity biofeedback bioform biogen biogenesis biogenetic biogenetist biogeochemical biogeographer biogeographical biogeography biograph biographer biographical biography biohazard biohistorical biohistory bioinformatics biokinetics biolistics biologic biological biologically biologism biologist biologics biology bioluminescence bioluminescent biolysis biolytic biomagnetic biomass / / / biome biomechanics biomedical biomemory biometeorology biometer biometric(s) biometrician biometry biomolecular biomorph bionic biont bio-organism biopesticide biophagous biopharm biophysical biophysics biopiracy bioplasm bioplastic biopolymer biopsy bioptic bioreactor bioremediation biorhythm biosafe biosafety biosatellite bioscavenge bioscavenger bioscience bioscope bioscopy biosensor biosolid biospeleology biosphere biostatic biostatistics biosynthesis biota / / / / biotech biotechnology bioterror bioterrorism biotic biotope bioturbation biotype biowarfare bioweapon bipeltate biphyletic bipod bipolar bipolarity birthplace bishop bishopric bisymmetrical bisymmetry bitheism bitonality bizygomatic blame blameless blameworthy blaspheme blasphemous blasphemously blasphemy blast blastoblastocarpous blastocyst blastocyte blastoderm blastogenesis blastogenic blastogeny blastography blastoid blastomere blastosphere blastostroma // / / / / / / / / / blastostyle blastous blastula blastule blepharal blepharism blepharitis blepharospasm bluebottle blue card boarding school bodega bole boletus bolide bolus bomb bombard bombardment bombast bombastic bomber bombshell bombycine Bootes bora boreal borealization borealize Boreas botanical botanist botanomancy botany Botox bottle bottleneck boule bound (leap) boustrophedon boutique box boxcar box office / / /toxon boxwood b-particle bra bracchium brace bracelet bracemate bracero brachial brachiate brachiation brachiator brachiopod brachiosaur bracing brachycephalic brachycrany brachygraphy brachylogy brachypodous brachyodont brachypterous brachysm brachyurous bradycardia bradykinesia bradykinesis bradypepsia bradypod bradyseism branchia brassiere breastplate breathalyzer brilliance brilliant brilliantine brilliantly briony bromic bromide bromine bromism bromize bronchial bronchiole bronchitis bronchocele bronchoconstrictor bronchopneumonia bronchophony bronchoscope bronchospasm brontograph brontology brontometer brontophobia brontosaurus bronze medal bryology bryony bryophyte bryozoa bubo bubonic bucolic Buenos Aires buff buffalo bulb bulbous bulbously bulimia bulimic bureaucracy bureaucrat bureaucratic bursa bursal bursar bursarial bursary burse bursectomy bursiculate bursiform bursitis bushel / / / / bushing butane butler butter butterball buttercup butterfat butterfingers butterfly buttermilk butterscotch buttery buttery (n) butyl butraceous butylene Byblos byssal byssinosis byssoid byssus Byzantine Byzantium C cablegram cablegraph cacocacodemon cacodoxy cacogenics cacoglossia cacography cacology cacomorphia caconym cacophonous cacophony cacoplastic cacorhythmic cactaceous cactoid cactus Cadmean cadmium Cadmus caduceus Caesaro-papism Cainozoic Cajun calamine calamus calcigenous calciphilous calciphobous calender calicle caliciform calix calligraph calligrapher calligraphic calligraphist calligraphy Calliope Calliopean / / / / callipygian callipygous callipygously cal(l)isthenic(s) calm calmer calmly calmness calomel calorimeter calorimetric calorimetry calotype calycle calyculus calypso calyx camaraderie camber camcorder camel camelback camelopard Camelopardalus camera cameral cameraman camerlingo campanologist campanology campimeter campodeiform campylospermous campylotropous canape cane canasta canaster canister cannabic cannabis cannon cannonade cannonball / / cannon fodder cannonade cannoneer canon canoness canonic canonical canonically canonicity canonist canonization canonize canon law canophilia canopy cant (vb) canvas canvasback canvass canvasser canyon capnomancy caprigenous caprology capsuligenous capsulotomy carabinieri carat caravel caraway carbine carbonigenous carbohexene carbohydrate carbon dioxide carbon monoxide carbon paper carboxyl carboxylic carcinogen carcinogenesis carcinogenic carcinogenetic carcinoid / / / carcinology carcinolytic carcinoma carcinosis card cardboard card catalog cardiac cardialgia cardialgy cardiogram cardiograph cardiographer cardiographic cardiography cardioid cardiologist cardiology cardiolysis cardiomegaly cardiometer cardiomotor cardiopathy cardiopulmonary cardiovascular cardioversion carditis cardtable carotid carpal carpel carpology carpophagous carpophore carpus carrot carte blanche cartel cartographer cartography cartomancy carton cartoon cartoonist / / / / / / / / / cartophily cartouche cartridge carvel caryatid Cassandra cassia cassiterite castanet castor Castor castoreum castor oil catacatabatic catabolic catabolism catabolite cataclasm cataclastic cataclysm cataclysmal cataclysmally cataclysmic catacomb catadioptric catadromous catagenesis catalectic catalepsy cataleptic catalo catalog(ue) catalogic catalysis catalyst catalytic catalyze catamite cataphoresis cataphoric cataplexy cataphract catapult See OED cataract catarrh catarrhal catarrhine catasterism catastrophe catastrophic catastrophism catastrophist catatasis catatonia catatonic catchphrase catechesis catechetic catechetical catechetically catechism catechismal catechist catechize catechizer catechumen categorical categorically category catharsis cathartic cathedral catherize catheter cathexis cathode catholic catholicism catholicity catholicize catholicly cation cationic catoptric catscan caulocarpous caustic See OED. / / caustically causticity cauterization cauterize cautery CD CD-ROM cedar cedilla ceilometer celandine celeriac celery cellophane cell phone Celt Celtiberian Celtic Celtics cemetery cenobite cenotaph cenozoic centaur Centaurus centaury center centerpiece centigram centimeter centoliter central centralism centralist centrality centralization centralize centralizer centric centrification centrifugal centrifuge centrify centripetal / / / centripetally centrist centrobaric centromere cephalalgia cephalalgic cephalalgy cephalic cephalochordata cephalometry cephalopod cephalotomy cephalous Cepheid Cepheus ceramic ceramics ceratocele ceratoid ceratoplasty ceratosaurus ceratotome ceraunograph ceraunoscope cerography ceroplasty cestus cetacean cetic ceteosaur cetology Cetus chair chairborne chairman chairperson chairmanship chairwoman chaise chalcedomy Chalcidice chalcography chalcolite chalcolithic / / / / chalcopyrite chalice chalone chamaecephaly chamber chamberlain chambermaid chamber-pot chameleon chameleonesque chameleonic chaos chaotic chaotically character characteristic characteristically characterization characterize characterless characterology charactonym charactery charism charisma charismatic charismatically chart chartaceous charter charterer charterless chasm chasmogamy chasmophyte chatterbox cheilitis chela chelate cheliferous cheliform cheliped chem chemic / / / chemical chemically chemicalize chemigraphy chemiluminescent chemist chemistry chemitype chemo chemoautotroph chemokinetic chemolysis chemoreceptor chemoreflex chemosphere chemostat chemosynthesis chemotherapy chemotaxis chemotropic chemotropism chemurgy cherry cherry pick cherry picker chest chestnut chi chiasma chiasmus chicory chiliad chiliarch chiliarchy chiliasm chiliast chiliastic chiliasty chiloplasty chilopod chilostome chime chimera chimerical / / / / / / / chimerism chimney chimney sweep chiragra chiral chirognomy chirograph chirographer chirographic chirography chirologist chirology chiromancer chiromancy chiromegaly chironomy chiroplasty chiropodist chiropody chiropractic chiropractor chiropter chrirosophist chirosophy chirotomy chi-square chitin chitinous chiton chitosarc chlamydate chlamydeous chlamys Chloe chloral chloranthous chlorate chlorella chloric chloride chlorinate chlorinator chlorine chloriniferous / / / / / chlorite chlorodyne chloroform chloromata chloromelanite chlorometer chlorometry chlorophane chlorophyll chlorophyllous chloroplast chlorosis chlorous choanocyte choanoid choir choirboy cholangitis cholecyst cholecystectomy cholelith choler cholera choleric cholesterin cholesterol cholesterosis choliambic cholic cholochrome chololith cholology chondral chondrin chondritis chondrocyte chondrogenesis chondrule choragic choral chorale chord chorda chordal / / / / / / chordata chordate choreograph choreograher choreographic choreography choreology choreutic chriamb choric chorine chorist chorister chorograph chorographer chorographic chorography chorological chorology chorometry chorus chorus girl chremastics chrism chrismatory Christ Christe eleison christen Christendom christening Christian Christianity Christianize Christless Christlike Christmas Christmas tree Christocentric Christocratic Christology Christophany Christopher chroma chromascope / / / / chromate chromatic chromatics chromatin chromatism chromatocyte chromatogen chromatogenous chromatogram chromatograph chromatography chromatology chromatolysis chromatometer chromatophore chromatoplasm chromatoscopy chromatosis chromatosphere chromatopsy chromatosis chrome chromesthesia chromic chromiferous chrominance chromism chromite chromium chromogenic chromolith chromometer chromometry chromophil chromophobe chromophore chromoplast chromosome chromosphere chromotricial chromotrope chromotype chronic chronically / / / chronicity chronicle chronicler chronogram chronograph chronographer chronographic chronography chronologer chronological chronologically chronologist chronologize chronology chronometer chronometry chrononomy chronoscope chronotherapy chronothermal chronotopic chrony chrysalid chrysalis chrysanthemum chryselephantine chrysoberyl chrysocarpous chrysochlorous chrysograph chrysography chrysolite chthonian chthonic chthonography chthonophagia chum chumminess chummy church church-goer churchless churchlike churchman / / / / / / / / / / / churchwarden churchyard chyle chyliferous chylific chylification chylocaulous chylomicron chylous chyme chymiferous chymification chymous CIA cinema cinemascope cinematheque cinematic cinematically cinematics cinematize cinemobile cinematograph cinematographer cinemotography cinephile cinerama CIO circumgyrate circumgyration circumpolar cirrholite cirrhosis cirrhotic cissoid cist cistern cithara citharist citrometer clade cladism cladist cladistic(s) cladogenesis clastic claustrophilia claustrophobe claustrophobia claustrophobic clavichord clesitocleistocarp cleistogamic clesitogamous cleistogamy clesitogenous cleithral clematis Cleo Cleopatra clepsydra cleptocracy clergy clergyman clergywoman cleric clerical clericalism clericalist clerically clerisy clerk clerkly clerkship cleromancy cleronomy climacteric climactic climactically climate climatic climatography climatological climatologist climatology climatotherapy climax / / / clime climograph cline clinic clinical clinically clinician clinographic clinoid clinometer clinometric Clio clithral clitic clitoridectomy clitoris clonal clone clubocracy clyster cnidarian cnidoblast cnidocyst cnidocyte cnidogenous coarchitect coccid coccoid coccolith coccule coccus coccygeal coccyx cochineal cochlea cochlear cochleariform cochleate cochleiform cochliocarpous cochlite cockle cocoon codeine / / codicology codonostome coelacanth coelenteron coelia coeliac coiligenous coeliotomy coeloblast coelodont Coelomata coelomate coelome coelon coelosperm coelospermous coelostat coenoblast coenocyte coenogamy coenopodous coenospecies coenure coffer coffin coinonomic Colchian Colchis colchicum colectomy coleopter Coleoptera coleopterous coli colic colicky coliform coliseum colitis collage collagen collagenous collemia collet / / / colleterial colletic collidine colligative collodion collograph colloid colloidal collophane collophore collotype colobium colog cologarithm cololite colombophile colometric colometry colon (gr.) colon (b.p.) colonic colonoscope colonoscopy colopexy colophon colophony colorimeter colorology colorphobia colorectal colorphoto colortype colossal colossally colosseum colossus colostomy colotomy colpitis colposcope colpotomy colure coma (fuzz) coma / / comal comate comatose comedial comedian comedic comedienne comedist comedy comet cometary cometic cometographer cometography cometoid cometology comic comicality comical comically comic strip comiferous comma commatism commonplace comoid comose comous compathy compatriot compatriotic compatriotism composable composant compose composed composedly composedness composer composing composure Comptometer comrade comradeless / / comradeliness comradely comradery comradeship concamerate concameration concatamer concentrate concentrated concentratedly concentration concentrative concentrator concenter concentric concentrical concentrically concentricity conch concha conche concher conchifer conchifera conchiferous conchiform conchifragous conchite conchitic conchitis conchoid conchoidal conchoidally conchological conchology conchometer conchoscope conchospiral conchotome conchylaceous conchylia concylic conductometer conductometric cone conenchyma conger conic conical conically conicoid conics conifer coniferin coniferization coniferous coniform conine conium conocarp conocuneus conodont conoid conoidal consistometer Constantinople contour contraharmonical contrapose control tower conure conus co-orthogonal co-orthotomic cope copepod copepodid cophosis copilot copolymer copper coppered copperhead copperize coppernose coppersmith coppery coppice copragogue copremesis copremia co-presbyter coprolalia coprolite coprolith coprolitic coprology copromania copromaniac corpphagan coprophagia coprophagic coprophagist coprophagous coprophagy coprophile coprophilia coprophobia coprosma coprozoic copse Copt Coptic coquina coraciform coracine coracite coracoid coracoidal coracomorphic coracosteon coral coralist coralliferous coralliform corallin coralline corallite corallitic coralloid coralloidal corallum / corally coral reef cord cordage corder cordialgic cordignostic cordillera cording cordiology cordite cordless cordon cordotomy cordwood core corectomy coreopsis Corinth Corinthian Corinthianize cormogen cormogenous cormogeny cormology cormophyly cormophyte cornice corniculate corolla corollaceous corollar corollarize corollary corolliferous corollifloral corolliform corolline corollist corona Corona Australis Corona Borealis coronagraph coronal / / coronally coronary coronate coronation coroner coronership coronet coroniform coronilla coronitis coronoid coronofacial coronule coroplast coroplastic coroplasty corotomy corphology correlogram corundophilite Corybant corybantic corymb corymbiferous corymbiform corymbose corynebacterium coryneform coryphaeus coryphodon coryphodont corythosaurus coryza coscinomancy coseismal coseismic cosmetic(s) cosmetical cosmetician cosmetically cosmetisize cosmetologist cosmetology cosmic cosmical cosmicality cosmically cosmism cosmist cosmocentric cosmochemistry cosmocrat cosmocritic cosmodrome cosmogenesis cosmogenetic cosmogenic cosmogeny cosmognosis cosmogonal cosmogonic cosmogonical cosmogonist cosmogony cosmographer cosmographic cosmographical cosmography cosmogyral cosmolabe comolatry cosmoline cosmological cosmologically cosmologist cosmology cosmonaut cosmonautical cosmophil cosmophile cosmoplasty cosmopolis cosmopolite cosmopolitan cosmopolitanism cosmopolitanize cosmopolitanly cosmopolitical / / / / / / / / / / cosmopolitism cosmorama cosmoramic cosmos cosmosophy cosmosphere cosmotheism cosmothetic cosmothetical cosmotron cosmozoic cosmozoism cothurn cothurnal cothurnate cothurnus cottonocracy cotula cotyle cotyledon cotyledonary cotyledon cotyliform cotyligerous cotylophorous cotyloid cotype coulometer coulometric coulometry counterbuff countercycle counterion counterbrace countermelody counterpenalty counterphobia counterpole counterproposal counterplace countertheory countertype countyocracy coup / / / / coupe coupon coxocerite coxopodite crab -cracy crambo cranial cranially craniate craniectomy cranioclasm cranioclast craniofacial craniognomic craniognomy craniognosy craniograph craniographer craniography cranioid craniological craniologist craniology craniometer craniometric craniometrist craniometry craniopathy craniophore cranioplasty craniopolis cranioscope cranioscopic cranioscopist cranioscopy craniosophic craniospinal craniotome craniotomy cranium crasis -crat crater / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / crateral cratered crateriform cratometer cream cream cheese creamer creamery creamily creaminess creamometer creamy creatic creatine creation myth creekology cremaster cremasteric creme cremnophobia cremocarp crenic crenitic creophagism creophagist creophagous creophagy creosole creosote crescograph Cressida cretin cretinism cretinize cretinoid cretinous cricoid cricoidean criminologist criminology crinoid criocephalous criocerate criophore / / / criophorous criosphinx crisis criterial criteriological criteriology citerion criterional crithomancy critic critical criticality critically criticalness criticaster criticism criticist criticize criticizer critique croc crocodile crocodile tears crocodilian croceate crocnic crocus Croesus crony cronyism crosspurpose crown crown colony crowner crownless crownlet crown prince crustaceology cryobiological cryobiologist cryobiology cryogen cryogenic cryoglobulin / / cryohydrate cryohydric cryolite cryology cryometer cryonic cryopedology cryophilic cryophilite cryophorous cryophorous cryophorus cryophyllite cryophyte cryopreservation cryopump cryosar cryoscopy cryostat cryosurgery cryosurgical cryotherapy cryotron cryoturbation crypt cryptal cryptanalysis crytesthesia cryptic cryptical cryptically cryptoanalysis cryptobiosis cryptobiotic cryptobranch cryptobranchiate cryptocephalous cryptocarp cryptocerite cryptocerous cryptoclastic cryptococosis crypto-communist cryptocrystaline / / / / / -crystalization cryptodirous cryptodynamic cryptodont crypto-fascist cryptogamia cryptogenetic cryptogenic cryptogram cryptograph cryptographer cryptographical cryptographic cryptography cryptolin cryptolite cryptologist cryptology cryptomere cryptomeria cryptomonad cryptomorphite cryptoneurous cryptonym cryptonymous cryptopentamerous cryptophasia cryptophyte cryptorchid cryptorchidism cryptoportico cryptoquote crytosporidium cryptostoma cryptosystem cryptotelephony cryptous cryptovolcanic cryptoxanthin cryptozoa cryptozooic cryptozoon cryptozygous crystal / / / / / / / / / / / / crystallic crystalliferous crystalliform crystalligerous crystalline crystallinity crystallite crystallitic crystallizable crystallization crystallize crystallizer crystallogenesis crystallographer crystallographic crystallography crystalloid crystalloidal crystallogy crystallomancy cystallometry crystallurgy crystally crystalworts crystoleum ctenocyst ctenodont ctenoid Ctenophora ctenosphere Cu cubage cubangle cube cubic cubical cubically cubicite cubicubic cubiform cubism cuboid cuboidal cubomancy / / / cuckold culicidologist culmigenous Cumae cuprammonia cuprammonium cupreous cuprate cupressineous cupressite cupric cupriferous cuprite cuproid cuprous curiologic currant curvograph curvometer cyan cyanamide cyanate cyanescent cyanic cyanicide cyanidation cyanide cyanin cyanite cyanize cyanogen cyanogenic cyanometer cyanophilous cyanose cyanosis cyanotic cyanotype cyathiform cyathoid cyatholith cyathophylloid cyathozoid cybercamp / / / cybercrime cybernation cyberneticist cybernetics cyberporn cyberpunk cybersecurity cybersex cyberspace cyberterorrism cyberterrorist cyborg cybotaxis cycad cycadaceous cycadeous cycadiform cycadite cyclad Cyclades Cycladic cyclamate cyclamin cycle cycler cyclery cyclette cyclic cyclical cyclically cyclicism cyclide cyclist cyclitis cyclize cycloalkane cyclobranchiate cyclocentric cyclocephalous cycloclinal cyclode cyclodialysis cyclogenesis cyclogeny / / / / / / cyclogram cyclograph cyclographer cyclographic cyclography cyclohexene cycloid cycloidal cyclomatic cyclometer cyclometry cyclomorphosis cyclonal cyclone cycloneurous cyclonic cyclopedia cyclopedic cyclopean cyclopia cyclopic cycloplegia cyclopoid Cyclops cyclopterous cyclorama cycloscope cyclosis cyclospermous cyclospore cyclostomatous cyclostyle cyclothymia cyclotomy cyclotron cyesiology cygneous cygnet Cygnus cylinder cylindric cylindrical cylindrocephalic cylindroform / / / / / / / / / / / / / cylindometric cyclindraceous cyma cymagraph cymbal cymbalist cymophane cynegetics cynic cynical cynically cynicism Cynocephalae cynocephalic cynocephalous cynoclept cynodont cynodontism cynoid cynologist cynology cynomorphic cynophilia cynophilist cynophobia cynopodous cynosural cynosure cynurenic cypher cyphonism cyphosis cyphotic cypress Cyprian cypriferous cyprin cyprinid cyprinodont cyprinoid Cypriot(e) Cyprus cypseline cypselous / cyrtoceratid cyrtograph cyrtolite cyrtometer cyst cystalgia cystectomy cystic cystical cysticolous cysticotomy cystid cystiferous cystiform cystigerous cystitis cystitome cystocarp cystocele cystocyte cystogenous cystoid cystolith cystoma cystometer cystoplast cystorrhea cystoscope cystospasm cystotome cystotomy cytase cytoblast cytocentrifuge cytochemistry cytochrome cytococcus cytocidal cytocidally cytodiagnosis cytode cytogamy cytogenesis cytogenetics / cytoid cytokinesis cytokinetic cytokinin cytologist cytology cytolysis cytopathic cytopathology cytoplasm cytosine cyclostomatous cytostome cytotaxic cytotaxonomy cytotropic cytozoa / / D dacryd dacryrocystitis dacrolith dacryops dactyl dactylic dactylically dactylioglyph dactyliography dactyliomancy dactylion dactylitis dactylogram dactylography dactylology dactylonomy dactylopodite dactylopterous dactyloscopy dactylozooid daedal Daedaleon Daedalion Daedalus daffodil daguerrotype daimonic dais daisy damascend Damascene Damascus damask damson Danae danaid Danaus dandelion Daphne Daphnean Daphnia / / / Daphnis Dardan Dardanelles Dardanus daredevil daredevilry dasylirion dasymeter dasypeltis dasyphyllous dasypod dasypygal dasyure database date (fruit) date palm datolite dauphin deacon deaconhood deaconness deaconry deaconship dean deanery deaness deanship deanthropomorphize debacle (AHD) debarbarization debarbarize decacarbon decacerous decachord decad decadactylous decadal decade decadarch decadarchy decadation decadery decadic decadist / / decadrachm decafid decagon decagonal decagram decagynous decahedral decahedron decahydrate decal decalcomania decaliter decalomania decalobate decalogue Decameron decamerous decameter decan decanal decangular decanate decandrous decane decanonize decant decantation decanter decapartite decaphyllous decaploid decapod decarch decarchy decaspermal decastyle decasyllabic decasyllable decathlon decatholicize decelerometer decenter decentralist decentralization / / / decentralize decentralizer decephalize dechemicalize dechristianize decigram deciliter decimeter declinometer decomposability decomposable decompose decomposer deconcentrate deconcentration decoupage decremeter decrypt decryption decryptograph decrystallization decubital decubitus decyl Dedaleon Dedalion Dedalus de-electrify deemphasis deemphasize de-ethicize deflectometer deformeter de-hellenize dehydrate dehydration dehydrator dehydrogenate dehydrogenation deictic deipnosophist deixis dekadekatron / del deleterious deleteriously deleteriousness Delian Delos Delphi Delphian Delphic delphic delphically delphinestrian delphinic delphinine delphinium delphinoid Delphinus delta deltafication deltaic deltation deltiology deltohedron deltoid deltoidal demagnetize demagogic demagogue demagoguery demagogy deme demegoric demiurge democracy democrat democratic democratically democratism democratize demographer demographic demographics demography demoid / / / / / demon demoness demoniac demoniacal demonic demonically demonism demonist demonization demonize demonography demonolatry demonology demonomachy demonomania demonopathy demonophobia demonosophy demophil demotic demystification demystify demyth demythicize demythify demythologize denarius dendranatomy dendranthropology dendriform dendrite dendritic dendrobe dendrochronology dendroclastic dendroclimatology dendrocoele dendrography dendrodic dendrodont dendrogram dendrograph dendrography dendroid / / / / / dendrolatry dendrolite dendrologist dendrology dendrometer dendron dendrophil dendrophilous dendrostyle denitrate denitrification denitrify denitrize Denis Denise Dennis densimeter densitometer densitometry denticete dentiphone dentology deontic deontological deontologist deontology deoxidate deoxidation deoxidator deoxidize deoxygenate deoxygenation deoxygenize deozonize deparochialize depetal dephlegmator dephlogistocate deplethoric depoeticize depoetize depolarizeation depolarize depolticization / / / / / / depoliticize depolymerization deposable deposal depose deposer deprogram deprogramer derivometer derm derma dermabrasion dermad dermal dermalgia dermalysis Dermaptera dermatalgia dermatin dermatitis dermatobranchia dermatogen dermatoglyph dermatoglyphics dermatographia dermatoid dermitol dermatologist dermatology dermatolysis dermatome dermatomycosis dermatomyostitis dermatonosis dermatopathology dermatopathy dermatuphone dermatophyte dermatoplasty dermatopsy dermatorrhea dermatoscelerosis dermatoskeleton dermatitis / / / dermatosis dermatotome Dermatozoa dermic dermis dermobranchiate dermogastric dermographia dermohemia dermoid dermoidal dermomuscular dermonecrotic dermoneural dermo-osseus dermopathy dermophyte dermopterous deschooling desk deskful desktop desma desmid desmodont desmognathous desmography desmoid desmology desmonosology desmopathology desmopathy desmopelmous desmostichous desmotomy desoxalic despot despotic despotical despotically despotism despotist despotize despotocracy / / / / / dethrone dethronement detonator detour detox detoxicate detoxication detoxify detune deuteragamist deuteragonist deuteranomalous deuteranope deuteranopia deuterated deuteric deuterium deuteroconid deuterodrome deuterogamist deuterogamy deuterograph deuteranopia deuterogenic deuteromesal deuteron Deuteronomic Deuteronomist Deuteronomy deuteropathy deuteroscopy deuterostoma deuterosystematic deuterotheme deuterotoky deuterotoxin deuterozooid deutomalar deutomerite deutoplasm deutosclerous deutotergite deutovum devil / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / devildom deviless devilet devilhood devilish devilishly devilment devilishness devilism devilize devilkin deviller devily devilment devilry devil’s advocate devilship dexiocardia dexiotrope dexiotropic dextroglucose dezymotize didiadiabase diabasis diabetes diabetic diabetical diablerie diabolarch diabolarchy diabolepsy diabolic diabolical diabolically diabolicalness diabolicity diabolification diabolifuge diabolify diabolism diabolist diabolize / diabolo diabolology diabolonian diacalorimeter diacanthous diacaustic diachronic diachronically diachronism diachronous diaclastic diaclinal diaconal diaconate diacoustics diacritic diacritical diacritically diadelphic diadelphous diadem diadromous diaereis diagenesis diageotropic diageotropism diagnosable diagnose diagnosis diagnostic diagnostically diagnosticate diagnostician diagnostics diagometer diagonal diagonally diagram diagrammatic diagrammatically diagrammatize diagrammeter diagraph diagraphic / / diaheliotropic diaheliotropism diakinesis dialect dialectic dialectical dialectically dialectician dialecticism dialectology diallage dialog(ue) dialogic dialogical dialogically dialogism dialogist dialogistic dialogistically dialogize dialogous dialogue dialoguist dialoguize dialogram dialplate dialycarpel dialycarpous dialypetallous dialyphyllous dialystaminous dialysis dialytic dialytically dialyze dialyzer diamagnet diagmagnetic diamagnetism diamagnetize diamagnetometer diamantiferous diamantine diamesogamous / / diameter diametral diametrally diametric diametrical diametrically diamond diamondback diamorphosis diandrous dianoetic dianoia diapason diapause diaped diaper(ed) diapery diaphaneity diaphanometer diaphanoscope diaphanous diphanously diaphone diaphoneme diaphonic diaphony diaphoresis diaphoretic diaphorism diaphototropic diaphragm diaphragmatic diaphyllous diaphysis diaplasis diarch diarchal diarchic diarchy diarthroidal diarthrosis diarrhea diarrhetic diascope Diaspora diaspore diasporometer diastaltic diastasis diaster diastole diastolic diastrophe diastrophism diastyle diasystem diasystematic diatesseron diathermal diathermancy diathermanous diathermic diathermometer diathermous diathermy diathesis diathetic diatom diatomaceous diatomic diatomiferous diatomist diatonic diatonicism diatonism diatribe diatribist diatropism diazeutic diazotype dibasic diblastula dibranch dibranchiate dicarpelary dicast dicastery dicatalectic / dicentric dicephalus dichastic dichloride dichogamous dichogamy dichondra dichopterous dichoptic dichord dichotomic dichotomist dichotomize dichotomous dichotomously dichotomy dichroic dichromat dichromatic dichromatism dichromic dichromism dichronous dichroscope diclesium diclinic diclinism diclinous dicoccous dicolic dicot dicotyledon dicrotic dicrotism dicrotous dictaphone dictogram dictyogen dictyospore dictyostele Dictys dicyanide dicycle dicynodont / Didache didactic didactically didactician didacticism didactive didascalic disascaly didelphian didrachm didymate didymis didymous didynamous didynamy dieidism dielectric diencephalon diene diesis diet dietal dietary dieter dietetic dietician dietetic(s) diethyl diffractometer diffratometry diffusiometer digamist digamma digamous digamy digastric digeneous digenesis digenetic digenous digitoxin diglossia diglot diglyceric diglyph digonal digoneutic digonous digram digraphic digraph dihedral dihedron dihexagonal dihexahedron dihydric dihydrite diiamb di-iodide dikaryon dikaryphase dilambodont dilatometer dilemma dilemmatic dilogical dilogy dimer dimeric dimerism dimerize dimerous dimetallic dimetric dimeter dimity dimorph dimorphemic dimorphic dimorphism dimorphous dimyary dinichthys Dinoceras dinoflagellate dinomic dinornithia Dinornis / dinosaur dinosaurian dinothere diobely diobol diocesan diocese diode diodont dioecious dionym dionymal Dionysiac Dionysian Dionysus Diophantine Diophantus diopter dioptric dioptrical diorama dioramic diorthosis diorthotic Dioscuri diota dioxide dioxin dipetalous diphasic diphonemic diphosphate diphtheria diphtherial diphthong diphthongal diphthongize dyphid diphyceral diphyllous diophyodont diphysite diphyzooid diplacusis / diplanetic diplanetism diplegia diplegic diplodocus diploid diploma diplomacy diplomat diplomatic diplomatically diplomatist diplont diplopia dipneumoneous dipnoous dipodic dipody dipolar dipolarize dipole diprododont dipsas dipsomania dipsomaniac dipsomaniacal dipsopathy diptera dipteral dipterocarp dipterology dipterous diptote diptych dipyre dipyrenous disaccharide disanalogous disanalogy disanchor disangelical disaster disastrous disastrously - disattune disauthenticate disbursable disbursal disburse disbursement disburser disc discanonize discard discarder disciferous discifloral disciform discigerous discless disclimax discoblastic discobole discobolic discobolus discocarp discocephalous discrown discdactyle discogastrula discoglottid discographic discography discoid discoidal discolith discomania discomaniac discophile discophorous discoplacental discompose discomposure discopodium discopodous discostomatous discrown discus / / / / / / / / / / / / disdiaclast diseconomy diselectrify disemic disenthrone disentomb dish dishcloth disharmonic disharmonious disharmony dishful dishlet dishtowel dishy disintoxicate disk diskette diskinesia disk jockey dislogistic disluite dislysin disodic disomatous disome disorganic disorganization disorganize disorganizer dispermatous dispermous dispermy disphagia disphonia disphoria displace displaceable displacement displacer displasis dispnea dispondee dispope disposability disposable disposal dispose disposedness disposer disposingly disproteinemia dispunishable disscepter dissocioscope dissoconch dissogony dissylabic dissylable dissymetric dissymetrical dissymetrically dissymetry disthene disthrone distich distichal distichiasis distichic distichous Distoma distomatosis distomatous distonic distrix distune distyle disuria disuric disury disyllabic disyllabically disyllabification disyllabify disyllabism disyllabize disyllable disyntheme ditetragonal dithecal dithecous ditheism ditheist ditheistic dithematic dithionic dithyramb dithyrambic dithyrambically dithyrambist dithyrous ditokous ditone ditrematous ditremid ditriglyph ditrochee dittogram dittograph dittography dittology diureide diuresis diuretic dizoic dizygotic DNA Docetae docetic Docetism Docetist docimasy docimology docoglossate docudrama dodecadrachm dodecagon dodecahedral dodecahedron dodecane Dodecanese dodecaphonic / / // / dodecarch dodecarchy dodecastyle dodecasyllabic dodecasyllable dodecuplet dodecyl Dodona Dodonean dogma dogmatic dogmatical dogmatically dogmaticalness dogmatician dogmaticism dogmatics dogmatism dogmatist dogmatize dogmatizer dogmatology dogmatopoeic dole (arch) dolerin dolerite dolerophanite dolose dolichocephal dolichocephalic doliochocephalism dolichocephaly dolichoid dolichomorphic dolichopodous dolichotis dolichurus dolorimeter dolphin dolphinarium dolphinate domigene doorjamb Dorian / / /// / /// / / / Doric Doris Dorism Dorize Dorothy dorsimeson dorsopleural dorsosternal dosage dose dosimeter dosimetry dosiology doubletone doulocracy doxastic dosographer doxography doxological doxologize doxology doxy (opinion) doyen doyenne drachm drachma Draco dracone Draconian Draconic Draconically draconiform Draconism dracontic Dracula dragon dragonesque dragoness dragonet dragonfly dragonish dragonism dragonism dragonize / / dragonnade dragoon dram drama dramatic dramatically dramaticism dramatics dramaticule dramatis personae dramatism dramatist dramatization dramtize dramaturge dramaturgic dramaturgist dramaturgy drastic drastically drepanid drepaniform driography drome dromedary dromic dromioid dromograph dromomania dromometer dromond Dromornis dromos dromoscope dromotropic dromotropism dropsical dropsy drosometer drosophilia drosophilist drosophyllum Druid Druidism / / / / / / / dryad duad duarchy dulcimer dulcitone dulia dulocracy dulosis dulotic duocameral duodecagon duodecyl duodenectomy duodrama duoglot duologue duomachy duopoly duopsony duotone duotype dyad dyadic dyarchy dynactinometer dynagraph dynam(e) dynameter dynamic dynamical dynamically dynamicism dynamicist dynamicity dynamics dynamism dynamitard dynamite dynamiter dynamitic dynamitism dynamtitist dynamize dynamo / / dynamo-electric dynamogen dynamogeny dynamograph dynamometer dynamometry dynamometamorphism dynamotor dynamopathy dynamoscope dynast dynastic dynastical dynastically dynasticism dynasty dynatron dyne dynein dynode Dyophysite Dyothelite dyphone dysdysangelical dysarthria dysbasia dyschezia dyscholic dyschronous dysclasitic dyscrasia dyscrasic dyscrasite dyscrasy dysenteric dysenteriform dysentery dysergia dysesthesia dysgenesis dysgenic(s) dysgrammatical dysgraphia / / / / / / / / dysidrosis dyskinesia dyslalia dyslexia dyslexiac dyslexic dyslogia dyslogistic dyslogistically dyslogy dysluite dyslysin dysmenorrhea dysnerism dysmetria dysnomy dysodont dysopsia dyspathy dyspareunia dyspepsia dyspeptic dysphagia dysphemia dysphemism dysphonia dysphonic dysphoria dysphotic dysplasia dysplastic dyspnea dysporomorph dysprosium dysprosody dysproteinemia dysrhythmia dysspermatism dysteleology dysthymic dystokia dystomic dystomous dystonia / dystopia dystopian dystrophy dysuria dysuric disury dytisicid dytiscidiform E earphone eboneous ebon ebonist ebonite ebonize ebony ebullioscope ebullioscopic eburnate eburnation eburnean eburneous e-business ecad ecbasis ecbatic ecblastesis ecbole ecbolic eccentric eccentrical eccentrically eccentricity ecchondroma ecchondrosis ecchymosis ecclesia ecclesial ecclesialogy ecclesiarch ecclesiarchy Ecclesiast Ecclesiastes ecclesiastic ecclesiastical eccelsiastically eccelsiasticism ecclesiocentric ecclesiography ecclesiolatry ecclesiologic ecclesiological ecclesilogist ecclesiologically ecclesiology eccoprotic eccrinology ecderon ecdysiast ecdysis ecesis ecgonine echard Echidna echicanea echinal echinate echinid echinocactus echinochrome echinococcus echinod echinoderm echinodermata echinoid echinoidea echinology echinulate echinuliform echinus echites echium echiuroid echo echocardiogram echogram echograph echoic echoism echolalia echolation echoless echolocation echometer / - - / / / / / echopraxia echo-sounding ecize eclectic eclectical eclectically eclecticism eclecticize eclectism eclipsable eclipse eclipser eclipsis ecliptic ecliptical ecliptically eclipticity eclogite eclogue ecmnesia eco-activist ecocatastrophe ecocidal ecocide ecoclimate ecofreak eco-friendly ecole ecological ecologically ecologist ecology e commerce econometric econometrician econometrics economic economical economically economics economism economist economization economize / / / / / / / / / / / economizer economy ecophene ecosocialism ecospecies ecosphere ecosystem ecotene ecoterror ecoterrorism ecoterrorist ecotone ecotype ecphora ecphore ecphrasis ecstasiate ecstasy ecstatic ecstatical ecstatically ecstasis ecstasize ectasis ectene ectoblast ectochondral ectocranial ectocrine ectocyst ectoderm ectogenesis ectomere ectomorph -ectomy ectoneural ectoparasite ectophagous ectophyte ectopia ectopic ectoplasm ectorhinal ectosarc / / / ectostome ectotrophic ectrodactyly ectropion ectypal ectype ectypography ecumaniac ecumene ecumenic ecumenical ecumenicalism ecumenicalist ecumenically ecumenicity ecumenics ecumenism ecumenist ecumenopolis eczema eczematous edaphic edaphodont edaphon edema edriophthalmian educrat egocentric egocentricity egomania egomaniac egomaniacal egotheism Egypt Egyptian Egyptologist Egyptology eidetic eidograph eidolon eisegesis EKD ekistics elaeo- elaioplast elaphine elaphure elasmobranch elasmosaurus elasmose elasmotherion elastance elastase elastic elastically elastician elasticin elasticity elastique elastivity elastomer elastoplast elater elaterid e-business e-commerce e-learning electret electric electrical electrically electric chair electric fence electrician electricity electric shock electrifiable electrification electrifier electrify electrization electrize electro electro-acoustics electroanalysis electroballisitics electrobiology electrobioscopy / / / / / / // / electrocardiogram electrocardiograph electrochemical electrochemistry electrocute electrocution electrocycle electrocyte electrode electrodeposit electrodessication electrodynamics -encephalogram -encephalograph electrofocusing electrogenic electrogram electrograph electrography electrojet electrokinetics electrolier electrology electroluminescence electroluminescent electrolysis electrolyte electrolytic electrolyze electromagnet electromagnetic electromagnetism electromechanical electromeric electrometalurgy electrometer electromigration electromotion electromotive electromotor electromyogram electromyograph electron electronarcosis / / / // // / / / / / / / / / / electronarcotic electronegative electroneutral electronically electronics electron microscope electronographic electropathy electrophilic electrophone electrophonic electrophoresis electrophorus electroplant electroplate electroplexy electropositive electroproduction electropuncture electroretinograph electrorate electroscope electrostatic electrostatics electrostimulation electrostriction electrosynthetic electrotechnician electrotherapeutics electrotherapist electrotherapy electrotint electrotonus electrotropism electrotype electroweak electrum eleemosynary elegiac elegiacal elegiambus elegist elegize elegy / / / / / / / / / / / / / / eleidin elenchus elenctic elephant elephantiasis elephantic elephantine elephantoid elephantry Eleusinian Eleusis eleutherism eleutheromania eleutheromaniac eleutheropetalous eleutherophyllous elixir ellipse ellipsis ellipsograph ellipsoid ellipsoidal elliptical elliptically ellipticity eloge elogium elydoric Elysee Elysian Elysium elytral elytriform elytrigerous elytrin elytrocele elytroid elytron elytroplasty elytrous elytrum e mail emanometer embalm / / / / / embalmer embalmment embasing emblem emblema emblematic emblematical emblematically emblematist emblematize emblematology emblemize embole embolectomy embolic embolism embolismus embolite embolium embolization embolize embolon embolus embox embrace embraceable embracement embracer embracery embracingly embracive embryectomy embryo embryoctony embryoferous embryogenesis embryogenetic emryogenic embryogeny embryogony embryography embryoid embryoism embryologic / embryological embryologist embryology embryoma embryon embryonal embryonary embryonate embryonic embryonically embryoniferous embryoplastic embryoscope embryotic embryotomy embryotoxin eme -eme emerald emeraldine emery emesia emesis e-message emetic emetical emetically emetine emetology -emia emic emmarble emmenagogic emmenagogology emmenagogue emmenological emmenology emmetrope emmetropia emmetropic emmetropy Emmy empathetic empathic () () ( / empathist empathize empathy empetrous emphasis emphasize emphasizer emphatic emphatical emphatically emphractic emphysema empiric empirical empirically empiricism empiricist empirism empiristic emplace emplacement empleomania emporetic emporium emprosthotonic emprosthotonos empurpled empurpling empyema empyreal empyrean empyreuma empyreumatic emydian emydin emydosaurian emys enaliosaur enanthema enantioblastic enantiodromia enantiomorph enantiopathic enantiopathy enantiosis enantiotropy enarthrodial enarthrosis encanthis encarpous encaustic encaustically encenia encephalic encephalitis encephalitic encephalization encephalitogenic encephalocele encephalogram encephlograph encephaloid encephalolith encephalology encephlomyelitis encephalon encephalopathy encephalous enchiridion enchondroma enchondromatous enchondrosis enchorial enclisis enclitic encoffin encoffinment encomiast encomiastic encomiastically encomium encore encrinal encrinic encrinite encrinitic encrinoid Encrinus / / / encrown encrypt encryption encyclic encyclical encyclopedia encyclopedian encyclopedic encyclopedism encyclopedist encyclopedize encyst encystation encystment endeictic endemial endemic endemical endemically endemicity endenism endermatic endermic endermical endermically enderon endite endoendobiotic endoblast endobronchial endocardial endocarditis endocardium endocarp endocentric endochrome endochondrial endoclinal endocranium endocrine endocrinologist endocrinology endocrinopathy / endocyst endocytosis endoderm endodontia endodontist endogamous endogamy endogastric endogen endogenesis endogenetic endogenic endogenous endogeny endognathic endolaryngeal endolith endolymph endometrial endometry endomixis endomorph endomorphic endomorphin endomorphism endonormative endoparasite endophlebitis endophragm endophyllous endophyte endophytous endoplasm endopod endopodite endopsychic endopterogote endorphin endorrheism endosarc endoscope endoskeleton endosmometer endosmose endosmosis endosmotic endosome endosperm endospore endosteal endosternite endostoma endostyle endotheca endothelial endothelium endotherm endothermal endothermally endothermic endothermy endothorax endotoxin endotracheal endotrophic endotropic enema enepidermic energetic energetically energic energid energism energize energizer energumen energy enfrenzy engastromythic engraft engraftment engram engraph engulf enharmonic enhydrite enhydrous enhypostasis enhypostatize enigma enigmatic enigmatical enigmatically enigmatize enigmatographer enigmagraphy enigmatology enjamb enkephalin en masse ennead enneagon enneagonal enneagymous enneahedral ennandrous enneapetalous enneastyle enneatic enneatical enorganic enorthotrope enosis ensilage ensilate ensile ensisternal ensophic ensphere entelechy ententophil enteralgia enterectomy enteric enteritis enteroenterochlorophyll enterococcus enterocoele enterocolitis enterocrinin enterogastrone / / / / / / / / / / / / enterohepatitis enterohydrocele enteroid enterokinase enterolite enterolith enterology enteron enteronephritic enteropathy enteroplasty enteropneustral enterospasm enterostomy enterotome enterotomy enterotoxin enterovirus enthalpy enthetic enthrone enthronement enthuse enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiastic enthusiastical enthusiastically enthymatic enthymene entoentoblast entochondral entocyst entoderm entogastric entoglossal entomb entombment entomere entomic entomoentomogenous entomoid / / / / / / / / / / / entomolite entomological entomologist entomologize entomology entomometer entomophagous entomophilous entomostracan entonotomist entomotomy entone entonic entoparasite entoperipheral entophyte entoplastral entoproctous entoptic entopterygoid entoscelerite entosternal entosternum entosthoblast entotic entotympanic entozoon entreasure entrochal entrochite entrochus entropic entropion entropy enuresis enzootic enzymatic enzyme enzymology eoan eoanthropos eobiont Eocene eohippic / / / / / eohippus eolienne eolith eolithic eolite eon eophytic Eos eosaurus eosin eosinophil Eozoic eozoon epacrid epacris epact epagogic epagogue epanalepsis epanaphora epanastrophe epanodos epanorthosis epanthous eparch eparchial eparchy epaulet epee epeiric epeirogenesis epeirogeny epencephalic epencephalon ependyma epenthesis epeolatry epeology epexegesis ephebe ephebophilia ephectic ephedra ephedrine / / / / - ephemera ephemeral ephemerality ephemeralization ephemerally ephemerid ephemeris ephemeromorph ephemeron ephemerous Ephesian ephesite Ephesus ephippium ephor epibasal epibiont epibiotic epiblast epiblema epiboly epic epical epically epicalyx epicanthus epicardium epicarp epicede epicedian epicedium epicene epicenter epicentral epicentric epichordal epichorial epicist epiclastic epiclinal epicoelia epicolic epicranium epicritic / epicure epicurean epicureanism epicurism Epicurus epicycle epicyclic epicyte epideictic epidemic epidemical epidemically epidemiography epidemiologist epidemiology epidendral epidermal epidermic epidermis epidermolysis epididymis epigamic epigastric epigeal epigee epigene epigenesis epigenetic epigenist epiglottis epiglottitis epigon epigonism epigram epigrammatic epigrammatism epigrammatist epigrammist epigrammatize epigraph epigrapher epigraphic epigraphical epigraphy / epigyne epigynous epilepsy epileptic epileptiform epileptigenic epilithic epilobe epilogist epilogize epilogue Epimetheus epimyth epinephrine epineural epinician epiotic epipelagic epiphanic epiphany epiphenomenon epiphora epiphyllous epiphyte epiplasm epipleural epipodite epipteroid episcopacy episcopal episcopally Episcopalian episcopalism episcopate episcopize episcopy episematic episkeletal episode episodic episperm epispore epistatic epistaxis / epistemic epistemological epistemology epistle epistler epistolary epistolize epistolographic epistolography epistrophe epistyle epitaph epitasis epitaxy epithalamium epithelial epithelium epithet epithymetic epitokous epitome epitomist epitomize epitympanic epizeuxis epizoic epizoon epizootic epoch epochal epode eponym eponymous eponymy epopee epos epoxide epoxy epsilon epyllion eremetical eremic eremite eremology / / erg ergastic ergate ergative ergatocracy ergodic ergogram ergograph ergometer ergonomic ergonomical ergonomically ergonomics ergonomist ergophobe ergophobia Eris eristic erogenic erogenous Eros erotic erotically eroticism erotism erotomania erotophilia erysipelas erythremia erythric erythrism erythroerythroblast erythrocyte erythrogen erythroid erythromycin erythrophobia erythrophyll erythroplastid erythropoiesis erythropsia erythroscope erythrose / / / / / / / / / eschatological eschatology escolar esemplastic esodic esophagal esophagus esophoric esoteric esoterical esoterically esotericism espathate ester esthete esthetic esthetical esthetically esthetics estrogen estrogenic estrous estrus eternal eternally eternity etesiam ethane ethanol ether ethereal ethereality ethereally etherification etheriform etherize etheromania ethical ethically ethicism ethicist ethics Ethiopeia Ethiopian / / ethmoid ethnarch ethnarchy ethnic ethnical ethnically ethnicity ethnobotany ethnocentric ethnocentricity ethnocentrism ethnocide ethnogenesis ethnogeny ethnograph ethnographer ethnography ethnohistory ethnolinguist ethnological ethnologist ethnology ethnomaniac ethnomethodology ethnomusicology ethnonym ethnophaulism ethnopsychology ethnoscience ethnosemantics ethnozoology ethogram ethography ethological ethologist ethology ethopeia ethos ethyl ethylene etiological etiology Etruscology etymological / / / / // // / / / / etymologically etymologicon etymologist etymologize etymology etymon eubacterium eucalyptus eucharist eucharistic eucharistically euchromatic Euclid Euclidean eucomis eucrasia eucyclic eudaemonia eudaemoniac eudaemonic eudaemonics eudaemonism eudiometer Eudora Eugene eugenesis eugenetic eugenic eugenically eugenicist eugenics eugeogenous Euhemerism Euhemerist euhemerize Euhemerus eukaryote eulogism eulogist eulogistic eulogistically eulogium eulogize eulogy Eunice eunomy eunuch euonym eupathy eupatrid eupepsia eupeptic euphemism euphemistic euphemistically euphemize euphenics euphonic euphonious euphoniously euphonium euphonize euphony euphoria euphoric euphotic euphuism euphuistic euplastic eupnea eupraxia Eurasia Eurasian eureka eurhythmic euro euro dollar Europe European Europeanism Europeanize europium eurybathic eurycephalic eurycerous euryene eurygnathous euryphagous / / / / / euryphagy eurypterid euryscope eurystomatous eurytherm eurythermal Eusebius eustyle eutaxy eutectic eutectiferous Euterpe Euterpean euthanasia euthanize euthenics eutrophic eutrophication eutrophy evangel evangelary evangelic evangelical Evangeline evangelism evangelist evangelistic evangelize evangelization evaporimeter exanthematic exarch exarchate exegesis exegete exegetics exegetical exergue exhilirate exhiliration exhilirative exobiology exocardial exocarp / / ex cathedra exocentric exoclinal exocrinal exocrine exocyclic exocytosis exodermis exodic exodontia exodontic exodontist exodus exogamous exogamy exogen exogenesis exogenetic exogenous exogynous exomorphic exoneural exopathic exophagous exophoric exophthalmic exoplasm exopod exopodite exorcism exorcist exorcize exoscopic exoskeleton exosmose exosmosis exosmotic exosperm exosphere exospore exostome exostosis exostrophe exoteric exotheca exotherm exothermal exothermally exothermic exotic exotically exoticism exotoxin exotropia expatriot expose