1 This Report - Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Report to Overview and Scrutiny
Committee - Manydown
08 April 2014
Manydown - Local Plan representations and evidence
Routine Matter for Discussion
Report Ref:
Key Decision:
Key Decision Ref:
869 PF
Report of:
Richard Bayley - Strategic Project Manager - Manydown
01256 845675 – ext. 2675
Appendix 1 – BDBC Pre-Submission Local Plan
consultation - Manydown submission 04 October 2013
Appendix 2 – BDBC Suggested changes to the Manydown
site allocation and site policy wording (presented to P&I
OSCOM 05 March 2014 and Cabinet 18 March 2014)
Appendix 3 - BDBC Manydown draft Vision (Local Plan
EIP document)
Appendix 4 – BDBC Manydown draft Masterplan (Local
Plan EIP document)
Papers relied on to
produce this report
BDBC LPA – Suggested changes to the Basingstoke and
Deane Pre-Submission Local Plan (paper presented to P&I
OSCOM 05 March 2014 and to Cabinet 18 March 2014)
This Report
This report has been prepared for both the Manydown Overview and Scrutiny
Committee and the Manydown Executive Committee (MEC). It provides a
summary of the proposed joint representations by BDBC and HCC acting in
their landowner capacities to the re-consultation on the BDBC Local Plan that
is due to be undertaken between 25 April and 13 June 2014.
The report also sets out the draft Vision and Masterplan documents for
Manydown that have been produced specifically to provide evidence for the
BDBC and HCC joint landowner representations to the Local Plan through to
and including the Local Plan EIP. In addition, the report also outlines the
budget of £1.575m made by BDBC that is matched by the same amount of
budget by HCC to undertake the work required to secure planning permission
for the Local Plan phases of the Manydown development.
The Manydown OSCOM met on 24 March 2014 to consider and comment on
the scope and content of the proposed representations together with the draft
Vision and draft Masterplan for Manydown. Its views will be reported to the
MEC through a Supplementary Report tabled at its meeting on 08 April 2014.
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It is recommended that the MEC:
notes the changes to the Manydown Governance arrangements;
notes the progress made to date on the draft Vision and draft
considers the comments of the Manydown OSCOM as outlined in the
Supplementary Report to be tabled at its meeting on 08 April 2014;
delegates authority to the Portfolio Holder for Property, Finance and
Commissioning to submit representations to the Local Plan reconsultation based on the contents of this report having considered
the views of the Manydown OSCOM;
delegates authority to the Portfolio Holder for Property, Finance and
Commissioning to approve any detailed changes to the draft Vision
and draft Masterplan attached to this report that may be required in
order to respond to requests for information or changes made to the
Local Plan re-consultation draft by the LPA prior to the Local Plan EIP;
approves the £250k budget for 2014/15 within the overall £1.575m
budget that has been made by BDBC for the four years from 2014/15
to secure planning permission for the Local Plan phases of the
Manydown development.
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Contribution to Council Priorities
This report accords with the council’s Budget and Policy Framework and directly
supports the Council Plan priority/priorities of planning policies that safeguard local
distinctiveness to:
“Promote the use of Manydown land to deliver much needed high quality homes and
facilitate wider borough benefit, which protects local communities”
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
Economic Prosperity and Performances Overview
and Scrutiny Committee
Community Infrastructure Levy
Examination in Public
Hampshire County Council
Local Planning Authority
Manydown OSCOM
Manydown Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Members’ Advisory Panel
Manydown Executive Committee
National Planning Policy Framework
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The Proposal
The council resolved in July 2012 to actively pursue the development of
Manydown in order to secure the proper planning of the area in which it is
situated and enable it to be considered in the Site Allocation work for the
revised draft Local Plan. This together with its inclusion in the 2013/14 Council
Plan constitutes the policy framework within which the Manydown Executive
Committee has been acting to pursue the council landowner interests with the
Economic Prosperity and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee
providing oversight of this work from a landowner perspective.
Manydown Governance
At its meeting on 27 February 2014, Full Council approved the following
Governance arrangements for Manydown (see paragraph 2.1 of the report):
 Under the JDPA, joint liaison arrangements would be effected between
the relevant Portfolio Holders of BDBC and HCC (these would be nondecision making);
 The Portfolio Holder arrangement would report to and recommend to
their respective executives, in the case of BDBC the MEC (but with
prior consultation with a Manydown OSCOM);
 A continuation of the MEC at BDBC which, as a committee of the
Cabinet, has Executive powers to take decisions in line with the Full
Council decision of July 2012;
 BDBC would set up a politically balanced Manydown Overview and
Scrutiny Committee to be implemented with immediate effect in
advance of the conclusion of the work on Governance arrangements
currently been carried out by the Constitutional Working Party.
The paper presented to Full Council meeting on 27 February 2014 confirmed
that the Governance arrangements for Manydown are to cover the phase to
planning permission (see paragraph 3.5.2 of the report). Future phases of the
project relating to the construction and management of Manydown may
require either an evolution of these Governance arrangements and/or some
separate Governance arrangements depending on the existence of
partners/investors, all of which is the subject of further work to be undertaken
over the next 1-2 years and the subject of separate reports to Members.
At the Full Council meeting on 27 February 2014, the membership of the
Manydown OSCOM was confirmed as 8 in total on a proportional basis and
accordingly would comprise the following members for the remainder of the
Council year:
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Cllr Terri Reid
Cllr Paula Baker
Cllr Marilyn Tucker
Cllr Diane Taylor
Cllr John Leek
Cllr Sean Keating
Cllr David Potter
Cllr Ian Tilbury
Liberal Democrat
Vice Chair
Terms of Reference
The paper presented to Full Council meeting on 27 February 2014 set out the
key elements of the scope and terms of reference for the Manydown OSCOM
(see paragraph 3.5.5 of the report) which is set out in more detail below for
consideration and approval by members of that Committee to:
 Operate in a manner that ensures the strategic landholding interests of
BDBC are protected;
 Take account of the objective for which the council purchased the land
under section 226 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, which
was the proper planning of the area in which the land is situated;
 Review and scrutinise work to obtain planning permission for the
Manydown development in a manner that is deliverable and viable in
accordance with the NPPF and provide comments to the MEC on
proposals and recommendations;
 Review and scrutinise detailed masterplanning work for Manydown in a
manner that ensures a high quality and exemplar development and
provide comments to the MEC on proposals and recommendations;
 Review and scrutinise policy and financial issues of the Manydown
development project and provide comments to the MEC on proposals
and recommendations.
Note: Manydown OSCOM to operate in accordance with Part 7 of
It is proposed to hold Manydown OSCOM meetings at least five working days
prior to any scheduled MEC meeting and that initially there would be a
minimum of two meetings a year for the OSCOM and MEC not including
Update briefings or Site visits for Committee and respective HCC members.
Update on Progress
On 04 October 2013, BDBC in its capacity as a joint landowner of Manydown
submitted its response to the Pre-Submission Local Plan consultation that
was undertaken by BDBC in its capacity as an LPA. The BDBC landowner
response, which is contained in Appendix 1, was in line with that outlined in
the paper submitted to the EPP OSCOM on 19 September 2013 and
thereafter to the MEC on 24 September 2013. Following receipt of the
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responses to the Pre-Submission Local Plan consultation, the LPA has
decided to undertake a re-consultation between 25 April and 13 June 2014 on
a limited number of issues and as part of that process has prepared a revised
draft of the Local Plan which includes changes to the Manydown policy and to
its allocation boundary. This report therefore outlines the proposed response
by the joint landowners to the changes that the LPA is proposing to make to
the Manydown elements of the Local Plan.
In addition, paragraph 3.7.5 of the paper that was presented to the EPP
OSCOM on 19 September 2013 and the MEC on 24 September 2013,
highlighted that the draft Vision and draft Masterplan reports would be the
subject of a report to the EPP (now Manydown) OSCOM and the MEC once
consideration of the changes to the Local Plan has been made by the LPA
prior to the Local Plan EIP. Accordingly, this report sets out the draft Vision
and the draft Masterplan that takes account of the changes proposed by the
LPA to the Manydown elements of the Local Plan and provides the necessary
evidence to be submitted to the Local Plan EIP in order to support the
proposed site allocation of Manydown (including land at Worting) in a manner
that is capable of delivering approximately 3,400 houses in the Local Plan
period to 2029 as set out by the LPA in the revised Manydown policy SS.3.10.
