DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSITY Rudīte Grabovska IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF SUSTAINABILITY IN TEACHER EDUCATION Summary of PhD thesis in the branch of Pedagogy, sub-branch of Higher Education Pedagogy Daugavpils 2006 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PHD THESIS Teacher education is process that is characterized by both perpetual values and variable content. The perpetual values as the notion of the desirable have been formed and sustained over a long time; they are always complemented by the variable that reflects the development of the society in a definite period of time. Emphasizing the relation between the human and the surrounding environment, contemplarity of three principles is to be noted - the ecological principle, the principle of integration and spirituality - that forms the notion of sustainability both as a perpetual value and a novelty characteristic of the contemporary society. The origin of relatedness of these three principles is to be sought in the 1970s, when the analysis of the historical experience of the relation between human and nature brought out the ecological phenomenon in education. In the 1980-90s, the notion of integration was widely discussed, whereas the end of the 1990s witnessed an emphasis on spiritually; all of these were initially defined as phenomena, later being interpreted as principles in education. Notwithstanding the different definitions of the notion of sustainable development, their common ideas are future-orientation, preservation of the existing resources, lenient attitude to the surrounding environment, responsibility before the future generations, and precautionary principle that was emphasized in the 1970s in Germany. The idea of sustainability in teacher education has been foregrounded since the end of the 20th century, along with the development of environmental education. The origin of the notion of education for sustainable development (ESD), in its present understanding, is related to the teacher meeting in New York in 1998, and since 2000 - in local and global activities of UNESCO and other organizations. Implementation of the principle of sustainability in education makes it possible to differentiate between sustainable and unsustainable education that can be recognized in the goals of education, its content and implementation. In Latvia, continuous process of development of teacher education is one of the advantages of implementation of changes. Universities are the institutions facilitating sustainable development (Velazquez Contreras, 2002; Shriberg, 2002) that have the potential, resources, and capacity for the implementation of education reforms. In this process, academic staff has a decisive role, as they are the initiators of changes involving teachers in this process as well. Teacher involvement in it provides for facilitating changes in a direct way, proceeding from participant reflection, active involvement, experience, and the formation of new frames of reference (Mezirow & Associates, 2000). Frames of reference are the interpretation of the categories of understanding of the world and its processes, as well as conceptualization of direct impressions that are formed on the basis of experience and action. This situation in education has contributed to identifying the decade of education for sustainable development declared by UN for 2005 - 2014 and monitored by UNESCO (UNESCO, 2003), with the aim of implementation of education for sustainable development in education and its quality assessment. The characteristic trends in education, participation in international projects and other scientific activities have determined the topicality of the present research and the choice of the topic of PhD thesis - "Implementation of the Principle of Sustainability in Teacher Education" that is a part of the wide range of issues of the decade "Education for Sustainable Development". The principle of sustainability is a future strategic planning and implementation of problem questions considering the present experience and integration of social, economical and environmental context. The present PhD thesis is based on the action research (Lagemann & Shulman, 1999; Stringer, 1996; Creswell, 1994, 1998; Greenwood & Lewin 2000) methodological principles and methods, particularly that is grounded by case study (Yin, 1994; Denzin & Lincoln, 1994; Guba & Lincoln, 1994; Creswell, 1994, 1998) integrating it in all stages of the PhD thesis. The scientific categories of the PhD thesis are as follows: Object of the research: education for sustainable development. Subject of the research: understanding of the principle of sustainability and its development in teacher education. Goal of the research: explore of the possibilities of implementing the principle of sustainability and its development in teacher education. 1) 2) 3) 4) Questions suggested for the research: What is the understanding of theoretical sources from the perspective of sustainable development accounting for the notions of sustainable development and education for sustainable development; what is characteristic of implementing the principle of sustainability and its development in teacher education? How is principle of sustainability carried out in teacher education in the local and global contexts? How do Latvian teachers understand the notion of sustainable development and the implementation of the principle of sustainability in education? What are the ways of implementing the principle of sustainability in Latvian teacher education? Tasks of the research: 1) To review theoretical sources and concerning the notions of sustainability, sustainable development, education for sustainable development and the principle of sustainability in education and its development in teacher education; To analyze the local and global experience from the perspective of principle of sustainability in teacher education; 3) To explore Latvian teachers' opinions concerning the notions of sustainable development and implementation of the principle of sustainability in education and analyze the data gained in the research; 4) To generate theoretical model for the implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education. 5) To work out suggestions for the implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education. - - - The methodological basis of the research: Understanding of the notions of sustainable development and education for sustainable development in the processes of changes in education from the philosophical aspect (Bepнадский, 1978; Redclift, 1987; Гуревич & Cтоляров, 1991; Dibife, 1992; Allaby, 1994; Deigh, 1998; Good, 1998; Newman, 2004; Salīte, 1993, 2002a, 2006; Siliņš, 1999; Pipere, 2006); pedagogical- psychological aspect (Glathorn, 1992; Clark, 1997; Gudjons, 1998; Morin, 1999; Fulans, 1999; Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002); natural science aspect (Carson, 1962; Margulis & Sagan, 1995; Hokings, 1997; Ernsteins, 1995; Arajs, 1997); methodological aspect (Macleod, 1992; Manitoba Education and Training, 2000; Kersten & Kranendonk, 2002; McKeown, 2002); socio-political aspect (Pearce, Markandya & Barbier, 1989; Pearce & Atkinson, 1998; Davison, 2001; Dedze & Heinemans, 2003), and cultural aspect (Miller, J. 1993a; Shallcross, 2003; Breidlid, 2004); the pedagogical approaches - critical constructivism (Winch & Gingell, 1988; de Haan, 1989; Noddings, 1998; Brooks & Brooks, 1999; Zogla, 2001; Rubene, 2004); holism (Miller, J., 1993a; 1993b, Miller, R., 1997; Stake, 1995; Corning, 1998, 2003; Salite, Salitis, Klepere & Kudins 2004); transformative approach (O' Sullivan, 1999; Mezirow & Associates, 2000); action research (Schon, 1983; Lagemann & Shulman, 1991; Stronge & Helm, 1991; Robottom & Hart, 1993; Stringer, 1996; Wolcott, 1994; Yin, 1994; Creswell, 1994, 1998; Denzin & Lincoln, 1994; Hitchcock & Hughes, 1995; Isaac & Michael, 1995; Hubbard & Power, 1999; Greenwood & Lewin, 1998, 2000; Bogdan & Biklen, 2003) as the basis of implementation of sustainability in education; higher education and university as the institution facilitating sustainable development and their experience in teacher education from the perspective of sustainable development (Fien, 1994; Jensen & Schnack, 1994; Wals, 1994; Salite, 1994, 2002; Cortese, 1999a, 1999b; Chadwick, 2000; Gayford, 2001; Henze, 2001; Richardson, 2001; Warren, 2001; Shriberg, 2002; Velazquez Contreras, 2002; DU IVF, 2004a; Nkansa-Akuwe, 2004); human attitude to the surrounding world (Naess & Rothenberg, 1989; Ness & Heuklends, 2001; Rosszak, 2002); action experience (Whitehead, 1967; Vygotsky, 1978, 1982; Bepнадкий, 1978; Mezirow & Associates, 2000; Петровский & Ярошевский, 2000), mechanisms of their formation (Capra, 1982, 2002a; Griffin & Sherbume, 1985; Berry, 1990, 1999; Gang, 1989, 1991; Corning, 1995; Gang & Morgan, 2002; Rees, 1989; Buber, 1994; Orr, 1994; Sahtouris, 1999; Vakarneidžels & Rīss, 2000; Гроф & Гроф), 2000; Salite, 1993, 2002a). Methods of the research: Data collection sources: studies of documents determining the global, national, and local education development; local and global research; selfassessment reports and reflections. Data collection methods: theoretical analysis of literature; case study; survey; group discussion. Methods of data processing and analysis'. qualitative: content analysis, coding, grouping, and processing of the collected data; quantitative: graphical visualization of the data, data frequency determination, correlations using the analytical data processing software SPSS (UCLA; SPSS). - The base of the research: 30 participant universities' of UNESCO/ UNITWIN project reflections on self-assessment reports at three stages of action research; self-assessment reports of two academic program of Education and Management faculty of Daugavpils University from 2000 to 2005; 190 students of the professional study program "Preschool Teacher" and academic study program "Pedagogy" of Daugavpils University; 184 students of the professional study program "Preschool Teacher" and academic study program "Pedagogy" of Daugavpils University. Stages of the research: 1. stage: study of research problem and pilot research (2000-2002) 2. stage: carrying out the research and data analysis (2003—2005) 3. stage: summary of the data and generation of theoretical model and suggestions (2005-2006) Scientific novelty of the research: Interpretation of the notions of sustainability, sustainable development and education for sustainable development, characteristics of development of their content, and their implementation in teacher education are highlighted in the review of theoretical sources. Theoretical and philosophical background of the principle of sustainability is defined, based on the historical development of the explored notions. Analytic review that evaluates the global and local experience of implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education is elaborated. Action research methodology for study of teachers' opinions, frames of reference and their development to facilitate the implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education is approbated. Theoretical model and suggestions that reflect Latvian national and regional priorities for implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education