1 Supporting Information 2 Appendix S1. Main characteristics of the study sites along the abiotic stress gradient evaluated. site soil type easting northing altitude average annual average max. temp. (°C) average annual precip. (mm) average min. temp. (°C) (m.a.s.l.) temp. (°C) Las Colominas Calcareous 692494 4273202 630 391 9 21 15 Huelves Calcareous 508716 4436139 911 497 7 20 13 Ontígola Calcareous 447271 4427264 593 431 7 22 14 Sierra Espuña Calcareous 616839 4187005 663 364 10 22 16 Villarobledo Calcareous 542064 4340264 753 446 8 21 14 Zorita Calcareous 510441 4467336 602 433 7 22 15 Almeria Calcareous 584367 4087691 201 334 13 21 18 Jaén Calcareous 493939 4165914 804 517 9 21 15 El Plano Gypsiferous 687597 4268937 571 370 9 21 15 Ontígola II Gypsiferous 446915 4427092 598 427 7 22 14 Titulcia Gypsiferous 456397 4446093 598 440 8 21 14 1 Carabaña Gypsiferous 478288 4455557 592 473 8 21 14 Chinchon Gypsiferous 456433 4458275 609 448 8 21 14 Fuentidueña Gypsiferous 488787 4443880 601 445 8 21 14 Jaén II Gypsiferous 495283 4175781 493 632 10 22 16 Los Monegros Gypsiferous 708985 4620387 507 428 7 20 14 Los Yesos Gypsiferous 563409 4103742 537 364 11 22 16 Villamanrique Gypsiferous 482031 4432562 600 437 8 21 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 17 18 19 Appendix S2. Biological soil crust functional traits. 20 strongly in chemistry and physical morphology, impacting their function in the ecosystem. This 21 is well illustrated by the morphological differences between larger mosses (a), which are likely 22 to be a large water sink and under certain conditions may enhance infiltration, and crustose or 23 foliose lichens (b) which are likely to shed runoff at microscales. Large photo b: Rebecca Mau. Figure A1-1. Despite apparent niche overlap, species within biological soil crusts may differ a. b. 24 3 25 Appendix S3. Effect of soil type upon species co-occurrence. 26 Methods 27 We tested the hypothesis that soil type determines intensity of species interactions using one way 28 ANOVA. To determine if relationships between abiotic stress and co-occurrence differed among 29 soil types (calcareous and gypsum), we separated the data from the two soil types and conducted 30 linear regression analyses. We used JMP IN 4.0 (2000 SAS Inst.) for these analyses. 31 32 Results 33 Soil type, gypsiferous or calcareous, had essentially no effect on species interactions, regardless 34 of which index or algorithm was used (C-scorefixed-fixed t = 0.62, P = 0.55; C-scorefixed-equiprobable t 35 = 0.43, P = 0.67; Spp. pairsfixed-fixed t = -0.42, P = 0.68; Spp. pairsfixed-equiprobable t = - 0.99, P = 36 0.34). To examine the possibility that these responses of species interactions to abiotic stress 37 were dependent upon the soil type considered, we conducted a second set of analyses using the 38 data from one soil type at a time. This set of analyses indicates that in both soil types the 39 prevalence of competition increases at higher abiotic stress (Table A3-1), although the 40 relationship tended to be stronger in calcareous soils compared to gypsiferous soils. 41 42 43 44 4 45 Table A3-1. Relationships of co-occurrence indicators to abiotic stress (Axis 1 of PCA 46 conducted with climatic variables) in two contrasting soil types. 47 Calcareous soils Gypsiferous soils R2 P R2 P C-scorefixed-fixed 0.56 0.03 0.40 0.05 C-scorefixed-equi. 0.02 0.75 0.02 0.68 Spp. pairsfixed-fixed 0.70 0.01 0.11 0.36 Spp. pairsfixed-equi. 0.47 0.06 0.08 0.43 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 5 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 6