-MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENOTOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE By; Drs. D.H. Loopstra Studentnr.; 0248568 Timeframe; Oct-Dec ‘08 Supervisor; B.A. Schotanus 1 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Contents Abstract 3 Introduction o Etiology of canine hepatitis o Histological changes in canine hepatitis o Liver tissue repair o Signalling pathways o Notch signalling pathway o Wnt signalling pathway o Summary of previous research 4 Aim of the research project 9 Materials and Methods o Immunohistochemistry o Paraffin embedded tissue versus frozen tissue material o Immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded liver tissue o Immunohistochemistry on frozen liver tissue o Liver tissue samples used 10 Results o Paraffin-embedded liver tissue o Frozen liver tissue 13 Discussion 21 Acknowledgements 23 4 4 5 6 6 7 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 15 References 24 25 Attachments o A; Paraffin-embedded liver tissue, Notch 1 protocol- and results table o B; Paraffin-embedded liver tissue: β catenin protocol- and results table o C; Stainingprotocol for Notch 1 (paraffin-embedded tissue) o D; Stainingprotocol for β catenin (paraffin-embedded tissue) o E: Stainingprotocol for CK7 (frozen tissue) o F; Stainingprotocol for Notch 1 (frozen tissue) o G; Stainingprotocol for β catenin (frozen tissue) 2 25 29 31 32 33 34 35 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Abstract In this research project the liver specific progenitor cell (LPC) and its signalling pathways were studied in the dog, by the use of immunohistochemistry. LPC’s play an important role in the ability of the liver to regenerate in response to tissue damage. After activation, LPC’s proliferate (then called reactive ductules) and can differentiate into hepatocytes or cholangiocytes in order to restore the liver’s physiological functions. Much is still unknown about this activation and the signalling pathways involved in this process, making it an interesting subject for research. In this research project we were particularly interested in the Notch and Wnt signalling pathways, since their involvement in the activation of human and rat LPC’s has recently been suggested [14][8]. Initially, immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin-embedded liver tissue samples. Results showed that the use of paraffin-embedded liver tissue wasn’t satisfying, since outcome of many different staining protocols used varied from negative staining to such high background staining that no conclusions could be drawn from these stainings. In addition, immunohistochemistry was performed on frozen liver tissue samples of different types of liver injury. Results showed increased staining of ß-catenin and thus involvement of Wnt in the proliferation of LPC’s and their differentiation into hepatocytes in acute hepatitis, active cirrhosis, PPVH and possibly extrahepatic bile duct obstruction. Increased staining and thus involvement of Notch-1 in the differentiation of LPC’s into cholangiocytes was seen mainly in active cirrhosis and PPVH. This supports current ideas that Wnt is mainly involved in the proliferation of LPC’s and differentiation into hepatocytes and that Notch-1 is mainly involved in the differentiation of LPC’s into cholangiocytes. 3 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Introduction In veterinary medicine, canine liver disease is a common phenomenon. Fortunately, the liver possesses an extra-ordinary way to respond to tissue damage; regeneration. Liver regeneration, having presumably evolved to protect animals in the wild from the catastrophic results of liver loss caused by food toxins, has been an object of curiosity for many years. The ancient Greeks recognized liver regeneration in the myth of Prometheus. Having stolen the secret of fire from the gods of Olympus, Prometheus was condemned to having a portion of his liver eaten daily by an eagle. His liver regenerated overnight, thus providing the eagle with eternal food and Prometheus with eternal torture [16]. However, liver regeneration cannot always be relied upon to take place after liver injury. In the event of ineffective or even total absence of liver regeneration, the life-threatening picture of liver failure may appear [4]. In other cases there may be incomplete liver regeneration, a condition known as hepatic fibrosis, in which the damaged liver tissue is replaced not by cells of the same kind, but by substitute tissue. This state of hepatic fibrosis tends to progress, ultimately leading to the destruction of the liver architecture, terminating in hepatic cirrhosis with the clinical picture of chronic liver failure, a condition with a notoriously bad prognosis [6]. Despite vigorous research efforts during the last few decades, the pathophysiology of liver regeneration is still largely unknown. In view of the growing importance of liver regeneration as the basis for treatment of many liver diseases, one of the objectives of current research is to achieve a better understanding of the extracellular and intracellular signals which govern liver regeneration, and thereby to develop new therapeutic strategies for stimulation of liver regeneration and prevention of liver fibrosis, in the hope of reducing the incidence and morbidity of hepatic cirrhosis. Etiology of canine hepatitis An infectious etiology is often suspected in canine hepatitis, but despite the existence of many known etiologic factors, the etiology of individual causes stays largely unknown [2]. Many infectious agents known for causing hepatitis have yet been identified; viruses (canine adenovirus/Rubarth virus), bacteria (Clostridium piliformis, Leptospira), protozoa (Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora, Leishmania) and fungi (Histoplasma capsulatum). Several toxic agents are also known for causing hepatitis; copper, blue green algae and therapeutic drugs such as trimetoprim sulfa, benzodiazepine and carprofen [6]. But as said, the etiology of individual causes stays largely unknown. Histological changes in canine hepatitis Hepatitis in veterinary hepatology always includes hepatocellular cell death; apoptosis and/or necrosis, and an inflammatory infiltrate varying in type and extend [12]. Furthermore, acute hepatitis (AH) sometimes features regeneration, whereas chronic hepatitis (CH) always conveys regeneration and fibrosis. Lobular dissecting hepatitis (LDH) is a special form of chronic hepatitis, in which the lobular architecture is completely disrupted by fine fibrotic septa [6]. Following hepatic inflammation, the liver gives rise to a tissue repair response in order to regain its physiological function. 