перечень медицинских услуг, предоставляемых иностранным

State Institution
Republican Scientific and Practical Centre “Mother and Child”
220053, Minsk, ul. Orlovskaya, 66
Phone 233-55-84
In-patient examination and treatment pregnant women (from 28 weeks of pregnancy) and delivery:
late gestational toxicosis, medium and serious;
threat of abortion;
anti-phospholipid syndrome;
circulatory system and blood disorders;
thromboembolic disorders;
diabetes mellitus;
НЕLLР syndrome;
acute fatty hepatosis in pregnant women, thrombocytopenia and other blood and hemopoetic diseases;
renal and urinary tract diseases;
endocrinological disorders;
anaemia of pregnancy, III order;
immunoincompatible pregnancy.
Neonatology and paediatrics:
Treatment of mature and premature babies:
infection pathology (congenital infections, respiratory viral infections, sepsis, etc.);
cardiovascular pathology;
congenital and hereditary diseases (congenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, enzyme corporal, adrenogenital syndrome, etc.);
prenatal central and peripheral nervous system pathology;
clinical conditions requiring intensive therapy;
premature children with a low or extremely low body weight using expert class incubators, advanced artificial lungs, follow-up equipment,
exogenous surfactants.
Treatment of infants:
perinatal nervous system disorders (starting with early rehabilitation period) with locomotory disorders such as paresis and paralysis, delayed motor
and psychic development of all degrees;
traumatic nervous system disorders (subdural and cerebral haemorrhage, damaged vertebra and marrow, damaged cranial and peripheral nerves);
hypoxic CNS damage (medium and moderate asphyxia, hypoxia, anoxia);
toxic CNS damage;
infectious CNS damage (congenital rubella, congenital cytomegaloviral, herpes, listerial infection, toxoplasmosis and other congenital infections);
infantile cerebral paralysis (all forms of locomotory disorders, psychoverbal retardation, any degree of oligophrenia combines with convulsive
disorders, different paroxysmal conditions);
consequences of early organic CNS disorders with locomotory disorders;
peripheral nervous system disorders (infectious, allergic, ischemic, traumatic, toxic and other origin) with motor disorders;
obvious and post-trauma and cerebral-asthenic syndrome;
congenital and degenerative nervous system disorders, including motor disorders, hyperkinesis, static and dynamic lost of coordination;
early assessment of psychic conditions using neuropsychological and neurophysiological surveys.
X-ray diagnosis:
prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis of pregnancy;
ultrasonic cardiography of foetus at different terms of gestation;
colour Doppler analysis of uteroplacental haemodynamics;
comprehensive ultrasonic brain examination in infants (neurosonography, Doppler ultrasonography of cerebral vessels);
radiographic survey of bones, thoracic organs, abdomen, including irrigoscopy, retroperitoneal space, including general and intravenous urography,
metrosalpingography, in adults and children, including neonates;
X-ray computer angiography of brain vessels, thoracic organs, retroperitoneal space, using 3D reformation in adults and children;
X-ray computer tomography of all organs and system in adults and children, including neonates;
MRI computer tomography all organs and system in adults and children, including neonates.
Examinations are made using modern hi-tech diagnosis equipment applying modern anaesthetic methods.
Endoscopic diagnosis:
esophagogastroduodenoscopy in adults and children, including neonates;
colonoscopy in adults and children, including neonates.
Examinations are made using modern hi-tech diagnosis equipment applying modern anaesthetic methods.
Functional diagnosis:
colour Doppler ultrasonic cardiography in adults and children, including neonates;
rheography examination (rheoencephalography, rheovasography, central haemodynamics measurement) in adults and children over 3 year;
electrocardiography in adults and children, including neonates;
electroencephalography in adults and children, including neonates;
respiratory function in adults and children over 4 years.
Examinations are made using modern hi-tech diagnosis equipment.
Genetic examinations:
hereditary metabolic disorders of different groups: aminoacidopathy, simple and complex carbohydrates metabolic disorders, metal metabolic
hereditary metabolic pathology, such as liver disorders (galactosemia, fructose intolerance, glycogenosis, alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, KonovalovWilson’s disease, haemochromatosis, Gilbert's disease);
all classes of lysosomal disorders, including neuron ceroid lipofuscinosis;
childhood progressing neurological diseases, caused by hereditary metabolic disorders (Canavan disease, sphingolipidosis, mucolipidosis type 4,
ceroid lipofuscinosis);
congenital and acquired thrombophilia;
disturbed hormone synthesis and action (primary congenital hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal cortex hyperplasia);
sudden infant death syndrome (biochemical and DNA diagnosis).
