Appendix II QUESTIONNAIRE Identification: Name_________________________ Study number__________________ Date of admission_______________ IP No:…….…..…… A: Demographic characteristics of the child: 1. Sex…………..[ ] 1= Male 2= Female 2. Age (in months) __________________ 3. Birth order…..[ ] 1=First, 2=Second, 3=Third, 4=Forth, 5=>Fifth 4. Present address____________________ 5. Next of kin ...[ ] 1=Mother, 2=Father, 3=Aunt, 4=G/mother, 5=Other specify B: Demographic characteristics of the caretaker: 1. Age (years)_________________________ 2. Sex…………………………..[ ] 1=Male 2=Female 3. Relationship to the child…….[ ] 1=Mother 2=Father 3=Other (specify) 4. Level of education…..[ ] 1=Primary 2=Secondary 3=Tertiary 4=None, 5=Others (specify)________________ C: Associated symptoms on admission 1. Duration of diarrhoea ……..….[ ] 1=less than 14days 2=more than 14 days 2. Frequency of stools/24hrs…….[ ] 3. Consistency of stools……….....[ ] 1=Loose 2=Watery 3=Mucoid 4. Presence of blood in stool…….[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 5. History of Vomiting…………..[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 6. Antibiotics use during diarrhoea?..............[ ] 1=Yes 2=No, 3=Not sure 7. If antibiotic(s) was used which one?.......................,..........................,..................... 8. Use of local herbs at home…….[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 9. Episodes of diarrhoea in last 3 months……[ ] 1=None 2=One 3=≥2 10. Immunization status...[ ] 1=Uptodate, 2=Partial, 3=Not Immunized, 4=Not sure 11. Immunization card present?.............[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 12. Presence of fever…………....…..…[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 13. Abdominal distension……………...[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 14. Convulsions…………………..……[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 15. Cough……………………………... [ ] 1=Yes 2=No 16. Swelling of feet on admission……...[ ] 1=Yes 2=No D: Past medical history 1. Number of previous hospital admissions……..[ ] 1=Once 2=Twice 3= ≥ 3 2. For what reason was the child admitted (specify)? __________________ 3. Measles in the last 3 month…………….....[ ] 1=Yes 2=No, 3=Not sure 4. Has the child ever been tested for HIV?.....[ ] 1=Yes, 2=No, 3=Not sure 1 5. If yes in (4) above, what was the result of the test?........[ ] 1=Negative 2=Positive, 3=Don’t know 6. Is the child on ARVs?............[ ] 1=No 2=Yes 3=Don’t know 7. If yes (in 6 above), which drugs…………….,………………,……………… 8. Duration of ARVs (if applicable) in months_________________ E: Feeding practices: 1. Was the patient ever breastfed?......[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don’t know 2. If no (in 1 above), why?.................[ ] 1=Medical advice 2=No breast milk 3=PMTCT, 4=Others (specify)_______________ 3. Is the child still breastfeeding?...........[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don’t know 4. If No (in 3 above), why?.......[ ] 1=Child refused 2=No breast milk 3=Diarrhoea, 4=Weaned, 5=PMTCT 6=Other (specify)_______________ 5. How long ago was breast feeding stopped (specify)?________________ 6. When was cow’s milk/formula feeds introduced? (age in months)_______ 7. Has the child ever had problems with milk feeds?................[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 8. If yes (in 7 above), which problem?..........[ ] 1=Profused diarrhoea 2=Abdominal distension 3=Others (specify)----------------------9. At what age did this problem first appear?______________(Age in months) 10. If diarrhoea (in 8 above), did you have to stop the milk?.....[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 11. Which therapeutic feed(s) is the child currently on?............[ ] 1=F-75 2=F-100, 3=Porridge, 4=Soya, 5=Yoghurt 12. Effect of starting therapeutic milk…………..[ ] 1=Developed diarrhoea 2=Diarrhoea worsened 3=Abdominal distention 4=No effect F: Physical examination: a). General examination: 1. Axillary temperature _________oC 2. Bipedal oedema……..…….[ ] 1=Present 2=Absent 3. Visible severe wasting…….[ ] 1=Present 2=Absent 4. Degree of dehydration…….[ ] 1=No dehydration 2=Some 3=Severe 5. Pallor………………....[ ] 1=None 2=Mild 3=Moderate 4=Severe 6. Oral thrush………....…[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 7. Lymphadenopathy…....[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 8. KS lesions…………. ..[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 9. Perianal excoriation......[ ] 1=Yes 2=No b) Anthropometry: 1. Weight ……………………kg 2. Height/length…………… c) Nutritional status 1. Wt/Ht…………….….% of NCHS (………Z score) 2. Ht/Age………………% of NCHS (……….Z score) G: Systemic examination: Central nervous system (CNS) 1. Conscious?..................[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 2. Localizing sign?..........[ ] 1=Yes 2=No Abdominal examination: 1. Distension………….…[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 2 2. Bowel sounds.……..…[ ] 1=Normal 2=Scanty 3=Absent 3. Palpable liver................[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 4. Palpable spleen…….…[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 5. Palpable Kidneys……..[ ] 1=Yes 2=No Cardiovascular system: 1. Pulse rate______beats/min….[ ] 1=Normal, 2=Tachycardia, 3=Bradycardia 2. Pulse volume……….... [ ] 1=Normal 2=Small 3=Thready 4=Large 3. Murmurs……………....[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 4. Heart failure…………...[ ] 1=Yes 2=No Respiratory system: 1. Respiratory rate____breaths/min...[ ] 1=Normal, 2=Tachypnea, 3=Bradypnea 2. Chest indrawing……….[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 3. Percussion note………..[ ] 1=Normal 2=abnormal 4. Crepitations……………[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 5. Rhonchi………………..[ ] 1=Yes 2=No 6. Bronchial breathing…....[ ] 1=Yes 2=No H. LABORATORY RESULTS HIV: 1=Pos, 2=Neg, SEROLOGY 3=Not known DNA PCR STOOL ANALYSIS: i) Consistency: 1=Watery, 2=Loose, 3=Semi formed, 4=Mucoid ii) pH 1: <5.5 2: >5.5 iii) Reducing sugar: 1=Nil, 2=Trace, 3=1+, 4=2+, 5=3+, 6=4+ iv) Fat globules: 1=Present, 2=Absent v) Ova/cysts 1=Present, 2=Absent CONSISTENCY pH REDUCING FAT OVA/CYSTS SUBSTANCE GLOBULES 1=Present/Positive 2=Absent/Negative PARASITE/YEASTS WBC PUS CELLS CULTURE (Bacterial) MODIFIED ZN 3