4 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Liver tissue repair This tissue repair respons (hepatocellular regeneration) can occur by two means; A) replication of mature hepatocytes and cholangiocytes and, B) in case of hampered hepatocytic reproduction, also by proliferation of the liver specific stem cell, the liver progenitor cell (LPC) [8]. As said, the progenitor cells are activated when hepatocellular proliferative capacity falls short. They ultimately differentiate into new hepatocytes or biliary epithelial cells (Fig. 1) [8]. Hepatobiliary cells Hepatocytes Cholangiocytes Reactive ductuli Hepatic progenitor cells Fig. 1; Differentiation pathways of the LPC [8] As a general rule, replication of existing hepatocytes is the quickest and most efficient way to generate hepatocytes for liver regeneration and repair. LPC’s usually replicate and differentiate into hepatocytes or cholangiocytes only when the replication of mature cells is impaired or entirely blocked. Hepatocytes, cholangiocytes and LPC’s all originate from endodermal-derived hepatoblasts (Fig. 2) during embryonic development [5]. Fig. 2; Cell lineages in the liver [5] 5 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- In adult livers, both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes can replicate. LPC’s form a bipotential reserve compartment capable of generating hepatocytes and cholangiocytes whenever regular replication is inadequate [5]. It is thought that cells surrounding the progenitor cells, amongst which the mesenchymal cells, release signals that regulate the activity of the progenitor cells. These surrounding cells with their signals and signal transduction pathways are called the progenitor cell niche. These signal transduction pathways involved in adult progenitor cell activation have yet been described in other organs with a continuous cellular turnover, for example the intestines. The homeostatic self-renewal of the intestine depends on a complex interplay between processes involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, adhesion and cell death. This cellular response is coordinated by a relatively small number of highly evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways, which include the Notch and Wnt signaling pathways [3]. Since development of the liver from the ventral foregut endoderm is also influenced by Notch and Wnt signalling, these signalling pathways may also be involved in the regulation and control of LPC’s in the adult liver later in life [17]. Signalling pathways Signal transduction pathways are efficient systems that allow cells to amplify faint signals in order to create intense, vital responses. A key element of virtually any signaling pathway is the interaction and regulation of various intracellular intermediates within the pathway. The Notch signalling pathway (Fig. 3) Notch signalling is an evolutionary conserved mechanism, used to regulate cell fate decisions during the development of many cell lineages. Members of the Notch receptor family encode large transmembrane proteins that mediate communication between neighbouring cells during cell-cell contact, by binding to ligands expressed on adjacent cells. Ligand-mediated activation of Notch induces the proteolytic release and nuclear translocation of the Notch intracellular domain. This activated intracellular domain of Notch receptors interacts with DNA binding proteins to directly modulate the expression of target genes. Therefore, Notch mediates direct signal transduction from the cell surface to the nucleus, allowing cells to directly regulate gene expression in neighbouring cells and influence their development [3] Fig. 3; Notch signalling pathway [Wikipedia] 6 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- The Jagged family of transmembrane proteins are ligands for Notch receptors, which control the proliferation and/or differentiation of many cell lineages. In recent human liver tissue studies [11] expression of Jagged-1 was seen in normal as well as in diseased liver tissue. Interestingly, Jagged-1 expression was significantly up-regulated in diseased liver tissue (Fig. 4). This suggests that the Notch signaling pathway may play a role in Human liver regeneration observed during liver disease. Since little is known about the involvement of the Notch signaling pathway in LPC activation in the dog, it makes this an interesting subject for research. A B Fig. 4; Immunolocalization of Jagged-1 expression in normal and diseased adult human liver tissue. A; In the parenchyma of normal liver tissue, Jagged-1 is localized to the cell membrane of hepatocytes (arrowheads) and the endothelium of the hepatic vein (arrow). B; Strong Jagged-1 immunoreactivity is associated with reactive bile ductules in PBC liver tissue (black arrows) [12]. The Wnt signalling pathway (Fig. 5) The Wnt signalling pathway is highly conserved throughout animal development where it exerts pleiotropic effects on cell proliferation, differentiation and polarity or migration. The Wnt signalling pathway is identified as a signalling pathway that critically regulates various postnatal stem cell compartments, including the hematopoietic, skin and enteric systems. The central mediator of canonical Wnt signalling is ßcatenin, which acts as an activator of gene transcription by binding to the nuclear complex. During liver development, ß-catenin was shown to critically regulate hepatic progenitor cell proliferation. It was even shown that over expression or inhibition of ß-catenin during development results in either an increase or a decrease in overall liver size, respectively [17]. Fig. 5; Wnt signalling pathway [11] 7 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- So recent evidence indicates that ß-catenin is crucial for cell division during embryonic liver development and liver regeneration. More recently, ß-catenin is also shown to regulate the proliferative response of hepatic LPC’s in human hepatocellular carcinoma tissue(Fig. 6) [17]. Fig. 6; Expression of ß-catenin in OV6+ (a marker for LPC’s) cells in human liver diseases. A; in normal liver, OV6 are mainly expressed in bile ducts and periportal hepatocytes. B; in liver cirrhosis, OV6 expression are observed as small single cells in the periportal area or as reactive ductular structures at the portal-parenchymal interface. C and D; serial sections of HCC in a patient were stained with antiOV6 and anti– ß-catenin. OV6 expression was observed in a subset of intermediate hepatocyte-like cells in hepatocellular carcinoma tissue (C). Nuclear staining of ß-catenin was higher in the OV6+ hepatocellular carcinoma cells (C) than the adjacent OV6 hepatocellular carcinoma cells (D) [18]. 