The Living History Project: Part I
Directions: Even before people made paper for the first time, history was recorded for future generations in the oral tradition of storytelling. Even today, historians often interview witnesses to historical happenings and record their words for posterity so future generations can learn about the past straight from the people themselves, which is called oral history. For this project, you will act as an oral historian and interview a person of your choosing and ask them about what they have seen and heard and felt about various historical events that occurred during their lifetimes.
Requirements: First, the subject of your oral history must have been born BEFORE 1961, which means the person you interview cannot be younger than (50) years old. Your subject should be related to you (if possible) and must meet this age requirement. In fact, if you can interview a subject older than the requirement (and perhaps much older than the requirement), it might make your interview even more interesting since the person likely would have more experiences from which to draw.
In addition to the questions on the back of this sheet, you also must ask your subject at least five (5) additional original history related questions, which means your interview, once completed, must be at least ten (10) questions long. You may ask more questions-and you may want to ask more questionsbut you must have at least that many in your interview.
For examples of oral history interviews, visit www.houstonoralhistory.org.
Assignment Part I (DUE 1/17 or 1/18 – 3 Grades) - INTERVIEW:
The interview component should meet all of the following requirements:
A short (typed) biographical introductory paragraph of at least five (5) sentences that tells the person’s birthplace and birth date, their schooling, their work history and family background and the one most valuable piece of advice they ever received.
Ten (10) history related questions and answers typed exactly as they were asked and answered.
As the final piece of the project, reflect on your oral history by answering the following question in one (1), double spaced typed page (Times New Roman Size 12 Font):
What did you learn about your subject AND what did you learn from your subject?
Suggestions: Before you start your oral history project, it may be useful to follow these suggestions:
Know your stuff! If your subject is 70 years old, know about that happened over the last 70 years and ask questions about those things.
Ask interesting/thoughtful questions! Make sure you ask questions that are both interesting and history related. This is your chance to learn about history from another, living, breathing person, so know what you want to know and ask.
Use a recorder or survey! People speak faster than they write, so when you conduct the interview, try to use a tape/MP3 recorder or type up your questions in a survey format. That your subject can write on. Then, go back and type before the due date.
Start early! Transcribing oral history is a lengthy process, so start early and finish on time.
If need be, before you begin, ask for suggestions from your family and/or friends.
Think back over your lifetime. What event (or events) from history has had the most impact on you (or your family) personally and why?
If you could erase one day from history, what day would it be and why? If you could re live one day from history, what day would it be and why?
What do you consider to be your legacy? In other words, what sorts of things have you said or done or made that will live on after you?
What invention or piece of technology developed during your lifetime has had the most positive affect on humanity? The most negative affect on humanity? Please explain yourself.
Have people changed at all over the course of your lifetime? Are people today different from people in the past or are they basically the same in your estimation?
Please explain your answer.
Your choice. Be creative and ask well researched, thoughtful questions. Good luck!