Irit Zohar - The Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies

Dr. Irit Zohar
Curriculum Vitae
February 2009
16 September, 1965, Israel
Military Service:
Address Office:
The Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel,
Haifa 31905, Israel
Address Home:
22 Hashalva St. Tel-Mond, P.O.Box 4337, Israel
+972-9-7968175; +972-54-4741881
Academic Education:
Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University.
Department of Maritime Civilizations, Haifa University (summa cum laude).
Institute of Archaeology (major in Prehistory), Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Title of Doctoral dissertation: "Fish exploitation at the Sea of Galilee by early fisher- hunter-gatherers (23,000 B.P.):
ecological, economical and cultural implications".
Names of Supervisors:
Prof. T. Dayan-Tel Aviv University, Department of Zoology.
Prof. I. Hershkovitz-Tel Aviv University, Department of Anatomy and Anthropology.
Title of Master's thesis: "Exploitation of marine resources by the prehistoric inhabitants of the Israeli coast: the case of
the gray triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis)".
Names of Supervisors:
Prof. E. Spanier-University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations.
Prof. T. Dayan-Tel Aviv University, Department of Zoology.
Academic and Professional Experience:
ISF Postdoc at the Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University Jerusalem.
ISF Postdoc at the Department of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University.
Workshop and training on ancient bone death and decay, University of York.
The Maurice Hatter Postdoc Fellowship at the Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa.
Lady Davis Postdoc at the Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University Jerusalem.
Visiting researcher at the Royal Museum of Central Africa, Leuven-Belgium, For identification of
freshwater fish remains from Ohalo-II.
Research Assistant in Physical Anthropology at Tel-Aviv University, Department of Anatomy &
Ethnographic research with Dr. Richard Cooke on fish drying and salting at the Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institution (STRI), Panama.
Professional training in ichtyoarchaeology in Copenhagen Zoological Museum, Department of Zoology &
Research Assistant at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Department of Prehistory.
Irit Zohar
Teaching Experience:
University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations, adjunct lecturer, teaching:
1) Introduction to Ichthyology
2) Fish remains from archaeological sites.
3) The antiquity of fishing: Archaeological, historical, and anthropological perspectives.
Institute of Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, adjunct lecturer, teaching: The antiquity
of fishing: Archaeological, historical, and anthropological perspectives.
Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology, adjunct lecturer teaching: Zooarchaeology (with T. Dayan &
G. Bar-Oz).
Invited Oral Presentations:
The University of Western Australia: “What are these fishy bones doing here? Introduction to ictioarchaeology”.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot: “Fish thanatocoenose: How do taphonomic processes modify
relative abundance and skeletal completeness of freshwater fish? Lake Kinneret as a case study”.
University of Haifa, Israel: “Fish and Fishing during the Epipaleolithic”.
Hebrew University, Jerusalem: “The old man and the sea: Taphonomical processes and human activity
in lacustrine environments”.
University of Haifa, Israel: "Humans, fish, and the nature within".
Hebrew University, Jerusalem: "Reconstruction of the ecological conditions in the Central Dead Sea Rift
during the Upper Pleistocene- An ichthyological perspective"
Hebrew University, Jerusalem: "Introduction to Zooarchaeology"
University of Haifa, Israel: "Fish and Ethnoarchaeozoology"
University of Haifa, Israel: "Fish trade in Ancient Egypt"
Hebrew University, Jerusalem: "Fish Taphonomy"
The Interuniversity Institute of Eilat: "Ichtyoarchaeology: a glimpse to human maritime activity".
University of Haifa, Israel: "Fish and Archaeology"
Hebrew University, Jerusalem: "Zooarchaeology"
Tel Aviv University: "Fishy tales: Voices from the past"
Hebrew University, Jerusalem: "Fish remains in archaeological sites: ecological, economical, cultural and
taphonomical implications".
The Cleveland Natural History Museum, Ohio, USA:" An Analysis of Neolithic Fishing Strategy based on
Ethnographic Comparisons".
