Groups of problems and themes
I. The law
- history of buiatrics
- rules of ethics and veterinary deontology
- responsibility of veterinarian in the recent law
- animal welfare
- safety of food of animal origin
- zoonozies
- infectious diseases of cattle
- breeds of cattle
- basis of genetics
II. Infectious diseases
- appearance and meaning of infectious diseases
- general rules of diagnosis of infectious diseases
- notifible diseases
1. Foot and mouth disease (FMD)- Aphthae epizootice
2. Rinderpest
3. Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP)- Pleuropneumonia conatgiosa
4. Lumpy skin disease (LSD)
5. Rift valley fever
6. Bluetongue disease
7. Rabies
8. Antrax
9. Bovine tuberculosis
10. Brucellosis
11. Enzootic bovina leucosis (EBL)
12. Bovine spongiform encaphalophaty
- noticable diseases
1. Paratuberculosis
2. Listeriosis
5. Bovine geniatl campylobacteriosis
6. Vibrionic abortion, epizootic abortion,
7. Q fever
8. Salmonellosis of cattle
9. Schmallenberg Virus
- rules of notify, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
- differential diagnosis of infectious diseases
III. Parasitic diseases
- Bovine coccidiosis
- Cryptosporidiosis
- Babesiosis
- Fasciolosis
- Paramphistomosis
- Monesiosis
- Bovine cysticercosis
- Gastrointestinals and pulmonal nematodes
- Mallophagosis
- Anoplurosis
- Hypodermatosis (Warbles)
- Fly problems
- Mange
IV. Breeds of cattle
- characteristic of main breeds of cattle
- functional features in improvement of dairy cattle
- meaning of basic breeds of beef cattle
V. Basis of genetics
- achievement of molecular genetics in cattle breed
- analysis of restrictive fragments of DNA coding milk protein: identification of
genotypes of beta-lactoglobulins and kappa-caseins
VI. Nourishment of adult and young cattle
- digestion and metabolism in the ruminants
- nourishment of dairy cattle in particular physiological periods
- nourishment of neonates and suckling calf
- nourishment of breeding heifers and bulls
- fattening nourishment
- fodder preservation
- methods of evaluation of proper nourishment of cattle, analysis of the resultant
- basis of nourishment of sick animals (preparation of fodder, kinds of diets,
dietetic fodder)
- improvement of dietetic property of fodder, dietetic mixtures and nutrients
- dietetic nourishment in systemic diseases: skin diseases, alimentary tract
diseases, kidney diseases, circulation incapacity, metabolism disorders
- nourishment during infectious diseases
- nourishment before and after surgery
- nourishment during pregnancy and lactation
- nourishment of suckling calf in case of lack of mother milk
- sire preservation
Metabolic and deficiency diseases
- ketosis
- fatty liver syndrome
- disorders of acid-alkaline balance
- milk fever and downer cow syndrome
- anorexia syndrome
- muscle degeneration
- diagnosis of metabolic disorders
- deficiency of selected microelements: Cu, Zn, Se, Co, Fe, J
- hypomagnesaemia
- meaning of calcium and phosphorus including deficiency diseases
- deficiency of vitamins
- meaning and deficiency of antioxidants
- dietetic prevention of metabolic disorders
VIII. Alimentary tract diseases
- anatomy, development and function of alimentary tract
- mouth, pharynx and esophagus diseases
- forestomachs diseases: indigestion (acid indigestion, alkaline indigestion,
indigestion with overload in young and adults), rumen tympany (primary and
secondary) in adult an young cattle, putrefaction in rumen, obstipationn of
- abomasums diseases: abomasal alceration, Hoflund syndrome, displacement
- intestinal obstruction: obstipation, contraction, displacement and torsions
- disorders of intestinal digestion and absorption, diarrhea
- jejuna hemorrhage syndrome
- liver and peritoneal diseases,
- disorders of hydro-electrolytes balance, acid-alkaline balance
- parasitic diseases of alimentary tract
- clinical and laboratory diagnostic of forestomach diseases
- clinical and laboratory diagnostic of liver diseases
- ultrasonography of liver and abomasums
- diarrhoeas diagnoistics (dietetic, bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, toxic, allergic,