Prenatal diagnosis:
all classes of lysosomal disorders during 1st and 2nd trimesters (including samples, cell culture, biochemical and molecular analysis);
cytogenetic diagnosis of foetus chromosomal pathology by chorionic villi biopsy study, cultured cells of amniotic fluid (including sampling of
prenatal material, culture analysis and karyological analysis).
DNA diagnosis: mucoviscidosis, azoospermia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease neural amyotrophia, fragile X chromosome syndrome, Friedreich's ataxia,
Steinert's disease, family hypercholesteremia, Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy, Huntington's chorea, DOPHA-sensitive torsion distonia, presymptomatic breast and/or ovarian cancer.
Cytogenetic diagnosis of chromosomal pathology:
karyotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes;
chromosomal instability detection and determination of its type;
FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization).
Medical genetic counselling is provided by high-skill professionals using computer diagnosis programmes.
Clinical laboratory diagnosis:
D dimers;
heparin cofactor activity;
lupus anticoagulant;
antibodies IgM and IgG antibodies to toxoplasm, rubella virus, herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus;
IgА and IgG antibodies to Chlamydia;
Genome of Chlamydia, toxoplasm, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus.
Ejaculate examination.
Examinations are made using modern hi-tech diagnosis equipment.
Specialized medical care:
Specialists of the counselling and policlinic department provide counselling using modern diagnosis and treatment protocols:
Children 0-18, for:
- bronchial asthma;
- allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis;
- pollen fever;
- respiratory diseases, requiring differential diagnosis;
- recurrent urticaria and Quincke's oedema;
- drug allergy;
- atopic eczema;
- allergy reaction to insect bites.
Children 0-18, for:
- chronic bronchitis and pneumonia;
- multiple bronchiectasis;
- congenital anomaly of the respiratory system;
- mucoviscidosis;
- suspected hereditary respiratory system disorders;
acute pneumonia usually prolonged;
prolonged bronchitis and pneumonia;
recurrent bronchitis;
fibrosing alveolitis and bronchopulmonary dysphasia;
previous obliterating bronchiolitis.
Pregnant women and children 0-18, for:
- acute glomerulonephritis in remission;
- chronic glomerulonephritis;
- acute and chronic interstitial nephritis;
- hereditary nephritis;
- urinary tract infections;
- acute pyelonephritis at the stage of reduced active manifestation and remission;
- acute pyelonephritis;
- cast nephropathy;
- nephropathy;
- congenital urinary system anomaly, not requiring surgery;
- crystalluria;
- renal diseases with chronic nephratonia;
- systemic disease with kidney pathology;
- vascular vegetative dysfunction of hypertonic type.
Pregnant women and children 0-18, for:
- abdominal pain syndrome;
- dyspeptic disorders;
- ulceration and erosion of oesophagus, stomach, duodenum;
- chronic gastritis and и gastroduodenitis;
- gastro-oesophageal reflux disease;
- chronic colitis;
- irritated colon syndrome;
- non-specific ulcerative colitis;
- chronic hepatitis;
- cholelithiasis;
- chronic cholecystitis;
biliary dyskinesia;
chronic pancreatitis;
gluten-sensitive enteropathy, mucoviscidosis;
intestine dysbacteriosis.
Children 0-18, for:
- iron deficiency anaemia, poliaanemia, noncorrectible anaemia;
- limphoadenopathy;
- leukemoid response;
- leukopenic condition;
- megalosplenia;
- bleeding diathesis;
- infectious mononucleosis, recovery stage.
Children 0-18, for:
- primary and secondary immunodeficiency;
- prolonged subfebrile state and fever of unclear aetiology;
- thymomegalia, thymus gland hypoplasia;
- prolonged pyoinflammatory skin and mucus disease;
- recurrent herpes and fungus disease.
Children 0-18, for:
- perinatal nervous system disorders;
- after-effects of inflammatory central nervous system disorders;
- after-effects of peripheral nervous system disorders;
- rheumatic and other systemic lesions of connective tissue with the nervous system pathology;
- after-effects of cranial and spinal traumas, inter alia, after surgical operations;
- hereditary degenerative nervous system disorders;
- subacute and chronic demyelinating nervous system disorders;
- convulsive disorder, paroxysmal conditions, related to loss or change of consciousness for differential diagnosis;
- neurosis or neurosis-like conditions;
- epilepsy without psychic disorders.
Pregnant women and children 0-18, for:
- congenital and acquired cardiac defects;
- disturbed cardiac rhythm and conduction;
- non-rheumatic carditis, cardiomyopathy;
- rheumatism;
- arterial hypertension, hypotension;
- mitral and tricuspid valve prolapse, 1st and 2nd degree, with signs of myxomatous degeneration;
- myocardiodystrophy of different origin;
- vegetative dysfunction syndrome;
- arthropathia;
- juvenile rheumatoid arthritis;
- systemic lupus erythematosus;
- acute disseminated myositis;
- systemic angiitis.
