Lesson 7 Calculator Basics

BrailleNote Apex or MPower BT
Lesson #7
* Perform basic calculations using the BrailleNote calculator.
Introduction #7:
The BrailleNote has a calculator application. The shortcut to open the
calculator from anywhere on the BrailleNote is backspace + enter + s. The
letter s stands for Scientific Calculator. Though the calculator is scientific,
beginners can use it for basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Work Time #7:
This lesson assumes you are using a BrailleNote MPower or an Apex using the
BT (braille style) keyboard. The lesson also assumes you are familiar with the
parts and keys of the BrailleNote.
1. From Main Menu, press s to open the calculator.
2. Write a simple math problem. To get the result, press enter.
3. For addition, use the plus + sign, dots 3 4 6.
4. Use dots 3 6 for subtraction.
5. Dots 1 6 are used for multiplication.
6. For division, use dots 3 4.
7. To clear the calculation, use backspace + 1 4. Space + 3 5 6 will clear a
calculation. Scroll wheel down arrow will clear the calculation.
8. Practice with math problems at your level.
9. Backspace will delete the last character written.
10. For a decimal, use dots 1 4.
11. To hear the last number or operator, press space + 2 5.
12. Previous + next will change between displaying the result or the whole
calculation. Alternating between scrool wheel left and right arrow will also do
13. Practice the commands as time.
14. To hear more commands, press space + h. When in help, space and
backspace through the sub-menus..
15. Use enter to open a sub-menu and e + space to exit.
16. Practice as time.
Quiz Yourself #7:
After reading the paragraphs and following the steps in Work Time, take this
quiz. Questions are taken from this lesson only.
Write or say the answer to each question.
1. How can you change between displaying the result or the whole calculation?
2. What dots is used for the decimal?
3. What does space + dots 3 5 6 do?
4. What will space + dots 2 5 do in the calculator?
5. How can you delete the last key pressed?
6. In the calculator, what are dots 3 4 used for?
7. What are the dots used for multiplication?
8. What dots are used for addition?
9. What are dots 3 6 used for?
10. How can you get help from anywhere on the BrailleNote?
Quiz # Answers #7:
1. Previous + next
2. dots 4 6
3. clears a calculation
4. hear the last number or operation
5. backspace
6. division
7. dots 1 6
8. dots 3 4 6
9. subtraction
10. space + h
Commands to Know Lessons 1 through 7:
1. Return to Main Menu with space + dots 1 2 3 4 5 6.
2. Press Previous thumb-key + space to toggle among the speech modes.
3. From Main Menu, press letter w to open the Word Processor.
4. Exit a document with e + space.
5. Enter + t to check the time.
6. Check the date by using enter + d.
7. From Main Menu, press u to open the Utilities Menu.
8. Space + dots 3 4 to toggle among choices.
9. From Main Menu, open the File Manager by pressing letter f.
10. Turn the volume up by pressing enter + dot 4.
11. Enter + dot 1 will turn the volume down.
12. Enter + dot 6 will increase the rate.
13. Decrease the rate by pressing enter + dot 3.
14. Make the pitch higher by pressing enter + dot 5.
15. Enter + dot 2 will make the pitch lower.
16. Move forward by word = space + dot 5
17. Back by word = space + dot 2
18. Read current word = space + dots 2 5
19. Move forward by character = space + dot 6
20. Back by character = space = dot 3
21. Read current character = space + dots 3 6
22. Move by line = space + dot 4
23. Back by line = space + dot 1
24. Read current line = space + 1 4
25. Check the power status with o + space, then letter p.
26. Move to top of document or file list with space + dots 1 2 3.
27. Space + 4 5 6 will jump to the bottom of a document or list of folders or files.
28. Advance thumb-key will move forward by display width.
29. Back thumb-key will move back by braille display width.
30. Use cursor keys to place cursor and edit as needed.
31. From anywhere on the BrailleNote, enter + backspace + f will open the File
32. From anywhere on the BrailleNote, enter + backspace + w will open Word
33. Backspace + r to rename a folder or document from within a list.
34. Backspace + dots 1 4 (c, for clear) to delete a folder or document from
within a list.
35. Enter + backspace + s is the shortcut to open the Scientific Calculator.
36. Use space + h to get help.
Calculator Commands:
1. Clear a calculation with space + dots 3 5 6.
2. Use backspace to delete the last key pressed.
3. For addition, use the plus symbol, dots 3 4 6.
4. Dots 3 6 is used for subtraction.
5. For multiplication, use dots 1 6.
6. Dots 3 4 are used for division.
7. For the decimal point, use dots 4 6.
8. To here the last number or operator, press space + 2 5.
9. Previous + next will change between displaying the result or the whole
Quick Assessment #7:
* Use the calculator to add, subtract, multiply, or divide.
I = independent
v = verbal cue
p = physical assist
na = not applicable
Date Date Date
_____ _____ _____ _____
Score Score Score Score
1. From Main Menu, open the
calculator (letter s).
2. Write a math problem.
3. Get result of problem (enter).
4. Clear the calculation (space + 3 5 6).
5. Delete last key pressed (backspace).
6. Hear the last number or operator (space +
2 5)
7. Change between displaying the result or
whole calculation (previous + next).
Addition dots 3 4 5
Subtraction dots 3 6
Multiplication dots 1 6
Division dots 3 4
Decimal dots 4 6
Possible Goal for Lesson #7:
Given a BrailleNote and ten math problems appropriate to the student, the
student will use the BrailleNote calculator to complete the math problems with
100% accuracy for 3 of 4 evaluated trials.
Rosa Mauer 6/29/2012