Surface processes in the COSMO model – Part I : modeling components Modeling component Surface energy balance Current status Surface temperature is area weighted average of temperature of snow covered and snow free surface fraction Under development Suitable references Tile approach with four Ament and separate energy Simmer (2006) budgets (sea/lake/towns/nature) Provision for mosaic/patch Coupling with the atmosphere Explicit coupling Soil transfers 7-layer soil model Layer-depth between 1 cm and 14.58 m Solution of the heat conduction equation Frozen soils Temperature and soil type dependent computation of fractional freezing/melting of total soil water content in 6 active soil layers Vegetation One-layer – Evapotranspiration after Dickinson (1984) – interception reservoir Snow model One layer – prognostic variables : snow temperature, snow water equivalent, snow density, snow albedo Multi-layer – liquid water in snow pack as an additional prognostic variable Lake model Prescribed surface temperature (analysis) Lake model (Flake) Mironov et al. (2008) Sea-ice Prescribed surface temperature (analysis) Sea-ice model Mironov and Ritter (2003) Ocean model Prescribed surface temperature (analysis) Charnock formulation for roughness length Urban areas Modified surface roughness, leaf area index, plant coverage Multi-layer urban canopy parametrization. Martilli et al.(2002) Chemistry module None COSMO-ART : Aerosols and dust emission Vogel et al. (2008) Surface boundary layer Application of the turbulence scheme at the lower model boundary and iterative interpolation. Heise and Schrodin (2002) Raschendorfer (1999) Mironov and Raschendorfer Roughness length for scalars implicitly considered by calculation of an additional transport resistance throughout the turbulent and laminar roughness layer (2001) Surface processes in the COSMO model – Part II : physiography Component Current status Under development Orography GLOBE database NOAA/NGDC resolution 30'' Soil types FAO Digital Soil Harmonized Map of the World World Soil resolution 10 km database Land Cover and Land sea mask GLC2000; Lookup tables between land use categories and model parameters Suitable references Seasonal variability of plant fraction NDVI Climatology, NASA/GSFC based on Monthly mean data from SEAWiFS, resolution 2.5 ' Lake properties specific lake database (location + depth) from DWD for FLAKE Aerosol Optical Thickness NASA/GISS (Global Aerosol Climatology Project) lower boundary condition for soil temperature T2m Climatology From CRU of University of East Anglia List of model external parameter fields External parameter Short Name Unit Used raw dataset geometrical height of earths surface HSURF m GLOBE Geopotential of earths surface FIS m2s- GLOBE 2 land cover FR_LAND 1 GLC2000 (GLOBE, DSMW) standard deviation of subgrid scale orographic height SSO_STDH m GLOBE anisotropy of topography SSO_GAMMA 1 GLOBE angle between principal axis of orography and global E SSO_THETA 1 GLOBE mean slope of subgrid scale orography SSO_SIGMA 1 GLOBE surface roughness Z0 m GLC2000, GLOBE soil texture SOILTYP 1 DSMW long wave surface emissivity EMIS_RAD 1 GLC2000 Plant root depth ROOTDP m GLC2000 ground fraction covered by plants (vegetation period) PLCOV_MX 1 GLC2000 ground fraction covered by evergreen forest FOR_E 1 GLC2000 ground fraction covered by deciduous forest FOR_D 1 GLC2000 leaf area index (vegetation period) LAI_MX 1 GLC2000 Minimum plant stomata resistance RS_MIN s m- GLC2000 1 (monthly mean) normalized differential vegetation index NDVI 1 SEAWIFS Annual maximum of normalized differential vegetation index NDVI_MAX 1 SEAWIFS ratio of actual montly value/annual maximum normalized differential vegetation index NDVI_RATIO 1 SEAWIFS (monthly) optical thickness from black carbon aerosol AER_BC 1 GACP (monthly) optical thickness from dust aerosol AER_DUST 1 GACP (monthly) optical thickness from organic aerosol AER_ORG 1 GACP (monthly) optical thickness from SO4 aerosol