Supporting Information for ‘Postponing emission reductions from 2020 to 2030 increases climate risks and long-term costs’ 1. Description of the modelling framework IMAGE, TIMER and FAIR For the analysis of the mitigation scenarios, we used parts of the integrated assessment modelling framework IMAGE 2.4 (Bouwman et al., 2006)1. The IMAGE model consists of a set of linked and integrated models that together describe important elements of the long-term dynamics of global environmental change, such as air pollution, climate change, and land-use change. We used the FAIR model and the global energy model, TIMER, as part of the IMAGE model. The latter describes the primary and secondary demand and production of energy and related greenhouse gas emissions and regional air pollutants (van Vuuren et al., 2007). A more detailed description of the models TIMER and FAIR is provided below. The FAIR 2.1 model The integrated modelling framework FAIR (den Elzen et al., 2008; den Elzen and van Vuuren, 2007) is used for the quantitative analysis of emission reductions and abatement costs at the level of 26 regions. The FAIR–SiMCaP model is a combination of the abatement costs model of the FAIR model and the SiMCaP model (den Elzen and Meinshausen, 2006; den Elzen et al., 2007; den Elzen and van Vuuren, 2007). The FAIR cost model distributes the difference between baseline and global emission pathways following a least-cost approach using regional Marginal Abatement Costs (MAC) curves for the different emissions sources (den Elzen et al., 2007). The model uses baseline emissions of GHGs from the IMAGE land-use model and TIMER energy model. The aggregated emission credits demand-and-supply curves are derived from marginal abatement costs curves (MAC) based on the same sources. More specifically, the MAC curves for energy- and industry-related CO2 emissions were determined with the TIMER energy model (van Vuuren et al., 2007) by imposing a carbon tax and recording the induced reduction of CO2 emissions. The earlier work has been further improved by now including four instead of two different carbon tax profiles. We now capture the full range of possible carbon tax paths that represent early action and highly delayed action. The MAC curves for carbon plantations were derived using the IMAGE model (Strengers et al., 2008). MAC curves from the EMF21 project (Weyant et al., 2006) were used for non-CO2 GHG emissions. These curves have been made consistent with the baseline used here and made time-dependent to account for technology change and removal of implementation barriers (Lucas et al., 2007). It should be noted that, while CO2 emission reductions from the energy system were described accounting for dynamic processes such as induced learning and limited capital turnover rates, reductions for non-CO2 gases were based on simple MAC curves (that change over time, but do not limit reduction potential based on a vintage structure). Furthermore, in FAIR, a maximum reduction rate of 3% was included based on the TIMER experiments (for the BECS scenarios 4%), reflecting the technical (and political) inertia that limits emission reductions, avoiding premature replacement of existing fossil-fuel-based capital stock. 1 The model names are acronyms. IMAGE = Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment; TIMER = The Targets IMage Energy Regional model; FAIR = Framework to Assess International Regimes for the differentiation of commitments The emission credits demand-and-supply curves were used to determine the carbon price in the international trading market, its buyers and sellers, and the resulting domestic and external abatements for each region. The abatement costs for each scenario were calculated based on the marginal abatement costs and the actual reductions. They represent the direct additional costs due to climate policy, but do not capture the macroeconomic implications of these costs. We calculated the abatement costs (in 2005 USD) by assuming use of the flexible Kyoto mechanisms, such as international emission trading (IET) and CDM, and calculated the cost-effective distribution of reductions for different regions, gases and sources. For countries with reduction targets and participate in IET, all their abatement potential is fully available on the market, while for countries that only participated in CDM, a limited amount of the abatement potential was assumed to be operationally available on the market, because of the project basis of the CDM and implementation barriers. Consistent with studies by Criqui (2002), den Elzen and De Moor (2002), and Jotzo and Michaelowa (2002), this so-called CDM accessibility was set at 20% for 2020. This meant that only 20% of the total supply would be available for offsetting reductions not achieved by Annex I countries. For the cost calculations, we assumed that Annex I regions begin or continue with emission reductions in 2012, and all fully participate in emission trading. For the nonAnnex I countries, we considered three groups of countries; advanced developing countries, other developing countries and least-developed countries (see Table A.1). The advanced developing countries will join the carbon market in 2020 and participate in emission trading. The other developing countries only participate in CDM, and join the carbon market after 2020. For the late entrants in the carbon market, we also assumed there to be a transition period before they are fully exposed to the global carbon price. In fully participating regions (such as the Annex I countries, including the United States), carbon prices are equal. Non-participating or CDM regions have a zero carbon price. For regions in transition from no to full participation, the carbon price grows from zero to the level of the participating regions during the transition period. A linearly growing proportion of the regions’ mitigation potential is exposed to the global carbon price, and the regional price is the price at which the exposed mitigation potential is fully implemented, until