THROWING STONES Practical examples of how “Throwing Stones” can be used in the classroom Produced by Hazel McSweeney AST Citizenship Leicestershire 1 Throwing Stones Lesson Outline 1 Lesson objectives Teaching and Learning Activities Differentiation Learning Opportunities outcomes To establish an initial impression of what the class feel about the video Watch video Making a wall with bricks Give some prompt What the class Written sentences for those perceive as racism statements that need them Oral contribution Video Paper bricks bluetack To get the class to empathise with Haydn being bullied Thought alley All given opportunity to say something Space to create alley © Hazel McSweeney September 2003 To consider what it feels like to be bullied Assessment Resources Oral contributions Page 1 2 Throwing Stones Lesson Outline 2- Doing Nothing Lesson objectives Teaching and Learning activities Differentiation Opportunities Learning outcomes Assessment To realise the implications of being a bystander Pressure circle/role play Provide simple prompts for some The importance of not just letting something happen How much an individual was involved Prompt sheets/cards To consider emotions involved in a bullying situation Good angel / bad angel Discussion about emotions Prompt cards Understanding how someone might feel, would that be different with a racist incident? Oral contributions Prompt statements Write down emotions felt on brick for “emotions wall” Use of still imagespupils add thought bubbles List of emotions Written statements on bricks Resources Bricks © Hazel McSweeney September 2003 Page 2 3 Throwing Stones 3/4/5 – Exploring Feelings Lesson objectives Teaching and Learning activities Differentiation Opportunities Learning outcomes Assessment To explore reasons for going along with the gang (p18) Hot seating. Pose questions for Ian – did he think about Kuldeep and how she felt? Prompt sheets Understanding By involvement feelings and why Oral people get contributions involved in situations. To explore the reasons for the actions in the incident (p19) Group work Discussion Careful grouping Understand why By involvement Careful people act and Oral questioning behave in certain contributions ways. Resources Space suitable for hot seating Classroom Cues Questions © Hazel McSweeney September 2003 4 Throwing Stones (6)– The Bully Lesson objectives Teaching and Learning activities To consider what made Darren do the things he did in groups Differentiation Opportunities Learning outcomes Assessment Resources Give pupils Careful prompt cards and groupings ask them to consider the question/s given An understanding of how a bully thinks By involvement Oral contributions Prompt cards As above using drama Use hot seating Careful prompts with either the Provide some teacher in role or suggestions a willing volunteer An understanding of how a bully thinks By involvement orally Hot seating prompts To consider why bullies bully Discussion based Careful on group questioning activity. Use of quotes To understand what makes a bully and who gets bullied Contributions made Quotations from the film © Hazel McSweeney September 2003 5 Prompt Cards for Considering Darren’s actions What was Darren thinking when: He forced Ian to go with his gang? What was Darren thinking when: He would not let Ian leave after getting the chips? 6 What was Darren thinking when: He spots Kuldeep? What was Darren thinking when: He began talking to Kuldeep? What was Darren thinking when: One of the gang throws the takeaway across the road? 7 What was Darren thinking when: He throws away the food one of the gang has just picked up? What is Darren thinking when: He calls Kuldeep a “Paki cow”? 8 Quotations to use for lesson on the bully Siobhan’s words: “You know the ones I mean. They only smile when they’re making someone miserable” 9 Siobahn’s words 2 “There’s always someone who’s going to think you’re too tall, too small, too stupid, too bright, too fat, too thin, too anything they’re not” 10 Throwing Stones 2 What about Ian? Lesson 1 Lesson objectives Teaching and Learning activities Differentiation Opportunities Learning outcomes Assessment Resources To explore Ian’s situation when he is caught up with the gang and goes along with their behaviour To consider what others might have done in the situation Show the video of scenes 21, 22, 23, or talk through the scenes if they have recently been watched. In small groups consider the questions on the prompt cards- write down ideas Encourage responses with sensitive questioning. Pair pupils carefully To understand Ian’s fears To consider other options Observation Pupil responses/ interaction Video player, video Prompt sheet Careful groupings To think about the costs and benefits of other actions Self and peer assessment according to individual involvement Prompt cards Sugar paper/pens © Hazel McSweeney September 2003 11 PROMPT SHEET