exposedness exposer exposure expunitive exstrophy extracanonical extrageneous extrapolate extrapolation extrapunitive extrasomatic F faith-based Falange fanciable fancification fancied fancier fanciful fancifully fancifulness fancify fanciless fanciness fancy fancy-free fancywork fantabulous fantasia fantasist fantasize fantasque fantast fantastic fantastical fantasticality fantastically fantasticalness fantasticate fantastication fantasticism fantasy fathogram fathometer faunizone Felipe feretory ferrochromium ferroelectric ferromagnetism ferrotype festilogy fiberscope / fibrillogenic fibrinogen fibrinolysin fibrinoplastic fibroblast fibrocystic fibroneuroma fibroplastic filicology Filipino filmography fireplace fishplate fissidactyl flashcube floppy disk florigen floriscope fluorometer fluorophore fluoroscope fluoroscopic fluorotype flypaper focimeter folk etymology foolocracy formaldehyde formyl formylate formylation fractography Francomania Francophile Francophobe francophone frantic frantically frenetic frenetically frenzied frenzy frigorimeter frontogenesis fructolysis fungology furyl futurology G Gaea Gaia gala galactase galactia galactic galactin galactagogue galactogenic galactometer galactophagous galactophorous galactopoietic galactorrhea galactose galactosemia galacturonic Galanthis Galatea galaxy galliambic galimatias galvanograph galvanology galvanometer galvanometry galvanoplastic galvanoplasty galvanoscope galvanotaxis galvanotropism gambol gametangium gamete gametic gametocyte gametogenesis gametogenetic gametophore gametophyte gamic / gamma gammadion gamma ray gammon gamogastrous gamogenesis gamomania gamomorphism gamopetalous gamophyllous gamophyte gamut gangial gangliform ganglion ganglionary ganglionic ganglionitis gangrene gangrenous Ganymede garbologist garbology gas gas engine gaseous gasification gasifier gasiform gasify gasless gaslight gas mask gas meter gasohol gasoline gassing gassy gastralgia gastrectomy gastric gastriloquent gastriloquist gastritis / / / / gastrocolic gastrodisc gastrodynia gastroenteric gastroenteritis gastroenterologist gastroenterology gastroid gastrointestinal gastrolatry gastrolith gastrology gastromancy gastronome gastronomic gastronomical gastronomy gastropod gastroscope gastroscopic gastroscopy gastrosophy gastrostomy gastrotomy gastrozoid gastrula gelatigenous gemology gene Gene geneagenesis genealogical genealogist genealogize genealogy genecology gelatigenous genesis genethliacal genethliacon genetic genetical genetically geneticist / / / /// /// / / / / genetics genetrix genial genic genioglossal geniohyoid genioplasty genitourinary genocidal genocide genome genotype geogeoblast geoboard geobotany geocentric geocentrism geochemistry geochronic geochronology geochrony geoclinal geocoronal geocratic geocyclic geode geodesic geodesy geodetic geodic geodynamics geoeconomics geogen geogenous geogenic geogeny geoglyphic geognost geognostic geognosy geogony geographer geographic / geographical geographically geography geoid geoisotherm geologic geological geologist geologize geologue geology geomagnetic geomagnetism geomalic geomalism geomancer geomancy geomantic geometer geometric geometrical geometrically geometric mean geometric progression geometrician geometrize geometry geomorphic geomorphism geomorphogeny geomorphology geomorphy geonavigation geonomy geophagous geophagy geophilous geophone geophyllous geophysical geophysicist geophysics geophysiogomy geophyte geoplanarian geopolitical geopolitics geoponics geopotential georama George Georgia Georgian georgic Georgics geoscopy geoselenic geosphere geostatics geostationary geostrategical geostrategy geostrophic geosynchronous geosynclinal geosyncline geotactic geotaxis geotechnic geothechnology geotectonic geothermic geothermal geothermometer geotropic geotropism gephyrean gephryococal gephrophobia geranial geranium geratology geriatric geriatrician geriatrics Germanomania Germanophile Germanophobe / / / germcenter germplasm gerontic gerontine gerontocracy gerontocratic gerontogeous gerontologist gerontology gerontomorphic gerontomorph gerontophil gerusia gesso gestagen giant giantesque giantess giantism giantkiller giantlike giantship GIF gigagigabyte gigahertz gigantean gigantesque gigantic gigantically giganticide gigantify gigantism gigantize gigantoblast gigantolite gigantology gigantomachy gigantopithecus gigas gillion ginglyform ginglymate gigglymoid / / ginglymus gipsy girandole glaciological glaciologist glaciology glaciometer glairigenous glamor glamorize glamorous glaucescence glaucescent glaucoma glaucomatous glaucophyllous glaucosis glaucous glochidate glochidium gloss gloss (shine) glossal glossalgia glossarial glossarist glossary glossator glossectomy glossematic glosseme glosser glossic glossist glossitis glossless glossocele glossograph glossographer glossography glossolalia glossological glossologist glossology / / / / / glossopathy glossophagine glossophorous glossoplegia glossoscopy glossotheca glossotomy glossotype glossy glottal glottal stop glottalic glottalize glottic glottid glottis glottiscope glossitis glottochronology glottogonic glottographer glottology gloze glucagon glucase glucic glucolysis gluconeogenesis glucose glucoside glucosome gluteal gluteus glyceride glycerinate glycerine glycerol glycine glycerophosphate glycoceraphyte glycogen glycogenesis glycogenic glycogenolysis / / / / / // // glycohemia glycol glycolysis glycolytic glycophytic glycose glycosuria glycotropic glyph glyphic glyphograph glyphography glyptal glyptic glyptodon glyptograph glyptographic glyptography gnathic gnathobase gnathocephalic gnathonic gnathophorous gnathopod gnathopodite gnathosome gnathostome gnathotheca gnome gnomic gnomically gnomish gnomology gnomometry gnomon gnomonic gnomonically gnosiological gnosiology gnosis gnostic gnostical gnosticism Gnosticize / / / / / / / gnotobiotic gobiform goby goitrogenesis gold medal gomphoasis gomphodont gompholite gomphosis gonad gonadal gonadectomy gonadotrophic gonadotropic gonalgia gonangium gonial gonimic gonimoblast goniodont goniometer goniometry gonion gonioscope goniostat gonitis gonoblast gonocalyx gonocoele gonococcus gonocyte gonoduct gonomere gonophore gonoplasm gonopore gonorrhea gonosome gonosphere gonotheca gonotome gonozooid Googlemania gorgon / / / / / gorgonize gorilla gorillagram govern governance governess government governmental governmentally governor governorate governorship grade school gradiometer gradocol gradometer grad school graffito graft grafter gram graminology grammalogue grammar grammarian grammarless grammatic grammatical grammaticality grammaticalize grammatically grammaticize grammatist grammatolatry grammatopetalous grammatophore grammeter Grammy gramophile gramophone gramophonic gramophony grandomania granolithic / / / / / granophyre granulocyte granulometric graph graphematic grapheme graphic graphical graphically graphic arts graphite graphitic graphologist graphology graphomania graphometer graphometry graphomotor graphophone graphorrhea graphoscope graphospasm graphotype graphy gravimeter gravimetric gravimetry Grecomania Grecophil greffier griffin grot grotesque grotesquely grotesqueness grotto gubernatorial gudgeon guitar guitarist gulf Gulf States Gulf Stream gunmetal / / / gym gymnasial gymnasiast gymnasium gymnast gymnastic gymnastics gymnathous gymnoblast gymnocarpous gymnocyte gymnodont gymnogen gymnogenous gymnogynous gymnopterous gymnosophist gymnosperm gymnospore gymnostomous gymnure gynandromorph gynandrous gynarchy gyne gynecocentric gynecocracy gynecolatry gynecologic gynecologist gynecology gynecomorphous gynephobia gyniatrics gyniolatry gynogenic gynophile gynophobe gynophore gyp gypseous gypsiferous gypsophilous gypsum / / / / gypsy gyrate gyration gyrator gyratory gyre gyring gyro gyrocompass gyrodyne gyrograph gyroidal gyromagnetic gyromancy gyroplane gyroscope gyroscopic gyrose gyrostat gyrostatics gyrovague / / H Hadean Hades hagiarchy hagiocracy hagiographal hagiographer hagiographical hagiographist hagiography hagiolater hagiolatry hagiolith hagiology hagioscope halcyon halcyon days half hour halide halieutic halimetry haliogram haliograph halite hallucinant hallucinate hallucination hallucinative hallucinatory hallucinogen hallucinogenic hallucinosis halo halobionic halocarbon halochromism halogen halography haloid halology halomancy halometer halomorphic halophile halophilic halophylous halophyte haloplankton halosaurus haloscope haloxylin hamadryad hapax legemon haplocardiac haplodont haplography haplohedral haploid haplology haplomorphic haplont haplotomy happy hour hapten haptic haptoglobin haptophore haptotropism harmonic harmonica harmonical harmonically harmonics harmonious harmoniously harmonist harmonistic harmonization harmonize harmonizer harmonogram harmonograph harmonometer harmony harmost harmotone harpoon harpsichord Harpy haversack headphone health pyramid hebdomad hebdomadal Hebe hebeanthous hebecarpous hebecladous hebegynous hebepetalous hebephrenia hebephrenic hebetic hebetudinous hectare hecatomb Hecatoncheires / / / / hecatontarchy hecatophyllous hectic hectically hectohectocotyl hectogram hectograph hectoliter hectometer Hector hector hectostere hedonic hedonism hedonist hedonistic -hedron hegemon hegemonic hegemonist hegemony hegumen hegumene hegumeny heliacal heliacally helical heliciform helicitic helicity helicline helicopter helidrome heliocentric heliocentrism heliochrome heliogram heliograph heliographer heliographic heliography heliolatry heliolithic / / heliology heliometer heliometric heliopause heliophile heliophilous heliophobe heliophobia heliophobous heliopolar Helios heliosis helioscope heliostat heliotactic heliotaxis heliotherapy heliotrope heliotropic heliotropism heliotype heliozoan helipad heliport helispherical helium helix Helladic Hellas hellebore Hellene Hellenic Hellenism Hellenist Hellenistic Hellenization Hellenize Hellenophile Hellespont helminth helminthic helminthiasis helminthoid helminthology / helocerous heloderm helodont helohyte helot helotism helotry hemachate hemachrome hemad hemagglutinate hemagogue hemal hematherm hematic hematite hematascope hematobic hematoblast hematocele hematochrome hematocrit hematocyte hematodynamics hematogenesis hematogenous hematoid hematology hematoma hematometer hematopathology hematophagous hematophilia hematophobia hematophyte hematopoiesis hematoscope hematose hematosis hematothermal hematoxylin hematozoan hematuria hemera / / hemeral hemeralopia hemihemialgia hemibranch hemic hemicarp hemichordata hemicrania hemicycle hemiglyph hemihedral hemihedron hemimetabolous hemimorphic hemin hemiparasite hemiplegia hemiplegic hemipod hemipterous hemispasm hemisphere hemispherical hemistich hemisymmetry hemisystematic hemitropic hemitype hemizygous hemocoele hemocromatosis hemocrome hemocromometer hemocyanin hemodialysis hemodrometer hemodynamics hemogastric hemogenesis hemogenetic hemoglobin hemogram hemoid hemoleucocyte hemolymph hemolysis hemometer hemopathology hemophilia hemophiliac hemophilic hemophobia hemopoiesis hemoptysis hemorrhage hemorrhagic hemorrhoid(al) hemoscope hemospastic hemostasis hemostat hemostatic hemotoma hemotrophy hendecagon hendecahedron hendecasyllabic hendiadys henoepia henotheism henotheist henotheistic heparinize hepatalgia heptarchy hepatectomy hepatic hepatitis hepatize hepatectomy hepatohepatobiliary hepatocele hepatocellular hepatocystic hepatogastric hepatogenic / / / / hepatography hepatolith hepatology hepatomegaly hepatopathy hepatorenal hepatorrhea hepatoscopy hepatotomy hepatotoxin heptacapsular heptacarbon heptachord heptacronous heptad heptangular heptaglot heptagon heptagonal heptahedron heptahydrate heptmerous heptameter heptane heptangular heptaphony heptapodic heptarchy heptastich heptastyle heptasyllabic Heptateuch heptathlon heptatomic heptatonic heptavalent heptode heptose Hera Heracles Heraclid herculean Hercules heresiarch / / / / heresimach heresiographer heresiography heresiology heresy heretic heretical heretically herm hermaphrodism hermaphrodite hermaphroditic hermaphroditism hermeneutics Hermes hermetic hermetical hermetically hermetics hermetism hermetist hermit hermitage hermitical hero heroic heroical heroically heroics heroify heroin heroine heroism heroistic heroize hero myth hero-worship herpes herpetic herpetiform herpetism herpetofauna herpetography herpetologist herpetology herpetotomy herpicide Hesiod Hesiodic Hesperia hesperian Hesperides hesperidium Hesperus Hestia hesychast hesychastic hetaera hetaira hetairism hetero heteroblastic heterocercal heterochromatic heteroclite heterocyclic heterocyst heterodactyl heterodont heterodox heterodoxy heterodromous heterodynamic heterodyne heterogamete heterogamous heterogenesis heterogeneity heterogeneous heterogenital heterogeny heterograft heterography heterogynous heterokinesy heterologous heterology heterolysis / / / / / / / / heteromerous heteromorphic heteronomous heteronomy heteronuclear heteronym heteronymous heterousian heteropathic heterophemy heterophile heterophony heterophoric hetrophyllous heterophyte heteroplasty heteropod heteropolar heteropraxis heteropraxy heteropterous heterosexist heterosexual heterosexuality heterosis heterosporous heterostatic heterostrophic heterostyle heterotaxis heterothallic heterotomous heterotopia heterotransplant heterotrichosis heterotrope heterotrophic heterotypic heterousian heterozygote heuretic heurism heuristic hex (slang) / / hexachord hexad hexadecimal hexagon hexagonal hexagram hexahedron hexameral hexamerous hexameter hexane hexangular hexapod hexarchy hexasyllabic hexastich Hexateuch hexatomic hexatone hexavalent hexiology hexiradiate hexite hexoctahedron hexode hexokinase hexose hexuronic hexyl Hg hibiscus hidrosis hierarch hierarchical hierarchism hierarchize hierarchy hieratic hierocracy hierodule hierogamy hieroglyph hieroglyphics hieroglyphist / / / hierogram hierograph hierolatry hierology hieromancy hierophant hieroscopy hierurgy high school high-tech hilarious hilariously hilarity Hilary hippic hippoboscid hippocampus hippocaust Hippocrene Hippocratic hippodrome hippogriff hippogriffin hippogryph hippoid hippolith hippology hippomania hippophagy hippophobia hippopotamian hippopotamus hippotigrine hippotomy hippurite histamine histemic histoclastic histocyte histogen histogenesis histogenic histogeny histogram / / / / / histological histology histolysis histoplasmosis histotomy historian historic historical historically historicism historicize historiographer historiography historiology historiometry history histozyme hobophobia hodograph hodometrical hodoscope hoi polloi holism holistic holistically holoblast holoblastic holocaust holocellulose holocene holocephalic holochrone holocrine holocryptic holodactyl hologamy hologen hologenesis holognathous hologram holograph holographic holography holohedral / / / / / / / holometabolous holometer holomorphic holoparasite holophane holophote holophrasis holophrastic holophytic holostomatous holosymmetry holosystematic holotype holozoic homalographic homaloid home economics homeoblastic homeocephalic homeogeneous homeogenesis homeomeral homeomerous homeomorph hoemomorphic homeomorphism homeomorphous homeomorphy homeopath homeopathic homeopathy homeophony homeoplastic homeopolar homeostasis homeostat homeostatic homeoteleutic homeothermic homeotopy homeotype homeozooic Homer Homeric Homerid Homerology homilete homiletic homiletical homiletics homilist homilize homily homobaric homoblastic homobranchiate homocarpous homocentric homocercal homochromatic homoclime homocline homocyclic homodemic homodermic homodesmic homodont homodromous homodyne homoerotic homoeroticism homogamous homogamy homogen homogeneity homogeneous homogeneously homogenesis homgenetic homogenital homogenize homogeny homoglot homogonic homograft homograph homographic homography / / / / / / homoiousian homokaryotic homolateral homologate homologation homologen homological homologize homologous homologue homology homolysis homomalous homomeral homometrical homomorph homomorphic homomorphism homonomous homonomy homonuclear homonym homonymous homoousian homopathy homoperiodic homopetalous homophene homophile homophobe homophobic homophone homophonic homophonous homophony homophyllous homoplast homoplastic homoplasty homopolar homopterous homorganic homoseismic homosexual / / / / homosexualism homosexuality homosporous homostatic homostyled homosystematic homotaxial homotaxis homothallic homotherm homotony homotopic homotopy homotransplant homotropous homotype homotypic homovital homozygote hoplite Horae horal horary horizon horizontal horizontalize horizontally horme hormonal hormonology hormone horologe horologer horologic horologist horologium horology horometer horometry horopter horoscope horoscopic horoscopy hour / / hourage hour circle hour glass hourless hourly hr. HTML HTTP hubris hubristic hubristically hyacinth hyacinthine Hyacinthus hyalescent hyaline hyalite hyaloid hybris hybristic hydra hydragogue hydrangea hydrant hydrargyrum hydrate hydrated hydration hydraulic hydraulics hydrazine hydric hydriform hydriotic hydroacoustic hyrdrobiology hyrdrobiosis hydrobranch hydrocarbon hydrocardia hydrocele hydrocephalic hydrocephalous hydrocephaly / / / / hydrochloric hydrochloride hydrocoele hydrocolloid hydrocortisone hydrocrack hydrocranium hydrocycle hydrocyst hydrodermia hydrodynamic hydrodynamics hydroelectric hydrofine hydrofluoric hydrofoil hydroform hydrofuge hydrogaster hydrogen hydrogenate hydrogenation hydrogen bomb hydrogenolysis hydrogenous hydrogeology hydrognosy hydrograph hydrographer hydrographic hydrography hydrohystera hydroid hydrokinetic hydrolab hydrolith hydrologic hydrological hydrology hydrolysis hydrolytic hydromagnetic hydromancy hydromania / / / / / / / / / hydromechanics hydrometallurgy hydrometeorologist hydrometer hydrometric hydrometry hydronephros hydropathic hydropathism hydropathy hydroperiod hydrophane hydrophilic hydrophilous hydrophobe hydrophobia hydrophobic hydrophone hydrophore hydrophyte hydroplane hydropneumatic hydroponics hydropower hydropropulsion hydropsy hydrorenal hydroscope hydrosol hydrosome hydrosphere hydrorrhea hydroscope hydrosol hydrosome hydrosphere hydrostat hydrostatics hydrotaxis hydrotherapy hydrothermal hydrothorax hydrotropic hydrotropism / / / / / / / / / hydrotropy hydrous hydroxide hydroxyl hydrozoan hydruria hyena hyetograph hyetology hyetometer Hygeian hygiene hygienic hygienically hygienist hygrodeik hygrograph hygrology hygrometer hygrometric hygrometry hygrophilous hygrophyte hygroscope hygroscopic hygrostat hyla hyle hylean hyleosaurus hylobate hylology hylomorphism hylopathism hylophagous hylophyte hylotheism hylotomous hylozoic hylozoism hylozoist hymen hymeneal hymenectomy / hymenogeny hymenography hymenology hymenophore hymenoptera hymenopterous hymenoptomy hymenotomy hymn hymnal hymnary hymnist hymnless hymnodist hymnody hymnographer hymnology hyodont hyoglossal hyoid hyosternal hyostylic hypalgesia hypaxial hype (slang) hyper hyperacidity hyperacusis hyperactive hyperalgia hyperbaric hyperbaton hyperbola hyperbole hyperbolic hyperbolism hypebolize hyperborean hyperbranchial hypercardia hypercharged hyperchromatism hyperconjugation hypercorrect / / / / hypercosmic hypercritical hypercube hypercycle hypercycloid hyperdactyly hyperdeity hyperdrive hyperdulia hyperemia hyperesthesia hypesthesia hyperextend hyperextension hyperfine hyperfocal hyperform hypergamy hypergenetic hyperglycemia hyperimmune hyperinfection hyperinflation hyperkinesis hyperkinetic hypermania hypermeter hypermetric hypermetrope hypermobile hypermodern hypermorph hypernatural hypernomian hyperopia hyperparasite hyperpatriotic hyperphagia hyperphasia hyperphore hyperphoria hyperphysical hyperplastic hyperpnea hyperpower hyperpyrexic hypersensitive hypersomnic hypersonic hyperspace hyperspeed hyperspermatic hypersplenetic hyperstatic hypertension hyperthermia hyperthyroid hypertonic hypertrophic hypertrophy hypertropia hyperurbanism hypervelocity hyperventilate hyphemia hyphen hyphenate hyphenic hyphonic hypnagogic hypnoanalysis hypnocyst hypnogeny hypnoidal hypnology hypnopedia hypnophobia hypnopompic hypnoscope hypnosis hypnosophy hypnotherapy hypnotic hypnotism hypnotist hypnotizable hypnotize hypoacidity / hypoalgia hypoallogenic hypobaric hypoblast hypobole hypobranchial hypobulia hypocaust hybocaustic hypocenter hypochloric hypochlorite hypochondria hypochondriac hypocotyl hypocrisy hypocrite hypocritical hypochromatic hypodermic hypogamy hypogastric hypogean hypogene hypogenous hypoglossal hypoglycemia hypogynous hypokinetic hypolithic hypomania hypomorphic hyponeuria hyponym hypopharynx hypophonic hypophora hypophyllous hypoplasty hyposcope hypostasis hypostatic hyposternal hypostome hypostyle hypotactic hypotaxis hypotension hyprotensive hypotenuse hypothalamus hypothectate hypothecary hypothermia hypothesis hypothesize hypothetical hypothetically hypothyroid hypontonia hypotonic hypotrophy hypotypical hypotyposis hypoventilation hypoxemia hypoxia hypoxic hypozeugma hypozoa hypsochromic hypsodont hypsography hypsometer hypsophonous hypsophyll hypural hyssop hystercetomy hysteresis hysteria hysteric hysterical hysterically hysterics hysteriform hysteritis hysterocele hysterocyst hysterogenic hysterology hysterometer hysteron proteron hysterophore hysterophyte hysterotomy hystricid hystricusm hystricomorph hytherograph / I iamb iambic iambist ianthine -iasis iatric iatrochemistry iatrogenic iatrogenically iatromechanism iatrophysics Iberia Iberian ibis Icarian Icarus icebox ichneumon ichnite ichnography ichnolite ichnology ichor ichorous ichthyic ichthyism ichthyoid ichthyography ichthyolatry ichthyologist ichthyology ichthyomorphic ichthyophagous ichthyopsid ichthyornis ichthyosaur ichthyosaurus ichthyosis ichthys icon iconic / iconicity iconism iconoclasm iconoclast iconoclastic iconoduly iconographer iconographic iconography iconolater iconolatry iconology iconomachy iconomania iconomatic iconometer iconometry iconophile iconophobe iconoplast iconoscope iconostasis iconotropy icosohedral icosahedron idea ideal idealess idealism idealist idealistic ideality idealization idealize ideally ideaphoria ideate ideation idee fixe (Fr) ideoglyph ideogram ideograph ideographic ideography / / / ideokinetic ideolatry ideological ideologically ideologist ideologue ideology ideo-motion ideo-motor ideophone ideoplasm ideoplastic ideopraxis ideo-sensational idiasm idioblast idiochromosome idiocrasy idiocy idioglossia idioglottis idiogram idiograph idiographic idiographical idiolalia idiolect idiom idiomatic idiomatically idiometer idiomorphic idiomorphism idiomuscular idioneural idiopathic idiopathy idiophanous idiophone idiophrenic idioplasm idiosome idiostatic idiosyncrasy / // idiosyncratic idiosyncratically idiot idiotic idiotically idiotism idiotize idiotropic idiotype idiozome idle idol idolater idolatrize idolatrous idolatrously idolatry idolify idolism idolist idolization idolize idolizer idoloclast idolographical idolomancy idolomania idolothyte idolum idyl idyllic idyllically iguanodon ileostomy Iliad Iliadic Ilium illogical illogicality illogically illogicalness ill-placed illuminometer immelodious / immetrical immunobiology immunochemistry immunocyte immunogen immunogenesis immunogenetics immunogenic immunological immunologist immunology immunopathology immunotherapy immusical imparisyllabic impastation impaste impasto impenitence impenitency impenitent impenitently implacental impolitic impolitically impose imposer imposing imposingly impractability impracticable impractical impractically impracticed impunitive impunitively impunity inauthentic in camera incenter inclinometer India Indian Indiana Indianapolis Indian Ocean Indic Indies indigo indigoferous indispose indisposed Indo-European indium inelastic informosome infrabranchial infracephalic infrapose infraglottal inharmonic inharmonious inharmoniously inharmony inhomogeneity inhomogeneous ink inkblot inkhorn inkstand inkwell inky inolith inorganic inorganically inorganization inoxidize in-phase insectology inspirometer interchondral intercranial intergalactic Interglossa intergovernmental interkinesis interneural interoceanic / interphenomenon interphone interplanetary Interpol interpolate interpolation interpose intersemiotic interstadial intertropical intertype intonate intonation intonator intone intoner intoxicant intoxicate intoxicated intoxication intoximeter intrabranchial intracardiac intracephalic intracrystaline intercystic intradermal intragastric intragenic intrahepatic intraorganic intraosteal intrapleural intrasomatic intrathecal intratropical intraxylary intrazonal intropunitive introscope iode iodic iodide iodiferous iodimetery iodinate iodination iodine iodism iodization iodize iodizer iodoform iodopsin iodous ion Ionian Ionic ionic ionically ionicity ionization ionize ionogen ionogenic ionogram ionography ionophone ionophore ionosonde ionosphere ionospheric ionospherist ionotropy iopterous iota iotacism ipsographic irenarch Irene irenic irenical irenically irenicism irenics iridaceous iridectomize iridectomy iridesce iridescence iridescent iridescently iridium iridization iridize iridocyte iridology iridotomy iris iritic iritis ironic ironical ironically ironist irony irreplaceable isagogue isallobar