
General Syntax
Example 1
C++ subprograms:
void swapper (int &num1, int &num2)
int temp;
temp = num1;
num1 = num2;
num2 = temp;
int computeAvge ( void )
int total = 0, value;
for (int j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j++)
cin >> value;
total += value;
return (total /10);
 There are two types of subprograms:
procedures and functions.
 A procedure corresponds to a void function in C/C++.
 A function corresponds to a C/C++ function that returns a value.
 A subprogram may either have (formal) parameters or not.
 A subprogram that does not have parameters uses global variables to exchange values with the calling
program in some programming languages.
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Example 2
In C++ we have the following:
int max,
// to hold the number of values to read
// to hold their average
void computeAvge ( void )
// read values and compute their average
int total = 0, value;
for (int j = 0 ; j < max ; j++)
cin >> value;
total += value;
average = total / max;
int main( )
/*-------------------- read ten values and compute their average -----------------------------*/
max = 10;
computeAvge ( );
cout << endl << “the average of those values is:\t” << average;
return 0;
Local Variables
 Variables defined in the body of a subprogram are called local variables.
 In most contemporary programming languages, local variables are by default stack dynamic.
 In C/C++, a function’s local variable may be specifically declared to be static.
 However, Ada subprograms, and the (class) methods of C++, Java, and C# have only stack dynamic local
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Using (Formal) Parameters in C++
 In C++, there are two types of (formal) parameters: value parameters, and reference parameters.
 A value parameter is used by a function to receive a value from the calling function.
 A reference parameter is used by a function to supply and/or receive a value from the calling function.
 When a function is called, the arguments (or actual parameters) must be specified as follows:
For a value parameter, you must specify a value (or an expression):
A memory location is created for each value parameter, and it is initialized with that value.
For a reference parameter, you must specify a variable name:
This variable name replaces the reference parameter in the body of the function.
The data types of the arguments and the parameters must be compatible.
Example 3
using value and reference parameters
void funct1 (int vnum , int & rnum1 , int & rnum2)
vnum += 7;
rnum1 += 4;
rnum2 = vnum + rnum1;
int main( )
int num1 = 5, num2 = 16 , num3;
funct1 (num1 , num2 , num3);
cout << endl << “num1=” << num1 << “\tnum2=” << num2 << “\tnum3=” << num3;
return 0;
The output of this program is:
num1= 5
num2= 20
num3 = 32
Which of the following call statements are invalid? Explain.
funct1(num1 +9, num1, num2);
funct1(2, num1);
funct1(num1, num2 + 5, num3);
funct1( 9, num1, num2 , num3);
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Example 4
using value and pointer parameters
void funct1 (int vnum , int * pt1 , int * pt2)
vnum += 7;
*pt1 += 4;
*pt2 = vnum + *pt1;
int main( )
int num1 = 5, num2 = 16 , num3;
funct1 (num1 , &num2 , &num3);
cout << endl << “num1=” << num1 << “\tnum2=” << num2 << “\tnum3=” << num3;
return 0;
The output of this program is:
Example 5
num1= 5
num2= 20
num3 = 32
One-dimensional arrays as parameters
void funct3 (int list1[ ] , int list2[ ] , int num , int size)
for (int j = 0; j < size, j++)
list2[ j ] = list1[ j ] + num;
int main( )
int vala [ 5 ] = { 3, 9, 4, 6, 8}, valb[ 5 ];
funct3 (vala , valb , 7, 5);
return 0;
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Example 6
Two-dimensional arrays as parameters
void funct4 (int list[ ] [5] , int num , int size)
for (int r = 0; r < size, r++)
for (int c = 0 ; c < 5 ; c++)
list[ r ][ c ] = list[ r ][ c ] + num;
int main( )
int table [6][ 5 ] = {{3, 9, 4, 6, 8}, {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {3, 2, 5, 6, 3}, { 9, 6, 5, 2, 8}, {2, 4, 3, 6, 7}, {4, 6, 5, 7, 8}};
funct4 (table , 10 , 6);
return 0;
Specifying Default Arguments
In C++, FORTRAN 95, Ada, and PHP (but not in Java), formal parameters may have default values: A default
value is used if no actual parameter (argument) is passed for that formal parameter.
Function header:
float compute_pay (float income, float tax_rate, int exemptions = 1)
Function calls:
pay = compute_pay (20000.0, 0.15);
pay = compute_pay (25000.0, 0.18, 4);
In C++, parameters with default arguments must appear last in the argument list.
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Subprogram Declarations: Function Prototypes
Example 7
1. void swapper (int &num1, int &num2);
or void swapper (int &, int &);
2. int readvalue ( void );
3. void funct1 (int vnum , int & rnum1 , int & rnum2);
or void funct1 (int , int & , int &);
4. void funct1 (int vnum , int * pt1 , int * pt2);
or void funct1 (int , int * , int * );
5. void funct3 (int list1[ ] , int list2[ ] , int num , int size); or void funct3 (int [ ] , int [ ] , int , int );
6. void funct4 (int list[ ] [5] , int num , int size);
or void funct4 (int [ ] [5] , int , int );
Java and C# do not have function prototypes.
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Parameter Passing Methods
 Formal parameters are used to do one of the following:
Receive a value from the corresponding argument (actual parameter). Semantic model: in mode.
Example: value parameter in C++.
Transmit data to the corresponding argument. Semantic model: out mode.
Or to receive and transmit data to the corresponding argument. Semantic model: In-Out mode.
Example: reference parameter in C++.
Implementation Models of Parameter Passing
Pass-by-value is an implementation of the in-mode parameters. The value of the argument is used to initialize
the corresponding formal parameter.
