CORNWALL COUNCIL VOLUNTARY COMMUNITY SECTOR COMMISSIONING BOARD MINUTES of a Meeting of the Voluntary Community Sector Commissioning Board held in the 2N-03/04, County Hall, Cornwall council, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY on Thursday 19 December 2013 commencing at 10.00am. Present:- Mark Richardson (Vice-Chairman in the Chair) Angela Andrews, Matt Barton, Gail Bishop, Rowena Brebner, Judith Cook, Rosie Foster, Andrea Gilbert, Jamie Hendy, Diana Higton, Ian Jones, Tim Jones, Donna Peverley, Jane Royle, Scott Sharples and Jenny Trinder Apologies for absence:- Sally Heard, Peter Jefferson, Sophie Hosking, Louise Knox, Richard McKie, David Read, Tracey Roose and Carole Theobald, Zoe Howard, Penni Barker WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS (Agenda No. 1) VCS31 Mark Richardson welcomed everybody to the meeting. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 8 NOVEMBER 2013 FOR ACCURACY (Agenda No. 2) VCS32 It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2013 were an accurate record. MATTERS ARISING (Agenda No. 3) VCS33 Actions from the minutes:- i) Strategic Challenges to the Sector Ian Jones advised that he and Tracey Roose had discussed this with Peter from CRCC. Representatives from the Voluntary Sector would meet in the New Year to discuss transport and progress made, with Peter taking the lead. ii Forward Plan Donna Peverley advised that this would be circulated after the meeting to Board Members. The Comprehensive Impact Assessment update by David Red would be put on the Forward Plan for the January meeting. iii Children’s 11+ commissioning Donna Peverley confirmed that the link to the documents had been circulated and that Penni Barker had extended the deadline for comments/suggestions to the end of January. The link would be re-circulated to Board Members to encourage them to provide feedback. Action Peter Jefferson to report back on transport meeting Donna Peverley to re-circulate the link to Board Members to encourage them to provide feedback to Penni Barker . iv Review of the Board Mark Richardson advised that the logo and strapline had been agreed. Members agreed to amend the logo to incorporate the strapline. Board Action Donna Peverley to amend the logo to incorporate the strapline v Social Investment Conference Donna Peverley advised that she would circulate her notes on the Social Investment Conference when available. Action Donna Peverley to circulate her notes when available vi VCS Board Minutes Mark Richardson confirmed that the draft minutes had been circulated as requested and this would continue. YOUNG CARERS STRATEGY (Agenda No. 4) VCS34 Angela Andrews and Rosie Foster gave an update on the Young Carers Strategy as follows: Young Carers Strategy - Definition Young Carer’s Service in Cornwall – over 400 were registered and the number was growing. Workshops would be run to raise awareness and they would be working with schools to develop the support through education. There was a wide range of support available – a website had been set up and a newsletter was produced termly. The assessment tool used had been developed nationally. Young Carer’s Strategy – Consultation to date Age profile of young carers Initial Findings Children’s Society Survey Comparisons with National Picture Initial Aims Discussion and Way Forward If anyone had concerns, they could refer to this service. This was a complex issue and the service was working with the Children’s Society to establish a picture - it seemed that most young carers were caring for a family member. The consequences for young carers included the impact on health and relationships. The voluntary sector could play a vital role in raising awareness of young carers within the workforce. Action Board Members to: Provide comments/suggestions to Cherry Martin and Richard McKie Raise awareness of the issues of young carers Provide feedback/comments to Angela Andrews by mid January Jayne Royle and Angela Andrews to discuss ways of raising this topic within the health agenda Donna Peverley to facilitate an introduction between Angela Andrews and ‘Crisis and Care’ colleagues to discuss the Crisis and care loans and whether there could be more flexibility in the criteria required NEETS UPDATE (Agenda No. 5) VCS35 Donna Peverley advised that this item had been deferred to the January meeting. COMPREHENSIVE IMPACT ASSESSMENT (Agenda No. 6) VCS36 Donna Peverley advised that this item had been deferred to the January meeting. TERMS OF REFERENCE (Agenda No. 7) VCS37 Donna Peverley advised that the Terms of Reference had been reviewed following the comments received from the Board’s recent review (copies of which were circulated at the meeting). During discussion reference was made to the following: there should be reference to the impact on the quality of services within the ToR there should be reference to the Local Nature Partnership alongside the LEP and HWB. Membership – this should be looked at to ensure the most suitable representatives from each organisation were invited to sit on the Board (including Elected Members) The quorum numbers should remain Action Donna Peverley to circulate a copy of the Terms of Reference to Board Members with comments to be received by mid January Donna Peverley and Mark Richardson to look at the ‘Aim’ and ‘How’ section of the ToR Matt Barton to liaise with Paul Masters to discuss the most suitable Cornwall Membership Council representatives, including Elected Paul Masters to discuss with the Public Sector (eg Health, Police) the most suitable representative and invite them to sit on the Board. Theme Leads group meeting should be held so that they can review VCSE representatives so most suitable representatives could be put forward for the Board Mark Richardson to liaise with the Theme Group Leads to check the information was current and up to date on the VSF Website INCLUSION STRATEGY (Agenda No. 8) VCS38 Andrea Gilbert gave a presentation on the Inclusion Strategy. Four themes had been identified and four priorities had been established in order to attract EU funding. . The Action