中国计算机学会《学科前沿讲习班》 The CCF Advanced Disciplines Lectures 主题 软件定义网络(SDN) 2015 年 12 月 4-5 日 北京 软件定义网络(Software Defined Networking, SDN)是近年网络界的研究热点,也引起 国内外工业界的极大投入,体现了学术界和工业界紧密结合、互相启发、互相促进的特点。 本期 CCF 学科前沿讲习班《软件定义网络(SDN)》邀请到了国际学术界与工业界的专家学 者做主题报告。他们将就 SDN 概念和热点问题、学术界对 SDN 高级编程语言的研究、华为 和思科等著名公司对 SDN 的理解和技术与实践、业界知名的 Open Daylight 开源控制器、SDN 南向标准 OpenFlow 的进展、SDN 业界知名实验室 ON.Lab 主导的 ONOS 开源控制器的进展 等进行深入浅出的介绍,并对如何开展本领域前沿技术研究等进行探讨。使参加者在了解学 科热点、提高学术水平的同时,了解工业界的最新进展。 学术主任:毕军,清华大学教授 欢迎参加 详情请点击《软件定义网络(SDN)》 报名方式:即日起至 2015 年 11 月 29 日,申请者填写报名表,发送至 按报名先后录取,学会秘书处将以邮件方式确认。 联系人:余老师,电话:010-6256 2503-22 特邀讲者 Prof. Y. Richard Yang(杨阳) 美国耶鲁大学终身正教授及同济大学教授。主要从事下一代互联网体系 结构、SDN 编程、互联网内容分发、网络流量优化和云计算等领域的研 究。 报告题目: SDN 概述 Dr. Wu Chou(周芜) IEEE Fellow、华为交换机与企业通信产品线副总裁和 CTO(首席技术官), IT,云计算,网络,SDN/NFV,物联网(IoT),大数据,通讯,互联网, 信息处理,机器学习,智能系统和终端,语音识别,自然语言处理,整合 通信(UC&C),多媒体人机交互系统,服务计算和 Web 服务等领域的专 家。 报告题目:SDN 系统和架构 Dr. Pingping Lin(林萍萍) 美国开放网络实验室 ON.Lab(Open Networking Lab,技术 总监,目前从事开源 SDN 网络操作系统 ONOS (Open Source SDN Network Operating System for Service Providers)的设计与开发。同时在 ONF(Open Networking Foundation)担任 Research Associate。窝窝团创始 人, 报告题目:ONF/OpenFlow 进展和 ONOS 控制器 Chang (Changhoon) Kim Director of System Architecture at Barefoot Networks and is working actively with the P4 Language Consortium ( 报告题目:Programming the Network Data Plane in P4 David Zhou(周大为) 思科公司 CTO Office 高级构架师。有 19 年以上的网络互联经验,参加过 国内外重大的网络设计和建设,近 10 年内专注于以太网交换设备的设计 和应用,对现在大规模数据中心交换网络的设计和设备应用具有丰富的经 验。 报告题目:思科公司的 SDN 技术:ACI Kevin Yin(殷康) 北京大地云网科技有限公司(DadyNet Technology)创始人和 CEO。 报告题目:SDN 市场应用与开源实践 学术主任 毕军 教授 清华大学网络科学与网络空间研究院网络体系结构和 IPv6 研究室主 任、教授、博士生导师。主要从事网络体系结构领域的研究, 时间:2015 年 12 月 4 - 5 日 上课地点: 北京 时间:2015 年 12 月 4 -5 日 上课地点:北京中科院计算所, 注册费: 1、 11 月 29 日前注册并缴费:CCF 会员 1200,新入会会员:1400;非会 员 1600 2、 现场缴费:会员、非会员均 2000 元。 3、 CCF 单位会员的人士参加,按 CCF 会员标准收费(由单位统一办理)。 注:注册费含资料和 2 天的午餐。 优惠办法: 1、同一单位一次有 5 人报名者,第 6 个人免注册费(无论会员与否,仅对提前注册者 有效,当天注册不予受理) 2、 单位可购买年度卡,20 人次起售,CCF 单位会员每人次 1200 元,非 CCF 会员单位 每人次 1400 元。年度卡当年有效。同时享受优惠办法 1。 3、 对于推荐新学员参加的学员,CCF 视具体情况给予奖励。 食宿自理 缴费方式:邮局汇款:北京 2704 信箱,邮编:100190 收款人:中国计算机学会 银行转账:开户行:北京银行北京大学支行; 户名:中国计算机学会 账号:01090519 5001 201 097 020 28 请务必注明:姓名+ADL63 报名方式: 即日起至 2015 年 11 月 29 日,报名者请填写附表并发送至,按 报名先后录取,报满为止。学会秘书处将与邮寄联系确认。 联系人:余老师 E-Mail: 电话:010-6256 2503-22 /139 1065 9011 日程安排 2014 年 12 月 4 日 9:00-9:15 开班仪式(Opening) 9:15-10:15 学术专题讲座 1 10:15-10:30 10:30-12:30 SDN 概述 (SDN Overview) Prof. Y. Richard Yang, Yale University, USA Break 学术专题讲座 2 SDN 系统和架构 (SDN: System and Architecture) Dr. Wu Chou, IEEE Fellow, VP and CTO, Huawei, USA 12:30-14:00 午餐 14:00-16:00 学术专题讲座 3 ONF/OpenFlow 进 展 和 ONOS 控 制 器 (ONF/OpenFlow Progress and ONOS Controller) Dr. Pingping Lin, Technical Director, Open Networking Lab., USA 16:00-16:15 Break 16:15-18:15 学术专题讲座 4 Programming the Network Data Plane in P4 Changhoon Kim,Director of System Architecture, Barefoot Networks, USA 2015 年 12 月 5 日 08:00-10:00 学术专题讲座 5 SDN 编程语言 (Simplify SDN Programming using Programming Language Techniques) Prof. Y. Richard Yang,Yale University, USA 10:00-10:15 Break 10:15-12:15 学术专题讲座 6 12:15-13:30 SDN 方法和应用 (SDN: Methods and Applications) Dr. Wu Chou, IEEE Fellow, VP and CTO, Huawei, USA 午餐 13:30-15:30 学术专题讲座 7 思科公司的 SDN 技术:ACI (ACI: An Industry Implementation of SDN) 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:45 David Zhou, Senior Architect of CTO office, Cisco China Break 学术专题讲座 8 16:45-17:45 SDN 市场应用与开源实践(SDN Market Transition & Open Practice) Kevin Yin, Founder/CEO DadyNet Technology, Former CTO of Cisco Great China 专题讨论(Discussion) 讲者与学员 17:45-18:00 结业式 附:学术专题讲座详细信息 学术讲座 1: SDN Overview 摘要: Software Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a major disruptive technique in computer networks. In this lecture, Prof. Y. Richard Yang will review the key motivations behind SDN, the history of SDN development, the key components of SDN, and the fundamentals of SDN. 