Pass-by-result is an implementation of the out-mode parameters. The formal parameter acts as a local variable.
But just before the control returns to the calling program, its value is copied to the corresponding argument
(which must be a variable).
and pass-by-result.
is an implementation of in-out mode parameters. It is a combination of pass-by-value
Pass-by-reference is another implementation of in-out mode parameters.
Overloading Subprograms
 Very often, two or more functions of a program conceptually perform the same task, but the number
and/or the data types of some of their arguments are different.
 For example, you may have a function to compute the average of three integer values, and another
one to compute the average of three double precision floating-point values.
 You may also have a function to compute the average of two integer values, and another one to
compute the average of three integer values.
 Giving the same name to these functions can make the program easier to read and understand
 In C++ two or more functions may have the same name, as long as there is a way to distinguish them
based on their parameters.
 This feature is called function overloading.
 The compiler determines the right version of the function to call from a set of overloaded functions
by inspecting the arguments specified in the function call.
 The example in Figure 14 illustrates the use of overloaded function names in a source module.
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Function Name Overloading
Line Number
Program to compute the average of two integer values, the average
of three integer values and the average of two double precision
floating-point values.
using namespace std;
int ComputeAverage( int, int);
// to compute the average of two integer values
int ComputeAverage( int, int, int);
// to compute the average of three integer values
double ComputeAverage(double, double);
//to compute the average of two floating-point values
int main()
int result1,
double result3;
// the average of two integer values
// the average of three integer values
//the average of two floating-point values
result1 = ComputeAverage(4, 5);
// call to function defined in line 35
result2 = ComputeAverage(5, 4, 6);
// call to function defined in line 40
result3 = ComputeAverage(4.0, 5.0); // call to function defined in line 45
<< “\n\nresult1=\t” << result1 <<
return 0;
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int ComputeAverage(int value1, int value2)
return (value1 + value2) / 2;
int ComputeAverage(int value1, int value2, int value3)
return (value1 + value2 + value3) / 3;
double ComputeAverage(double value1, double value2)
return (value1 + value2) / 2;
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Generic Subprograms
Function Templates
 A function template is an alternative way to overloading a function name when all the functions have
the same number of parameters but with different data types.
 For example, suppose that in a program we have to write three functions: The first interchanges the
values of two character variables, the second one interchanges the values of two integer variables, and
the last one interchanges the values of two double precision variables. Instead of writing the three
separate functions, we can write a template function that can be used in any of the above three situations.
 C++ automatically generates separate function template specializations to handle each type of call
 A template function definition begins with the keyword template followed by a template parameter
list specified in angle brackets as follows:
template < class T1, class T2, . . . , class Tn >
template < typename T1, typename T2, . . . , typename Tn >
T1, T2, . . . , Tn are the type parameters that represent the different data types that will be
used in the definition of the function template.
Function template of functions to interchange the values of two variables
template <class T>
void swapValues( T & var1 , T & var2)
T temp;
temp = var1;
var1 = var2;
var2 = temp;
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Function template that receives variables in two data types and output the maximum size of those
variables/ data types.
C++ provides a compile-time unary operator named sizeof with the following syntax:
sizeof <variable>
returns the number of bytes used to represent <variable>.
sizeof ( <variable>)
returns the number of bytes used to represent <variable>.
sizeof <array-name>
returns the number of bytes in the array with name <array-name>.
sizeof ( <array-name>) returns the number of bytes in the array with name <array-name>.
sizeof ( <data-type>)
returns the number of bytes used to represent a variable with the data type
int inum, list[ 10 ];
double dnum;
cout << “\n size of inum is:\t” << sizeof inum;
cout << “\n size of int is:\t” << sizeof (int);
cout << “\n size of list is:\t” << sizeof (list);
cout << “\n size of dnum is:\t” << sizeof dnum;
cout << “\n size of double is:\t” << sizeof (double);
size of inum is: 4
size of int is: 4
size of list is: 40
size of dnum is: 8
size of double is: 8
Note that since the operator sizeof is a compiler-time operator, it cannot be used in a function to
determine the size of an array passed to that function as an argument as follows:
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void funct( int list[ ] )
int size = sizeof ( list )/ sizeof( int );
template <class T1, class T2>
int largest( T1 &var1, T2 &var2 )
int max;
if ( sizeof( var1 ) > sizeof(var2) )
max = sizeof(var1);
max = sizeof(var2);
return max;
Functions templates do not have function prototypes: they must therefore be included in any source
module in which they are called.
One way to use functions templates in a program is to place them in a header file and to include that
header file in any program where the function template is called.
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/*-- Program to read two values and to compute the difference of the largest value minus the smallest -*/
template <class T>
void swapValues( T & var1 , T & var2)
T temp;
temp = var1;
var1 = var2;
var2 = temp;
int main( )
int inum1, inum2;
double dnum1, dnum2;
/*------ read two integer values and compute the difference of the largest minus the smallest -----*/
cin >> inum1 >> inum2;
if(inum1 < inum2)
swapValues( inum1, inum2);
cout << inum1 – inum2;
/*- read two double precision values and compute the difference of the largest minus the smallest */
cin >> dnum1 >> dnum2;
if(dnum1 < dnum2)
swapValues( dnum1, dnum2);
cout << dnum1 – dnum2;
return 0;
Write the function template of functions to find the maximum of three values.
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Other Issues
Nested subprograms.
Implementing Subprograms with Stack-Dynamic Local Variables
Activation Record
Local variables
Dynamic link:
(Pointer to the base of the activation record instance of the caller )
Return address
Top of the stack
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