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http://www.ledlh.cn/ Bethe Ansatz M T Batchelor 253 BF Theories M Blau 257 Bicrossproduct Hopf Algebras and Noncommutative Spacetime S Majid 265 Bifurcation Theory M Haragus and G Iooss 275 Bifurcations in Fluid Dynamics G Schneider 281 Bifurcations of Periodic Orbits J-P Fran? oise 285 Bi-Hamiltonian Methods in Soliton Theory M Pedroni 290 Billiards in Bounded Convex Domains S Tabachnikov 296 Black Hole Mechanics A Ashtekar 300 Boltzmann Equation (Classical and Quantum) M Pulvirenti 306 Bose–Einstein Condensates F Dalfovo, L P Pitaevskii and S Stringari312 Bosons and Fermions in External Fields E Langmann 318 Boundaries for Spacetimes S G Harris 326 Boundary Conformal Field Theory J Cardy 333 Boundary Control Method and Inverse Problems of Wave Propagation M I Belishev 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ 340 Boundary-Value Problems for Integrable Equations B Pelloni 346 Braided and Modular Tensor Categories V Lyubashenko 351 Brane Construction of Gauge Theories S L Cacciatori 360 Brane Worlds R Maartens 367 Branes and Black Hole Statistical Mechanics S R Das 373 Breaking Water Waves A Constantin 383 BRST Quantization M Henneaux 386 C C-Algebras and their Classification G A Elliott 393 Calibrated Geometry and Special Lagrangian Submanifolds D D Joyce 398 Calogero–Moser–Sutherland Systems of Nonrelativistic and Relativistic Type S N M Ruijsenaars 403 Canonical General Relativity C Rovelli 412 Capacities Enhanced by Entanglement P Hayden 418 Capacity for Quantum Information D Kretschmann 424 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Capillary Surfaces R Finn 431 Cartan Model see Equivariant Cohomology and the Cartan Model Cauchy Problem for Burgers-Type Equations G M Henkin 446 Cellular Automata M Bruschi and F Musso 455 Central Manifolds, Normal Forms P Bonckaert 467 Channels in Quantum Information Theory M Keyl 472 Chaos and Attractors R Gilmore 477 Characteristic Classes P B Gilkey, R Ivanova and S Nikcˇevic′ 488 Chern–Simons Models: Rigorous Results A N Sengupta 496 Classical Groups and Homogeneous Spaces S Gindikin 500 Classical r-Matrices, Lie Bialgebras, and Poisson Lie Groups M A Semenov-Tian-Shansky 511 Clifford Algebras and Their Representations A Trautman 518 Cluster Expansion R Kotecky′ 531 Coherent States S T Ali 537 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Cohomology Theories U Tillmann 545 Combinatorics: Overview C Krattenthaler 553 Compact Groups and Their Representations A Kirillov and A Kirillov, Jr. 576 Compactification of Superstring Theory M R Douglas 586 Compressible Flows: Mathematical Theory G-Q Chen 595 Computational Methods in General Relativity: The Theory M W Choptuik 604 xl CONTENTS Confinement see Quantum Chromodynamics Conformal Geometry see Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory and Vertex Operator Algebras Conservation Laws see Symmetries and Conservation Laws Constrained Systems M Henneaux 611 Constructive Quantum Field Theory G Gallavotti 617 Contact Manifolds J B Etnyre 631 Control Problems in Mathematical Physics B Piccoli 636 Convex Analysis and Duality Methods G Bouchitte′ 642 Cosmic Censorship see Spacetime Topology, Causal Structure and Singularities Cosmology: Mathematical Aspects G F R Ellis 653 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Cotangent Bundle Reduction J-P Ortega and T S Ratiu 658 Critical Phenomena in Gravitational Collapse C Gundlach 668 Current Algebra G A Goldin 674 VOLUME 2 D Deformation Quantization A C Hirshfeld 1 Deformation Quantization and Representation Theory S Waldmann 9 Deformation Theory M J Pflaum 16 Deformations of the Poisson Bracket on a Symplectic Manifold S Gutt and S Waldmann 24 @-Approach to Integrable Systems P G Grinevich 34 Derived Categories E R Sharpe 41 Determinantal Random Fields A Soshnikov 47 Diagrammatic Techniques in Perturbation Theory G Gentile 54 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Dimer Problems R Kenyon 61 Dirac Fields in Gravitation and Nonabelian Gauge Theory J A Smoller 67 Dirac Operator and Dirac Field S N M Ruijsenaars 74 Dispersion Relations J Bros 87 Dissipative