February 6, 2007 Lake Emma Township Board Lake Emma Township, MN RE: Half Moon Road Dear Lake Emma Twp. Chair and Board Members, The township has requested our services to analyze improvement options and cost estimates for Half Moon Road. This letter examines three alternatives for maintaining the existing road and three alternatives for vacating the existing road. Cost estimates are enclosed. Half Moon Road provides a connection between County Road 4 and County Road 40 and is approximately 1.8-miles long. Approximately 0.9-miles of Half Moon Road is located within 15-ft of Blue Lake and has been petitioned to be vacated. The roads average width is 18-ft. The average daily traffic is estimated between 50 and 90 vehicles per day. 26-parcels are located along Half Moon Road and 11 of those parcels are located on the portion of road proposed to be vacated. Maintaining Half Moon Road Three alternatives for maintaining Half Moon Road have been examined. The alternatives focus on reducing the road’s environmental impacts on Blue Lake. Environmental impacts created by the road include; increased sediment loadings, dust, untreated runoff, and shoreline erosion. The following alternatives will be examined; narrowing the road, increasing the buffer zone, redirecting runoff, and implementing erosion and dust control measures. Alternative #1 - Reduce the road width and expand the buffer zone between the road and the lake Currently the buffer zone ranges from 5-ft to 10-ft with an average slope of 1:1. Buffer zones are established to infiltrate and treat nutrient loaded runoff before it enters the lake. Expanding the buffer zone by an additional 5-ft will allow for a more gradual sloped bank and a longer time of concentration for the runoff, allowing more runoff to infiltrate into the soil and be consumed by vegetation. The road width will be reduced from 18-ft to 16-ft. Shifting the road away from the lake will require some additional excavation. Existing ditches will need to be reconstructed and some side slope cutting is expected. In areas with steep side slopes, retaining walls will need to be constructed. Base-One should be applied to the road surface to reduce the amount of gravel erosion and dust created by the road. Calcium chloride is also Lake Emma Township 814J0004 Page 2 of 3 recommended for dust control. Signage stating “LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY” or “NO THRU TRAFFIC” is recommended to reduce the amount of traffic using the road. All disturbed areas along the road will be planted with native vegetation. A mixture of shoreline grass seed, forb seed, trees, and shrubs will be planted along the lake shore. The additional vegetation along the shoreline will help stabilize the lake shore, reduce erosion, and treat storm water runoff. The vegetation will also improve the aesthetics of the shoreline. Any construction activity along the lake shore will require strict erosion control measures. Silt fences, floating booms, temporary sediment ponds, and other BMP’s will be required until construction activity is complete and vegetation has been re-established. The estimated total cost of alternative #1 is $168,000. Alternative #2 - Redirect runoff away from the lake and construct ditches and sediment ponds to mitigate runoff The road surface will be graded to slope away from the lake. Base-One will be applied to the road surface to reduce erosion and dust. Ditches will be constructed on the outside of the roadway. Dry sedimentation ponds will be constructed intermittently to treat runoff before it outlets into the lake. Retaining walls are anticipated in areas containing steep side slopes. The township will need to establish a 66-ft right-of-way along the entire roadway to accommodate ditching and ponds. The estimated total cost of alternative #2 is $232,000. Alternative #3 - Construct bituminous curb and overlay road with bituminous pavement Runoff will be directed away from the lake and mitigated as described in Alternative #2. Bituminous curb will be constructed on the lake side of the road. The bituminous curb will further prevent any surface runoff from entering the lake. The bituminous surface will provide a more consistent grade for drainage and will eliminate erosion and dust problems. The estimated total cost of alternative #3 is $410,000. Vacating Half Moon Road Three alternatives for vacating Half Moon Road have been developed. Vacating Half Moon Road will focus on removing environmental hazards to Blue Lake and restoring the right-of-way back to its natural state. Alternative #4 - Excavate the road surface and restore vegetation. The top 6” of the road surface will be excavated. Excavated gravel can be salvaged for turn-arounds and other township projects. The excavated area will be graded to match existing grades and 2” of topsoil will be placed over the disturbed site. The road bed will be re-vegetated with shoreline grasses, forbs, trees, and shrubs. Turn-arounds will be constructed at the east end and west end of Half Moon Road. The turn-arounds will be 36’ x 50’. A 66-ft right-of-way will need to be established at turn-around locations. Lake Emma Township 814J0004 Page 3 of 3 After project completion, the vacated right-of-way can be turned over to the property owners. The estimated total cost of alternative #4 is $154,000. Alternative #5 - Restore wetlands in conjunction with Alternative #4. Wetlands will be constructed in areas identified as pre-existing wetlands. According to wetland inventory maps, wetlands are identified in the northeast and northwest corners of Blue Lake and in various locations along the shoreline. We estimate that approximately one-half an acre of wetland can be restored. To establish wetlands, the township will need to excavate identified areas to one foot above the high water level. Excavated areas will be seeded with wetland grasses, forbs, and saplings. After project completion, the vacated right-of-way will need to be transferred into a conservation easement. Constructing wetlands will provide an excellent buffer to the lake and will help restore the natural hydrology of the area. Wetland credits can be sold back to the state for approximately $13,000 per acre. The estimated total cost of alternative #5 is $223,000. Alternative #6 - Construct a walking trail in conjunction with alternative #4. Using salvaged aggregate from the roadway, a walking trail can be constructed to meander along the lake shore. The walking trail will need to be 8-10-ft wide. We recommend planting some additional trees and shrubs along the trail to shield the trail from nearby homes. Site amenities such as benches, picnic tables, and interpretive/educational elements may also be included to attract visitors. The vacated right-of-way will need to be transferred into a trail easement or conservation easement. The estimated total cost of alternative #6 is $177,000. The cost estimates developed are preliminary estimates provided to assist in the decision making process. All estimates include a 20% contingency. Engineering fees include the following; centerline survey, topography survey, wetland delineation, storm water pollution prevention plan, construction plans, specifications, bid proposal, permitting, and other project specific design requirements. Construction services include construction staking, construction inspection, and construction management. Cost estimates do not include any legal fees or any costs associated with right-of-way acquisition. I hope this report answers some of your questions regarding Half Moon Road. Please feel free to contact me at (218) 444-1859 with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING & ASSOCIATES, INC. Darren Laesch, E.I.T. Enclosures