University of Haifa, Israel: "Introduction to Fish Remains in Archaeological Sites: Theory and Methods".
Irit Zohar
Special Qualifications:
1992 - present
Establishment of fish osteological reference collection. The collection includes over 500 fish from 84
species living at the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee).
1994- present
Development of taphonomical methods for analyzing fish remains.
1993 - 1998
Digital graphics on Macintosh: graphics software, photo retouching, color painting, image editing, and
multimedia presentation.
1992 - 1993
Participated at courses in ichthyology, marine ecology, oceanography, physical anthropology, and
statistical techniques.
1991 - 1999
Participated at courses in physical anthropology and worked as research assistance in this field.
1987 - present
Professional Diver: marine biology and marine archaeology research projects.
Professional Activities:
On going
1) Fish remains from Gesher Benot Ya'aqov-0.8 m.y.
2) Taphonomical analysis of fish remains from spraints of European Otter (Lutra lutra L.).
3) Fishing activity and fish trade by the Sea-People: A case study from Tel-Dor (in collaboration with
Prof. Tamar Dayan, Tel Aviv University and Dr. Guy Bar-Oz, University of Haifa).
4) Fishing and fish exploitation during the Natufian period.
5) Osteological characteristics of Cyprinidae and Cichlidae (in collaboration with Prof. Wim Van Neer,
from the Royal Museum of Central Africa, Leuven-Belgium).
1) Fish remains from Tantura Lagoon shipwrecks (in collaboration with Dr. Y. Kahanov and O. Barkai,
University of Haifa).
2) Bone tools from Tantura Lagoon shipwrecks (in collaboration with Dr. Y. Kahanov and O. Barkai,
University of Haifa).
3) The diet of European Otter (Lutra lutra L.) in the Jordan Rift Valley (in collaboration with Dr. Noga
Kronfeld, Tel Aviv University).
4) Fish natural accumulation: a taphonomic model from Lake Kinneret.
5) Fishing and fishery during the Epipaleolithic: Ohalo-II as a case study.
6) Ethnographic and taphonomic study on fish butchering methods fro long term preservation by modern
fishermen in Panama and Sinai (in collaboration with Dr. R. Cooke from the Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute).
7) Analysis of fish remains from Atlit-Yam: an underwater site along the Mediterranean coast.
The Israel Prehistoric Society, The Zoological Society of Israel, Israel Society for Ecology and
Environmental Quality Sciences, Association for Environmental Archaeology, International Council for
Archaeozoology (ICAZ), The Society for Archaeological Sciences (SAS).
2005-2008 Chairwoman of the Israel Prehistoric Society.
- Zooarchaeology Annual meeting at Israel- Haifa, July 2002.
- Zooarchaeology Annual meeting at Israel- Tel-Aviv, July 2000.
- The Israel Prehistoric Society Annual meeting- Tel-Aviv, December 1996
Irit Zohar
Field Experience:
Since 2004
Excavation of fish remains from the coastal site of Tel-Dor.
An underwater excavation of fish remains from Tantura Lagoon shipwrecks.
Excavation of fish natural assemblages along the shore of the Sea of Galilee.
Excavation at Ohalo II- a Kebaran water logged site, Tiberias.
Sinai- Ethnographic research on fish butchering technique for drying and salting, performed by local
Bedouin fishermen in Nabek.
Excavation of a Natufian site at El-Wad terrace, Mount Carmel.
Excavation of Kebaran site (19,000 B.P.) at Hefziba.
Panama- Ethnographic research in Parita-Bay on fish butchering technique for drying and salting.
Excavation at the Mount Carmel caves (Gamal & Tabun).
Underwater excavation of a submerged site at Neve-Yam.
Excavation of Kebaran burial (19,000 B.P.) at Ohalo II, Tiberias.
Excavation of PPNC (8,000 B.P.) burials from Kfar-Hahoresh
Excavation of Early Arabic population burials from Beit-Shean.