8 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Summary of previous research Previous study on these signalling pathways has been done by B.A. Schotanus et al., in which healthy liver tissue was compared to a specific type of chronic liver injury; lobular dissecting hepatitis (LDH), by use of laser-microdissection, gene expression studies (Q-PCR), and immunohistochemistry/-fluorescence. Results showed an activated state of the Notch and Wnt pathways in the activated LPC (niches). The Wnt pathway seemed to be particularly involved in proliferation of the LPC, whereas the Notch pathway seemed to be particularly involved in LPC differentiation into biliary cells and seemed to function inhibitory on LPC differentiation into hepatocytes. Aim of the research project My aim for this research is to study the liver progenitor cells and the mechanisms of their activation in the cell niche, by use of immunohistochemical techniques. Thereby concentrating specifically on the Wnt and Notch signalling pathways involved in LPC activation. This will be done in liver diseases with different stages of inflammation, fibrosis and pathophysiology. This will be compared to previously collected data from healthy livers and LDH. This will help us to better understand the pathophysiology of liver regeneration in different diseases. 9 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Materials and methods Immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemistry (or IHC) is a method for demonstrating the presence and location of proteins in tissue sections so it enables the observation of processes in the context of (intact) tissue. Immunohistochemical staining is accomplished with antibodies that recognize the target protein. Since antibodies are highly specific, the antibody will bind only to the protein of interest in the tissue section (Fig. 7). The antibody-antigen interaction is visualized using chromogenic detection, in which an enzyme conjugated to the antibody cleaves a substrate to produce a colored precipitate at the location of the protein. For example; a Notch1 specific antibody to stain the Notch signaling pathway and a β-catenin specific antibody to stain the Wnt signalling pathway were used. When using a new antibody in IHC, the antibody must be tested to find the optimal staining conditions. Chromogen secondary antibody primary antibody Fig. 7; Immunohistochemical binding of specific antibodies [10] Paraffin embedded tissue versus frozen tissue material Immunohistochemistry can be carried out on paraffin-embeded liver tissue as well as on frozen liver tissue. Initially, the goal was to stain Notch1 and β-catenin in paraffinembedded liver tissue. For this there are a couple of reasons which are listed below. Advantages of paraffin embedded material versus frozen material [10]; -greater availability of paraffin-embedded, diseased liver tissue, -better morphology of paraffin-embedded material, -better resolution at higher magnifications, -better cutting possibilities (less cutting-artifacts), -frozen sections subjected to immunohistochemical procedures often show deleterious morphological changes, including chromatolysis and apparent loss of membranes. 10 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Disadvantages of paraffin embedded material versus frozen material [10]; -fixation and embedding cause antigen masking. In order to overcome the drawback of antigen loss, enzymatic- or heat- mediated antigen retrieval has to be used, -cryostat sections give much better antigen preservation than paraffin sections. If immunohistochemical staining on paraffin-fixed liver tissue would prove unsatisfying there was also frozen liver tissue available to obtain data from. Immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded liver tissue Single immunostaining was performed on formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue samples for Notch-1 (ab sc-6014 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, rabbit polyclonal) and β-catenin (ab 2982 from Abcam, rabbit polyclonal). To optimize staining results, different antigen retrievals, boiling times, H2O2 blocks, washes, serum blocks and antibody dilutions were tried for Notch-1 (see attachment A pa 24) as well as for β-catenin (see attachment B page 28). For the protocols used see attachment C on page 30 for Notch-1 and attachment D on page 31 for β-catenin. Since outcome of the different optimization protocols was not satisfying, which is shown in earlier mentioned attachments, Notch-1 and β-catenin staining was repeated on frozen tissue samples. Immunohistochemistry on frozen liver tissue Frozen liver tissue of different types of liver diseases were stained for CK 7, Notch and β-catenin. CK 7 staining was performed mainly to determine localisation and the amount of progenitor cells present in the slides. Cryosections (6 µm) were cut on a cryostat at -20°C. The collected slides were dried at room temperature for three hours and fixated in acetone for ten minutes and dried at air for ten minutes again. Sections were then stored in aluminum foil at – 70 and dried at air for 20 min. in aluminum foil and dried at air for 10 min. without aluminum foil before use. For CK7, brief washing steps were performed in PBS or PBS 0.1% Tween20. Endogenous peroxidise activity was blocked in RTU DAKO standard H2O2, background staining was blocked with normal goat serum (1:10 in PBS), antibody incubations (with Mouse anti CK7 1:50) occurred at RT for 30 min. and visualization was obtained by diaminobenzidine and counter stain consisted of a 10 sec. haematoxylin stain. Slides were covered with Vectamount. For the complete staining protocol see attachment E, page 32. For Notch-1 and ß-catenin, brief washing steps were performed in TBS or TBS-0.025% Triton. Endogenous peroxidise activity was blocked in RTU DAKO standard H2O2, background staining was blocked with normal goat serum (1:10 in TBS), antibody incubations (1:50 for Notch-1 and 1:200 for ß-catenin in TBS-0.025% Triton) occurred overnight and visualization was obtained by diaminobenzidine and counter stain consisted of a 10 sec. haematoxylin stain. Slides were covered with Vectamount. For the complete staining protocol see attachment F and G on page 33 and 34. 