isallotherm isapostolic isarithm ischemia ischialgia ischiocele ischium ischretic ischuria isentropic Isidore Islamiphobia Islamiphobic islandology isobar isobaric isobase isobasic isobathic isocarpous isocenter isocephaly isochemical isochromatic isochronal isochronous isoclinal isocline isocracy isodactylous isodiametric isodont isodynamic isoelectric isoelectronic isoenzyme isogamete isogamy isogen isogenous isogeothermal isogloss isognathous isogon isogonal isogonic isograde isograft isogram isograph isohel isohydric isohyetal isoionic isokinetic isologue isolux isomagnetic isomer isomeric isomerize isomerous isometric isometry isomorph isomorphic isomorphism / / / / / isomorphous isonomic isonomy isonuclear isoooctane isopachyte isoperimeter isophane isophone isophorous isophotal isophote isopleth isopleural isopleuron isopod isopolity isopterous isopycnal isopycnic isopycnosis isopyre isorhythm isorhythmic isosbestic isosceles isoseismal isoseismic isospin isotasy isostatic isostere isosteric isostich isosyllabic isotactic isotheral isothere isotherm isothermal isotome isotone isotonic isotope / / isotopic isotopically isotopy isotron isotropic isotropy isotype isotypic isozoic isozooid isozyme isthmiate isthmic isthmus Italian Italianate Italianize italicize italics Italy ithyphallic ithyphallus ivorine ivory ivory-black ivory-tower ixiolite Ixion Ixionian J jamb jasper jasperoid Jaycee jealous jealously jealousy Jerome Jerusalem jet (black) jinx jockstrap jot jotter JPEG Judaeophobe jugulocephalic Jupiter jurimetrician jurimetrics / K K kairos kakistocracy kakistocrat kakokakotopia kaleidograph kaleidophone kaleidoscope kaleidoscopic kaliograph kaliophilite kalokagathia kalotrope kamagraph kamagraphic kapnography karat karatin karyogamy karyogram karyokinesis karyology karyolymph karyolysis karyomere karyomitosis karyoplasm karyosome karyotheca karyotin karyotype karyotypic katakatabasis katabatic katamorphism katastate katathermometer katharometer katharophore / // // / kathenotheism keneme kenogenesis kenosis kenotic kenotron kenozooid kentrogon kentrolite keracele keralite keraphyllite keraphyllous keratectomy keratic keratin keratinocyte keratinolysis keratinophilic keratitis keratoconus keratoderma keratogenesis keratogenous keratoglobous keratoid keratolysis keratolytic keratoma keratometer keratopathy keratophyre keratoplasty keratoscope keratose keratosis keratome keratomy kerogen kerosene ketogenesis ketolysis ketonemia ketonuria kilo kilobar kilobit kilobyte kilocalorie kilocurie kilocycle kilodyne kiloelectron kilogauss kilogram kilogrammeter kilohertz kilojoule kiloliter kilometer kilometric kiloparsec kiloton kilovolt kiloware kilowatt kine kinematics kineme kineograph kinesalgia kinesthesia kinescope kinesiatric kinesic kinesics kinesimeter kinesiologist kinesiology kinesiometer kinesipath kinesis kinesiscope kinesitherapy kineticism kinesodic kinetic kinetically / / / / / / / kineticism kineticist kinetics kinetodesma kinetognesis kinetogram kinetograph kinetonucleus kinetophone kinetoplast kinetoscope kinetosis kinetosome kirk Kit KKK klepht kleptobiosis kleptocracy kleptolagnia kleptomania kleptomaniac klinocephalous klinokinetic klinostat klinotaxis klydonograph klyster klystron koine koinonia konimeter koniscope kore kouros Kr krypton kryptonite kudize kudos KuKluxKlan kurtosis kymogram kymograph / / / / kymography kyphosis kyrie kyrie eleison / L labarum labiomancy labyrinth labyrinthiform labyrinthine labyrinthitis labyrinthodon laccolite laccolith laccolithic Laconian laconic laconically laconicism laconicum laconism Laconize lactobacillus lactochrome lactogen lactometer lactoscope lactosuria lactyl laetrile lagomorph lagopode lagopodous lagopthalmus lagopus laic laical laicism laicization laicize laity lambda lambdacism lambdoidal laminagraph laminectomy / lamp lampadedromy lampadephor lampblack lampistry lamplight lamplighter lanolin lantern laparascope laparascopy laparotomy laryngeal laryngealize laryngectomy laryngitic laryngitis laryngology laryngophone laryngoscope laryngetomize laryngotomy larynx latex laticiferous latria laudanum layman laypeople layperson laywoman lectotype lemma lemmatization lemmatize lemniscate lemniscus Leo Leonard leoncito Leonid leonine leopard leper / / / lepidate lepidote lepidopterist lepidopterology lepidopteron lepidopterous leprophil leprophobia leprosarium leprosy leprous leptocephalus leptodactylous leptokurtic lepton leptophyllous leptorrine leptosomic leptotene lesbian lesbianism lesbo Lesbos lethargic lethargically lethargy Lethe Lethean leucite leucitite leucocholy leucocrystal leucocyte leucocytosis leucoderm leucodermia leucodermic leucoma leucopathy leucopenia leucopenic leucophane leucoplast leucopoiesis / leucorrhea leucoscope leucosis leucotomy leucovorin leukemia leukemic leukemogen leukemogenic leukergy leukodermia leukorrhea leukovirus levoglucose levogyrate lexeme lexemic lexical lexically lexicograph lexicographer lexicography lexicology lexicon lexiconize lexicostatistic lexigram lexigraphy lexis lichen lichenicolous lichenification licheniform lichenivorous lichenographist licheography lichenoid lichenology lichenophagous licorice life cycle liger liliaceous lily / / lilyflower lilylike lily-livered limitrophe limnograph limnology limnometer limnophilous limnoplankton limnoria linograph linoleum linotype linotypist lion lioness lion-hearted lionize lipectomy lipid lipochrome lipogenous lipogram lipography lipoid lipolysic lipolysis lipolytic lipoma lipomatosis lipomorph lipoprotein liposome liposuction liposuctionist lipotomy lipotropic lipotype lipoxenous lip-sync lissenecephalous litany liter lithanode lithanthrax lithectasy lithiasis lithic lithifaction lithification lithify lithiophorite lithium lithobiotic lithocarp lithochrome lithochromy lithoclast lithocyst lithodialysis lithogenesis lithogenous lithoglyph lithograph lithographer lithographic lithography lithoid litholabe litholatry lithological lithology litholysis litholytic lithomancy lithomarge lithometer lithophagous lithophane lithophany lithophile lithophilous lithophone lithophosphoric lithophyte lithoprint lithoscope lithosphere / / / / / lithosperm lithospore lithotome lithotomist lithotomy lithotripsy lithotriptor lithotrite lithotritor lithotrity lithotype lithuria lithurorrhrea liturgic liturgical liturgics liturgiologist liturgism liturgist liturgy lizzie lizzy lobar lobate lobation lobe lobectomy lobotomy lobular lobule log (math) logarithm logarithmic logarithmical logic logical logicality logically logician logicism logicist logion logistic logistical / / / logistically logistician logistics logo logocentric logocentrism logocracy logocyclic logodaedalus logodaedaly logogram logograph logographer logographic logography logogriph logolatry logology logomachy logomania logomaniac logometer logometric logoneurosis logopathy logopedics logophobia logos logorrhea logorrheic logotherapy logotype -logy longitarsal lophiodon lophiodont lophobranchiate lophoderm lophopod lophophore lopolith Los Angeles lotophagi lotus / / / / / / / lotus eater low-tech lox loxocosm loxoxodon loxodrome loxodromic Lucas lucigen lucimeter Luke luminologist luminophore luminoscope lumpectomy lunabase lunar myth luxmeter lycanthrope lycanthropic lycanthropous lycanthrope lycanthropy lycee lyceum lycodont lycopod Lydia Lydian lymph lymphadenitis lymphadenoma lymphagogue lymphangial lymphangiography lymphangitis lymphatic lymphemia lymph gland lymphitis lymphoblast lymphocyte lymphogenous lymphogranuloma / / / / / / lymphography lymphoid lymphoma lymphomatosis lymphorragia lymphous lymphy lyncean lyncine lynx lynx-eyed lyochrome lyomerous lyophile lyophilic lyophilize lyophobe lyophobic lyotrope lyotropic lyotropy lypemania Lyra lyrate lyre lyrebird lyric lyrical lyrically lyricism lyricist lyriform lyrism lyrist lyse lysergic lysigenous lysimeter lysin lysine lysis lysogen lysogenesis lysogenic lysogenization lysogenize lysol lysosome lysozyme lyssa lyssophobia lytta lytic M Macedon Macedonia Macedonian machinability machinable machinate machination machinator machine machine gun machine shop machinery machinist machinize machinofacture machopolyp macro macroalgae macroanalysis macrobian macrobiote macrobiotics macrobrewer macrocarpa macrocephalic macrocosm macrocyclic macrocyst macrocyte macrodactyl macrodont macroeconomics macroeconomy macrogamete macroglobulin macrognathic macrograph macrology macromere macrometer macromolecule / / / / macromyelon macron macronutrient macroparasite macropedia macrophage macrophagous macrophallic macrophotography macrophyllous macrophysical macrophysics macropicide macropine macropod macropsia macropterous macroscale macrosian macroscopic macrosgment macroseism macrosomatic macrospore macrostructure macrostylous macrotia macrotous macruran macrurous maenad maenadic mage Magi magic magical magically magician magma magmatic magmatism magmatist magnesia magnesium / / / / / magnet magnetic magnetically magnetic field magnetician magnetism magnetizable magnetization magnetize magnetizer magneto magnetograph magnetogyric magnetology magnetron magnochemistry magnoelectric magnetometer magnetomotive magnetomotor magneton magnetopause magnetophone magnetoscope magnetosphere magnetostriction magnetron magnoelectric magnometer Magus Maia maieutic mainbrace malacoderm malacology malacostracon malacozoic malaria malarial malariologist malariology malarious malaxage mallophagous / maloplasty malpractice malpraxis mammalogy mammogenic mammogram mammography mandragora mandrake mandriarch manganese manganic manganiferous manganite manganous mania maniac maniacal maniacally manic manic-depressive manometer manometric manoscope manostat mantic mantically mantis marathon Marathon marathoner Marathonian marble marble cake marbling marbly mareogram Margaret margarine margarita margaritiferous margaritaceous marguerite marigenous marigraph Mariolater Mariolatry Mariological Mariology marketplace marmalade marmoraceous marmorate mamroration marmoreal marmorean marsupial marsupium martyr martyrdom martyrion martyrization martyrize martyrolatry martyrological martyrologist martyrology martyry mass massage massager massagist massecuite masseur masseuse massif massiform massify massily massiness massive massively masiveness massivity massless mass medium massotherapy mass production / / massy mastectomy mastigophore mastigophorous mastigopod mastigure mastitis mastodon(t) mastodynia mastoid mastoidectomy mastoiditis mastopathy match matchbook matchlock math mathematic mathematical mathematically mathematician mathematicism mathematicize mathematics mathematization mathematize mathesis mathetic matriarch matriarchal matriarchy matroclinal matroclinous matronymic mausoleum May May Day Mayflower maypole meander meandrous meatometer meatoscope meatotome mechanic mechanical mechanicalism mechanicality mechanicalization mechanicalize mechanically mechanicalness mechanician mechanics mechanism mechanist mechanistic mechanistically mechanize mechanochemistry mechanograph mechanology mechanomorphic mechanotherapy mecistocephalic mecodont mecography mecometer meconology meconophagism medal medalet medalist medallic medallion medallionist Mede Median Medize medulloblastoma Medusa medusal medusan medusiferous medusiform medusoid megamegabucks / megabyte megacephalic megacerous megachord megachurch megacolon megacomputer megacycle megaderm megadont megafirm megagamete megagnathous megahertz megalacria megalith megalithic megaloblast megalocardia megalocarpous megalocephalic megalocycle megalomania megalomaniac megalomaniacal megalomartyr megalonyx megalopa megalophonic megalopod megalopolis megalopolitan megalosaur megameter Meganthropus meganucleous megaphyllous megaphone megaphonist megaplane megapod megaron megarrhine megascope / / / / / / megascopic megaseism megaseme megaspore megasthene megastructure megathere megatherm megaton megatype megavitamin megazoospore megistotherm megohmeter meiobar meiofauna meiophylous meiosis meiotaxy meiotherm meiotic meizoseismal meizoseismic mekometer mel melaena melalgia melancholia melancholiac melancholic melancholy melanemia melanemic Melanesia Melanesian Melanesoid melanic melanin melanism melanistic melanite melanization melanize melano / / / melanoblast melanochroi melanocomous melanocyte melanoderm melamogen melanogenesis melanoglossia melanoid melanoma melanopathy melanophore melanoscope melanose melanosis melanosome melanosperm melanotektite melanotic melanotype melanous melanuria melanuric melaphyre melasma Melean Melian melibiose melic meliceris melisma Melissa meliot melilite meliphagous melituria mellophone melo melodeon melodial melodic melodics melodious melodiously / melodiousness melodist melodize melodrama melodramatic melodramatically melodramatics melodramatist melodramatize melody melograph melographic melologue melomania melon meloniform melonist melophone melophonic meloplasty melopeia melopeic melos Melos melotrope membranogenic menarche meningeal meninges meningioma meningitis meningocele meningococcus meningorrhagia meninguria meniscoid meniscus menobranch menolipsis menologist menology menopausal menopause menophania / / / menoplania menorrhagia menorrhea menostasis menthol mentor mentorial menura mer mercurochrome mereology meridarch mericarp merism merismatic merismoid merispore meristele meristem meristic meristogenetic meritocracy meritocratic meroblast merocele merocyte merogenetic merognathous merogony merohedral merology meromorph meropia merorganize meroplankton meropodite merosome merostome merosymmetry merosystematic nerotomize merozoite merycism mesarch / mesarteritis mesaticephalic mesembrianthemum mesencephalic mesencephalon mesenchyma mesenteric mesenteritis mesentery mesial mesian mesic mesion mesmeromania mesoamerica mesoblast mesocarp mesocoele mesocephalic mesocolon mesocracy mesocranial mesocratic mesocyst mesoderm mesodont mesodorsal mesoform mesogastric mesogenous mesognathous mesohippus mesokurtosis mesolabe mesolabic mesolect mesolithic mesology mesomere mesomerism mesomeromania mesomorph mesomorphic mesomorphism / / / / / / mesomorphous meson mesonasal mesonephron mesonic mesonomic mesopause mesopelagic mesophilic mesophragm mesophyll mesophyte mesoplast mesopleural mesopod mesopodium Mesopotamia Mesopotamian mesorchial mesorectal mesorrhine mesoscale mesoscopic mesoseismal mesoseme mesosiderite mesosome mesosperm mesosphere mesospore mesostasis mesosternal mesosternum mesothelial mesothelium mesotherm mesothorax mesothorium mesostome mesotonic mesotrocha mesotron mesoxyalic Mesazoa Mesozoic meta metabasis metabatic metabiology metabiosis metabolic metabolism metabolite metabolize metabranchial metacarpal metacarpus metacellulose metacenter metacentric metachemic metachemistry metachromatic metachromatism metachrome metachronism metachronous metachrosis metacoele metacommunication metacone metacontrast metacrasis metacriticism metacritical metacryst metacyclic metadyne metaempirical metaempiricism metaempirics metafacial metagalaxy metagastric metagelatin metagenesis metagenetic metageometry / / / / / / / / / metagnathous metagnomy metagon metagram metagranite metagraphy metakinesis metal metalanguage metalation metalaw metalegal metalepsis metaleptic metalhead metaline metalinguistic metalist metalize metaliterary metallic metallically metalliferous metalliform metallochrome metallogenic metallographer metallographic metallogaphy metalloid metallophone metalloplasty metalloscopic metallotherapy metallurgical metallurgist metallurgy metally metalogical metalware metalwork metamathematics metamere metameric / / / / / / / / / / / metamerism metamorphic metamorphine metamorphism metamorphology metamorphose metamorphosis metamorphous metanalysis metanoia metapeptic metaphase metaphone metaphony metaphor metaphorical metaphorically metaphrase metaphrast metaphysic metaphysical metaphysically metaphysician metaphysics metaphyte metaplasm metapneumonic metapode metapolitical metapolitics metapsychics metapsychology metarule metascience metasediment metasomatism metastatic metastasis metastasize metastoma metastrophe metasystem metatarsal metatarsus / / / / / / / metataxis metatheater metatheorem metatheory metathesis metathorax metatony metatrophic metatropy metatype metavolcanic metaxenia metaxylem Metazoa metazoan metempirical metempiricism metempirics metempsychosis metemptosis metencephalon metensomatosis meteor meteoric meteorically meteoritics meteorite meteorogram meteorograph meteorography meteoroid meteroroidal meteorolite meteorological meteorologist meteorology meteoromancy meteorometer meteoroscope meter meterage meterless metermaid meterzone / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / methalene methane methanize methanol method methodical methodically methodist methodization methodize methodological methodology methomania methyl methylate methylene methylosis metic metonym metonymy metope metopic metoposcopy metralgia metric metrical metrically metricate metrication metrician metricize metrics metrification metrify metrist metritis metro metrochrome metrograph metroland metroliner metrology metromania metronome / / / / / / / // metronomic metronymic metropole metropolis metropolitan metropolitical metrorrhagia metroscope metroscope metrosexual metrotome -metry mettle mettlesome mezzograph miargyrite miasma miasmal miasmatic miasmic miasmifuge miasmology micracoustic micrander micrencephaly micrergate micrite micro microalgae microanalyser microanalysis microanatomy microangiopathy microangioplasty microarray microbacillus microbalance microbar microbe microbeam microbial microbicide microbiologist microbiology / / / / // microbism microblade microblast microbody microbot microbrew microbrewer microburner microburst microbus microcalorie microcamera microcapsule microcard microcarpous microcassette microcellular microcephalic microcephalism microcephalous microcephalus microcephaly microceratous microchemistry microchip microchromosome microcircuit microcircuitry microclastic microclimate microcolony microcomputer microcontinent microcopy microcosm microcosmic microcosmogeology microcosmography microcosmology microcrystal microcyclic microcyst microcyte microdactylous / / / / / / / microdiffusion microdissect microdont microdot microecology microeconomics microeconomy microelectrode microelectronics microelement microenvironment micro-evolution microfauna microfiber microfiche microfilm microfilter microflora microfoliation microform microfossil microgamete microgenic microgeology microglossia microglossary microgram microgranite micrograph micrography microgroove microhabitat microhmmeter microinch microinstruction microlight microline microlinguistics microliter microlith microlithic microloan micrologic micrology // / / / / / / / micromachine micromanage micromanager micromanagement micromanipulator micromania micromastia micromechanics micromelus micromere micromesh micrometallurgy micrometeor micrometeorite micrometeorology micrometer micrometrical micriometry microminiature micromodule micromorph micromotion micromutation micron microneedle Micronesia Micronesian micronize micronucleus micronutrient microoperation micro-order microorganism micro-oven microparasite microparticle micropedia micropetalous micropetrology microphage microphagous microphone microphonic microphotograph / / / / / / // microphotography microphthalmic microphyll microphyllous microphysics microphyte microplasticity micropod microprint microprism microprobe microprocess microprocessor microprogram microprojectile micropsia micropsy micropterous micropulsation micropyle microradiography microray micro-reader microrelief micro-robot microscale microscan microscientist microscope microscopic microsecond microsegment microseism microseismic microseme microskirt microsleep microsmatic microsocial Microsoft microsome microspecies microspermous microsphere / microspore microsthene microstomatous microstrip microstructure microstylar microsurgery microsystem microtelephone microtext microtherm microtheory microtome microtomy microtone microtopography microtrauma microtron microunit microvascular microviewer microwave microweld microzoa microzoan microzooid microzyme micrurgy midair Midas Midas touch middle school mid-ocean migma migmatite migmatization migraine mike milliammeter millibar milligram millilter millimeter millimetric / / / / / millimicron mime mimeo mimeograph mimer mimesis mimetic mimetically mimic mimical mimicry mimicked mimosa mimotype mina mineralogist mineralogy minibike minicamera Minneapolis Minoan Minos minotaur minster mint Miocene miohippus miolithic miosis miotic misandry misanthrope misanthropic misanthropy mischaracterize misemphasize misgovern misgovernance misgovernment misogamist misogamy misogynist misogynistic misogyny / / / / / / / misology misomath misoneism misopedist misplace miter mithridate Mithridates Mithridatic mithridatism mithridatize mitochondrial mitochondrion nitogenetic mitogenic mitome mitomycin mitosis mitotic mitral mitriform mixogamous mixogamy mixology mixoploid mixoscope mixotrophic mneme mnemic mnemon mnemonic mnemonical menemonically mnemonics Mnemosyne mnestic mobocratic mobocracy mobolatry mock-heroic mogigraphic mogilalism mogiphonia molasses / / moly molybdena molybdenite molybdenum molybdoparesis Momus monacal monachism monad monadary monadelphous monadic monadiform monadigerous monadism monadist monadological monadology monandrous monandry monanthous monarch monarchal monarchial monarchical monarchically monarchism monarchist monarchistic monarchize monarchy monarticular monaster monasterial monastery monastic monastically monasticism monasticize monatomic monatomism monaural monaurally monaxial / / / / / / / monaxile monaxon moneme monepic monepiscopal monera monenergetic monergism monergistic monerozoa monethyl monic moniker monism monist monistic monk monkdom monkhood monkish monkism monkship mono monoanthropism monoatomic monoaxal monobasic monoblast monobloc monobranchiate monobromide monocable monocalcic monocarbon monocardia monocarp moncausal monocellular monocentric monocephalous monocephalus monoceros monochloride monochord / / monochromatic monochromat monochromatism monochrome monochromator monochronic monochronous monocle monoclinal monocline monoclinic monoclinous monclonal monocoelic monocoque monocot monocotyledon monocracy monocrat monocrystal monocular monoculous monoculture monocycle monocyst monocyte monodactylous monodelph monodentate mondermic monodialectic monodic monodist monodon monodrama monodromic monody monodynamic monodynamism monoecia monoecious monoenergetic monofilament monfunctional / / / / monogamic monogamist monogamous monogamy monogastric monogen monogeneous monogenesis monogenetic monogenic monogenism monogenist monogenous monogeny monoglacial monoglot monogoneutic mongonic monogony monogram monogrammatic monograph monographer monographic monographism monography monogynous monogyny monohull monohybrid monhydic monoid monoideism monokaryon monokini monolater monolatry monolayer monoline monolingual monolith monolithic monolobular monolocular / / / / / / / / / / / / / monological monologist monologue monology monomachy monomania monomaniac monomaniacal monomer monomerous monometer monometallism monomial monomolecular monomorphic monomyth mononuclear mononucleosis mononym monopathic monopathy monoped monopersonal monophagous monophagy monphanous monophase monophobia monophone monophonemic monophonic monophony monophthalmous monophthong monphyletic monophyllous monophylotic monophysite monopitch monoplane monoplast monoplegia monoplegic monopod / / / / monopolar monopole monopolism monopolist monopolistic monopolization monopolize monopolizer monopoly monopolylogue monoprint monopropellant monopsonistic monopsony monoptote monopulse monorail monorchid monorhine monosemantic monosexual monosign monosomatous monosome monospasm monospermous monospore monostable monstatic monostele monostich monostomatous monostrophic monostylous monosyllabic monosyllable monosymmetrical monosymmetry monosystemic monotechnic monothalmic nonothalmous monotheism monotheist / / / / / / / monotheistic monothelite monthematic monotone monotonic montonist monotonous monotonously monotony monotremata monotremate monotrochal monotrophic monotropic monotropy monotype monotypic monovalent monovular monoxenous monoxide monoxylon monoxylous monozoic monozygotic montmartre Moor Moorish moron moronic moronically morosophist morph morpheme Morpheus morphia morphic morphine morphinism morphogen morphogenesis morphogenic morphogeny morphographer / / / / / morphography morpholexical morphological morphology / morphometric morphometry morphon morphoneme morphonology morphophyly morphosis morphosyntax morphotactics morphotechnics morphotic morphotomy morphotropism morphotropy mosaic mosaicism mosaicist motograph motometer motorbike motorcycle motordrome mountain lion moustache MRI mu mucigen mucigenous mucinogen mucocele mucolytic multicentered multicyclic multigraph multilobular multimer multiphase multipolar multipolarity multiprogram multipurpose multispermous multitalented multitask muon muonium muse Muse museless museology musette museum music musical musical chairs musicale musically musician musicogenic musicography musicological musicologist