N.A. Fiddlers Service Agreement This agreement of entertainment between the service agent and signee: booking on the date of _____________________________________________ Signee name ______________________________________________________ E-mail____________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________________________________ Event _______________________________Number in Attendance________ Location of Event _________________________________________________ (Use the back side for more information/directions) Performance Time From: ______________To:_______________ Donation of: $_____________________ (made out to the N.A. Fiddlers) □ Signee agrees to sign and return this contract one week after receipt. □ Signee agrees to send directions to the performance site one week prior to the performance date. □ Signee agrees to have payment in full on the day of the event with a check made out to the N.A. Fiddlers □ The N.A. Fiddlers agree to provide service on the date and time above Signee:________________________________________________ Date:____________ Service Agent:_________________________________________ Date:____________ Please send all information to: dmorton@northallegheny.org (412) 486-6396 or McKnight Elementary School 500 Cumberland Rd. Pittsburgh, Pa 15237