11 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Liver tissue samples used Different types of frozen liver tissue were used for staining, namely; -normal liver tissue; n=6 -acute hepatitis; n=3 -active cirrhosis; n=8 -primary portal vein hypoplasia n=5 -extra hepatic bile duct obstruction n=2 -negative control (liver tissue) n=1 -positive control (intestine) n=1 The number of tissue samples used per disease depended on the availability. The healthy liver tissue samples used concerned surplus-liver tissue form dogs used in non-liver related experiments. The diseased liver tissue samples were obtained from patients submitted to the Clinic of Companion Animals of Utrecht University. The project was approved by the responsible ethical committees according to the Dutch legislation. 12 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Results Paraffin-embedded liver tissue As mentioned in the materials and methods, different antigen retrievals, washings, blockings etc. were used in the staining protocol to optimize staining results for Notch-1 as well as for ß-catenin on paraffin-embedded liver tissue. Unfortunately, none of the variables used in the protocol resulted in satisfying staining results, which varied from no staining at all to such high background staining that no conclusions could be drawn from the stainings. A couple of examples of staining results are shown below to demonstrate different, unsatisfying, outcomes. An overview of all the different staining results can be found at attachment A and B, page 24 and 28. Fig. 8; Staining result after using Citrate (pH 6.0) as antigen retrieval (boiled for 30 min. in a microwave), a 0.35% H202 block, PBS(T) as washing, 10% normal goat serum for serum blocking and a Notch 1 antibody dilution of 1:25. Results show that there is only little staining of cholangiocytes and the liver parenchyma. Fig.9; Staining result after using TRIS EDTA (pH 10.0) as antigen retrieval (boiled for 30 min. in a microwave), a 0.35% H202 block, PBS(T) as washing, 10% normal goat serum for serum blocking and a Notch 1 antibody dilution of 1:25. Results show that there is bile duct staining, periportal and –venous field staining but such high background staining that no conclusions can be drawn (see inset). 13 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Fig.10; Staining results after using Sodium citrate (pH 6.0) as antigen retrieval (boiled for 15 min. in a microwave), a 0.35% H202 block, 0.025% T TBS as washing, 3% BSA in T TBS for serum blocking and a ßcatenin antibody dilution of 1:50. Results show that there is little staining of the cholangiocytes, staining of the hepatocytes and no staining of the periportal area. Staining wasn’t specific enough to draw conclusions. Fig. 11; Staining results after using a standard antigen unmasking solution as antigen retrieval (boiled for 3 min. in a microwave), a 0.35% H202 block, 0.025% T TBS as washing, 10% normal goat serum for serum blocking and a ß-catenin antibody dilution of 1:50. Results show that there is a lot of background staining but no specific staining. Since no conclusions could be drawn concerning the involvement of β-catenin and Notch-1 in LPC activation on paraffin-embedded liver tissue, staining was performed on frozen liver tissue. 14 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Frozen liver tissue Healthy liver tissue In healthy liver tissue only few CK 7 positive cells are present (Fig. 12A). Notch-1 staining shows that staining is mainly concentrated in the hepatocytes, which moderately stain membranously. Endothelium also stains moderately. Cholangiocytes stain weak. There is no staining of CK 7 positive cells (Fig. 12B). β-catenin staining mainly shows moderate staining of hepatocytes (membranous) and cholangiocytes. Areas of CK 7 positive cells (Fig. 13A) also show strong β-catenin staining (membranous) (Fig. 13B). A B Fig. 12; A; CK 7 staining on healthy liver tissue, B; Notch staining on healthy liver tissue. A B Fig. 13; A; CK 7 staining on healthy liver tissue, B; β-catenin staining on healthy liver tissue. 15 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Acute Hepatitis In acute hepatitis the overall amount of CK 7 positive cells is slightly increased (then called reactive ductules (Fig. 14A)). Notch staining mainly shows little hepatocytes (membranous and cytoplasmatic) and endothelium staining. There is none (two out of three slides) to little (one out of three slides(Fig. 14B)) staining of CK 7 positive cells. β-catenin staining mainly shows moderate staining of hepatocytes (membranous) and cholangiocytes. In most slides stained for β-catenin, areas of CK 7 positive cells showed increased staining for β-catenin (Fig. 15). A B Fig. 14; A; CK 7 staining on acute hepatitis liver tissue, B; Notch staining on acute hepatitis liver tissue. Fig. 15; β-catenin staining on acute hepatitis liver tissue 16 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Active cirrhosis In seven out of eight slides of cirrhotic liver tissue a strong increase of CK 7 positive cells (reactive ductules) is seen, mainly in the fibrotic septae (Fig. 16A). In the Notch staining, hepatocytes mainly stain membranous and in four out of eight slides cholangiocytes stain weak to little. Two slides show no staining, four slides show little to weak staining, and two slides show moderate to strong Notch staining (white arrows) of active ductules. In the β-catenin staining, hepatocytes stain mainly cytoplasmatic, three slides also stain membranous. Three out of eight slides show little, and five out of eight slides show a strong staining of reactive ductules (Fig. 17). A B Fig. 16; A; CK 7 staining on cirrhotic liver tissue, B; Notch staining on cirrhotic liver tissue. The white arrows show areas of CK 7 as well as Notch positivity. The greater magnifications show clear positive staining for CK 7 as well as for Notch. A B Fig. 17; A; CK 7 staining on cirrhotic liver tissue, B; β-catenin staining on cirrhotic liver tissue. The greater magnifications show clear positive staining for CK 7 as well as for β-catenin. 17 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Primary portal vein hypoplasia (PPVH) In the PPVH slides two out of five slides show little, three show moderate and one slide shows strong increase in CK 7 positive cells, mainly in areas with increased amounts of fibrosis, which is typically for this type of liver disease (Fig. 18A). Notch staining shows little staining of hepatocytes (membranous as well as cytoplasmatic) and virtually no staining of cholangiocytes. Except for one slide in which moderate staining can be seen in the area of CK 7 positive cells (a slide with increased amounts of CK 7 positive cells (Fig. 18B)), no staining was observed of CK 7 positive cells. In the β-catenin staining, hepatocytes showed cytoplasmatic as well as membranous staining. Cholangiocytes, when present (three out of five slides), showed little staining. A strong staining of CK 7 positive cells was seen in three out of five slides (Fig. 19). In these slides an increase in CK 7 positive cells was observed as well. A B Fig. 18; A; CK 7 staining on primary portal vein hypoplasia liver tissue, B; Notch staining on primary portal vein hypoplasia liver tissue. Fig. 19; β-catenin staining on primary portal vein hypoplasia liver tissue. 