د.سهيلةAssessment of fetal wellbeing during labor Assessment is

Assessment of fetal wellbeing during labor
Assessment is very important because labor is very stressful to the fetus and intrauterine
asphyxia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality.
1- Early detection of intrapartum asphyxia especially in high risk group which is about
20-30% of all cases but only 40% of them is really asphyxiated babies.
2- We shouldn't leave the low risk group without monitoring but we pay more attention to
the high risk group.
One of the best methods available for detection of fetal wellbeing is the FHR because the
FHR change with condition of the fetus.
This is the explanation:
Intrauterine asphyxia or hypoxia produce changes in the blood of the fetus this will
sensitize the chemoreceptor and baroreceptor  either sympathetic over stimulation 
tachycardia or vagal stimulation  bradycardia.
** at first asphyxia  sympathetic over stimulation  tachycardia  late asphyxia 
co2 accumulation and shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism  accumulation of
lactic acid  lowering of PH  vagal stimulation  bradycardia.
But FHR is regarded indirect evidence (not much useful) in assessing the fetal wellbeing
so it is considered as a screening test and not diagnostic.
Even in the most serious of these signs, bradycardia with passage of meconium is found to
be associated with a significant fetal hypoxia in only 25%. In order to be sure we have to
take a scalp blood sample inutero for acid, PH, PCO2 this show only 35% of these fetuses
with FHR abnormalities are really affected.
* Methods of assessing FHR:
1- Auscultation.
2- Continuous electronic fetal monitoring
In the 1st method we auscultate every 1/4 hour by pinard stethoscope give us a
clue only if the fetus is viable and not to assess fetal wellbeing (external
There is internal method which gives more satisfactory and accurate results but
is invasive (electrode inserted in the fetal scalp) here the fetal ECG is recorded
and can detect changes in the pattern of FHR.
Etiology of fetal distress during labor could be due to maternal, fetal,
umbilical, placental, and uterine factors:
1- Maternal: maternal hyper or hypotension, severe anemia, heart diseases,
epilepsy, pulmonary diseases, (asthma, COLD) HYPOXIA.
2- Fetal factors: such as fetal anemia (in case of Rh-isoimmunization),
infections, twin to twin transfusion.
3- Uterine factors: titanic uterine contractions, or excessive or misuse of
oxytocic drugs.
4- Umbilical cord problems:
One artery, vasa brevia artery, short cord, haematoma in the cord, cord
5- Placental factors:
Infarction, abruption, post mature placenta (placental aging)
Monitoring the fetus during labor
There is probably little value in continuous EFM (electronic fetal monitoring) in low-risk
pregnancies. Such women may have a short (20 minutes) CTG recording on admission to
the labor ward. If the CTG is normal thereafter the fetal heart is listened to every 15
minutes with a Pinard stethoscope /or sonicaid.
There is a high risk of hypoxia in the following circumstances so continuous EFM is
• Preterm infants (less than 37 weeks’ completed gestation).
• Fetuses that are or are suspected to be SGA (small for gestational age)
• Multiple pregnancies.
• Breech presentations.
• Women with epidural analgesia.
• Women with Syntocinon augmentation of labor.
• Women who have been induced.
• Women who are hypertensive.
• Women with major medical disorders, including diabetes.
• Women who develop meconium staining of the amniotic fluid during labor.
• Women who undergo a trial of uterine scar (previous C/S).
• If a fetal heart abnormality is recorded with the Pinard stethoscope/sonicaid.
Continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring
This is performed with either:
1) An external fetal heart rate monitor with Doppler ultrasound
2) An electrode attached to the fetal scalp showing the fetal heart rate derived from the
fetal ECG. Either of these provides the fetal heart rate and this is recorded on a continuous
trace. In normal labor, this should be between 110 and 150 beats/minute EFM is used as a
screening test to detect those babies who are developing metabolic acidosis. The
diagnostic test is to perform a fetal scalp sample and measure the scalp pH.
Changes in the fetal heart rate may be classified into three groups.