and evaluation of its process is generated. Practical significance of the research: Participation in international research and its implementation in local context has highlighted possibilities of action research participants' experience development, as teachers take an active part in the processes of change both defining problems and suggesting and implementing their solutions. Action research ensures multiplicity of views and methods that can be chosen by each participant to achieve the goal. The results acquired and suggestions elaborated during the research are implemented in the content of study courses of the professional and academic study programs at Education and Management faculty of Daugavpils University as well as in study program assessment and accreditation. The generated theoretical model and suggestions for the implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education offer possibilities for the assessment of teacher education, continuing education, study courses and programs from the perspective of sustainable development. The presented PhD thesis considers topical interdisciplinary issue of the principle of sustainability, considers its implementation in teacher education, and adds to PhD research that has been produced and defended in the sub-branch of higher education pedagogy in Latvia. CONTENT OF PHD THESIS Introduction justifies the choice of the research theme and its topicality in contemporary education, formulates the object, subject, goal, questions of the research, research methods, theoretical basis and practical significance of the theme, describes the base and structure of the research. Chapter 1 Teacher education from the perspective of sustainable development provides theoretical analysis of teacher education from the perspective of sustainable development. The notions of sustainable development and education for sustainable development, their historical development and use in contemporary education are discussed. The principle of sustainability is defined, and its development in teacher education is highlighted. 1.1. subchapter analyses the understanding of the notions of sustainability, sustainable development and education for sustainable development, the significant trends and their historical development. The notion of sustainability has appeared in research sources since the 1970s (Capra, 1982; Naess & Rothenberg, 1989; Gang, 1989; O'Sullivan, 1999; Berry, 1990; Margulis & Sagan, 1995). In contemporary interpretation, the notion of sustainable development entails not only the awareness of environment quality and protectiveness but also the dimensions of economic and social development. The analysis of theoretical sources (Sharachchandra, 1991; Chadwick, 2000; Vakarneidžels & Rīss, 2000; Davison, 2001; Gayford, 2001; Warren, 2001; Shriberg, 2002; Capra, 2002; Velazquez Contreras, 2002; Nkansa Akuwe, 2004 u.c.) has brought out contradictions in explications of this notion that may be accounted for by ideological disparities and differentiation of cultural and world view and knowledge. Interpretations of this notion are summarised in the following table (see Table 1). Table 1. Summary of interpretations of the notion of sustainable development Direction Economical Resource economy and social welfare Compromise between present and future Keywords Realizing resource potential production, sustainable technologies and agriculture, services Authors Meyers & Waldmann (1998); Treanor (2002); Neumayer(1999); Wittig (2004) etc. Compromise between present and future, neutrality, accentuation of human necessities Allaby(1994);Breidlid (2004); Bruntland (1983); Neumayer (1999) etc. In their content, interpretations of the notion of sustainable development are either based on the understanding of only one of the two components (development or sustainability) or integration of both components is suggested. 1.2. subchapter reflects the trends of sustainability as the basic pedagogical principle of the changes in the 21st century education both from individual educators' perspectives and basic education documents (Chadwick, 2000; Orr, 1994; Siliņš, 1999; UN, 1992; UNESCO, 1997, 1998, 2003; Cortese, 1999b; Shriberg, 2002; Velazquez Contreras, 2002; Dedze & Heinemans, 2003; Jemeljanova, Gurbo & Mikuda, 2004; Dedze, Heinemans, Austers & Lune, 2004). Sustainability as the basic pedagogical principle in education is revealed by the interaction of three components of education for sustainable development - the ecological, social, and economic - in the cultural environment, defining their most characteristic key words and context. 1.3. subchapter explores teacher education from the perspective of education for sustainable development. The philosophy of these notions is based on the understanding of the contemplarity of sustainable development components promoting the development of critical thinking, formation of biotic personal attitude and participation in decision-making. In the process of implementation of education for sustainable development, the individual human attitude and relation with the surrounding environment are revealed in the context of cultural environment that influences human behaviour and decision making determining the human world view in general. Chapter 2 Action research for implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education analyses the empirical application of theoretical standpoints in research assessing the possibilities of higher education in re-orientation of teacher education towards sustainable development. This part provides the discussion of the local and global experience of implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education. 