complete our questionnaire

22 Bridge Road, Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia
PO Box 557, Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia
p +61(2) 9660 0564 │ f +61 (2) 9660 0350 │ m +61 (0) 438 833 896
w │ e
To obtain an assessment please email us at with your
full and accurate responses to our questionnaire. Please note that only your
complete answers will allow our legal professionals to properly assess your
Please do not send any degrees or diploma certificates, mark sheets, or
academic transcripts.
Please note that while our initial advice is in writing and free, we do not provide
ongoing free advice and commentary without a fee agreement.
On receiving your full and accurate answers to our questionnaire we will send you a
written opinion on your chances of a successful migration application. At this time we
will also provide you with a description or our services, our professional fees and
other costs involved in applying for your visa.
If you wish to engage our services, we will then send you a fee agreement. This
document provides you with a detailed explanation of:
 Services we will provide you, and
 Costs involved in applying for your visa.
We will ask you to sign the fee agreement and make an initial part payment before
we proceed with your application.
1. Are you are studying in Australia and more than 3 months away from
completion of your course? If yes, please note that immigration laws change
frequently and at short notice, and this prevents us from providing advice on
future prospects more than 3 months before completion of studies. Please
only complete the below questionnaire 3 months before you complete your
2. Have you turned 45 years of age. If yes, you are not eligible for general
skilled migration (unless you hold a subclass 475, 476, 485 or 487). Please
do not complete the below questionnaire. You may wish to explore employer
nomination options (see our website for details).
3. Are you less than 18 years of age and want to apply for general skilled
migration independently? If yes, you must wait until you are 18 before you
complete the below questionnaire.
4. Are you studying in Australia as an AUSAID student or a student financially
supported by a foreign government or multinational agency. If yes, you are
not eligible to apply for general skilled migration until you have fulfilled your
obligations under the terms of your scholarship. Please do not complete the
below questionnaire.
August 2008 - © Copyright Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd
Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd - ABN 19 095 322 660 - Migration Agents Registration Number 0006846
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Legal practitioners employed by Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.
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Personal Details
1. Last Name:
2. First Name:
3. email address:
4. What is your date of birth (DAY/MONTH /YEAR)?
5. Of which countries are you a citizen?
6. Do you have any relatives who are Australian citizens or permanent residents or
“eligible New Zealand citizens”? If so, for each relative, please indicate:
How you are related to them. For example, if you have an uncle, whether
he is your mother’s brother or father’s brother;
Where they live (including postcode) in Australia; and
How long they have lived in that place.
7. Do you have any dependants, such as children? If so, please provide their
date(s) of birth.
Australian Visa Details
Do you have a current Australian visa? If so, please indicate the following:
1. What type of visa do you have?
2. What is the visa subclass number?
3. What conditions are attached to your visa? Please state the numbers (8000
series) as they appear on your visa label.
4. When does your visa expire (DAY/MONTH /YEAR)?
Overseas Qualifications
What are your overseas educational qualifications? For each qualification, please
provide the following:
1. The name of the qualification (including any honours qualifications, if obtained).
Please provide name of qualification in the language the qualification was issued
and English language translation of the qualification.
2. The full name and location of the institution which conferred the qualification.
3. The month and year your studies commenced.
August 2008 - © Copyright Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd
Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd - ABN 19 095 322 660 - Migration Agents Registration Number 0006846
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Legal practitioners employed by Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.
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4. The month and year your studies were completed.
5. A list of the subjects that you studied towards this qualification.
If you completed more than 1 qualification, please answer the above questions,
for each qualification (copy and paste questions again here)
Please do not send any degrees or diploma certificates, mark sheets, or
academic transcripts.
Work Experience
Please attach to your reply email an up-to-date copy of your CV. For each position
you held for the last ten years, please include the following information:
1. The name of the employer.
2. The month and year employment commenced and ended.
3. The title of your position.
4. A description of your duties and responsibilities.
Studies in Australia
If you studied or are studying in Australia, please answer the following questions.
1. What are your Australian educational qualifications? For each qualification,
whether or not you have completed the qualification, please provide the
The full name of the qualification (including any honours qualifications, if
The CRICOS code for the qualification
The name and location of the institution which awarded or will award the
The day and month and year your studies commenced
The day and month and year your studies were completed or will be
For each semester or session completed in Australia, a list of the subjects
that you studied towards this qualification. For each subject, please
include credit value of subject.
A list of the subjects for which you received exemptions (for example due
to recognition for prior studies or learning). For each exempted subject,
please include credit value of subject.
2. Were you financially supported by the Australian or an overseas government to
study in Australia? If so, please indicate:
Which organisation(s) provided you with this financial support.
August 2008 - © Copyright Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd
Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd - ABN 19 095 322 660 - Migration Agents Registration Number 0006846
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Legal practitioners employed by Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.
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In which month and year the support commenced.
In which month and year the support ended (or will end).
Under the terms of the financial support, are you obligated to return to
your home country on completion of studies.
If you completed more than 1 qualification, please answer the above questions,
for each qualification (copy and paste questions again here).
Please do not send any degrees or diploma certificates, mark sheets, or
academic transcripts.
Employment Prospects
Do you have an employer in Australia that would be prepared to offer you
employment? If so, please indicate:
1. The name and nature of the position.
2. The location of the employer (including postcode).
3. The position to be offered to you.
IELTS test results
1. Do you have an IELTS test result (either ACADEMIC or GENERAL).
2. If so, what was the score on the following components of the test:
3. What is the date on your IELTS test certificate.
Do you have a partner?
Please note that for immigration purposes, partner is someone with whom you:
Are legally married; or
Are in a de facto relationship, and with whom you have lived for at least
12 months; or
Are in a same-sex relationship, and with whom you have lived for at least
12 months.
If you have a partner, please ask him or her to download another copy of this
document and to answer each of the questions separately to your own. Please
email us both of your responses.
August 2008 - © Copyright Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd
Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd - ABN 19 095 322 660 - Migration Agents Registration Number 0006846
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Legal practitioners employed by Visa Lawyers Australia Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.
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