Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness Resources
First 100 Days Kit
o Produced by Autism Speaks
o Guide for parents for the 100 days after diagnosis
Notbohm, Ellen. Ten Things your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew
Notbohm, Ellen & Veronica Zysk. 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Puzzle of Autism
o Produced by the National Education Association
Assistive Technology Resources
Using Assistive Technology to Meet Literacy Standards for Grades K-3
Using Assistive Technology to Meet Literacy Standards for Grades 4-6
Using Assistive Technology to Meet Literacy Standards for Grades 7-12
o Gives high tech and low tech solutions and IEP Goals
o Accompanied by CD of PDF pages for classroom use, e-mailing, or
posting on websites
o Separated by access issue
 Speech
 Motor
 processing
o Divided into curriculum focus areas and grade levels
 Reading
 Writing
 Written and oral English language conventions
 Listening and speaking
Academic Resources
 Teaching Students with Autism: A Resource Guide for Schools
o British Columbia Ministry of Education Special Programs Branch
 Notbohm, Ellen. Ten Things your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew
 Notbohm, Ellen & Veronica Zysk. 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
 Asperger’s Syndrome: A School’s Guide
Asperger’s Syndrome Guide for Teachers
o Edited and compiled by Elly Tucker
Sensory Resources
Sensory integration checklist
o One page checklist of items a child with sensory processing deficits might
have difficulty with
“Sensory Diet Activities for Home and Away”
o Sensory activities for all of the senses, divided into age appropriate
“Sensory integration: Tips to Consider”
o More sensory activity idea
“Sensory Diet and Environmental Modification Suggestions for the Classroom”
“Low arousal activities/ High arousal activities”
o Activities designed to alert or calm
“My Experiences with Visual Thinking Sensory Problems and Communication
Difficulties” by Temple Grandin
o A description of a person with autism’s experiences.
Behavior Resources
Understanding Behavior: PowerPoint explaining the function of behavior,
reducing misbehavior and targeting misbehavior. (Oswego SETRC)
The Behavioral Observation Checklist (
Direct Observation Checklist (School Psychology Review, 1999, Vol.28, No.4)
Reward Menu: ( Suggested rewards/incentives
broken down by grade level.
Solving Behavior Problems in Autism: PowerPoint explaining common
behavioral problems and suggestions for behavior intervention plans.
Applied Behavior Analysis ( : Description of
ABA and research studies detailing effectiveness.
Self Management for Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum
Disorders: (Lee A. Wilkinson, Intervention in School and Clinic Vol.43, No. 3,
January 2008, pp 150-157) Article discussing the rationale for promoting selfmanagement, steps for developing an intervention plan and case vignette.
Behaviors that may be Personal Challenges for a Student with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (O.A.S.I.S. Online Aspberger Syndrome Information and Support):
Checklist outlining problematic behaviors.
Specifically Designed Instructions for Educators: IEP Modifications /Adaptations
/Support Checklist (O.A.S.I.S. Online Aspberger Syndrome Information and
Social Behavior in Autism: Stephen M. Edelson, Ph.D.
Behavior Report Card ( On-line Behavior Report
Card Generator
Using Video iPods to Teach Critical Skills to Students with Autism Spectrum
Disorders (Tori Can Laarhoven and Woody Johnson): PowerPoint presented at
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities 3rd Annual Statewide Conference
4/24/09) “How to” instructions for creating video materials using iPods.
Book List: Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, University at Albany.
Status of the Field (Current research on Autism)
Autism Spectrum Disorders Research and Practice: Michael Friga, PhD, BCBA:
PowerPoint presented 1/13/09 at Oswego County BOCES. Overview of current
knowledge and research on autism spectrum disorders.
Autism (The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities Facts and information about ASD. Personal Story. Tips for
parents and teachers.
Autism Symptoms Checklist (DSM-IV criteria) Diagnosing and Evaluating for
Autism, Medical Tests, Therapy Evaluations. (
Biomedical Treatment of Autism: John Green, M.D. (Autism Advocate 5th
Edition 2008)
Treatments for Autism: Description of the various treatments for ASD.
Why Time Trends in Autism Matter: Mark F. Blaxill (Autism Advocate 5th
Edition 2006)
Treatment Guided Research: Helping People Now with Humility, Respect and
Boldness by Martha R. Herbert, M.D.PhD. (Autism Advocate 1st Edition 2008)
Social Skills Resources
“Will you be my friend? The importance of social skills” . Power point
presentation by Barbara Mettelman, Ph.D.
Ideas for working on social skills at various age levels: preschool-12th grade.
Ideas for Encouraging Communication and Social Behavior in Children with
Autism (2004. Includes different techniques for
classroom support.
Various behavior tracking forms/observation checklists.
“Social Skills and Academic Achievement”-By Kathlyn M> Steedly, Ph.D,
Amanda Schwartz, Ph.D., Michael Levin, M.A., and Stephen D. Luke, Ed.D.
“Social Stories”- The Gray Center for Social learning and Understanding. Social
story guidelines –
“Children with Autism May Learn from ‘Virtual Peers”...
Communication Resources
“Autism and Communication”- National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
“Communication Approaches”- Nonverbal Thinking, Communication, Imitation, and Play
“Semantic Pragmatic Disorder”- Includes activities for children with SPD.
“Communication Approaches”- Building Communication Around Routines
“Successful use of Visuals in the Classroom and Beyond”- Kevin Kensey CCC-SLP
Communication Resources- list of resources available for children with Autism.
Practical Autism Resources- Free data forms and organizers. Includes websites available
for a variety of data collection forms.
Time to Get a Grip”- Martha R Herbert, M.D., PH.D. Does an environmental role in
autism make sense?
“25 Reasons to Use Visual Strategies” By Linda Hodgdon, M.Ed., CCC-SLP.
“The Skills Involved in Communication”.