2.1. subchapter considers the global experience is considered analysing the results of action research implemented in UNESCO/ UNITWTN project "Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability". The utilized data sources are 40 self-assessment reports of participant universities. Using content analysis it was explored that the implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education can occur according to four directions: education and continuing education, assessment and development, management and politics, cooperation and experience exchange. 2.2. subchapter shows research experience of Daugavpils University in the context of the theme under study. Among significant needs and components characterising changes, it is possible to single out the formation of the attitude towards the world and its parts, facilitating the assessment of the diverse learning contexts, ability of setting an appropriate goal, teaching methods and the skill of the formation of development promoting pedagogical models. 2.3. subchapter using UNESCO division, summarises the research experience in teacher education of researchers and university academic staff from North American, European, Asian, and Pacific countries. The analysis of the current situation and contemporary experience reveals most characteristic pedagogical approaches, suggested solutions and their impact on re-orientation of education towards sustainable education that provide an overview of sustainable and unsustainable education models in the world. The diverse experience of participants is determined by different situations in the countries, priorities and approaches. The assessment of research leads to suggestions of different levels both in formal and non-formal education. In the situation of Latvia, these examples help to find the ways of integrating the principle of sustainability in teacher education. Chapter 3 Study of Latvian teacher' opinions about the implementation of the principle of sustainability in education entails the research that is methodologically based on action research of other country experience and uses case study. The research has been produced at Daugavpils University using survey and discussion groups. The participants of research were selected among teachers who are the facilitators of changes in education (Glathorn, 1992; Richardson, 2001). 3.1. subchapter describes the methodology and validity of the research that is based on action research. The basic information concerning the methods of data collection, analysis and conditions of their organization is provided. This chapter provides characteristics of the applied methods of data processing and analysis. 3.2. subchapter describes the process of research that was organized in several stages, using survey and discussion groups. During the first stage the participants were involved in five activities to identify their attitude towards surrounding environment in social and ecosphere context. The second stage entails the analysis of the most characteristic opinions, typical approaches and understanding about the coherence of education with sustainable development strategy and its features. Their conditions are as follows: finding in four situations features of biotic value and abiotic attitude, agreeing upon the common ones, assessing them and formulating the goal of correspondin g education. During the second activity, participants characterise familiar kinds of action and attitudes. Organization of the research is based on the experience that participants easily accept and integrate in their individual frames of reference separate issues of the study course content. 3.3. subchapter provides the research data analysis that have been processed and analysed (Creswell, 1998) by means of qualitative data processing, forming initial codes and setting forth categories, and quantitative data processing, bringing out regularities. The collected data demonstrate participants' opinions about the implementation of the principle of sustainability in education, as well as solutions suggested by them for changes in education. To extend the range of attitudes, joining of two cases - attitude among species within one's own and other species — is shown in deep ecological shallow ecological range. In each case, the common and the particular values are identified revealing the most characteristic comments that produce feature ranges of the corresponding attitude and make it possible to identify the border between phobia and philia directions. In discussion groups, in the first activity the attention is paid to identifying biotic environment values and abiotic environment features. The identified features and values are related to the goals of education, stating the trends of the implementation of education for sustainable development in the local cultural context. Choice of the common biotic values and abiotic features demonstrates the following: coincidence of the suggested features, dominance of majority opinion, new values or features that more precisely reveal already existing opinions or new category choice that is significant to everyone. The recognized categories either preclude or facilitate the personality development and formation and influence the individual's behavior and relations with the surrounding environment. Formulating the aims of education, an expressed observance and development of feelings, empathy, biotic attitude and psychological phenomena related to it are to be stated. In the second activity, participants characterising the base of values of the suggested models of action have set forward the basic