Sample Activities for Conducting a Local Officer Development Program Taken from Dr. Jim Knight’s AED 301 Course at the University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences More resources can be found at Revise and implement local officer development program. Acquaint total membership through instruction with the organizational structure and function of the youth organization, the official accoutrements, parliamentary procedure, and general operating procedures. All officers know, by memory, their parts for ceremonies. Conduct routine advisor-officer meetings to discuss activities. After each regular meeting, conduct individual officer evaluations. Officers meet one-half hour early before each regular meeting to arrange the agenda. Hold executive meetings once a month to plan activities for the month and to evaluate the past month’s activities (first Tuesday before the first meeting of the month, for example). President and advisor regularly check the treasurer’s and secretary’s books Use a slate of revolving assistant officers from the introductory classes (change every month). Hold one day orientation session for new officers; advisor utilize "Guides" for respective officers. Old officers discuss duties and responsibilities with each respective new officer. English teacher work with secretary on use of good grammar and how to write business letters. Accounting teacher work with the treasurer on approved methods of keeping accurate records. Journalism teacher work with the reporter on recognized practices and forms in news reporting. School Board President speak to the president, vice-president and sentinel on the importance of using parliamentary procedure, having good chairing skills, and maintaining proper conduct in business meetings. Advisors hold individual conferences with new officers to discuss "Guides" given during the orientation session. Outgoing officers learn ceremony for the installation of new officers. Old and new officers discuss and evaluate past year’s activities and shortcomings of old officer development program and offer new suggestions for improvement. Officers complete forms for organizational awards.. Conduct officer - advisor retreat (camping trip). Discuss all aspects of officer development, suggest means of involving higher percentage of members in the program; go over again the duties, responsibilities and expectations of organization officers. Attend State Leadership Conference. New officers attend leadership sessions for their respective offices. Chapter Leader Notebook 9.1 Officers meet to plan agenda for summer meeting and to make plans for another officer retreat. Have members who served as observers give their impressions of State Leadership Conference and the benefits they got from attending. Conduct second officer-advisor retreat. Review and discuss events and sessions which took place at the State Leadership Conference. Revise officer and leadership development program to better serve the organization’s needs. President appoints first slate of assistant officers (hereafter to be selected by the executive committee throughout the school year). President and vice-president explain the officer and leadership development program to the membership. Have new members study the organization and program of activities, and learn the official declarations of the group. Invite local banker as guest speaker to talk on the importance of keeping up-todate, accurate financial and management records. Secretary announces the members on the standing committees for the program of activities and has President appoint one of the members in each committee as chair (with vice-president to be the overall chair). Speech teacher review with the officers the criteria involved in evaluation and judging of speeches. Officers study and practice official ceremonies for initiations. Have all members review and evaluate old program of activities and offer new suggestions for improvement to the program of activities chair (different chairs and secretaries in each class to be used each day). Officers meet with School Board and school administrators to review organization’s activities. Organization officers demonstrate how to use parliamentary procedure in a contest situation. Invite local politician as guest speaker on the necessity of using proper parliamentary procedure in conducting an efficient business meeting. Speech teacher give short talk on the preparation of a good speech. Newly elected officers attend camp. Begin primary discussion and planning for annual Awards Banquet. President appoints committee responsible for arrangements and planning of banquet. Officers memorize and practice parts for banquet. Executive committee meets to consider award applications. Have junior officers conduct opening and closing ceremonies. Have assistant officers perform a ceremony. Chapter Leader Notebook 9.2