Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Directorio de Científicos y Tecnólogos Peruanos Noviembre del 2001 CURRÍCULO RESUMIDO COORDENADAS Nombre Año de nacimiento Dirección postal Dirección electrónica Página web Teléfonos Facsímiles Institución actual : K. N. Watanabe : : : : : : : Centro Internacional de la papa Especialidad Científica o Tecnológica : Grado más alto obtenido (indicar institución y año) : COLABORADORES MÁS FRECUENTES Nombres: PUBLICACIONES EN REVISTAS ARBITRADAS (en orden directo o regresivo, añadir páginas si es necesario, omitir ponencias en eventos) 1. Valkonen JPT, Jones RAC, Slack SA, Watanabe KN: Resistance specificities to viruses in potato: Standardization of nomenclature, Plant Breeding 115(6): 433-438, 1996 2. Hamalainen JH, Watanabe KN, Valkonen JPT, Arihara A, Plaisted RL, Pehu E, Miller L, Slack SA: Mapping and marker-assisted selection for a gene for extreme resistance to potato virus Y, Theoretical and Applied Genetics 94(2): 192-197, 1997 3. Watanabe KN, Orrillo M, Vega S, Golmirzaie AM, Perez S, Crusado J, Watanabe JA: Generation of pest resistant, diploid potato germplasm with short-day adaptation from diverse genetic stocks, Breeding Science 46(4): 329-336, 1996 4. Watanabe KN, Orrillo M, Perez S, Crusado J, Watanabe JA: Testing yield of diploid potato breeding lines for cultivar development, Breeding Science 46(3): 245-249, 1996 5. Valkonen JPT, Orrillo M, Slack SA, Plaisted RL, Watanabe KN: Resistance to viruses in F-1 hybrids produced by direct crossing between diploid Solanum series Tuberosa and diploid S-brevidens (series Etuberosa) using S-phureja for rescue pollination, Plant Breeding 114(5): 421-426, 1995 6. Watanabe KN, Orrillo M, Golmirzaie AM: Potato germplasm enhancement for resistance to biotic stresses at cip - conventional and biotechnology-assisted approaches using a wide-range of solanum species, Euphytica 85(1-3): 457-464, 1995 7. Watanabe KN, Orrillo M, Vega S, Iwagana M, Ortiz R, Freyre R, Yerk G, Peolquin SJ, Ishiki K: Selection of diploid potato clones from diploid (haploid x wild-species) f1hybrid families for short-day conditions, Breeding Science 45(3): 341-347, 1995 8. Watanabe KN, Orrillo M, Vega S, Valkonen JPT, Pehu E, Hurtado A, Tanksley SD: Overcoming crossing barriers between nontuber-bearing and tuber-bearing solanum species - towards potato germplasm enhancement with a broad-spectrum of solanaceous genetic-resources, Genome 38(1): 27-35, 1995 9. Valkonen JPT, Slack SA, Plaisted RL, Watanabe KN: Extreme resistance is epistatic to hypersensitive resistance to potato-virus y-o in a solanum-tuberosum subsp andigenaderived potato genotype, Plant Disease 78(12): 1177-1180, 1994 10. Watanabe KN, Orrillo M: Disomic behavior of polyploid tuber-bearing solanum species, Japanese Journal of Genetics 69(6): 637-643, 1994 11. Watanabe KN, Orrillo M, Vega S, Masuelli R, Ishiki K: Potato germ plasm enhancement with disomic tetraploid solanum acaule .2. assessment of breeding value of tetraploid f1 hybrids between tetrasomic tetraploid solanum-tuberosum and s-acaule, Theoretical and Applied Genetics 88(2): 135-140, 1994 12. Watanabe KN, Orrillo M: An alternative pretreatment method for mitotic chromosome observation in potatoes, American Potato Journal 70(7): 543-548, 1993