features of each model classified into 32 categories. From them, participant experience and action (inquisitiveness, cognition) are the ones that are most often chosen. In the identified frames of reference and their features, sustainability is revealed in economic and social relations as comfort or discomfort. Locating the models on the suggested scale (adapted from Vernadski's 'theory of the living matter') that characterizes the ways participants relate to the surrounding world. The comparison of the research produced in teacher education brings out parallels in selecting similar research subjects, goals, methods and acquiring similar results. Sustainability as the basic pedagogical principle is an answer to the discordance of human activities with the conditions of co-evolution and need to assess the compatibility of the intensity of human consciousness and action. Chapter 4 Theoretical model and suggestions for the implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education in Latvia provides the interpretation of the research results - the generated theoretical model of the principle of sustainability and suggestions for its the implementation in teacher education. 4.1. subchapter proceeding from the research results and theoretical literature analysis reveals the necessity to offer the principle of sustainability in teacher education, offering criteria for its formation as well as its philosophical basis, methodology, aims, and tasks that have been summarised in the following figure (see Figure 2). Figure 2. Structure of the theoretical model The theoretical model makes it possible to actualize the existing experience, form new frames of reference and construct new experience in diverse situations taking into consideration the peculiarities of the local cultural environment and stating the compatibility of culture, nature, welfare, and reflexive critical action. Summarising the experience and data of theoretical and empirical research a unified trend is revealed - bringing together anthropocentrism and ecocentrism that changes the world perception of people and their life style. In this model the achievement of the goal entails several stages that have been summarised in the following figure (see Figure 3). Figure 3. Stages of goal achievement The suggested formation, implementation, and assessment criteria are applicable both in the models used in specific study courses and the elaboration and assessment of study programmes. 4.2. subchapter offers the comparison and analysis of data acquired in research proceeding from the theoretical sources and other similar research. The main criteria of result comparison are the content of the research (congruence and compatibility with the existing theories and research) and, as a secondary criterion that affirms external validity of the research is the coherence of research methodology. This analysis affirms the external validity of the research. 4.3. subchapter using the results of theoretical source analysis, other experience and research, offers suggestions that are compatible with the cultural needs and the situation for the implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education. The suggestions are offered to education policy makers (on the institutional, local, and national scale), universities, researchers, and practitioners; besides, ideas for future research are elaborated. All suggestions are based on the abilities of higher education institutions to influence decision making processes on different levels in teacher education in Latgale region as well as the implementation of the principle of sustainability on national scale. CONCLUSIONS AND THESES ADVANCED FOR DEFENSE Summarising the experience and data of theoretical and empirical research the results of promotion paper are the theoretical model and suggestions of implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education. 1. Defining the notions sustainable development and education for sustainable development, two approaches have been used: component and integrated approach that influence the historical development of these notions and tendencies in education. Sustainability as a pedagogical category provides an answer to the incompatibility of human activities to the co -evolution conditions and the need of assessing the compatibility of human consciousness and intensity of action. In the context of sustainable development, education facilitates the development of ecological and ethic awareness, change of values and behaviour as well as i ntensifies the societal participation in decision-making process. The principle of sustainability is planning and implementing the future solutions of problem issues, taking into account the interaction of the past experience and the social, economic, and environmental contexts. Implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education is revealed as a capability of evaluating and developing the professional opinion, extending the aim of education; besides, it facilitates the teachers' competence in the implementation of education for sustainable development in school. 2. The implementation of sustainability in teacher education entails four trends of action: education and further education, assessment and development, cooperation and exchange of experience, management, and policy. In the contemporary situation, one of the suggestions is applying action research in assessment of the existing experience that helps to reveal the content of sustainability, evaluate the manifold experiences and their impact on one's life and in the future context. Action research is the process, which, proceeding from the diverse experience of its participants in cooperation and reflection, generates and constructs new knowledge and experience. 