PEN 703 - Syllabus - Gallaudet University

PhD Program in Educational Neuroscience (PEN)
PEN 703 Foundations of Educational Neuroscience I
Fall 2013, 3 Credits
Professor: TBA
Office Hours: TBA
VP/Phone: TBA
Email: TBA
Office Location: TBA
Class Time: 3 hour meeting time, once per week, 14 weeks
Syllabus prepared by Laura Ann Petitto
New knowledge about how we learn, think, reason, acquire vast knowledge, and how we
conceptualize our social, emotional, and moral worlds, has led to revolutionary insights into the
developing child and the birth of an exciting multidisciplinary field called Educational
Neuroscience. Beginning in the mid 2000s, a unique experiment in the history of science was
launched in the nation. The National Science Foundation created six Science of Learning Centers
to advance scientific discoveries about learning that have meaningful benefits for society and
education. While the discipline of Educational Neuroscience predated the creation of the NSF
Centers, it was catapulted forward and afforded stunning momentum and strength from them. The
scientific vision, questions, methods, and commitment to two-way translation of research
discoveries are virtually identical to the activity that is sometimes called the “Science of
Learning” or “the learning sciences” – following from the name of the NSF Centers. They are
indeed essentially one and the same the same discipline. One clarification would be that
Educational Neuroscience focuses robustly on learning that is specifically at the heart of early
schooling: language, reading, math, science, social-emotional. In Part I of this course, we uncover
the foundational knowledge of this modern multidisciplinary field, and, in Part II, we consider
new discoveries that advance our understanding of human learning from studies of the “Visual
Learner,” especially the young deaf visual learner, and we do so from a new perspective:
Gallaudet has one of the six coveted sites in the nation to have an NSF Science of Learning
Center, called Visual Language and Visual Learning, VL2. Educational Neuroscience at
Gallaudet University, therefore, provides a unique strength in, and contribution to, pioneering
advances in the education of young deaf children.
The main objective of this two-part course, Foundations of Educational Neuroscience (fall, PEN
703 & spring, PEN 704) is to understand how the rich multidisciplinary field of Educational
Neuroscience can inform science and education (and educational policy) in principled ways. In
this first course PEN 703, the field’s driving overarching objectives are identified: (i) to marry
leading scientific discoveries about how children learn knowledge that is at the heart of early
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
child development and schooling (e.g., language, reading, number, science, social-emotional)
with core challenges in contemporary education, and to do so in principled ways through “twoway” communication and mutual growth between science and society; (ii) to conduct state-of-theart behavioral and neuroimaging research that renders new knowledge that is useable, and
meaningfully translatable, for the benefit of society (spanning parents, teachers, clinicians,
medical practitioners, and beyond). Topics span the ethical application of science in education,
neuroscience methods, and how children learn the content of their mental life, and the role of
culture in learning. One major objective is for students to learn how Educational Neuroscience
can provide specific advances in the education of all children, particularly young deaf children.
Students in this course will read research articles, participate in discussions, do a small research
project, and present a final paper.
New topics are introduced during the first part of the class in lecture (though interactive) format
(~1.5 hrs). After a brief break, an in-depth interactive discussion, and/or an in-class Mini Lab
experience, occurs during the second part of the class (~1.5hrs), which will consist of very active
student engagement with the material (and which will be both guided and promoted by the
professor). Students are required to attend classes and complete the thinking guides (see below),
do all readings, write 2 short essays and a final paper, and provide an in-class Presentation on
time. The course structure is designed using modern understanding of principles of how humans
learn most optimally. Thus, if students do the above, they are sure to have the most happy and
productive time in the class and to learn and know the material for life.
73 and below
Class Participation: 15%
(Derived from a combination: Participation, Discussions, Thinking Guides)
2 Short Essays: 30%
(15% each; See description below)
Final Paper: 30%
(See description below)
Presentation of Final Paper: 25% (See description below)
What is a Thinking Guide?
