On leaving arc rule for network simplex algorithm.

Cristian Dobre
Rezime: Kada se u mrežnom simpleks algoritmu pojavi degenerisano rešenje, nastaje problem nalaženja i kasnije
održavanja jakog dopustivog razapinjućeg stabla. Polazeći od ovakve početne strukure, jaku dopustivost možemo
održati pažljivim izborom pravila napuštajuće grane. Ovo pravilo koristi tehniku najmanjeg zajedničkog
prethodnika za koje ja predlažem paralelno rešenje.
Abstract: Starting from the degeneracy in Network Simplex Algorithm appears the problem of finding, and latter
on keeping, a strong feasible spanning tree. Having an initial structure as the one mentioned earlier, we can
maintain the strong feasibility by carefully choosing the leaving arc rule. This rule is using the Lowest Common
Ancestor technique for which I propose a parallel solution.
The Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) problem for a given
network G = (N, A, c, u), where N denotes the set of
vertices, A the set of arcs, c and u being the cost and
capacity functions, is a familiar problem in optimisation
area. There are many algorithms for solving MCF and
among them we distinguish The Network Simplex
Algorithm, using a technique similar to the well-known
simplex algorithm elaborated by G.B. Dantzig for solving
linear programming problems.
.The Network Simplex Algorithm first determines an
initial basis structure (T, L, U) for a given network as
follows: set T consisting only in free arcs (arcs with the
flow strictly positive and less than the arc capacity) if
possible, set L consisting in restricted arcs with flow zero
and set U with restricted arcs with flow equal to the
capacity. The topic of this paper rises from the nature of
arcs in set T. If all arcs in T are free, then T is strong
feasible (the reverse is not a valid statement). Strong
feasibility is also achieved in some other conditions that we
discuss later on. Keeping such a strong feasible spanning
tree structure is the main idea that we deal with.
After determining the initial basis, the algorithm checks
whether this is an optimal one or not. If yes, then it ends and
if not then it executes a so-called “pivot” iteration.
During “pivot” iteration an entering arc is chosen from
the arcs that are not satisfying optimality conditions. (arc
from L or U). Therefore we form a cycle together with the
spanning tree from T. From this cycle we must choose a
leaving arc so that the structure remains a spanning tree. In
the case that this arc is determined unique there is no
problem with the following structure, but if not then we
have to carefully make this choice.
After the leaving arc is determined then we have another
(T, L, U) structure, and the algorithm repeats the actions
above until we reach optimality.
Returning to the rule of choosing the leaving arc, this one
states the following [1]: select the leaving arc as the last
blocking arc encountered in traversing the pivot cycle along
its orientation starting at the node LCA(k, l).
Here the arc (k, l) is the entering arc, and LCA(k, l) denotes
the Lowest Common Ancestor of nodes k and l. In the
following paragraphs we discuss blocking arc and other
details concerning this problem.
The Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) problem is of the
following form:
min  z ( x)   cij xij 
( i , j )A
j |( i , j ) A
j |( j ,i ) A
0  xij  uij
 b(i )
(lowest common ancestor of nodes k and l).
() i  N
() (i, j )  A
The vector x is said to be an admissible solution of the
MCF problem if it satisfies the constraints. In this
constraints b(i) is called the value of node i. If for a certain
node i the value is positive then the node is called source
node (denoted with s), if the value is negative we have the
sink node (denoted with t) and for the other nodes the
incoming flow equals the outcoming flow therefore the
value is zero.
The vector x is said to be a spanning tree solution if it
satisfies the restrictions mentioned above and its
components are divided into three sets: set U (consisting
only in arcs with the flow equal to capacity), set L
(consisting in arcs with zero flow) and set T composed with
exact n-1 arcs connecting the n nodes of the network. As I
said in section one the nature of arcs in set T leads to
In order to avoid degeneracy, that is to avoid cycling we
have to maintain a structure called strong feasible spanning
tree solution. There appear two problems: how to determine
such an initial structure and of course having such a
structure how to maintain it when flow and node potential
are changed.
In the following paragraphs we identify the spanning tree
structure with the spanning tree itself.
Let (T, L, U) be the spanning tree structure, and let r be its
root node. Arcs in T can be headed toward the root (upward
pointing) or away from the root (downward pointing). The
spanning tree is said to be strong feasible if every tree arc
with zero flow is upward pointing and every tree arc whose
flow equals its capacity is downward pointing.
As a consequence we can say that a spanning tree is strong
feasible if we can send a positive amount of flow from any
node to the root along the tree path, satisfying conditions
If the optimality conditions are not satisfied the algorithm
identifies an entering arc. Let (k, l) be this arc. This arc
together with some arcs in T forms a cycle. We can push an
amount of flow along this cycle. Let δ be the amount of
flow that we can send along the cycle, and yet after
modifying the flow, the restrictions (3) are valid. As a
consequence of flow bounds restrictions at least one of the
arcs in the cycle will have the flow equal to its capacity or
will have zero flow. Such an arc is said to be a blocking arc.
As long as the blocking arc is unique it is the leaving arc
and the new structure remains strong feasible, but if not,
then we have to choose one of the blocking arcs respecting
the rule I mentioned in section 1: select the leaving arc as
the last blocking arc encountered in traversing the pivot
cycle along its orientation starting at the node LCA(k, l)
If T is the set of arcs that form(3)
the strong feasible spanning
tree, first we determine an eulerian circuit. As we can see in
[2], if the tree has n nodes and it is represented with the
adjacency list in a circular manner, we can obtain the eulerian
circuit in O(1) parallel time.
The eulerian circuit will be determined by a circular list
of arcs, for which we make the following constructions:
Array A: will have the root on the first position,
and then each arc from the list determining the
eulerian circuit will be replaced by its ending node.
As T consists in n-1 arcs, therefore we have 2n-1
components for A.
 Array B: it has the same dimension as A; and will
store on the i-th position the level in the tree for the
corresponding node in A (the level for the root is
For a given node k we will maintain the following values:
 Lev(k) - representing the level of node k in the tree;
 F(k) - representing the first appearance of the node
k in A;
 L(k) - representing the last appearance of the node
k in A.
Having these values we can obtain the following
statements (if k is not the root):
F(k) = i < = > A[i] = k and Lev(A[i – 1]) = Lev(A[i])  1,
L(k) = i < = > A[i] = k and Lev(A[i + 1]) = Lev(A[i])  1.
So, if A and B are given, we can compute the values F(k)
and L(k) in O(1) parallel time within a linear number of
operations. Also we have the following result [2]:
Lemma 1. In the conditions presented above, if k and l are
two nodes of the tree T, then:
k is an ancestor of l  F(k) < F(l) < L(k);
LCA(k, l) = r  L(k) < F(l) or L(l) < F(k);
if L(k) < F(l) then LCA(k, l) = t, where t is
determined as being the value A[i], for which we have
B[i ]  min {B[ j ]} .
L ( k )  j  F (l )
According to the Lemma presented above, the problem of
determining the lowest common ancestor of the nodes k and
l, has reduced to the problem of determining the minimum
on a certain interval that we can solve with an efficient
algorithm using the technique of successive speed-up [2].
The same reference proves that we can solve the problem of
the minimum on a certain interval in O(log(n)) parallel time
within O(n) number of operations.
We will consider a numerical example for determining
the leaving arc in the Figure 1.
The spanning tree has 10 nodes, the root node in 1, and
we suppose that arc (9,10) was determined to be the
entering arc. Therefore k = 9 and l = 10.
We form the cycle shown in the picture (2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10,
8, 6, 4, 2).
As we can see all the arcs with flow equal to arc capacity
are downward pointing (2,3), (6,8); and the arcs with zero
flow (4,2), (7,5) are upward pointing. So the structure is
indeed a strong feasible spanning tree.
corresponding to the 1 we found is 10. And the node 2
being A[10] is the lowest common ancestor for nodes 9 and
In the end, starting from node 2, along the orientation of the
cycle (as shown in the picture) we find blocking arc (2,3)
and then (7,5). According to the rule stated before we will
choose arc (7,5) as being the leaving arc.
Network simplex algorithm can be viewed as a unit of
algorithms each with a special purpose: finding initial
structure, testing optimality, determining the entering arc or
the leaving arc and finally computing the data for the new
structure, if necessary. Each of this problems stated above
has its particular problems concerning complexity and data
structures used for implementation. We only discussed here
the way of using parallel techniques in order to find the
leaving arc, and the resulting complexity of that particular
[1] Ahuja, R.K., Magananti, T.L., Orlin, J.B.: Network
Flows: Theory, Algorithms and Applications. New Jersey.
Prentice Hall, Englewood, Cliffs, 1993.
[2] Croitoru, C.: Introducere în proiectarea algoritmilor
paraleli. Matrix Rom Bucharest Editor, 2002.
[3] Bertsekas, D.P.: Linear Network Optimization. London.
MIT, 1991.
Fig 1
Because the entering arc (k, l) comes from the set L
(having zero flow) we define the orientation of the cycle in
the same manner as arc (9,10) is oriented.
Blocking arcs are (2,3) and (7,5).
Array A has the following components A = (1, 2, 3, 5, 7,
9, 7, 5, 3, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1) - 19 positions (2n-1)
and array B = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
0) denoting the levels in the tree.
Concerning nodes 9 and 10 we have F(9) = 6, L(9) = 6,
F(10) = 14 and L(10) = 14. So L(9) < F(10) and we apply
the third part of the Lemma.
B[i ]  min {B[ j ]}  min{ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}  1 .
6  j 14
So, the level of LCA(k, l) is 1 and the i-th position
[4] Bertsekas, D.P., Castanon, D., Eckstein, J., Zenios, S.:
Parallel Computing in Network Optimization. Handbook in
Operations Research and Management Science, Vol 7,
North Holland, Amsterdam, 1995, pg 331-399.