FOR THROWING STONES 2 – WHAT ABOUT IAN? Why did Ian deny being friends with Raj? What was Ian thinking when he was forced to go with the gang? What else could Ian have done? 12 If he did something different what might have been the consequences? Why did Ian allow himself to be pushed around? What do you think the gang would have done if Ian had told them to go away? 13 Why did Ian stay with the gang? Why do some children hang around with people who are horrible to them? 14 PROMPT SHEET FOR THROWING STONES 2: lesson 2 The Incident What were the racially abusive words used? What did Ian feel like? 15 Why didn’t Ian challenge the abuse? How do you think you would have felt if you were Ian? 16 What do you think you might have done differently? What do you think Kuldeep thought about Ian during the Incident? 17 Throwing Stones 2 What about Ian? Lesson 2 Lesson objectives Teaching and Learning activities Differentiation Opportunities Learning outcomes Assessment To explore what Ian felt like when the gang saw Kuldeep and intimidated her Watch scene 24. Talk about what happened Discuss the situation Involve all pupils. Encourage a response from everyone Observation Video Pupil responses TS booklet p.54, p.19 To explore the racial abuse and why Ian went along with it Discuss what Group pupils was said carefully In small groups consider what Ian did and what might have been different. Use prompt cards. To understand the pressure placed on someone who is bullied and wants no part of it. To understand the nature of verbal abuse and racist comments Observation Pupil interactions Resources Prompt cards Sugar paper pens © Hazel McSweeney September 2003 18 Throwing Stones 2 – Darren and the incident Lesson 3 Lesson objectives Teaching and Learning activities To explore Discuss key Darren’s questions thoughts as the about Darren’s bully thoughts throughout the incident. Complete sheet To consider Complete what sort of sections 7,8,9 people become on the sheet bullies and who are victims Differentiation Opportunities Learning outcomes Assessment Resources Organise pairs/groups appropriately Understanding what makes someone a bully Observation Completed sheets Discussion sheets for pupils TS p.19, 54 Complete in pairs if necessary To understand and recognise who are the bullies and who might be victims Completion of sheet and contribution to discussion As above © Hazel McSweeney September 2003 19 Discussion sheet – Darren’s thoughts at the Incident Darren forced Ian to join the gang: 1. Why did he make Ian join? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Ian went and bought chips, why did Darren make him stay with the gang? ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you think Darren was thinking when he saw Kuldeep? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do you think Darren intimidated Kuldeep about her food? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______ 20 5. What was Darren’s motive for “telling off” a gang member for throwing the food on the floor and making him pick it up? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Why do you think Darren then threw the food down the street and called Kuldeep a name? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______ 7. Why do you think Darren was a bully? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______ 8. What sort of people get involved in aggressive behaviour and bullying and racist taunts? (see note1 at the bottom of the page) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______ 21 9. What type of person gets bullied? (see note 2 at the bottom of the page) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____ Note 1 Remember Siobhan’s words: “ you know the ones I mean. They only smile when they’re making someone miserable” Note 2 Remember Siobhan said “ there’s always someone who’s going to think you’re too tall, too, small, too stupid, too bright, too fat, too thin, too anything they’re not 22 Definitions for the Drama Conventions used in the “Throwing Stones” Booklet Thought Alley Pupils stand in two rows facing each other. The person in character walks down the middle and as the character passes children has to say what they think the character is thinking, feeling or saying. (Page 16) Pressure Circle The group stands in a circle; two people take the role of Raj and Haydn. Pupils say in turns what they think is going on in their heads. The circle might rotate to give the feeling of turmoil. (Page 18) Good Angel Bad Angel This needs three people. One person is in character and the other two act as the conscience. They make suggestions and try to force them to make a good or bad decision. Hot Seating A character is put on the “hot seat” and the group ask questions surrounding the situation being explored. The person in the hot seat takes on the character in question and answers as they feel the character would. (Page 18) 23 24