Prior to each class, a “Thinking Guide,” which is a teaching innovation
used to promote active learning, will be handed out. Thinking Guides
contain a few of that class’ most crucial concepts and/or key questions. If
you fill these in as you attend in class, your participation in the class will
be most rewarding; they are provided as one “learning tool” to help you
actively synthesize, learn, and remember new material “on-line” (while
physically seated in the class). Thinking Guides will be collected after
each class in lieu of taking attendance, although they will not be graded,
per se, because they are for you. In addition, they are not graded because,
as you will see, you may modify and enhance them as a result of what we
all discuss as a group. All Thinking Guides will be returned to you to
keep for future reference in preparation for your short essays and/or final
Short Essays:
Two essays are required that are closely related to the material discussed
in class, which must reflect critical analysis and synthesis of the topic at
hand. You may write on topics that are either (i) to be discussed in class
(i.e., in the syllabus) or (ii) derived from your own interest. If you choose
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
(i), you must show evidence of having read at least two articles above
and beyond those already assigned in the syllabus for the topic. If you
choose (ii), it is essential/required that you first discuss your chosen topic
with the professor at least one week prior to due date. Maximum length
for the Short Essay is 5 pages (each), double-spaced, 12-point font. There
is no page limit for the References.
Final Paper:
A final paper will be due exactly one week prior to the last week of class
(Week 13). This paper will also serve as the foundation of your in-class
final presentation during the last week of class. The topic must be
directly related to the goals and content of this course and must be
selected by you in consultation with the professor. The topic of your
Final Paper must be submitted by Friday of Week 7 of the course.
Maximum length for the Final Paper is 10 pages of actual content/text,
double-spaced, 12-point font. There is no page limit for the References.
Short Essays & Final Paper APA Format: The structure of the Short Essays and Final Paper will be in
strict APA journal article format and style regarding the overall
presentation of the content. That is, there will be (1) an Introduction
containing an explicit statement of the theoretical question/issues, as well
as a (1a) Rationale/Significance section containing a situation of the
question relative the literature and/or educational practice (why is your
question significant?; what would we know if we had the answer to this
question?; how would an answer advance science and education?), (2)
Methods section containing a discussion and/or critique of the
methods/means by which the field has addressed the question/issues, (3)
Results section containing essential findings relative to the question, and
a (4) Discussion section discussion from which you draw conclusions
and implications, including your analysis/critique and synthesis of the
issues at hand, and ideas for further study on the topic.
Presentation of Final Paper:
You are required to give one 10-minute presentation of your Final Paper
(accompanied by a 10-minute discussion) during the last class of the
term. Practice. Time yourselves. This will be excellent preparation for
conference presentations. You are strongly encouraged to discuss your
presentations with the professor well in advance. For this presentation,
you are expected to use visual aids (e.g., PowerPoint). You are strongly
encouraged to prepare handouts for your classmates, summarizing the
main points of your presentation. In addition, please prepare 2-3
questions for presentation’s 10-min discussion period, which you must
distribute on Blackboard one week prior to the presentation date. In this
way, you will help each other to learn the topics. Please note that once
you have committed to a Final Paper/Presentation topic, it can only be
changed under exceptional circumstances.
The course will be supported by the blackboard website. Please note that the information on
Blackboard does not replace attending the classes. All readings for the course are on Blackboard.
The specific readings that are required for each individual class/topic are listed in below. You are
expected to do all the reading and there will be questions in class that will assess your knowledge
of all the texts.
It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize themselves and comply with the Gallaudet
University Graduate Academic Integrity Policy, which can be found in the Gallaudet
University Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog or on the Gallaudet University website at:
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Students have the responsibility of formally requesting accommodation through the
Office for Students With Disabilities (OSWD) at the beginning of the semester. See,
For information on your rights under the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
please see the OSWD site.
Should items on this syllabus change; all students will be informed in writing.
PEN 703: Foundations of Educational Neuroscience I
Course student Learning
1. Students will learn the core
questions, principles, goals,
knowledge domains, and
methods of the new
multidisciplinary field
Educational Neuroscience.
2. Students will know and
explain the principled and
meaningful links between
science and education through
problems explored in and out
of the class.
