Chapter 5, Control Volume Analysis 1. Conservation of Mass i) Continuity Equation Time rate of change of the mass in a system is zero Dmsys/Dt = 0 From Reynolds Transport Theorem B = m = mb b= 1 Dmsys/Dt = D/Dt ∫ ρdV = ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV + ∫ ρV∙ndA sys CV CS Continuity ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV + ∫ ρV∙ndA = 0 CV CS Steady flow, ∂/∂t = 0 ∫ ρV∙ndA = 0 CS or Σmout = Σmin Since m = ρQ = ρVA = ∫ ρV∙ndA Define average velocity V = (1/ρA) ∫ ρV∙ndA = m/(ρA) ii) Fixed, Non-deforming Control Volume ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV + ∫ ρV∙ndA = 0 CV CS Ex. 5.1 - 5.5 iii) Moving, Non-deforming Control Volume Absolute velocity (Fluid velocity seen by an observer in a V = Wr + VCV fixed coordinate system): where Wr is the relative(to the control volume) velocity VCV is the velocity of the control volume ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV + ∫ ρ Wr ∙ndA = 0 CV CS Ex. 5.6 Vplane = Wr1 = -VCV = 971 km/h V2 = 1050 km/h (from the engine) Wr2 = V2 - VCV = 1050 - (-971) = 2021 km/h Steady state, conservation of mass ∫ ρ Wr ∙ndA = 0 CS ρ2Wr2A2 - ρ1Wr1A1 - m fuel in = 0 Ex 5.7 VCV = -U = -Rω V2 = Wr2 + VCV Steady state, conservation of mass ∫ ρ Wr ∙ndA = 0 CS Σmout - Σmin = 0 2ρWr2A2 - ρQ = 0 Wr2 = Q/(2A2) iv) Deforming Control Volume ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV + ∫ ρ Wr ∙ndA = 0 CV ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV ≠ 0 CV CS V = Wr + VCS where VCS is the velocity of the control surface seen by a fixed observer Ex. 5.8 Syringe ∫ ρdV = ρ(ℓA1 + Vneedle) CV ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV = ρA1(dℓ/dt) CV The plunger velocity, Vp = -dℓ/dt Conservation of mass ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV + mout - min = 0 CV mout = ρQ2 + ρQleak min = 0 -ρA1Vp + ρQ2 + ρQleak = 0 Vp = (Q2 + Qleak)/A1 Ex. 5.9 Filling a bath tub ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV + ∫ ρ Wr ∙n dA = 0 CV CS C.V. Water in the tub mout = 0 min = ρ(Vj + dh/dt)Aj ∂/∂t [ρhA] + 0 - ρ(Vj + dh/dt)Aj = 0 ρAdh/dt - ρ Aj dh/dt - ρVj Aj = 0 dh/dt = Vj Aj /(A - Aj ) = Q/(A - Aj ) 2. Newton’s Second Law The linear momentum and moment-of-momentum i) Linear momentum ΣFsys = D/Dt ∫ VρdV ΣFsys = ΣFCV Reynolds Transport Theorem D/Dt ∫ VρdV = ∂/∂t ∫ VρdV + ∫ V ρV∙n dA sys CV CS Linear Momentum Equation ΣFCV = ∂/∂t ∫ VρdV + ∫ V ρV∙n dA CV CS where ΣFCV = ΣFbody + ΣFsurface ii) Application of the linear momentum equation a. For inertial (stationary, non-deforming) control volume Ex. 5-10 ΣFCV = FA - Wn - p1A1 - Ww + p2A2 ∂/∂t ∫ VρdV = 0 (Steady state) CV ∫ V ρV∙n dA = (mV) out - (mV) in CS = m(-w2 + w1) FA - Wn - p1A1 -Ww + p2A2 = m(-w2 + w1) FA = Wn + p1A1 + Ww - p2A2 - m(-w2 + w1) Where m = ρQ = ρw1A1 = ρw2A2 Wn = mg Ww = ρVg When FA is positive, force acts upwards in the z-direction. Important generalities applied to the linear momentum equation a. One-dimensional (easier to work) b. Linear momentum is directional c. Mass flow out is positive, flow in is negative d. Velocity is according to the direction of the coodinate e. Steady state f. Select the C.V. so that the surface is perpendicular to the fluid g. Use gage pressure because patm on C.V. cancel each other h. External forces have algebraic signs i. Only external forces acting on the content of C.V. are considered For example: C.V. = fluid alone, shear force between fluid and solid surface is external force. C.V. = fluid and surface, shear force is internal only anchoring force is external j. Force required to anchoring an object exists in response to surface pressure and/or shear force acting on C.V. ii) For an inertial moving, non-deforming control volume D/Dt ∫ VρdV = ∂/∂t ∫ VρdV + ∫ V ρ Wr ∙ndA sys CV CS ΣF sys = ΣFCV Since ΣF sys = D/Dt ∫ VρdV sys . ΣFCV = ∂/∂t ∫ VρdV + ∫ V ρ Wr ∙ndA CV CS Since V = Wr + VCV ΣFCV = ∂/∂t∫ (Wr+VCV) ρdV + ∫ (Wr +VCV )ρWr ∙ndA CV Steady flow CS ∂/∂t∫ (Wr+VCV) ρdV = 0 CS VCV = constant ∫ (Wr +VCV )ρWr ∙ndA CS = ∫ Wr ρWr ∙ndA + VCV∫ ρWr ∙ndA CS CS ∫ ρWr ∙ndA = 0 But for steady flow CS Since Dmsys/Dt = ∂/∂t ∫ ρdV + ∫ ρWr∙ndA = 0 CV CS ΣFCV = ∫ Wr ρWr ∙ndA CS Ex. 5-16 C.V. = moving fluid VCV = Vo V = W + VCV ∫ Wx ρW∙ndA = -Rx CS Ww = ρgA1ℓ Momentum in the x-direction ∫ Wx ρW∙ndA = -Rx CS (mWx)out - (mWx)in = -Rx m2W2cos45 - m1W1 = -Rx Momentum in the z-direction ∫ Wz ρW∙ndA = Rz - Ww = m2W2sin45 CS Assuming frictionless, W1 =W2 = V1 - Vo m1 = ρW1A1 = ρW2A2 = m2 Rx =m1W1 (1 -cos45) = ρ W12 (1 - cos45) Rz = ∫ Wz ρW∙ndA + Ww = ρW12A1 sin45 + ρgA1ℓ CS The resultant force R = (Rx2 + Rz2)1/2 Angle of R from x-direction α = tan -1 ( Rz/ Rx ) iii) Derivation of Moment-of-Momentum Equation Newton’s second law of motion applied to particle of fluid D/Dt (VρdV) = δFparticle The moment-of-momentum r x D/Dt (VρdV) = r x δFparticle r is the position vector, Dr/Dt = V, D/Dt (r x VρdV) = Dr/Dt x V ρdV + D/Dt (Vρ dV) (Since V x V = 0) D/Dt (r x VρdV) = r x δFparticle For a system which is a collection of particles ∫ D/Dt (r x VρdV) = ∫ r x δFparticle = Σ(r x F) sys sys sys Since Σ(r x F)sys = Σ(r x F)CV D/Dt ∫ (r x VρdV) sys = ∂/∂t ∫ (r x V)ρdV + ∫ (r x V) ρV∙n dA CV CS Σ(r x F)CV = ∂/∂t ∫ (r x V)ρdV + ∫ (r x V) ρV∙n dA CV CS iv) Application of the Moment-of-Momentum Equation Simplifications: a. One-dimensional (uniform distribution of average b. Steady state (steady in the mean for cyclic flows) c. Work with the component of the torque (along the axis Consider a Rotating Sprinkler Water exerts a torque on sprinkler head for the axial component Section (1), r x V = 0 Section (2), |r x V| = r2 vθ2 where vθ2 is tangential velocity observered from a fixed control volume V = vθ2, absolute velocity W2 = (vθ2)r, relative velocity VC.V. = -r2ω = -U2, velocity of the nozzle (C.V.) Since V = W2 + VC.V. vθ2 = (vθ2)r - r2ω To find ∫ (r x V) ρV∙n dA CS mass flow rate into the C.V., mass flow rate out of the C.V., right hand rule for r x V ρV∙n dA is negative ρV∙n dA is