Children 0-18, for:
- congenital eye pathology and suspected congenital pathology: from families with hereditary eye problems;
- refraction anomalies (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism), amblyopia, heterotropia, nystagmus, ptosis;
- inflammation of eye muscles and front eye sector, prolonged and recurrent;
- lens disease (congenital cataract, aphakia, pseudophakia, developmental disorder);
- choroid and retina disease (uveitis, retinitis, chorioretinitis, retinopathy, developmental disorder, dystrophic changes);
- optic nerve disorders (optic nerve abnormal development, atrophy);
- glaucoma and suspected increased ophthalmotonus;
- tumours of eyes and subsidiary organs;
- post-trauma changes of eye and eye muscles;
- eye pathology with general diseases.
Children 0-18, for:
- urolithiasis;
- hydronephrosis and ureterohydronephrosis;
- vesicoureteral reflux;
- chronic obstructive pyelonephritis, related to urinary system anomaly;
- solitary paired;
- congenital developmental anomaly of kidneys, urinary system, complicated and non-complicated pyelonephritis
- externalia pathology (hypospadias, anaspadias, cryptorchidism, pampinocele, hydrocele and funicular hydrocele,
phimosis, adhesive balanitis);
- neurogenic dysfunction;
- chronic granular cystitis;
- falling of kidney.
Children 0-18, for:
- recurrent otitis;
- prolonged and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis;
- recurrent epistaxis;
- adenoiditis;
- vasculomotor and allergic rhinitis.
Pregnant women and children 0-18, for:
- diabetes mellitus;
- gestational diabetes mellitus;
- diffuse-nodular goitre;
- thyroadenitis;
- congenital and acquired hypothyroidism;
- parathyroid gland pathology (hypoparathyroidism and hyperparathyroidism);
- hypothalamic-pituitary diseases;
- adrenal pathology;
- metabolic disorders;
- gynaecomastia, trichauxis, hirsuties;
- puberty disorders.
Medical and genetic counselling before and during pregnancy:
- families with congenital developmental disorders or hereditary diseases in children, spouses or their family members;
habitual noncarrying of pregnancy; close relative marriages; psychic, nervous and nervous-muscular disorders in
children, spouses or their family members;
- pregnant women with diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, systemic diseases of connective tissues,
teratogenic exposure during the first trimester; pregnant women with ultrasonic markers of congenital developmental
disorders and hereditary pathology; identified foetus developmental defects; pregnant women 30 year and older;
pregnant women after radiation and chemotherapy;
Invasive prenatal diagnosis methods for risk group pregnant women:
- biochemical screening during the second trimester;
- multi-parameter screening during the first trimester;
- ultrasonic screening during the first trimester;
- with ultrasonic markers of chromosomal diseases;
- with congenital developmental foetus defects, identified by ultrasonic examination;
- with chromosomal aberrations;
- over 35 years of age;
- families with Down’s syndrome in medical history and monogenetic diseases, for which special prevention measures
are designed.
Doctor of the department of
Counselling of reproductive age women: depending on the age
- contraception, including extragenital pathology;
- pre-pregnancy preparation, identification of occupational diseases, prevention of disorders, occupational diseases and
their impact on the female reproductive function;
- woman reproductive prognosis,
- family planning;
- identification and treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, sexually transmitted infections and genital tumours
before planned pregnancy.
Gynaecologist –
Counselling of women, 18-40 years, for:
- menstrual disorders (amenorrhea, ovarian dysfunction, dysmenorrhea);
- neuroendocrinal syndromes (polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome, galactorrhea, premenstrual and
post-orchotomy syndrome);
- endocrine-related infertility; endometriosis; endocrinal diseases accompanied by menstrual function disorders
(diabetes, thyroidism, etc.).
Gynaecologist in the
habitual noncarrying of
pregnancy office
Counselling of couples when they have previous history of:
- two or spontaneous miscarriages;
- non-developing pregnancies up to 12 weeks, or one non-developing pregnancy after 12 weeks;
- premature or emergency labours with the loss of foetus in early prenatal period;
- antenatal foetus death.
Doctor, office of female and Counselling of couples in case no pregnancy during one year, inter alia, when artificial fertilization was used:
male infertility
- insemination with enriched husband’s sperm;
- extracorporeal fertilization (ECF);
- extracorporeal fertilization with micromanipulations.
Doctor, office of climacteric Counselling of women up to 60 years of age, with medium or serious climacteric disorders and complications; selection
of treatment methods, inter alia, substitution hormone therapy for prevention of late climacteric complications.
Counselling of patients on family problems.