3. The analysis of the data acquired in discussion groups and questionnaire proves that the existing frames of reference of participants affect their relations with the external environment experienced as comfort or discomfort; it is possible to influence the life quality by means of one's activities, attitude, values, and worldview, without making it an end in itself. The participants revealed that, by constructing new knowledge, new contexts are acquired that are compatible with the needs of society and ecosphere and that help to realize the content of education and reach the individual, societal, or ecological goal. In case of discrepancies, new frames of reference are searched for that meet the need of the humanity of belonging both to an ecosphere and society, thus revealing the possibilities 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. of implementing sustainability as the basic pedagogical principle in teacher education. The result of the PhD thesis is a theoretical model that offers a possibility for actualising the existing experience, formation of new frames of reference and construction of new experience, taking into consideration the peculiarities and values of the local cultural environment, stating the compatibility of culture, nature, welfare, and reflexive critical action. Summarising the theory, practical research experience, and research data leads to the synthesis of anthropocentrism and eco-centrism, changing the human world vision and reaching the aims of sustainable development. All suggestions are based on the possibilities of higher education institutions to influence decision-making processes in teacher education on different levels in Latvia and the region of Latgale. Formulating the topics for further research, greater attention should be paid to the experience of IIA decade in Latvia evaluating the compatibility of diverse activities and their congruence with the goals set for the decade. Arguments for the defense: The principle of sustainability is a future strategic planning and implementation of problem questions considering the present experience and integration of social, economical and environmental context. It should be considered not only in social but also in ecosystem level of necessities, and implies not only decision-making but also practical activities. The principle of sustainability can be considered in formulation of aims, their interpretation, organization of decision-making process, and complementarity of different contexts. Its methodological background is constituted by critical constructivism, holistic approach, action research, assessment of existing experience, and construction of new frames of reference. Action research as an approach implies complementarity of individual and other participants' experience, the choice of multiple solutions evaluating the future activity in the context of sustainable development. The implementation of the principle of sustainability in teacher education can occur according to four directions: education and continuing education, assessment and development, management and politics, cooperation and experience exchange. APPROBATION OF THE RESEARCH In recent five years: more than 20 publications (including research publications and international conference abstracts, teaching aids and methodical materials, materials elaborated within projects, etc.) MAJOR PUBLICATIONS Articles in reviewed publications (included in the list of quotable publications adopted by Latvian Council of Science): In the process of preparation Grabovska, R. (2006) Implementation of sustainability as a pedagogical category in teacher education. Proceedings of 4. International JTET conference " Education for Democracy as a Part of Education for Sustainable Development" (31.05.-03.06.2006). Published: Grabovska, R. (2006) Sustainability as a pedagogical category and its perspective in teacher education. "Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps toward Changes." Volume 1, 2006, Proceedings of I. International collected articles o flSSE. Daugavpils: Saule pp.211-223 Salite, L, Salitis, A., Klepere, R. & Kudins, V. (2004) Curriculum development in teacher education towards sustainable education. Proceedings EMSU 2004 "Sustainable Development Education: Holistic and Integrative Educational and Management Approaches for Ensuring Sustainable Societies", Monterrey: EMSU, pp. 1.-14. Kudiņš V. & Klepere R (2004) Toward sustainable education: balancing teachers' attitudes and actions. JTET Volume 4, 2004, Daugavpils: Institute of Sustainable Education, DU. pp. 36.-44. ISSN 1407-8724. Salite, I. & Klepere, R. (2003) Biotism as a ground for the education of reflection in teacher education. JTET Volume 3, 2003, Daugavpils: ISE, DU, pp. 44.-58. ISSN 1407-8724. Publications in international conference collections of articles and CDs: Grabovska, R. & Kudiņš, V. (2005) Die Voraussetzungen fur die Enfiihrung didaktisches Modells in der ganzheitlichen Bildung. Proceedings III international JTET conference "Sustainable Development. Culture. Education. Vechta: Vechta Universitat. S. 186.-198. Kudiņš, V. & Klepere, R. (2004) The formation of attitudes in the context of sustainable education. Proceedings II international JTET conference "Sustainable Development. Culture. Education ". Tallina. pp. 261-21 A. Salīte, I. & Klepere, R. (2003) Biotism as a ground for the evocation of reflection in teacher education. Proceedings I international JTET conference "Sustainable Development. Culture. Education". Daugavpils: DU. pp. 84.