and stress diarrhoeas)
- poisonings: Cu, Hg, Pb, Se, As, P, organophosphates, NaCl, urea, nitrate,
pesticides, mineral fertilizers
- interpretation of laboratory tests results
- dietetic prevention of alimentary tract diseases
IX. Reproductive physiology and pathology, and obstetrics:
- hormonal regulation of the oestrus cycle, pregnancy and parturation,
- gynecological examination cows
- ovarian disorders
- anoestrus in cows,
- synchronization of oestrus,
- repeat oestrus cycle in cows,
- physiology of fertilization and pregnancy
- retained fetal membranes,
- metritis, endometritis and pyometra
- artificial insemination of cattle - new trends
- methods for detection of pregnancy,
- selected disorders of pregnancy
- abortion and premature births
- pathology of labor, methods of assistance during parturition,
- pathophysiology of post-natal period,
- surgical technique used in plastic surgery of crotch
- the efficacy of sex hormones in breeding
- fertility rates
- dependency between nourishment and reproduction
X. Selected aspects of andrology and reproductive biotechnology:
- anatomy and physiology of the reproductive organs in bull,
- andrological examination of the bull
- the impact of external factors on the fertility of bulls,
- evaluation and selection of dairy bulls,
- disorders of fertility in bulls
- defects and diseases of genital organs,
- law regulations of production and selling of bovine semen
- embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization,
- cloning
XI. Mammary gland diseases:
- prevalence and signification of mastitis,
- mammary immune system, the role of somatic cells,
- causes of inflammation and symptoms associated with infection,
- diagnostics of mastitis,
- methods of treatment in lactation and dry period,
- prevention of mastitis
- diseases of mammary gland in heifers
- infectious and noninfectious diseases, teat injuries,
- surgery of the udder,
- mastitis in beef cows
- microbiological diagnostic, creation of small microbiological laboratories
Respiratory tract diseases
- anatomy and function of respiratory tract
- bronchitis
- pneumonia (catarrhal, fibrinous, purulent, aspiration)
- pleuritis
- enzootic bronchopneumonia
- parasitic diseases
- aspergillosis
- viral diseases
- emphysema and atelectasis
- lungs oedema
- effect of disorders acid-alkaline balance
- diagnostic of respiratory tract diseases (hematological, biochemical, radiological)
XIII. Circulatory system diseases
- anatomy and function of circulatory system
- myocarditis, pericarditis and endocarditis
- incapacity of circulation: cardiac and vascular
- enlargement and overgrowth of myocardium
- defects of heart
- circulatory system diseases diagnostic (pressure measurement, EKG,
ultrasonography, UDT), vessels examination
- disorders of hydro-electrolytes balance
- rules of treatment of circulation disorders
XIV. Diseases of the hoof and limbs:
- dietary and environmental causes of hoof diseases,
- diseases of the hoof,
- principles of proper hoof correction,
- hoof correction technique,
- principles of anesthesia for procedures on the limbs,
- amputation of fingers in cows
- dietetic prevention of hoof diseases
Skin diseases
- morphology and functions of skin
- allergic diseases
- symptoms during metabolic and deficiency diseases
- bacterial diseases
- fungal infestation
- parasitic diseases
- disorders in keratinization, ichtiosis in calf
- injures of skin, chemical damages
XVI. Urinary track diseases
- cystitis, haematuria, bladder paralysis, urethritis
- laboratory diagnostic of kidney diseases and interpretation of test results
- rules of treatment of urinary track diseases
XVII. Nervous system diseases
- anatomy and function of central nervous system
- disorders of blood circulation in brain: hyperaemia, ischaemia, extravasation
- brain concussion and contusion
- heatstroke and sunstroke, electric shock
- meningitis: bacterial, viral and fungal
- cerebral cortex necrosis, hydrocephalus
- neurofibromatosis
- diseases of spinal cord- inflammation of spinal cord
- laboratory and clinical diagnostics of nervous system diseases