the global carbon price is reached (van Vliet et al., 2009). In the high-income and middle-income countries, this leads to carbon prices of 90 and 60%, respectively, of the international carbon market price. Table A.1. Assumptions on participation in international emission trading (IET) and CDM and the calculated fraction of the global carbon price. Advanced developing countries (ADCs) Other developing countries Leastdeveloped countries Mexico, Rest Central America, Brazil, Rest South America, South Africa, Kazakhstan region, Turkey, the Middle East, Korean region and China: Reduce below baseline emissions and can participate in IET Northern Africa, the Middle East, India, Rest South Asia, Indonesian region, Rest Southeast Asia: Reduce below baseline emissions and can participate in CDM Western Africa, Eastern Africa and Rest of South African region: Follow baseline emissions and can participate in CDM IET (90%) IET (60%) CDM (20%) Other main assumptions for the cost calculations were: The transaction costs associated with the use of the Kyoto mechanisms were assumed to consist of a constant 0.55 USD per tonne CO2 eq emissions plus 2% of the total costs Most Parties propose targets that do not include international bunker fuels, except for the EU2. Therefore, the emission and cost calculations exclude international bunker fuels emission projections and costs of reducing these emissions. Carbon credits from forest management were included, based on a conservative, low estimate taken from an extension of the Marrakesh Accords. For the global climate and GHG concentration calculations, we used the simple ‘climate’ model, MAGICC 4.1 (Wigley, 2003; Wigley and Raper, 2001; 2002). The model framework calculates emissions of all greenhouse gases, ozone precursors (volatile organic compounds, CO, and NOx), and sulphur aerosols (SO2) from energy and land-use related sources, atmospheric concentrations, radiative forcing, and resulting climate change. The TIMER model The energy system simulation model (TIMER) describes the long-term dynamics of the production and consumption of about 10 primary energy carriers for 5 end-use sectors in 26 world regions. The model is a system-dynamics model, and its behaviour is mainly determined by substitution processes of various technologies on the basis of long-term prices and fuel preferences. These two factors drive multinomial logit models that describe the investments into new energy production and consumption capacity3. It should be noted here that the demand for new capacity is limited by the assumption that capital is only replaced after the end of the technical lifetime is reached. The long-term prices that drive the model are determined by resource depletion and technology development. Resource depletion is important both for fossil fuels and for renewables (for which depletion and costs depend on annual production rates). Technology development is determined by learning curves or through exogenous assumptions. Emissions from the energy system are calculated by multiplying energy consumption and production flows with emission factors. A carbon tax can be used to induce a dynamic response, such as increased use of low or zero-carbon technologies, energy efficiency improvement, and end-of-pipe emission reduction technologies. The carbon tax required to achieve a certain climate policy target is calculated by the FAIR model, taking into account baseline emissions and cost curves for CO2 and non-CO2 emission reductions. 2. Maximum reduction rate To explore how the rate of emission reduction varies across models, we used a database of a large number mitigation scenarios as assessed for AR4 (Nakicenovic et al., 2006) and expanded this with recent studies from EMF22 (Clarke et al., 2009), the ADAM project (Knopf et al., 2009) and work for the European Commission (Rao et 2 For the EU, the -20% unilateral target includes the emissions from aviation, making the target more stringent. For instance, when including emissions from aviation, EU emissions in 2005 would have decreased by only 6.8%, compared to 1990. When excluding these emissions, however, EU emissions for that year decreased by 7.9%. 3 A multinomial logit model assigns market shares to fuel or technologies on the basis of their relative costs. Low cost options receive a large market share; high cost options a low (or even zero) market share. al., 2009). Only part of these studies cover all greenhouse gases. Therefore, we focused on the reduction of CO2 emissions from the energy system (that is included in all models). As this emission category represents 60 to 70% of all emissions during the 21st century, these reductions rates are reasonable representative for the total greenhouse gas reduction rate. The rate of emission reductions is bound by several factors, such as capital turnover rates, the production rate of new technologies, and implementation barriers. It should be noted, however, that the maximum rate cannot be determined unambiguously, as many of these factors are context dependent (there is no ‘law’). In the literature, there is a wide variety of models. In some of these models, maximum reduction rates have been included implicitly. In other models, attractive reduction rates emerge as a result of the time optimisation that has been applied (and the related costs of too high reduction rates). Looking at the range of model results, therefore, could provide some insight into the range of reduction rates considered feasible by models. Figure 1 shows the 10-year average emission reduction rates in the 2010-2050 period for only the lowest scenario category used in AR4. The figure shows that, in literature, few scenarios can be found with a reduction rate of beyond 3 to 4% annually, from 2000 emission levels, over a 10-year period. There are only a few scenarios that show faster reduction rates. In other words, emission reduction rates beyond 3% can be regarded as extreme, based on the scenario literature. 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