Also, further work has been undertaken to develop a programme of work and
the budget to secure planning permission for the phases of the Manydown
development to be included in the Local Plan period to 2029. This report
provides an update on the programme together with the supporting budget.
Local Plan re-consultation - proposed representations
The revised Local Plan was submitted to Cabinet on 18 March 2014 and is the
subject of a report to Full Council on 27 March 2014 which will recommend
approval for the LPA to undertake a re-consultation between 25 April and 13
June 2014 (the Supplementary Report to be tabled at the MEC on 08 April
2014 meeting contains an update from the Cabinet and Full Council
meetings). It contains a Site Allocation Boundary and a Site Policy for the
Manydown project including land at Worting with an assumed delivery of
approximately 3,400 houses in the Local Plan period to 2029. This constitutes
25% of the 13,464 total number of new homes required to be built during the
Local Plan period to 2029 and 46% of the 7,340 housing requirement of that
total number of homes which is to be met through Local Plan site allocations.
Manydown comprises the largest single site to be identified in the Local Plan.
The Site Allocation Boundary for the Manydown development that is
contained in the revised Local Plan (see Appendix 2) has been changed to
reflect the comments made in the submissions by the joint landowners to the
Pre-submission Local Plan consultation on 04 October 2013 (see Appendix
1). In addition, the LPA has included in the Manydown allocation Plot 6a south
of the railway line and north of Pack Lane as a ‘developable site’ limited to a
yield of approximately 300 units, unless workable transport mitigation
measures can be demonstrated to support a higher yield. Officers propose
support for these changes to the Site Allocation Boundary for Manydown in
the joint submission to be made during the re-consultation on the revised
Local Plan.
The Site Policy for Manydown SS3.10 that is contained in the revised Local
Plan (see Appendix 2) includes some changes that reflect the comments
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made in the submissions by the joint landowners (see Appendix 1) together
with some policy wording that has either been retained or changed. In
addition, the delivery period has been redrafted to provide some flexibility over
housing delivery to run from 2017/18 – 2028/29 which is in line with the
submissions made by the joint landowners. The table below sets out a
summary of the comments that officers propose to make in the joint
submission on the Manydown policy wording to be made during the reconsultation on the revised Local Plan.
Local Plan Policy
SS3.10 (summary)
Manydown contribute
3,400 houses to the
overall housing supply
in the local plan period
to 2029
Officer Comment
Suggested Changes
The wording in this clause is
changed from ‘approximately’ to
‘at least 3,400 houses’.
Diversity of dwelling
types, self-build,
gypsies and travellers
Definition of local shopping too
narrow in context of a size of
development like Manydown
 Over time, developments of a
similar size to Manydown tend
to support District Centre
commercial facilities that would
be complementary to those
located in/around Basingstoke
and that would reflect long term
employment needs and
requirements in the area
No comment – support
Self-build and Gypsy and
Traveller should be removed
from the policy and covered in a
Borough wide policy in the Local
Plan with any detail relating to
future planning applications
better dealt with during
Recognition of the point about
the definition of local shopping.
Redraft this clause to support the
provision of commercial and
retail floorspace commensurate
with the size of Manydown and
reflects long term employment
needs and requirements in the
area as per EP1 clause (c). Also
it is more appropriate to explore
the types of commercial facilities
during Masterplanning.
Manydown will have an overall
green space and infrastructure
strategy that would also include
land allocated for Country Park
No comment – support
Recognition of that point.
Redraft clause (g) to begin with
“To take account of…” instead of
“Respond positively…” and to
include the recognition that part
of the process of developing in a
sensitive manner also includes
the potential to mitigate.
