Year 1 Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 2

Year 1 Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 2
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted in blue
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Answer a question by selecting and using suitable
equipment, and sorting information, shapes or objects; display
results using tables and pictures
Assessment for learning
What information did you need? What equipment did you use?
How does your table show the things that you found out?
I can show what I found out so that other people will understand
Describe ways of solving puzzles and problems,
explaining choices and decisions orally or using pictures
Why did you decide to ...?
I can talk about why I chose to solve the problem in the way that I
Answer a question by recording information in lists and
tables; present outcomes using practical resources, pictures,
block graphs or pictograms
What does one cup on your pictogram stand for?
How could you use your pictogram to find out which container held
two cups of water?
I can draw pictures/diagrams to show what I have found out
Use diagrams to sort objects into groups according to a
given criterion; suggest a different criterion for grouping the same
How did your diagram help you to sort the objects?
When you measured the book and it was more than one straw wide,
how did you know where the book belonged on your diagram?
I can sort objects using my own diagram to help me
Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects,
choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard
units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre
stick or measuring jug)
I can use equipment to measure objects
Listen to and follow instructions accurately, asking for
help and clarification if necessary
I can do the things that I am told to do to help me to measure
I can ask questions if I don't understand
Which of the containers do you think will hold most? How many cups
of water do you think it will take to fill the biggest jug?
How do you know how much the biggest jug holds?
Where do you start to measure the width of the hall? How many
metres wide do you think the hall is? Write your guess on a piece of
paper. Measure to halfway. Do you want to guess again?
How many cubes balanced the tennis ball? How did you know when
you had found the correct weight?
Remind each other how you will place the metre sticks to measure
the width of the hall. What are the important things to remember?
Year 2 Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 2
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Follow a line of enquiry; answer questions by choosing
and using suitable equipment and selecting, organising and
presenting information in lists, tables and simple diagrams
I can organise information and make lists and tables
Answer a question by collecting and recording data in
lists and tables; represent the data as block graphs or pictograms
to show results; use ICT to organise and present data
I can make block graphs and get information from other people's
Use lists, tables and diagrams to sort objects; explain
choices using appropriate language, including 'not'
Assessment for learning
How could you make the table? What headings do you need?
How could you make the list? Would it help to put the information in
Which of these ways of presenting the information helps us best to
answer the question?
Why is a block graph a good way of showing your results?
What does the tallest column of blocks mean?
How did the block graph help you to answer the question?
If we asked all the teachers about the soft drink that they like best,
would there be a column of blocks that was taller than the others?
Would it be for the same soft drink as your tallest column?
Why have you put this object in this part of the diagram?
What else could be placed here?
Which children are 7 years old and have a pet?
I can sort objects and use diagrams to show how I sorted them
Estimate, compare and measure lengths, weights and
capacities, choosing and using standard units (m, cm, kg, litre)
and suitable measuring instruments
I can estimate whether a container holds more or less than a litre
I can estimate whether an object is heavier or lighter than a halfkilogram by putting a half-kilogram in one hand and the object in
the other
I know how long a metre is and I know how long a centimetre is
Read the numbered divisions on a scale and interpret
the divisions between them (e.g. on a scale from 0 to 25 with
intervals of 1 shown but only the divisions 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20
numbered); use a ruler to draw and measure lines to the nearest
Point out something that you think is about two metres high/tall/long.
What can you see that you think is just shorter/longer than a metre?
Which containers do you think will hold just a little more than a litre?
This strip is 20cm long. How could you use this to help you find a
book that is about 40cm tall? How could you use it to find a book
that is about 10cm wide? Show me how you would use it to check
that this book is about 23cm tall.
On the graph, how do you work out the numbers between the
labels? Which way of getting to school was used by 7 children?
These labels show only 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. How could you find 7?
If this scale carried on, what other numbers do you think would be
shown? Would the number 34 be shown? How can you tell?
I can use a ruler or metre stick to measure how long something is
I can read numbers on a scale and work out the numbers
between them
Ensure everyone contributes, allocate tasks, consider
alternatives and reach agreement
I can work with other children and make sure everyone has a turn
I can work with other children to make sure all know what they
should do and joins in
When we work together we all think about different ways we can
do something
We can agree on what we should do
How will you work together to collect the information?