Dynamical Systems of Infinite Dimension M Efendiev, S Zelik and A Miranville 101 Donaldson Invariants see Gauge Theoretic Invariants of 4-Manifolds Donaldson–Witten Theory M Marin?o 110 Duality in Topological Quantum Field Theory C Lozano and J M F Labastida 118 Dynamical Systems and Thermodynamics A Carati, L Galgani and A Giorgilli 125 Dynamical Systems in Mathematical Physics: An Illustration from Water Waves O Goubet 133 E Effective Field Theories G Ecker 139 Eigenfunctions of Quantum Completely Integrable Systems J A Toth 148 Eight Vertex and Hard Hexagon Models P A Pearce 155 Einstein Equations: Exact Solutions Jirˇ?′ Bicˇa′k 165 Einstein Equations: Initial Value Formulation J Isenberg 173 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Einstein Manifolds A S Dancer 182 Einstein–Cartan Theory A Trautman 189 Einstein’s Equations with Matter Y Choquet-Bruhat 195 Electric–Magnetic Duality Tsou Sheung Tsun 201 Electroweak Theory K Konishi 209 Elliptic Differential Equations: Linear Theory C Amrouche, M Krbec, SˇNecˇasova′ and B Lucquin-Desreux 216 Entanglement R F Werner 228 CONTENTS xli Entanglement Measures R F Werner 233 Entropy and Quantitative Transversality G Comte 237 Equivariant Cohomology and the Cartan Model E Meinrenken 242 Ergodic Theory M Yuri 250 Euclidean Field Theory F Guerra 256 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Evolution Equations: Linear and Nonlinear J Escher 265 Exact Renormalization Group P K Mitter 272 F Falicov–Kimball Model Ch Gruber and D Ueltschi 283 Fedosov Quantization N Neumaier 291 Feigenbaum Phenomenon see Universality and Renormalization Fermionic Systems V Mastropietro 300 Feynman Path Integrals S Mazzucchi 307 Finite-Dimensional Algebras and Quivers A Savage 313 Finite Group Symmetry Breaking G Gaeta 322 Finite Weyl Systems D-M Schlingemann 328 Finitely Correlated States R F Werner 334 Finite-Type Invariants D Bar-Natan 340 Finite-Type Invariants of 3-Manifolds T T Q Le? 348 Floer Homology P B Kronheimer 356 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Fluid Mechanics: Numerical Methods J-L Guermond 365 Fourier Law F Bonetto and L Rey-Bellet 374 Fourier–Mukai Transform in String Theory B Andreas 379 Four-Manifold Invariants and Physics C Nash 386 Fractal Dimensions in Dynamics V Zˇ upanovic′ and D Zˇ ubrinic′ 394 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect J K Jain 402 Free Interfaces and Free Discontinuities: Variational Problems G Buttazzo 411 Free Probability Theory D-V Voiculescu 417 Frobenius Manifolds see WDVV Equations and Frobenius Manifolds Functional Equations and Integrable Systems H W Braden 425 Functional Integration in Quantum Physics C DeWitt-Morette 434 G -Convergence and Homogenization G Dal Maso 449 Gauge Theoretic Invariants of 4-Manifolds S Bauer 457 Gauge Theories from Strings P Di Vecchia 463 Gauge Theory: Mathematical Applications S K Donaldson 468 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ General Relativity: Experimental Tests C M Will 481 General Relativity: Overview R Penrose 487 Generic Properties of Dynamical Systems C Bonatti 494 Geometric Analysis and General Relativity L Andersson 502 Geometric Flows and the Penrose Inequality H Bray 510 Geometric Measure Theory G Alberti 520 Geometric Phases P Le′vay 528 Geophysical Dynamics M B Ziane 534 Gerbes in Quantum Field Theory J Mickelsson 539 xlii CONTENTS Ginzburg–Landau Equation Y Morita 547 Glassy Disordered Systems: Dynamical Evolution S Franz 553 Graded Poisson Algebras A S Cattaneo, D Fiorenza and R Longoni 560 Gravitational Lensing J Wambsganss 567 Gravitational N-Body Problem (Classical) D C Heggie 575 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Gravitational Waves G Gonza′lez and J Pullin 582 Growth Processes in Random Matrix Theory K Johansson 586 H Hamiltonian Fluid Dynamics P J Morrison 593 Hamiltonian Group Actions L C Jeffrey 600 Hamiltonian Reduction of Einstein’s Equations A E Fischer and V Moncrief 607 Hamiltonian Systems: Obstructions to Integrability M Irigoyen 624 Hamiltonian Systems: Stability and Instability Theory P Bernard 631 Hamilton–Jacobi Equations and Dynamical Systems: Variational Aspects