18 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Extra hepatic bile duct obstruction In liver slides with extra hepatic bile duct obstruction a minimal increase in CK 7 positive cells can be seen (Fig. 20A). There is no specific staining of these cells or areas in the Notch-1 stained slides (Fig. 20B). Cholangiocytes stain negative and hepatocytes mainly stain membranous. In the slides stained for β-catenin, little staining of CK 7 positive cells was observed (Fig. 21). Cholangiocytes stain moderate, hepatocytes mainly stain membranous. A B Fig. 20; A; CK 7 staining on extra hepatic bile duct obstruction liver tissue, B; Notch staining on extra hepatic bile duct obstruction liver tissue. Fig. 21; β-catenin staining on extra hepatic bile duct obstruction liver tissue. 19 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Negative control (liver tissue) In the healthy liver tissue slides used for negative control, staining can be seen in the slides stained for Notch as well as in the slides stained for β-catenin. This is mainly background staining and not specific (Fig. 22A and 22B). A B Fig. 22; A; Notch staining (negative control) on healthy liver tissue, B; β-catenin staining (negative control) on healthy liver tissue. Positive control (intestine) In the intestinal tissue slides used for positive control, strong positive staining is mainly seen, as expected [3], in the crypts of Lieberkühn. This applies to the Notch staining (Fig. 23A) as well as for the β-catenin staining (Fig. 23B). A B Fig. 23; A; Notch staining (positive control) on intestinal tissue, B; β-catenin staining (positive control) on intestinal tissue. 20 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Discussion Paraffin-embedded liver tissue Although many attempts were done to optimize staining results on paraffin-embedded liver tissue for Notch-1 as well as for β-catenin, unfortunately none of them proved satisfying enough to be able to draw conclusions out of the staining results. There are many possibilities for why staining results come out unsatisfying, of which a couple are listed below; -The antibody may not be suitable for IHC procedures which reveal the protein in its native. This is not the case, since staining on frozen liver tissue showed that the antibody was suitable. -The protein of interest is not abundantly present in the tissue. Staining on frozen liver tissue showed that this is not the reason because our antigen of interest was abundantly present. -Fixation procedures (using formalin and paraformaldehyde fixatives) may be modifying the epitope the antibody recognizes. -The secondary antibody may be binding non-specifically (damaged), -Some antibodies only work on fresh, unfixed, frozen tissue, - Because antigen-antibody reactions are reversible, the simple immune complexes formed on the tissue may dissociate during the washing cycles used in immunohistochemistry. The ease and degree of dissociation vary from antibody to antibody. Unfortunately, time was short to continue optimizing staining results. Hopefully in the future the right staining protocol will be found so the advantages of the use of paraffin-embedded tissue can be exploited. Frozen liver tissue Liver regeneration is a very complex process influenced by a great variety of growth factors, cytokines, cell-cell interactions and the liver specific progenitor cell (LPC). In this study the involvement of the signalling pathways Notch and Wnt in the activation of LPC’s was investigated by the use of immunohistochemistry. In the past, research has already suggested that both Notch and Wnt play an important role in the activation of LPC’s in human and rat livers [1] [8]. Research done by Schotanus et al. [15] demonstrated the role of Wnt and Notch in proliferation and differentiation of the LPC’s during a specific type of liver disease in the dog; lobular dissecting hepatitis (LDH). LDH is a type of liver disease which is characterised by extended fibrosis throughout the liver tissue. In this severe state of liver tissue damage replication of mature hepatocytes isn’t sufficient to regain its physiological function. Therefore LPC’s replicate (their numbers increase) and differentiate into hepatocytes and cholangiocytes which was also observed in the CK 7 staining. Notch-1 and β-catenin were up regulated in the LDH tissue compared to healthy liver tissue, demonstrating the involvement of signalling pathways Notch-1 and Wnt in the activation of LPC’s in this type of liver disease. Moreover, it was suggested that Wnt was especially involved in proliferation of the LPC’s and their differentiation into hepatocytes, whereas Notch-1 was suggested to be especially involved in differentiation of the LPC’s into cholangiocytes [15]. This prompted us to study LPC’s and their signalling pathways in different types of liver disease as well and compare them to previously collected data. In Healthy liver tissue small amounts of LPC’s were observed. These cells stained negative for Notch-1 and showed moderate membranous staining for β-catenin, 21 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- showing that Notch-1 and Wnt aren’t activated in resting LPC’s. This suits results of previous research performed on healthy liver tissue of rats [1] [8]. In acute hepatitis, a disease which in general is mainly characterised by extensive inflammation, a few reactive ductules were seen, suggesting a minimal activation of LPC’s. This could indicate that the replication of mature hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, up to a certain level, is sufficient enough for liver regeneration. Since reactive ductules show increased membranous staining for β-catenin and no Notch-1 staining, this suggests that there is indeed proliferation of LPC’s and differentiation into hepatocytes, but no differentiation into cholangiocytes (yet). The one slide in which Notch-1 staining of reactive ductules was seen (Fig. 14A and B), indicates that in this case LPC’s did differentiate into cholangiocytes as well. As acute hepatitis becomes more chronic and tissue damage becomes more severe, proliferation and differentiation can increase, as can be seen in LDH and active cirrhosis. In active cirrhosis, liver injury is merely characterised by an extensive increase in fibrotic tissue and less