HIST 106 1003 - Western Nevada College


Caleb Karges Spring 2015

History 106 European Civilization II

Mon & Wed 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM ASP 203

Office Hours: BRIS 328 Mon 2:30-3:30 & Tues 12-1

E-mail: caleb.karges@wnc.edu Phone: (775) 230-3004

Box: In back of BRIS 350

Number of Credits: 3

Transfers to other institutions within the Nevada System of Higher Education as HIST


Prerequisites: None

Division Information

Liberal Arts Division Director: Scott Morrison

Office: Bristlecone Building, Room 350A

Phone: 445-4401

E-mail: scott.morrison@wnc.edu

Liberal Arts Division Administrative Assistants:

Chelsie Hamtak

Office: Bristlecone Building, Room 350D

Phone: 445-3290

Katy Edmunds

Office: Bristlecone Building, Room 350B

Phone: 445-4253

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

1. Use college-level reading and writing skills.

2. Practice placing sources and events in their historical, geographical, and cultural contexts.

3. Exercise critical thinking skills.

4. Gain a greater ability to effectively search for and sift through information

5. Gain greater factual knowledge of the history of Europe from 1648 to now.

6. Gain a greater familiarity with the geography of the European continent and its surroundings.


: Blanning, Tim. The Pursuit of Glory. London: Penguin, 2008.

Blanning, Tim, editor. The Nineteenth Century: Europe 1789-1914. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2000.

Mazower, Mark. Dark Continent. London: Penguin, 1999.

Course Description

History 106: European Civilization after 1648

This course is a broad survey of European civilization as it emerged into the Modern period after 1648. The course will trace the development of nations, politics, technology, society, and ideas into the present day.

Course Requirements


There will be three exams during the semester. They will consist of essay questions. No notes or books allowed. Those whose second language is English may bring a dictionary.

There will be a review during the lecture in the week immediately preceding the exam.


There will be one paper, five pages long, based on a topic from a list of approved essay topics. It will be due on May 6. I will provide a guide for all writing assignments at a later date.

Secondary Source Analysis

In the second half of the semester, there will be an exercise where you will analyze and summarize the arguments of a journal article in a 500-750 word paper. I will provide a list of journal articles from which you can choose at a later date. This assignment is due on March 11.

Weekly Short Answer Quizzes

There will be a short answer quiz at the beginning of each class based upon the readings.

Important Dates

February 16 Presidents’ Day No Classes

March 11 Secondary Source Analysis Due

March 13 Last Day to Change to Audit or Vice Versa

March 14-22 Spring Break

March 27 Last Day to Withdraw with a “W”

May 6 Paper Due

Assignment Values

First Exam 20%

Second Exam 20%

Third Exam 20%

Paper 20%

Secondary Source Analysis 10%

Short Answer Quizzes 10%


90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

Under 60 F

Class Policies

Attendance and Absences

You will not be graded for attendance. However, you are expected to show up to class and be engaged with the material. Most importantly you are expected to do the reading. Please do not be shy in class and ask questions.

If you cannot make class or you have to show up late or leave early (I understand that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances, I have been there), please do not hesitate to contact me.

Academic Misconduct

Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing on an assignment, that assignment will be automatically failed. You will also risk failing the course. If you are not sure what plagiarism is, please come talk to me.

Incompletes and Withdrawals

If you officially drop the class on or before October 24, you will receive a withdrawal grade. If you never show up to class, I will fail you, unless you qualify for an incomplete or can provide evidence to Admissions and Records of extreme hardship. In order to receive an incomplete, you must have completed 75% of the course requirements with

a grade of C or better and must have a compelling reason for not being able to complete the class. If you have to take an incomplete, you should contact me before the end of the semester. You will have 120 days to make up an incomplete.

Make-Up Exams

If you are unable to sit for an exam due to extreme circumstances, please let me know immediately, and a make-up exam can be administered. There will be no resits for exams.

Late Papers

If the paper is not turned in on time, its maximum possible score will drop one letter grade each day it is late.

Points of Courtesy

Think of all the annoying things people do in movie theaters; do not do those things in the classroom. Please be on time. Silence your phones. No food or gum in the classroom. You may have a drink (non-alcoholic) in the classroom, please be considerate for your classmates and instructor. Please remember, if you have any problems, questions, or any other issues pertaining to the course please contact me.

Office Hour

I will maintain an office hour in BRIS 328 on Monday from 2:30 to 3:30 and on Tuesday from 12 to 1. Please feel free to use my office hour to ask me questions about assignments, to bounce ideas off of me, to get further help and guidance on the assignments, to get in touch with me about any of the issues mentioned above, or to talk about the material we cover in class and in the readings. If you cannot make my office hour and need to speak with me, we can arrange another time to meet on campus.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

“Qualified students with physical or documented learning disabilities have the right to free accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities at Western

Nevada College.”

If you have any kind of physical or learning disability, please contact Susan Trist from the

Office of Disability Support Services at 445-3275. The office is located in Counseling

Services in Bristlecone 103 (Carson Campus). It is far better that you get the support you deserve than for you to have to take a class at an unfair disadvantage. If you have the

paperwork, please show it to me, otherwise I will have no idea and I cannot accommodate you.

Class Schedule Spring 2015

Readings should be completed before class.

Week 1 January 21


Week 2 January 26

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 2

Week 3

January 28

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 3

February 2

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 5, p. 195-247

February 4

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 5, p. 247-285

Week 4 February 9

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 6, p. 286-321

Week 5

February 11

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 6, p. 321-351

February 16

President’s Day – No Class

Week 6

February 18

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 11

February 23

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 12

February 25

Pursuit of Glory Ch. 13

Week 7 March 2

First Exam

March 4

The Nineteenth Century Ch. 1

Week 8 March 9

The Nineteenth Century Ch. 2

March 11

The Nineteenth Century Ch. 3

Secondary Source Analysis Due

Week 9

Week 10


March 23

The Nineteenth Century Ch. 4

March 25

The Nineteenth Century Ch. 5

Week 11 March 30

The Nineteenth Century Ch. 6

Week 12

April 1

Second Exam

April 6

Lecture: The First World War

Week 13

April 8

Dark Continent, Ch. 2

April 13

Dark Continent, Ch. 3

Week 14

April 15

Dark Continent, Ch. 4

April 20

Dark Continent, Ch. 5

April 22

Dark Continent, Ch. 6

Week 15 April 27

Dark Continent, Ch. 7

April 29

Dark Continent, Ch. 8

Week 16 May 4

Dark Continent, Ch. 9

May 6

Dark Continent, Ch. 11

Paper Due

Week 17 May 11

Third Exam