How will you split the work so that everyone knows what they should
How will you decide as a group?
Year 3 Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 2
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Assessment for learning
Follow a line of enquiry by deciding what information is
important; make and use lists, tables and graphs to organise and
interpret the information
What are you trying to find out? What information will you collect?
How did you record your results? Why did you choose this sort of
table/graph? What did it show?
I can decide what information to collect to answer a question
Know the relationships between kilometres and metres,
metres and centimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and
millilitres; choose and use appropriate units to estimate, measure
and record measurements
I know that temperature can be measured in degrees Celsius
What measuring instruments would you choose to measure:
the distance around your head?
the temperature in the classroom?
the weight of an orange?
how much water a cup will hold?
Holly estimates that the temperature outside today is 1 C. Do you
think that this is a good estimate?
A bottle holds 2 litres of juice. How many millilitres is this?
Read, to the nearest division and half-division, scales
that are numbered or partially numbered; use the information to
measure and draw to a suitable degree of accuracy
What temperature does this thermometer show?
I can read the temperature on a thermometer to the nearest
Choose a set of scales to weigh how heavy your shoe is to the
nearest 100 g.
Read the time on a 12-hour digital clock and to the
nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock; calculate time intervals
and find start or end times for a given time interval
How would this time appear on a 12-hour digital clock?
I can find how long a journey took if I know the start and end
Kevin leaves home at quarter past 8 and arrives in school at 20 to 9.
How long is his journey? How did you work this out?
Answer a question by collecting, organising and
interpreting data; use tally charts, frequency tables, pictograms
and bar charts to represent results and illustrate observations;
use ICT to create a simple bar chart
You have to test the suggestion: We think most children in our class
walk to school . What information will you collect? How?
I can show information in a pictogram where each picture
represents 2 people
This pictogram shows how the children in a class came to school
this morning.
How many children came to school by car? On foot? By bike? By
Explain how to work out how many children there are in the class.
Did most of the class walk? How can you tell?
Use Venn diagrams or Carroll diagrams to sort data and
objects using more than one criterion
Write each multiple of 5 up to 50 in the correct place on the diagram.
What sorts of numbers are in the 'even' column?
I can place objects on a Carroll diagram
Is a cylinder a prism? Does it have any vertices? Where should it be
placed on this Carroll diagram?
Identify the presentational features used to
communicate the main points
I can say what parts of a presentation helped me to understand
You have to tell the rest of your group which month contains most
birthdays in the class and how you found out. Think of some
important things you will say.
What did Henry say or do that helped you to understand?
Year 4 Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 2
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Suggest a line of enquiry and the strategy needed to
follow it; collect, organise and interpret selected information to
find answers
I can think of a question to ask about some information and
organise the information to help me find out more about it
Answer a question by identifying what data to collect;
organise, present, analyse and interpret the data in tables,
diagrams, tally charts, pictograms and bar charts, using ICT
where appropriate
I can choose from tables, diagrams, tally charts, pictograms and
bar charts to show data so that they are easy to understand
Report solutions to puzzles and problems, giving
explanations and reasoning orally and in writing, using diagrams
and symbols
I can explain how I solved a puzzle using a diagram to help me
Choose and use standard metric units and their
abbreviations when estimating, measuring and recording length,
weight and capacity; know the meaning of 'kilo', 'centi' and 'milli'
and, where appropriate, use decimal notation to record
measurements (e.g. 1.3 m or 0.6 kg)
I can measure carefully lengths to the nearest half centimetre so
that my measurement is accurate
Interpret intervals and divisions on partially numbered
scales and record readings accurately, where appropriate to the
nearest tenth of a unit
Assessment for learning
What are you trying to find out? What information are you aiming to
collect? How?
Why have you chosen to collect that information? What will it tell
Your class has collected data about the distances that children
travel to school and the type of transport they use. What questions
could you ask to find out more from this data?
What information will you need to collect to answer your question?
How will you collect it?
How will you display your data? Why have you chosen to do it that
When is a tally chart useful? Think of an example. Why is it useful?
When is a bar chart useful? Think of an example. Why is it useful?