Delete this clause and use policy
EM11 in the local plan
Redraft this clause to reflect the
policy objective of protecting the
quality of life for existing
Range of facilities to
support community
Proper provision of
schools to community
Proper provision of
green space/
Allocation includes the Worting
estate under third party
ownership which Manydown
landowners are working with to
establish how many houses
can be delivered in plan period
Subject to the inclusion of
amendments outlined below,
Manydown landowners believe
that it can deliver at least 3,300
houses in plan period on its
Self-build is supported in
principle but has not been
Gypsy & Traveller need has not
been identified beyond 2017
Country Park for the
benefit of the borough
Strategic Landscaping
Protect the quality of
life for existing
residents in the
The landscaping and heritage
assessments contained in the
evidence to the Local Plan
represent baseline conditions
and do not take account of the
potential to mitigate and/or
develop in a sensitive manner
Repetition of core policy EM11
contained in the local plan
Policy as drafted is too
prescriptive in specifying the
retention of the “separate
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surrounding areas
Scheduled Ancient
Monuments (SAMS)
Development road
Long term planning for
identity and character” for
Worting, Wootton St. Lawrence
and Winklebury and requiring
that Roman Road be
conserved as a green
 Needs to enable the proper
planning of the area and be
consistent with other core
policies which promote
effective inter-relationships with
other existing/new communities
 Potential to mitigate or relocate
if appropriate is not included
 Repetition of national policies
and guidelines
 Repetition of core policy EM4
contained in the local plan
No comment – support
residents and enable the
landowner to explore ideas to
achieve that objective with
existing residents during the
detailed masterplanning work
following the local plan adoption.
Redraft to take account of the
requirement for the Manydown
development to have a single
carriageway link road.
Limit impacts on the
local traffic
Encourage non-car
Manydown development
requires a single carriageway
link road which could also be
part of the wider road network
Landholders support the
potential extension of this road
to the south of the B3400
including optimum alignment
for crossing the railway line
within their landholding
As per clause (i) above
Policy is too restrictive in
requiring specific traffic
management measures in the
absence of exploring different
options with the communities
The emphasis should be for the
Manydown development to
have ‘safe and convenient
access’ for both residents of
existing communities and new
residents of Manydown
There should be phased
provision of public transport
rather than including it from the
outset which will not be viable
Existing building regulations
and Code for Sustainable
Homes contain stringent
carbon reduction targets
Landowners are committed to
exploring the potential for new
technology but being too
specific in the policy does not
provide flexibility required to
adopt new/different techniques
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Delete this clause and rely on
existing national policies and
Delete this clause and rely on
policy EM4 in the local plan
Include relevant aspects in
redrafted clause (i) as proper
planning of the area is likely to
require full and detailed
consideration of options during
detailed masterplanning that
assess how Roman Road is
used to achieve ‘safe and
convenient’ access for both
existing residents and new
residents of Manydown.
In that vein, specific mention of
the following words should not
be included in the redrafted
clause “ with the implementation
of appropriate traffic
management measures to
protect the access and amenity
of existing residents”
Redraft clause to include phased
Deliverability and viability of new
energy saving techniques should
be determined first before
specifying them and so it would
be better for local planning
authority to apply a suitably
drafted borough wide policy, if
justified, possibly policy EM8.
Limit noise impact
Provision of sewerage
and surface water
Longer term planning
of Manydown
Plot 6a
This clause duplicates existing
provisions required by relevant
British Standards.
No comment – support
Delete this clause and rely on
policy EM12 in the local plan
The policy map should refer to
land that is subject to “longer
term masterplanning”.
It would be better to describe
the non-allocated area of land
on the policy map as land for
longer term masterplanning.
We are prepared to develop
Plot 6a as a reserve site as per
our submission on 04 Oct 2013
Other policies contained in the revised Local Plan for re-consultation that the
joint landowners made representations on during the Pre-Submission Local
Plan consultation during 2013 (see Appendix 1) are:
Affordable Housing (CN1): there are no material changes to this policy
in the proposed revised Local Plan for re-consultation and as such,
from a landowner perspective, the joint landowners propose that the
original position is restated that there remains a need for a fuller
consideration of all affordable housing types and thresholds in respect
to Manydown during later discussions on detailed Masterplanning with
the LPA. In addition, the joint landowners await responses to the
technical questions raised during the recent BDBC CIL consultation
relating to the valuation assumptions and calculations used to set the
proposed CIL charging scheme. As such, the landowners will reserve
judgement on a final position concerning the provision of 40%
affordable housing in the Local Plan until such time that they can
properly assess the balance between affordable housing, CIL & s106;
Neighbourhood Plans: the local planning authority has confirmed the
boundary (which replicates the Parish council boundary) for the
proposed Neighbourhood Plans for Oakley and Wootton St Lawrence.