3. Students will demonstrate
the critical thinking, analysis
skills, and knowledge
necessary to conduct research
in Educational Neuroscience.
Student Learning
(Write major learning
informed from assigned
informed from assigned
readings, Short Essays,
Final Paper, and
Presentation of Final
informed from assigned
readings, Short Essays,
Final Paper, and
Presentation of Final
Assessment Method
(Indicate at least 2 multiple &
varied assessment methods)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Participation in class discussion
will be assessed using a rubric
provided in the syllabus; paper and
presentation will be assessed using
the rubrics for written assignments
and presentations
x x x x x x
Participation in class discussion
will be assessed using a rubric
provided in the syllabus; paper and
presentation will be assessed using
the rubrics for written assignments
and presentations
x x x x x x
Participation in class discussion
will be assessed using a rubric
provided in the syllabus; paper and
presentation will be assessed using
the rubrics for written assignments
and presentations
x x x x x x
Program Student Learning Outcomes:
1. The students will acquire a foundational knowledge of the educational, neurological,
behavioral and cognitive determinants, and sociocultural practices that impact all human learning,
especially learning in the young deaf visual learner.
2. The students will be exposed to a range of specialized topics and principles and scientific
methods and understand the ethical principles of research conducted with participants.
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
3. The students will develop knowledge of the meaningful and principled, mutually beneficial,
two-way means and methods to translate scientific discoveries to education and education to
4. The students will develop research skills and critical thinking by demonstrating the ability to
conduct independent research leading to dissertation and publication.
5. The students will develop professional communication and technology skills.
6. The students will demonstrate increasing independence throughout the training period, and
show a readiness for entry-level faculty research positions.
Educational Neuroscience, the discipline, seeks greater understanding of the brain as well as the
behavioral and the neural underpinnings of language, math, science, reading, social and cultural
knowledge spanning the lifespan, especially, in early development, and, especially, across multiple
learning contexts (including, formal, in the classroom, and, informal, out of the classroom).
Educational neuroscience draws empirical strength from several disciplines, including cognitive
science, cognitive and developmental psychology, linguistics, education, neuroscience, and, crucially,
cognitive neuroscience and developmental cognitive neuroscience. This exciting and timely new
discipline provides a most relevant level of analysis for addressing today’s core problems in the
learning sciences and education. In turn, this new discipline is impacting the methods in education,
which are changing from opinion to experimental- and evidenced- based methods. The content of this
new multidisciplinary field will be described by way of a discussion of the structure and content of
this course. We identify the historical foundations that led to the creation of this discipline and its
relation to the “Science of Learning,” and “the learning sciences.” We will also discuss the
assessments, papers, and presentation that are required for this course.
Part 1. Educational Neuroscience is an innovative multidisciplinary field that brings together
individuals from diverse backgrounds, including cognitive brain scientists, language and learning
scientists, medical and clinical practitioners, and those in educational policy and teaching. These
individuals are joined in their mutual commitment to (a) solve prevailing problems in the lives of
developing children, (b) understand the human learning capabilities over the life span (both in the
brain and in behavior), and (c) ground educational change in the highly principled application of
research that employs both behavioral as well as a multitude of modern methodologies, including
brain imaging. This discipline provides the most relevant level of analysis for resolving today’s core
problems in education and asks what happens in the brain when we are educated? Whether
knowledge of brain functions and learning can be used to benefit education has been a topic of great
controversy over the past decade. Some have argued that studies in neuroscience are so far removed
from educational practice that they have little relevance to education (e.g., Bruer, 1997). This has
spurred an understandable worry in the education community that research on brain function is not
relevant to education.
Part 2. Based on the readings, as well as the in-class discussion, you will be assigned to two groups
and engage in a discussion on one of two topics below. A representative for your group should be
assigned who will present your group’s views.
1) Research on brain function is not relevant to education.
2) Research on brain function is relevant to education.
Bruer, 1997 (Optional: Bruer, 1999)
Petitto & Dunbar, 2004 (Pivotal reading)
Goswami, 2004
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Berninger & Corina, 1998
Weisberg et al., 2008
Part 1. What counts as “good” research? You will be provided with key tools that are considered
essential to becoming part of the Educational Neuroscience research community, and we will
evaluate the utility that such methods may or may not have in Education.
