Jan. 2012 version QUICK SHEET for recruiting in OpenHire Candidates see openings and apply at www.anselm.edu/hr Recruiters log-in to OpenHire at https://anselm.silkroad.com (Page 2; steps 1-4) View your candidates At dashboard, hover over orange ball to see number of resumes, click on number (Page 3) See list of candidates; click on each to open Click Resume/CV tab to read about candidate (Page 4) Track all Recruiting activity Click Qualified, Yes or No Move all candidates who are strong contenders to Resume Review (Page 5) From the group of candidates who are in Resume Review, select your top 3 (or so) candidates for Interviewing - don’t forget to send e-app (What would you like to do with this Candidate? Correspond with candidate) (Page 7) Move to Pre-employment Screening once you do reference check Move to Offer Extended once you verbally offer job to applicant Academic Dean’s office or HR will do Hired stage Close out your job (Page 9) Correspond with all candidates, except the one selected for hire; use template, Rejection – Job Filled. You may choose to do a personal letter to candidates you interviewed, but did not hire. Disposition – once you hire an applicant, the rest of the candidates for your (Page 10) position need to be “dispositioned”; as a recruiter you must assign a reason that candidate was not hired (you have 15 reasons to select from). Most likely the No candidates will be: Rejected: Lacks Basic Skills/Experience Most likely the Yes candidates will be: Rejected: More qualified candidate selected Moving candidates through stages and doing final disposition are important and required steps. This information is necessary for reporting and for affirmative action and Equal Employment Opportunity purposes. Page | 1 of11 Jan. 2012 version OpenHire Applicant Tracking System & Hiring Process Recruiting by all campus staff members is now done utilizing OpenHire, an applicant tracking system from SilkRoad Technology. Candidates can express their interest in a position through OpenHire, by visiting www.anselm.edu, and clicking on the job for which they wish to apply. The college no longer accepts paper or email resumes. A computer station kiosk is available in the office of human resources for those candidates who do not have access to a computer. The Academic Dean’s office or faculty assistant (for faculty positions), or HR (for non-faculty positions) will post openings in OpenHire, and advertise the openings on appropriate job boards or publications. If you are using a search committee, contact the assistant to the Academic Dean (for faculty jobs) or HR (for non-faculty jobs) so that a search committee user name and password can be created. Recruiters will be able to view candidates through the system, send candidates to others for review, and document all other recruiting activities through the system, but, only if Recruiters are using the functionality that is detailed below. Please note: As of Jan. 2012, Silkroad/OpenHire is recommending use of current version of Mozilla Firefox, not Internet Explorer. They are working to resolve the issue. Getting started in OpenHire: Following are initial instructions to get you started in using basic functionality of the OpenHire system. Notify the Academic Dean’s office (for faculty positions) or HR (for non-faculty positions) if you are using a Search Committee. The assistant to the Academic Dean or HR will set up the search committee email address, user name, password and distribution list. Log on to OpenHire every day while you are conducting a search. 1. On the Internet, go to: https://anselm.silkroad.com 2. User Name: your user name is your full email address (jsmith@anselm.edu) Page | 2 of11 Jan. 2012 version 3. Initial Password: changeme 4. Your home page will be the Recruiter Dashboard To view and qualify your candidates: 1. Once you log in you will be taken to the Recruiter Dashboard. 2. The first section is My Hiring Stages; you will see a large orange circle. 3. Hover over that you will see Job Applicant, followed by a number. This is the number of candidates you have. (You can also use the “gray bar” on the left hand side of the screen to access jobs and candidates. At any time, click home and you will be back at the Recruiter Dashboard.) 4. Click on the large orange circle, you will get a list of all the candidates. Page | 3 of11 Jan. 2012 version 5. Open each candidate profile to view his/her information by clicking on the name 6. Go to summary tab 7. If you like the summary and the candidate attached a Resume/CV, go to Resume tab and review the Resume/CV. Click on Attachments tab to read/review additional documents such as cover letter, writing samples, references, etc. 8. If qualified candidate, go to top of screen and click yes 9. Click no for candidates who do not meet the qualifications Don’t forget to click “qualified” or “not qualified” as you conduct your initial review of candidate data; this essentially takes the place of your “yes” or “no” pile of hard copy resumes on your desk. 10. If you want to view each candidate, one by one, go to arrow, upper right. You can use the back and forward arrows to view candidate profiles one by one. You can click Results, upper left, to go back to the complete list of candidates. 