*1)Speed of heart rate
1) A fetal tachycardia. The causes of this might be:
• A maternal tachycardia due to pyrexia, pain, fear or dehydration.
• Fetal hypoxia.
Management is to exclude or correct a maternal cause and, if the tachycardia persists, a
fetal blood sample should be performed.
2) A baseline bradycardia. Baseline bradycardia is uncommon
*2)Baseline variability
The variation in fetal heart rate from one beat to the next (baseline variability) is due to
the balance between the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system. In normal
labor this varies by 5–15 beats either side of the baseline.
The major variations of baseline variability are:
1) Loss of baseline variability may be caused by:
• Administration of drugs to the mother including pethidine, diazepam and many antihypertensive agents, especially b-blockers.
• Fetal sleep especially in early labor.
• Fetal hypoxia.
In the absence of maternal drugs, loss of baseline variability should lead to a fetal blood
2) Increased baseline variability (sinusoidal rhythm).
This is usually is of serious significance. The causes of it are as follows:
• Fetal asphyxia.
• Fetal anemia, e.g. due to Rh incompatibility.
*3) Intermittent variations
1) Accelerations: are in intermittent periods in which the fetal heart rate is raised quite
markedly above the baseline. They are a sign of fetal health.
2) Decelerations: Decelerations are intermittent changes in the baseline and fall into three
a- Early decelerations:
These are due to vagal stimulation following head compression as the fetus descends the
birth canal usually occur in the late 1st stage and 2nd stage of labor. They usually have no
b- Late decelerations.
They differ from early decelerations in that they are U-shaped, start more than 30 seconds
after the contraction has started and continue after the contraction has finished. They are
thought to be metabolic in nature and always warrant a fetal blood sample.
c- Variable decelerations.
Recurrent variable decelerations: the important features to note are that the decelerations
vary both in shape and in their relationship to the uterine contraction. The most common
cause of these is cord compression. Either the cord is compressed between the presenting
part and the pelvic side walls or the cord is around the fetal neck or a limb. Usually they
do not indicate a fetal blood sample but, if associated with meconium or a change in the
baseline heart rate, one should be performed.
Passage of meconium
Stimulation of the vagus inutero causes the fetal gut to contract and the anal sphincter to
relax so that meconium (fetal stool) is passed into the amniotic fluid. Meconium is made
up of swallowed cells in late pregnancy and alimentary tract cells, all of which are stained
with bile.
With a normal fetal heart rate trace, the fetus is unlikely to be hypoxic, but if the fetal
heart rate trace is abnormal when meconium is passed, then a fetal blood sample (FBS)
should be performed.
Fetal blood sample
Fetal blood sampling is a diagnostic test for fetal acidosis.
During a uterine contraction:
• Maternal blood flow to the intervillous space is reduced or may even cease.
• Passage of O2 from the mother to the fetus is reduced and thus the fetus may become
• The fetus withstands these periods of hypoxia by employing anaerobic metabolism.
• Anaerobic metabolism results in the production of large amounts of lactic acid and an
increase in the arterial CO2. In normal circumstances, the rise in arterial CO2 is buffered,
mostly by fetal bicarbonate.
• Between contractions the lactic acid and the buffered CO2 are passed back to the mother
who excretes them.
If uterine activity is too frequent or sustained, then blood flow to the fetus may be
impaired for a long space of time and this, again, will result in a metabolic acidosis with
an increasing base deficit.
The pH results are interpreted as follows:
• PH >7.25: normal.
• PH 7.20–7.25: pre-asphyxia.
• PH <7.20: asphyxia.
In obstetric practice it is common to use the term asphyxia but what is truly meant is a
metabolic acidosis.
If a fetus has a pH of <7.20 should be considered for delivery by the most appropriate
route. Fetuses that demonstrate pre-asphyxia and are in the second stage may be allowed
normal delivery but only if this is imminent.
If the fetal heart rate trace continues to be abnormal, then the fetal blood sample should be
repeated hourly or the baby delivered.