Error Message - Iowa Department of Management

I/3 Budget
Guide to Error Messages in I/3 Budget
and their Solutions
Security violations in budget forms are often pessimistic locks. Pessimistic locks are designed to prevent two people from
editing the exact same budget instance (i.e. decision package) at the same time. Only one user can make modifications at
one point in time. Once that user has saved the document, then the next user can make edits. Pessimistic locks occur on
specific budget instances (e.g. a particular restoration package for your department) or in ranking a particular appropriation.
If a pessimistic lock is on, you will receive the following message:
“CGI-AMS Proprietary and Confidential”
“CGI-AMS Proprietary and Confidential”
If you receive a pessimistic lock or a security violation in budget forms during the time when forms are open to departments,
please call or email any of the following DOM staff immediately.
David Fardal 281-3539, Dennis Hart 281-8048, Hugh Ceaser 281-7076, Joel Lunde 281-7072, Jude Igbokwe 281-8826,
Kathy Mabie 281-8834, Lee Hill 281-0113, Lisa Oakley 281-8485, Nickie Whitaker 281-5417, Shashi Goel 281-8833
Solution: To resolve a pessimistic lock, you will need to provide the DOM staff person with the following information: 1)
Your name/userid, 2) if you were working on a Restoration, Capital, New, CY_DeptRev_Bud, Dept_Final_Adj, etc. form or if
you were ranking an appropriation and 3) the instance code.
Note: Correcting this error should take only a few minutes, and ANY DOM staff member can help you. You do not need to
wait for your personal DOM analyst to remove a pessimistic lock for you.
If you truly have a security violation, your problem may take a few more moments to resolve.
I/3 Budget
Optimistic locks are designed to prevent you from making changes to a record at the same time another person is making
“CGI-AMS Proprietary and Confidential”
Optimistic locks are infrequent. An optimistic lock means that another person has modified the record you are working on
after you started to edit and before you saved. For department users, this may occur while you and another user are
editing a performance budgeting screen, such as a performance measure or performance plan.
Optimistic locks do Not occur on budget forms. Only one user may edit a budget instance at a time. Other users may only
Solution: Exit the document you are trying to edit and return to the home page. You may have to log-out and login again.
I/3 Budget
Error Message
(in numeric then alpha
Common Screens where
Error will Occur
Possible Solutions
28 Referential Integrity
There is data associated
with this element, or it is in
use somewhere else in the
system (e.g. within a
hierarchy or a formatted
system query). It cannot
be deleted or changed.
Performance Budgeting
a) The data element you are trying to delete
may be listed in a hierarchy. It must be
deleted there first.
b) The data element may have data through
a budget form. Data is stored for
historical records, and cannot be deleted.
72 Duplicate Key Error
The element you are trying
to create already exists.
Performance Budgeting
screens, Dimension
screens or Edit Budget
Instance screen
Search for the code you are trying to create, if
a) Edit the current code, or
b) Choose a different code.
*Note: Often users receive a duplicate key error
when saving an instance. Add the letter "A" to
the end of the instance code to correct the
78 Security Violation
You do not have security
authorization to view
and/or edit this screen
Throughout I/3 Budget
You may only have search or view access. Ad
hoc reporting in the data warehouse may be a
good alternative to get the information you want.
85 Query Limit
Exceeded, please limit
your search criteria
You have requested too
many records. The limit
for a single search is set at
900 records to support
timely response
Throughout I/3 Budget
Many codes, such as the first three digits of the
organization number, performance measures
codes, budget instance codes, etc, involve the
department number. Restrict your search by
entering your department number followed by an
I/3 Budget
Error Message
(in numeric then alpha
Common Screens where
Error will Occur
Possible Solutions
10000 Field “Code”
must have a value
You forgot to enter a
unique code or a required
Performance Budgeting
screens or Edit Budget
Instance screen
Return to the screen using the top element of the
left panel. Complete the information required.
Remember to EXPAND ALL, as all required
fields may not be immediately visible.
10001 repeat of text
entered, then….must be
5000 or fewer
You have exceed the field
length. **I/3 Budget
counts both characters and
Throughout I/3 Budget
Reduce number of characters and spaces. User
may want to copy text into MS Word to utilize
Word Count function found under "Tools."
10009 … does not
match the following
pattern: “^[A-Z0-9\- …
You entered an invalid
character in the code. Any
of the following characters
cannot be put in the code
Throughout I/3 Budget
Change the code. A frequent mistake is entering
spaces in the code. No spaces are allowed in
any code.
10011 No reference was
found for 'Buying Team'
You entered an incorrect
buying team code.
Offer Maintenance
Click on the underlined link "Buying Team" and
search and select the code to ensure it is entered
10011 Accounting
Templates – Default, No
reference was found for
The fund, appropriation or
org entered in the account
template was not set-up on
the dimensions screens.
Accounting Template
Check dimensions to ensure it was set-up. If it
has been set-up, Refresh Cache from “Utilities”
Authentication Failed
or System is Locked.
Please log in again
You entered your user id
or password incorrectly
Log in screen
Re-enter your password. If you are unsuccessful
after three attempts, contact an I/3 Budget
system administrator to reset your password.