A Siconolfi 636 Hard Hexagon Model see Eight Vertex and Hard Hexagon Models High Tc Superconductor Theory S-C Zhang 645 Holomorphic Dynamics M Lyubich 652 Holonomic Quantum Fields J Palmer 660 Homeomorphisms and Diffeomorphisms of the Circle A Zumpano and A Sarmiento 665 Homoclinic Phenomena S E Newhouse 672 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Hopf Algebra Structure of Renormalizable Quantum Field Theory D Kreimer 678 Hopf Algebras and q-Deformation Quantum Groups S Majid 687 h-Pseudodifferential Operators and Applications B Helffer 701 Hubbard Model H Tasaki 712 Hydrodynamic Equations see Interacting Particle Systems and Hydrodynamic Equations Hyperbolic Billiards M P Wojtkowski 716 Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems B Hasselblatt 721 VOLUME 3 I Image Processing: Mathematics G Aubert and P Kornprobst 1 Incompressible Euler Equations: Mathematical Theory D Chae 10 Indefinite Metric H Gottschalk 17 Index Theorems P B Gilkey, K Kirsten, R Ivanova and J H Park 23 Inequalities in Sobolev Spaces M Vaugon 32 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems R Schmid 37 Instantons: Topological Aspects M Jardim 44 Integrability and Quantum Field Theory T J Hollowood 50 Integrable Discrete Systems O Ragnisco 59 Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry E Previato 65 Integrable Systems and Discrete Geometry A Doliwa and P M Santini 78 Integrable Systems and Recursion Operators on Symplectic and Jacobi Manifolds R Caseiro and J M Nunes da Costa 87 Integrable Systems and the Inverse Scattering Method A S Fokas 93 Integrable Systems in Random Matrix Theory C A Tracy and H Widom 102 Integrable Systems: Overview Francesco Calogero 106 CONTENTS xliii Interacting Particle Systems and Hydrodynamic Equations C Landim 123 Interacting Stochastic Particle Systems H Spohn 130 Interfaces and Multicomponent Fluids J Kim and J Lowengrub 135 Intermittency in Turbulence J Jime′nez 144 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Intersection Theory A Kresch 151 Inverse Problem in Classical Mechanics R G Novikov 156 Inverse Problems in Wave Propagation see Boundary Control Method and Inverse Problems of Wave Propagation Inviscid Flows R Robert 160 Ising Model see Two-Dimensional Ising Model Isochronous Systems Francesco Calogero 166 Isomonodromic Deformations V P Kostov 173 J The Jones Polynomial V F R Jones 179 K Kac–Moody Lie Algebras see Solitons and Kac–Moody Lie Algebras KAM Theory and Celestial Mechanics L Chierchia 189 Kinetic Equations C Bardos 200 Knot Homologies J Rasmussen 208 Knot Invariants and Quantum Gravity R Gambini and J Pullin 215 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Knot Theory and Physics L H Kauffman 220 Kontsevich Integral S Chmutov and S Duzhin 231 Korteweg–de Vries Equation and Other Modulation Equations G Schneider and E Wayne 239 K-Theory V Mathai 246 L Lagrangian Dispersion (Passive Scalar) G Falkovich 255 Large Deviations in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics S Shlosman 261 Large-N and Topological Strings R Gopakumar 263 Large-N Dualities A Grassi 269 Lattice Gauge Theory A Di Giacomo 275 Leray–Schauder Theory and Mapping Degree J Mawhin 281 Lie Bialgebras see Classical r-Matrices, Lie Bialgebras, and Poisson Lie Groups Lie Groups: General Theory R Gilmore 286 Lie Superalgebras and Their Representations L Frappat 305 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Lie, Symplectic, and Poisson Groupoids and Their Lie Algebroids C-M Marle 312 Liquid Crystals O D Lavrentovich 320 Ljusternik–Schnirelman Theory J Mawhin 328 Localization for Quasiperiodic Potentials S Jitomirskaya 333 Loop Quantum Gravity C Rovelli 339 Lorentzian Geometry P E Ehrlich and S B Kim 343 Lyapunov Exponents and Strange Attractors M Viana 349 M Macroscopic Fluctuations and Thermodynamic Functionals G Jona-Lasinio357 Magnetic Resonance Imaging C L Epstein and F W Wehrli 367 Magnetohydrodynamics C Le Bris 375 xliv CONTENTS Malliavin Calculus A B Cruzeiro 383 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Marsden–Weinstein Reduction see Cotangent Bundle Reduction: Poisson Reduction: Symmetry and Symplectic