What does this bar chart tell you? Why did you choose a bar chart to
show your data? What makes the information in a bar chart easy or
difficult to interpret?
What have you found out?
What charts or tables will you use to show your results?
Are your results what you expected or were there any surprises?
What evidence do you have to support your conclusions?
What other questions could you investigate now that you have
answered the original question?
What would you do differently if you carried out the enquiry again?
Estimate the height of the window. And the width of the door.
Choose the correct answer:
The width of the table is about...
1.5 cm 15 cm 150 cm 1500 cm
In an hour, Meena can walk...
5 mm 5 cm 5 m 5 km
What unit would you use to measure the distance from here to
Paris? And the length of a shoe?
Can you tell me another way to say or write 2 km? What about 4 m?
And 5 cm?
Someone told me that small balls roll further than large balls. What
measurements would you make to find out if this is true?
John said to Gemma: 'You can only measure the length of straight
lines'. Is he right? How do you know?
Robbie collected information about the colours of some bikes. Here
are his results.
I can use different kinds of rulers and measuring tapes to
measure lengths accurately
This bar graph shows the information from the table. Fill in all the
missing labels.
Compare the impact of representations where scales
have intervals of differing step size
I can compare graphs with different scales and decide which is
the most useful
Use time, resources and group members efficiently by
distributing tasks, checking progress, and making back-up plans
I can contribute to a task in my group so that we are all being
helpful as we collect data
I can help the group to decide which graph or diagram is a good
How did you decide on the scale for this axis?
Which scale helps you to interpret and draw conclusions most
easily? Why?
[Show two bar charts showing the same data but with different step
sizes on the scales.]
Tell me how you know that these two charts show the same data.
Which chart is better? Why?
How are you going to represent your data?
Why have you decided that this is the best way to represent your
Year 5 Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 2
End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted
Children's learning outcomes in italic
Plan and pursue an enquiry; present evidence by
collecting, organising and interpreting information; suggest
extensions to the enquiry
I can collect and organise data to find out about a subject or to
answer a question
Explain reasoning using diagrams, graphs and text;
refine ways of recording using images and symbols
I can use graphs to show findings about a subject or to help
explain my answer to a question
Answer a set of related questions by collecting,
selecting and organising relevant data; draw conclusions, using
ICT to present features, and identify further questions to ask
I can decide what information needs to be collected to answer a
question and how best to collect it
I can explain what a table, graph or chart tells us and consider
questions that it raises
Construct frequency tables, pictograms and bar and line
graphs to represent the frequencies of events and changes over
I can explain why I chose to represent data using a particular
table, graph or chart
Describe the occurrence of familiar events using the
language of chance or likelihood
I can describe how likely an event is to happen and justify my
Read, choose, use and record standard metric units to
estimate and measure length, weight and capacity to a suitable
degree of accuracy (e.g. the nearest centimetre); convert larger
to smaller units using decimals to one place (e.g. change 2.6kg to
Assessment for learning
What are you trying to find out? What information are you aiming to
collect? How?
What other questions could you ask now that you have finished your
What would you do differently if you carried out the enquiry again?
What does the data tell you about your original question?
Why did you choose this type of table, graph or chart?
What did you find out? What evidence do you have to support your
Are your results what you expected or were there any surprises?
What information will you need to collect to answer these questions?
How will you collect it?
What does this graph tell you?
What makes the information easy or difficult to interpret?
Does anything surprise you?
Look at this graph, table or chart. Make up three questions that can
be answered using the data that is represented.
What were the advantages of using a computer?
What further information could you collect to answer the question
more fully?
How will you display your data?
How did you decide on the scale for this axis?
What labels have you put on the axes?
What titles have you given your graphs and charts?
Why did you choose this type of graph?
'It will snow tomorrow.' Suggest a place where this event is unlikely
to happen and one where it is likely to happen. Tell me an event that
is impossible. When you roll a normal dice, how likely are you to roll
a number bigger than 2?
Suggest some objects whose capacity could be measured using a 1
litre measuring jug. Suggest a sensible estimate for the capacity of a
kettle. How did you decide on this estimate?
Which measurement is equivalent to 1.3 litres: 130ml, 1003ml,
1300ml or 103ml?
How do you know?