Representations have already made to the LPA (14 May 2013 for
Oakley and 16 December 2013 for Wootton St Lawrence) to exclude
the Manydown development from these boundaries in order to provide
sufficient flexibility to accommodate the development. Further
representations are therefore proposed to be made by the joint
landowners on the basis that the development of the Manydown land
raises wider strategic considerations which cannot effectively be
resolved through a neighbourhood plan;
Strategic Gaps (EM2): the application of this policy between
Basingstoke and Oakley covers an extensive part of the Manydown
land. The effect of the policy would be to permit development in that
area only in restricted circumstances and so the landowners should
submit representations to ensure that this policy is either varied or
would not constrain the ability to discharge Manydown site policies, in
particular those requiring either the development of Borough wide
supporting facilities (e.g. schools or playing fields, a cemetery etc.) or
safeguarding for future transport/sewerage infrastructure requirements
to facilitate opportunities for the longer term planning of Manydown.
The landowners do, however, recognise that an appropriate ‘gap’
between Oakley and Basingstoke to prevent coalescence can be
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maintained in a manner that would also not prejudice the objectives
for Manydown both during and after the plan period;
Employment (EP1) and Town, District, Local Centres (EP3): the 2013
Retail Assessment estimates 30,000 square metres of retail capacity
is needed over the plan period. Policy EP3 seeks to address this need
by expanding Basingstoke town centre. However, the LPA will likely
need to identify other retail sites in the Borough to accommodate the
identified need in sustainable manner over the development plan
period. Manydown can play an important role in this respect.
Therefore the landowners recommend strong support for the
proposed policy EP1 – Economic Growth and Investment which
includes specific reference to Manydown. Equally the landowners also
strongly support the proposed insertion of the new sentence in EP3
which states: “New local and district centres may also come forward
as part of larger developments set out in Policy SS3”.
BDBC landowning officers and HCC Officers will continue to provide
information to the LPA in order to ensure that the Local Plan contains a site
allocation and policy wording for Manydown that is deliverable and viable. In
that respect, officers will review the actual wording contained in the reconsultation of the Local Plan and work with the Portfolio Holder to respond in
accordance with the proposed summary of representations set out above.
Draft Vision
Beyond Green, a leading consultancy that specialises in creating strategies
and plans for great and sustainable places where people want to live, was
appointed by the joint landowners during April 2013 to undertake the initial
Visioning work for the Manydown project. The research and work that Beyond
Green has undertaken has enabled it to develop a long term framework that
includes: a draft vision statement for the project; design principles which will
guide the future development of the project; and some character profiles that
define or codify how the different types of neighbourhoods found in a major
residential project (i.e. urban, suburban, rural etc.) could be developed. See
Appendix 3 for a copy of the draft Vision for Manydown.
Draft Masterplan
URS, a multinational planning, engineering, construction and technical
services consultancy was appointed by the joint landowners during the course
of March 2013 to prepare a Masterplan and supporting technical studies (a
printed copy of the technical studies has been placed in each of the Group
rooms). The research and work undertaken has been designed to
demonstrate that areas of land allocated for development in the emerging
Local Plan is deliverable and has the potential to create a high quality
environment within the context of the draft Vision. The draft Masterplan has
been shaped and determined by a series of technical studies, including: land
use planning or masterplanning; planning policy; viability; transport; cultural
heritage; community infrastructure; sewerage and drainage; flooding; green
infrastructure and landscape; sustainability; and ecology. See Appendix 4 for
a copy of the draft Masterplan.
Status of the draft Vision and draft Masterplan
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The draft Vision and draft Masterplan documents have both been produced to
provide the appropriate amount of information to the Inspector at the Local
Plan EIP to evidence that it is possible to deliver a viable residential
development that can provide around 3,400 houses on the land within the Site
Allocation Boundary at Manydown in the Local Plan period to 2029.