Reduction Maslov Index see Optical Caustics: Semiclassical Spectra and ClosedOrbits: Stationary Phase Approximation Mathai–Quillen Formalism S Wu 390 Mathematical Knot Theory L Boi 399 Matrix Product States see Finitely Correlated States Mean Curvature Flow see Geometric Flows and the Penrose Inequality Mean Field Spin Glasses and Neural Networks A Bovier 407 Measure on Loop Spaces H Airault 413 Metastable States S Shlosman 417 Minimal Submanifolds T H Colding and W P Minicozzi II 420 Minimax Principle in the Calculus of Variations A Abbondandolo 432 Mirror Symmetry: A Geometric Survey R P Thomas 439 Modular Tensor Categories see Braided and Modular Tensor Categories Moduli Spaces: An Introduction F Kirwan 449 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Multicomponent Fluids see Interfaces and Multicomponent Fluids Multi-Hamiltonian Systems F Magri and M Pedroni 459 Multiscale Approaches A Lesne 465 N Negative Refraction and Subdiffraction Imaging S O’Brien and S A Ramakrishna 483 Newtonian Fluids and Thermohydraulics G Labrosse and G Kasperski 492 Newtonian Limit of General Relativity J Ehlers 503 Noncommutative Geometry and the Standard Model T Schu¨cker 509 Noncommutative Geometry from Strings Chong-Sun Chu 515 Noncommutative Tori, Yang–Mills, and String Theory A Konechny 524 Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics (Stationary): Overview G Gallavotti 530 Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Dynamical Systems Approach P Butta` and C Marchioro 540 Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Interaction between Theory and Numerical Simulations R Livi 544 Nonlinear Schro¨dinger Equations M J Ablowitz and B Prinari 552 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Non-Newtonian Fluids C Guillope′ 560 Nonperturbative and Topological Aspects of Gauge Theory R W Jackiw 568 Normal Forms and Semiclassical Approximation D Bambusi 578 N-Particle Quantum Scattering D R Yafaev 585 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance P T Callaghan 592 Number Theory in Physics M Marcolli 600 O Operads J Stasheff 609 Operator Product Expansion in Quantum Field Theory H Osborn 616 Optical Caustics A Joets 620 Optimal Cloning of Quantum States M Keyl 628 Optimal Transportation Y Brenier 632 Ordinary Special Functions W Van Assche 637 CONTENTS xlv VOLUME 4 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ P Painleve′ Equations N Joshi 1 Partial Differential Equations: Some Examples R Temam 6 Path Integral Methods see Functional Integration in Quantum Physics; Feynman Path Integrals Path Integrals in Noncommutative Geometry R Le′andre 8 Peakons D D Holm 12 Penrose Inequality see Geometric Flows and the Penrose Inequality Percolation Theory V Beffara and V Sidoravicius 21 Perturbation Theory and Its Techniques R J Szabo 28 Perturbative Renormalization Theory and BRST K Fredenhagen and M Du¨tsch 41 Phase Transition Dynamics A Onuki 47 Phase Transitions in Continuous Systems E Presutti 53 Pirogov–Sinai Theory R Kotecky′ 60 Point-Vortex Dynamics S Boatto and D Crowdy 66 Poisson Lie Groups see Classical r-Matrices, Lie Bialgebras, and Poisson Lie Groups 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Poisson Reduction J-P Ortega and T S Ratiu 79 Polygonal Billiards S Tabachnikov 84 Positive Maps on C-Algebras F Cipriani 88 Pseudo-Riemannian Nilpotent Lie Groups P E Parker 94 Q q-Special Functions T H Koornwinder 105 Quantum 3-Manifold Invariants C Blanchet and V Turaev 117 Quantum Calogero–Moser Systems R Sasaki 123 Quantum Central-Limit Theorems A F Verbeure 130 Quantum Channels: Classical Capacity A S Holevo 142 Quantum Chromodynamics G Sterman 144 Quantum Cosmology M Bojowald 153 Quantum Dynamical Semigroups R Alicki 159 Quantum Dynamics in Loop Quantum Gravity H Sahlmann 165 Quantum Electrodynamics and Its Precision Tests S Laporta and E Remiddi168 Quantum Entropy D Petz 177 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Quantum Ergodicity and Mixing of Eigenfunctions S Zelditch 183 Quantum Error Correction and Fault Tolerance D Gottesman 196 Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime B S Kay 202 Quantum Field Theory: A