form--Proposed Course of Study

McIntire 2013 Third-Year Core Abroad
Proposed Course of Study (Due December 1)
Name: ________________________
Abroad Program: __________________________
Proposed Concentrations: _______________________
Proposed Tracks or Minors: ______________________
Summary of Requirements:
Students in the third-year McIntire curriculum are required to register for at least 15 total credits. Courses completed at partner
schools will be treated as transfer credit on the UVA transcript and must be completed with a C or better to be eligible for transfer (no
grade is transferred). COMM 3041 will be taught in a distance-learning format by McIntire faculty, and a grade will be included directly
on the UVA transcript and used in the calculation of UVA GPA.
ICE Requirements:
• COMM 3040: Students will be enrolled through SIS in a special 3.0 credit distance-learning section of COMM 3041, covering Finance
& Strategy content in ICE. They will also enroll in a 1.0 credit section of 3042 during the first four weeks of the Fall semester to cover
QA content. Completion of both COMM 3041 and 3042 will satisfy the COMM 3040 requirement.
• COMM 3050: Students are required to complete any Global Strategy or International Marketing/Management course offered;
submit course descriptions with this form for approval unless on the pre-approved list online.
• COMM 3060: Students are required to complete one additional Business or Econ course.
Course Number
COMM 3040 (4 cr.)
Course Title
Course Equivalent
Strategic Value Creation/QA
COMM 3040
(McIntire taught)
3050 – Global Strategy
3050 – Global Strategy (alternate)
3060 – Business Elective
Third Year Concentration Requirements:
Students may transfer one (1) course to satisfy concentration requirement (3330: Market Research for Marketing concentrators or
3720: Corporate Finance for Finance concentrators if offered and pre-approved at partner school).
Concentration Course (3330 or 3720)
General Electives:
In addition to the above, students generally enroll in 1-2 electives (from any discipline) to complete a 15- to 18-credit semester.
General Elective 1
General Elective 2
General Elective (alternate)
Courses to be used for non-Comm majors or minors must have UVA departmental approval on a McIntire Transfer of Credit form.
Please return this form to Angie Turner in RRH 311-F by December 1st