
Dr. Gilboa Ayelet
Main Publications
Gilboa, A. 1989 New Finds at Tel Dor and the Beginning of Cypro-Geometric Pottery
Import to Palestine. Israel Exploration Journal 39: 204–218.
1995 The Typology of Iron Age Pottery and the Chronology of Iron Age Assemblages. In
E. Stern et al. Excavations at Tel Dor, Final Report Volume IB: Areas A and C (Qedem
Reports 2). Jerusalem: The Hebrew University and the Israel Exploration Society.
1996 Assyrian-type Pottery at Dor and the Status of the Town During the Assyrian
Occupation Period. Eretz-Israel 25: 122–135 (Hebrew with English summary p. 92).
1998 Iron Age I-IIA Pottery Evolution at Dor – Regional Contexts and the Cypriot
Connection. In S. Gitin, A. Mazar, and E. Stern eds. Mediterranean Peoples in
Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Century BCE. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration
Society. Pp. 413–423.
1999a The Dynamics of Phoenician Bichrome Pottery: A view from Tel Dor. Bulletin of
the American Schools of oriental Research 316: 1–22.
1999b The View from the East: Tel Dor and the Earliest Cypro-Geometric Exports to the
Levant. In M. Iacovou and D. Michaelides eds. Cyprus: The Historicity of the Geometric
Horizon. Nicosia: University of Cyprus.Pp. 119–139.
2001 The Significance of Iron Age “Wavy Band” Pithoi along the Syro-Palestinian
Littoral. In S. R. Wolff ed. Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands
(In Memory of Douglass L. Esse). Chicago: University Press
In press a Cypriot Imports of the Iron Age, in The Ancient Pottery of Israel and its
Neighbors, ed. S. Gitin. W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Israel
Exploration Society and the Israel Antiquities Authority.
In press b Iron Age IIC: The Northern Coast, Galilee and the Jezreel Valley, in
The Ancient Pottery of Israel and its Neighbors, ed. S. Gitin. W. F. Albright
Institute of Archaeological Research, Israel Exploration Society and the Israel
Antiquities Authority.
Gilboa, A. in press c. Sea Peoples and Phoenicians along the Southern Phoenician Coast,
A Reconciliation: An Interpretation of ŠKL Material Culture. Bulletin of the American
Schools of Oriental Research.
Gilboa, A., Cohen-Weinberger, A., and Goren, press Philistine Bichrome Pottery
-The View from the Northern Canaanite Coast: Notes on Provenience, Chronology, and
Symbolic Properties. In I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient times" (Abiah chidot mineikedem - Ps. 78:2b): Archaeological and Historical Studies in
Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, eds. A. M. Maeir and
P. de Miroschedji. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Gilboa, A., Karasik, A., Sharon, I., Smilansky, U. 2004. Towards Computerized Typology
and Classification of Ceramics. Journal of Archaeological Science. Journal of
Archaeological Science. 31:6: 681 - 694.
Gilboa, A., Karasik, A., Sharon, I., Smilansky, press Towards Computerized
Typology and Classification of Ceramics. Journal of Archaeological Science.
Gilboa, A. and Sharon, I. 2001 Early Iron Age Radiometric Dates from Tel Dor:
Preliminary Implications for Phoenicia, and Beyond. Radiocarbon 43(3): 1343 - 1351.
2003 An Archaeological Contribution to the Early Iron Age Chronological Debate:
Alternative Chronologies for Phoenicia and their Effects on the Levant, Cyprus and
Greece. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 2003: 7 - 80
Gilboa, A., Sharon, I., Zorn, J. 2004. Dor and Iron Age Chronology: Scarabs, Ceramic
Sequence and 14C. Tel Aviv 31: 32 - 59.
Gilboa, A., Sharon, I., Zorn, J.
in press Seeking Solomon: Siamun Scarabs, Ceramic Sequence and 14C. Tel Aviv.
Sharon, I. and Gilboa, A. 1997 Dor in the Iron I Period: A Port and Trading Emporium
Under Cultural and Economic Changes. In E. Regev ed. New Studies on the Coastal
Plain. Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University. Pp. 12–33 (Hebrew).
In press The SKL Capital: Dor in the Early Iron Age. In M. Artzy, A. E. Killebrew and G.
Lehamann eds. The Philistines and Other Sea People. Leiden: Brill
Stern, E., Berg, J., Gilboa, A., Sharon, I., and Zorn, J.
Sharon, I., Gilboa, A., Stewart, A., Bloch-Smith, E., Killebrew, A.E., Weiner, S., Martin,
R., Koenig, H. and Stern, E. in press. Tel Dor - 2000, 2002, 2003. Excavations and
Surveys in Israel.
1997 Tel Dor, 1994–1995: Preliminary Stratigraphic Report. Israel Exploration Journal
Stern, E., Gilboa, A., and Sharon I. 1989 Tel Dor, 1987, Preliminary Report. Israel
Exploration Journal 39:32–42.
Stern, E., Gilboa, A., and Sharon I. 1992 Tel Dor, 1991, Preliminary Report. Israel
Exploration Journal 42:34–46.
Stern, E., Gilboa, A., Sharon, I., Berg, J., Zorn, J. F., Mack, R., Har-Even, B., Kranot,
N. and Tzivolsky, S. 2000. Tel Dor - 1997-1998. Hadashot Arkheologiyot/Excavations
and Surveys in Israel 111: 23*-30*.
Edited Books
E. Stern and A. Lewinson-Gilboa eds. 1992 and 1993. The New Encyclopedia of
Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Four Volumes). Jerusalem and New York:
Israel Exploration Society and Simon and Schuster (Hebrew and English editions). 1630
& 1550 pp. respectively.
Editor of: G. Avni and Z. Greenhut 1996. The Akeldama Tombs. Jerusalem: Israel
Antiquity Authority. 130 pp. (English).
Editor of: Z. Yeivin 2000. The Synagogue at Korazim. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities
Authority. 210 pp. (Hebrew and English)
Editor of: S. Ben-Arieh in press (2004). Tombs at Tell Beit Mirsim. Jerusalem: Israel
Antiquity Authority. 214 pp. (English).
2003 - E.D. Oren. The Sea Peoples and Their world: A Reassessment. In Journal of the
Social and Economical History of the Orient 46,3: 390 - 396 (Review Article).
Gilboa, A. 2004 (in press). Review of: N. Schreiber. The Cypro-Phoenician Pottery of
the Iron Age. In Ancient West and East