Undergraduate Internship Program APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Return application, original official transcript and one letter of recommendation to: Yildiz Karacabacak Departmental Secretary Bilkent University Faculty of Science B Building Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. 06800 Bilkent Ankara TURKEY e-mail address: yildiz@fen.bilkent.edu.tr Phone: (90)(312) 266 50 81 Fax: (90)(312) 266 50 97 Name Gender Last Date of Birth First Middle TR Citizen [ ] Yes [ ] No; Mailing address Email [ ] Male [ ] Female Place of Birth Permanent address Day Telephone Academic Information I am a [ ] Freshman [ ] Sophomore [ ] Junior at College/University My major is Overall GPA Which type of Internship are you applying to? Do you have any laboratory research experience? [ ] Laboratory [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] Bioinformatics If yes, how long? Institution where research was conducted Area(s) of research experience Area(s) of research interest (check all that apply) [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Cancer biology ] Immunology ] Transcriptional regulation and analysis ] Bioinformatics ] Developmental biology ] Neurobiology [ [ [ [ [ ] Molecular genetics ] Human genetics ] Molecular signaling ] Molecular modeling and structural biology ] Genomics Indicate the order of faculty member(s) you want to attend internship in his/her laboratory (check all that apply) [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Rengul Cetin Atalay ] Deniz Atasoy ] Ebru Erbay ] Ali O. Güre ] İhsan Gürsel ] Özlen Konu ] Tayfun Özçelik ] Ozgur Sahin ] Işık G. Yuluğ Additional application materials which must accompany this Form 1) Current transcript Please request an official transcript to be sent as soon as possible. Date transcript requested 2) Personal Statement Please submit one single-spaced type-written page discussing, in your own words, your education, research experience, academic and professional plans, and reasons for applying to this Program. 3) Letter of Recommendation Please submit one letter of recommendation, in sealed/signed envelopes, with this application. The letter should be from faculty members who are familiar with your coursework, and if applicable, with your laboratory work. I certify that the information entered on this application is complete and correct. I understand that omission or falsification of information may constitute grounds for denial of admission or dismissal. Applicant's Signature Date