讲者简介: Dr. Y. Richard Yang is a Professor of Computer Science at Yale, where he founded and leads the Laboratory of Networked Systems (LANS). He is also a professor at Tongji University, where he leads the SNLab. Prof. Yang's current research focus is on new computer network architectures, SDN programming, content distribution networks, and network-application interactions. He has published more than 10 papers in ACM SIGCOMM, the flagship conference on networking; among which 4 were nominated as best papers. His team proposed the framework of P4P for network-application interactions, which is adopted by IETF by forming the ALTO Working Group, which has defined the ALTO Protocol. His work has been implemented/adopted in products/systems of major companies (e.g., AT&T, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Microsoft, PPLive, Youku), and featured in mainstream media including Economist, Forbes, Guardian, Chronicle of Higher Education, Information Week, MIT Technology Review, Science Daily, USA Today, Washington Post, and Wired, among others. His awards include a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation and a Schlumberger Foundation Award. Dr. Yang's received his B.E. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University (1993), and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin (1998 and 2001). 学术讲座 2: SDN: System and Architecture 摘要:In this session, we will look into the system and architecture of SDN, from its fundamental principle to its embodiment in data centers (e.g. from the principle of separation of the data and control plan to SDN controllers, controller clusters, intelligent traffic engineering, integration with Cloud computing infrastructures, etc.). In addition, we will describe a generalized framework of SDN, a.k.a. SDx or SDNx, which combines the software-defined-networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), Distributed Routing (DR), etc. to jointly enhance the capabilities of data networking for both virtual and physical networks. 讲者简介: Dr. Wu Chou is IEEE Fellow, and VP and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Network and Enterprise Communications product line of Huawei. He is a leading expert in the field of IT, Cloud computing, data networking, SDN/NFV, Internet-of-things (IoT), Big Data, communication, Internet/Web, machine learning, signal processing, UC&C, speech and natural language processing, multimedia and multimodal interaction, service computing, and Web services. He graduated from Stanford University with Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and worked at AT&T Bell Labs and other established R&D organizations before joining Huawei. He published nearly 200 journal and conference papers, holds more than 40 US and international patents, and served as an editor for multiple standards at W3C, ECMA, ISO, ETSI, etc. He was an editor of IEEE Transactions (SL, SC), IEEE TSC Special Issue on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions Special Issue on Human-machine Interaction, and Journal of Web Services Research. 学术讲座 3:ONF/OpenFlow Progress and ONOS Controller 摘要: This talk will give a short introduction to ON.Lab (Open Networking Lab), and (Open Networking Foundation)/OpenFlow progress. Then the talk will focus on ONOS (Open Source SDN Network Operating System for Service Providers), supported by NSF (National Science Foundation) for work in NSF Future Internet Architecture (FIA) Project on SDN. It will include: ONOS Architecture, current ONOS Performance, ONOS Use Cases, ONOS Deployment, and ONOS Training Plan in China. 