I can measure capacity in litres and millilitres using appropriate
measuring instruments. I can use decimals to record
Interpret a reading that lies between two unnumbered
divisions on a scale
I can find the value of each interval on a scale and use this to
give approximate values of readings between divisions
Understand the process of decision making
I can explain why I decided to use a particular piece of measuring
equipment or unit of measurement
What is the value of each interval on this scale? What information
did you read on the scale to help you? What calculations did you
What measurement would fall halfway between these two
unnumbered divisions on this scale?
Find out how many butter beans weigh between 65g and 70g.
Why did you decide to change all the units to metres rather than
Why did you decide to use the scales rather than the balance?
Year 6 Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 2
Objectives End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are
highlighted. Children's learning outcomes in italic
Assessment for learning
Solve problems by collecting, selecting, processing,
presenting and interpreting data, using ICT where appropriate; draw
conclusions and identify further questions to ask
I can use data to solve problems
What are you trying to find out? What information are you aiming to
collect? How? What other questions could you ask now that you have
finished your enquiry?
What would you do differently if you carried out the enquiry again?
Select and use standard metric units of measure and
convert between units using decimals to two places (e.g. change
2.75 litres to 2750 ml, or vice versa)
I can convert measures between units including decimals
What unit of measurement will you use, and why, to measure:
the 'span' of different flower heads?
the lengths of long jumps of children in the class?
What will you need to do so that you can compare the amounts?
Read and interpret scales on a range of measuring
instruments, recognising that the measurement made is approximate
and recording results to a required degree of accuracy; compare
readings on different scales, for example when using different
What is the value of each interval on this scale? What information did
you read on the scale to help you? What calculations did you do?
Which measuring cylinder do you want to use for this experiment? Why?
[Give children three different scales on which to record the same
number.] Where would you put 246 mm on each scale?
Here is a scale for converting litres and gallons.
Approximately how many litres are there in 3 gallons? Give your answer
to the nearest litre.
Approximately how many gallons are there in 7 litres?
Give your answer to one decimal place.
I can read and answer questions about scales and write down my
answer as accurately as the question requires
I can compare readings from different scales
Describe and predict outcomes from data using the
language of chance or likelihood
I can use data to work out problems about chance
Give me an example of an event that is impossible. And an event that is
certain. Where would you place this event on a scale from certain to
If you have to score a 3 to win the
game, which of these two
spinners would you rather have?
spinner so that there is a 50
will land on shaded.
Construct and interpret frequency tables, bar charts with
grouped discrete data, and line graphs; interpret pie charts
I can represent data in different ways and understand its meaning
Describe and interpret results and solutions to problems
using the mode, range, median and mean
I can solve problems using mode, range, median and mean
Use a calculator to solve problems involving multi-step
I can use a calculator to solve problems involving more than one step
Shade this
chance that the arrow
How will you display your data? Why did you choose this type of table,
graph or chart? How did you decide on the scale for this axis?
What does the data tell you about your original question?
What did you find out? What evidence do you have to support your
conclusions? Are your results what you expected or were there any
These pie charts show the results of a school's netball and football
matches. The netball team played 30 games. The football team played
24 games.
David says: 'The two teams won the
same number of games'. Is he correct?
Explain how you know.
[Give children two grouped frequency
bar charts representing the same
information, one with 5 groups and one
with 10 groups.] Rebuild the original frequency table from this graph.
What information might you have lost? Which graph gives you a more
accurate picture of the original data?
Would you use the mode, median or mean to describe these test
scores? Explain your answer.
Look at this data set. Work out the mode, range, median and mean.
One more item of data is added to the data set [e.g. a temperature of 24
C when the rest of the temperatures were all between 8 C and 14 C].
Which average do you think will be most affected by this extra result?
Which gives the most sensible average now?
How could you check the calculation that you have done on your
John was calculating using hours and minutes.
What does this display represent?
Carol counts the matches in 10 boxes. She
works out that the mean number of matches
in a box is 51. Here are her results for 9
boxes. Calculate how many matches are in
the 10th box.
Use a range of oral techniques to present persuasive
I can present a persuasive argument to others
Which graphs and charts did you show to illustrate the health benefits of
one type of meal over another?
Did your arguments persuade others of the benefits?