Instructions to Install the SDI TN3270 Plus Software If you are currently using the TN3270 Plus emulator Save your configuration files in a personal folder. They should be in the folder: c:\Program Files\SDI\TN3270 Plus\. They are the ones with the .tcs, .tkm, .ttb, .tsp, .txt, .mac, and .pem file extensions. How to tell if you have the TN3270 Plus software on your PC: Go to c:\Program Files and see if there is a folder called SDI and it has a folder called TN3270 Plus. If there is, you have the software and need to uninstall it. If the SDI and TN3270 Plus folders are not there, go to Edit the Registry. How to uninstall the TN3270 Plus software: Click on Start Click on All Programs Click on the TN3270 Plus Group Click on Uninstall TN3270 Plus When that is done, go to c:\Program Files and see if the SDI folder is still there. If it is gone, you are done. Go to Edit the Registry. If it is still there see if the TN3270 Plus folder is still there. If it is, delete it. If there are any other folders under SDI, go to Edit the Registry. If there are no other folders, delete the SDI folder. Download the Software Point your browser to This will take you to the ACS Technology Services Group (TSG) Home Page. In the right column click on the Tools drop-down menu. Select “TSG”. The Logon box wants your COM2 mainframe RACF userid and password. This is the same userid and password as the On-Call System. Enter it and click OK. This takes you to the Technology Services Group (TSG) Tools page. On the right side under “Software Downloads” click on “Network Software Downloads”. This takes you to the ACS Network Software for Download page. Click on “Download TN3270 Plus SSL Software” and follow the directions below. PAGE 1 You will get the File Download box. Click Run. PAGE 2 Next you will get the Security Warning box. Click Run. PAGE 3 Next you will get the WinZip Self-Extractor box. Verify the contents of the Unzip to folder box is: c:\Program Files\ACSINSTALL If it isn’t change it to: c:\Program Files\ACSINSTALL Click Unzip Click OK Click Close Go to c:\Program Files\ACSINSTALL Double-click on SETUP.EXE PAGE 4 After the initial setup screens you will get this screen: Click Next. PAGE 5 Next you will get the Software License Agreement screen like this: Click Yes. ACS has a contract with the vendor for this software so you do not have to do anything further about the license. PAGE 6 Next you will get the Choose Destination Location screen like this: Click Next to accept the default. PAGE 7 Next you will get the Select Program Folder screen like this: Click Next to accept the default. PAGE 8 Next you will get the Setup Complete screen like this: Click Finish. Go to c:\Program Files and delete the ACSINSTALL folder. Installing the License Code The software as distributed has a 30-day evaluation license. Permanent license codes and their installation instructions will be sent to individual users as they are ready. See the last page of this document for instructions on obtaining and installing the permanent license code. The software is registered to an individual user. You may install and activate a copy on your office computer and on your home computer(s) and on a laptop. You may use any of these copies, but you may not share with another person. If you are using the copy at home then someone else may not be using the copy on the office computer. When you leave ACS for any reason, you are expected to uninstall the software from all of its locations and inform ACS so they know they can reissue the license to another employee. PAGE 9 Start the TN3270 Plus program Click on Start Click on All Programs Click on the TN3270 Plus Group Click on TN3270 Plus The emulator will start and the information box will indicate this is an Evaluation copy. Click Continue and try the software. There should be four sessions setup for you. Pre-configured Sessions The SUNGARD session is for disaster recovery. Do not change or delete it as it matches the server at Sungard in Philadelphia. It is set to a model 2 3278 session with extended attributes and must stay that way. The other sessions are there for you to use in your day-to-day work. You may change them as needed to match your keyboard, color, and screen model size preferences. The Dallas-SSL session is for use from home for a secure connection to the Dallas Data Center. You will not need a VPN with this session, but can use one if you want. Pittsburgh and other data center employees may use this session as a replacement for Host-on-Demand The Dallas session is for office use in the Dallas Data Center where you do not need a secure connection. It can also be used with a VPN from outside the Data Center. The Pittsburgh session is for office use in the Pittsburgh Data Center where you do not need a secure connection. It can also be used with a VPN from outside the Data Center. You can add as many sessions as you want and you can restart the same session many times if you want multiple sessions with the same location. Replace your current emulator with TN3270 Plus It is expected that you will start to use this new emulator for all your TN3270 needs. It was chosen for ease of use, high security, and to meet all current needs. ACS also purchased the support and upgrade package so we can download the new releases as they are available. Problems with the software can be reported to the vendor for correction. This software includes support for secure telnet service using SSL. That means that for TN3270 use you don’t need to activate a VPN. From home you could have a session to Pittsburgh and one to Dallas without having to swap between them. This software can replace Attachmate Extra!, Hummingbird, Reflections, IBM Personal Communications (PCOM), and Host on Demand (HOD). When the Network for Remote Disaster Recovery (NRDS) communications system at Sungard was activated in April 2006, this is the only software configured to work with it. PAGE 10 How do I obtain and install a permanent license code for the new TN3270 software? If you have already installed a permanent software code at work, just copy the TN3270.ini file from c:\Program Files\SDI\TN3270 Plus\ to your home computer. You could also forward the email reply from Gail Wilmoth to yourself at home and save the same file from the email. Obtaining and Installing the Permanent License Code The software is registered to an individual user. You may install and activate a copy on your office computer and on your home computer(s) and on a laptop. You may use any of these copies, but you may not share with another person. If you are using the copy at home then someone else may not be using the copy on the office computer. When you leave ACS for any reason, you are expected to uninstall the software from all of its locations and inform ACS so they know they can reissue the license to another employee. To obtain the permanent license code and install instructions, cut and paste the text below certifying that you agree to the terms of the license use into an email and send to: Gail will reply to your email, supplying your license code and installation instructions. This code will be used for all copies of the software installed for your use. TN3270 Plus Software License Employee Agreement I understand that ACS is supplying me with the SDI TN3270 Plus software only to facilitate my work at ACS. I may make as many copies of the software as I need to accomplish that work. I may install the software on my office computer and on my home computer(s) and other computers under my control. I will be the only user of the software I have installed. I will not share the software with other ACS employees or non-ACS employees. When I terminate employment at ACS, no longer need the software for my job, or at ACS’ request, I will uninstall all copies I have made and notify ACS so the license assigned to me may be reused by another employee. By accepting the software license code and sending this email to Gail Wilmoth, I agree to the terms above. PAGE 11