inflammation. A large amount of reactive ductules were seen, showing that in this severe state of liver tissue damage replication of mature hepatocytes and cholangiocytes falls short and LPC’s come into play in order of liver regeneration. Notch-1 and β-catenin staining both showed an overall increase in staining intensity of the reactive ductules. Based on the suggestion that Wnt is merely involved in proliferation while notch in differentiation, this suggests that under these circumstances there is an increased demand for cholangiocytes and hepatocytes and therefore both Notch-1 and β-catenin show increased staining. This suits earlier staining results of LDH tissue in which increased staining of β-catenin and Notch-1 was seen as well [15]. In PPVH, a disease in which extended fibrosis can be found in the portal area without an inflammatory component, little, moderate and high amounts of reactive ductules were seen. Since the exact pathophysiology of PPVH is still not clear, the variation in reactive ductules amounts could be due to (not yet known) variation in severity or expression of PPVH. Notch-1 staining showed only little positivity in one slide, in area’s where large amounts of reactive ductules were found as well. Other slides with increased numbers of reactive ductules didn’t show Notch-1 positivity. This suggests that in some forms of PPVH, LPC’s differentiate into cholangiocytes and in other forms they don’t. The exact reason for this is not yet clear. The β-catenin staining of PPVH tissue showed increased positivity of reactive ductules in all three slides in which the amount of reactive ductules was increased. In the two slides in which no increase of reactive ductules was seen, only little β-catenin positivity was seen. This shows that in certain forms of PPVH, LPC’s proliferate and differentiate into hepatocytes, influenced by Wnt. In extra hepatic bile duct obstruction, a disease which is primarily a disease of the biliary tract, Notch-1 stained negative and β-catenin stained little in one slide. Since β-catenin staining showed little positivity in the slide in which reactive ductules were seen as well, this suggests that in this specific slide the LPC’s were needed to proliferate and differentiate into hepatocytes. Unfortunately only two tissue samples of extra hepatic bile duct obstruction were available, making it difficult to determine the exact role of the LPC’s and their activation mechanisms in extra hepatic bile duct obstruction. 22 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Since negative controls for Notch-1 as well as for β-catenin showed positive staining, suggestions and conclusions based on the stainings can’t be made with certainty. Reason for the negative control slides to be positive could be a lack of specificity of the antibody, although the rest of the results don’t seem to support this option because of the staining intention variation observed in other slides. Another reason could be that errors have occurred during the processing of the slides. We weren’t able to identify the exact reason for the negative control slides to be positive. In the future, staining results will hopefully be accompanied by negative controls, making results more reliable. Taken together, the obtained data provide insight in the role of signaling pathways Notch-1 and Wnt in the activation of LPC’s in different liver diseases in the dog. Although the precise role of these signaling pathways has not been demonstrated unequivocally in the current report, results form a suitable base for future research. Current research Current research on Notch and Wnt is performed by Alfonso Broers. With the use of specific cell-lines (BDE, HepaRG and THLE5b) and interventions (ligands-Inhibitors and siRNA), he hopefully will be able to give more insight in the role of Notch and Wnt in LPC activation. Acknowledgment I would like to thank my supervisor Baukje Schotanus, Louis Penning, Bas Brinkhof, Adri Slob, Jeannette Wolfswinkel and all my other colleagues and fellow students at the laboratory for their intellectual and technical support at all stages throughout the study. 23 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Apte, A. et al., Wnt/Beta-Catenin Signaling Mediates Oval Cell Response in Rodents. Hepatology, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2008. Boomkens, S.Y., et al., Hepatitis with special reference to dogs. A review on the pathogenesis and infectious etiologies, including unpublished results of recent own studies. Vet Q, 2004. 26(3): p. 107-14. Es, van, J.H. and H. Clevers, Notch and Wnt inhibitors as potential new drugs for intestinal neoplastic disease. Trends Mol Med, 2005. 11(11): p. 496-502. Fausto, N., Hepatocyte differentiation and liver progenitor cells. 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LOOPSTRA- Attachment A Paraffin-embedded liver tissue, Notch 1 protocol- and results table COUPE ANTIGEN RETRIEVAL N50 None N150 None (BOILING) TIME H2O2 BLOCK WASH - 0.35% PBS(T) - 0.35% PBS(T) C50 Citrate pH 6,0 15 min 0.35% PBS(T) C150 Citrate pH 6,0 15 min 0.35% PBS(T) P50 Pepsin 0,4% 15 min 0.35% PBS(T) P150 Pepsin 0,4% 15 min 0.35% PBS(T) P25 Proteinase K 15 min 0.35% PBS(T) P500 Proteinase K 15 min 0.35% PBS(T) C25 Citrate pH 6,0 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) C500 Citrate pH 6,0 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) M25 MiliQ 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) M500 MiliQ 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) SERUM BLOCK 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat E25A TRIS EDTA pH 9,0 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) E500 TRIS EDTA pH 9,0 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) 10% normal goat 10% normal goat PBS(T) 10% normal goat -- Trypsin 0,4% 15 min 0.35% 25 ANTIBODY FINDINGS Negative 1:50 Negative 1:150 1:50 Little bile duct staining No membrane staining Negative 1:150 Negative 1:50 Negative 1:150 Negative 1:25 Negative 1:500 Negative 1:25 Negative 1:500 1:25 Little bile duct staining No membrane staining No background staining Negative 1:500 1:25 Little bile duct staining Little/no membrane staining Negative 1:500 Slide let loose 1:25 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- -- Trypsin 0,4% 15 min 0.35% PBS(T) E25B TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 LDH; TRIS EDTA pH 9,0 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) AUS50A AUS 3 min 0.35% PBS(T) E30T50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 E10T50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 E30T10 0 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 E10T10 0 