讲者简介: Dr. Pingping Lin is a technical director from Open Networking Lab (ON.Lab). She joined in ON.Lab ( and ONOS (Open Source SDN Network Operating System for Service Providers) in 2013. She also works as Research Associate in ONF (Open Networking Foundation). She is the Co-founder and ex-CTO (Chief Technology Officer) of Wowo Tuan (, NASDAQ: WOWO). She is the winner of Internet2 2013 Innovative Application Awards. Her research interests include evolvable Internet architecture, source address validation, and software defined networking. She received her Ph.D in Computer Science from Tsinghua University. 学术讲座 4:Programming the Network Data Plane in P4 摘要: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been successful because it lets network owners and operators “program” network behavior. SDN’s programmability, however, is confined to the network control plane. The forwarding plane is still largely dictated by fixed-function switching chips. Our goal is to change that, and to allow programmers to define how packets are to be processed all the way down to the wire. This is made possible by a new generation of high-performance forwarding chips. At the high-end, new programmable protocol-independent switch chips promise multi-Tb/s of packet processing (Barefoot Networks will deliver one such solution). At the mid- and low-end of the performance spectrum, CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and NPUs already offer great flexibility with performance of a few tens to hundreds of Gb/s. In addition to programmable forwarding chips, we also need a high-level language to dictate the forwarding behavior in a target independent fashion. "P4" ( is such a language. In P4, the programmer declares how packets are to be processed, and a compiler generates a configuration for a protocol-independent switch or NIC. For example, the programmer might program the switch to be a top-of-rack switch, a firewall, or a load-balancer; and might add features to run automatic diagnostics and novel congestion control algorithms. In this talk, I will explain why high performance programmable switches are inevitable; within the next couple of years I expect most new switching chips to be programmable, with no performance, power or cost penalty, and I will give a quick overview of the machine architecture of such switches. I will then give a brief primer on the P4 language, showing some example programs for a variety of different networks, demonstrating the power of writing portable and reusable P4 programs. Finally I will demonstrate novel and powerful network-diagnostics applications implemented in P4, and hence runnable on a variety of programmable network devices. I predict that in the next few years, networks will become yet another programmable platform, repeating the the evolution pattern that already took place in compute and storage industries. This trend will provide unprecedented flexibility and visibility to network owners, operators, and researchers, opening up significant R&D opportunities for innovative network control, management, and services. 讲者简介: Chang (Changhoon) Kim is Director of System Architecture at Barefoot Networks and is working actively with the P4 Language Consortium ( Before getting involved with and Barefoot, he worked at Windows Azure, Microsoft's cloud-service division, and led engineering and research projects on the architecture, performance, and management of datacenter networks. Chang is interested in programmable network dataplane, network monitoring and diagnostics, network validation, self-programming/configuring networks, and debugging and diagnosis of large-scale distributed systems. Chang received Ph.D. from Princeton University. Many of his research