musicology musicophile musing musk musk ox muskrat mustache mustachio mutagen mutagenesis mutagenetic mutagenic mutagenicity mutograph mutoscope myalgia myasthenia mycelium Mycenae Mycenean mycetismus mycetocyte / mycetogenic mycetology mycetophagous mycetoma mycetozoa mycobacterium mycobiont mycoderma mycology mycomysticism mycophagous mycophagy mycophile mycophilic mycophobia mycoplasma mycorrhiza mycosis mycotoxin mycotrophy myelencehalon myelin myelitis myeloblast myelocele myelocoele myelocyte myelogenetic myelogenic myelogram myelography myeloid myeloma myelon myelopathy myelosis myiasis mylodon myloglossus myoatropy myoblast myocardiac myocarditis myocardium / / / myochemistry myochrome myocoele myocyte myodynamics myoelectric myogen myoglobin myogram myograph myoid myology myoma myomancy myomectomy myomeric myomorph myoneural myonymy myopathy myophone myophore myophysics myopia myopic myopically myopism myoplasm myoscope myosin myospasm myotatic myotomy myotonia myotonic myriacanthous myriad myriagram myrialiter myriameter myriapod myriarch myrmecologist myrmecology / / myrmecophagous myrmecophile myrmecophilous myrmidon myrtle mysophobia mystagogue mystagogy mysterious mysteriously mysteriousness mystery mystic mystical mystically mysticism mysticity mystification mystifier mystify mystique myth mythic mythical mythically mythicism mythicist mythicize mythless mythoclastic mthogenesis mythogenic mythogony mythographer mythographic mythography mythoheroic mythological mythologically mythologist mythologize mythology mythomania mythometer / / / / / mythoplasm mythopoeia mythopoeic mythopoem mythos myxameba myxedemia myxomyxobacterium myxococcus myxoma myxomatosis myxopod myxospore myxovirus myxostoma N naiad nameplate nanism nannofossil nannoplankton nanoampere nanobyte nanocomponent nanoequivalent nanofarad nanogram nanohenry nanoliter nanometer nanomole nanoparticle nanosecond nanosensor nanosub nanotechnology nanovolt nanowatt naological naology naos napalm naphtha naphthene naphthol Naples narc narcissism narcissist narcissistic narcissistically narcissus narcolepsy narcoleptic narcoma narcomania / narcosis narcosynthesis narcotic narcotism narcotize nard nark narthex NASA nasogastric nasology nasopharynx nastic NATO natriuresis natron natural history naturopathy naumachia naupathia nausea nauseate nausaeation nauseous naseously nautic nautical nautically nautical mile nautiliform nautilus neanic neanthropic Neapolitan necrobiosis necrobiotic necrogenic necrogenous necrographer necrolatry necrological necrologist necrologue necrology / / necromancer necromancy necromania necromantic necromorphous necrophagous necrophilia necrophiliac necrophilic necrophilism necrophobia necrophobic necrophore necropolis necropsy necroscopic necroscopy necrose necrosis necrotic necrotomy necrotype necrotypic nectar nectarean nectareous nectariferous nectarine nectarivorous nectary nectocyst neencephalon negentropy negrolatry negromania negrophile negrophilia negrophilism negrophobe negrophobia nekton nematic nematoblast nematocide / / nematocyst nematogen nematoid nematology nematophore nematozooid Nemea Nemean nemesis nemesism nemesistic nemocerous neoblast neocapitalist Neocene neocerebellum neoclassical neoclassicist neocolonial neocolonialism neocomian neoconservative neocorate neocortex neocosmic neodoxy neoembryo neoexpressionist neofascist neogam neogean neogene neogenesis neoglacial neogrammarian neograph neographic neography neoimperialist neoimpressionism neoisolationist neo-Latin neoliberal neolinguist neolite neolith neolithic neolocal neologian neological neologism neologist neologize neology neomenia neomorph neomorphism neomorphosis neomycin neon neonatal neonatologist neonatology neoned neonomian neontology neopallium neophilia neophiliac neophobia neophobic neophyte neoplasm neoplasty neoplatonic neoplatonism neopragmatist neoprene neossine neossology neotechnic neoteny neoteric neoterism neothalamus neotocite neotraditionalist neotropical / / neotype Neozoic nepenthe nepenthous nephanalysis nephelognosy nepheloid nephelometer nephogram nephograph nephology nephoscope nephralgia nephrectomy nephric nephrism nephrite nephritic nephritis nephroblast nephrocele nephrocyte nephrogastric nephrogenic nephrography nephroid nephrolith nephrolithic nephrolithotomy nephrologist nephrology nephron nephropathic nephropathy nephropexy nephroplegy nephroptosis nephrorrhagia nephrosis nephrotic nephrotomy nephrotoxin nereid Nereus / / / / / / neritic nesiote Nestor Nestorian neuradynamic neural neuralgia neuralgic neurally neurasthenia neurasthenic neuration neurectomy meurenteric neuergic neurility neurine neurinoma neuritis neuroanalysis neuroanatomy neurobiology neuroblast neurocentral neurochemical neurochemistry neurochitin neurochord neurocoele neurocyte neurodermal neuroelectric neuroembryology neurogenesis neurogenetic neurogenic neuroglandular neurogram neurography neurohistology neurohormone neuroleptic neurolite neurolithic / / / neurolinguist neurological neurologist neurology neurolysis neuroma neuromast neuromere meurometer neuromotor neuromuscular neuron neuronal neuronym neuroparalysis neuropath neuropathic neuropathology neuropathy neuronophagia neuroplasm neuroplasticity neuroplasty neuropod neuropsychic neuropsychologist neuropsychology neuropterous neuroreceptor neurosal neurosis neuroscience neuroscientist neurosis neuroskeleton neurospore neurosurgeon neurosurgery neurotic neuroticism neurotogenic neurotomy neurotonic neurotoxin / / / / neurotransmitter neurotrophic neurotropic neurotropism neurula neurovascular neutrodyne neurovirulence new criticism newsdesk newspaper Nicene Nicholas nickelodeon nidology Nike Nile Nilo-Hamite Nilo-Hamitic nilometer Nilot Nilotic Niobe niobian niobic niobium nital niter nitrate nitration nitric nitridation nitride nitrifiable nitrification nitrifier nitrify nitrile nitritoid nitrite nitro nitrobenzene nitroform nitrogation / nitrogen nitrogenase nitrogenate nitrogenous nitroglucose nitroglycerine nitrohydrochloric nitrometer nitron nitronium nitrophilous nitrosate nitrosulfuric nitrosyl nitrous nitroxyl nocturia noegenesis noem noema noematic noemics noesis noetic noise nomad nomadic nomadically nomadism nomadization nomadize nomady nomarch nomarchy nome nomic nomism nomocanon nomocracy nomogeny nomogram nomograph nomographer nomography / / / / nomological nomology nomotheism nomothetic -nomy nonagon nonallergic nonathlete nonatomic nonautomatic nonbasic noncatholic noncentral nonchitinous nonchristian nonclerical noncritical noncyclic noneconomic nonelectrocyte nonelectrolyte non-Euclidean non-European nongenetic nongovernmental nongrammatical nonhero nonhistorical nonhomologous nonionic nonlogical nonmagnetic nonmathematical nonmetal nonmetallic nonmusical nonorganic nonparametric nonperiodic nonpolar nonpolitical nonpracticing nonsyllabic nontechnical / nonthematic nontonal nontoxic nonyl noological noology noosphere normoblast normochrome normocyte normothermia normothermic Northern Crown North Pole nosecone nosogeography nosography nosology nosometer nosophile nosophobia nosophyte nosopoetic nosotaxis nosotheory nosotrophy nostalgia nostalgic nostalgically nostoi nostology nostomania notacanthous notaphily notepaper nothomorph nothosaur notobranchiate notochord notochordal Notogaea notopodium notornis Notus / / / / / / / / noumenal noumenalism noumenalist noumenally noumenon nous novachord nuclear energy nuclear physics nucleophile nucleophilic nucleoplasm nucleoplast nucleoprotein nucleosynthesis nucoline nudibranch nudibranchiate nullipore nullisome nullisomic numerological numerologist numerology numismatic numismatics numismatologist numismatology nutraceutical nychthemeral nychthermeron nyctnyctalope nyctalopia nyctalopic nyctalopy nyctinastic nyctinasty nyctitropic nyctitropism nyctograph Nyctophilus nyctophobia nyctophonia / / / nymph nymphaeum nymphal nymphaean nymphet nymphiparous nymphish nympho nympholepsy nympholept nympholeptic nymphomania nymphomaniac nymphotomy nystagmic nystagmus / / O O oariocele oariopathy oariotomy oaritis OAS oasis obeliscal obelisk obelize obelus obol obole obolus ocean oceanarium oceanaut oceanfront Oceania Oceanian oceanic oceanicity oceanid oceanity oceanization oceanodromous oceanographer oceanographic oceanographical oceanography oceanological oceanologist oceanology ocellicyst ocher ocherous ochlesis ochlocracy ochlocrat ochlocratic ochlocratic / / / / / / ochlophobia ochlophobist ochlotic ochreous ochroid ochrolite ochronosis ochropyre ochrous ochry octachord octactinal octad octagon octagonal octahedral octahedrite octahedron octameral octamerous octameter octane octaphonic octarch octarchy octastich octastyle octodactylous octogenary octogenetic octomeral octoploid octopod octopodous octopus octospermous octospore octosyllabic octyl oculogyric ocydrome ocypode ode odeon / / / odeum odic odograph odometer odontalgia odontalgic odontist odontoblast odontogeny odontograph odontography odontoid odontolith odontology odontome odontophoran odontophore odontophorous odontotomy odorimeter odoriphore odynometer odynophasia odynophobia Odyssean Odysseus Odyssey oedema Oedipal Oedipean oedipodic Oedipus Oedpus complex oedometer oenology oenomania oenomel oenometer oenophile oenophilia oenophilist oenophobe oenophobia oenophobist / / / / / / oenotherapy oestrous oestrus off-base off-center ohmmeter oil oilburner oilcake oilcloth oildom oiler oil field oiliness oilless oilman oilmill oilnut oilometer oilring oilskin oil spill oilstone oil well oily olation old school oleaginous oleaster oleate olecranon oleic oleiculture oleiferous olein oleo oleoduct oleograph oleography oleojector oleomargarine oleometer oleone oleophilic / oleophobic oleopneumatic oleoptene oleorefractometer oleoresin oleoresinous oleosaccharum oleothorax oleum oleyl olfactometer olfactometry olfactronics oligacanthous oligandrous oliganthous oligarch oligarchic oligarchical oligarchism oligarchization oligarchize oligarchy oligarticular oligemia oligist oligoblennia oligocarpous Oligocene oligochromenia oligochromometer oligoclase oligocystic oligocythemia oligodendrocyte oligodontous oligodynamic oligogalactia oligoglottism oligohaline oligohydramnios oligolectic oligomania oligomenorrhea / / / / / / / / oligomer oligomerization oligomerous oligomictic oligoneucleotide oligopeptide oligopetalous oligophagous oligophagy oligophrenia oligophrenic oligophyllous oligopod oligopolist oligopolistic oligolopoly oligoprobic oligopsony oligosiderite oligospermia oligospermic oligosporous oligosyllabic oligotokous oligotrophic oligotrophy oligotropic oligozoospermia oliguresia oliguria oliguric olistolith olistostrome oliva olivaceous olivary olive olive branch olive garden olive oil olivesheen olive tree oliviform olivine / / / / ology Olympia Olympiad Olympian Olympic Olympus -oma omalgia ombrogenous ombrograph ombrology ombrometer ombrophil ombrophilous ombrophobe ombrophobous omega omegatron omenology omentocele omentopexy omicron omnigenous omniphibious omnipurpose omophagia omophagist omophagous omophorion omoplate omostegite omosternum omothyroid omphalectomy omphalic omphalitis omphalocoele omphalomancy omphalopsychic omphaloscopy omphalotomy omphalos onager onagraceous / / / / / / on-camera onchocercal onchocerciasis oncofetal oncograph oncogene oncogenesis oncogenic oncolite oncological oncologist oncology oncolysis oncometer oncosimeter oncosine oncosphere oncotic oncotomy ondogram ondograph ondometer one-idea oneiric oneirocritic oneirocritical oneirocritiism oneirodynia oneirology oneiromancy oneiroscopy oniscoid oniscus onocentaur onolatry onomancy onomasiology onomastic onomasticon onomatologist onomatology onomatomania onomatoplasm onomatopeia / / / / / / / / onomatopeic onomatopoesis onomatopoetic onomatous ontal ontic ontogenesis ontogenetic ontogenic ontogenist ontogeny ontography ontological ontologism ontologist ontologize ontology ontonomy ontosophy ontotheology onychia onychogryphosis onychomancy onychomycosis onychophagia onychophagist onychophagy onychophorous onym onymatic onymous onyx ooblast oocyst oocyte oogamous oogenesis oogenetic oogeny oogonium oograph ooid ooidal oolemma / / / / / / / / / oolite oolith oolitic oological oologist oologize oology oometer oometric oometry oomycete oophagous oophore oophorectomy oophoritis oophyte ooplasm ooporphyrin oorhodeine ooscopy oosperm oosphere oospore ootheca ootid ootocoid ootocous ootype oozoa opacimeter opal opalescence opalescent opaline opalite opaloid open-air open mike operameter ophicleide ophidian ophiocephaloid ophiography ophioid // ophiolater ophiolatry ophiolite ophiolitic ophiology ophiomorphic ophiomorphous ophiophagous ophiophilous ophiosaur ophithrix ophite ophitic Ophiuchus ophiuran ophthalmia ophthalmic ophthalmite ophthalmitis ophthalmocele ophthalmodynia ophthalmography ophthalmolith ophthalmological ophthalmologist ophthalmology ophthalmometer ophthalmophore ophthalmophthitis ophthalmoplasty ophthalmoplegia ophthalmoscope ophthalmoscopy ophthalmospore ophthalmostat ophthalmotomy ophthalmotrope opiate opiatic opiism opiology opiomania opiomaniac opiophagy / / / opisthobranch opisthocoele opisthodont opisthogastric opisthoglossal opisthoglyph opisthograph opisthotic opisthotonos opisthure opium opium den opium dream opium habit opium plant opium poppy opotherapy opposable oppose opposer opsonic opsonin opsony optacon optic optical optical illusion optically optician opticity opticochemical opticochemistry optics optigraph optoacoustics optoelectronics optogram optokinetic optometer optometrist optometry optomotor optophone optotype / / / orbitolite orchestic orchestra orchestral orchestralist orchestrate orchestration orchestrator orchestrelle orchestrina orchialgia orchid orchidaceous orchidectomy orchidist orchidocele orchidologist orchidology orchidomania orchidopexy orchidophilist orchidotomy orchiocele orchiopexy orchis orchitis orchotomy oread oreodon org organ organelle organette organetto organic organically organicism organicity organific organification organify organigram organism organismic / / / organist organizable organization organizational organize organizer organless organogenesis organogenic organogenous organogeny organograph organography organoid organoleptic organology organomorphic organon organophone organophonic organophosphate organophyly organoplasty organoscopy organosol organotherapy organ-pipe organum organza organzine orgasm orgasmic orgasmically orgastic orgiast orgiastic orgiastically orgone orgonity orgonomy orgy Orion Orion Orionid / / / / / / / / / / / / ornis ornithic ornithichnite ornithivorous ornithobiography ornithocephalous ornithocoprolite ornithodelphia ornithogalum ornithogea ornithoid ornitholeucism ornitholite ornithological ornithologist ornithology ornithomancy ornithomelanism ornithomorphic ornithomyzous ornithophile ornithophilous ornithophily ornithopod ortnithopter ornithopterous ornithorhynchus ornithosaurian ornithoscelidan ornithoscopy ornithosis ornithotomy ornithuric ornithurous orocentral orocline orocratic orogen orogenesis orogenetic orogenic orogeny orographic orographical / / / / / orography orohippus orohydrography orologist orology orometer orometric orometry oropharyngeal oropharynx orosomucoid orotic orphan orphanage orphan asylum orphancy orphanhood orphanize Orphean Orphic Orphic egg Orphism Orpheus orthaxial orthesis orthian orthic orthicon orthid orthite ortho orthobasic orthocarpous orthocenter orthocephalic orthoceras orthochromatic orthoclase orthocoelic orthocone orthocycle orthodigital orthodontia orthodontics / / / / / / orthodontist orthodox orthodoxism orthodoxly orthodoxy orthodromic orthoepist orthoepy orthoferrite orthoform orthogamy orthogenesis orthogenetic orthognathous orthogonal orthograde orthographer orthographic orthography orthohelium orthohydrogen orthohydrograph orthokinesis orthokinetic orthology orthometric orthometry orthomolecular orhtomorphic orthoneural orthonormal orthopathy orthopedics orthopedist orthophonic orthophony orthophoria orthophoto orthopnea orthopraxis orthopraxy orthoprism orthopsychiatry orthopter / / / / / / / / / orthopteron orthopterous orthoptic orthopyramid orthorhombic orthoscope orthoscopic orthospermous orthostat orthostatic orthosteroscope orthostichy orthostyle orthosymmetric orthotectonic orthotics orthotomic orthotone orthotonic orthotonus orthotopic orthotropic orthotropism orthotropous orthotropy orthovoltage orthoxylene Ortygian oryzenin oryzivorous oscheal oscheocele oscheolith oscheoplasty oscillogram oscillograph oscillographic oscillography oscillometer oscilloscope -osis osmagogue osmate osmatic / / - osmeterium osmic osmic osmicate osmics osmiophilic osmious osmite osmium osmoceptor osmogene osmolal osmolar osmology osmometer osmometer osmophilic osmophilic osmophore osmoregulation osmoscope osmose osmosis osmotic osmotically osphyalgia osphyocele osphyomyelitis ossein osseous ossiculectomy ostalgia osteal osteitis ostenoid osteoarthritis osteoblast osteocartilaginous osteochondritis osteoclasis osteoclast osteocolla osteocomma osteocope / / osteocyte osteoderm osteodynia osteodystrophy osteofibrosis osteogangrene osteogen osteogenesis osteogenous osteography osteoid osteolite osteolith osteological osteologist osteology osteolysis osteolytic osteoma osteomalacia osteomancy osteomere osteometry osteomyelitis osteon osteopath osteopathic osteopathy osteopetrosis osteophage osteophagist osteophagous osteophlebitis osteophone osteophyte osteoplasty osteoporosis osteosarcoma osteosclerosis osteostomous osteotic osteotome osteotomy osteozoon / / / / / / osthexy ostomy Ostpolitik ostraca ostracean ostracism ostracitis ostracize ostracod ostracodent ostracoderm ostracoid ostracology ostracophore ostracopod ostrakon ostreaceous ostreiculture ostreiform ostreophage ostreophagist ostreophagous ostrich otacoustic otalgia otary otiatric otic otitis otocyst otodynia otographical otolaryngologist otolaryngology otolite otolith otologist otology otomorphology otomycosis otopathy otophone otoplasty otopyosis / / / / / otorhinolaryngology otorrhea otosalpinx otoscelerosis otoscope otoscopy otosis otosteal ototomy ototoxic ototoxicity outgas outhector out-turn ovarialgia ovariectomy ovariotomy overcentralization overcentralize overdose overdramatic overemphasis overemphasize overenergetic overenthusiasm overenthusiastic overexpose overexposure overgovern overhydration overtone overturn overtype overzealous ovicyst ovigenic ovigenous ovocyte ovogenesis ovology ovoplasm oxalemia oxalhydrate oxalic oxalosis oxaluria oxyaluric oxalyl oxamic oxamide oxea oxic oxicity oxidability oxidable oxidant oxidase oxidate oxidation oxidative oxidator oxide oxidizable oxidization oxidize oxidizer oxidoreduction oxime oximeter oxine oxisol oxonic oxoniun oxosteroid oxy oxy oxyacetylene oxyacid oxyanion oxyarc oxybromide oxycalcium oxycarbonate oxycarpous oxycellulose oxycephalic oxycyanide oxydactyl / oxydase oxyesthesia oxygen oxygenate oxygenation oxygenator oxygenic oxygenize oxygenless oxygenous oxyhemoglobin oxyhydrate oxyhydrogen oxylith oxyluciferin oxymel oxymeter oxymoron oxymoronic oxymyoglobin oxynitrate oxyntic oxyopia oxyphil oxyphilic oxyphilous oxyphony oxyphyllous oxyrrhine oxyrrhinchous oxysaccharum oxysalt oxystome oxytocia oxytocic oxytocin oxytone oxytonic oxytoxic oxytrichine oxytrope oxyuris oyster oysterous / / / / oyster-shell ozocerite ozonation ozone ozone layer ozoneless ozonesonde ozonic ozonide ozoniferous ozonify ozonization ozonize ozonizer ozonograph ozonographer ozonolysis ozonometer ozonometric ozonoscope ozonosphere ozonous / P pachycardian pachycarpous pachycaul pachycephalic pachycholic pachydactyl pachyderm pachydermatous pachyemia pachyglossal pachygnathous pachyhymenia pachymeter pachyodont pachyostosis pachyote pachyphyllous pachypod / / pachypterous pachysandra pachysaurian pachytene Pacific Ocean paean page paideutics paidia pain pained painedly painful painfully painfulness painkiller painless painlessly painstaking painstakingly palatoglossal palatogram palatography palatoplasty palaver paleanthropic paleoanthropology palearctic palencephalon paleobiology paleobotany Paleocene paleochemistry paleoclimatologist paleoclimatology paleocrystic paleocurrent paleoecology paleoethnology paleogean paleogene paleogenetic paleogeology paleogeomorphic / // / / paleogeography paleoglyph paleography paleohydrography paleolatry paleolith paleolithic paleologist paleology paleomagnetism paleontologist paleontology paleopathology paleoplain paleornithology paleosol paleospecies paleotalith paleothere paleotropical paleotype Paleozoic paleozoology palestra palilalia palilogy palimpsest palinal palindrome palindromic palingenesis palingenetic palinode palinodic palinspastic Palladian palladic palladiferous palladious palladium Pallas palm-oil palmoscopy Palmyra / / / / / / / / / Palmyrene palsy palynological palynology Pan panacea Pan-American Pan-Americanism panarthritis Panathenia panathenaic panchromatic panchronic panclastic panclastite pancosmic pancosmism pancratiast pancratic pancration pancratist pancratium pancreas pancreatectomy pancreatic pancreatin pancreatitis pancreatize pancreatography pancreatoid pancreozymin Pandarus Pandean pandemic pandemonium pander panderer panderism pandiagonal Pandora Pandora’s box panegyric panegyrical panegyrist / / / / / / / / / / panegyrize panesthesia panesthetism Pangaea pangenesis pangenetic pangeometry Pangloss Panglossian pangram pangrammatic panharmonic panhellenic panhellenism panic panically panic button panickiness panicky paniconograph panic-stricken panlogism panmixia panographic panophobia panoply panoptic panopticon panorama panoramic panoramist panornithic panotype panpipe panplain panplanation panpot panpsychic panpsychism Panroman pansexual pansophic pansophism pansophy / / / / / / panspermia panspermic pantagamy pantagogue pantamorphc pantaphobia pantarchy pantatrophy pantechnicon Panthalassa pantheism pantheist pantheistic pantheology pantheon panther panther pantheress pantherine pantheum pantiscocracy pantiscocrat panto Pantocrator pantogenous pantoglot pantograph pantographer pantographic pantographical pantologic pantology pantometer pantometry pantomime pantomimic pantomimist pantomography pantomorph pantomorphic pantonal pantophagist pantophagous pantophobia / / / / / pantopod pantopragmatic pantoscope pantoscopic pantostomate pantothenic pantothermal pantoyl pantozootia pantozooism panurgic panurine panzootic papa papabile papacy papal papalism papalist papalize papally paparchical pape paper paperback paperboy paperclip papercup papercutter paperer paper hanger paperless papermill paper money paper route paper shredder paper tiger paperweight paperwork papery Paphian Paphos papier mache papillectomy / papilledema papism papist papistic papistical papistry papolatry pappescent pappus pappy paprika paprology papyraceous papyriferous papyrin papyrine papyrograph papyrography papyrologist papyrology papyrotype papyrus para parabaptism parabasal parabiont parabiosis parabiotic parablast parable parablepsis parabola parabole parabolic parabolical parabolically parabolist parabolize paraboloid paracentesis paracentral paracentric parachord parachronism / / / / / / paraclete paraclinical paracone paraconid paracorolla paracrine paracrostic paracrystal paracyst paradactyl paradiastole paradigm paradigmatic paradiplomatic paradisaical paradisal paradise paradisiacal paradosis paradox paradoxer paradoxical paradoxically paradoxism paradoxist paradoxology paradromic paragamy paragaster paragenesis paragenetic paragnosis paragoge paragon paragrammatism paragraph paragraphia paragraphic paragraphist paraheliotropic parahormone parakinesis paralalia paralipsis parallactic parallax parallel parallelipiped parallelism parallelist parallelize parallelogram parallelopiped paralepsis paralexia paralexic paralipsis paralogia paralogism paralogistic paralogize paralysis paralytic paralyze paramagnetic paramecium parameter parametric paramilitary paramorph paramorphine paramorphism paranoia paranoiac paranoid paranomasia paranthropus paranymph paraphasia paraphernalia paraphilia paraphonia paraphora paraphrase paraphrasia paraphrasis paraphrastic paraphrenia paraplectic paraplegia paraplegic paraphysical parapodium parapraxia parapraxis paraprotein parapsychic parapsychology parasite parasitic parasitical parasiticide parasitism parasitization parasitize parasitoid parasitology parasitopolis parasymbiosis parasympathic parasynthetic paratactic parataxis paratectonic parathermic parathesis paratomy paratonal paratone paratonic paratrophic paratype paraxial parazonium parchment pard paregoric parembole paremptosis parencephalon parenchyma parenteral parenthesis parenthesize parenthetic parenthetical parenthetically parepithymia parergal parergon pareschatology paresis paretic parheliacal parhelion parhidrosis parhomologous parish parish council parishioner parison paristhmic paristhmion parisyllabic parking meter parlance parle parley parliament parliamentarian parliamentary parlor Panassian Parnassus parochial parochialism parochiality parochialize parochially parode parodic parodist parody paroecious paroemia paroemic parole parolee paromology paronomasia paronychia paronym paronymize