Excavation of the M.B/L.B (3,000 B.P.) site at a coastal site of Tel Na'ami.
Underwater excavation of a PPNC submerged site at Atlit-Yam.
Coral world Eilat- Underwater and marine biology work.
Excavation of an Acheulian Site: Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Upper Galilee.
Excavation of Nahal Lavan, an Epi-Palaeolithic site in the Negev.
Excavation at the coastal site of Tel-Dor.
Awards and fellowships
Young Investigator Encouragement Award, University of Haifa.
The ISF Postdoc Fellowship for the study of fish remains from Gesher Benot
The Maurice Hatter Postdoc Fellowship for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa.
The Lady Davis Fellowship for post doctoral research at the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew
University, Jerusalem
Fellowship for post doctoral research at the Department of Anthropology, UCSC, USA: University
of Haifa
Fellowship for Ph.D. studies: Jacob Rekanati Fellowship
Fellowship for Ph.D. studies: Maria Rossi Ascoli Fellowship
Fellowship for Ph.D. studies: University of Haifa
Fellowship for Ph.D. studies: University of Haifa
Special Travel Award: Weizmann Institute of Science, The National Center for Collaboration
between Natural Sciences and Archaeology.
Fellowship for Ph.D. studies: Weizmann Institute of Science, The National Center for
Collaboration between Natural Sciences and Archaeology.
Fellowship for Ph.D. studies: The Morris M. Pulver Fellowship
Special Travel Award: Weizmann Institute of Science, Aharon Katzir Center.
Award for excellent MA: The Zoological Society of Israel-Gidi Zakai Award
Award for excellence in research: University of Haifa
Special Travel Award: Weizmann Institute of Science, The National Center for Collaboration
between Natural Sciences and Archaeology.
Irit Zohar
Award for excellence in study: University of Haifa
Research Grants
Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation:
The role of fish exploitation in the Lower Paleolithic: Comprehensive research of fish remains from
Gesher Benot Ya’aqov (ca. 0.8 my), Israel
Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation:
Investigation of fish remains from Gesher Benot Ya'aqov (GBY): A glimpse into the site paleoecology
and taphonomy.
Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation:
"Fish Exploitation Pattern by Early Kebarean Fisher-Hunter-Gatherers from the Sea of Galilee".
Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation:
"Present day fish butchering techniques as an aid to interpreting fish processing methods and the
survivorship of fish bones in archaeological sites."
Smithsonian Institution, Washington-Internship at STRI:
"Fish bone analysis and interpretation in Tropical archaeology"
Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation:
"Fishing activity at the Sea of Galilee by late Kebaran hunter-gatherers: ecological, economical and
cultural implications"
The Morris M. Pulver Scholarship Fund of Israel:
"Exploitation of marine resources by the prehistoric inhabitants of the Israeli coast:
The case of the gray triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis)".
Weizmann Institute of Science, Aharon Katzir Center:
"Fish bone analysis and interpretation in Tropical archaeology (Panama)"
Smithsonian Institution Washington-Short Term Visitor at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
"Prehistoric fishing practice in rich tropical waters"
Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation:
"Exploitation of marine resources by the prehistoric inhabitants of the Israeli coast:
The case of the gray triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis)".
Na'amat (Working women organization):
"Exploitation of marine resources by the prehistoric inhabitants of the Israeli coast:
The case of the gray triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis)".
Israeli Diving Federation:
"Exploitation of marine resources by the prehistoric inhabitants of the Israeli coast:
The case of the gray triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis)".
Active Participation in Scientific Meetings:
ICAZ Fish remains working group 14th meeting, Antibes, France.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, University of Haifa, Israel.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Symposium on Ohalo II: A 23,000- Year Old Fisher Hunters Gatherer’s Camp on The Shore of The Sea
of Galilee. University of Haifa, Israel.
Irit Zohar
Y. Ben Nun Symposium on the Mediterranean Continental Margin. University of Haifa, Israel.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, University of Haifa, Israel.
