University of Constitution Stirling International Society 1. Name The name of the society shall be the “University of Stirling International Society”, hereinafter known as the “Society”. 2. Aims The Society’s aims shall be: (a) to integrate incoming international students and home students by means of regular meetings, functions and activities. (b) to make the process of making friendships quicker and ensure the maximum enjoyment for all students studying at the University. (c) to improve awareness and understanding cross-culturally. (d) to work in conjunction with Student Development and Support Services (SDSS) to ensure all issues and possible problems are overcome as efficiently and effectively as possible. This may include research with international students to improve the work done by SDSS and the Society. (e) to raise funds to finance evening functions, day trips and tours around the country and abroad, as these are important for the overall learning experience of international students and their bonds with home students. (f) to work together with the International Office at Student Recruitment and Admission Service to build a link between the Society and University administration. 3. Membership Membership shall be open to all registered students whether they are international or home students, members of staff and the spouses and partners of both. The General Meeting (GM) may award honorary membership. The membership shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Non-students can join the Society, but will have non-voting status. 4. The Committee The Committee shall consist of the following: (a) President (b) Secretary (c) Treasurer (d) Publicity Officer (e) International and Exchange student officer In addition the Committee may consist: (f) Vice-President (g) Events Manager(s) The Committee may consist of non-student members of the society. 5. Committee Meetings The Committee shall meet at least once a month, or if a meeting is called by a committee member. 6. General Meetings A General Meeting shall be held at least once each semester and shall be convened upon receipt of a request signed by eight persons or 10% of the membership (which ever figure is the least). 7. Annual General Meeting The AGM shall be held at least one month before the end of the spring semester. The Committee shall be elected by show of hands at this meeting or holding a ballot. 8. Affiliations The Society shall be affiliated to the University of Stirling Students’ Union and abide by its regulations. The Society may be affiliated to such organisations, as a GM shall deem desirable, for example Student Development and Support Services (SDSS). 9. Changes to the Constitution For a constitutional change to be binding, it shall have to been passed by a simple majority at a GM of the Society before being approved by the clubs, events and development committee of the students union.