Polish Chinese Bengali Arabic Do you have difficulty understanding the English Language ? If you have a problem reading or understanding the English language we can provide information in a language of your choice. Please ask an English speaking friend or relative to phone, write or email our Equality and Diversity Manager: Racial Equality and Diversity Manager Nigel Firth Room 7 Ashgrove House Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZA Tel: 01224 552245 Fax: 01224 550655 Email: nigel.firth@arh.grampian.scot.nhs.uk New Page (in English only) Translated information This is only an example - this will change & we need top add a page for Polish Each with their own page (with links to the pdf documents) Chinese Pain Relief in Labour, Dr Gray's Hospital Pain Relief in Labour, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Bengali In-patient Admission and Information, Royal Aberdeen Childrens' Hospital Pain Relief in Labour, Dr Gray's Hospital Pain Relief in Labour, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Arabic Pain Relief in Labour, Dr Gray's Hospital Pain Relief in Labour, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital