NOTES ON GRAPH THEORY You need to know these terms NODE or VERTEX ARC or EDGE A route or trail is a sequence of arcs and nodes PRTSR is such an example. (Note R appears twice) A path is a finite sequence of arcs (or edges) where no arc is used more than once PQRS is such a path R S P T U Q A cycle A closed path. Starts and ends at the same node (The end node of the last arc/edge is the starting node of the first arc) A subgraph A diagram which represents elements or parts of another graph A simple graph Every node is simply connected to other nodes (no duplicated arcs or loops etc..) The degree or ORDER of a node (or vertex) The number of arcs meeting at that node A complete graph EVERY node is connected to every other node by EXACTLY ONE arc A directed graph (digraph) A graph with arrows that denote direction within a network A bipartite graph Two sets of nodes that are connected by arcs A Eulerian graph A connected graph which has a CLOSED trail that includes EVERY ARC EXACTLY ONCE A SEMI- Eulerian graph A connected graph that includes EVERY ARC EXACTLY ONCE but NOT CLOSED. A planar graph A graph where arcs do not cross other arcs eg. Corners (nodes) and edges (arcs) of a cube. A tree A connected graph that has no cycles A spanning tree Any connected graph has at least one sub-graph which is a TREE connecting every node of the original graph. Puzzle Can you represent this puzzle as a series of nodes and arc? Use the space below