Zooarchaeology 3rd international annual meeting, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Zooarchaeology 2nd international annual meeting, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
ICAZ Fish remains working group 10th meeting, New York, USA.
Zooarchaeology 1st international annual meeting, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
ICAZ 8th International Congress, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
ICAZ Fish remains working group-9th meeting, Panama City and Chitre.
Session chairperson at the Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences Annual
meeting, University of Haifa.
3rd meeting of the ASWA working group of ICAZ, Budapest.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, Tel Aviv University, Israel (Organizing committee of the annual
ICAZ Fish remains working group 8th meeting, Madrid, Spain.
The Zoological Society of Israel 32nd meeting, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
2nd meeting of the ASWA working group of ICAZ, Tubingen, Germany.
ICAZ 7th International Congress, Konstantz, Germany.
ICAZ Fish remains working group 7th meeting, Leuven, Belgium.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Irit Zohar
1. Goren-Inbar, N., Zohar, I., and Ben-Ami, D. (1991):
A new look at old cleavers: Gesher Benot Ya'aqov. Mitekufat Ha'even, Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society.
2. Zohar, I. (1993):
A new approach to the analysis of cleavers: a topographical perspective. Mitekufat Ha'even, Journal of the
Israel Prehistoric Society 25:103-119.
3. Hershkovitz, I., Zohar, I., Segal, I., Speirs, M.S., Meirav, O., Sherter, U., Feldman, H., and Goring-Morris, .N.
New remedy for an 8500 Year-old plastered human skull: from Kfar-Hahoresh, Israel. Journal of Archaeological
Science, 22:779-788.
4. Zohar, I., Dayan, T. and Spanier, E. (1997):
Predicting Gray triggerfish body size from Bones. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 7:150-156
5. Zohar, I. and Cooke, R. (1997):
The impact of salting and drying on fish bones: Preliminary observations on four marine species from Parita Bay,
Panama. Archaeofauna, 6:59-66
6. Nadel, D., Noy, T., Kolska-Horwitz, L. and Zohar, I. (1997):
A note on new finds from the Natufian graveyard at Nahal Oren. Mitekufat Ha'even, Journal of the Israel
Prehistoric Society 27:63-74.
7. Zohar, I., Dayan, T., Galili, E., and Spanier, E. (2001):
Fish processing during the early Holocene: A taphonomic study. Journal of Archaeological Science. 28: 10411053
8. Nadel, D., Tsatskin, A., Bar-Yosef Mayer, D.E., Belmaker, M., Boaretto,E., Hershkovitz,I., Kislev, M.E., Rabinovich,
R., Simmons, T., Weiss, E., Zohar, I., Asfur, O., Emmer, G., Ghraieb, T., Grinberg, U., Halabi, H., Weissbrod, L.,
Zaidner, Y. (2002):
The Ohalo II 1999 – 2000 Seasons of excavation: A preliminary report. Mitekufat Ha'even, Journal of the Israel
Prehistoric Society 32:17-48.
9. Nadel, D., Tsatskin, A., Bar-Yosef Mayer, D. , Belmaker, M. , Boaretto, E., Kislev, M., E., Hershkovitz, I., Rabinovitch,
R., Simchoni, O., Simmons, T., Weiss, E., Zohar, I., Asfur, O., Emmer, G., Ghraiev,T., Grinberg, U., Spivak, P.,
Weissbrod, L., Zaidner, Y. (2003):
The Ohalo II 2001 season of excavation: A preliminary report. Mitekufat Ha'even, Journal of the Israel Prehistoric
Society 33:9 - 36.
10. Nadel, D., Tsatskin, A., Belmaker, M. , Boaretto, E., Kislev, M., Mienis, H., Rabinovitch, R., Simchoni, O., Simmons,
T., Weiss, E., and Zohar, I. (2004):
On the shore of a fluctuating lake: Environmental evidence from Ohalo II (23,000 B.P.). Israel Journal of Earth
Science 53:207.223
11. Galili, E., Lernau, O., Sharvit, J., and Zohar, I. (2004):
Fishing and coastal adaptation at ‘Atlit-Yam-a submerged PPNC fishing village off the Carmel Coast, Israel.