Part 2. We will explore the relationship between research standards and its application to education
and educational policy.
Byrnes, 2001
Geake, 2004
Varma, McCandliss & Schwartz, 2008
Note: Short Essay #1 due today in class
Part 1. The basic principles of measurement and methods used in Educational Neuroscience will be
discussed, with a more detailed account of these methods being discussed in each of the course’s
specific content areas. Methods will include, Qualitative Measures, Reaction Time & Accuracy
Measures, fMRI, ERP, and fNIRS, MEG, and more.
Part 2. BL2 Tour & MiniLab Experience: We will tour Petitto’s BL2 fNIRS brain imaging system
and explore different parts of the human brain. You will learn how to gain insight into the
relationship between brain structure and function.
Darvas & Pantazis, Kucukaltun-Yildirim, Leahy, 2004
Duchowski, 2003
Shalinsky, Kovelman, Berens, & Petitto, 2009
Teplan, 2002
Winn, 2003
Part 1. Twenty years ago very little was known about the brain and its relation to education.
However, with the advent of a wide range of discoveries in the brain sciences, the role of the brain in
education is becoming clarified. We now understand the powerful role that the brain plays in
attention, learning, language, number, conceptual change, and social & emotional concepts. These
are core abilities at the center of today’s new field of Educational Neuroscience. With the advent of
the National Science Foundation’s Science of Learning Centers, such as the Visual Language and
Visual Learning Center, VL2, at Gallaudet, as well as research being conducted in VL2’s partner lab,
the Brain and Language Laboratory, BL2, at Gallaudet, stunning new insights have been discovered
about how all young children – especially the young “visual learner”— achieves these higher
cognitive capacities. Here, the “visual learner” is, of course, relevant to all children, as vision is an
important human sense through which we gain knowledge. The “visual learner” is, however,
especially relevant regarding children who rely primarily on vision from which they derive the lion’s
share of knowledge and includes the young deaf child. In this class, we will begin our journey into
the content of Educational Neuroscience by considering the way the human brain learns (particularly
through visual attention) and the ways that the human brain processes what it learns.
Part 2. MiniLab Experience: Brain scientists have determined how processes become automatic and
how automaticity is critically involved in the learning process. How the processing of information
can become automatic, and the brain sites involved in the development of automaticity, will be our
focus. We will conduct a MiniLab in which we investigate automaticity in visual recognition and the
reading of words.
Banks, 2002
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Chein & Schneider, 2012
Rueda, Rothbart, McCandliss, Sassomanno, & Posner, 2005
Part 1. Why has the contemporary field of Educational Neuroscience embraced research in
Language Acquisition? Human Language is one of the most spectacular of the brain's cognitive
capacities, one of the most powerful instruments in the mind's tool kit for thought, and one of the
most profound means we as a species use in social, emotional, and cultural communication. Thus,
we will address the following points: Why study Language? Why study Language Acquisition?
What can it tell us about the mind/brain and human development? Are Language and
Communication one and the same thing? What are the general properties of Language structure and
organization; what is the concept of language as a "hierarchically organized system"? We will
identify the universal milestones in early human language acquisition. How research in Language is
challenging and informing contemporary national educational practice and policy; how innovative
brain imaging techniques with babies during Language processing have provided new hope in
designing more successful early educational remediation programs. Special focus will be given to
the acquisition of signed languages and the new insights that they provide about the core nature of
human language and the human brain.
Part 2. MiniLab Experience: Students will be arbitrarily placed into two discussion groups.
Watch two samples of language produced by child 1 and child 2, respectively. Based on your
readings and lecture notes, identify the major language milestone(s) evident, and provide a close
estimation of the child's age.