positive velocity at any section) of rotation) r2er x vθ2eθ = -r2vθ2ez ∫ (r x V) ρV∙n dA CS = -r2vθ2ez(mout) - 0ez(min) = -r2vθ2m The torque about the axis of rotation Tshaft = Σ(r x F)CV = ∫ (r x V) ρV∙n dA = -r2vθ2m CS At a shaft of rotational speed ω, the shaft power Wshaft = Tshaftω = -r2vθ2mω Shaft work per unit mass wshaft = Tshaftω/m = -r2vθ2ω = - U2vθ2 Ex. 5-17 Rotating lawn spinkler a. Stationary, ω = 0 V2 = vθ2 = Q/2A = 16.7 m/s Tshaft = -r2vθ2m = -3.34 N-m b. ω = constant = 500 rpm = (500 rev/min)(2π rad/rev)/(60 s/min) = 50 rad/s V2 = W2 - U2 Tshaft = -r2vθ2m = -r2m(W2 - U2) W2 = Q/2A = 16.7 m/s U2 = r2ω = 10.5 m/s Tshaft = -1.24 N-m c. If no resisting torque is applied Tshaft = -r2vθ2m = -r2m(W2 - U2) = 0 W2 - U2 = W2 - r2ω = 0 ω = W2/ r2 = 83.5 rad/s For a General One-Dimensional Flow Through a Rotating machine Tshaft = (+m out)(±rvθ)out + (-m in)(±rvθ)in mass flow out is positive mass flow in is negative Wshaft = Tshaftω = (+mout)(±Uvθ)out + (-min)(±Uvθ)in + if U and vθ are in same direction - if U and vθ are in opposite direction +Wshaft, Tshaft and ω are in same direction, means power Power per unit mass flow rate wshaft = Tshaftω/m = (±Uvθ)out - (±Uvθ)in SUMMARY into C.V. (Ex. Pump) A. Radial flow rotating machinery Conservation of mass, m = ρVR1A1 = ρVR2A2 VR1 = Q/A1 VR2 = Q/A2 C.V. velocity, U1 = r1ω U2 = r2ω Velocity Triangle V1 = W1 + U1 V1 = VR1 + Vθ1 W1 = WR1 + Wθ1 VR1 = WR1 similarly V2 = W2 + U2 V2 = VR2 + Vθ2 W2 = WR2 + Wθ2 VR2 = WR2 Moment-of-momentum Tshaft = (+m out)(±rvθ)out + (-m in)(±rvθ)in Wshaft = Tshaftω = (+mout)(±Uvθ)out + (-min)(±Uvθ)in wshaft = Tshaftω/m = (±Uvθ)out - (±Uvθ)in + if U and vθ are in same direction - if U and vθ are in opposite direction Ex. 5-18 Conservation of mass, m = ρ VR1A1 = ρ VR2A2 At inlet, Vθ1 = 0 V1 = VR1 + Vθ1 V1 = VR1 V1 = W1 + U1 U1 = r1ω W1 = WR1 + Wθ1 Since , V1 = VR1 = WR1 Wθ1 = -U1 = -r1ω At exit V2 = W2 + U2 V2 = VR2 + Vθ2 Since, VR2 = WR2 U2 = r2ω From velocity triangle Vθ2 = U2 - W2cosθ VR2 = W2sinθ W2 = VR2 / sinθ m2 = ρQ = 2πr2 hρVR2 VR2 = m2 /(2πr2 hρ) Wshaft = (+mout)(±Uvθ)out + (-min)(±Uvθ)in = m2(±U2 Vθ2) B. Axial flow rotating machinery Conservation of mass, m = ρ Vx1A1 = ρ Vx2A2 Since A1 = A2 = 2πrm(ro - ri) rm = (ri + ro)/2 U1 = U2 = rmω Vx,1 = Vx,2 (for incompressible flow) Velocity Triangle V1 = W1 + U1 V1 = Vx1 + Vθ1 W1 = Wx1 + Wθ1 Vx1 = Wx1 similarly V2 = W2 + U2 V2 = Vx2 + Vθ2 W2 = Wx2 + Wθ2 Vx2 = Wx2 Moment-of-momentum Tshaft = (+m out)(±rvθ)out + (-m in)(±rvθ)in Wshaft = Tshaftω = (+mout)(±Uvθ)out + (-min)(±Uvθ)in wshaft = Tshaftω/m = (±Uvθ)out - (±Uvθ)in + if U and vθ are in same direction - if U and vθ are in opposite direction Ex. Problem 5-77 Axial flow water turbine rm = 6 in ω = 1000 rpm Stator blabe exit angle = 70 Rotor blabe inlet angle = 45 rotor blade exit angle = 45 Find: wshaft Consevation of mass, m = ρ Vx1A1 = ρ Vx2A2 Vx1= Vx2 C.V. Velocity U1 = U2 = rmω =[(6/12)(1000)(2π)/60] = 53.2 ft/s Velocity triangle V1sin70 = Vθ1 (1) V1cos70 = Vx1 W1sin45 = Vθ1 - U (2) (3) W1cos45 = Vx1 (3)/(4) (4) tan 45 = [Vθ1 - U]/Vx1 = [V1sin70 - U]/[V1cos70] V1 =U/[sin70 - cos70tan45] = 86.7 ft/s Vθ1 = V1 sin70 = 82.3 ft/s Vx1 = V1 cos70 = 29.9 ft/s W1 = Vx1/cos45 = 242.4 ft/s Similarly W2cos45 = Vx2 (5) Vθ2 = U2 - W2 sin45 (6) V2sinα2 = Vθ2 (7) V2cosα2 = Vx2 (8) From conservation of mass Vx1 = Vx2 = 29.9 ft/s W2 = Vx2/cos45 = 42.4 ft/s Vθ2 = U2 - W2 sin45 = 22.4 ft/s (7)/(8) α2 = tan -1(Vθ2/Vx2) = 37o V2 = Vθ2/sinα2 = 37.2 ft/s wshaft = Tshaftω/m = (±Uvθ)out - (±Uvθ)in = (±U2mvθ,2)out - (±U1mvθ,1)in = -3130 ft-lb/slug 3. First Law of Thermodynamics - The Energy Equation i) Derivation of Energy Equation D/Dt ∫ eρdV = [(Qnet)in + (Wnet)in] sys sys Total stored energy = internal energy + kinetic energy + potential energy or, e= u + V2/2 + gz take the control volume that is coinside with the system [(Qnet)in + (Wnet)in] sys= [(Qnet)in + (Wnet)in]C.V. Reynolds Transport Theorem B = me b=e (Qnet)in , rate of heat transfer into the C.V. by conduction, convection and/or radiation, (Qnet)in = 0, for an adiabatic process (Wnet)in, power into the C.V. (Wnet)in = Wshaft + Wnormal stress + Wtangential stress Wshaft = Tshaft ω Wnormal stress = ∫ σ V∙n dA = ∫ -p V∙n dA = ∫ (-p/ρ)ρV∙n dA Since the normal stress, σ = -p Wtangential stress = ∫ τ V∙n dA = 0 Since tangential stess, τ, is between the fluid and the =0 ∂/∂t ∫ eρdV + ∫ eρV∙n dA CV CS =[(Qnet)in + (Wshaft net)in]C.V. + ∫ (-p/ρ)ρV∙n dA CS ∂/∂t ∫ eρdV + ∫ (u + p/ρ + V2/2 + gz)ρV∙n dA CV CS = [(Qnet)in + (Wshaft net)in]C.V. ii) Application Steady flow ∂/∂t = 0, ehthalpy, h = u + p/ρ min = mout = m m[(hout - hin) + (Vout2 - Vin2)/2 + g(zout - zin)] = [(Qnet)in + (Wshaft net)in]C.V. Ex. 5-20 iii) Comparison of Energy Equation with Bernoulli Equation One-dimensional, incompressible, steady flow m[(uout - uin) + (pout - pin)/ρ + (Vout2 - Vin2)/2 + g(zout - zin)] solid surface where V = [(Qnet)in + (Wshaft net)in]C.V. Without shaft work, (wshaft net)in = 0 pout/ρ + Vout2/2 + gzout = pin/ρ + Vin2/2 + gzin - [(uout - uin) - (qnet)in]C.V. Bernoulli equation along a streamline pout/ρ + Vout2 /2 + gzout = pin/ρ + Vin2/2 + gzin Define: Loss = (uout - uin) - (qnet)in For flow in pipes, modified Bernoulli equation pout/ρ + Vout2/2 + gzout = pin/ρ + Vin2/2 + gzin - Loss Ex. 5.23 Consider friction and shaft work pout/ρ + Vout2/2 + gzout = pin/ρ + Vin2/2 + gzin + (wshaft net)in - Loss Stagnation pressure, po = p + ρV2/2 (pout + ρVout2 /2)/ρ+ gzout = (pin + ρVin2/2)/ρ + gzin + (wshaft net)in - Loss or, (po)out/ρ+ gzout = (po)in/ρ + gzin + (wshaft net)in - Loss Mechanical Efficiency: For fan , blower, or pump (po)out/ρ+ gzout = (po)in/ρ + gzin + (wshaft net)in - Loss ηFan = [(wshaft net)in - Loss]/(wshaft net)in = {[(po)out - (po)in]/ρ+ g[zout - zin]}/(wshaft net)in For turbine pout/ρ + Vout2/2 + gzout + (wshaft net)out = pin/ρ + Vin2/2 + gzin - Loss ηturbine = (wshaft net)out/[ (wshaft net)out + Loss] = (wshaft net)out/{[(po)in - (po)out]/ρ+ g[zin - zout]}