Items to be included in an Oral or Written reprimand

Items to be included in an Oral or Written Reprimand
1. An oral or written reprimand is supported by a document that is issued to the employee.
Indicate in the reprimand which university regulation or policy was violated during the incident of
For example: This is a Written Reprimand for your violation of Section (t) of university regulation UCF
3.0191, Disciplinary Action – University Support Personnel System.
Section (t), Rudeness to Students, Staff or the Public: Impolite, discourteous, unprofessional, or
uncooperative language or actions towards students, staff, or the public.
Note: Do not issue a separate written reprimand to an employee for each violation he/she committed
during the single incident. When an incident of misconduct occurs, cite all violations in one reprimand
for such incident. --"Piling-up" (which means writing separate reprimands for an employee due to
his/her multiple violations during a single incident) is not permissible.
2. Describe the incident of misconduct in detail. That is, when (time and/or date of the incident, if you
have such information), where did the incident occur, what happened, who were involved in the incident
(including witnesses who were at the scene, if applicable), etc.
3. Indicate (when applicable) previously documented misconduct (of any type), that has been
committed by the employee and what past instructions, counseling, oral and written reprimands, etc.,
you have provided to the employee.
Note: Out-dated reprimands are not to be referenced in the document. Oral reprimands over one year
or a written reprimand over two years old are not to be referenced unless listed otherwise in an
applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement.
4. Indicate the applicable disciplinary levels as listed in the regulation for each infraction/violation. For
example, there are four levels in regards to Rudeness to Students, Staff, or the Public: First
occurrence- oral reprimand, Second occurrence- written reprimand, Third occurrence- suspension,
Fourth occurrence- discharge.
5. State where the reprimand will be filed. For example, this written reprimand will be provided to you
and a copy of the document will be included in your personnel file in Human Resources, etc.
6. Indicate (possible) further misconduct on your part will result in appropriate disciplinary action up to
and including discharge.
7. Copy your immediate supervisor and the dean or director of the college/department.
Note: Oral reprimands are kept in the departmental file. Written reprimands may be sent over to
Employee Relations to be placed in the employee’s official personnel file in Human Resources. It is
advisable that you have another member of management present when you provide the reprimand to
the employee. You do not have to require that the employee sign acknowledgement of the reprimand.
You must secure approval of your dean/director, before you issue an oral or written reprimand, or
submit a request to Human Resources for a suspension or discharge of an employee for disciplinary
Updated May 2011