WALTON-VERONA HIGH SCHOOL CHAPTER FAMILY, CAREER, AND COMMUNITY LEADERS OF AMERICA ARTICLE I NAME-SPONSOR-OBJECT-PURPOSES SECTION A. The name of this organization shall be the Walton-Verona High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Members are hereinafter referred to as Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. The letters FCCLA may be officially used to designated the FCCLA organization, its units, or members. SECTION B. The sponsor of the organization shall be Carla Smithers, Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher. SECTION C. The mission of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members develop skills for life through—character development; creative and critical thinking; interpersonal communication; practical knowledge, and vocational preparation. Organized instruction relating to the goal is a part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education program in the school. The purposes of the organization will be: 1. To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life. 2. To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unity of society. 3. To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community. 4. To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony. 5. To promote greater understanding between youth and adults. 6. To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities. 7. To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today’s society. 8. To promote family and consumer sciences and related occupations. ARTICLE II ORGANIZATION-MEMBERSHIP SECTION A. 1. The Walton-Verona High School Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is an affiliated local chapter of the national, state, and regional organization of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. This chapter is recognized in Kentucky for offering systematic instruction in Family and Consumer Sciences. 2. This chapter accepts in full the provisions in the bylaws of the national and state organization of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. 3. This local chapter of the Kentucky Association of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America shall be a part of Region 7. 4. Members of this local group shall meet, organize, adopt bylaws not in conflict with the national and state bylaws, elect officers, set up a program of work, and then apply for membership in the Kentucky Association of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. After the application has been approved, the members of this local group may be recognized as the Walton-Verona High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. After the application has been approved, the members of this local group may be recognized as the Walton-Verona High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. This chapter will be an FCCLA chapter that emphasizes family and consumer science education. SECTION B. Types of membership in this organization shall be as follows: 1. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Any student who is taking or has taken a course in family and consumer sciences through grade 12 shall be eligible for active membership in the Walton-Verona High School FCCLA Chapter. Active members shall be eligible to hold office, to make motions, and to vote. Active members in good standing shall pay dues yearly, attend chapter meetings, and participate in activities of the chapter. 2. HONORARY MEMBERS. Honorary membership may be awarded in the WaltonVerona High School Chapter to any adult who has rendered outstanding service to the Walton-Verona High School FCCLA Chapter. Honorary membership shall be forever. Honorary members have the privilege of attending all meetings of the chapter without voting rights. The awarding of honorary membership shall be limited to four for the State Association and two for a chapter in any one year. 3. ALUMNI MEMBERS. Former FCCLA chapter members desiring to continue their support of and involvement with the organization following high school graduation shall not be eligible to hold office, vote, or make motions. 4. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Adults who share the goals and purposes of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and its programs and who wish to support the continuing development of FCCLA Youth, shall be eligible for associate membership. Associate members shall not be eligible to hold office, make motions, or vote. SECTION C. PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP FOR WALTON-VERONA HIGH SCHOOL CHAPTER. Walton-Verona High School Chapter shall apply to state headquarters for affiliation with the state and national organizations of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America using the form provided for this purpose. Such applications shall include an alphabetical list of members, signatures of the chapter President and chapter adviser, and a check to cover Regional, State, and National dues. A copy of the changes in bylaws, if any, and a copy of the current program of work shall be sent to the State Adviser. The chapter upon receipt of the first application will receive a certificate of membership provided that the proposed chapter bylaws are not in conflict with the State and National bylaws of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. SECTION D. PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING STANDING OF WALTONVERONA HIGH SCHOOL CHAPTER AND MEMBERS. Walton-Verona High School Chapter shall affiliate and send dues for members any time between June 1 and May 31, but to be eligible to: --participate in state or regional meetings --recommend candidates for regional, state, or national office --participate in STAR Events at regional, state, or national level --recommend a person for state honorary membership --have members working on State Degrees of Power of One Walton-Verona High School FCCLA must affiliate by February 1 and the names of officer candidates, STAR Events participants, State Degree candidates, and Power of One candidates must be listed as having paid their dues by February 1, or one month prior to regional STAR events. ARTICLE III FINANCES SECTION A. DUES. Dues for the Walton-Verona High School Chapter shall be set annually by the executive council prior to the beginning of each school year subject to approval of the membership. Chapter dues will include dues for the national, state, and regional association. SECTION B. BUDGET. A budget shall be prepared by the advisers in consultation with the president and vice president of finance. It shall be submitted to the executive council. The fiscal year for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America shall be Walton-Verona High School FCCLA. SECTION C. AUDIT. The financial statement of all income and expenditures by the school bookkeeper shall be audited annually. SECTION D. LIQUIDATION. In the event that the organization is dissolved, any remaining money shall be used to further the purpose of this organization. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS SECTION A. OFFICERS. The officers of the Walton-Verona High School Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America shall be: President Vice President of Peer Education Vice President of Individual Programs Vice President of STAR Events 1st Vice President Vice President of Finance Vice President of Public Relations Vice President of Membership Vice President of Parliamentary Law Vice President of Community Service Member at Large SECTION B. QUALIFICATIONS. Chapter officers shall have the following qualifications: 1. An active member in Walton-Verona High School Chapter and has been an active member in good standing for at least one year. 2. A minimum of one credit in a Family and Consumer Science or related occupations. 3. A scholastic rating of average. 4. Have made contributions which demonstrate leadership responsibility directly related to FCCLA. 5. Support and approval of the Chapter, adviser, administration and parents or guardians. SECTION C. DUTIES. A. The President shall preside over all business meetings of the organization of the Chapter and over meetings of the chapter Executive Council. The President shall appoint all committees after consultation with the Chapter Adviser, and may serve as an ex-officio member of these committees. B. The Vice President of Peer Education shall provide leadership in planning and implementing the organization’s peer education programs and serves as chairperson of the Programs Committee. C. The Vice President of Individual Programs shall provide leadership in planning and implementing programs for the individual development and recognition of the organizations members and serve as the chairperson of the Achievement Committee. D. The Vice President for STAR Events shall provide leadership in planning and implementing the organization’s STAR Events program and serve as the chairperson of the STAR Events Committee. E. The 1st Vice-President shall assume responsibility in the absence of the president and shall keep the minutes of the chapter meetings and the chapter Executive Council meetings, write letters for the organization, keep records of historic importance to the association and serve as chairperson of the History Committee. F. The Vice-President for Finance shall provide leadership by serving as a member of the chapter Advisory Board, preparing financial reports for chapter meetings, preparing an audit report for the year, shall promote the State Scholarship Project and serve as the chairperson of the Scholarship Committee. G. The Vice-President for Public Relations shall provide leadership in planning and implementing the organization’s public relations programs, including the newsletter, maintaining the chapter web page and serving as chairperson of the Public Relations Committee. H. The Vice-President of Membership shall provide leadership in planning and implementing programs for membership promotion and development and serve as chairperson of the Membership Committee, including Honor Roll. I. The Vice-President of Parliamentary Law shall provide leadership in assuring that the business sessions for the organization and meetings of the chapter Executive Council are conducted in accordance with acceptable parliamentary law. The Vice-President of Parliamentary Law shall promote Parliamentary Procedure competition of STAR Events and serve as chairperson for the By-laws Committee. J. The Vice-President of Community Service shall provide leadership in planning and implementing the organizations community service programs and serve as chairperson of the Community Service Committee. ARTICLE V OFFICERS Section A. STATE OFFICERS. There shall be groups of state officers as follows: Administrative Group. President, 1st Vice-President, Vice President of Parliamentary Law, Vice-President of Finance Activities Group. Vice-President of Individual Programs, Vice-President of Membership, Vice President of STAR Events Service Group. Vice-President of Peer Education, Vice-President of Public Relations, Vice President of Community Service SECTION B. REGIONAL OFFICERS There shall be three groups of regional officers as follows: Administrative Group. President, 1st Vice-President, Vice-President Parliamentary Law, VicePresident of Finance Activities Group. Vice-President of Individual Programs, Vice-President of Membership, VicePresident of STAR Events Service Group. Vice-President of Peer Education, Vice-President of Public Relations, VicePresident of Community Service PROCEDURE FOR ELECTING OFFICERS SECTION A. CHAPTER OFFICERS. Members interested in becoming an FCCLA officer must submit a completed application to a chapter adviser by the specified deadline. The nominating committee shall include all senior officers and a representative of each high school class. The nominating committee may nominate 1 or 2 candidates for each office at their discretion. The officers shall be elected at a regular or called FCCLA meeting either by show of hands or ballot. SECTION B. VACANCIES. In the event an officer leaves school, the officer must resign. Officers not fulfilling their responsibility may be asked to resign by the executive council. Other rules concerning resignation are in Article XV. In the event the office of President becomes vacant the Vice President for Programs shall assume the duties of the President for the unexpired term. In the event the office of Vice President for Programs becomes vacant, the Vice President for Achievement will fill the office of Vice President for Programs. Any office not covered by the above provision will be filled by a person appointed by the executive council. ARTICLE VI EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SECTION A. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The Chapter Executive Council shall be composed of student chapter officers. The Chapter Adviser(s) shall serve as official adviser(s) to the council. The chapter executive council will meet regularly during the school year. ARTICLE VII COMMITTEES SECTION A. STANDING COMMITTEES. The President of the Chapter in consultation with the Adviser(s) may appoint these standing committees annually: Programs Achievement S.T.A.R. Events Membership Scholarship History Community Service Public Relations Bylaws SECTION B. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Special committees, as needed to carry on the work of the chapter, shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the adviser(s). ARTICLE VIII ADVISERS SECTION A. CHAPTER ADVISERS. The Family and Consumer Science Teacher(s) shall be the Chapter Adviser(s) and shall be the administrative officer(s) of this chapter. It shall be the duty of the Chapter Adviser(s) to: a. Direct the work of the chapter. b. Advise the Chapter Executive Council delegates, and committees in matters of policy. c. Keep permanent records of Chapter proceedings. d. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. e. Assist regional organizations and local chapters with the work of the association. f. Receive members dues and give membership cards. g. Perform other such duties as needed. ARTICLE IX ADVISORY BOARD SECTION A. ADVISORY BOARD. There shall be a Chapter Advisory Board which shall serve in the advisory capacity to the Chapter Executive Council on the general direction of the Chapter. The duties and responsibilities on the Chapter Advisory Board shall be as follows: 1. Serve in an advisory capacity to the Chapter Executive Council. 2. Help determine policies and procedures. 3. Advise with the Chapter Adviser(s) on the work of the Association. 4. Care for legal matters. 5. Approve and submit the budget to the Chapter Executive Council. 6. Decide the place and time for chapter meetings. SECTION B. The Family and Consumer Science Advisory Board shall be appointed by the FCCLA advisers. Members should include the principal, counselor, parents, business people, family and consumer science professionals, former members, adviser(s), and the FCCLA President and Vice President of Finance. ARTICLE X MEETINGS SECTION A. CHAPTER MEETINGS. Walton-Verona High School Chapter shall hold at least one meeting monthly during the school term and at a time and place as set by the school calendar. Special meetings shall be called by the executive council as needed. SECTION B. REGIONAL, STATE, NATIONAL MEETINGS. The Chapter may attend two regional, two state, one cluster, and one national meeting each year and any other approved meetings. ARTICLE XI EMBLEM AND PIN SECTION A. The logo of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America shall contain collegiate lettering, which articulates a focus on education and student leadership. The arch embodies an active organization that moves toward new arenas. SECTION B. The official pin is a reproduction of the emblem of the organization. All members, including alumni, advisers, and chapter parents shall be entitled to wear the official pin. SECTION C. Chapter advisers are entitled to wear the emblem and the official “A” guard. SECTION D. Chapter parents are entitled to wear the emblem and the official “P” guard. SECTION E. The name and logo of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a registered trademark in the US Patent Office and its use is determined by the National Board of Directors and as stated in the organization’s publication, Policies of the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, Inc. ARTICLE XII DEGREES OF ACHIEVEMENT SECTION A. The growth of individual members of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America may be recognized through the degrees of achievement program. Participation in this program shall be optional for individual members. The three degrees toward which individuals can work are: 1. Junior Degree 2. Chapter Degree 3. State Degree SECTION B. Recognition for members completing the Junior, Chapter, and State degrees will be done annually in the spring. The State Association will recognize the achievement of those completing the State Degree and Power of One. State Degree and Power of One recipients will be recognized at the annual Seniors Honor Day. SECTION C. The standards for the Junior, Chapter, and State Degrees of achievement shall be those approved by the State Executive Council and State Advisory Board. These will be revised as needed. SECTION D. The degrees of achievement shall be denoted by symbols as follows: 1. Junior -Key 2. Chapter -Scroll 3. State -Torch ARTICLE XIII POWER OF ONE The national program entitled Power of One may be earned by members of this chapter by fulfilling the requirements. Members completing Power of One will be recognized at the same time as the degrees and other awards. ARTICLE XIV AWARDS SECTION A. AWARDS. The Walton-Verona High School FCCLA Chapter will recognize members for their contributions by the following: 1. Senior Awards – A certificate is given to seniors who have successfully completed one full year of a family and consumer science class. 2. Star Events – Each member who participates and/or wins in chapter competition recieves a certificate and plaque. 3. High Point Member and Officer – The member and officer with the highest number of points through the year receives a plaque. 4. Family and Consumer Science Class Award – An award given to an outstanding member in each grade level that is enrolled in a family and consumer science class. 5. Outstanding Member and Officer Awards – These awards shall consist of: 1. 2. 3. 4. New Member of the Year Member of the Year Officer of the Year President’s Award SECTION B. PROCEDURE FOR AWARDS. The Member of the Year and Officer of the Year awards shall be presented annually to the members and officer who have earned the most number of points based on all chapter activities for the year. The President’s Award shall be presented annually to the Chapter President. The President is not eligible for the member awards. The points shall be counted from roll book by the adviser(s) and not revealed until they are announced and presented in the spring. ARTICLE XV PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER, Newly Revised. Shall govern the Walton-Verona High School Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws. ARTICLE XVI AMENDMENTS SECTION A. The bylaws of the Walton-Verona High School Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America may be amended at any chapter meeting by a 2/3 vote provided one of the following procedures has been carried out: 1. Amendments may be submitted in writing to the executive council at least one month in advance of the vote. 2. The adviser(s) with the Advisory Board may propose amendments. SECTION B. The chapter shall send a copy of the bylaws to the State Adviser in all years in which changes or additions are made. Revised November, 2008