Petitto, 2009
Mayberry, Chen, Witcher & Klein, 2011
Norton, Kovelman, & Petitto, 2007
Note: Topic for Final Paper due by Friday @ 5:00pm of this week
Part 1. What happens when young babies are presented with two languages – as in bilinguals –
rather than one? How has modern research on young bilingual babies and the brain's of bilingual
adults initiated revolutionary directions in the nation's bilingual educational policies? How has the
study of young hearing children of deaf parents acquiring both a signed and a spoken language from
birth, radically altered our perception of bilingualism (that is, the young Bimodal Sign and Speech
Bilingual)? How has research on the young early sign-exposed child learning to read a spoken
language laid bare a new kind of bilingualism (that is, the young Sign-Print Bilingual)?
Part 2. MiniLab Experience: Two groups will be arbitrarily formed. One pro, one con.
Debate/discuss the real life event provided in class about the 2002 Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Public Referendum that placed a Ban on Bilingual Education (2 groups for approximately 30
minutes). What were the reasons? What research discoveries from Educational Neuroscience could
have impacted this outcome? Following your group discussion, there will be an all-class discussion,
with group members presenting first pro, con, and then open discussion.
Petitto, Katerelos, Levy, Gauna, Tetreault, Ferraro, 2001
Holowka, Brosseau-Laptre, & Petitto, 2002
Petitto, Berens, Kovelman, Dubins, Jasinska, Shalinsky, 2012
Kovelman, Shalinsky, White, Schmitt, Berens, Paymer, & Petitto, 2009
Kovelman, Baker, & Petitto, 2008a
Note: Short Essay #2 due today in class
Part 1. The finding that many Americans lack basic scientific literacy has been of serious concern
and raises many important problems for contemporary education. Over the past decade researchers
have argued that people must learn to think like scientists and that scientific thinking skills should be
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
central to all aspects of education. We will discuss the nature of scientific thinking, how thinking
skills have been taught and how research on the brain is actually adjudicating among many of the
controversies concerning the optimal ways of teaching and learning science.
Part 2. MiniLab Experience: Misconceptions in basic concepts of physics and biology. Do we really
understand what will happen when two balls fall? We will begin with a short lab on physics. Then
we will collect some data on the ways that we invoke our knowledge. We will then examine the
misconceptions that many of us have with a concept that we supposedly learned in the 8th grade. We
will then examine what the sources of this misconception are and what brain-based investigations
from Educational Neuroscience reveal about how difficult it is for people to overcome these
Dunbar, 2012; as well as Dunbar & Klahr, 2012
Part 1. Extraordinary discoveries about the mathematical brain have laid bare the components of
numeracy, how they develop, and how they are instantiated in the brain. These new findings build
Educational Neuroscience’s foundational base, and they have important implications for education.
Part 2. Minilab Experience: Using modern fMRI and ERP technology, researchers have
demonstrated that different brain structures are involved in different aspects of numeracy and
mathematics. These results begin to answer some of the key questions in how to teach math and how
to remediate situations in which children have deficits in their numerical abilities. In a MiniLab
demonstration, a fundamental aspect of human numerical representation will be examined.
Price & Ansari, 2012
Dehaene, Molko, Cohen & Wilson, 2004
Part 1. Reading is perhaps the most researched topics in the field of education and it is also one that
is most hotly debated. Educational Neuroscience research has shown that there are many neural
systems involved in reading and that multiple skills are developing in beginning readers. In the first
part of this class, we will focus on this foundational research—research that has important
implications for teaching and learning reading, and for designing remediation strategies for poor
Part 2. In the second part of the class, we examine the remarkable journey from the visual
perception of black squiggly lines on a page to meaning in two groups of children: children who are
hearing and who use a sound-based phonology, as compared with the fascinating case of children
who are deaf and who use a visually-based phonology (early sign-exposed deaf children).
Morford et al. 2011
Dehaene, 2009 (Introduction)
Kovelman, Baker & Petitto, 2008b
Petitto, 2007
Part 1. Much scholarly reflection has considered the impact of the social integration of different
cultural groups within an educational system. The topic of Brown vs. the Topeka Board of Education
in 1954 remains a vital case in this regard. Can the discipline of Educational Neuroscience inform us
of optimal ways to foster social integration? In this first part of the class, we focus on prevailing
questions in social cognition.