Atiqot 48: 1-34.
Irit Zohar
12. Zohar, I. and Belmaker, M. (2005):
Size Does Matter: Methodological comments on sieve size and species richness in fishbone assemblages.
Journal of Archaeological Science 32: 635-641.
13. Van Neer, W., Zohar, I. and Lernau, O. (2005):
The emergence of fishing communities in the Eastern Mediterranean region: A survey of evidence from pre- and
protohistoric periods. Paléorient 31(1):131-157.
14. Valla, F.R., Khalaily, H., Valladas, H., Kaltnecker, E.,Bocquentin, F., Cabellos, T., Bar-Yosef Mayer, D., Le Dosseur,
G., Regev, L., Chu, V., Weiner, S., Boaretto, E., Samuelian, N., Valentin, B., Delerue, S., Poupeau, G., Bridault, A.,
Rabinovich, R., Simmons, T., Zohar, I., Ashkenazi, S., Huertas, A.D., Spiro, B., Mienis, H. K., Rosen, A.M., Porat,
N., Belfer-Cohen, A. (2007):
Les fouilles de Ain Mallaha (Eynan) de 2003 à 2005: Quatrième rapport préliminaire. Mitekufat Ha'even, Journal of
the Israel Prehistoric Society: 37:135-384
15. Zohar, I., Belmaker,M., Nadel, D., Gafny, S., Goren, M., Hershkovitz, I., and Dayan, T (2008).
The living and the dead: How do taphonomic processes modify relative abundance and skeletal completeness of
freshwater fish? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 258: 292-316.
16. Raban-Gerstel, N., Bar-Oz, G., Zohar, I., Sharon, I., and Gilboa, A. 2008:
Early Iron Age Dor (Israel): A faunal perspective. BASOR: 349: 25-59.
Bar-Yosef Mayer, D.E. and Zohar, I.
The Role of Aquatic Resources in the Natufian Culture. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
In Preparation:
Zohar, I., Van-Neer, W., Belmaker,M., Nadel, D., Goren, M., Dayan, T., and Hershkovitz, I.
Fish, Fishing and The Environment Within: A Taphonomical Case Study from Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel
Zohar, I. and Cooke R.
From head to tail: A taphonomical case study of fish butchering methods and long term preservation.
Zohar, I., Biton, R., and Goren-Inbar, N.
The missing carp: Taxonomy, zoogaoegraphy and paleoecology of cyprinids from Paleo Hula Lake (0.8 my).
Chapters in Books:
1. Zohar, I., Dayan, T., Spanier, E., Galili, E., Lernau, O. (1994):
Exploitation of gray triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis) by the prehistoric inhabitants of Atlit-Yam, Israel: a
preliminary report. In: Fish Exploitation in The Past. W. Van Neer (ed.) Annales du Museé Royal de l' Afrique
Centralé, Sciences Zoologiques. no. 274:231-238. Tervuren.
2. Hershkovitz, I., Zohar, I., Wish-Baratz, S., Goren, Y., Goring-Morris, A.N., Speirs, M.S., Segal, I., Meirav, O.,
Sherter, U., and Feldman, H. (1995):
High-resolution computed tomography and micro-focus radiography on an eight thousands year old plastered
skull: How and why it was modeled. Nature et Culture, M. Otte (ed.), Colloque de Liege (13-17 Decembre
1993), Liege, ERAUL 68: 667-681.
Irit Zohar
3. Zohar, I. (2002):
Fish and Fishing at Ohalo II. Ohalo II: A 23,000-Year-Old Fisher-Hunter-Gatherers’ Camp on the Shore of the
Sea of Galilee. D. Nadel (ed.) Catalogue No. 20. Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, Israel.
Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings and Abstracts:
Zohar, I. and Belmaker, M.
Fish, fishing and the environment within: A taphonomical case study from Lake Kinneret, Israel.
14th Meeting of the Fish Remains Working Group of the International Council of Zooarcheology, Antibes France,
Zohar, I.
Fishing and fishery in the Southern Levant: Cultural Continuity or Cultural Revolution?
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, University of Haifa, Israel, 2005
Zohar, I.
Fish and fishing at Ohalo II.
Symposium on Ohalo II: A 23,000- Year Old Fisher Hunter Gatherer’s Camp on the Shore of The Sea of Galilee.
University of Haifa, Israel. 2002.
Zohar, I. and Belmaker, M.
Solving ambiguity in archaeology: A new actualistic model for fish natural accumulation in lacustrine environments
and their archaeological implication.
Y. Ben Nun Symposium on the Mediterranean Continental Margin. University of Haifa, Israel. 2002.
Zohar, I.
Fish preservation: Analysis of fish utilization methods in ancient communities.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, Jerusalem, Israel, 2000
Zohar, I., Van Neer, W., and Nadel, D.
Cyprinid exploitation at the Sea of Galilee by Early Epipaleolithic Hunter-Gatherers: Preliminary results. 10th Meeting
of the Fish Remains Working Group of the International Council of Zooarcheology, New York, USA, 1999
Zohar, I.
Large molariform teeth from the Lower/Middle Pleistocene Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Israel: A brief
communication. 10th Meeting of the Fish Remains Working Group of the International Council of Zooarchaeology,
New York, USA, 1999
Zohar, I. and Cooke R.
A Taphonomical Case Study for Identifying Fish Drying and Salting. 8th Congress of the International Council for
Archaeozoology, Victoria, B.C., Canada, 1998.
Zohar, I.
The use of fish remains from archaeological sites for reconstructing environmental and climate changes in the
past. Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences. University of Haifa, Israel 1997
Zohar, I.
Prehistoric fishing in Israel.
9th Meeting of the Fish Remains Working Group of the International Council of Zooarchaeology, Panama City
and Chitre, 1997.
Zohar, I. and Cooke R.
Irit Zohar
The impact of salting and drying on fish bones from Parita Bay, Panama. 9th Meeting of the Fish Remains
Working Group of the International Council of Zooarchaeology, Panama City and Chitre, 1997.
Zohar, I.
Fish processing at the beginning of the Holocene: An ethnographical model. Third meeting of the ASWA
working group of ICAZ, Budapest, 1996.
Zohar, I. and Cooke, R.
Contemporary fish processing at Parita Bay, Panama: An osteological approach. ICAZ Fish remains working
group-8th meeting, Madrid, 1995.
Zohar, I.
Exploitation of the Gray triggerfish Balistes carolinensis at the beginning of the Holocene.
The Zoological Society of Israel, Tel-Aviv, 1995.
Zohar, I.
The fishing strategy in early prehistoric fishermen site in the Levant.
ICAZ 7th. International Congress, Konstantz, 1994.
Zohar, I.
Fish remains from archaeological sites- A review.
The Israel Prehistoric Society meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1993.
Zohar, I., Dayan, T., Spanier, E., Galili, E. and Lernau, O.:
The exploitation of marine resources by the prehistoric inhabitants of the East Mediterranean coast: the case of
the Gray Triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis).
ICAZ Fish remains working group-7th meeting, Leuven, Belgium. 1993
Publications in Popular Journals:
1. Zohar, I. (1997):
Exploitation of marine resources by the Neolithic inhabitants of Atlit-Yam, Israel: A multivariate analysis based
on the remains of Gray triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis).
C.M.S. News: University of Haifa Center for Maritime Studies: Report no. 24-25.
2. Zohar, I. and Cooke, R. (2001):
An ethnographic and taphonomic model for identifying fish long-term preservation.
R.I.M.S. News: University of Haifa Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies: Report no. 28