Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation 2006 Rate Application RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0340 Schedule 3-4 Page 1 of 8 Schedule 3-4: Conservation and Demand Management In order to continue to promote and expand CDM to customers in Bluewater Power’s distribution territory, we are seeking approval of $250,000.00 for CDM spending in 2006; of this amount, $90,000 is capital expense and $160,000 is operating expense. Bluewater Power has established itself as the energy conservation and energy management expert in Lambton County. In 2006, Bluewater Power will focus its CDM efforts primarily on energy efficient lighting. The commercial program provides rebates to commercial, industrial, and institutional customers for installing energy efficient lighting systems. The majority of program impacts are expected to come from customers replacing standard efficiency fluorescent lighting systems (T12 lamps and magnetic ballasts) with T8 lamps and electronic ballasts. The residential program provides rebates to residential customers who purchase compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and LED Christmas lights. The program includes customer educational and promotional pieces designed to educate customers about the benefits of CFLs and LED Christmas lights. As required, below are the distribution system characteristics of Bluewater Power as well as detailed descriptions of the 2006 initiatives including Total Resource Cost test (TRCs) of both the residential and commercial programs. Both the residential and commercial programs provide exceptional value to the end use customers and system as a whole. This has been demonstrated with the help of our consultants, Summit Blue, in the Benefit / Cost Ratio (BCR) analyses. The residential program has a BCR of 7.83 and the commercial program has a BCR of 4.4. Bluewater Power Distribution System Characteristics 1. Peak system load Winter (2004): Summer (2004): 181,354 kW 225,094 kW Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation 2006 Rate Application RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0340 Schedule 3-4 Page 2 of 8 2. Number of customer by rate class 2004 Data By Class Cust. Num.'s RESIDENTIAL CLASS GENERAL SERVICE <50 KW CLASS GENERAL SERVICE >50 KW NON TIME OF USE GENERAL SERVICE >50 KW TIME OF USE LARGE USER CLASS SENTINEL LIGHTS STREET LIGHTING 30,648 3,959 344 28 5 125 8 Totals 35,117 3. Total energy purchased 2004: 1,149,895,557 kWh 4. Average seasonal load shapes (NSLS) in kW. 2004 Winter Daily Average 11 pm 9p m 7p m 5p m 3p m 1p m 11 am 9a m 7a m 5a m 3a m 1a m 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation 2006 Rate Application RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0340 Schedule 3-4 Page 3 of 8 Bluewater Power CDM Program Details Commercial / Industrial CDM Program Program Concept Provides rebates to commercial, industrial, and institutional customers for installing energy efficient lighting systems. The majority of program impacts are expected to come from customers replacing standard efficiency fluorescent lighting systems (T12 lamps and magnetic ballasts) with T8 lamps and electronic ballasts. Other eligible lighting retrofits include: Replacing standard fluorescent lighting systems with T5 lamps and electronic ballasts. Replacing incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps or efficient HID systems. Replacing mercury vapor systems with metal halide or high pressure sodium systems. Replacing incandescent exit signs with LED exit signs. The program includes customer educational and promotional pieces designed to assist building owners and operators in making decisions to improve the energy efficiency of their facilities. New construction applications are not eligible for this program. Target Market All existing commercial, industrial, and institutional customers of Bluewater Power. Goals and Objectives Promote the installation of high-efficiency lighting systems. Assure that the participation process is clear, easy to understand and simple. Involve contractors and trade allies in the promotion of the program. Increase the awareness and knowledge of the commercial, industrial, and institutional building owners on the benefits of the efficiency measures promoted by the program. Meet or exceed applicable regulatory requirements. Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation 2006 Rate Application RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0340 Schedule 3-4 Page 4 of 8 Products and Services Provided Education and promotional efforts aimed at building owners and operators about the benefits of energy efficiency improvements and improved systems performance including educational brochures, program promotional material, and website content. Incentives for building owners and managers to adopt the measures recommended by the program. Incentives will be approximately $250/kW for each measure provided by the program. Delivery Strategy and Administration A designated Bluewater Power staff person will provide program administration, marketing, vendor referrals, application and incentive processing, coordination of education and training program, participation tracking and reporting, quality control, and technical support. Marketing and Communications Summit Blue to provide assistance as needed, especially with program marketing materials such as brochures, application forms, as well as a simple and easy to use program tracking database. Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) The overall strategy for EM&V will involve integrating the collection of evaluation related data directly into the implementation process (integrated data collection). Integrated data collection employs application processes designed to collect necessary data to support evaluation, database tracking of participation and evaluation related data, and tools such as customer mail back and follow-up surveys designed to collect evaluation data at or near to the time of participation. Budget The total annual commercial and residential program budget for 2006 is $250,000. The commercial program will account for 75% of all budget categories specified below. The total program budget includes $100,000 for a utility program manager to do program administration. Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation 2006 Rate Application RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0340 Schedule 3-4 Page 5 of 8 Total program design and set-up costs will be approximately $25,000. Total program EM&V costs will be about $25,000. $100,000 for rebate costs. $5,000 maximum rebate per customer so that a large lighting retrofit project does not absorb the entire annual rebate budget. Impact Summary and TRC Results Total connected program demand reductions are 300 kW. The estimated coincidence-loss factor is 90%, so the peak program impacts are 270 kW. The estimated annual operating hours are 4,000, except for exit signs, which operate 8,760 hours per year. The annual energy savings are 1,295,200 kWh per year. The total program TRC benefit-cost ratio is estimated to be 4.4. Residential CDM Program Program Concept Provides rebates to residential customers to purchase compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and LED Christmas lights. The program includes customer educational and promotional pieces designed to educate customers about the benefits of CFLs and LED Christmas lights. Target Market All existing residential customers of Bluewater Power. Goals and Objectives Promote the installation of high-efficiency lighting systems. Assure that the participation process is clear, easy to understand and simple. Involve contractors and trade allies in the promotion of the program. Increase the awareness and knowledge of residential customers on the benefits of CFLs and LED Christmas lights. Meet or exceed applicable regulatory requirements. Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation 2006 Rate Application RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0340 Schedule 3-4 Page 6 of 8 Products and Services Provided Education and promotional efforts aimed at residential customers about the benefits of CFLs and LED Christmas lights, including educational brochures, program promotional material, and website content. Rebates for residential customers to adopt CFLs and LED Christmas lights. The average rebate per CFLs is $1 and per LED Christmas light string is $1. Delivery Strategy and Administration A designated Bluewater Power staff person will provide program administration, marketing, vendor referrals, application and incentive processing, coordination of education and training program, participation tracking and reporting, quality control, and technical support. Marketing and Communications Summit Blue to provide assistance as needed, especially with program marketing materials such as brochures, application forms, as well as a simple and easy to use program tracking database. Evaluation, Measurement and Verification The overall strategy for EM&V will involve integrating the collection of evaluation related data directly into the implementation process. Integrated data collection employs application processes designed to collect necessary data to support evaluation, database tracking of participation and evaluation related data, and tools such as customer mail back and follow-up surveys designed to collect evaluation data at or near to the time of participation. Budget The total annual commercial and residential program budget for 2006 $250,000. The budget for the residential program will account for 25% of all budget categories specified below. The total program budget includes $100,000 for a utility program manager to do program administration. Total program design and set-up costs will be approximately $25,000. Total program EM&V costs will be about $25,000. $100,000 for rebate costs. Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation 2006 Rate Application RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0340 Schedule 3-4 Page 7 of 8 Impact Summary and TRC Results Total connected program demand reductions are 1,232 kW. The estimated coincidence-loss factor for CFLs is 18%, and 1% for LED Christmas lights, so the peak program impacts are 192 kW. The estimated annual operating hours are 2,320 for CFLs and 155 for LED Christmas lights. The annual energy savings are 2,482,000 kWh per year. The total program TRC benefit-cost ratio is estimated to be 7.83. 2004 Summer Daily Average 11 pm 9p m 7p m 5p m 3p m 1p m 11 am 9a m 7a m 5a m 3a m 1a m 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2004 Winter Weekly Average Sa tu rd ay Fr id ay Th ur sd ay da y W ed ne s Tu es da y on da y M Su nd a y 72,000 71,000 70,000 69,000 68,000 67,000 66,000 65,000 64,000 63,000 62,000 Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation 2006 Rate Application RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0340 Schedule 3-4 Page 8 of 8 2004 Summer Weekly Average 5. Sa tu rd ay Fr id ay Th ur sd ay da y W ed ne s Tu es da y on da y M Su nd a y 72,000 70,000 68,000 66,000 64,000 62,000 60,000 58,000 56,000 54,000 Sale by rate class 2004 Data By Class RESIDENTIAL CLASS GENERAL SERVICE <50 KW CLASS GENERAL SERVICE >50 KW NON TIME OF USE GENERAL SERVICE >50 KW TIME OF USE LARGE USER CLASS SENTINEL LIGHTS STREET LIGHTING kW kWhs 260,765,322 124,035,973 490,617 177,950,603 432,192 212,738,642 552,979 365,463,747 1,655 721,397 24,138 8,219,873