Brief Introduction L H Ryder 212 Quantum Fields with Indefinite Metric: Non-Trivial Models S Albeverio and H Gottschalk 216 Quantum Fields with Topological Defects M Blasone, G Vitiello and P Jizba 221 Quantum Geometry and Its Applications A Ashtekar and J Lewandowski 230 Quantum Group Differentials, Bundles and Gauge Theory T Brzezin′ ski236 Quantum Hall Effect K Hannabuss 244 Quantum Mechanical Scattering Theory D R Yafaev 251 Quantum Mechanics: Foundations R Penrose 260 Quantum Mechanics: Generalizations P Pearle and A Valentini 265 Quantum Mechanics: Weak Measurements L Dio′ si 276 Quantum n-Body Problem R G Littlejohn 283 xlvi CONTENTS Quantum Phase Transitions S Sachdev 289 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Quantum Spin Systems B Nachtergaele 295 Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Overview L Triolo 302 Quasiperiodic Systems P Kramer 308 Quillen Determinant S Scott 315 Quivers see Finite-Dimensional Algebras and Quivers R Random Algebraic Geometry, Attractors and Flux Vacua M R Douglas 323 Random Dynamical Systems V Arau′ jo 330 Random Matrix Theory in Physics T Guhr 338 Random Partitions A Okounkov 347 Random Walks in Random Environments L V Bogachev 353 Recursion Operators in Classical Mechanics F Magri and M Pedroni 371 Reflection Positivity and Phase Transitions Y Kondratiev and Y Kozitsky376 Regularization for Dynamical -Functions V Baladi 386 Relativistic Wave Equations Including Higher Spin Fields R Illge and V Wu¨nsch 391 Renormalization: General Theory J C Collins 399 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Renormalization: Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter M Salmhofer407 Resonances N Burq 415 Ricci Flow see Singularities of the Ricci Flow Riemann Surfaces K Hulek 419 Riemann–Hilbert Methods in Integrable Systems D Shepelsky 429 Riemann–Hilbert Problem V P Kostov 436 Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Exceptional Holonomy D D Joyce 441 S Saddle Point Problems M Schechter 447 Scattering in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory: Fundamental Concepts and Tools D Buchholz and S J Summers 456 Scattering in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory: The Analytic Program J Bros 465 Scattering, Asymptotic Completeness and Bound States D Iagolnitzer and J Magnen 475 Schro¨dinger Operators V Bach 487 Schwarz-Type Topological Quantum Field Theory R K Kaul, T RGovindarajan and P Ramadevi 494 Seiberg–Witten Theory Siye Wu 503 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Semiclassical Approximation see Stationary Phase Approximation; Normal Forms and Semiclassical Approximation Semiclassical Spectra and Closed Orbits Y Colin de Verdie`re 512 Semilinear Wave Equations P D’Ancona 518 Separation of Variables for Differential Equations S Rauch-Wojciechowski and K Marciniak 526 Separatrix Splitting D Treschev 535 Several Complex Variables: Basic Geometric Theory A Huckleberry and T Peternell 540 Several Complex Variables: Compact Manifolds A Huckleberry and T Peternell 551 Shock Wave Refinement of the Friedman–Robertson–Walker Metric B Temple and J Smoller 559 Shock Waves see Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems and Shock Waves Short-Range Spin Glasses: The Metastate Approach C M Newman and D L Stein 570 Sine-Gordon Equation S N M Ruijsenaars 576 Singularities of the Ricci Flow M Anderson 584 Singularity and Bifurcation Theory J-P Franc? oise and C Piquet 588 CONTENTS xlvii Sobolev Spaces see Inequalities in Sobolev Spaces 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Solitons and Kac–Moody Lie Algebras E Date 594 Solitons and Other Extended Field Configurations R S Ward 602 Source Coding in Quantum Information Theory N Datta and T C Dorlas 609 Spacetime Topology, Causal Structure and Singularities R Penrose 617 Special Lagrangian Submanifolds see Calibrated Geometry and Special Lagrangian Submanifolds Spectral Sequences P Selick 623 Spectral Theory of Linear Operators M Schechter 633 Spin Foams A Perez 645 Spin Glasses F Guerra 655 Spinors and Spin Coefficients K P Tod 667 VOLUME 5 Stability of Flows S Friedlander 1 Stability of Matter J P Solovej 