- neurotoxicosis
- diseases of eyeball
XVIII. Orthopedics and surgery
- fractures
- joints diseases
- fingers and hoofs diseases
- inflammation of synovial bursas
- paralysis and paresis
- clinical diagnostic
- radiological examination and other imaging methods
- analgesia before surgery
- muscle surgery
- abdominal cavity surgery (including displacement of abomasums)
- thorax surgery
- head and eye surgery
XIX. Calf diseases
- individual and herd prophylaxis
- prenatal syndrome
- neurogenic syndrome
- neonatal asphyxia. congenital atelectasis
- alimentary track inflammations
- respiratory track diseases
- cardiopulmonary syndrome
- weak calf syndrome
- muscle dystrophy
- immunoprophylaxis in respiratory and alimentary track diseases
Laboratory diagnostics
- collection and preparation for laboratory analysis
- storage of samples
- rules of results interpretation
- laboratory diagnostics of disorders of acid-alkaline balance
- laboratory diagnostics of calf diseases, including rapid diagnostic tests
- usefullness and methods of enzymatic activity analysis
- hematologic tests: calf anemia syndrome, calf bleeding syndrome
(mycotocsicosis, - - furan compounds poisoning, cumarin poisoning, dicumarol
poisoning, copper poisoning, vit. A, B, E, K, C deficiency) , DIC
XXI. Pathology in diagnostics of cattle diseases
- types of pathomofological examinations
- collection and preparation of samples for histopathology
- preparation technique of histopathological specimens
- technique of autopsy
- description of pathological lesions
- selected informations about inflammations
XXII. Diseases of small ruminants
- breeds of sheep and goats
- nourishment of sheep and goats
- nourishment of lambs and kids
- deficiency of vitamins: vit. B1, A, E and minerals Cu, Zn, Mg, Se
- selected prion and viral diseases (scrapie, Maedi-Visna, Bluetongue, Rabies) of
- sheep and goats
- parasitic diseases (Strongylosis, Cenurosis, Echinococcosis, Coccidiosis,
- musculo-skeletal system diseases (CAE, PDM)
- metabolic diseases
- alimentary tract diseases with diarrhea
- weak lambs and kids syndrome
- dystrophy of lambs, kids and adults
- anemia syndrome of lambs and kids
- physiopathology of oestrus cycle, pregnancy, parturition and puerperium
- fertility disorders
- mastitis of sheeps and goats
XXIII. Drugs selection, antibiotic resistency, pharmacokinetics, interactions
- pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of different groups of medicaments
drugs interactions
- characteristic of selected groups of antibiotics
- withdrawal period for food (meat and milk)
XXIV. Selected topics of fodder hygiene and veterinary prevention
- mycotoxines as a factor of ruminants diseases
- meaning of mycotoxicosis in animal production
- fodder hygiene
- rules of veterinary prevention
- hygienic requirement for storage and transport of side products of animal origin
and processed products
XXV. Program of veterinary care of dairy cattle herd
- general rules of diagnostic of herd diseases
- presumption of herd health test
- interpretation of results from health tests
- evaluations of buildings and welfare and environmental conditions
- management of dairy cattle herd
- organization of veterinary care of dairy cattle herd
„Choroby wewnętrzne i chirurgia bydła” (Wyd. Galaktyka 2008),
„Choroby bydła mlecznego” Tom I i II (Elsevier Urban and Partner, 2011)
„Choroby cieląt” - Slanina i wsp. (Wyd. UWM Olsztyn 2004),
„Atlas chorób bydła” - Blowey i Weawer pod red. J. Nicponia (Elsevier, Wrocław),
„Diagnostyka kliniczna zwierząt” – Baumgartner (Elsevier Urban and Partner,2011)
„Zwyciężyć w walce z mastitis” - Philpot i Nickerson (Westfalia, 2007),
Medycyna weterynaryjna,
Bulletin of Veterinary Institute in Pulawy,
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences (Olsztyn),
Journal of Dairy Science,
Veterinary Research Communications,
Journal of Animal Science,
Journal of Internal Veterinary Medicine,
Small Ruminant Research,
Weterynaria w praktyce,
Magazyn weterynaryjny,
Życie weterynaryjne,
Lecznica dużych zwierząt.
Pub Med - portal