contributions -- including VL2, Seawall, EyeQ, Ananta, and SEATTLE -are adopted in large production networks 学 术 讲 座 5: Techniques Simplify SDN Programming Using Programming Language 摘要: Software-Defined Networking offers the appeal of a simple, centralized programming model for managing complex networks. However, challenges in managing low-level details, such as setting up and maintaining correct and efficient forwarding tables on distributed switches, often compromise this conceptual simplicity. Just as higher-level programming languages and frameworks (e.g., C, Java, Haskell, Scala) have substantially simplified general programming, it is expected that SDN programming languages and frameworks can also substantially simplify SDN programming. In the last few years, multiple programming languages, including rule-based languages (e.g., Flowlog), FRP (Frenetic), Domain Specific Languages (e.g., NetCore), and imperative languages (e.g., NOX), have been proposed to simplify SDN programming. In this lecture, we will conduct a systematic survey of such SDN programming languages. In particular, the lecture will analyze and demo Maple, a blackbox based SDN programming language technique, and Magellan, a whitebox based language technique to target newer, pipelining data-path architectures. 讲者简介: Dr. Y. Richard Yang is a Professor of Computer Science at Yale, where he founded and leads the Laboratory of Networked Systems (LANS). He is also a professor at Tongji University, where he leads the SNLab. Prof. Yang's current research focus is on new computer network architectures, SDN programming, content distribution networks, and network-application interactions. He has published more than 10 papers in ACM SIGCOMM, the flagship conference on networking; among which 4 were nominated as best papers. His team proposed the framework of P4P for network-application interactions, which is adopted by IETF by forming the ALTO Working Group, which has defined the ALTO Protocol. His work has been implemented/adopted in products/systems of major companies (e.g., AT&T, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Microsoft, PPLive, Youku), and featured in mainstream media including Economist, Forbes, Guardian, Chronicle of Higher Education, Information Week, MIT Technology Review, Science Daily, USA Today, Washington Post, and Wired, among others. His awards include a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation and a Schlumberger Foundation Award. Dr. Yang's received his B.E. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University (1993), and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin (1998 and 2001). 学术讲座 6:SDN: Methods and Applications 摘要: SDN has fundamentally changed the landscape of data networking, and it leads to a full spectrum of new opportunities, calling for innovations on methodologies, business models, and applications. In this session, we are going to focus on these technical advances from algorithmic, business, and practical solution perspectives, taking Huawei’s SDN solutions and approaches as embodiments. In particular, we are going to look into the SDN based data center cloud fabric solutions, the new data forwarding paradigm of protocol independent forwarding, etc., and introduce these methods and applications of SDN in a concrete and realistic setting. 