PhD Candidate declaration

PhD candidate declaration – for course papers at BI
A signed copy of this declaration must always accompany your paper. If the paper is submitted
electronically, please scan a signed copy of this form.
Note: Please use upper case letters!
One – 1 – form should be filled out for each course paper.
To be filled in by the candidate:
Course Code:
Course name:
Deadline: xx.xx.20xx
Title of paper:
I declare that this paper/project has been done independently:
ID number *
Last name, first name
*The ID number used for examinations is the number on your employee access card.
External students should use the ID number provided in their course acceptance letter.
You should always submit two copies of your paper if the paper is not submitted electronically. The
paper/project/examination must be submitted or postmarked within the deadline given. Should any material be of a
confidential nature, this should be noted by writing CONFIDENTIAL on the front page of all the copies handed in, as well as
on any copies sent electronically.
Papers, projects and examinations are to be done independently. Cooperation between different groups on preparation for them
will be regarded as cheating in accordance with §5-15 of the Regulations relating to Admissions, Studies and Examinations at BI
Norwegian Business School. If there is suspicion of plagiary, i.e. material taken from sources not given as reference such as
previous papers/projects/examinations or material from the Internet, this will be treated in accordance with §5-15. For more
information about hand-in material, see the PhD pages in the student portal on
Receipt (to be filled in by PhD candidate)
Only applicable if submitted in person to the Doctoral Administration at BI
Course code
Course name
Student ID number
To be filled in by BI:
Place/date: …………………………….. ….
The Doctoral Administration September 2012