Part 2. In the second part of the class, based on your readings, you will analyze ways that the
discipline of Educational Neuroscience may inform the complex issue of social integration in
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Corina & Singleton, 2009
Immordino-Yang, 2009
Part 1. Fascinating brain research has shown that teenage brains have structural differences from
adult brains that bear on differences in aspects of their higher cognitive reasoning capacity. In turn,
these brain differences have implications for how they learn and can best be educated – which also
has legal implications for whether they can be held responsible for certain crimes. In the first part of
this class, we will examine key brain evidence.
Part 2. In the second part of this class, we will consider how Educational Neuroscience can inform
learning in the unpredictable teenage mind!
Blakemore, 2012
Guyer, Choate, Pine, & Nelson, 2012
Casey, Jones & Somerville, 2011
Note: Final Paper due today (no exceptions)
Blackboard: Upload your 2-3 Discussion questions for your next week’s presentation today.
Part 1. Understanding the impact of culture on learning and education (and their interaction) is a
question of huge scope. Yet recent research is beginning to make this tractable. Among the many
intriguing things we can learn will be new insights into those processes of learning that are
dependent on culture versus those that are universal.
Part 2. Two arbitrary groups will be formed. Provide key examples where the way that crosscultural differences on learning can impact and inform the discipline of Educational Neuroscience,
and vice versa (30 minutes, followed by a joined group discussion).
Chiao & Bebko, 2011
Chiao, Cheon, Blizinsky, Mrazek (forthcoming)
Kitayama & Uskul (2011)
Note: In-class Presentation of your Final Paper today
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Banks, W. P. (2002). "On Timing Relations between Brain and World." Consciousness and
Cognition 11(2): 141-3.
Blakemore, S-J. (2012). Development of the social brain in adolescence: The role of structural
and functional development in rostral prefrontal cortex. JR Soc Med, 105:111-116.
Bruer, J. T. (1997). Education and the brain: a bridge too far. Educational Researchers, 26, 1-13.
Bruer, J. T. (1999). "In Search of Brain-Based Education." Phi Delta Kappan 80(9): 648-657.
Berninger, V. W. and D. Corina (1998). "Making cognitive neuroscience educationally relevant:
Creating bidirectional collaborations between educational psychology and cognitive
neuroscience." Educational Psychology Review 10(3): 343-354.
Byrnes, J. P. (2001). Minds, brains, and learning: Understanding the psychological and
educational relevance of neuroscientific research. New York: The Guilford Press.
Casey, B.J., Jones, R.M., & Somerville, L.H. (2011). Braking and accelerating of the adolescent
brain. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), 21-33.
Chein, J. M., & Schneider, W. (2012). “The Brain’s Learning and Control Architecture.”
Association for Psychological Science. 21(2):78-84.
Chiao, J.Y., & Bebko, G.M. (2011). Cultural Neuroscience of Social Cognition. S. Han and E.
Poppel (eds.), Culture and Neural Frames of Cognition and Communication, On Thinking
3. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Chiao, J.Y., Cheon, B.K., Blizinsky, K.D., Mrazek, A. (forthcoming). Cultural neuroscience:
Understanding human diversity. In Gelfand, M.J., Hong, Y.Y., Chiu, C.-Y. (Eds.)
Advances in Culture and Psychology. Oxford University Press, UK.
Corina, D., and Singleton, J. (2009). Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience: Insights
from Deafness. Child Development, 80(4), Pages 952-967.
Darvas, F., D. Pantazis, Kucukaltun-Yildirim, E., Leahy, R.M. (2004). "Mapping human brain
function with MEG and EEG: methods and validation " NEUROIMAGE 23(Special Issue):
S289-S299 Suppl. 1.
Dehaene, S. (2009). Reading in the brain: The new science of how we read. NewYork : Viking.
Dehaene, S., Molko, N., Cohen, L., & Wilson, A. J. (2004). Arithmetic and the brain. Current
Opinion in Neurobiology, 14, 218-224
Duchowski, A. T. (2003). Eye-tracking methodology: Theory and practice, Springer.