讲者简介: Dr. Wu Chou is IEEE Fellow, and VP and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Network and Enterprise Communications product line of Huawei. He is a leading expert in the field of IT, Cloud computing, data networking, SDN/NFV, Internet-of-things (IoT), Big Data, communication, Internet/Web, machine learning, signal processing, UC&C, speech and natural language processing, multimedia and multimodal interaction, service computing, and Web services. He graduated from Stanford University with Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and worked at AT&T Bell Labs and other established R&D organizations before joining Huawei. He published nearly 200 journal and conference papers, holds more than 40 US and international patents, and served as an editor for multiple standards at W3C, ECMA, ISO, ETSI, etc. He was an editor of IEEE Transactions (SL, SC), IEEE TSC Special Issue on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions Special Issue on Human-machine Interaction, and Journal of Web Services Research. 学术讲座 7:ACI: An industry implementation of SDN 摘要:Cisco’s Application-Centric Infrastructure (ACI) reduces TCO, automates IT tasks, and accelerates data center application deployments. It accomplishes this using a business-relevant software defined networking policy model across networks, servers, storage, security, and services. Cisco ACI architecture and the concept have been well studied by the networking industry, and has received worldwide customers’ acceptance since it was introduced to the market. The ACI internal mechanism and the evolvement of this most successful industry SDN implementation provide rich insights. 讲者简介: David Zhou has more than 19 years of internetworking industry experience, over his 18 years at Cisco, he served various engineer roles in China focus on solutions for service providers, large enterprises and web operators. His recent focus are ethernet switching technologies, products and solutions. David holds bachelor degree in computer science and mathematics from Zhejiang University. 学术讲座 8:Market Transition & Open SDN Practice 摘要: The network industry is undergoing new technology transition: from device-centric solution to software-centric solution. This presentation will take a quick look of IT technology evolution through holistic analysis, explore some of current dynamics of network industry, illustrate why Open source SDN technology such as Open daylight projects earn the momentum. We will also look a bit insight of ODL architecture as well as some practice considerations for SDN engineering implementation. 讲者简介: Kevin Yin is Founder/CEO Beijing DadyNet Technology Limited. Kevin Yin has 24 years’ experience in IT and networking industry. He started his industry career as a Software Developer in Motorola Corp U.S.A and the Development Manager in Network General Corp U.S.A. Prior to joining Cisco in 1999, he was a Senior Staff Member of Bell lab at Lucent Technology U.S.A. He has been working in network architecture design, signaling and protocols development, such as Mobile Internet, Cloud Computing, Software Define Network and Internet of Things. In past 3 years, He was working as CTO of Cisco China Research & Development Center (CRDC), Co-director of Tsinghua-Cisco Jointly Lab. In Oct 2015, he found the DadyNet Technology along with some co-workers from CRDC. He has been actively promoting new technology for industry transformation. He authored more than 30 technical papers in industry. He is co-author of the book “Next Generation Network Technology”. He is also frequently requested speaker on various industry events that focus on new technologies innovation. He currently hold several U.S patents and was first Principle Engineer from Cisco China. CCF ADL 报名表 《软件定义网络(SDN)》 姓名 任职单位 职称 是否 CCF 会员 1 手机 性别 会员号 Email 发票抬头 3 发票项目内容 4 √ □会议注册费□会议费□会务费□培训费 参加本期讲习班的目的: 信息来源:√ (请注明) □CCF 周刊 □CCF 网页 □《CCCF》 □熟人介绍 □单位通告 □其它 我申请参加 本期讲习班并承诺按主办单位的规定参加。 说明: 1、 会员号:不填写会员号,按非会员处理,对会员优惠,仅对开班前三个月前 入会者有效。 2、 发票:“发票付款单位”如空,则认为同“任职单位”。 3、 发票项目如不选择,则认为是“会议费”。 4、 对会员优惠 400 元,仅对开班前三个月前入会者有效。如果正在申请入会, 请填写“正在办理”,享受 200 元优惠。