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 T10 50 EGTA pH 10,0 T30 50 EGTA pH 10,0 ABGS 10 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 ABGS 30 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 SH2O2 10 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min 30 min 10 min 30 min 10 min 10 min 30 min 10 min 30 min 10 min 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% standard PBS(T) 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat Slide let loose 1:50 1:25 1:50 Negative 1:50 (T)TBS 10% normal goat 1:50 (T)TBS 10% normal goat 1:50 (T)TBS 10% normal goat 1:100 (T)TBS 10% normal goat 1:100 PBS(T) 10% normal goat 1:50 PBS(T) 10% normal goat 1:50 PBS(T) 10% normal goat In 10% goat serum 1:25 PBS(T) 10% normal goat In 10% goat serum 1:25 PBS(T) 10% normal goat 26 Bile duct staining Little membrane staining High background staining Periportal & -venous field staining Bile duct staining Little membrane staining High background staining High background staining No membrane staining Periportal & -venous field staining High background staining No membrane staining Periportal & -venous field staining High background staining No membrane staining Periportal & -venous field staining High background staining No membrane staining Periportal & -venous field staining High background staining No membrane staining Periportal & -venous field staining High background staining No membrane staining Periportal & -venous field staining Less background staining No membrane staining Periportal & -venous field staining Negative Negative 1:50 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- SH2O2 30 50 GS10 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min 10 min standard 0.35% PBS(T) 10% normal goat PBS(T) 20% normal goat GS30 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) 30 GS 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) AB 20GS50 20% normal goat 30% normal goat 10% normal goat BSA 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 SH2O2 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 LDH 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min standard PBS(T) GGS 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min standard PBS(T) 3% BSA 30% normal goat 30% normal goat 10% normal goat TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min standard PBS(T) BSA 1% BSAB2 50 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min standard PBS(T) T30A TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min standard PBS(T) T20A TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 20 min standard PBS(T) T30B TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min standard PBS(T) T20B TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 20 min standard PBS(T) T30C TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min standard PBS(T) T20C TW 35 A TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 20 min 30 min waterbath standard 0.35% After A.R. PBS(T) BSAB1 50 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) 30 min 0.35% PBS(T) 30 min standard PBS(T) PBS(T) 27 BSA 0,05% 15% normal goat 15% normal goat 15% normal goat 15% normal goat 15% normal goat 15% normal goat 10% normal goat 1:50 1:50 1:50 High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining Negative 1:50 In 20% goat serum 1:50 1:50 High background staining No membrane staining Periportal & -venous field staining Negative Negative 1:50 In 10% goat serum 1:50 In 10% goat serum 1:50 In 1% BSA 1:50 In 0,01% BSA 1:50 In 15% goat serum 1:50 1night In 15% goat serum 1:50 1night In 15% goat serum 1:50 2nights In 15% goat serum 1:50 2nights In 15% goat serum 1:50 day In 15% goat serum 1:50 day 1:25 Little background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining Less background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRATW S A TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min waterbath TM 35 A TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min microwave TM S A TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min microwave TW 35 B TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min waterbath TW S B TM 35 B TM S B TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 TRIS EDTA pH 10,0 30 min waterbath 30 min microwave 30 min microwave Standard After A.R. 0.35% After A.R. Standard After A.R. 0.35% Before A.R. Standard Before A.R. 0.35% Before A.R. Standard Before A.R. PBS(T) PBS(T) PBS(T) PBS(T) PBS(T) PBS(T) PBS(T) 28 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 10% normal goat 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 1:25 High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining High background staining No membrane staining -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Attachment B Paraffin-embedded liver tissue: β-catenin protocol- and results table ANTIGEN RETRIEVAL BOILING TIME H2O2 BLOCK WASH 3 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS C50 None Sodium citrate pH 6.0 15 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS AUS 50 A.U.S. 3 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS SERUM BLOCK 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 0.35% 0.025% T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 1:100 0.35% 0.025% T TBS 10% normal goat 1:50 COUPE N50 AUS 100 AUS SG50 A.U.S. A.U.S. 3 min 3 min AUS SG100 A.U.S. 3 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS POS BSA50 A.U.S. 3 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS POS SG50 A.U.S. 3 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS H2O2 50 A.U.S. 3 min standard 0.025% T TBS OI 50 A.U.S. 3 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS OI 50 A.U.S. 3 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS 10% normal goat 3% BSA in T TBS 10% normal goat 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS standard 0.025% T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS H2O2 50 A.U.S. CB 50 Citrate buffer pH = 6,0 20 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS LDH 50 A.U.S. 3 min 0.35% 0.025% T TBS LDH 1 A.U.S. 3 min standard 0.025% T TBS 3 min 29 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS ANTIBODY 1:50 FINDINGS Little background staining No membrane staining Little background staining Little membrane staining Little background staining Little membrane staining Less background staining and membrane staining than AUS 50 A lot of background staining especially cytoplasmatic No membrane staining Less backgroundstaining than AUS SG50 no specific membrane staining Merg; membrane staining Cortex; nucleusstaining 1:50 Negative 1:50 slide let loose 1:50 1:50 1:50 1:100 1:50 overnight 1:50 overnight 1:50 1:50 slide