Meridian: An SDN Platform for Cloud Network Services Mohammad Banikazemi, David Olshefski, Anees Shaikh, John Tracey, and Guohui Wang, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center IEEE Communications Magazine 2013 101062600 紀成璞 1/20 Outline Introduction SDN Meridian architeure Meridian implementation Summary 2/20 Introduction 3/20 Faster? convenient? 4/20 SDN CAN HELP YOU! 5/20 Software Defined Networks 我系統都寫好也測試好 了可以麻煩你幫我正式 佈署上線嘛? 喔這個等下你直接跟 NAdmin講,網路設定是由 他們負責的~ OK~ 我已經幫你灌了 5個在機架上 ,系統參 數都設定好,也幫你 把DB都灌好了,等下 就幫你把程式佈署上 去~ 喔對了系統會需要用到 8080,63382,3233...port, 然後會必須要……. 沒問題~我已經幫你把 Juniper 的VPN Gateway 連 線設好了 引用[1] 6/20 If we use SDN…… 7/20 我系統都寫好也測 試好了可以麻煩你 幫我正式佈署上線 嘛? OK~ 我已經幫你灌了 5個在機架上 ,系統 參數都設定好,也幫 你把DB都灌好 了,….blablabla 喔對了系統會需要用到 8080,63382,3233...port, 然後會必須要……. ….. ok~這簡單Security Group 我已經幫你開這 幾個Port了…..blablabla 8/20 So …. How SDN help Cloud Networking? 9/20 SDN Architecture for Cloud Netwroking Meridian 10/20 Abstract API layer Present application with a network model Associated APIs that expose only the information needed to interact with the network Logical view of the network using high-level APIs. 11/2 0 Network Orchestration platform Logical-to-physical translation of commands issued through the abstraction layer Convert API calls into the appropriate series of commands on the underlying network Network-wide service to application. Global annotated view of the data center topology for applications Different routing algorithms Planner module that can schedule network configuration or control task 12/2 0 Network driver layer Consists of plug-in or drivers enable the controller to interface with various network technologies or tools. The orchestration layer uses these drivers to issue commands on specific devices or collect information from the network. Implemented a logical driver that interfaces to OpenFlow devices Drivers to enable virtual network creation Topology data gathered 13/20 Meridian Implementation How it works? 14/20 For Any cloud-based applications. 15/20 1.Endpoint 2.Group 3.Segment 4.Service 5.Virtnet 16/20 For Any cloud-based applications. G1{web1,web2} G2{APP1,APP2} G3{db1,db2} {G1,G2,LB} {G2,G3,bandwidth} {APP1,APP2,SPF} {db1,db2,broadcast} 17/20 Summary Meridain, an SDN-based controller framework for cloud networking. A network service model for users to construct and manage logical topologies for their complex workloads. Current system is only an initial prototype. 18/20 Future work Performance Recovery failed plans 19/20 Thanks ! 20/20 reference Floodlight:http://www.projectfloodlight.or g/floodlight/ [1]SDN example : 21/20