11. You can of course, once you know the last name of a candidate, quickly access them from Candidates Search, (sidebar on left). Page | 4 of11 Jan. 2012 version 12. Any qualified candidate who is a strong contender, go to the Default Workflow section, (right hand side of screen), and under Hiring Stages, click on Resume Review. Please move candidates through the appropriate hiring stages. Doing this allows the Dean’s office staff and HR to see what is going on with each job and allows accurate and meaningful reporting to take place. 13. OpenHire is not just an ATS, it is a recruiting tool, whereby Recruiting Managers (staff in Academic Dean’s Office and HR) can track how job recruiting is progressing, where candidates are, who is being interviewed, etc. Once you get into OpenHire and use it a bit, you will see these other functions are very easy to use. 14. If your department is using a Search Committee, send viable candidates to the Committee via OpenHire. Ask Search Committee members to log onto OpenHire each day to view new candidates. Search Committee members can leave their comments and initials when viewing each candidate (see separate sheet for Search Committee directions). 15. Phone screen and schedule interview appointments as you would normally do so by telephone or email (or schedule through Outlook if all committee members have activated Active-X.) Helpful Hint: When you are in the list of candidates, go to Qualified column at far right, and then click on Qualified and all the candidates will be sorted and grouped. You can place all NO together on the bottom and all RESUME REVIEW together at the top, making it easier to see just the group of candidates you want to concentrate on. This is a great function, but you cannot use it unless you qualify and track your candidates. (The next section explains USING A SEARCH COMMITTEE. Not all recruiters/departments use this process.) Page | 5 of11 Jan. 2012 version Sending candidates to the search committee for review: After reviewing candidates and marking those that are qualified you can send candidates to the Search Committee to review. If you are in a candidate’s profile and would like to send the candidate information to the Search Committee for review, you would select Request a Review from the Action drop down menu. It will take you to a screen to send the candidate’s information via email. Choose the Search Committee’s name from the internal email list, compose the email, make sure to include a subject line and choose Send Email. To send multiple candidates at the same time, under Job Postings, choose Track All/My Jobs In the Resumes column, click on the number listed under the Resume column, that is associated with the job opening. Place a check mark in the checkbox next to the candidates you want to send for review. In the Take Action bar across the top of the list you have 3 drop down menus [Change Hiring Stage], [Change Job Association], [Perform Recruiting Activity]. From Perform Recruiting Activity, Select Resume Review/Forward Resume. Page | 6 of11 Jan. 2012 version This will bring up the Request a Review Screen. Select the Search Committee name from the internal recipient email list on the drop down list. Compose the email, make sure to include a subject line, make any updates to the body of the email and choose Send Email. To invite candidates for an interview: You may wish to conduct a brief initial phone screen to verify information on the Resume or CV, reasons for leaving the former position, and to screen out candidates whose salary requirements or relocation ability do not match the job specifications. When you are ready to schedule candidates for an on-campus or Skype interview, you will continue to move those candidates through the tracking process. Under Hiring Stages click on Interviewing. (See step 12. above - you have used this function before). Once you extend an invitation for an interview appointment, the candidate is now call an applicant and is required to complete the employment e-application. At the time of interview scheduling, you must send him/her the e-application for completion prior to interview. To do this: 1. Log in to Open Hire. Either go to your complete list of candidates and click on the candidate, or, in Candidates Search, on the left side of screen, type the last name of your candidate. 2. Across the top of the screen it says, “What would you like to do with this Candidate?” There is a drop down box (Select an Action); choose Correspond with Candidate. 3. Select a template (drop down box), choose: eApplication Request – Faculty for a faculty position, or eApplication Request – Staff for all other positions Page | 7 of11 Jan. 2012 version 4. The template will pop up in the lower part of the screen. Verify you chose the correct template, it will start with Dear $candidatename$, 5. Click Send email. The candidate will receive an email notification with the e-application link. He or she will need to complete the e-application and submit it through the system. Once the eapplication is completed, you will receive an email notification. It will appear on the eforms tab the next time you click on the candidate’s name. The e-application will become part of the candidate file and is required of candidates prior to the job interview. If the candidate is hired, the e-application will become part of the personnel file. Hiring the applicant If pre-employment testing is required, as in Administrative Assistant positions, contact Lorraine Kulik in HR at Ext. 7020. Lorraine will contact the applicant and