AER_SO4 1 GACP (monthly) optical thickness from sea salt aerosol AER_SS 1 GACP Near surface temperature (climatological mean) T_2M_CL K CRU Lake Depth DEPTH_LK m DWD Lake Fraction FR_LAKE 1 DWD Surface processes in the COSMO model – Part III : assimilation and analysis Model parameters Soil water content Current status Under development 2-dimensional (vertical and temporal) variational technique using 2-m temperature analyses at 12 and 15 UTC Suitable references Schraff and Hess (2002) Schraff and Hess (2003) Analysed variables: Soil moisture of the top 5 soil layers (0-81cm) at 00 UTC Sea surface temperature Correction method Background field from GME SST analysis using NCEP 0.5° x 0.5° SST analysis that includes satellite data. Observations from Synop-Ship and buoy, sea ice cover analysis from BSH for the Baltic Sea . Wergen and Buchhold (2002) Schraff and Hess (2003). Sea-ice extent Sea ice cover analysis from BSH (German Institute for shipping and hydrology) for the Baltic Sea , resolution lon/lat: 0.167 x 0.1 degrees., NCEP analysis in other areas Wergen and Buchhold (2002), Schraff and Hess (2003). Sea ice temperature Interpolated from monthly ECMWF climatology Sea-ice concentration None Snow depth Correction method Used Data: Background values from COSMO model, Snow depth observations from synop stations, present and past synop weather, precipitation amount, 2-m temperature analysis (plus model prediction). Monthly snow depth Implementation of bulk thermodynamic sea ice model presently applied operational in GME. Major revision of snow model within COSMO project COLOBOC at Meteo Suisse. Modifications in calculation of rho_snow, t_snow, additional use of snow observations in the alpine region. Wergen and Buchhold (2002), Schraff and Hess (2003). climatology of ECMWF for permanently glacial covered areas. Lake Closest point from SST analysis, adapted to model terrain height. Climatological lake temperature for Bodensee and Lake Geneva. Vegetation None References: Ament, F. and Simmer, C., 2006: Improved Representation of Land-Surface Heterogeneity in a Non-Hydrostatic Numerical Weather Prediction Model, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 121, 153-174 Heise E., Schrodin R. Aspects of snow and soil modelling in the operational short range weather prediction models of the German weather service // Computational technologies. 2002. V. 7. Special issue. P. 121-140 Martilli, A., Clappier, A., Rotach, M. W.: 2002, ’An urban surfaces exchange parameterisation for mesoscale models’, Bound.-Layer Meteor., 104, 261-304. Mironov D. and Matthias Raschendorfer (2001): Evaluation of Empirical Parameters of the New LM Surface-Layer Parameterization. Scheme. COSMO Technical Report, No. 1, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach am Main, Germany Mironov, D., and B. Ritter, 2003: A first version of the ice model for the global NWP system GME of the German Weather Service. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, J. Cote, Ed., Report No. 33, April 2003, WMO/TD, 4.13-4.14. Mironov, D. , 2008: Parameterization of lakes in numerical weather prediction. Description of a lake model. COSMO Technical Report, No. 11, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach am Main, Germany. Raschendorfer, M. (1999): The new turbulence parameterization of LM, Quarterly Report of the. Operational NWP-Models of the DWD, No 19, 3-12, May 1999 Schraff, C. and R. Hess (2002): Datenassimilation für das LM, Promet Jahrgang 27, Heft 3/4, p 156-163. Schraff, C. and R. Hess (2003): A Description of the Nonhydrostatic Regional Model LM Part III : Data Assimilation. Available from DWD. Vogel, H., Pauling, A., Vogel, B. (2008), Numerical simulation of birch pollen dispersion with an operational weather forecast system, Int J Biometeorol. 2008 Nov;52(8):805-814, doi:10.1007/s00484-008-0174-3. Wergen, W. and M. Buchhold (2002): Datenassimilation für das Globalmodell GME, Promet Jahrgang 27, Heft 3/4, p 149-155.