Word Document

N.A. Fiddlers Service Agreement
This agreement of entertainment between the service agent and signee:
booking on the date of _____________________________________________
Signee name ______________________________________________________
Phone Number ___________________________________________________
Event _______________________________Number in Attendance________
Location of Event _________________________________________________
(Use the back side for more information/directions)
Performance Time From: ______________To:_______________
Donation of: $_____________________ (made out to the N.A. Fiddlers)
□ Signee agrees to sign and return this contract one week after receipt.
Signee agrees to send directions to the performance site one week prior to the
performance date.
Signee agrees to have payment in full on the day of the event with a check made out to
the N.A. Fiddlers
The N.A. Fiddlers agree to provide service on the date and time above
Signee:________________________________________________ Date:____________
Service Agent:_________________________________________ Date:____________
Please send all information to: dmorton@northallegheny.org (412) 486-6396 or
McKnight Elementary School
500 Cumberland Rd.
Pittsburgh, Pa 15237