Humanities Superhero Description

Humanities Superhero Description
Scope of Work
Every team of two (2) students explore the elements of fiction. They will utilize the elements of fiction,
characterization, and plot structure to develop their very own superhero whose power belongs to a physic’s
concept. They will develop their character throughout a short story which is later translated into a comic
book. Students will begin by studying the short stories of writers such as Poe, Garcia-Marquez, Kafka, and
Vonnegut in order to discuss the various styles of fiction. The students will also study heroes across history
in various cultures.
Superhero Analysis Sheet
Plot Structure
Short Story
Comic Book Storyboard
Comic Book
Comic Book Exhibition
The Superhero/ Analysis Sheet must:
o Be carefully designed so your every contributing factor (physical/personality traits,
costume, lifestyle) are reflective of his/her power
o Describe a possible weakness
o Actual sketch of character is true to its development in the story.
The Plot Structure Outline must include:
o The Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution to the story. This
is your skeleton of the story.
The Short Story must include:
o Detailed information from your plot structure
o Development of characters
o How/When your character obtained his/her powers
o How your character utilizes his/her powers
The Comic Book Storyboard must include:
o A detailed sketch of what each frame of the comic book will hold
o The major events of story (see plot structure).
Digital Portfolio must:
o Include an image of the Superhero
o Include the analysis sheet
o Include the plot structure outline
o Include the Short Story
o Include the Comic Book storyboard
o Include the Comic Book
o Have a reflection covering "what went well, what could you do better, & what did you
learn about yourself" in regards to the project itself AND the partnership
The Comic Book Exhibition must:
o Be driven by the individual Digital Portfolio
o Introduce the Comic Book Characters
o Include the process of arriving to the final comic book (all drafts)