let loose Little background staining Little membrane staining Reasonable background staining Little membrane staining Little background staining Little membrane staining 1:50 Negative 1:50 Negative -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- ECH 1 A.U.S. 3 min standard 0.025% T TBS AH/FH 1 A.U.S. 3 min standard 0.025% T TBS PPVH 1 A.U.S. 3 min standard 0.025% T TBS CH/CI 1 A.U.S. 3 min standard 0.025% T TBS +/controle A.U.S. 3 min standard 0.025% T TBS 30 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 3% BSA in T TBS 1:50 Little background staining Little membrane staining Little background staining Little membrane staining Little background staining Little membrane staining Little background staining Little membrane staining 1:50 Negative 1:50 1:50 1:50 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Attachment C stainingprotocol for Notch 1, paraffin embedded liver tissue, Rabbit anti-bodies: Sc-6014 R -Deparaffine serie: -Xyleen 1, Xyleen 2 -Alc96%, Alc80%, Alc70%, Alc60%, Alc30% -PBS 2 x 5 min. 5 x 5 min. 5 min. -Rinse with Kimwipe cloth, circle slide with PAP pencil -Various antigen retrievals variable lengths -H2O2 block; 5/15 min. -Standard H2O2 DAKO or 0,35% H2O2 -Rinse in PBST 3 x 3 min. -Treat with normal goat serum (1:10-1:30) in PBS in a humid chamber 30 min. -Incubate with; -A; PBS (negative control) -B; 6014-R rabbit (primary) antibody, dilution; 1:25- 1:500 (dilution range 1:50-1:500, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Stored at 4 °C) Overnight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rinse in PBST 3 x 5 min. -Incubate with Envision goat-anti-rabbit (secondary) antibody K4003 30 min. RT -Rinse in PBS 3 x 5 min. -Incubate with freshly made DAB, watch colour development; note time! -- min. -Rinse in running tap water 5 min. -Counter stain with haematoxylin, 1:1 PBS 10 sec. -Rinse in running tap water 5 min. -Cover slide with Faramount aqueous mounting medium For the different variables used in the protocol and their results see Attachment A 31 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Attachment D Stainingprotocol for Wnt (β-catenin), paraffin embedded liver tissue, AB 2982 -Deparaffine serie: -Xyleen 1, Xyleen 2 -Alc96%, Alc80%, Alc70%, Alc60%, Alc30% -PBS 2 x 5 min. 5 x 5 min. 5 min. -Antigen retrieval variable lengths -Cooling down variable lengths -Rinse 2 x 5 min. -Blocking; 30 min. -Dry slides and take off as much liquid as you can -Draw circles round coupe with ImmEdgde pen -200 ul, or as much as you need to cover the coupes completely (humidity chamber), with diluted 1st antibody; -1:50 (20 μg/ml in 1% BSA, 0,025% Triton X-100 in TBS) -Keep container at room temp overnight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Rinse 2 x 5 min. -Dry slides and take off as much liquid as you can -H2O2 block; -Standard H2O2 DAKO or 0,35% H2O2 5/15 min. -2nd antibody at room temperature (Envision anti-Rabbit K4003) 30 min. -Rinse 2 x 5 min. -Dry slides and take off as much liquid as you can -Incubate each slide with 200 µl DAB-solution 15 min. RT -Put the sections in a container with milliQ water -Dry slides and take off as much liquid as you can -Cover sections for a few seconds with some drops of hematoxylin -Flush sections with tap water 10 min. Add enough drops aqueous mounting medium on each section and mount a cover glass For the different variables used in the protocol and their results see Attachment B 32 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Attachment E Stainingprotocol for Envision method for anti CK7 Frozen sections 1. Place slide box in aluminium foil from -70 at RT 20 min. 2. Remove slides from slidebox and dry at air 10 min. 3. Rinse in PBS/Tween 3 min. 4. Block endogenous peroxidase activity with DAKO standard H2O2 30 min 5. Rinse in PBS/Tween 3x3 min 6. Treat with Normal Goat Serum 1:10 in PBS. 30 min 7. Incubate a) with Mouse anti CK7 1:50 (K4001) 30 min RT b) with PBS (negative control) 8. Rinse in PBS/Tween 3x5 min 9. Incubate with Envision Goat anti mouse 30 min RT 10. Rinse in PBS (without Tween) 3x5 min 11. Prepare DAB 12. Incubate in freshly made DAB 5 min. 13. Discard in jerrycan IV Rinse 1x in tapwater in fumehood, discard in jerrycan IV Rinse in running tapwater 5 min 16. Counter stain with haematoxylin 30 sec 20. Rinse in running tapwater 10 min 21. Dehydrate in 1x alc 60%- 1x alc 70% 2x alc 96%- 2x xylene 3 min. each step 22. Cover slides with Eukitt 33 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Attachment F Protocol for Envision method on Frozen sections; Notch1 1. Place slide box in aluminium foil from -70 at RT 20 min. 2. Remove slides from slidebox and dry at air 10 min. 3. Rinse in TBS-0.025% Triton 3 min. 4. Block endogenous peroxidase activity with DAKO standard H2O2 5 min 5. Rinse in TBS-0.025% Triton 3x3 min 6. Treat with Normal Goat Serum 1:10 in TBS. 30 min 7. Incubate A) Notch1; 6014-R rabbit 1:50 in TBS-0.025% Triton Overnight B) rabbit serum 1:3000 in TBS-0.025% Triton (negative control) Overnight 8. Rinse in TBS-0.025% Triton 3x5 min 9. Incubate with Envision Goat anti rabbit K4003 45 min RT 10. Rinse in TBS (without 0.025% Triton) 3x5 min 11. Prepare DAB 12. Incubate in freshly made DAB 5 min. 13. Discard in jerrycan IV Rinse 1x in tapwater in fumehood, discard in jerrycan IV Rinse in running tapwater 5 min 16. Counter stain with haematoxylin 1:1 in TBS 10 sec 17. Rinse in running tapwater 10 min 18. Dehydrate in 1x alc 60%- 1x alc 70% 2x alc 96%- 2x xylene 3 min. each step 19. Cover slides with Vectamount 34 -MECHANISMS OF LIVER PROGENITOR CELL NICHE ACTIVATION IN CANINE LIVER DISEASE, DRS. D. LOOPSTRA- Attachment G Protocol for Envision method on Frozen sections; β-catenin 1. Place slide box in aluminium foil from -70 at RT 20 min. 2. Remove slides from slidebox and dry at air 10 min. 3. Rinse in TBS-0.025% Triton 3 min. 4. Block endogenous peroxidase activity with DAKO standard H2O2 5 min 5. Rinse in TBS-0.025% Triton 3x3 min 6. Treat with Normal Goat Serum 1:10 in TBS. 30 min 7. Incubate Overnight A) β-catenin; AB 2982 1:200 in TBS-0.025% Triton B) rabbit serum 1:3000 in TBS-0.025% Triton (negative control) Overnight 8. Rinse in TBS-0.025% Triton 3x5 min 9. Incubate with Envision Goat anti rabbit K4003 30 min RT 10. Rinse in TBS (without Triton) 3x5 min 11. Prepare DAB 12. Incubate in freshly made DAB 5 min. 13. Discard in jerrycan IV Rinse 1x in tapwater in fumehood, discard in jerrycan IV Rinse in running tapwater 5 min 16. Counter stain with haematoxylin 1:1 in TBS 10 sec 17. Rinse in running tapwater 10 min 18. Dehydrate in 1x alc 60%- 1x alc 70% 2x alc 96%- 2x xylene 3 min. each step 19. Cover slides with Vectamount 35