paronymous paronymy parorexia parosmia parotic parotid parotidectomy parotis parotitis parotoid parousia paroxysm paroxysmal paroxysmalist parrhesia parsley parthenic parthenocarpy parthenogenesis parthenogenetic parthenolatry Parthenon Parthenope partigeneric partridge paruria parvis pasigraphy pasmo (Sp) passimeter pasta paste pasteboard pastedown paste-in pastel pastelist paster paste-up pasticcio pastiche pasticheur pastie pastiglia pastina pastiness pastry pastrycook pasty pataphysics pate (pie) patellectomy -path pathetic pathetical pathetically pathic pathobiology pathogen pathogenesis pathogenetic pathogenic pathogeny pathogerm pathognomonic pathognomy pathography pathological pathologically pathologist pathology patholopolis pathomania pathometer pathometry pathopeia pathophobia pathophoric pathophysiology pathos -pathy / / / / / / / / patriarch patriarchal patriarchalism patriarchalist patriarchally patriarchate patriarchism patriarchist patriarchy patricentric patriot patriotic patriotically patriotism patristic patristics patroclinous patrology patronymic patty pausal pause pay phone pea pea brain peace economy peaflower peanut peanut butter peapod pearl oyster pease pea shell pea shooter peasoup peastone peatree peavine pectic pectin pectose pectous ped pedagogic / / / / / / / pedagogics pedagogism pedagogist pedagogue pedagogy pedant pedantic pedantically pedanticism pedantize pedantocracy pedantry pederast pederasty pedesis pedialgia pediatric pediatrician pediatrics pediocratic pedobaptism pedocal pedodontist pedogenesis pedogenic pedography pedology pedology pedometer pedomorphic pedomorphy pedon pedophile pedophilia pedoscope pedosphere pedotrophic pedotrophy pedregal pedrero Pegasus pegmatite pegomancy peirastic / / / / / / / / / / Pekingology pelagial pelagian pelagic pelagically pelagite pelagosaur pelecoid pelecypod pelican Pelican State peliosis peloid pelolithic Peloponnese Peloponnesian Pelops pelotherapy pelta peltast peltate peltogaster pelvimeter pelviscope pelvisternal pelycography pelycosaur pemphigous pemphigus penal penalization penalize penally penalty penalty box penalty clause penalty kick penance pendragon pendulogaph Penelope penetrameter penetrometer penitence / / / / penitential pentientially penitentiary penitently penological penologist penology pentabasic pentacarbon pentachord pentachromic pentacle pentacyclic pentad pentadactyl pentadactylous pentafid pentagamist pentaglot pentagon pentagonal pentagram pentagrid pentagynia pentahedral pentahedron pentahydrate pentalemma pentalogue pentalogy pentamer pentamerous pentameter pentane pentangle pentangular pentapeptide pentaphonic pentapody penatapolis pentaprism pentarch pentarchy pentastich / / / / / / / pentastyle pentasyllabic Pentateuch Pentateuchal pentathionic pentathlete pentathlon pentatomic pentatonic pentatremite pentavalent penteconter Pentecost Pentecostal Pentecostalism Pentecostalist penthemimer pentimento Pentium pentode pentomic pentomino penton pentosan pentose pentoxide pentryl peony peotomy pep peperino peperite peplos peplum pepper peppercorn pepperet pepperish peppermint pepperoni pepperpot peppertree pepperwood pepperwort / / / peppery pep-pill peppy Pepsi pepsin pep talk peptic peptide peptize peptogen peptolysis peptone peptonize peptonuria peptotoxin perch (fish) perchloride perchlorinate percine percoid perdicine perennibranch Pergamene pergameneous Pergamum perialgia perianth periapsis periblast peribolus peribranchia pericardial pericarditis pericardium pericarp pericephalic perichordal pericolitis pericolpitis pericope pericranial pericycle periderm perienteron perigastric perigee periglottal periglottis perigon perigone perigynous perihelion perikaryon perilymph perilymphatic perimeningitis perimenopause perimeter perimetric perimorph perimysium perineal perinephrium perineum perineural perineuritis perineurium period periodate periodeutic periodic periodical periodically periodicity periodic table periodization periodize periodogram periodograph periodology periodontal periodontia periodontics peridontist periodontology periodontosis periodoscope perionchyia periosteal periosteum periostitis periostracum periotic peripateia peripatetic peripatetically peripeteticism peripeteia peripety peripheral peripherally peripheric periphery periphlebitis periphonic periphony periphractic periphrase periphrasis periphrastic periphrastically periphyton periplasm periplast periproct peripteral periscope periscopic periscopism perisome perisperm perispore perissad perissodactyl perissology perissosyllabic peristalsis peristaltic peristome peristylar peristyle perisystole / / / peritectic peritomous peritomy peritoneum peritonitis peritreme peritrophic permanganate peropod perosis perosmate peroxidase peroxidation peroxide peroxisome perron Perseid Persepolis Perseus personality type personologist personology perspectograph perule pesade pessary pestology petapetal petaliferous petaliform petaline petalism petalite petalless petalocerous petalodic petalodont petalody petaloid petalon petalous petasus Peter / / peterman Peter Pan Peter penny Petertide petrean petrefact petreity petrel petrichor petricolous petrifaction petrifactive petrifier petrify Petrine Petrinism Petrinist petropetrochemical petrochemistry petro-currency petrodollar petrodrome petrofabrics petrogenesis petrogeny petroglyph petrograph petrographer petrographic petrographical petrography petroil petrol petrolatum petrol bomb petrolene petroleous petroleum petroleum jelly petroleur petrolic petroliferous petrolin / / / petrolization petrolize petrological petrologist petrology petrophilous petrophysics petro-politics petro-power petrosal petroseline petrosilex petrosiliceous petrotectonics petrous peucyl pew pH phacoanaphylaxis phacochere phacocyst phacoidal phacolite phacolith phacometer phacoscope phaeism phaeodarian phaeophyll phaethon phaeton phage phagedena phagocyte phagolysis phagophyte phagosome -phagous -phagy phalange phalangeal phalangian phalangiform phalangigrade / / phalangitis phalanx phalarope phallalgia phallic phallically phallicism phallism phallic stage phallic symbol phallitis phallocentric phallocentrism phallocracy phallocrat phalloid phallophoria phallotoxin phallos phallus Phanar phane phanerogamous phaerophyte phaneropterid phanerozoic phanopeia phanotron phantascope phantasiast phantasm phantasma phantasmagoria phantasmal phantasmally phantasmic phantasmically phantasica phantastron phantastry phantasy phantom phantomist -phany / / / / / / pharmaceutic pharmaceutical pharmaceutist pharmacist pharmacodynamics pharmacogenetics pharmacognosy pharmacography pharmacokinetics pharmacolite pharmacologist pharmacological pharmacology pharmacomania pharmacometer pharmacomorphic pharmacopedia pharmacopeia pharmacy pharmakos pharology Pharos pharyngal pharyngalgia pharyngeal pharyngitis pharyngeectomy pharyngocele paryngography pharyngology pharyngoplegy pharyngoscope pharynogospasm pharynogotome pharyngotomy pharynx Phascogale phascolome phase phase angle phase converter phase diagram phase-down phasemeter / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / phase modulation phaseolin phaseolite phaseollin phaseometer phase-out phase sequence phasianic phasic phasis phasitron phasor phatic PhD pheasant Phebe phellem phelloderm phellogenetic phelloplastic pheme phemene phenetic phenocopy phenocyst phenogam phenogenetics phenol phenolic phenological phenology phenom phenomen phenomenal phenomenalism phenomenalist phenominalistic phenomenality phenomenally phenomenism phenominological phenominologically phenomenologist phenomenology / phenomenon phenon phenotype phenozygous phenyl pheromone phi Phi Beta Kappa phial -phil Phil Philadelphia philander philanderer philanthropic philanthropism philanthropist philanthropy philatelist philately -phile philharmonic philhellene philhellenic philhellenism philia Philip Philippic Phillipine phillumenist Philly philobiblic philobiblist philocomal philocynic philodendrist philodendron philogaster philography philogynist philogyny philological philologist philology / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / philomath Philomela philopolemic philornithic philo-Semite philosopher philosophic philosophical philosophically philosophism philosophize philosophy philotechnic philoxenist philotheist philozoic philter philtrum phlebitis phlebogram phlebography phlebolith pflebotomy phlegm phlegmatic phloem phlogiston phlogogenetic phlox -phobe phobia phobic phocine Phoebe Phoebus Phoenicia Phoenician phoenicopter phoenix phon phonasthenia phonate phonation phone / / / / / phone-in phonematic phoneme phonemic phonetic phonetically phonetics phonetism phonetist phonic phonics phonocardiogram phonocardiograph phonocardiography phonogenic phonogram phonograph phonographic phonography phonodeik phonolite phonologist phonology phonometer phonometric phonometry phonomimic phonomotor phonon phonophore phonophote phonopore phonoscope phonostylistics phonotactics phonotype -phore phoresy phoria -phorous phosphosgen phosphate phosphaturia / / / / / / / phosphorsece phosphorescence phosphorescent phosphoric phosphorolysis phosphoroscope phosphorous phosphorus phot phota photic photism photo photoaction photobathic photobiography photobiology photobiologic photocatalysis photocathode photocell photochemistry photochromatic photochromic photochromy photochronograph photocoagulation photocomposing photocomposition photoconduction photoconductive photoconductor photoconvert photocurrent photocopy photodegradable photodetector photodiode photodrama photodynamic photodynamics photoeffect photoelastic photoelectric / / / / / / / / / / / photoelectron photoemission photoengrave photexcitation photo finish photofission photoflash photoflood photogalvanic photogen photogenic photogeology photoglyph photogram photogrammeter photogrammetry photograph photographer photographic photography photogravure photoheliography photoinduce photoinduction photoinductive photoiode photoionization photojournalism photojournalist photokinesis photolabile photolith photolithograph photolithographic photolithography photoluminescence photoluminescent photolysis photolyze photomacrography photomagnetic photomap photomask photomechanical / / / / / / / // / photometeor photometer photometric photometry photomicrograph photomicrography photomicroscope photomixer photomontage photomorphogenesis photomultiplier photomural photon photonegative photoneutron photonics photonuclear photo-oxidation photopathic photoperiod photoperiodic photoperiodism photophile photophobe photophobia photophobic photophone photophore photophthalmia photophysics photoplate photoplay photopolymer photopositive photoprint photoprotection photoprotective photoprotein photoproton photopsia photoptic photoreaction photoreduction photorelief / / / / photoregulator photorepair photoreport photoresist photoresistance photorespiration photoresponse photo-scan photoscope photoscopic photosensitive photosensitization photosensitize photosensitizer photosensory photo-shock photospectroscope photosphere photostable photostat photostationary photostimulate photosynthesis photosynthesize photosynthetic photosystem phototactic phototaxis phototherapy photothermic phototonic phototonus photottopography phototoxic phototoxicity phototransistor phototrichromatic phototroph phototrophic phototropic phototropism phototube phototype phototypography / / / / / / / / / photovisual photovoltaic photozincography photozincotype photuria phragma phragmocone phragmomorphous phragmoplast phragmosome phrasal phrase phraseograph phraeological phraseologist phraseology phraser phratry phreatic phreatophyte phren phrenalgia phrenetic phrenic phrenicectomy phrenicotomy phremism prenitic phrenitis phrenograph phrenography phrenological phrenologist phrenology phrenoscope phthisiogenesis phthisiology phthisiophobia phthisiotherapy phthisis phugoid phycic phycite phycobiont / / / / / phycochrome phycography phycology phycoplast phylactery phyletic phyletism phylic phylliform Phyllis phyllite phyllode phyllogenetic phylloid phyllomancy phyllomania phyllome phylomorph phyllophagan phyllophagous phyllophore phyllopod phyllorrhine phyllosome phyllosphere phyllostome phyllotaxis phylloyaxy phylloxera -phyllous phyloanalysis phylocycle phylogenesis phylogenetic phylogenic phylogeny phylotic phylum phyma physic physical physicalism physicalist physicalistic / / physicality physically physical therapy physician physicism physicist physico-chemistry physico-mathematical physico-mechanical physico-theology physics physiocracy physiocrat physiocratic physiogeny physiognomic physiognomy physiogony physiographic physiography physiolater physiolatry physiological physiologically physiologist physiology physiopathology physiophilosophy physiophonetics physiotherapeutic physiotherapist physiotherapy physique physisorb physisorption physitheism physocarpous physopod phytal phytobiology phytochemical phytochemistry phytochrome phytocidal / / / / / / / / phytocide phytoclimate phytocoenesis phytogenesis phytogenetic phytogenic phytogeny phytogeography phytograph phytography phytohormone phytolith phytomania phytomer phytometer phyton phytonomy phytopathogen phytopathogenic phytophagan phytophagic phytophagous phytophagy phytophilous phytoplankton phytosanitary phytoscopic phytosociology phytotomist phytotomy phytotoxic phytotoxicant phytotoxin phytotron phytozoon pi piarrhemia piaster piazza picra picral picrate picric picrite / / / / picrolite picromel picrotoxin pictogram pictograph picturedrome picturegraph piezo piezoelectric piezoelectricity piezomagnetism piezometer piezoresistance pigmentocracy pig-metal pigmy pilot p-meson pine (vb) pinealectomy pinecone pinnipod pinocytosis pion pionization pipe bomb piperine piracy pirate piratic piratical piratically piroplasm pisiform pisolite pisolith pisolithic pisolitic pistachio pistiology pistolgraph pistonphone pita pithecanthrope pithecanthropus pithecoid pituicyte pityriasis pizza pizzeria place place holder place kick placeless placemat placement placenta placental placentary placentate placentation placentiferous placentiform placentigerous placentitis placentography placentology placentophagy placer place value placoderm placoid plagal plage plagihedral plagiocephalic plagioclase plagioclastic plagiodont plagiograph plagiosere plagiostome plagiotropic plagiotropous plague plaguey plaister planch / / / plancher planchet planchette plancier plane geometry planet planetarian planetarily planetarium planetary planet earth planetesimal planetfall planetless planetocentric planetography planetoid planetokhod planetolatry planetology planet-struck planetule planet-wide planigraph planimeter planimetric planimetrically planimetry planisphere planisipral plank planker plankless planktology plankton planktonic planktonology planktont planktotrophic planned economy planoblast planodia planogamete planographic / / planography planometer planont planospore plantocracy planuria plasm plasma plasma cell plasmacyte plasmagel plasmagene plasmal plasmasphere plasmatic plasmid plasmoblast plasmocyte plasmodesma plasmodium plasmogamy plasmogen plasmogeny plasmoid plasmology plasmolysis plasmolyte plasmosome plasmotomy plaster plastercast plasterer plastering plasterless plasterwork plastery plastic plastically plasticate plasticator plastician plasticine plasticity plasticization / / / plasticize plasticware plastid plasigel plastique plastisol plastochron plastocyanin plastogamy plastome plastometer plastral plastron -plasty plate plateau plate glass platelet plate metal plate number plater platform platic platina plating platiniferous platinode platinoid platinotype platinous platinum platitude platitudinal platitudinarian platitudinary platutudinize platitudinous Plato platometer platonic platonically Platonism Platonist Platonistic / / / / Platonize platter platybasic platycarpous platycephalic platycrania platydactyl platygastric platyglossal platyhelminth platykurtic platynotal platyodont platypetalous platyphyllous platypod platypodia platypus platypygous platyrrhine platyscopic platysome platystomous platytera platyurous plaza pleasuredrome plecotine plectognath plectron plectrum -plegia Pleiad Pleiades pleiomorphy pleiotropic pleiotypic Pleistocene pleocytosis pleodont pleomorphic pleonasm pleonastic pleophony / / / / / / pleopod pleoptics plereme plerocephalic pleroma plerome pleromorph plesiomorph plesiosaur plesiosaurus plethora plethoric plethysmograph pleura pleural pleuralgia pleurisy pleuritis pleurocarpous pleurocele pleurocoele pleurodont pleurodynia pleuron pleuropneumonia pleurorrhea pleurotomy pleurum plexiglass pleximeter plexus plinth Pliocene pliosaurus pliothermic pliotron ploce Plotinian Plotinus plum plum pudding plurispiral plurisporous plurisyllabic / / / / / / Plutarch Plutarchian Pluto plutocracy plutocrat plutocratic plutocratical pluto-democracy plutogogue plutogoguery plutolatry plutology plutomania pluton Plutonian plutonic plutonism plutonist plutonium plutonomy plutonyl pluviograph pluviometer pluvioscope plymetal pneograph pneogastric pneometer pneoscope pneuma pneumatherapy pneumatic pneumatics pneumatization pneumatize pneumatocele pneumatocyst pneumatogram pneumatography pneumatology pneumatolysis pneumatolytic pneumatometer pneumatophobia / / / / / / / / pneumatophore pneumatosis pneumectomy pneumocele pneumococcus pneumoderm pneumodynamics pneumogastric pneumogram pneumograph pneumography pneumolith pneumolysis pneumometer pneumonalgia pneumonodynia pneumonectomy pneumonia pneumonic pneumonitis pneumotachograph pneumothorax pneumatotherapy pnigogen podagra podal podalgia podalic podiatrist podiatry podite podium podocarp podology podophthalmate podura poem poesy poet poetaster poetess poetic poetical poetically / / / / poeticism poeticize poetic justice poetic license poetics poetize poet laureate poetolatry poetomachia poetry pogoniasis pogoniate pogonic pogonion pogonology poponophore pogonotomy pogonotrophy poiemics poiesis poietic poikilocyte poikiloderma poikilosmotic poikilothermic poimenics poiology polar polar bear polar cap polar coordinates polar orbit polar wandering polarimeter polarimetric Polaris polariscope polariscopic polariton polarity polarizable polarization polarize polarizer / polarly polarograph Polaroid polaron pole (sky) polemic polemical polemically polemicist polemics polemology polemoscope police policeable police board police captain police court police dispatcher police dog police force policeman police office police officer police record police station policize policlinic policy policy policy holder policymaker policymaking polio polioencephalitis poliomyelitis poliosis poliovirus polis Politbureau politic political politically political asylum political football / / / political refugee political science politician politicization politicize politick politico politico-economic politico-religious politics politique (Fr) polity polloi Pollux poloid poloidal polology polypolyacanthous polyacoustic polyactinal polyad polyadenous polyadic polyamor polyamorous polyandria polyandrist polyandrous polyandry polyanthus polyarchy polyarthritis polyatomic polyaxial polybasic polyblast polybranch polycarbonate polycarpous polycellular polycentric polycentrism polychord / / / / polychrome polychromatic polyclad polyclimax polyclinic polyclonal polycoccous polyconic polycotyledon polycrystal polyculture polycyclic polycystic polydactyl polydactyly polydemonism polydentate polydigital polydimensional polydipsia polydisperse polydynamic polyeidism polyelectrolyte polyelectronic polyembryonic polyergic polyester polyethylene polyethism polyethnic polyfoil polyfunctional polygala polygamist polygamous polygamy polygastric polygene polygenesis polygenetic polygenic polygenism polygenist / / / / / / / / / / / / polygenous polygeny polyglacial polyglot polygon polygonal polygonization polygram polygraph polygrapher polygraphic polygraphy polygynist polygynous polygyny polygyral polyhedral polyhedron polyhydramnios polyhydric polyion polyionic polylectal polylemma polylithic polylogue polymania polymastigate polymath polymenorrhea polymer polymerization polymerize polymerose polymetallic polymethyl polymeter polymicrian polymitosis polymodal polymolecular polymorph polymorphic polymorphism / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / polymorphous polymythy polymyxin Polynesia Polynesian polyneuritis polynomial polynuclear polyodont polyonymous polyopia polyp polyparous polyptectomy polyped polypeptide polypetalous polyphagia polyphagism polyphagous polyphase polyphasia Polyphemus polyphobia polyphone polyphonic polyphonous polyphony polyphote polyphyllous polyplastic polypnoea polypod polypody polyprotein polypsychical polyptote polyptch polypus polyrhthym polyrhizal polysaccharide polysemantic polysemous / / / / / polysemy polysomatic polysomatous polysome polyspermy polystelic polystichous polystome polystylar polysyllabic polysyllable polysymmetrical polysyndeton polysynthesis polysynthetic polysystemic polytechnic polytheism polytheist polytheistic polythelism polythene polytocous polytomous polytomy polytonality polytone polytonic polytrichous polytrope polytrophic polytropic polytype polytypic polytypism polyuresis polyuria polyuric polyvalent polyvinyl polyvoltine polyxenic polyzoan pomological / / / / / / / / / / pomology pomp pompon pomposity pomposo (It) pompous pompously ponerology pontic Pontus poorbox pope popedom popeless popelike popeling Popemobile popery popish popishly poplin pore (n) poriferan poriferous poriform porn porno pornocracy pornogram pornograph pornographer pornographic pornography pornomania pornophile pornophobia pornotopia porogamic porogamous porogamy porometric porometer poroplastic poroscopy / / / / porosity porotype porous porously porousness porphyria porphyrinogen porphyrinuria porphyritic porphyroid porphry posada (Sp) pose poser poseur (Fr) positron posological posology postbrachial postcard postcentral postcephalic post-Christian postclitic postcranial postcrown postganglionic postmenarchal postpose postrhinal postsynchroniztion post-traumatic posturepedic posy potamian potamic potamagraphy potamology potamoplankton potentiometer potentiostat pot-metal potomania potometer / pousada (Pg) power base practicability practicable practicableness practicably practical prcticality practically practicalness practician practice practiced practicer practicum practitioner pragmatic pragmatical pragmatically pragmaticalness pragmatism pragmatist pragmatize pragmatizer praxiology praxis prayer card prayer hour praying mantis precritical precystic predispose prehistoric prehistory premenarchal presbyopia presbyter Presbyterian presbytery preschool preschooler pre-Socratic presuppose pretzel / Priapean priapic priapism Priapus priest priestcraft priestdom priestess priesthood priestism priestlike priestliness priestly primary school primatologist primatology priodont prion prionodont prism prismal prismatic prismatically prismatize prismatoid prismoid prismoidal pro-amphibia problem problematic problematical problematically problemist problemless problem solving proboscidean proboscis proboscidiferous proboscidiform proboscidigerous probouleutic procarcinogen procarp procatalepsis procathedral procephalic procephalon procerite process theology prochromosome prochronic prochronism proclimax procline proclisis proclitic procoelous Procrustean Procrustes procrypsis procryptic proctalgia proctitis proctocele proctologist proctology proctoparalysis proctorrhagia proctoscope proctotomy Procyon procyonid prodroma prodromal prodromatic prodrome prodromous proem proembryo proemial proemptosis proenzyme pro-ethnic profilograph profilometer progamic progamous progeria / progestogen proglottid proglottis prognathic prognathism prognathous prognathously prognosis prognostic prognostical prognosticate prognostication prognosticative prognoscitator prognosticatory program programmability programmable programmatic programmatically programmer programmist prohormone prokaryon prokaryote prokaryotic prokinesis prokinetic prolegomenon prolegomenous prolepsis proleptic prologue Promethean Prometheus prometheum promorph promorphology pronaos pronephron pronymph pronymphal prootic propaedeutic / propane prophage prophecy prophesy prophet prophetess prophetic prophetically prophylactic prophylactically prophylaxis propolis Propontis proposal propose proptosis propylaeum propylite prosauropod proscenium proselyte proselytism proselytize proselytizer prosembryum prosencephalon prosenchyma prosepilogism prosiopesis prosodeme prosodic prosody prosoma prosopagnosia prosopalgia prosopium prosopography prosopolespsy prosopon prosopopeia prosopyle prosphora prostatalgia prostatectomy prostatitis prostalith prostate prostatic prostatism prostele proseternum prosthesis prosthetic prosthodontics prosthodontist prostomium prostyle prosyllogism protactinium protagon protagonist Protagorean Protagoras protamine protanopia protasis protatic protaxic protean protease proteid proteiform protein proteinoid proteinosis proteinuria protembryo protencephalon protenchyma proteoclastic proteolysis proteolytic proteose proterandrous proterogenesis proteroglyph proterogynous proterosaur / / / proterozoic Proteus Protevangelium