Application to progress with less than 60 credits and/or GPA of less

Application to Progress with less than 60 credits and / or GPA of less than 2.00.
File Location:
Current Revision: 03
Approved by:
Academic Council: 19 September 2011
Document Owner: AA&SAM
Document Level: 4
Date received in Admissions Office:
Date student registered:
Student Name
Student ID Number
Mobile Number
Please complete with reference to your results printed out from Self-Service Banner *
Course Code
Course year you are
applying to progress to
Course Title
Number of Credits
Successfully Completed
Module Code*
Stage GPA
Module Title
* You must print your August exam results from Self-Service Banner and bring them to the
information session so that an informed discussion can take place.
In order to progress to the subsequent year of your course carrying credits you must:
(i) Attend the Information Session held by Course Coordinators as detailed below, and
(ii)Read and sign the declaration overleaf and return to the Admissions Office (A60, A Block).
Information sessions will be held as follows:
Full time students - Tuesday 25th September. Deadline for submission of form: Friday 28th September.
Part time students - Tuesday 2nd October. Deadline for submission of form: Friday 5th October.
Please check the website for details of the time and
location of your Information Session.
All students applying to progress carrying credits must attend.
If you have any queries on this please contact your School Administrator:
School of Business and Humanities:
Olive McGivern
School of Informatics and Engineering:
Naomi Dixon
Part time student Administrator
Fiona Wickham
Students with 60 credits and a GPA of less than 2
If you have 60 credits but a GPA of less than 2 you must attend the Information Session and meet with
your course coordinator immediately afterwards. This is a one-to-one session to assist you to decide
which modules to repeat to increase your GPA. Please bring a copy of your results with you.
Applications cannot be processed until you have met with your course coordinator and your
course coordinator has signed accordingly.
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05 September 2012
Please initial in
each box below
Declaration (to be signed by the student)
1. I hereby accept admission to a subsequent year of a course without having
successfully completed the previous academic year.
2. I am eligible to be considered for progression as I have achieved a minimum
of 50 credits and a GPA of 1.66 (or 40 credits in the case of students on
Erasmus exchange programmes).
3. I realise that participating under these conditions will result in a workload
which will be higher than normally expected from students.
4. I confirm that the above listed modules are those that I have not completed
successfully and that I agree to carry forward into the current academic year.
5. I confirm that these incomplete modules are not considered essential
prerequisites for modules in the following year.
6. I understand that I will be required to pay tuition and registration fees for all
modules listed above which I am carrying from a previous year.
7. I realise that I may need to repeat two modules in order to increase my GPA
above 2; and I realise that I should discuss with my course coordinator the
number of modules I would need to repeat to achieve that. I realise that
charges may apply to repeat additional modules.
8. I agree to attend all scheduled classes in all modules for which I am
registered (within constraints of timetabling of classes), and I realise that
there may be occasions where timetables of modules I am carrying clash
with timetables of modules from the current year.
9. I accept that outstanding modules from the previous year must be
satisfactorily completed before any results from examinations in the
subsequent year will be considered by examination boards.
10. I accept that outstanding modules can be carried to the next academic year
only, and cannot be carried for more than one year.
11. I realise that if I break this agreement, the Institute may withdraw any
privilege to progress without completing the previous stage.
12. I understand that I cannot progress carrying credits from an award year,
unless there are exceptional circumstances.
13. I confirm that I have discussed any aspects of this form that I am unclear
about with my course co-ordinator and understand the implications of this
Students are advised to retain a photocopy of this form for their own records.
I confirm that I have engaged with ALL scheduled opportunities to repeat any outstanding modules
prior to making this application and that I am not applying to progress from an award year.
Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________
I confirm that the student meets the rules of progression. I have discussed the modules with the student
and I advise that the modules listed on page one are repeated. I have checked the approved course
schedule to ensure that these modules are running in the academic year 2012/13 and inserted
equivalent modules where necessary due to programmatic review.
Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________
2011/12 Course Coordinator
This signed application must be submitted to the Admissions Office by full time students by Friday 28th
September (and part time students by Friday 5th October 2012).
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05 September 2012