LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS No. 147 — Tuesday, 12 November 2013 Proof Version 1 The President took the Chair and read the Prayer. 2 TYPHOON HAIYAN, DISASTER IN THE PHILIPPINES — Mr D.M. Davis moved, by leave, That we, the Legislative Council of Victoria — (1) offers its deepest and most sincere condolences to the Government and people of the Philippines following the catastrophic effects of Typhoon Haiyan; (2) notes that the human cost of this devastating event is yet to be calculated, and that the loss of life will be immense; (3) recognises the significant Philippines community in Victoria and the strong family and cultural bonds that exist; and (4) joins with all the people of the State of Victoria in expressing our sympathy and our strong support for the rescue, relief and recovery of the Philippines from this calamity. And other Members having addressed the House, the question was put and agreed to unanimously with Members standing in their places. 3 ASSENT TO ACTS — The President read Messages from the Governor informing the Council that he had, on the following dates, given the Royal Assent to the following Acts presented to him by the Clerk of the Parliaments: On 6 November 2013 — Corrections Amendment (Parole Reform) Act 2013 Courts Legislation Amendment (Judicial Officers) Act 2013 Fisheries Amendment Act 2013 Professional Boxing and Combat Sports Amendment Act 2013 Tobacco Amendment Act 2013. On 12 November 2013 — Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013. 4 QUESTIONS — Questions without notice were taken pursuant to Standing Order 8.04 and answers to certain questions on notice were circulated pursuant to Standing Order 8.10. 5 PAPERS — VICTORIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION — BIRTH REGISTRATION AND BIRTH CERTIFICATES — Mr O'Donohue moved, by leave, That there be laid before this House a copy of the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s Report on Birth Registration and Birth Certificates, August 2013. Question — put and agreed to. The Report was presented by Mr O'Donohue and ordered to lie on the Table. * * * * * SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE — ALERT DIGEST — Mr DallaRiva presented Alert Digest No. 15 of 2013 (including Appendices) from the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee. 2 Legislative Council of Victoria Ordered to lie on the Table and to be printed. * * * * * EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE — EXTENT, BENEFITS AND POTENTIAL OF MUSIC EDUCATION IN VICTORIAN SCHOOLS — Mrs Kronberg presented a Report from the Education and Training Committee on the Extent, Benefits and Potential of Music Education in Victorian Schools (including Appendices), together with Transcripts of Evidence. Ordered to lie on the Table and the Report to be printed. Mrs Kronberg moved, That the Council take note of the Report. Debate ensued. Question — put and agreed to. * * * * * PAPERS PURSUANT TO STATUTE — The following Papers, pursuant to the directions of several Acts of Parliament, were laid on the Table by the Clerk: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency — Report, 2012-13. Calder Regional Waste Management Group — Minister's report of receipt of 2012-13 report. Gambling Regulation Act 2003 — Amendments to the Category 1 Public Lottery Licence and an Amendment to the Category 2 Public Lottery Licence pursuant to section 5.3.19(4)(b)(ii) of the Act. Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board — Minister's report of receipt of 2012-13 report. Planning and Environment Act 1987 — Notices of Approval of the following amendments to planning schemes: Ararat Planning Scheme — Amendment C27. Banyule Planning Scheme — Amendment C97. Boroondara Planning Scheme — Amendments C158 and C187. Campaspe Planning Scheme — Amendment C96. Corangamite Planning Scheme — Amendment C31. Greater Geelong Planning Scheme — Amendments C268 and C286. Manningham Planning Scheme — Amendment C99. Moonee Valley Planning Scheme — Amendments C131 and C135. Northern Grampians Planning Scheme — Amendment C15. Pyrenees Planning Scheme — Amendment C37. South Gippsland Planning Scheme — Amendment C77 Part 1. Strathbogie Planning Scheme — Amendment C57. Wyndham Planning Scheme — Amendment C184. Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme — Amendments C117 and C124. Professional Standards Council — Report, 2012-13. Statutory Rules under the following Acts of Parliament: County Court Act 1958 — No. 136. Electricity Safety Act 1998 — No. 131. Planning and Environment Act 1987 — No. 132. Road Safety Act 1986 — Nos. 133, 134 and 135. Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 — Documents under section 15 in respect of Statutory Rule Nos. 132 to 136. Legislative Instruments and related documents under section 16B in respect of — Ministerial Order 698 – Work Experience Arrangements (Amendment) Order 2013 of 30 October 2013 made under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Ministerial Order 699 – Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements (Amendment) Order 2013 of 30 October 2013 made under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Minutes of the Proceedings 3 6 BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL — Mr Lenders moved, by leave, That precedence be given to the following General Business on Wednesday, 13 November 2013: (1) the Notice of Motion given this day by Mr Somyurek calling on the Federal Government to secure the future of the Australian automotive manufacturing industry; (2) Order of the Day No. 12, resumption of debate on motion relating to the provision of the business case for the proposed East-West Link project; (3) Notice of Motion No. 663 standing in the name of Mr Leane relating to the Government’s election promise of new prison and hospital beds; (4) Notice of Motion No. 665 standing in the name of Mr Barber calling on the Government to ban unconventional exploration of gas fossil fuels in Victoria; and (5) Order of the Day No. 7, resumption of debate on motion relating to the use of Crown Land at the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve. Question — put and agreed to. 7 MEMBERS’ STATEMENTS — Statements were made by Members pursuant to Standing Order 5.12. 8 BUSINESS POSTPONED — Ordered — That the consideration of the Notices of Motion, Government Business and Orders of the Day, Government Business, Nos. 1 to 6 be postponed until later this day. 9 STATUTE LAW REVISION BILL 2013 — Debate resumed on the question, That the Bill be now read a second time. Question — put and agreed to. Bill read a second time and, by leave, read a third time and passed. Bill returned to the Assembly with a Message informing them that the Council have agreed to the Bill without amendment. 10 STATE TAXATION AND FINANCIAL LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2013 — Debate resumed on the question, That the Bill be now read a second time. Question — put and agreed to. Bill read a second time and, by leave, read a third time and passed. Bill returned to the Assembly with a Message informing them that the Council have agreed to the Bill without amendment. 11 COURTS AND OTHER JUSTICE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2013 — Debate resumed on the question, That the Bill be now read a second time. Question — put and agreed to. Bill read a second time and, by leave, read a third time and passed. Bill returned to the Assembly with a Message informing them that the Council have agreed to the Bill without amendment. 12 ROAD LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2013 — Debate resumed on the question, That the Bill be now read a second time. On the motion of Mr Finn, the debate was adjourned until the next day of meeting. 13 ADJOURNMENT — Mr Hall moved, That the House do now adjourn. Debate ensued and responses to certain Adjournment matters were circulated pursuant to Standing Order 4.12. And then the Council, at 6.33 p.m., adjourned until tomorrow. WAYNE TUNNECLIFFE Clerk of the Legislative Council