Consequently, both the draft Vision and the draft Masterplan have by
necessity concentrated on land both north of the railway line and at Plot 6a.
As part of the preparation of the draft Vision and the draft Masterplan, the
landowners together with Beyond Green and URS have held two workshops
with the Manydown MAP on 7 May and 28 June 2013 to ensure that there
was Member involvement and participation during these work-streams. In
addition, the Manydown MAP undertook a visit of the Manydown site on 06
September 2013 and of the Poundbury development on 06 February 2014
where a discussion was also held on the draft Vision and draft Masterplan.
Further work on developing the Vision and a detailed Masterplan will be
undertaken during 2014 and 2015 so that they can form the basis of public
consultation events that the joint landowners propose to hold during the
course of 2015 ahead of the submission of a detailed planning application.
Planning Permission - Programme & Budget
The joint landowners have developed a work programme to secure planning
permission for the area of land to be included in the Site Allocation Boundary
for Manydown in the emerging Local Plan. The main elements of this work
programme are outlined below:
 Planning Strategy: identifying and implementing the most efficient
strategy for achieving planning permission which also includes the
costs for providing representations at the Local Plan EIP and the
Manydown Planning Inquiry as well as obtaining legal advice as
 Masterplan: undertaking detailed masterplanning work on the parts of
the Manydown site that are allocated in the emerging Local Plan to
provide the necessary level of information for the Planning Inquiry on
Manydown and to enable public consultations to be undertaken with the
local communities;
 Delivery/Financial Strategy: developing and implementing a strategy for
delivering Manydown including the potential for BDBC and HCC to
directly invest in the project and also consideration of the mechanisms
for BDBC/HCC to partner and/or contract developers together with the
associated Governance arrangements.
The BDBC medium term financial plan 2014/15 received approval by the Full
Council at its meeting on 27 February 2014 and contains a total budget
allocation of £1.575m for Manydown over four years beginning April 2014 to
meet its share of the costs of securing planning permission.
Corporate Implications
Financial Implications
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The council’s revenue budget for 2013/14 includes a total of £188,800 to
cover its share of expenditure relating to the initial work to develop a draft
Vision (see Appendix 3) and a draft Masterplan (see Appendix 4). A request to
carry-forward £20,000 of this to 2014/15 to reflect the phasing of the
completion of the work will be submitted for consideration as part of the
outturn report to Cabinet in June 2014.
As part of the budget report for 2014/15, Council agreed to increase the
Manydown reserve to £1.575m and release £250,000 of this into the 2014/15
revenue budget. The same amount of funding has been agreed by Hampshire
County Council resulting in a total combined budget of £500,000 in 2014/15
which will support the following three work programmes:
Planning Strategy
Masterplanning & Public Consultations
Delivery & Financial Strategy
Under the terms of the Manydown lease, promotional costs including the
above works would be recoverable by both councils against any future sale
proceeds, if the land is sold for development.
Annual expenditure on the land and income from rents is managed by the
Joint Manydown Committee, with the net income divided equally between the
two councils at year end.
Risk Issues
The principal risks identified in and addressed by this report would arise from
the LPA not having, or taking, the opportunity to consider the comments and
the proposed representation that it is proposed the joint landowners submit to
the re-consultation on the Local Plan in order to protect the value of the
investment made by BDBC when it purchased the 999 year lease in 1996.
HR Issues
There are no HR implications arising from the report
There are no Equalities implications arising from the report
Legal Implications
The recommendations set out in this paper including the summary of
proposed joint landowner representations to the re-consultation of the PreSubmission Local Plan together with the draft Vision and draft Masterplan are
designed to protect the landowners position and reduce the risk of potential
legal implications arising from BDBC not being able to actively promote
Manydown in a deliverable and viable manner.
Any Other Implications
There are no other specific implications arising from the report
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Communication and Consultation
The Manydown MAP has been kept appraised and been involved in the
preparation of the draft Vision and draft Masterplan and has also commented
on these documents.
Conclusion and next steps
The Manydown Executive Committee is to consider the contents and
recommendations of this report together with the comments from Manydown
OSCOM meeting held on 24 March 2014.
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