prothalamion prothalamium prothesis prothetic prothonatory prothoracic prothorax prothrombin protide protista protistology protium protoamnion protoam(o)eba protoandric protoanthropic protoaxonial protobiont protoblast protocarbide protocell protocercal protocere protochloride protochlorophyll protococcus protocol protocolaire protoconch protocone protoconic protocontinent protodynastic proto-form protogalaxy protogastric protogenes protogenetic protogenic protogeometric protogynous / / / / protohippus protohistoric protohuman proto-language protolife protolinguistic proto-literate protolith protolithic protologue protology protolysis protomartyr protome protomer protomerite protomesal protomorph protomorphic protomyxoid proton protonate protonation protonema pronic protonmotive protonosphere proto-ornithoid protopathic protophilic protophyll protophyta protophyte protoplanet protoplasm protoplasmic protoplast protoplastic protopod protopodium protopope protophyrin proto-scientific protostar / / protospore protostele prototaxic prototheria protothetic prototoxoid prototroph prototrophic prototropy prototype prototypic prototypical prototypically protoxide Protozoa Protozoan protozoic protozoology protreptic protyle prow proxemics Prozymite prozymogen prune prunella prunello prunus prytaneum prytanis prytany psalm psalmbook psalmist psalmodist psalmody psalter psalterer psaltery psammic psammite psammolithic psammon psammona / / V/ / / ( / psammophile psammophyte psellism psephism psephite psephology psephomancy pseudandry pseudembryo pseudepigraphia pseudepigraphy pseudesthesia pseudo pseudoaquatic pseudoarchaic pseudoblepsia pseudocarp pseudochromia pseudochronism pseudocide pseudocode pseudocoele pseudoconcept pseudocyesis pseudocyst pseudodominance pseudodominant pseudodox pseudodoxy psudogamy pseudograph pseudography pseudology pseudomancy pseudomartyr psudomonad pseudomorph pseudonym pseudonymity pseudonymus pseudonymously pseudo-operation pseudoptics pseudo-order / / / / / / / pseudopatient pseudophone pseudoplastic pseudopod pseudopodium pseudopotential pseudopregnancy pseudoproblem pseudoprophet pseudoproposition pseudorandom pseudorational pseudorganic pseudoscience pseudoscope pseudosex pseudosexual pseudosomatic pseudosoph pseudospore pseudostoma pseudostome pseudostratified pseudosuchian pseudosyllogism pseudovalve pseudovary pseudovector pseudovitamin pseudovolcanic psi psilanthropic psilanthropism psilanthropy psilocybin psilodermatous psilopedic psilophyton psilosis psionic psittaceous psittacine psittacism psittacosis / / psophometer psophometric psora psoriasiform psoriasis psorophthalmia psoroptic psorosperm psych psychagogic psychagogue psychagogy psychalgia psyche psychedelic psyesthetic psychiatric psychiatrist psychiatry psychic psychical psychics psychism psycho psychoactive psychoanalysis psychoanalyst psychoanalytic psychoanalyze psychobabble psychobiographer psychobiography psychobiology psychocentral psychocentric psychochemical psychochemistry psychocoma psychodrama psychodramatic psychodynamic psychogalvanic psychogenesis psychogenetic / / / / / / / psychogenic psychognosis psychogeography psychogeriatrics psychogram psychograph psychography psychohistory psychoid psychokinesia psychkinesis psychokinetic psycholatry psycholinguistic psychologic psychological psychologically psychologism psychologist psychologistic psychologize psychology psychomachia psychomachy psychomancy psychometer psychometric psychometry psychomotor psychon psychoneural psychoneurosis psychoneurotic psychonomy psychopath psychopathic psychopathologist psychopathology psycopathy psychophonetics psychophony psychophysical psychophysics psychophysiology / / / / / / / / // / / psychoplasm psychopomp psychoprophylaxis psychoptic psycorrhagy psychosexual psychosis psychosocial psychosocially psychosomatic psychostimulant psychosurgery pasychotechnology psychotheism psychotherapeutic psychotherapy psychotic psychotically psychotogenic psychotomimetic psychotropic psychrolute psychroesthesia psycrometer psychrophilic psychrophobia psychrophore psychrosphere psychrotrophic psychurgy psylla psyllid psyllium psyop psy-war pteric pteridology pteridophilist pteridophyte pterodactyl pterodology pteropod pterosaur pterygoid / / / / / / Ptolemaic Ptolemy ptomaine ptosis ptyalin ptyalism ptygmatic pubarche public school pulley pulmonologist pulmonology pulpectomy pulpotomy pulsimeter pumpkin poumpkinhead pumpkinpie pumpkinseed pumpkinstone punctograph punditocracy Punic punica fides punicin punish punishability punishable punishingly punishment punisher punitive punitively punitory pupilography pupilometer purine purple purplish purpose purposeful purposefully purposeless purposely purposive purpura purpurate purpuric purpuriferous purprin purpuriparous purpurite purse purseful purseless purser purse-string puzzle pycidium pycnodont pycnomorphic pycnostyle pyelitis pyelogram pyemia pygal pygidium pygmoid pygmy pygopod pyknic pyknolepsy pyknosis pyknotic Pylian pylon pylorectomy pyloric pyloroplasty pylorus Pylos pynx pyococcus pyocyte pyodermia pyogenesis pyogenetic pyogenic / / / / / pyoid pyonephrotic pyoptysis pyorrhea pyosis pyralis pyramid pyramidal pyrimidally pyramidical pyramidically pyramidion pyramidoidal pyramidology pyramidon pyran pyranometer pyre pyrectic pyrene Pyrenean Pyrenees pyrenoid pyrethrum pyretic pyretogenesis pyretogenic pyretography pyrex pyrexia pyrgocephalic pyrheliometer pyridine pyridoxic pyridoxine pyrite pyrites pyritic pyritology pyro pyrocellulose pyrochemical pyrochemistry pyrochlore / pyroclastic pyro-electric pyrogen pyrogenetic pyrogenic pyrogenous pyrognostics pyrography pyroheliometer pyrolatry pyroligneous pyrolite pyrology pyrolusite pyrolysis pyrolytic pyrolyze pyromagnetic pyromancy pyromania pyromaniac pyrometallurgical pyrometallurgy pyrometer pyromorphite pyrone pyronin pyrope pyrophanous pyrophile pyrophillite pyrophobia pyrophone pyrophore pyrophoric pyrophorus pyrophotometer pyropuncture pyrosclerite pyroscope pyrosis pyrosome pyrostat pyrosynthesis / / / / / / / // / pyrotechnical pryrotechnician pyrotechnics pyrotechny pryothonide pyroxanthin pyroxene pyroxylic pyroxylin Pyrrhic Pyrrhus Pyrrho Pyrrhonian Pyrrhonic Pyrrhonism Pyrrhonist pyrrole pyruvate pyruvic Pythagorean Pythagoras Pythic Pythian pythogenic python pythoness pythonic pythonist pythonomorph pyuria pyx pyxidate pyxidium pyxie pyxis Q quadrigamist quadrigamy quadraphonic quadraphony quadrigamist quadrigamy quadriplegic quantasome quantimeter quantophrenia quantum mechanics quantum theory queuetopia quinhydrone quinologist quinsy R rachialgia rachis rachitis rachitogenic rachitome radarscope radiesthesia radioastronomy radiocamera radiochemical radiochemistry radio diagnosis radio ecology radio galaxy radiogenetics radiogenic radiogram radiograph radiographer radiographic radiography radioimmunology radioisotope radiolite radiologic radiological radiologist radiology radiolysis radiometal radiometer radiometric radiometry radiophare radiophone radiophonic radiophony radiophoto radiophotography radioscopy radio surgery radiotelegram radiotelegraph radiotelephone radio telescope radiotherapeutic radiotherapy radiothermy radiotoxic radiotoxicity ramisectomy raphilite raphis ratiometer ratiomorphic reading center Reaganomics realphabetize realpolitik reanalysis rebaptism rebaptize rebound reconcentration reconcentrate recoup recrown rectipetality recyclable recycle recycler red card redox re-echo reemphasize re-energize refractometer regolith rehydrate reimbursable reimburse reimbursement reorganization reorganize repent / / / repentance repentant rephrase repine replace replacement repose reprogram reprographic reprography reschedule respirometer responaut reticulocyte retronym return rezone rhabdite rhabditis rhabdoid rhabdomancer rhabdomancy Rhadamanthine Rhadamanthus rhapsode rhapsodic rhapsodical rhapsodist rhapsodize rhapsody -rhea rheid rheme rheogram rheology rheometer rheomorphism rheopexy rheophile rheophilic rheophobic rheoscope rheostat rheostatic / / / / rheotaxis rheotropism rhesus rhetor rhetoric rhetorical rhetorically rhetorician rheum rheumatic rheumatic fever rheumatism rheumatoid rhematologist rheumatology rheumy Rh factor rhigolene rhigology rhigosis rhinal rhinarium rhinencephalon rhinitis rhino rhinoceros rhinodont rhinologic rhinologist rhinology rhinophonia rhinophyma rhinoplasty rhinorrhagia rhinoscope rhinoscopy rhinotracheitis rhinovirus rhizobia rhizocarpous rhizocephalous rhizodont rhizogenic rhizoid / / / / / / / / rhizoidal rhizomatous rhizome rhizomorphous rhizophagous rhizoplast rhizopod rhizosphere rhizotomy Rh negative rho Rhoda Rhode Island Rhodes Rhodesia Rhodesian Rhodian rhodium rhodochrosite rhododendron rhodologist rhodonite rhodophyte rhodoplast rhodopsin rhombic rhomboclase rhombogen rhombohedron rhomboid rhomboideus rhombus Rh positive rhotacism rhubarb rhyme rhymester rhythm rhythmic rhythmical rhythmically rhythmics rhythmization rice / / / rime Roman Catholic royal purple -rrhea rurigenous rush hour S Sabbatarian Sabbath sabbatical sac saccharate saccharated saccharic saccharide sacchariferous saccharification saccharify saccharimeter saccharin saccharine saccharinity saccharoid saccharolytic saccharose saccule sack sackcloth sackful sacking sackless salamander salamandrine salamandroid salicylic salpingeal salpingitis salpinx saltpeter Samothrace sandal sandpaper Sapphic sapphire sapphiric sapphirine sapphism Sappho / sapremia sapric saprobe saprobial saprobic saprobiology saprobiotic saprobity saprogenic saprogenous saprohylic saprolite saprophagous saprophile saprophyte saprophytic sarcasm sarcastic sarcastically sarcoblast sarcocarp sarcocolla sarcocele sarcocyst sarcocyte sarcoderm sarcoid sarcolactic sarcolite sarcology sarcolysis sarcoma sarcophagan sarcophagus sarcophilous sarcoplasm sarcoplasmic sarcosome sarcosporidian sarcotome sarcous sardine Sardinia Sardinian / / / / sardonic sardonically sarrusophone Satanology Satanophany Satanophobia satchell satrap satrapy satyr satyriasis satyric satryism satyromaniac saurian saurodont saurognathous saurography sauroid saurophagous sauropod saxigenous saxophone Sb scalene scalenohedron scalenotomy scalenus scalogram scandal scandalize scandalmonger scandalous scandalously scaphocephalus scaphoid scaphopod scapulimancy scar scarab scarify scat (dung) scatological scatology / / / / / / sclelidosaur scena scenario scenarist scene scenery scenic scenical scenic railway scenobatic scenography scepter sceptered sceptic sceptical scepticism schedule scehma schematic schematically schematism schematist schematization schematize scheme schemer scheming schemist schism schisma schismatic schimatical schismatically schismatize schismogenesis schist schistose schistosity schistosome schizoaffective schizocarp schizocoele schizogenesis schizognathous / schizogony schizoid schizont schizonticide schizophrene schizophrenia schizophrenic schizophreniform schizophrenogenic schizophyte schizopod schizorhinal schizothymia schizotrichia scholar scholarlike scholarliness scholarly scholarship scholastic scholastically scholasticism scholiast scholium school school board schoolbook schoolboy schoolboyish schoolday school doctor schooldom schooler schoolfellow schoolgirl schoolhouse schooling schoolman schoolmaster schoolmate schoolmistress schoolroom schoolteacher school year / / sciagraph scialytic sciamachy sciapodous sciatic sciatica scientology scintigram scintillogram scintillometer scintilloscope sciomancy sciophilous sciophyte scirrhus sciurine sciuroid scuiromorph sclera scleral sclere scleriasis scleritis scleroblast scleroderm sclerodermatous sclerogen sclerogenetic sclerogenous scleroid sclerometer scleromyxedema sclerophthalmia sclerophyll sclerophyllous sclerosant scleroscope sclerosed sclerosis sceleroskeleton sclerotic sclerotome sclerotomy sclerous / / / / / scolecid scoleciform scolecite scolecophagous scolex scoliosis scolopaceous scolopale scolopendra scholopendrium scolopidium scolopophore scolopophorous scolops scolytid scolytoid scope scopeless scopophilia Scorpio scorpioid scorpion scotoma scotometer scotomization scotophile scotophobia scotophobin scotopia scotopic scotoscope scripophily scrofuloderma scyphiferous scyphiform scyphiphorous scyphogeny scyphomancy scyphopolyp scyphophore scyphostoma scyphozoan scyphulus scyphus / / / / Scylla Scythia Scythian Scythism Se sea devil seadrome sealily sea lion sea nymph sea pheasant SEATO sebolith seborrhea sebotrophic secodont second base secretagogue sedimentology sedulity sedulous sedulously sedulousness seine seism seismic seismicity seismics seismism seismograph seismological seismologist seismology seismometer seismometric seismometry seismoscope seismotectonic Selene selenian selenic selenide seleniferous selenious / / / / selenite selenitic selenium selenocentric selenodesy selenodont selenograph selenographer selenographic selenography selenologist selenology selenoscope selenotropic self-centered self-govern self-government self-imposed semanteme semantic semanticist semanticize semantics semaphore semasiology sematic sematography sematology seme sememe semiautomatic semicolon seminology seminomadic semiology semiosis semiotic(s) semiotician Semite Semitic Semitism semitone semitropical sensitometer / / / / / / sensitometric sepia sepiacean sepiola sepium sepsis septagon septemia septic septicemia septicity septic tank serge sericeous sericitization sericterium sericulture serigraph serigraphy seriocomic serological serologist serology serotonin serotype sesame seston sewing machine sex hormone sexologist sexology sex organ sex orgy sex symbol sex therapy sferics sgraffiato sgraffito shadowgraph shay shift character shock therapy shopocracy sialagogue / / sialectasis sialic sialogogue sialography sialoid sialolith sialorrhea sibyl sibylline sibyllism sibyllist sicklocyte siderite sideroblast siderocyte siderography siderolite siderophil sideroscope siderosis siderostat siderurgy sigillographer sigillography sigma sigmatism sigmatropic sigmodont sigmoid sigmoidal sigmoidally sigmoidoscope signaphora silage silk silkscreen silkstocking silkworm silky silo silver medal silvichemical simosaur simosaurus / / / / / / simpatico sinanthropoid sinanthropus sinapic sinapine sinapism sindaco (It) sindicato (Sp) Sinesian sinfonia (It) sinfinietta (It) single tax Sinic sinicize sinify Sinosinogram Sinologist Sinology siphon siphonage siphonal siphonapterology siphonate siphoner siphonic siphoniferous siphoniform siphonogamic siphonophore siphuncle siphunculus siriasis siren sirenian sirenoid Sirian Sirius sistrum Sisyphean Sisyphus sitcom sitology sitomania / / / sitophobia sitophobic sitosterol skel skeletal skeleton skeletonize skeletonless skeptic skeptical skepticism sketch sketchbook sketcher sketchily sketchiness sketchy skiagram skiagraph skiagraphy skiamachy skiamancy skiametry skiascope slander slanderer slanderous slanderously slavocracy smaragdine Smyrna Smyrnean Smyrniote snapdragon sniperscope snobocracy snooperscope snuffbox soapbox soar social democracy sociobiological sociobiologist sociobiology / sociocentric sociocracy sociocrat sociodrama sociogenesis sociogenic sociogram sociography sociologese sociologic sociological sociiologism sociologist sociologistic sociology sociometric sociometry sociopath sociopathic sociopathy sociostatic Socrates Socratic Socratically Socratism Socratize solarimeter solar myth solar system solecism solecist solecistic solenocyte solenodont solenoglyph solenoid solenoidal solibiblical solid geometry soligenous solion solvolysis solvolyze soma (not drug) somal somatic somatically somatism somatist somatization somatogamy somatological somatologist somatology somatome somatomedin somatophore somatophyte somatopleure somatostatin somatotonia somatotonic somatotopic somatotroph somatotrophic somatotrophism somatotype somesthetic somite somnipathy sonogram sonograph sonometer Sophia sophic sophiology sophism sophist sophistic sophistocal sophistocally sophistocate sophistocated sophistocatedly sophistocation sophistry Sophoclean Sophocles / / / / sophomore sophomoric sophomorical sophrosyne sorites sorosilicate sorosis sorus soterial soteriological soteriology sound card sound-symbol soundsystem Southern Crown South Pole source program sousaphone sovietologist space chamber space program spadiceous spadix spanandry spanemia sparagmite sparagmos Sparta Spartacist Spartacus Spartan Spartanize spasm spasmatic spasmodic spasmodically spasmogen spasmogenic spasmolysis spasmolytic spasmoneme spasmophilia spasmus spastic / / / spasticity spastically spasticity spatha spathe spathic spathiform spathose spathulate spatiography spatula spatular spatulate spatulation spatule spatulous spay speakerphone spearmint spectinomycin spectrochemical spectrochemistry spectroheliogram spectrohelioscope spectrogram spectograph spectrological spectrology spectrometer spectrophone spectrophotometer spectroscope spectroscopic spectroscopy spectrotype speedometer spelaean speleologist speleology spelothem spelunker sperm spermaceti spermaduct / spermary spermatheca spermatic spermaticide spermatid spermatiferous spermatin spermatist spermatize spermatocide spermatocyte spermatogenesis spermatoid spermatophore spermatophyte spermatorrhea spermatospore spermatozoid spermatozoon spermicide spermiogenesis spermoderm spermophile spermophore spermous sperm whale speromagnetic sphene sphenic sphenocephaly sphenochasm sphenogram sphenoid sphenoidal spheenotic spheral sphere sphereless spheric spherical sphericality spherically sphericity spherics / / / / / / spheriform spheriodactyl spherogram spherograph spheroid spheroidal spheroidize spheromaniac spherometer spheroplast spherosome spherule spherulite spherulitic sphincter sphincterotomy sphingine Sphinx sphygemic sphygmogram sphygmograph sphygmology sphygomanometer sphygometer sphygmophone sphygmoscope spikenard spinal cord spiral spiraliform spiralism spirality spiralization spiralize spirally spire (coil) spirograph spirogyra spiroid spirometer spirometric spiroplasma spirulate spleen / / / / / / / splenectomy splenetic splenial splenic splenetically spleniculus splenitis splenium splenius splenization splenocyte splenography splenomegaly splenosis splenotomy splenunculus spodic spodiosite spodium spodogenic spodomancy spodosol spondaic spondean spondee spondylic spondylitic spondylitis spondylolysis spondylosis spondylus sponge spongecake sponger sponge-like sponger spongicolous spongiform spongin sponginess spongioblast spongioblastoma spongioid spongiole / / / spongioplasm spongiose spongiosis spongoid spongolite spongolith spongologist spongology spongotype spongy sporadic sporadicity sporadically sporangiferous sporangiolum sporangiophore sporangiospore sprangium spore sporidium sporiferous sporoblast sporocarp sporocyst sporodochium sporogenesis sporogenous sporomorph sporont sporophore sporophyll sporophyte sporoplasm sporosac sporotrichosis sporozoan sporozoite sports desk sporular sporulate sporulation sporule squalodont squalorologist / / / / / / / / / / / / / squalorology squandermania squill squilla sequirearch squirearchy squirrel squirrely stabilimeter stade stadial stadiometer stadium Stagira Stagirite stalactite stalactiform stalactitic stalactite stalagma stalagmite stalagmitic stalagmometer staphylococcus staphylolysin staphyloma staphyloplasty staphylorrhaphy star-catalog star-chamber starchart stasimon stasimorphy stasiology stasipatric stasis stathmokinesis static statical statically staticisor static pressure statics staurolatry / / / / / / / staurolith stauroscope steapsin stearic acid stearin steatite steatogene steatogenous steatolysis steatoma steatopathy steatopygia steatornis steatorrhhea steatosis steganography steganopod stegocephalous stegodont stegomyia stegosaur stegosaurian stegosaurus stele stem analysis stemma stemmatic stemmatiform stemmatology stenocardia stenocephalic stenocromy stenoderm stenograph stenographer stenographic stenography stenohydric stenometer stenopaeic stenophagous stenophagy stenophlepsia stenophyllous / / / / / / / stenopodium stenorhynchous stenosis stenostomatous stenothermal stenotic stenotopic stenotype stenotypy Stentor stentorian stentorophonic Stephen stephanic stephanion stephanome stercolith stere stereo stereobate stereoblock stereocentric stereochemistry stereochrome stereoelectronic stereognosis stereognostic stereogram stereograph stereographic stereography stereology stereome stereometer stereometric stereometry stereomicroscope stereomite stereophonic stereophony stereophotograph stereoplasm stereopsis stereopticon / / / / / / / / / / / / “ / / stereoregular stereoscope stereoscopic stereoselective sterostatic stereotactic sterotaxic stereotaxis stereotomist stereotomy sterotropism stereotype stereotypical stereotypically stereotypy sterhydraulic steric sternal sternalgia sterniform sternocostal sternovertebral sternum steroid steroidogenesis steroid sterol sterro-metal stethogram stethograph stethometer stethoparalysis stethophone stethoscope stethoscopic stethoscopy stew sthene sthenia sthenic stibine stibium stibocaptate stibophen / / / / / / / / / stich stichic stichochrome stichometrical stichometry stichomythia stichomythic stichos stiction stifado stigma stigmaria stigmata stigmatic stigmatiferous stigmatiform stigmatism stigmatist stigmatization stigmatize stigmatose stigmatypy stigmergy stilb stilbene stilbite stilbesterol stimulogenous stink bomb stoa stochastic stock character stoic stoicheiology stoicheiometry stoical stoically stoicism stoicize stola stole (n) stoma stomach stomachache / / stomachal stomacher stomachful stomachic stomachical stomachless stomach pump stomachy stomapod stomatal stomate stomatic stomatiferous stomatitic stomatitis stomatology stomatomorphous stomatoplasty stomatopod stomatoscope stomatous stomion stomium stomodeum stop (plug) stoppage stopper storied storm petrel storm system stormy petrel story storyless storyline storyteller storytelling strabismic strabismometer strabismus strabotomy strangle strangle hold strangles strangulate / / / / strangulation strangullion strangury strap straphanger stapless strapper strapping strappy strategem strategetic strategic strategical strategically strategist strategize strategus strategy stratigrapher stratigraphic stratigraphical stratigraphy stratocracy stratosphere stratospheric stratotype streptocarpus streptococcus streptocyte streptokinase streptomycete streptomycin streptoneural streptostylic streptothricosis stress diagram stress phoneme string analysis string-tone strippergram strobe strobic strobilia strobilation / / / / / strobilus stroboscope stroboscopic stroma stromatolite stromatolith Strombolian strombuliferous strombuliform Strombus strongbox strongyle strongyloidiasis strongylosis strophe strophic strophiole struthious strychnine strychinism Strychnos stuff stuffily stuffing stuffy Stygian stylar Stylites stylobate styloglossal stylolite stylometric stylometry Stymphalian Stymphalus styptic stypticity styrax styrene styrofoam Styx subatomic subboreal subcritical / / / / / subdeacon subdermal submachine submicroscopic suboceanic subphylum subpoena subprogram subthalamic subthalamus subtone subtonic subtopia subtreasurer subtreasury subtropical subtype subzonal subzone sugarplum suicidology summer school sumpter Sunday school suovetaurilia supercolossal supergene supergiant superhelical superhelix superimposable superimpose superorganic superpatriot superpatriotic superphosphate superphysical superplastic superpose supertechnological supertonic supposable suppose supposed supposedly supposer supposing surgeon surgeoncy surgeon fish surgery surgical surgically sweetpea switch mechanism Sybaris sybarite sybaritic sycamore sycoceric sycophancy sycophant sycophantic sycophantically sycosis syllabary syllabation syllabic syllabically syllabification syllabify syllabism syllabize syllable syllabus syllepsis syllogism syllogist syllogistic syllogistically syllogize symbiont symbiosis symbiotic symbiotically symbiotrophic symbol symbolatry / / / / symbolic symbolical symbolically symbolics symbolism symbolist symbolization symbolize symbolography symbology symbololatry symmachy symmelia symmetallism symmetric symmetrical symmetrically symmetrize symmetrodont symmetrophobia symmetry symmorphic symmorphism sympathectomy sympathetic sympathetical sympathetically sympathicotonia sympathicotropic sympathize sympathizer sympathoblast sympatholytic sympathy sympatric sympatry symphily symphonette symphonic symphonically symphonious symphonism symphonize symphony / / / symphysis symplasm symplasma symplast symplectic symploce sympodia sympodial sympodium symposiast symposium symptom symptomatic symptomatically symptomatize symptomatology symptomless synagogue synalgia synallagmatic synangium synanthesis synanthous synanthropic synapse synapsis synaptic synaptogenesis synaptology synaptonemal synaptosome synarchy synarthrosis synastry syncarp syncarpous syncategorem synch synchondrosis synchrocyclotron synchromism synchromist synchromy synchroneity synchronic synchronicity synchronism synchronistic synchronization synchronize synchronizer synchronograph synchronology synchronous synchronously synchroscope synchrotron synchysis synclastic synclinal syncline