Plan would go forward with Judith Hann, Employment and skills manager- Economic Development and inform the Structural Investment Framework (SIF). The Board was invited to provide feedback on the Strategy and the relevant documents would be circulated to the Board to enable this. The Board endorsed the document in principle at the meeting. Action Donna Peverley to circulate the Inclusion Strategy documents and the Board to provide feedback VCSE - RESEARCH 'STATE OF THE SECTOR' (Agenda No. 9) VCS39 Mark Richardson presented information to the Board relating to the VCSE – Research ‘State of the Sector’ as follows: Transform Research had been commissioned by CDC to carry out “research in the the VCSE sector on behalf of Cornwall Council and the CVSF. 4,500 organisations and up to 1500 smaller community groups had been mapped. Transform Research were continuing to research Social Enterprises, the information on which would be useful to the LEP. A further piece of work would be undertaken to identify how many social enterprises there are. Emerging Issues – a small number of organisations were currently paying less than the minimum wage and an information campaign would be launched notifying them of the current minimum wage rates in Cornwall and making mention of the living wage - Some Registered Charities who employ staff did not appear to be aware of the liabilities for their Trustees if they were unincorporated - The skills gap was well articulated Action Mark Richardson to circulate a word document of the State of the Sector report to Board Members before Christmas Board Members to provide Richardson by mid January comments/feedback to Mark Mark Richardson to give a brief presentation on the main issues at the January meeting BIG LOTTERY OPT IN FUNDING (Agenda No. 10) VCS40 Mark Richardson advised that the LEP was writing its latest version of the Structural Investment Fund. As reported in agenda item 8. He had attended meetings with Judith Hann and colleagues to discuss. The are five areas likely partnership areas which are:- Future Peninsula Digital World Smart Money Talent Match Growing Families Action Donna Peverley and Mark Richardson to provide a briefing paper regarding community led development for the Board for the January meeting Matt Barton/Donna Peverley/Mark Richardson to discuss ESF representation on this Board (eg Judith Hann) JOINT WORKING PROPOSAL WITH TOWN AND PARISH COUNCILS AND VCSE/PUBLIC SECTOR (Agenda No. 11) VCS41 Scott Sharples gave a presentation to the Board relating to a joint working proposal with Town and Parish Councils and VCSE/Public Sector. The key areas for this were joint training programmes, joint events and specialist advice. During discussion, reference was made to the following issues: An important issues was how organisations dealt with TUPE Equity was an issue – the Council needed to take a commercial approach to its assets but this givers problems to the VCSE trying to raise investment capital The Voluntary Sector and Social Enterprises were more interested in people and less interested in maintenance servcies Ian Jones would be meeting with Councillor Rowe and Paul Masters to discuss local representation empowered democracy and how we generate a greater participation in service delivery at grass roots level within a community Action Donna Peverley to circulate the Discussion paper to Board Members Board Members to feed comments on the Discussion Paper by 18 January to All Board Members so that the Infrastructure Group could take note of the comments made The Infrastructure Group would bring a Briefing paper back to the Board at a future meeting based on the comments received Infrastructure Group may need to set up a Task Group in January ANY OTHER BUSINESS (Agenda No. 12) VCS42 a) Commissioning Ian Jones advised that the Council’s Children’s Services had tendered for a commissioning aspect on 21 October with a deadline for tenders to be received by 4 November and the implementation date given of 12 November. Mark Richardson stated that conflicting information appeared to be coming from the Council regarding Children’s Centres. A two year consultation had taken place and it was not clear whether they would be outsourced or not. Action Donna Peverley/Matt Barton to liaise with Children’s Services and invite a representative to attend the January meeting and provide an update b) Social Enterprise Strategy Mark Richardson advised that there would be a consultation document out shortly regarding the Social Enterprise Strategy and Board Members were encouraged to pass to their colleagues for participation. Action Mark Richardson to circulate the consultation document Board Members to circulate amongst colleagues and participate in the survey c) Social Enterprise Focus Day Donna Peverley advised that a Social Enterprise Focus day would be held 20 and 21 January at Falmouth University and Board Members were invited to attend. Action – Donna Peverley to circulate link for the event d) ‘Improving Public Health’ report Jane Royle advised that the King’s Fund had recently published a report entitled ‘Improving Public Health’ which would be of interest to Board Members. Action Donna Peverley to circulate the Kings Fund ‘Improving Public Health’ document which had recently been published. e) Winter Wellbeing Tim Jones advised that a Winter Wellbeing evaluation document had been published. f) DECC Fund (Department of Energy and Climate Change Tim Jones advised that Green Cornwall had been involved with a DECC fund and sought assistance/resources in understanding the process involved. Action Matt Barton/Donna Peverley to liaise with the Legal Service to provide information regarding state Aid and report this to Tim Jones and the board DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING (Agenda No. 13) VCS43 The Board noted the date of the next meeting – Friday 31 January 2014, 2N:03/04 County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY at 2pm. The meeting ended at 12.28pm [The agenda and reports relating to the items referred to above are attached to the signed copy of the Minutes].