INTRODUCTION Litter decomposition is one of the key biogeochemical processes in forest ecosystems ( Swift et al. 1979). It is estimated that the nutrients released during litter decomposition can account for 69-87% of the total annual requirement of essential elements for forest plants (Waring &Schlesinger 1985). The study of litter decomposition is also an important part of the most intensively studied nutrient cycling processes in forest ecosystems. The rate of litter decomposition is largely a determining factor for productivity or biomass of every terrestrial ecosystem in general, and of forest ecosystems in particular. Experimental studies on leaf litter decomposition in forest ecosystems are obviously easier than on the decomposition of any other parts of the plant. The reasons can be summarized as follows. First, leaf litter decomposition is faster, and thus less time-consuming, especially in the tropics and subtropics. The decomposition of twig and stem litter takes significantly longer due to the higher content of more recalcitrant compounds contained in these highly lignified plant parts, and therefore long-term observations need to be considered. Second, the concentration of nutrients contained in leaf litter is generally higher than in any other parts of a plant. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection of litter A leaf litter decomposition experiment was carried out during a 5 week period from February 18 to Mar 24, 2004. Sapium species was selected to study the litter 1 decomposition as this is a very fast decomposing species (Cameron and Spencer, 1989). Hence, it was convenient to use this species to study litter decomposition over a short time period. Entire leaves of Sapium were harvested directly from adult trees, just before abscission. Then they were air dried for about 30 days. Leaf litter was used to determine decomposition because this plant organ represent substantial portion (50-80%) of the total above ground litter production in terms of biomass and represent a major nutrient input because of their relatively high nutrient concentration (Toky and Ramakrishnana, 1983; Alvarez et al., 1992; Montenaz, 1998; Sundarpandian and Swamy, 1999). Furthermore, leaves decompose faster than twigs and leaf petioles (Anderson and swift, 1983), the petioles were removed from air dried leaves so as to get a uniform decomposition for the purpose of study. Litter Bag Technique Leaf decomposition was evaluated through the litter bag technique described by Swift and Anderson (1989) and Alvarez et al. (1992). This is useful technique to analyze and delineate differences in decomposition rate (Coleman and Crossley, 1996). Mesh bags 12x15 cm in size with 2 mm mesh were filled with about 2g of air dried leaf litter of Sapium. Each sample was weighed separately and it was recorded as the initial weight of each sample labeled numerically. The 2mm mesh size was sufficiently small to prevent losses of litter due to breakage, but sufficiently small to permit the access of decomposers (Sundarpandian and Swamy, 1999). 2 Experiment Layout On Feb 18, 2004, 5 spatial replicates each for above and below ground decomposition study were placed in natural areas of the Natural Ecosystems Lab. Three time points viz 7days, 21days and 35days, were selected for study and hence the litter bags were laid according to three sampling dates( Feb25, Mar10 and Mar 24). Each time point had 5 spatial replicates for above ground decomposition and 5 replicates for below ground decomposition. For the study of below ground decomposition, the litter bags were placed at a soil depth of 8-10 cm. All the litter bags for one time point were appropriately labeled and tied to a central flag using a fishing line. Hence, we had 10 litter bags for each time point or sampling date and a total of 30 litter bags. Decomposition Study Decomposition was measured by rate of mass loss and fitted with an exponential decay function to estimate the decomposition rate (k). The litter bags collected at their respective sampling date were washed with deionized water and picked for some extraneous material in the decomposing leaves. These were then oven dried for 48hrs at 60°C and weighed after a constant weight was obtained. The final weight represents the mass remaining after decay and hence from this the percent of initial mass remaining was calculated. The percent of the initial mass remaining was plotted against time (days) and the difference in decomposition between above and below ground samples was assessed. 3 Carbon and Nitrogen Analysis The oven dried litter samples, were ground to a fine powder in a grinding machine. Each of these was then weighed 3mg and rolled in tin cups for the carbon and nitrogen analysis. Peach in range from 0.5 mg to 3mg was used a standard for this purpose. A decay constant was estimated for % carbon and %nitrogen. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Analysis of Variance to Examine decomposition Data This was a comparative study to assess the effect placement ( above and below ground) litter samples by examining the differences in treatment means in the proportion of original mass , carbon or nitrogen remaining at various times. Hence, analysis of variance using one-way classification of data was used (Weider and Lang, 1982). The analysis was performed on the proportion of percent of the initial amount of X remaining at time t , where X was percent initial mass, percent initial carbon and percent initial nitrogen remaining at time, t =7, 21 and 35. Hence for each analysis of variance, I had 2 treatments, ( above and below), 5 replicates of each and hence a total of 10 observations. The analysis of variance produced an F-statistic that is used to test a null hypothesis of no differences between 2 treatments. Only large F-values indicate that null hypothesis is false. The p-values obtained indicated that mean above and below ground decomposition are statistically different at a significance level ‘p’. Additional comparison of means using Tukey’s test was also done. Fitting Decay Functions to Mass Values Using the Single Exponential Model 4 The second approach to analysis of decomposition data is the fitting of mathematical models to estimate constants that describe the loss of mass overtime. This approach gives us considerable insight into the biology of decomposition. Single exponential decay function, first proposed by Jenny et al (1949) and discussed a considerable detail by Oslon (1963). The expression for this is ln (Xt/X0) = -kt where X0 is the initial mass, Xt is the residual litter mass at time t expressed as a proportion of initial dry mass, and K is the decay constant expressed in days-1. The regressions of ln (Xt/X0) overtime were preformed separately for each replication within each treatment. The appeal of this exponential model arise from the fact that a single constant ‘k’, characterizes the loss of mass, thereby facilitating comparisons with other data sets and simplifying attempts to model the accumulation of organic carbon in soils ( Oslon 1963; Oohara et al 1971). The assumption underlying this single exponential model is that either the absolute decomposition rate decreases linearly or the relative decomposition rate remains constant. As decomposition proceeds, soluble components and relatively easily degraded compounds such starch, sugar, and proteins will be rapidly utilized by the decomposers, while the more recalcitrant materials such as cellulose, fats, waxes, tannins, and lignins will be lost at relatively slower rates. Thus, with time, the relative proportion of these recalcitrant materials will progressively increase and the absolute decomposition rate should decrease, while the relative decomposition rate may remain constant. 5 References Anderson, J.M., Swift, M.J., 1983. Decomposition in tropical forest. In: Sutton, S.L., Whitmore, T.C., Chadwick, A.C. (Eds.), Tropical Rain Forest. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, pp. 287–309. Cameron GN, SN Spencer.1989. Rapid leaf decay and nutrient release in a chinese tallow forest oecologia 80 (2): 222-228 Coleman and Crossley, 1996. Coleman, D.C., Crossley, D.A., 1996. Fundamentals of Soil Ecology. 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Biogeographical and Ecological Studies. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 547–569. Weider, K.R. and G.E. Lang 1982. A critique of the analytical methods used in examining decomposition data obtained from litter bags. Ecological Society of America 63(6):1636-1642 6 7