Eco-Schools Action Plan – Kings Hill Primary School 2010-2011 Topic Action Target / Measure Timescale / Responsibility Deadline Litter Taking part in ‘The Big Tidy Litter free playground October,2010 Up ‘event. House Actual result achieved / Date KS2 pupils, Monitored by staff, Vicky Bloor caretaker and report competition to maintain a given to SLT Eco-committee litter free playground. All staff Litter monitors during Raise awareness and reduce October,2010- playtimes and dinner time. litter in the playground. ongoing Penguin bin installed in the ‘Quiet Area’ of the Eco-committee playground for plastic bottles. Waste Bag2 school recycling scheme. Posters to promote recycling Plastic bottles recycled with displayed in classrooms as E.M.R. Poster campaign to well as around the school. November,2010 Cheque from bag2 community school towards ecofunds. Eco-committee promote recycling mobile phones, printer and toner Eco-committee given cartridges. assembly time to promote Batteries recycled Whole school battery recycling December, 2010 Topic Action Target / Measure Timescale / Responsibility Deadline Energy Smart meter installed Smart Meter running Whole school rewiring Low energy bill Autumn, 2010 Actual result achieved / Date Eco-committee Smart meter installed School September, 2010 Governors and Install low ceilings with Senior energy efficient lights and Management switches. team Take part in World Water Money raised to be able to buy Day two taps for a village point. 22-03-11 Eco-committee cheque to buy taps Spring Water Water Aid receive the for a village point in Liaise with Water Aid Nepal charity to buy two taps for a village in Nepal. Install rain gauges to measure rainwater that has been collected. Partnership Rain gauges installed in the Whole school school grounds. community December,2010 ‘including local with Morrisons grow project industry to collect vouchers. ,Morrisons Tokens collected Order placed online Topic Action Target / Measure Timescale / Responsibility Deadline Transport Walk to school month Each year group/class use achieved / Date Autumn,2010 Whole school 16th-20th May Whole school week charts. Data collected by eco- Bike ability training Level 2 award best class/child. members. Take part in Bike Week Katherine Parr, travel school advisor to footprint stickers on their class Take part in Walk To school Actual result Upper key stage Pupils achieve Level selected to receive Bike ability 2 pupils and 2 award. training with members from local Trainers Pupils from upper key stage 2 Summer 2010 authority road safety and sustainable travel team Healthy Breakfast club Questionnaires to find out the organised by parents views of parents and learners about the Healthy Breakfast Club. Healthy Living Autumn,2009- School council Ongoing Eco-committee Summer 2011 Mrs Mavi Newsletter to parents and carers. Increased awareness as well as Health Week understanding of harmful Health Week planned substances like drugs, alcohol, cigarettes Whole school and delivered across the whole school Topic Action Target / Measure Timescale / Responsibility Deadline Improve school grounds Gardening club set up Variety of bulbs planted, winter Mrs Mavi Ongoing Mrs Arnold of the playground. School Grounds Week Caretaker and children to study water habitats of voluntary June 9th-13th various living things Take part in big Bird project Eco members monitor birds visits with R.S.P.B in the wildlife area supported by Vicky Bloor Take part in Bug month Spring,2010 24rth-4th Forest Schools projects Participate in the national workers team Vicky Bloor Data collected with Street pride regards to bird visits officer and entered on the February NATIONAL NEST BOX WEEK Perspective Started on 19-10-09 pansies in pots for the quiet area Take part in the national Clean the pond. Global achieved / Date Autumn,2009- Pond clean and safe to use by Biodiversity Actual result R.S.P.B website. Eco-committee March, 2011 Co-op Partnership Spring, 2010 Fairtrade Fortnight event.Workshops on fairtrade products 26-02-10 Whole school Meeting in led by Eco- Spring,2010 with Vicky committee, Bloor and Co-op team Vicky Bloor, Coop team Date Action Plan was developed: October, 2011 Action Plan developed by: Eco-committee led by Simrat Mavi