schedule the testing. Check at least two references by telephone. In OpenHire, document that references have been checked. Click Activity Status tab in candidate profile and enter information. Forward the reference check forms to the dean’s office or HR to keep on file. Speak with the Academic Dean regarding compensation and other offer particulars (for faculty positions) and HR (for non-faculty positions) before making the offer. Once you and the Academic Dean (or HR) agree on offer particulars, make the verbal offer to the applicant. Let the assistant to the Dean (or HR) know the outcome. If the faculty applicant accepts the offer, the assistant to the Dean will generate the faculty agreement and offer confirmation letter. If the staff applicant accepts, HR will generate the offer letter. Page | 8 of11 Jan. 2012 version Closing out the Job Once you have hired the ideal person for the job, it may seem that you are done. Actually there are two more important steps (and, if you have been using OpenHire during 2010/2011, you were not actually doing this process.) At this time, we are ready to have department recruiters utilize these functions of OpenHire. Send a letter to each candidate Until now, the HIRED candidate received either an offer letter or teaching agreement. Going forward we would like candidates to receive some communication letting them know the job has been filled. The quickest and easiest way is to do a batch e-mail letter to everyone (minus the “hired” candidate). As a recruiter, you might choose to communicate with candidates you interviewed in a different way (a personalized e-mail, or an actual letter) and that of course is your choice. (Please note, there are a variety of templates in CCE [Candidate Correspondence Engine], and you may certainly create your own e-mails to candidates anytime you want through OpenHire). 1. Go to Recruiter Dashboard. Click on orange circle to open list of all candidates. 2. Click in small box in gray bar above candidate list (this will select them all for “batch” email). Then, de-select the person hired (and, if you choose to send a more personal communication to those you interviewed, de-select them also.) 3. In Take Action in gray bar at top, click on second drop down menu and select CCE correspondence. 4. Select a “template” message from pull down menu. Below you will see the Rejection – Job Filled message, which is most likely the best one for you to use. OpenHire will merge all the appropriate information into the message. $candidatename$: Thank you for your interest in the $jobtitle$ position with $companyname$. We have received a large number of inquiries from highly qualified candidates for this role. At this time, we have decided to move forward with an individual who more closely matches the skills and qualifications required for this role. We will keep your resume and profile in our applicant database and encourage you to keep $companyname$ in mind when considering future opportunities. We invite you to visit our website periodically to review new positions as they become available, and update your profile as needed. Please accept our best wishes for your continued success. Sincerely, Human Resources $companyname$ 5. Hit send e-mail. As always, all e-mail correspondence will show up in History tab, so you can see all correspondence that went to candidate. Page | 9 of11 Jan. 2012 version 6. If you had planned to send a separate e-mail to interviewed candidates you can now select them and compose a custom message to them and send it through OpenHire. You have now finished communicating with candidates and the final step, dispositioning needs to be completed. Disposition All Candidates A disposition is a reason why a candidate is not being selected to fill a particular job posting. Assign Dispositions from the Job Tracking Resumes Screen A disposition is a reason why a candidate is not being selected to fill a particular job posting. This action is performed by the recruiter (the person within the department who is looking to fill position). Multiple candidates can be assigned a disposition through the Resume screen. Up to 25 candidates at a time can be assigned dispositions with this function. Follow these steps to assign a disposition: 1. From the Resumes screen, place a check mark next to the candidate(s) you want to update. 2. Using the drop down menu at the top, select Perform Recruiting Activity then select Change Disposition. 3. A separate browser window opens, allowing you to select the new disposition. Use the radio button to select the correct disposition. Page | 10 of11 Jan. 2012 version Additional resources If you have questions, or would like to schedule additional training, faculty may contact Michelle Rocheleau at Ext. 7208. Staff may contact Lorraine Kulik at Ext. 7020 or David Harrington at Ext. 7258. We will be happy to provide you with one-on-one assistance. OpenHire customer support is available by going to http://support.silkroadtech.com, or email: support@silkroad.com or telephone: 866-803-9663. When logging a case on-line, be as descriptive as possible. User guides are also available to you on-line, once you log into OpenHire (upper right, ?Customer Care). Click on the gray tab, User Manuals, for in-depth documentation or Quick Start Guides, and then OpenHire Recruiting Manager Quick Reference Guide (V5.x), which is what you may find most useful. Page | 11 of11