synclitic syncopate syncopation syncopator syncope syncracy syncretic syncretically syncretism syncretist syncretistic syncretize syncrisis syncryptic syncytium syndactyl syndesmosis syndetic syndeton syndiagnostic syndic syndicalism syndicate syndication syndicator syndiotactic syndrome synecdoche synecdochical synecdochism synechia synechism synecology synectic synectics synedrion syneresis synergetic synergic synergism synergist synergistic synergize synergy synesthesia synesthetic synesis synethnic syngameon syngamete syngamy syngas syngen syngeneic syngenesia syngenesis syngenetic syngnathous syngraph synizesis synkinetic synneurosis synnomic synocha synochal synochus synod synodal synodic synodical synodically synodist synodite synodsman synody synoeciosis synonym synonymic synonymical synonymist synonymity synonymize synonymous synonymously synonymy synopsis synoptic synopticon synoptist synoptophore synorchism synorthographic synostosis synsemantic syntactic syntactical syntactician syntagma syntagmatic syntagmene syntax syntaxic syntaxis syntaxy syntechnic syntectonic syntectic syntelic synteresis syntexis synthermal syntheme synthesis synthesist synthesize synthesizer synthetic synthetical synthetically synthetism synthetist synthetistic synthetize synthronous syntone syntonic syntonize syntonous syntony syntoxoid syntrophic syntrophism Syria Syriac Syrian syringa syringe syringeal syringeful syringotome syrinx SyroSyrtis Syrtis Major syssarcosis systaltic systatic system system analysis systematic systematical systematically systematician systematicity systematist systematize system design systemic systemist / systemize systemless systole systolic systrophe systyle systylous syzygant syzygetic syzygial syzygium syzygy T tacheometer tachistoscope tachogram tachograph tachography tacholyte tachometer tachyarrhymnia tachycardia tachydrome tachygenesis tachyglossal tachygraph tachygrapher tachygraphic tachygraphy tachylyte tachymeter tachymetry tachyon tachyphrasia tachyphrenia tachypnea tachyscope tachysterol tachythanatous tachytomy tactic / / / / / / / tactical tactician tacticity tactics taenia taeniate taenicide taeniform taenifuge taeniasis tagma tagmeme tagmemic tagmemicist tagmemeics tagmosis talent talented tangram tantalic tantalization tantalize tantalizer tantalum Tantalus tapestry taphonomy taphrenchyma taphrogenesis tapinocephalic tarantella tarantism tarantula Tarentum target practice tarsal tarsalgia tarsectomy tarsier tarsioid tarsiped tarsitis tarsomalacia tarsonemid / tarsoplasty tarsotomy tarsus tartar tartareous tartarology Tartarus ask taskmaster Tatar tau tau cross tau crucifix taurobolium tauroboly taurocholic taurodont taurodontism tauromachy taurylic tautobaryd tautochrone tautographical tautohedral tautological tautologically tautologist tautologize tautologous tautology tautomancy tautomanism tautomerism tautometric tautomorphous tautonym tautophony tautopody tautosyllabic tautozonal taxation taxeme taxeopodous taxi / taxicab taxidermal taxidermist taxidermize taxidermy taxidriver taximeter taxiplane taxis taxi squad taxiway taxodont taxogen taxon taxonomic taxonomically taxonomist taxonomy taxophily tea hour tear gas tech technetium technetronic technic technical technicality technically technician technicism technicist tachnicize technicolor technics iechnification technique technocomplex technocracy technocrat technocratic technofreak technograph technographic technography / / / / / / / / technolithic technologist technologize technological technologically technology technomanager technomania technomaniac technonomy technophile technophilia technophobe technophobia tectnophobic technosapiens technosphere technostress technostructure techy tectibranch tectogenesis tectology tectonic tectonician tectonics tectonism tectonist tectonite tectonization tectonophysical tectonothermal tectosphere Teflon teichoic teichopsia teichosocpy tektite tektosphere telacoustic telamon telangiectasis telanthropus telautograph / / / / / / / / telebanking telecamera telecast telecentric telechiric telecom telecommand telecomputer telecommunication telecommute telecon teleconference teleconnection teleconverter telecopier telecourse telecryptograph telectric telediagnosis teledrama teledynamic telefacsimile teleferic telegenesis telegenic telegnostic telegony telegram telegrammic telegraph telegrapher telegraphic telegraphist telegraphone telegraphy teleguide telekin telekinesis telekinetic telemark telemarketer telemarketing telematics telemechanics / / / / / / / / / telemedicine telemeter telemetry telemotor telencephalon telenegative teleocephal teleocracy teleodont teleological teleologist teleology teleonomy teleophobia teleophyte teleoptile teleordering teleorganic teleosaur teleostean teleostome teleozoon telepath telepathic telepathically telepathist telepathy telepheme telephone telephonic telephonist telephonograph telephony telephote telephoto telephotogram telephotograph telephotometer teleplasm teleportation telepositive teleprinter teleprocessing teleprompter / / / / / / / telepsychic telerecording telergy telescope telescopic telescopically telescopiform telescopist telescopy teleseism teleseme teleshopping telesia telesis telesoftware telesomatic telespectroscope telestereoscope telesthesia telesthetic telestich Telestrator teletex teletext teletherapy telethermogram telethermograph telethermometer telethon teletransport teletype teletypewriter teleutospore televangelist televiewer televise television televisionary televisor televisual telex telharmonium telic teliospore / / / / / / / telium tellurometer telly telmatology teloblast telocentric telodendron telodynamic telogen telomer telometer telophase teloptic telos telosmic telotaxis telotroch telotype telson Temperate Zone tenderometer tendon tendonitis tenesmus tenosteosis tenotomy tensimeter tensiometer tensometer tephigram tephra tephrite tephrochronology tephromancy teraterabit terabyte terahertz terasecond teratism teratogen teratogenesis teratogenic teratogeny / / / teratoid teratolite teratological teratologist teratology teratoma teravolt terawatt terebene terebenthene terebic terebinth terebintinate terebinthine teredo terminology termitologist terotechnology Terpsichore Terpsichorean terrigenous tesselate tesselation tessera tesseract tesseraglot tesseral tesseratomic test card test-type tetanic tetanogenic tetanus Tethyan Tethys tetra tetrabasic tetrablastic tetrachloride tetrachord tetrachoric tetrachotomous tetrachotomy tetrachromic / / / / / / / tetracolon tetract tetracyclic tetracyline tetrad tetradactyl tetradic tetragamy tetraglot tetragon tetragonal tetragram Tetragrammaton tetrahedral tetrahedron tetralemma tetralogy tetramerous tetrameter tetramorph tetramorphic tetranomial tetrapetalous tetraphonic tetraphony tetrapla tetraplegia tetrapleuron tetraploid tetrapod tetrapodous tetrapteron tetrapterous tetrarch tetrarchy tetraskelion tetrasome tetrasomic tetraspherical tetraspore tetrastich tetrastyle tetrasyllabic tetrasyllable / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /- / / /- / / / / / / / / / / / tetrasymmetry tetrathlon tetratomic tetravalent tetrazolium tetrode tetrodont tetromino tettigoniid tettix Teutomania Teutophile Teutophobe thalamencephalon thalamus thalassanemia thalassian Thalassic thalassocracy thalassocrat thalassocraty thalassography thalassophile thalassophilia thalassotherapy thalattology thalerophagous thallic thalliferous thallium thalloid thallophyte thallus thanatism thanatist thanatoid thanatologist thanatology thanatophilia thanatophobia thanatopsis Thanatos thaumatology thaumatrope / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / thaumaturge thaumaturgic thaumaturgics thaumaturgist thaumaturgy theandric theanthropic theanthropism Theanthropos thearchy theater theater seat theatric theatrical theatricalism theatricality theatricalize theatrically theatrics theatrocracy theatromania theatrophil theatrophobia Thebaic Thebaid Theban Thebes theca thecodont theism theist theistic thelemic thelitis thelyblast thelygenous thelykaryotic thelytokous thema thematic thematization thematize theme Themis / / / / / / / / / / / / theoanthropomorphic theocentric theocentrism theocracy theocrasy theocrat theocratic theochristic theodemocracy theodicy theodidact theodolite Theodore theody theodrama theogeological theognostic theogonic theogonist theogony theohuman theoktonic theoktony theolatry theolepsy theologaster theologate theologian theologic theological theologically theologism theologist theologize theologoumenon theologue theology theomachy theomania theomaniac theomancy theometamorphism theomicrist theomonism // // / / / / / / / / / / / / theomorphic theomorphism theomythology theonomist theonomy theopathetic theopathy theophagous theophany theophilanthropy theophile theophilist theophilosophy theophobia theophoric theophorous theopneust theopsychism theorem theoretic theoretical theoretically theoretician theoria theorist theorize theory theosoph theosophical theosophism theosophist theosophistic theosophy theotaurine theotechny theoteleolgical theoteleology theotokos therarchy therapeutic therapeutical therapeutics therapist therapy / // / / / / therian therianthropic therioanthopomorphic theriatrics theriodont theriodynamics therioelectric therioelectricity theriogenesis theriograph therioid theriolatry theriolysis theriomancy theriomaniac theriomorph theriomorphic theriomorphism theriotomy theriozoic therm thermal thermal analysis thermal capacity thermal cycle thermal diffusion thermal efficiency thermal imaging thermalize thermal noise thermal pollution thermal runaway thermal storage thermal unit thermanesthesia thermesthesia thermic Thermidor thermion thermionic thermistor thermite thermoammeter thermoaqueous / / / / / thermochaotic thermochemical thermochemistry thermochromism thermocline thermocompression thermocouple thermocycler thermode thermodiffusion thermoduric thermodynamic thermoelastic thermoelectric thermoform thermogeography thermogenesis thermogram thermograph thermographic thermography thermogravimetry thermohaline thermoharden thermohydrology thermohydrometer thermokinematics thermolabile thermology thermoluminescence thermoluminescent thermolysis thermomagnetic thermomagnetism thermomechanical thermometamorphism thermometer thermometric thermometrical thermometry thermomotor thermomotive thermoneutral thermonuclear / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / thermophagy thermophil thermophilic thermophilous thermophone thermophore thermopile thermoplastic thermoplegia thermopower Thermopylae thermoreceptor thermoregulatory thermos thermoscope thermoscopic thermosensitive thermoset thermosphere thermostable thermostat thermostatics thermosynthesis thermotactic thermotaxis thermotensile thermotension thermotherapy thermotic thermotoxin thermotropic thermotropism thermotype therodont theroid therolatry therology theromorous theromorph therophyte theropodous therosaur Thersites Thersitical / / / / / / / / / theasaurosis thesaurus thesis thesmophoric Thespian Thespianism Thespis Thessalian Thessaloniki Thessaly theta theta-function theurgic theurgical theurgist theurgy thiasos thiasus thiazide thigmokinesis thigmoreceptor thigmotaxis thigmotropism thinocorine thinolite thiobacillus thiocarbonate thiochrome thiocrasy thiocyanogen thiogenic thionic thioindigo thole tholobate tholoid tholos thong thooid thoracic thoraciform thoracipod thoracispinal thoracodynia / / / thoracometer thoracoplasty thoracoscope thoracostomy thorax thorn crown thos thought police thous Thrace Thracian Thrasonic Thrasonical three-center thremmatology threnode threnody threptic thrips thrombectomy thrombin thrombocyte thrombolite thrombolytic thrombophlebitis thromboplastic thrombose thrombosis thrombus throne throneless Thucydidean Thucydides Thule Thulean thulium thurible turifer thurification thurify Thyestean Thyestes thylakoid thyme thymectomy thymic thymocyte thymol thymoleptic thymonucleic thymosin thymotic thymus thyratron thyristor thyrocele thyrogenic thyroglobulin thyroglossal thyroid thyroidectomy thyroidic throidism thyroiditis thyrolitic thyrotoxic thyrotoxin thyrsiferous thyrsiflorous thyrsiform thyrsoid thyrsus thysanopter thysanuran tiara tiare tiarella Tibetology tidology tiger tigercat tigereye tigerish tigon tigress tigrine Tigris tigroid / tigrolysis tillodont timbre timbrel timbrology timbromania timbrophily time base time machine time zone timocracy timocratic Timothy tinderbox tinoceratid Tintometer tintype tissue paper titan titanesque titaness titanian titaniferous titanism titanite titanium titanomachy titanosaurus titanothere titanous Tithonian Tithonus titrimetry tmesis toilet paper tolerogen toll toll booth tollgate tollkeeper tomb tombarolo tombic tombless / / / / / tombstone tome tomography -tomy tonal tonality tone tone-deaf toneless toneme toneless tonetics tonic tonically tonicity tonogram tonograph tonometer tonotaxis tonotropic tonsilolith tonsilotome tonus tony toothpaste toparchy topaz topectomy topia topiaria topiarian topiarist topiarius topiary topic topical topicality topicalize topically topocentric topochemical topochemistry topocline topodeme / / topogenous topograph topographer topographic topographical topographically topographize topography topoinhibition topological topologize topology topomorph toponomastic toponym toponymic toponymy topophobia topophone topopolitan topos toposcope toposcopy topotaxy topotype tormodont tornus torosaurus torquemeter Torrid Zone torsiograph torsiometer torso touch-tone touchtyping tour tourelle tourism tourist tourist center tourist class touristic touristically tourist trap / / / / / / / / tournament tournedos tournette tourney tourniquet tournure tower towering towerless towerlight towerman towery toxemia toxemic toxic toxicant toxication toxicity toxicodendron toxicoderma toxicogenic toxicologist toxicology toxicomania toxicophagous toxicophilite toxicophobia toxicosis toxicum toxidermic toxifer toxiferous toxin toxiphagus toxiphobia toxiphorous toxodont toxophilite toxophily toxoplasm toxoplasmosis trachea tracheal trachean / / / / tracheate tracheid tracheitis trachelate tracheloplasty trachelipod tracheocele tracheoma tracheophone tracheoscope tracheostomy tracheotomy trachidermic trachoma trachycarpous trachychromatic trachypteroid trachyspermous trachyte trachytic trade cycle trade school tragedian tragedienne tragedize tragedy tragelaph tragic tragical tragically tragicalness tragicomedy tragicomic tragopan tragule tragus transatlantic transgenic transgenosis transhistorical transisthmian transmissometer transmorphism transoceanic / / / / / / / transphasor transphenomenal transpirometer transpleural transpolar transposable transpose transposer transthoracic transtracheal transuranic trapeze trapezial trapezian trapeziform trapezist trapezium trapezius trapezohedron trapezoid trapezoidal traulism traulismus trauma traumatic traumaticism traumatism traumatize traumatocace traumatol traumatology traumatonesis traumatopnea traumatopyra traumatropism travelog(ue) treacle treasurable treasure treasure chest treasure hunt treasurer treasurership treasure trove / / / treasury Treasury Department treasury note tree nymph tree surgeon tree surgery trematode trepan trepanation tractinal triad triadic triadism triadist triage trialogue trianthous triarch triarchy trias Triassic triaster triathlete triathlon triatomic triatomid triatomy triaxial tribade tribadism tribasic triblastic tribology triboluminescence tribometer tricarpous tricentral tricephalic triceratops trichiasis trichina trichinize trichinosis trichinous / / / / / / trichite trichogenous trichoid trichologist trichology trichoma trichophobia trichophyte trichord trichosis trichotillomania trichotomize trichotomous trichotomy trichromat trichromatic trichromatism trichromic trichronous triclad triclinic tricolic tricycle tricyclic tridactyl tridactylous trierarch trierarchy triethyl trig trigamist trigamous trigamy trigastric trigenic triglot triglyceride triglyph trigon trigonal trigoneutic trigonometric trigonometrical trigonometrically / / / / / / / / / / / a / trigonometry trigonous trigram trigraph trigraphy trihedral trihedron trihemeral trihydrate trihydrogen trike trilemma trilith trilobal trilobate trilobite trilogical trilogy trilophodont trilophous trimerous trimeter trimetric trimetrical trimorph trimorphic trimorphism triode trionym triorthogonal trioxide tripetalous triphasic triphibian triphibious triphony triphthong triphyllous triplegia tripod tripodal tripodic tripody Tripoli / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / tripterous triptote triptych tripyramidal tris triskaidekaphobia triskele triskelion trismic trismus trisoctahedron trisome trisomic trisomy trispermous trisporous tristich tristichous tristylous trisyllabic trisyllable tritagonist tritanopia tritheism tritheist trithionic tritium Triton tritonality tritone trizonal trochaic trochal trochanter trochee trochiferous trochiform trochilus trochlea trochlear trochophore trochoid trochoidal trochotron / / / / // / / / / / / / / trochus troglobiont troglobite troglodyte troglodytic troglophile trogloxene tronometer trope trophallaxis trophesy trophi trophic trophobiont trophobiosis trophoblast trophocyte trophogenic trophology tropholytic trophoneurotic Trophonian Trophonius trophonucleus trophopathy trophophore trophophorous trophoplasm trophoplast trophosome trophosphere trophotaxis trophotropic trophotropism trophozoite trophozooid trophy tropic tropical tropicalian tropicalize tropically tropicana tropicopolitan /- /- / tropism tropistic tropological tropology tropometer tropomyosin tropopause tropophilous tropohyte troposcatter troposphere tropospore tropotaxis troppo troubadour trout truck truckle tubectomy tubipore tuboplasty tubulipore tubulocyst tularemia tumorigenetic tumorigenic tuna tunable tune tuneful tuneless tuner tunester tune-up tunny turbopause turbosphere Turing machine turismo turista turn turnaround turnaway turnback / / / turncoat turncock turndown turner turning point turnkey turnoff turnon turnout turnover turnpike turnspit turnstone turntable turophile turpentine turret turreted turricular turriculate turriferous TV tylosaurus tympanic tympaniform tympanitic tympanum tympamy typal type typecast typecopy typeface type fallacy typeset typewrite typewriter typewritng typewritten typhlitis typhlograph typhlology typhlometer typhlosis typhoid Typhon typhon typhonic typhoon typhous typhus typic typical typically typicalness typify typing typist typo typocrat typograph typographer typographic typographica typographical typographically typographist typography typological typologist typologize typology typomania typonym typophile typorama typescript typothetae tyranness tyrannic tyrannical tyrannically tyrannicidal tyrannicide tyrannize tyrannophobia tyrannosaurus tyrannous / / / / / / / / / tyrannously tyranny tyrant tyroglyphoid tyroleucin tyroma tyrosinemia tyrosine tyrosis tyrotoxicon Tyrrhene Tyrrhenian Tyrtaean Tyrtaeus U udometer ufology ulcer ulcerate ulceration ulcerous ulotrichan ulotrichous Ultima Thule ultrabasic ultracentrifuge ultracritical ultramicroscope ultramicrotome ultrasaurus ultrasonography umbilical cord unanchored unapologetic unapologetically unathletic unathletically unbaptized unblamed uncanonical uncharacteristically uncharted unchristian uncritical uncritically uncrowned uncrystallized undecagon undemocratic undemocratically undertone undiagnosed undisposed undramatic unglossed ungovernable ungoverned ungovernmental ungrammatical unicameral unicycle unicyclist unidiomatic unimer unimposing unineme unipod unmassed unmechanical unmetered unmusical unopposed unorganized unorthodox unparalleled unpatriotic unpenitent unphilosophical unphonetic unphrased unphysical unpoetic unpoetically unpompous unpracticed unpunishable unpunished unrepentant unrepented unrepenting unscheduled unscholarly unschooled unsophistocated unstigmatized unsymmetrical unsympathetic unsympathetically unsyntactical unsystematic / / untalented untreasured untune untypical unzealous upsilon upturn upturned Urania uranian uranic uraniferous uranite uranitic uranium uranography uranolatry uranology uranomania uranometry uranopathy uranoplasty uranoscopy uranous Uranus uranyl urbanology urea uremia uremic ureter urethra urethritis urethescope urethescopy urinalysis urinologist urinology urinometer urinoscopist urinoscopy urobilin urobilinuria uroboros / / / / / / / urochord urochordata urochrome urocystitis urodele uroerythrin urogaster urogastronome urogenital urogenous uroglaucin urography urokinase urolagnia urolith urologist urology uromelanin uronic urophanic urophilia uropod uropoietic uroporphyrin uroscopy urostealith urostyle urotoxic urotoxy uroxanthic uroxanthin urrhodin uterotome utility program utopia utopian utopianism utopianist utopianize utopiate utopism utopist utriculoplasty uvulatome / / / / / uvulatomy uvulotome uvulotomy V vaccinophobia vacuometer vaginoscope vagotomy vagotonia valvotomy valvulotomy vaporimeter varicocele varicocelectomy variometer vasculotoxic vaseline vasotribe velodrome velodyne velometer venigenous Venn diagram venoclysis venography venospasm venostasis ventriculography ventropodal verbomania vernicle Veronica vesicouretal vestibulotomy vexillology vial vibraphone vibrograph vibrometer vibrophone vibroscope victimology videocam videocamera video card videogram videograph videographer videography videophile video piracy video pirate videoporn vidicon vinometer vinyl vinylogous viremia virogene virogenesis viropexis virosome viscerotome viscerotonic viscerotropic viscoelasticity viscometer vitaphone vitascope vitelligenous vitellogenic vitellophage vitrectomy vivotoxin VoIP volcaniclastic voltameter voltammetry voltmeter volumeter volumetric vortograph vortoscope vulcanology vulvectomy W wallpaper wallphone wallplate walltower war economy war gas war hero war machine war museum wartower war zone watch oil watchtower water baptism warer barometer water base water bomber water buffalo water cannon water devil water gas water intoxication water lily water mass watermelon water meter waternymph water organ water plate water taxi water telescope water thermometer water toxic wattmeter wave analysis wave base wave disk wave machine wave mechanics wave meter wave period wave systen wave theory wealth pyramid weapon system weather center weather cycle webcam weltpolitik whale oil wheel barometer wheel base white elephant white paper wind machine wirephoto wood nymph wordbase word center word geography word magic word method work card working card working place workpause world government world history wrestlemania writing center / X xanthic xanthide xanthin xanthine Xanthippe xanthism xanthocarpous xanthochroi xanthrochromia xanthocyanopsy xanthoderm xanthodont xanthogen xanthoma xanthomelanous xanthometer xanthopathy xanthophyll xanthopsy xanthorrhea xanthosis xanthospermous xanthous xanthoxylon Xantippe x chromosome Xe xenagogue xenia xenial xenobiosis xenobiotic xenoblast xenocentric xenocyst xenoderm xenodiagnosis xenogamy xenogenesis xenoglossia xenoglossy / / / V/ xenograft xenolalia xenolith xenomania xenomorphic xenon xenoparasite xenophile xenophilia xenophobe xenophobia xenophobic xenophoran xenopterygian xenothermal xenotransplant xenotropic xenurine xerarch xeric xerocolous xerocopy xeroderma xeroform xerography xeroma xeromorph xerophagy xerophile xerophilous xerophobous xerophthalmia xerophyte xeroplastic xeroradiography xerosis xerostoma Xerox xiphoid xiphophyllous xiphosauran xylanthrax xylary xylem / xylite xylitol xyloid xylochrome xyloglyphy xylograph xylographer xylography xyloid xylology xylophage xylophagous xylophilous xylophone xylotherapy xylotomous xylotomy xyst xyster xystus / Y yawmeter y chromosome yellow card yellow metal youth center / Z zeal zealless zealot zealotry zealous zealously zealousness zelotic zelotism zelotry Zenia zenocentric zenographic zenography zeolite zeolithic zeolitize zeoscope zephyr zephyrean zephrous zero-based zerography zero hour zeta zetacism zeta-function zeta potential zetetic zeuglodon zeugma zeugmatic zeugmatography Zeus zeuxite zinc chrome zincography zinc oxide ziphioid zither zoantharian zoanthropy zoarium zodiac zodiacal Zoe zoetic zoic zoid zoism zona zonal zonar zonary zonate zonation zone zone center zone defense zoneless zone level zone refinery zoning zonular zonule zoo zoocentric zoochemistry zoodynamic zooecium zoogen zoogenic zoogeography zoographer zoographic zoography zooid zoolatry zoological zoologist zoology zoomania zoometry zoomorph zoomorphic / / zoomorphism zoomythic zoon zoonosis zoopathology zoophagous zoophile zoophilia zoophilous zoophobia zoophobic zoophysics zoophyte zooplankter zooplankton zooplasty zoopsychology zooscopic zoosemiotics zoosperm zoospore zootaxy zootechny zootheism zootokon zootomy zootrope zootype zooxanthin zoozygosphere zygodactyl zygodactylous zygodont zygogenesis zygology zygoma zygomatic zygome zygomorphic zygon zygoneure zygophore zygophyte zygosis / / / zygosity zygosome zygosperm zygospore zygote zyme zymocyte zymogen zymogenesis zymogenic zymogram zymoid zymology zymolysis zymometer zymophore zymophyte zymoplastic zymosan zymoscope zymosis zymotechny zymotic zymotoxic zymurgy / /