Dunbar K. N. (2012). Educational Neuroscience: Applying the Klahrian Method to Science
Education. In S. Carver & J. Shrager (Eds.), The journey from child to scientist: Integrating
cognitive development and the education sciences. Washington, D.C.: American
Psychological Association.
Dunbar, K. N. & Klahr, D. (2012). Scientific Thinking & Reasoning. K.J. Holyoak, R. Morrison
(Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Thinking & Reasoning.
Geake, J. G. (2004). "Cognitive neuroscience and education: two-way traffic or one-way street?"
Westminster Studies in Education 27(1): 87-98.
Goswami, U. (2004). Neuroscience and education. British Journal of Educational Psychology.
74, 1-14.
Guyer, A.E., Choate, V.R., Pine, D.S., & Nelson, E.E. (2012). Neural circuitry underlying
affective response to peer feedback in adolescence. Social Cognitive & Affective
Neuroscience, 7(1), 81-92
Holowka, S., Brosseau-Lapré, F., & Petitto, L. A. (2002). Semantic and conceptual knowledge
underlying bilingual babies’ first signs and words. Language Learning, 52, 205-262.
Immordino-Yang, M.H. (2009). Social neuroscience and its application to education. (pp. 15-22)
In S. Feifer & G. Rattan (Eds.), Emotional Disorders: A Neuropsychological,
Psychopharmacological, and Educational Perspective. Middletown, MD: School
Neuropsychology Press.
Kitayama, S. & Uskul, A. K. (2011). Culture, Mind, and the Brain: Current Evidence and Future
Directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 62:419-49.
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Kovelman, I., Baker, S.A., & Petitto, L.A. (2008a). Bilingual and Monolingual brains compared:
An fMRI investigation of syntactic processing and a possible “neural signature” of
bilingualism. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(1), 153-169.
Kovelman, I., Baker, S.A., & Petitto, L. A. (2008b). Age of first bilingual language exposure as a
new window into bilingual reading development. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition,
11(2), 203-223.
Kovelman, I., Shalinsky, M. H., White, K. S., Schmitt, S.N., Berens, M.S., Paymer, N., & Petitto,
L. A. (2009). Dual language use in sign-speech bimodal bilinguals: fNIRS brain-imaging
evidence. Brain & Language, 109, pages 112-123.
Mayberry, R., Chen, J-K., Witcher, P., & Klein, D. (2011). Age of acquisition effects on the
functional organization of language in the adult brain. Brain & Language, 119, 16-29.
Morford, J., Wilkinson, E., Villwock, A., Pinar, P., & Kroll, J., (2011) . When deaf signers read
English: Do written words activate their sign translations? Cognition, 118(2), 286-292.
Norton, E.S., Kovelman, I., & Petitto, L. A. (2007). Are there separate neural systems for
spelling? New insights into the role of rules and memory in spelling from fMRI.
International Journal of Mind, Brain and Education, 1(1), 48-56.
Petitto, L. A. (2009). New Discoveries from the Bilingual Brain and Mind Across the Lifespan:
Implications for Education. International Journal of Mind, Brain and Education, 3(4), 185197.
Petitto, L.A. (2007). Cortical images of early language and phonetic development using Near
Infrared Spectroscopy. In K. Fischer & A. Battro (Eds.), The Educated Brain. England:
Cambridge University Press, 213-232.
Petitto, L. A., & Dunbar, K. N. (2004). New findings from educational neuroscience on bilingual
brains, scientific brains and the educated mind.
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Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Gallaudet University Ph.D. Program in Educational Neuroscience
Rubric for Grading for Reading Discussions and Presentations
Adapted from Department of Interpretation
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Gallaudet University Ph.D. Program in Educational Neuroscience
A Scored Rubric for Evaluating a Research Paper
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page
Adapted from Department of Interpretation
Quoted from Linda Suskie’s (2004:146-147) Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide.
This quoted rubric was adapted with permission from a rubric developed by Sharon Glennen and Celia
Bassich-Zeren in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Towson University
Foundations of Educational Neuroscience, Part I, page