8 Stability of Minkowski Space S Klainerman 14 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Stability Problems in Celestial Mechanics A Celletti 20 Stability Theory and KAM G Gentile 26 Standard Model of Particle Physics G Altarelli 32 Stationary Black Holes R Beig and P T Chrus′ciel 38 Stationary Phase Approximation J J Duistermaat 44 Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorial Problems R Zecchina 50 Statistical Mechanics of Interfaces S Miracle-Sole′ 55 Stochastic Differential Equations F Russo 63 Stochastic Hydrodynamics B Ferrario 71 Stochastic Loewner Evolutions G F Lawler 80 Stochastic Resonance S Herrmann and P Imkeller 86 Strange Attractors see Lyapunov Exponents and Strange Attractors String Field Theory L Rastelli 94 String Theory: Phenomenology A M Uranga 103 String Topology: Homotopy and Geometric Perspectives R L Cohen 111 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Superfluids D Einzel 115 Supergravity K S Stelle 122 Supermanifolds F A Rogers 128 Superstring Theories C Bachas and J Troost 133 Supersymmetric Particle Models S Pokorski 140 Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics J-W van Holten 145 Supersymmetry Methods in Random Matrix Theory M R Zirnbauer 151 Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems and Shock Waves S Kichenassamy 160 Symmetries and Conservation Laws L H Ryder 166 Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory of Lower Spacetime Dimensions J Mund and K-H Rehren 172 Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory: Algebraic Aspects J E Roberts 179 Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking in Dynamical Systems I Melbourne 184 Symmetry and Symplectic Reduction J-P Ortega and T S Ratiu 190 Symmetry Breaking in Field Theory T W B Kibble 198 Symmetry Classes in Random Matrix Theory M R Zirnbauer 204 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Synchronization of Chaos M A Aziz-Alaoui 213 xlviii CONTENTS T t Hooft–Polyakov Monopoles see Solitons and Other Extended Field Configurations Thermal Quantum Field Theory C D Ja¨kel 227 Thermohydraulics see Newtonian Fluids and Thermohydraulics Toda Lattices Y B Suris 235 Toeplitz Determinants and Statistical Mechanics E L Basor 244 Tomita–Takesaki Modular Theory S J Summers 251 Topological Defects and Their Homotopy Classification T W B Kibble 257 Topological Gravity, Two-Dimensional T Eguchi 264 Topological Knot Theory and Macroscopic Physics L Boi 271 Topological Quantum Field Theory: Overview J M F Labastida and C Lozano 278 Topological Sigma Models D Birmingham 290 Turbulence Theories R M S Rosa 295 Twistor Theory: Some Applications L Mason 303 Twistors K P Tod 311 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theory and Vertex Operator Algebras M R Gaberdiel 317 Two-Dimensional Ising Model B M McCoy 322 Two-Dimensional Models B Schroer 328 U Universality and Renormalization M Lyubich 343 V Variational Methods in Turbulence F H Busse 351 Variational Techniques for Ginzburg–Landau Energies S Serfaty 355 Variational Techniques for Microstructures G Dolzmann 363 Vertex Operator Algebras see Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theory and Vertex Operator Algebras Viscous Incompressible Fluids: Mathematical Theory J G Heywood 369 von Neumann Algebras: Introduction, Modular Theory, and Classification Theory V S Sunder 379 von Neumann Algebras: Subfactor Theory Y Kawahigashi 385 乐档网,我分享,我快乐! http://www.ledlh.cn/ Vortex Dynamics M Nitsche 390 Vortices see Abelian Higgs Vortices: Point-Vortex Dynamics W Wave Equations and Diffraction M E Taylor 401 Wavelets: Application to Turbulence M Farge and K Schneider 408 Wavelets: Applications M Yamada 420 Wavelets: Mathematical Theory K Schneider and M Farge 426 WDVV Equations and Frobenius Manifolds B Dubrovin 438 Weakly Coupled Oscillators E M Izhikevich and Y Kuramoto 448 Wheeler–De Witt Theory J Maharana 453 Wightman Axioms see Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory Wulff Droplets S Shlosman 462 Y Yang–Baxter Equations J H H Perk and H Au-Yang 465 乐档网-提供各行各业及小学、初中、高中、高等教育、工程科技、工程管理、 职场、商业合同等文档范文下载,所有范文免费分享,是您下载范文的首选网 站。 乐档网 http://www.ledlh.cn/