Lesson 11 Spell Check

BrailleNote Apex or MPower BT
Lesson #11
* Accurately check a document for spelling errors
Introduction #11:
As with most word processors, the BrailleNote word processor,
Keyword, has a spelling checker. The BrailleNote will give you the choices of
checking the entire document, one word, a paragraph or section, or from the
cursor to the end of the document. You also have the option to look up a word.
In this lesson, you or your student will learn to check an entire document for
spelling errors.
Work Time #11:
This lesson assumes you are using a BrailleNote MPower or an Apex using the
BT (braille style) keyboard. The lesson also assumes you are familiar with the
parts and keys of the BrailleNote.
1. Create a new document.
2. Write several sentences. Misspell at least one word in each sentence.
3. Open the spelling checker. Press space + dots 1 6.. The ch contraction can
stand for "check" spelling. This can help you remember the hotkey to bring up
the spell checker.
4. "Spelling checker menu" is displayed by the BrailleNote. Space or backspace
can be used to hear the choices. You may also use the initial letter hotkeys
when you get to know them. You have the following choices:
a. document check
b. look up word
c. word check
d. paragraph or section check
e. check from cursor to end of document
5. Focus on "document check" and press enter or press d for document check.
6. BrailleNote displays the first misspelling and gives you the prompt "option?"
so that you can decide what you want to do. You have the following choices.
The options are listed here for you.
a. Press i to ignore all occurrences of the word.
b. Space + dot 5 will skip only this occurrence of the word.
c. Press letter a to add the word to the spelling dictionary.
d. Letter c will allow you to correct the word.
e. Use letter l (L) to look up the word.
F. Press s for suggestions.
7. An example of an error in my document is given here. Explore using the
spelling checker in your own document. Use all options as appropriate.
"practice3. Option?" was displayed.
I pressed s to get a list of suggestions.
Use Space or backspace) to move through the suggestions list.
The word practice was my first suggestion.
I press enter to replace practice3 with practice.
BrailleNote displays "correct all or first?".
I press letter a for all.
The next word is displayed.
Quiz Yourself 11:
After reading the paragraphs and following the steps in Work Time, take this
quiz. Questions are taken from this lesson or prior lessons.
Write or say the answer to each question.
1. How can you open the document that was previously opened using the
2. How can you find the next occurrence of the last searched for string of text?
3. What does space + dots 1 6 do?
4. What is the command used to jump to the bottom of a document?
5. When in a list of folders or documents, what hotkey can be used to rename
the folder or document?
6. In a book or document, how can you go forward reading with the voice?
7. What does space + f do?
8. From Main Menu, what application will the letter f open?
9. How can you turn the volume down?
10. In the calculator, what is the multiplication symbol?
Quiz # Answers #11:
1. space + dots 1 2 5 6 (ou contraction for out of one document into another)
2. space + n
3. opens the spell checker
4. space + dots 4 5 6
5. backspace + r
6. space + g
7. find a string of text
8. file manager
9. space + dot 3
10. dots 1 6
Commands to Know Lessons 1 through 11:
1. Return to Main Menu with space + dots 1 2 3 4 5 6.
2. Press Previous thumb-key + space to toggle among the speech modes.
3. From Main Menu, press letter w to open the Word Processor.
4. Exit a document with e + space.
5. Enter + t to check the time.
6. Check the date by using enter + d.
7. From Main Menu, press u to open the Utilities Menu.
8. Space + dots 3 4 to toggle among choices.
9. From Main Menu, open the File Manager by pressing letter f.
10. Turn the volume up by pressing enter + dot 4.
11. Enter + dot 1 will turn the volume down.
12. Enter + dot 6 will increase the rate.
13. Decrease the rate by pressing enter + dot 3.
14. Make the pitch higher by pressing enter + dot 5.
15. Enter + dot 2 will make the pitch lower.
16. Move forward by word = space + dot 5
17. Back by word = space + dot 2
18. Read current word = space + dots 2 5
19. Move forward by character = space + dot 6
20. Back by character = space = dot 3
21. Read current character = space + dots 3 6
22. Move by line = space + dot 4
23. Back by line = space + dot 1
24. Read current line = space + 1 4
25. Check the power status with o + space, then letter p.
26. Move to top of document or file list with space + dots 1 2 3.
27. Space + 4 5 6 will jump to the bottom of a document or list of folders or files.
28. Advance thumb-key will move forward by display width.
29. Back thumb-key will move back by braille display width.
30. Use cursor keys to place cursor and edit as needed.
31. From anywhere on the BrailleNote, enter + backspace + f will open the File
32. From anywhere on the BrailleNote, enter + backspace + w will open Word
33. Backspace + r to rename a folder or document from within a list.
34. Backspace + dots 1 4 (c, for clear) to delete a folder or document from
within a list.
35. Enter + backspace + s is the shortcut to open the Scientific Calculator.
36. Use space + h to get help.
37. Go forward reading with space + g.
38. Space + backspace to stop reading after space + g was used.
39. Space + dots 2 3 4 5 6 to start automatic reading with the braille display.
40. While automatic reading, previous to slow the rate and next to increase the rate of braille
display movement.
41. Previous + next will stop automatic reading.
42. Space + f will find a string of text.
43. Space + n will find the next occurrence of the last searched for text string.
44. Open the block commands menu with space + b.
45. Press space + 1 2 5 6 to open the document you last had opened.
46. Space + dots 1 6 will bring up the spelling checker.
Calculator Commands:
1. Clear a calculation with space + dots 3 5 6.
2. Use backspace to delete the last key pressed.
3. For addition, use the plus symbol, dots 3 4 6.
4. Dots 3 6 are used for subtraction.
5. For multiplication, use dots 1 6.
6. Dots 3 4 are used for division.
7. For the decimal point, use dots 4 6.
8. To here the last number or operator, press space + 2 5.
9. Previous + next will change between displaying the result or the whole
Quick Assessment #11:
* Check a document for errors
I = independent
v = verbal cue
p = physical assist
na = not applicable
Date Date Date
_____ _____ _____ _____
Score Score Score Score
1. Open the document to be checked.
2. Bring up the spelling checker (space
+ dots 1 6).
3. Initiate check of the entire document (enter
on document or press letter d).
4. use the following options as needed:
S for suggestions list
i to ignore all occurrences of the word
Space + dot 5 to skip only this occurrence of
the word
a to add word to dictionary
c to correct the word
L to look up the word in the spelling
Possible Goal for Lesson #11:
Given a BrailleNote and a document with at least 5 misspelled words, the
student will independently check the document for spelling with 100%
accuracy for 3 of 4 evaluated trials.
Rosa Mauer 7/11/2012