I/3 Budget
Error Message
(in numeric then alpha
Common Screens where
Error will Occur
Possible Solutions
BF2001 Consolidation
edit failed as User does
not have access to
Component type GO
code FUNDA.
This code does not exist.
Performance Plan and
Go to the search screen via Performance
Component to select your element to place in the
BF3006 Cannot delete a
Budget Instance that
has Corresponding
Budget Lines
From the Select Budget
Instance screen, you have
tried to delete an instance,
in which budget lines have
been added.
Budget Instance Screen
If you want to delete an instance, find the
instance and edit it. Go to Budget Lines.
Highlight all budget lines, and click zero out
(Note: This does not work for BASE budgets).
Then highlight all lines and click Delete, Update,
and then Save. You must zero out the lines
before deleting the package, otherwise the
dollars will not be eliminated from I/3 Budget.
BF3021 Budget Object
xxx has no itemization
You clicked the
“Itemization” button on the
Budget Lines screen. Iowa
is not using itemization,
which controls budget
amounts for individual
items, e.g. $3000 for a
Budget Lines Screen
Click Refresh, and continue with the next step.
BF3030 M22 (your
approp) is not part of the
usable dimension codes
for this Budget Line
An invalid or three-digit
appropriation is on one of
the budget lines.
Budget Lines Screen
Enter a zero at the beginning of all appropriation
I/3 Budget
Error Message
(in numeric then alpha
Common Screens where
Error will Occur
Possible Solutions
BF10011 No reference
was found for “Budget
You forgot to enter an
object class in a budget
line or you entered an
incorrect object class. This
error message also
appears if you forget other
Budget Lines Screen
Review your budget lines. Searching for an
object class, and selecting from the search list, is
a safe way to ensure you have the correct code.
BF10012 Job Class or
BF10013 Federal
Catalog – No reference
was found
You forgot to enter a job
class/federal catalog
number in a budget line or
you entered an incorrect
job class or federal catalog
Budget Lines Screen
Review your budget lines. Remember: all
budget lines must have a job class code and
federal catalog code. In most cases it will be "0"
as the default.
BF10071 Specified
Ranking Dimension
Code does not belong to
the sub-tree defined by
Ranking Dimension Top
You may have entered a
different dimension than
what you are trying to rank
by. All ranking will be by
approp. You may have
entered your department
Ranking Screen
Ensure you are entering the correct code and try
Bean with Primary Key: ‘
‘ already exists.
The element you are trying
to create already exists.
Performance Budgeting
screens, Dimension
screens or Edit Budget
Instance screen
Search for the code you are trying to create, if
c) Edit the current data element, or
d) Choose a different code.
I/3 Budget
Error Message
(in numeric then alpha
Common Screens where
Error will Occur
Possible Solutions
Browser Navigation:
The Back, Stop or
Refresh button on your
browser has been
pressed. Please do not
use the browser’s
navigation buttons. Use
the applications
navigation controls. You
have been placed back
at the correct page.
You probably clicked a
button in the application,
such as Search, twice.
Clicking the button twice
cancels the action you are
trying to complete.
Throughout I/3 Budget
Continue with your previous action. Clicking a
button twice canceled the action out.
Consolidation Edit
Failed as Performance
Component Already
Elements may only be
added once in the
Performance Plan
Hierarchy; Consolidation
Return to the Hierarchy and proceed to add the
next element.
Insert Action Incomplete
Actions to either move an
element (e.g. measure,
mission, etc.) or add an
element were not
Performance Plan
Hierarchy; Consolidation
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Be sure the element you just added is
I/3 Budget
User enters user id and password and clicks Login. The application does not login after several minutes and sits at the
login screen with no apparent activity.
Solution 1: Click login again. The application may go immediately to the homepage.
Solution 2: Open one to two additional Internet Explorer sessions and login to I/3 Budget. One of the sessions may go to
the homepage immediately. Close the other sessions. After five minutes at the login screen, you may receive a proxy
Solution 3: Contact an I/3 Budget system administrator for further assistance.
I/3 Budget
An application error indicates a time-out while the application was executing an action.
Close out your browser and restart the application. If the error occurs multiple times, contact your DOM budget analyst for
I/3 Budget
On occasion, you may encounter a java error in the application. A java error is an error message but it is displayed in
computer language. There are many different messages in a java errors, but the general format and font is as follows:
“CGI-AMS Proprietary & Confidential”
If you encounter such an error, back out a few screens or log out of I/3 Budget. Login and try again. In most cases, you will
be able to successfully complete your process the second time. If you repeat the same steps and again get a java error,
take the following steps:
1. Make notes of what steps you took to create the java error AND take a screen shot of the error. (To take a screen
shot: click on the Prnt Scrn button on your keyboard, click Control – C, then open a word document and click Control
2. Contact your DOM analyst, and work with them to recreate the error.
3. If you and your analyst are successful in recreating the error, then the error, after review from system administrators,
can be documented and sent to AMS for correction.
4. Note: It is very important to recreate errors and document steps in detail in order to report them to AMS. If software
developers are unable to replicate our error, then they will be unable to fix it.