-103. Salīte I., Salītis A. & Klepere R. (2002) Developing curriculum fo r teacher education toward sustainability. Proceedings EMSU. Grahamstown: EMSU. pp. 405-421. Belousa, I. & Klepere, R. (2001) Learning styles in pre-school education: a base for children' spirituality and sustainable development. International Conference "Child's Identity in Pre-School Age". Liepaja: LPA. pp.48-60. PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES The author of the PhD thesis has participated in international conferences in Latvia and abroad. In total reports, presentations in international conferences and published abstracts: 2006. g. 3O.May — 3.Juni - participation in 4. International "Journal of Teacher Education and Training" conference Helsinki University (Finland). Poster, published article in CD: Grabovska R. (2006) Implementation of sustainability as a pedagogical category in teacher education. 2005. 13.-17. September - participation in 9. CEEE "Environmental education and sustainable development: from policy to practice" Klaipeda university (Lithuania). Presentations, published abstract: Grabovska R. (2005) "Biotism a content for reflective thinking in teacher education". 2005. g. 22.-24. May - participation in 3. International "Journal of Teacher Education and Training" conference Vehta University (Germania). Presentations, published article in CD: Grabovska, R. & Kudins, V. (2005) Die Voraussetzungen fur die Enfuhrung didaktisches Modells in der ganzheitlichen Bildung. Proceedings III international JTET conference "Sustainable Development. Culture. Education". Vechta S. 186-198. 2004. g. 9.—11. June - participation in international EMSU conference (Monterrey, Mexico), Presentations, published article in CD: Salite, I., Salitis, A., Klepere, R. & Kudiņš, V. (2004) Curriculum development in teacher education towards sustainable education. Proceedings EMSU 2004 "Sustainable Development Education: Holistic and Integrative Educational and Management Approaches for Ensuring Sustainable Societies". Monterrey: EMSU, pp. 1.-14. 2004. g. 24.-28. April - presentation in 28. PCC (Pacific Circle Consortium in education research) conference in Hong Kong (China). Published abstract: Salite, I., Salītis, A., Klepere, R. & Kudinsh, V. (2004) Curriculum development in teacher education towards sustainable education. Proceedings international conference Hong Kong. 2004. g. 14.-16. April participation in // international "Journal of Teacher Education and Training" conference Tallinn (Estonia). Presentations, published article in CD: Kudiņš, V. & Klepere, R. (2004) The formation of attitudes in the context of sustainable education. Proceedings II international JTET conference "Sustainable Development. Culture. Education ". Tallina. pp. 267-274. 2003. g. 11.—12. December - participation in international conference "Lithuanian Higher Education: Diagnoses And Prognoses " Kaunas (Lithuania). Presentations, published abstract: Klepere, R. (2003) Current tendencies of teaching nature science in teacher education programs: orientation towards sustainability. 2003. g. 11.-14. May - participation in 1. International "Journal of Teacher Education and Training" conference in Daugavpils University. Presentations, published article in CD: Salīte, I. & Klepere, R. (2003) Biotism as a Ground for the Evocation of Reflection in Teacher Education. Proceedings 1 international JTET conference "Sustainable Development. Culture. Education ", Daugavpils: DU. pp. 84-103. 2002. g. 10.-14. September - participation in international EMSU conference Grahamstown (DAR). Presentations, published article in CD: Salīte I., Salītis A. & Klepere R. (2002) Developing curriculum for teacher education toward sustainability. Proceedings EMSU. Grahamstown: EMSU. pp. 405-421. 2002. g. May - participation in international conference "Person. Culture. Nature. Art." Daugavpils University. Presentations, published abstract: Klepere, R. (2002) Sustainable development and its' implementation through education. Daugavpils: DU, pp.26.-27. 2002. g. January - participation in international virtual conference "Exploring and Expanding The Great Work", organized of The Institute for Educational Studies/Earth TIES http://www.earthties.org/tgw The PhD thesis has been approbated within study courses: Professional study programs "Preschool Teacher" and "Primary School Teacher" as study courses "Project elaboration and management", "Natural sciences and their teaching methods", "Familiarization of children with nature", "Environmental education", "Education for sustainable development"; Master's study program "Pedagogy" as study courses "Philosophy of education: Education for sustainable development" and "Holistic pedagogy: Environmental education". Participation in projects: - International projects University cooperation network Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU); Baltic University Program project "Education for Change - Education for Sustainable Development with Focus on Local Collaboration " (financed by SOCRATES, 2005-2007) Latvia working group; UNESCO / UNITWIN project "Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability" (2001-2004) DU working group. Participation in Latvian Council of Science (LCS) and other natio nal research projects: Ministry of Education and Science project "Problems and Perspectives of Education for Sustainable Development Initiating UNO Decade from 2005 to 2014" (2005); Research project No. 011915 financed by LCS "Model of Sustainable Development in a Holistic Perspective" (2005); Research project No. 0347 financed by LCS "Reorientation of Teacher Education towards Sustainable Development Strategy in Latvia" (2001— 2004).